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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  May 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news. oakland will vote today on whether to change the name of its airport. despite pushback from the city of san francisco. dozens rally in support of berkeley school superintendent who's facing allegations of rising anti-semitism in the district and google saying goodbye to its prominent san francisco waterfront office tower. tell you why. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us. i'm and i'm james. it is thursday at 06:00am. and already it's nice. and >> bright out there all and a little bit windy. i heard a whoosh my deck today, john, and soon to be warm the witch and the war, they come to hands of the head that this time around because we are looking at cool like the warm-up today, especially out towards the coastline. >> it's a warm offshore wish
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that is pushing towards the coast and keeping any of that cool ocean influence away from us allowing us one of those really warm beach day is that you don't necessarily see all the time. you look outside at downtown san francisco from up above from mount tam in this case showing you a little bit of that was pushing around the camera. it's got a wobble to at this morning and that is a dry, offshore wind, breezy astin spots like calistoga paddling back out speak in vacaville as well as fairfield. we are seeing some high wind advisories up there through 08:00am in the north bay mountains. this wind pushes out the coastline transporting that hot, dry air to the coast. and you can see what that's doing for u.s. pacific. a year at 64 degrees right now. alameda sitting at 68 degrees currently. so definitely a mild start to what's about to be a very toasty afternoon. your daytime highs today will rise well into the mid to upper 80's inland and bay shore in some solid 70's all the way out to the coast. i'll keep you updated on that heat as we go. let's go over to rain a with a
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look at the roads. all hey, everybody. good morning. were traveling into the city right now as traffic starts to build no accidents. no hazards are off to a good start. >> 11 right there. san mateo bridge just short of 15 minutes, a 80 to 101. so getting on and off the bridge still making decent time. 7 minutes long. rich december fill-in, golden gate bridge somewhere around 18 minutes. 37 to the tolls darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain is 6, o wanted today. the port oakland will make their final decision on renaming. >> the oakland airport. this name change has been met, of course, with controversy as we know san francisco, not a big fan of this name change kron four's. michael thomas live for us out at oakland airport with the michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's right. oakland officials are set to vote on this later today. at 1 o'clock. really whether san francisco likes it or not, which means we could officially see the name san francisco bay oakland airport. take a look. this is video up on your screen as they break it all down for you. now, the
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port of oakland says that it sees nothing wrong with adding san francisco bay to open airport's name while the city of san francisco doesn't actually filed a federal lawsuit against it, saying that the name change would cause confusion and chaos for travelers, especially those who are not from the area and those who are for it. san francisco city attorney david chiu says he wants to work with oakland's port to try and meet a middle ground, adding that he has several alternative names of the city could use and would be less confusing for travelers. now the oakland officials say they actually did a survey and they talk to customers here at the airport and they say that they like the name change. but the city attorney says that's not what he thinks. take a listen. >> we had a chance finally to take a look at their so-called customer survey. and it was riddle with all sorts of issues. it was essentially a survey that push respondent's toward the answers that they wanted. it didn't give them the direct choice. from our perspective, we think any reasonable person. here's a name. san francisco
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international airport next. a san francisco bay, oakland international airport. well understand how clearly similar those 2 names are and the likely confusion that those names will create. and that's a standard for a clear infringement case. >> now, oakland officials say the letter from david shoe with the offer to collaborate on a different name will be shared at today's board meeting. they also add that the suit was prematurely filed. now back out there, like i did cover this story about a month ago or so. and i will say that i talked to a total of about 5 to 6 people who were either oakland natives or at least from the east bay. and all of them said they did not like the name change. so coming up, the next few hours will head into the airport. talk to some of these customers firsthand bring you that. >> as we get more details about today's meeting will keep you updated. that's the very latest reporting in oakland. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you to the city's mask an a because we've heard airport officials seem to like the idea. but you have michael, every time we talk to flyers themselves
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there. >> they're a bit miffed. they don't like eventually hear what they say when you get in there because the second you put san francisco in the be like, wait where? thanks, michael. all right. google is taking san francisco out of their names saying goodbye to their prominent office in the city. yeah. company making that announcement. they're going to be leaving their water front office tower. that's a story that will tran is on for us live in the city. will. >> james, right now we see employees heading to work and they can continue coming to this location at least until next april. after that, they will have to go to another location in san francisco. the cause they are shutting down this location telling their landlords we like this place. we've been here since 2018 become next april. we don't want to renew our lease and they are saying goodbye to about 300,000 square feet of office space normally would not be a big deal, of course, because google will remain in san francisco. but with the
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vacant a lot here, this is just another public relations problem for san francisco. as we have seen many businesses leave the city entirely. are taking many of its locations from the city and you can add google to that list. but google has plenty of office spaces throughout san francisco. you can say this one is their flagship. take a look at your screen. we reached out to google in the overnight hours and they reached back to us. here's their statement on what's going on. they say, as we have said before, we're focused on investing in real estate efficiently to make the current and future needs of our hybrid workforce. we remain committed to our long-term presence in san francisco. so they are not laying off any workers, but they are dealing with a problem. many other businesses are dealing with. do we bring everybody back to the office or do we allow them? and you
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just heard there statement james and darya pirate workforce to they allow them to split their shift. you their week, some at-home summit work. and if they're at home, of course, they don't need to come to the office and they don't need to pay for 300,000 square feet. we will talk to people throughout the morning. of course, san francisco taking a lot of hit not just locally but nationally with another location shutting down. >> that doesn't help. all right. thank you. will. it's 66 and police in the north bay are looking for a man who tried to still reach stab someone. we in healdsburg a 29 year-old damian us oreo is who police are looking for. he's wanted for slashing cars in the parking lot of the healdsburg community center. a person sitting in their car at the time. got out. and that's when they say all tried to stab that person. but the victim got away with just a cut to the hand. faces
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multiple charges. now if and when he's found call the police, if you see him. >> well, people gathered in berkeley to rally in support of the school district superintendent, the the usd super intended. and you afford morsel testified before congress on what's being done now to try to handle the rise in anti-semitism in schools. com 4 sarah stinson has more on that. >> dozens of parents and community members rallied at the old city hall in berkeley wednesday in support of the superintendent and the kia forte. more thelle. they thought she did an amazing job. more thought was one of 3 school leaders who are grilled by u.s. house republicans about how they're handling a rise in anti-semitism since the conflict erupted between israel and palestine. in october. we have. >> teachers that are teaching hate to our kids and showing it students being a feeling fearful for this. do they are? they found transfer to another school the u.s. department of education is investigating. be
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usd over accusations. the district has failed to address, quote, nonstop severe and persistent bullying of jewish students. more thelle defended the district's actions. if we have a concern or complaint about anti-semitism or any form of hate. >> we take it very seriously. we investigate and we take action pending the outcome of that investigate hours after the congressional hearing, community members rallied in support of the district. people held up signs that read defended berkeley schools and congress fund education, not genocide. and the fact that headlines. >> covering the headlines, this liz jackson is a jewish mom of 2 kids in berkeley unified. she and other parents at the rally say they feel education should not be censored. >> we teach them that. it's not safe to talk about genocide on we're in danger
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ourselves and we're in danger or problem is that their representatives and many people, parents and community members think that only one perspective should be taught. and the other side is all about terrorism. and that's not right. it's racist. back in november, more than 12,000 parents and community members in berkeley center letter. >> to the board of education and superintendent complaining about anti-semitism in the classroom. we reached out to some of those parents, but they could not speak to us in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. back to you. and despite the protests, the graduation will go on at cal. >> you can see some of the damage here that they are dealing with. >> we'll have more on that. and then also this business that was vandalized. it happened repeatedly. we'll be right b
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(vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs.
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6.12. here are 4 things to know. the california supreme court is taking up a lawsuit that wants to take a tax measure. >> off the november ballot, it's called the taxpayer protection and government accountability act and it aims to make it tougher for local and state governments to raise taxes. justices are expected to decide on the case by the end of june. of brentwood police officer found a stick. pile of. found a pile of burglary equipment and a bunch of stolen car keys after pulling over a car without license plate. the suspect robert garcia was arrested for being in possession of burglary, tools and violating probation terms. 2 children had to be taken to the hospital after high levels of carbon monoxide were found at sunrise middle school in san jose. fire crews say they got
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a call yesterday morning about several people on campus having a hard time breathing. and congresswoman barbara lee officially endorses congressman adam schiff in the race for senator dianne feinstein's seat ship made the announcement social media yesterday. the congressman will face former baseball star and republican steve garvey in the november election. >> is 6.13, and eastbound highway. 37 between the lail and sonoma county is going to be closed again this weekend. the doing some paving work starting tomorrow friday night, 10:00pm. the roads are going to reopen monday morning at 05:00am. and right now if you're hitting the road, nothing to remarkable out there. it's dry. it's nice. clear is yeah, it looks like it's going to stay dry for quite a little while become morning. really is. look at all the sunshine out there. not a single cloud in the sky and really know and did some marine layer either. >> this is a dry, offshore wind. it is pushing inland out towards the coast. this is going to make for one of those beach days where you can actually put out that beach
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blanket lay out there and soak in the sunshine, even breaking a sweat radar showing those crystal clear and dry conditions been talking a lot about the wind. when does relax a bit today. so that's a little bit of a good thing. if you do want to get outside, we are seeing some wind advisories up in the north bay in upper elevations that expire this morning in short order at 08:00am currently winds at around 40 miles per hour in petaluma as well as fairfield sonoma, calistoga and atlas. peak little bit calmer elsewhere, but still notice the direction of this wind out of the north and east. that's a dry, offshore wind. if it was later in the year, this could result in fire danger. fortunately after last saturday's rainfall, we're still looking okay. there. high pressure ridge to the west low to the east. that's actually what stirring up this very strong wind. that pressure gradient between the 2. it's also stirring up some warmer than average weather, although we're really in the quarter. the heatwave the next 3 days, you're may 14th. 18th temperature outlook is showing continued above average
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temperatures across the bay area. so summer is really settled in and is staying with us in full force. the rest of this week this weekend into next week, too. take a look at some of these daytime highs out to the coast. daly city, 80 half moon bay at 79 today. temperatures for the rest of the bay area consistently in the 80's with spots like redwood city conquered and santa rosa, our warmest of areas just shy of 90 degrees getting up to 88 degrees for your highs. some mid 80's for the east bay and oakland in the tri valley. you'll be a 84. the late 85 degrees today. sandra fell in nevada at 86 tomorrow. officially put it out there. we've got 90 degrees for your household it out a little bit. but i do think we'll hit 90's for a couple spots saturday. upper 80's. and then after that, we do cool a little bit mother's day, not as hot with highs topping out in the mid 80's, right? all right, john, thank you for that. that coming
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along northbound to 38 that fear in boulevard. >> as a traveling to san leandro, you can see all neighboring highways still looking really good and light at this hour. you might want to take east the whelan boulevard to navigate around that delay that we're seeing there. >> the bay bridge right now traffic starts to build 14 minute ride last check in with at around 11 minutes. our sale san mateo bridge just under 15, 80 to 1, as a traveling across towards the peninsula. still looking good in the south. a 30 minute ride. 85 to villa park to 82. 37. you're also still making great time. telly answer down to 2. 37. 21 minutes. 5 88 82 oakland. if you're deciding which one to take, both of them are about a bit darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot 6.17, right now in the east bay. there are questions that remain about whether a potential steering malfunction on electric vehicle caused a crash that killed the pleasanton lots to this investigation. coppers dan kerman reports.
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>> it was 2 weeks ago when a family of 4 was killed on foothill road near stone ridge drive when the vehicle they were driving, lost control, hit a pole and then crashed into a tree before bursting into flames. the vehicle in question vinfast a new entry into the electric vehicle market. now an unidentified person is filed a complaint with the national highway traffic safety administration or nitsa describing what appears to be this crash and complaining about the car's steering system. the complaint seems to come from the owner of the 2023 vinfast vf 8 who admits to having steering problems before loaning the card to a co-worker who died in the crash. the complaint says the steering wheel automatically maneuvered to the right direction. however, the contact was able to regain control of the steering wheel and maneuvered into the correct lane. the context stated the failure recurred where the lane assist was turned on by default and it would automatically move the
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steering wheel. the contact was concerned that the failure, rick heard while the co-worker was driving, that raises questions about the vehicles, lane assist feature the way these link keeping assist systems generally work. >> is you have a camera that's mounted behind the wind above the mirror. typically that's looking forward. looking looking ahead at the road and it's looking for the lane lines. the lane markings. and then i'm sending that signal. it certainly recognizes the land markings will send that signal electronic control unit in the vehicle that is tied tol your steering. sam abuelsamid is an auto industry analyst with guidehouse insights. he says it's not unusual for an automaker to have issues when they launch a new vehicle, especially. >> when it has new features and technology, it's designed to keep you in the land. however, you know, the all need to be calibrated properly. the camera needs to be calibrated the steering and will need to be calibrated and
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it could be that what's happening with these been fast vehicles is that the cameras not properly calibrated. and so it's thinks that the cars in a position where it's not that it's a website includes a total of 9 complaints about the 2023 vinfast vf. 8, 3 citing steering problems. will now investigate. but experts say not to expect any action any time soon. >> it can take a long time before they take any action. sometimes years. kron four's reached out to vinfast for comment but did not hear back the cause of the pleasanton crash remains under investigation. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> 6.20, is the time in the north bay. santa rosa. police now are looking for the driver of a pickup truck connected to a hit and run last month. an accident that injured a motorcycle rider. this is at the intersection of poplar avenue and airway drive. take a look at this. police believe the truck that you're looking
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at here, this gray ford f one, 50 was responsible. it's a model somewhere between 2004, 2008, it apparently has stickers on the top drivers side corner of the windshield. it has distinctive black rims, no front license plate. rectangle, fog lamps and a silver sidestep. as you can see here, anyone with information is asked to contact santa rosa police. we'll take a break 6.20, the time. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news. why health experts are raising awareness on. mother's mental health after having a baby.
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>> is 6.23. and this is national nurses week, a group of nurses at laguna honda hospital are asking for more than a pat on the back this week. they want your attention to an issue they say is very important. and here they are picketing outside the hospital. they're going to be doing that again asking the city to take some action about hiring more staff before they admit more patients to the hospital, an order said the
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andersons say this to protect and improve the quality of care of the patients. the group is hopeful they can come to an agreement with the city that they are prepared to strike if necessary. >> also happening today, the california public utilities commission will vote on an increase 2 electric bills. the commission will review a proposal that would require most residents to pay a new $24 and $0.15 fixed utility charge. that charge would be added on top of your electric usage. now under the proposal consumption based rates would be reduced from 5 to 7 cents per kilowatt hour to help offset this fix charge. state senate republicans oppose this fix charge. they say that consumers will see increase about $300 per year on their bill as a result, protesters are expected to be a today's vote, which is scheduled to happen 11 o'clock this morning. for your health. this morning. close to 20% of
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mothers within a year of giving birth will experience some type of postpartum depression. that's according to the national institutes of health. postpartum depression is depression after childbirth, and it can include question in your capabilities, apparent feeling disconnected from your newborn and having intrusive thoughts. experts say in addition to depression, many new mothers also suffer from postpartum anxiety that goes unreported. >> you have this idea of like right when you give birth and you have a newborn and their healthy in your healthy, like you should be so grateful and everything should be wonderful. and you should be happy. >> so connected, you know, to yourself and your child. >> now, health experts say these mood disorders are treatable. they say if you're feeling the symrtoms, you should reach out your healthcare provider or trusted loved one. >> time now 6.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a neighborhood demands more be done about an abandoned apartment that recently caught fire. we're going to say why the neighbors
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up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> 6.29 right now we're checking out the weather. a gorgeous day on tap just like yesterday. yeah. definitely hot weather on the horizon. i think we can safely say that. john. good morning. yeah. just
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looking at the numbers, even though i know it's cooler the studio. it's it's toasty out there. yesterday was already warming up for so many of us. and today is going to be a significant warm up near 90 for a lot of our areas inland and all the way up near 80 degrees all the way to the coastline. this is your view at the embarcadero right now. we do have a northerly northeasterly wind pushing into the bay. this is a dry, offshore wind. so humidity is very low. it feels a very, very dry out there and winds most noticeable in the north bay petaluma said no. but vacaville and fairfield among windiest spots right now enough. so we actually do have wind advisories in the north bay. this is pushing any ocean cool. they're away from us. and that's those temperatures that are going to be skyrocketing. upwards really quick today, looking at alameda is 68 degrees right now as well as to know about. we have some pretty warm numbers already this morning and later on today as the sun comes up, we will waste no time seeing temperatures climbing. if you want a good beach day getting out to the ocean and laying out catching some sunshine. today's it
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we've got upper 70's for your coastal highs. the rest of us in the 80's right now. all right, john, thank you for the good news tracking along northbound to 38. >> all the lanes just opened up. so this isn't selling and row, hopefully as the morning goes on, things are going to start to move a little quicker along to 38. again, that accident cleared up. now we just got slight residual delays there. a ridge a 15 minute, right? so we've been consistently and 15 to 14 minutes to make that commute for the past hour. a 15 minute ride on the mateo bridge 80 to 101. not seen any accidents or hazards along your bridges. 11 minutes on the richmond. sandra fell bridge in golden gate bridge just short of 19. 37 to the tolls still looking great in the south bay. 30 minutes to make that ride. 85 to menlo park darya. james, back to you. thank you. reyna 6.31 and east bay martial arts studio is vowing to stay open after dealing with repeated vandalism. yeah, the owner says he's just trying to share
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his passion while running a positive business for kids and families in west oakland. >> kron four's dan thorn has the story. >> windows broken and walls painted with graffiti at afro-brazilian martial arts she oakland vandalism has become an unfortunate occurrence to side. >> i'm disappointed. because, you know, say i try to understand what i'm doing wrong. >> owner loose of although day olivia era opened the studio for years ago with the hope of teaching the brazilian art form of capital era. but daily vieira says over time the space is also grown to become a community center for children and families. >> so i created, you know, that's all you need to be able to enjoy the spacing fuel. up next with brazil. >> he says some of the vandalism includes profanity laced complaints about noise. most of the studio's classes do involve music. parents have
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also expressed concerns today levy era about the damage. so that frustrating for me. >> because i want to try to to to always make sure that that will be there. and i do everything to make sure like the trust me this is going to change. hopefully soon. >> they levy era says he has an idea who might be behind the vandalism but has not been able to prove it. he's grateful to have the support of shea oakland community who he believes will overcome this adversity. he says they're not going anywhere. he's going to get that. and i want to as a few possible for and then let's make a nice to get it by my side in the give up with in oakland, dan thorn. >> kron 4 news. >> it's 32 3 men have been arrested for a robbery in berkeley where a gun was held to a toddlers head 7 last week. it was wednesday afternoon. the area bancroft way and shattuck avenue. 2 men went up to a victim, pointed a
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gun at the victim and demanded property and then at one point pointed the gun at a 2 year-old child that the victim was holding and demanded the property again and then hit the victim in the head with the gun. they took off in a car that police are now looking for. police say that there was a car that matched the description that got away that tried to pull it over. but the driver sped off officers chased that vehicle into oakland where the car crashed. 3 men took off and were eventually arrested. a pet owner in east palo alto faces thousands of dollars in veteran marion bills after discovering that her cat had been shot. >> something on the side and that this is broken it right here. see it. >> shawna glenn, they're showing the whole. see there's the x-ray that she found her cat named baby step into that. >> and you can see that there was a bullet there and
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happened last year were discovered last month. she initially thought that, you know, or can't just develop to and maybe it was in a catfight. now the cat needs 2 surgeries, one remove the bullet, the other to repair the leg. >> many people do not have an extra $5,000, you know, laying around for their pet as much as they would want. >> joan quinn is the the program director for guardian hills, which is a nonprofit that helps pet owners pay their vet bills. and quinn says that the vet bills have skyrocketed since the pandemic. if you're a pet owner, you you know, that probably noticed that nonprofit is now raising money to help cover some of the bill. in the meantime, glenn is keeping baby indoors. >> 6.35 is the time the man accused of attempting to kill his family by driving off a cliff in san mateo county will have a final hearing this week about his mental health in a
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diversion court on friday morning. attorneys for dharmesh patel will deliver their closing arguments. the unique case hinges on what kind of mental health crisis that father was suffering when he veered off highway one back in january of 2023. sending his family off that huge cliff. his wife and 2 kids were inside their car when it plunged 250 feet off the cliff on friday, the judge could decide to divert to tells case out of criminal court and into a mental health treatment program. instead. but if the judge rules in favor of the defense patel will be freed from jail immediately. and once he completes a two-year program, his record will be cleared. well, the man behind a double hit and run who led police on a wild pursuit through san francisco has now been identified. police say 54 year-old jefferson, rodney, was behind the wheel of a blue and white mustang on tuesday when he hit 2 pedestrians. one in the tenderloin and the other 14 year-old girl in north beach was crossing the street at school. police
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chased rodney for about an hour and a half before. finally, it all stopped at green and barca taro. we're told both people who were hit will be okay. but the teenage girl is still in the hospital with a fractured shoulder and ankle. rodney, by the way, has been booked on multiple charges. >> 6.36, right now election headquarters. a big fight is growing over a major ballot measure aimed at making it more difficult for local and state governments to raise taxes. the california supreme court took this issue up in a lawsuit that calls for the taxpayer protection and government accountability act should be removed from the november ballot. if this passes, it would require voters to approve every new state tax increase proposed by the state legislature. it would also change the number of votes needed 4 citizen run tax initiatives going from a simple majority to at least a two-thirds majority supporters of the lawsuit say the measure is illegal because it would significantly revise the
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california state constitution and prevent the government from doing its job. >> if taxing subject to voter approval. >> it might become impossible and it would certainly be delayed. >> for for the legislature to try pass a balanced budget, raise revenues that are necessary. >> opponents of the want who they want this measure on the ballot. they still want to see on the ballot and they say that the governor is trying to take away voters ability to decide for themselves a legal expert that we spoke about this as the supreme court could strike down the measure from the ballot entirely or allow californians to vote on a variation of the measure with certain provisions taken out. justices are expected to decide on this case by the end of june. >> well, fire in oakland has residents now calling for more help from officials. the fire
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erupted tuesday inside abandoned building over at 8th street near laney college. now neighbors say it has a history of problems and has been ongoing as a safety issue for a while. no one was hurt, but officials say they have responded to other fires there in the past. one neighbor who didn't wish go on camera says many of them don't feel safe walking outside anymore. >> then things like filing 3, 1, report. we first reached out to nikki passes office are our supervisor for you know, her office pointed us to a few in the city administrator's office. we've got connected the police captain for area. and we reached out to everyone and we just got no traction. >> he says they have tried working with the owner of the building, but there hasn't been any improvement on that front either. >> congresswoman barbara lee and we're talking about this morning officially endorsing
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congressman adam schiff in the race for senator dianne feinstein's seat. schiff made the announcement on social media. ali lost a shift in the primary election. the congressman will face former baseball star and republican steve garvey in the november election. a republican has not won a statewide election in california since 2006. >> happening today, president biden will be back in the bay area for 2 days. he's going to fly into mountain view today and then tomorrow he's set to go to 2 campaign receptions. the president last visited san francisco in february where 2 events raise money for his campaign. >> well, police in san francisco now investigating a suspicious death in the tenderloin. officers say they found the body of a woman near taylor and eddy streets on sunday. the medical examiner's calling the death suspicious. no arrests have been made with the victim's identity. also has yet to be released are still notifying next of kin. on the peninsula. a registered
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offender was arrested in san mateo county monday on suspicion of possessing child. the sheriff's office says they searched alexander jessops home in the area of emerald hills and found that material. they say he was booked into the maguire correctional facility for failing to register as a offender and on suspicion of possessing obscene material involving a minor. they say he will be found. was found to be in violation of his probation. >> its 6, 40 and in the south bay, 2 children had to be taken to the hospital with high levels of carbon monoxide found at sunrise middle school and san jose. the fire crews got that call about that yesterday morning. several people on campus said they were having a hard time breathing and crews were able to find where the carbon monoxide was coming from. they got rid of it, took care of the problem. but those kids did have to be treated temperatures, though, mayor london breed is going announce the next cohort of businesses. >> that will be participating
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in the vacant to vibrant program. that's a program that allows small businesses to host pop-up shops in vacant probert properties. and in community spaces in downtown san francisco. the goal is to bring business and people back to downtown reid is set to make the announcement at wells fargo plaza at 12 30 today. its 6.41. and still ahead, we'll talk sports. the giants facing off again against the
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(cat 1) friskies world! (cat 2) come on - let's explore! (cat 1) that's made with real salmon! (cat 2) look what i found - lil'soups! - for cats! (cat 1) there's the delicious taste of tuna we treasure! (cat 2) mmm... definitely coming back tomorrow. (vo) friskies. always more to explore.
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4 things that you need to know. pleasanton. police have arrested a woman. >> for stabbing her husband. they responded to a violence call at an apartment building off of owens. drive. the man was rushed to the hospital with stab wounds. the wife was arrested. police in the north bay are looking for this man. they think that he's wanted tried to stab someone in healdsburg. 29 year-old damian of sorrow. they say he was slashing cars in a parking lot when a man was sitting in the car, got out of the car and he stabbed that man. cut him in the hand and took off. google is going to be leaving one market plaza in san francisco when their lease expires. a spokesperson confirms to kron 4 that google is going to move out of one market's spear tower later this year. and a group of nurses at laguna honda hospital are picketing today asking the city to take action and hire more staff
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before more patients are admitted the ticket is set for 02:00pm to 04:00pm this afternoon. well, california has launched a new tourism campaign and they're calling it. >> ultimate playground. it replaces the decades long dream big campaign. so to the chief executive of visit california said that dream big had run its course and that the polarized political climate has shifted people's impression of the golden state. even so spending by tourists rose to a record high of more than 150 billion dollars in 2023. 29 trees, by the way, were planted yesterday in san jose's business district. look at this. mayor matt mahan. they're rolling up the sleeves getting in on that fun. he says the concrete can turn away foot traffic for local businesses in the area because it can get hot with rising temperatures. he says planting trees will help cool down the neighborhood and make it more inviting. >> the business association,
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this neighborhood literally feels that raising concerns last year about high summer impacting their day-to-day lives and activities. >> we're all of us. it the difference between supporting our small local businesses getting out be. >> and building connections are staying inside. >> well, the new trees are part hands. beautification project. the team hosts cleanup events every saturday across the city. i've started to clean up. >> i don't know. i get this spring by late, you know, like to get everything done in clean everything, get get everything done before it gets too hot, too, because going to be up have salute lead. today's going to be a hot one across the bay area. regardless of if you're at the coast or not right now in san jose, it's fairly cool. but you've got daytime highs getting close to 90 later on today and are nothing but that sunshine all day long. now we're we're sitting currently on radar. skies are crystal clear from the coast to our
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inland areas. we do have high wind advisories for just another hour up in the north bay mountains expiring at 08:00am up in the upper elevations of napa and sonoma counties and one look at winds and you'll know why we've got 30 to 45 miles per hour. gusts right now for the north bay. notice the direction of these winds out of the north and east transporting hot and very dry air all the way out to the coastline. this is going to make for one of those rare beach days in areas like san francisco, this pressure gradient from the low hanging out to our east and the high to the west of us is resulting in that strong offshore wind shouldn't have been later in the year. this could resulted in heightened fire. danger. fortunately, that's not a huge concern just yet as the ground is still pretty moist. we are seeing an extended outlook of hot weather, though. this is the extended outlook from the 14th, the 18th of the month. and this warmer above average temperatures will continue well into next week, too. now today, tomorrow and saturday are going to be the very hottest, though, and for the coast. today is the one to get
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out there. daly city up to 80 degrees happened. bay at 79 tomorrow. we'll start to see a sea breeze kicking back up. that will cool the coast back off. but today it's nothing but the sun and warmth 80's for the rest of us. same carlos in redwood city just shy of 90 today. some of our warmest spots. same for much of the south bay. most of the east bay will be in the mid 80's for your daytime highs pleasant today. 84 oakland, the same number for you, concord, walnut creek and santa rosa. some of our hottest spots at 88 degrees for your daytime highs today. tomorrow's temperatures will cool down for a coastal areas but warm up for the rest of us near if not to 90 degrees tomorrow officially got it on the map. very similar into saturday with fog at the coast, though. so if you need a cool escape, the coastal be the spot to be after today, mother's day on sunday. not going to be quite as hot as the next 3 days will be right. all right, john, thank you for that. reminder, mother's day on sunday get mom a gift. >> if you are going to be
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traveling in hit the road about 12 minutes along. 24 making good time. no accidents or hazards to slow you down. there. the bay bridge, though, progressively has been building throughout the morning. 18 minutes into the city may so that fremont street exit, some of those highly slowing down just a little bit. 33 minute ride. any akin to conquer. if you're having on 6.80, doubling down to fremont around 20 minutes, there, checking on 1, down in the south bay. still in the green little pockets of yellow. 36 minute ride to 80 82. you're still looking great. darya. james, back to you. thank you. reyna 6.49, a brentwood police officer pulling a car over the didn't have a rear license plate ended up making a discovery of burghley burglary equipment inside the car. robert garcia was driving and they say admitted to the officer that he didn't have a valid license in this stop. he was also a felon on probation for a vehicle theft conviction. and after they searched the car because they found all these different keys belonging to
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different cars and cutting instruments. jack instrument that can be used to have digital devices. so he was arrested now being held on possession of burglary tools and violate doing his probation. >> well, hundreds of people looking to enter into the workforce gathered at san francisco's ferry building wednesday for the hospitality and small business job. fair businesses and candidates said that in person application processees are actually more beneficial than trying to secure a job over zoom or online. >> get to shake hands and meet people up front close and personal and it's really nice. candidates percent. feel like in-person events actually bring more candidates their virtual career fairs that we did during the i think, you know, video screen time is a little bit yeah, more resources and job fairs from the office of economic and workforce development can be found on their website. time
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now 6.51. and let's talk sports. >> the giants looking to snag their second straight win in colorado against the rockies. a worry at for sports director jason dumas shows us how that worked out. >> the giants were beat up by the heavyweights of baseball last week into early this week. it was a humbling stretch, but now it's time to regroup and look to stack some wins against the cellar dwellers of the majors on wednesday night. they look for their second straight win against the rockies. in day these giants fans were hoping to see a win in colorado. one of the nicest parks in the majors confidence. second no score on the first pitch he michael conforto absolutely unloads on one. so right. they lead one, nothing. travelers now just a couple batters later elliott ramos was caught up on wednesday with jorge soler on ilm. ramos gets his first and this season's match
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at comes on in to okay. later in the ending gines up by 3 to one for john who lead blast blast that one down the right field line. one run comes on into score san francisco pads. the lead to moments later. same score lamonte wade junior. he breaks this one open. that little flare over the second baseman's head. 2 runs. come on in to score too, capping off a six-run second inning. rockies may think interesting a little bit in the 9th, but the giants they hung on to 8 to 6 time. that is your look at sports. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. we are highlighting api firefighters making it their mission to break barriers. we're going to hear what they say. it's
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>> 6.55. and don't forget, mother's day is sunday. parents magazine is looking at the relationship that people have with their moms. nearly 48% of the 2000 people they polled. wish they were closer to their mother. 46% say that they see their moms at least once a week. the most common ways that people bond with their moms by sharing life updates, celebrating holidays and milestones together and sharing positive and negative emotions. the things people are least likely to do with their moms. haha, as for
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advice. yeah, because we know nothing engage in shared interest because again, we do ridiculous things. according to the kids and get physical tension, which is interesting. they're just not likely to do that. number hogs, the top ways americans celebrate moms on mother's day, giving a gift. calling visiting, taking mom out and sending flowers. moms play a big role in families. sometimes this means putting their own needs on the back burner. and it's important to remember, they say. >> your own health and well-being moms. >> we don't take care of ourselves. we experience chronic physical, emotional fatigue. i see moms all the time to talk about the fact that they feel like their tank is on empty because always doing for others and rarely taking time for themselves. >> and self care taking time to yourself. you know, doesn't
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mean going to the hair stylists necessarily. medicare always or a massage. something like that. they say it means other things like, you know, reading a book going to a friend's house and making sure that you take care of your health. >> alright 6.57. is the time coming up in the next hour of the kron. 4 morning news. oakland will vote today on whether to change the name of its port. i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that.
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so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! i'm aline and i live in castle valley, california. my husband, barney, and i have been married for 32 years. i think the most important thing in life is to stay healthy. i noticed i was having some memory losses.
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i discovered prevagen. since i've been on prevagen, i've noticed more clarity, more sharpness. the recall mechanism is a lot more concise. i've been taking prevagen for almost 10 years. it's wonderful. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. now on the kron. 4 morning news. oakland will vote today on whether to change the


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