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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  April 25, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. we're going to start with some developing news after a horrific sight in the east bay. because there was a fiery crash that has left multiple people dead in pleasanton kron for some to call is live on the scene there with the very latest. thanks for joining us. >> i just even with the car this is one of the more ugly scenes i've ever been. a part of you could see is there are
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still tracks from when the car dragged out of here. you can where burns out and set this tree on fire was certainly gruesome. and from the limited information that we have from the pleasanton police department, we know that multiple people died here. in fact, we're told from a community member that entire family may have been killed in this crash. there was only one car involved in based on the layout of the aftermath. it's clear to me that speeding was involved in. that's not uncommon in this area. the crash happened at around 9 o'clock last night. it appears that just as foothill road switch from 2 lanes to one just south of stone ridge drive the car veered off the road, slammed into a light pole with signage. and then barreled into an oak tree. the tree in the ground around it are burned out and they're still foam on the pavement like likely spread by the fire department. so there were flames and it seems like they got pretty high and not surprising to learn that several people died shortly after we arrived on scene this morning. a father with kids in
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the local school district said he did not know those who died but believes children were killed and he dropped off a sign saying rest in love and may your family find peace? >> family was not much we can do to support just like just trying to show support for game. everett. >> we're that there were 2 kids possibly involved in this one in middle school and one in elementary school and our photo journalist malcolm jackson actually looked into one of the car parts. in fact, several of the car parts, they're still out here and he was able to deduce that it was an electrical car that was set on fire. that's the car that was involved in. this were not going to say the brand name at this but certainly we're hoping to hear back from the police department. we have reached out to the pleasanton police department, facebook of this briefly, but didn't share much. we also reached out to the alameda county coroner's office. they're not confirming any information right now and
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neither is the livermore pleasanton fire departments. so information is scarce at this time, but certainly an ugly scene. and we believe children were killed live in pleasanton philippe djegal kron. 4 news. we thank you. >> and now from california to texas, illinois, even georgia, pro palestine. the campaigns have been spreading. police have been stepping in demonstrators seeing today on campuses, including ucla, the university of texas at austin, northwestern and emory students are protesting against the israel-hamas war in gaza and also against their schools, financial and academic ties to israel and weapons makers. some demonstrations have gotten. confrontational between authorities and those demonstrators and dozens of people have been detained. protests calling for a cease-fire in gaza. now on day 4 on the uc berkeley campus, demonstrators have created a tense city in front of sproul hall, all in solidarity with
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other universities across the country. participants saying they will continue to do this until their demands are met. that includes what the university calls for a cease-fire in gaza and stops any financial support to israel. uc berkeley says as of state legislature that wants to double the fines for protesters who block highways and freeways. this is coming a week after protesters blocked the golden gate bridge calling for a cease-fire in gaza. california has seen an uptick in the number of these types of protests over the past few years. this bipartisan push comes amid a wave of protests relation to the israel-hamas war under current state law. these protesters are find anywhere between 100, 2, $500. but the bill aims to deter protests by increasing those fines up to $1000 depending on past convictions.
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>> because we see that these laws on the books are are not enough right there tie the chart. what's happening now? we believe in doubling that would give them mark tolls in their tool box to go those that are continually putting others lives at risk. keeping parents from dropping off their children school, things like that. >> the california highway patrol is in favor saying these protests prevent first responders from doing their job. the executive director of the council on american islamic relations spoke out against the bill saying that lawmakers are using the pretense of transportation and public safety to quell first amendment activity. the bill passed in the transportation committee and now goes to the assembly appropriations committee. and the parents of a hostage in gaza was taken by hamas is from the bay area. and the parents are saying they were grateful to see that he was alive more than 200 days after he was kidnapped. >> we're here today with a plea all of the leaders of the
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parties been negotiating to seize this moment and get a deal to reunite loved ones and end the suffering in this region. >> amherst, if you can hear this, we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days. and if you can hear us, i'm telling we are telling you, we love you. stay strong, survive. >> so this is coming after yesterday's release of this hostage video. the first sign of life of this berkeley born hersh goldberg-polin the 24 year-old who's an american israeli is described as being captured at the nova festival on october 7th. that was that music festival. and during that video, he called on the israeli government to do more to secure the release of hostages. it was not clear when the video was made. hamas and other militants took about 250 people during that october 7th attack. they are still believed to be holding around
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100 hostages and the remains of some 30 other people so far talks for a cease-fire between israel. hamas have been stalled in the video there. it also appears that he has lost his left arm. back now to the bay area and the long anticipated documentary of the alexis gabe murder was finally released. the then 23 old woman from oakley went missing in january 2022, her partial remains were found near sacramento months later, gabe's family, friends and community members gathered at sabrina pizzeria in oakley to watch this documentary together last night. the gabe family has been pushing hard for it to be released. they hope that it can change public perception about the case and possibly lead to charges against the mother of a lexus is ex-boyfriend. marshall jones jones was the primary suspect in the case he was killed in a police standoff. and after watching the documentary, alexis says parents say they were disappointed but the final product was missing. some key pieces, including video of the
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suspect's mother. >> that video is really important and the expecting to everyone to see. to the police. something like he said something like it was cold but it's not. with h and especially the inside of the house speak. what they do to us. that in. especially so >> in a statement to kron 4, the contra costa county district attorney's office says, quote, based on the evidence we have been provided
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by the investigating agency is there's no indication anyone other than marshall jones was directly involved in the murder of alexis, kate, either as a direct perpetrator or as an aider and abettor. the family says they still intend to file a lawsuit against jones's mother. china basin park in san francisco. now finally open. it's a project that took about a decade, too become a reality. kron. 4 s charles clifford has more now on the big announcement from today. well, here in san francisco on thursday, the mayor along with the port of san francisco and the san francisco giants unveiled the new china basin park. the park has been in development for more than 15 years. it has now opened up to the public and includes 5 acres of land along the kobe cold across the water from where the giants play. there's also one acre of lawn really good views, a bike path. that's part of the bay trail. their bathrooms here benches. >> and also the willie mccovey statue that was here before that has been reinstalled. there's also a small beach area and a small dog park. now
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at the ribbon cutting on thursday, the mayor said that this is just one piece of much larger long-term plan that has been underway for decades to redevelop this area. >> it includes residents, families, a new school being built so much has changed in mister, right? this is a new neighborhood of san francisco. china basin park is open to the public. anyone can visit whenever they want. there will be special events from time to time including food truck event. >> concerts and outdoor exercise events as well. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> it looks like a lovely day. there were charles is looking out here towards the city of san francisco. all right. cuyler what's creeping in there over the city? yeah. well, at least we can see something from mount tam. we've definitely had days the last 2 year. i can see a thing. it's looking pretty good here in san francisco tuesday. take a look at the embarcadero, but there are clouds out there. no doubt about it. we're also a little
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cool and we're a little windya too. so you can see this one out to 23 miles per hour in san francisco. but, you know, these numbers are jumping up in oakland to 26 miles per hour. 22 up in novato. you get the idea we're getting a very strong onshore flow. that's not only going to be with us through today, but through tomorrow. and even part of saturday. 2 things happening here. we've got low pressure here. got another one that just exited. and then we've got high pressure building. so we start to get a little bit of a wind gradient. now, what's going to happen behind this system after goes through as are going to see the winds get stronger and that will be tomorrow afternoon and evening. right now you can see just a little bit of a sprinkle made its way through the north bay may be making the roads just a little bit slick for your ride home. so watch out for that. but, you know, we should just be that slight chance of rain. i think this is really what's going to be the sticking problem for us in the next 24 hours take you into tomorrow. just show you how these numbers get even higher. you see some of them gusting upwards of 35 miles per hour. so not just of the coast, but also all across the bay area. and it continues a bit into saturday. it should pull back a little bit. but still, that's going to be a
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gusty day, at least for the first part of the day. temperatures right now we're running a little cool. not surprising, right? as you can see. but we made it up 7 degrees to 70 degrees in santa rosa. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll take a look at our 7 day forecast. there's a warm-up in it. spoiler alert. i'll take that spoil anytime. all right. coming up, efforts to modernize and improve bay area transit. we're going to walk you through a critical bill that's heading to the 2026 ballot. >> also, all state could start writing some new home insurance policies in california. but what insurance
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say tell me about
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>> but doug parker lives at barnhill marina and alameda in one of the more than 50 floating homes. he says most of his neighbors are also seniors and have lived here for decades. 2 years ago, valley investment redwood llc bought the private marina and then tell me the city attorney says is when legal issues started. >> the limit patients the city's rent control this year. it's about a little less than 3%. but the increases that the tenants are reporting a go as high as 178%. as the problems have only escalated last fall valley investments, redwood llc. >> sued and lost their battle to beat down a rent control ordinance passed by the city to help the tenants. however, city attorney jean says that the owner continues to harass a tenant, refuses to pay the city fees and a myriad of other issues in this lawsuit. the city says it has teamed up with the alameda county da to force a valley investments,
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redwood llc to comply with the law. >> there violations are numerous we categorize them into state law violations, namely unfair competition, business and professions code 7200 >> creating a public nuisance, which is both a state and local law violation and a very long list of local rent control law violations. there's another neighbor a little cell. >> where longer than me? again, because of the he had a buyer that was. i think they said 2 days away from mom. that school closing and he would even talk ways would awesome. want. >> for parker, he's grateful the city is helping in hopes that the new owners will work with and not against kron. 4 attempted to reach the investment company for comment, but was unsuccessful in alameda tree says stasio kron. 4 news.
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>> the city of oakland is helping the small business community thrive by launching a week of resources for owners this weekend entrepreneurs will be able to take part in panels, workshops and resource fairs in order to help improve their business. city officials launching. this is a way to celebrate shopping small and boosting the local economy. free events will be hosted across the city and online. small business week kicks off this sunday. it runs through may 3rd. the senate transportation committee voting to pass state senator scott wiener's street safety bills. the package includes 2 new laws in to reduce traffic deaths. one of the laws require speed safety devices to be installed. the new cars made or sold in california. the technology would let speeding drivers know to slow down and also to start using some audio and visual warnings to do that. senator wiener's hoping to have these devices included in every new car by 2032, the second law requires caltrans to design and fix
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road signs for pedestrians, cyclists drivers and transit riders. and the senator responded to the bill's passing with an ex reading. in part, are committed to continue to work with stakeholders around the bay area to craft a measure we can all get behind bart's plan. south expansion is beginning to take shape crews out in santa clara yesterday getting the site ready for a new maintenance yard. this maintenance facility is slated to be built behind the santa clara transit center and across the border with jose where 3 other bart stations will be built. transit officials expect the bart expansion to serve nearly 55,000 people each day. by 2040. all right, live look outside right now again with a shot on top of mount tam there. so that's kind of a clue. i think kyler just, you deducting here that it's going to be a little cooler tonight is you know, temperature-wise, here's the thing about that. when you get cloud cover, it actually keeps the heat of the
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day in like a little insulation and you don't get as cool in the evening. so. >> yeah, little fun fact but you know or gray out there, we've got the clouds roll in and we've got a little break this morning and now we're we're not getting cake, as you can a little bit of moisture kind of tracking through the north bay. and it may not be actually hitting the ground, but it's there. it is definitely in the air. so we are sitting cool today. once again. 57 degrees in downtown san francisco. we made it to 70 degrees in santa rosa. but you see some of those low to mid 60's. kind of a good portion of the bay area. and as we go through the night tonight, we do have a slight chance of a shower. we've seen a little bit, as i mentioned, pop up in the north bay. you can see as we get into tomorrow morning in the overnight, even tonight, still a bit of that possibility and we get into tomorrow afternoon. this is about noon time. watch what happens here. there is a chance of kind of a heavier line rolling through now. models picking up in this doesn't mean that it's exactly going to be over antioch, but it just means this is going to be a little bit to the east of us. but there's a chance that we could see some of it through the bay area. so that's why we got that chance in the forecast. once we're
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done with it tomorrow night, we're done. and as you can see, it's not a big expectation that there be much to it. as far as the rain is concerned. but the wind, the winds, the sticking point, folks, because we're breezy today and tomorrow we're going to pick that up even more. so get ready for this because we could see gusts upwards of 30 35 miles per hour. and you know what that means if your trash cans that secured of something on your patios, that security can end up in your neighbor's yard sometime. so just be ready for that. and you might feel when you're driving across some of the bridges tonight as well as tomorrow. even into saturday. we're going to stay a little bit breezy, but notice temperatures lifting up on saturday. the sunshine coming back on saturday. then we get into sunday monday tuesday and you see the warm-up that's going on here. so we've got quite a nice forecast in our 7 day, but we do have to get through the little chance of rain. and also i think the wind is the thing to watch out for today and tomorrow. back to you. all right. all state could soon start to resume some new homeowners policies in california, but only >> if the state department of insurance will allow it to use catastrophic modeling when
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requesting rate increases and these models are computerized reports that simulate potential catastrophic events and could be used to justify rate increases. the company has not offered home insurance to people in california since 2022. sighting wildfire risks the cost of rebuilding homes and the rising price of reinsurance as a reason for halting new policies. all state issued a statement that reads in part, we are working to improve insurance availability in the state once home insurance rates fully reflect the cost of providing protection to consumers. we'll be able to offer home insurance policies to more people in california with timely rate approvals. the use of our advance wildlife modeling and reinsurance costs. >> still ahead, netflix subscriptions about to get more expensive. why the company says costs might not speak coming down anytime soon. and more than 100,000 ring camera owners will be getting a refund. why the ftc is asking the home security
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company to pay up your money company to pay up your money is next. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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ring camera customers will be getting a refund after the amazon owned company reached a settlement with the federal trade commission. >> ring accused of allowing contractors and employees to access customers, private videos and also failed to stop hackers from taking control of customers accounts, cameras and videos. more than 117,000 customers would certain types of cameras. going to split
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about 5 and a half million dollars. the refund will be sent through paypal and you'll have 30 days to redeem it. netflix twain with rising prices. the streaming giant's cossio says there is no set position on a limit to increasing subscription prices. adding the company adds more entertainment value and it's feeling it needs to go back to subscribers to ask them to pay some more. and this is coming after the company said it would no longer report subscriber numbers in earnings data and try to find other ways to increase revenue. health care costs are increasing and they're going to be kept on out of 3% under a new california ruled the health care affordability board, which is a new state agency, approved this limit yesterday, health care costs went up nearly 5 and a half percent every year for the past 2 decades. however, people's incomes increased only 3% over the same time period. that 3% limit on health care costs
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will be phased over the next 3 years starts next year. all right. some good news for travelers as an automatic refund could become a reality. the next time your flight is delayed or canceled, have the new laws that are cracking down on airlines. >> and football fans are just hours away from witnessing the start of the biggest nfl offseason event. the draft, the niners have a kick in the first round. we're going get a little preview of what's going to be happening in detroit. going to speaking with san francisco assemblymember phil ting on a new law that set to revitalize the city's downtown revitalize the city's downtown and also help incarcerated hey, caleb. what's going on? homework. i'm supposed to learn how to cook a souffle. ooh. french impressive. i have no clue what you're saying. yeah, i said that you should learn french because it makes you sound smart.
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i got you. you know what else is smart, alec? donating to shriners hospitals for children. i thought you'd say that. and you know what? you're right. just think what it would be like if people didn't support shriners hospitals for children every month. i don't even want to think about it. i know so many kids whose lives are completely different because of the specialized care shriners hospitals for children provides. yeah. like sebastian, who can stand now? yeah. and the best part is, it's so easy to become a monthly supporter. all you need to do is call the number on your screen or go to your support will make sure our amazing doctors and nurses keep helping kids like us who need them now and in the future. alec, do you think i could try this part? go for it, buddy. when you call right now. and your $19 a month only $0.63 a day,
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we'll send you your very own love to the rescue blanket as a reminder of all the kids you are helping every day. your monthly support makes a huge difference for kids like us. so please call now or go to to give. on behalf of all the kids you're helping, alec and and i just want to say - thank you. you got that right. thank you so much. please call the number on your screen or go to with your monthly support right away. your support shows you care too.
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>> all right. there's a lot of effort now to try to revitalize downtown san francisco. and there's a bill that being put out there and it's proposed by assembly member phil ting. and it's aimed at increasing foot traffic. also taking up some vacant space inc spaces so they can give housing to people in need. and we're joined now by assembly member phil ting to learn more about this. thank you so much for joining us here this afternoon on kron 4. thanks for having me. it's great to be here. yes, we have 2 things that we want to talk about with you. but i want to start with this new bill for downtown san francisco. you're trying to convert these vacant and empty business buildings into housing for people that did san francisco voters just do something about this stunt. the city just give incentives to these companies because we know it's so expensive to try to transform these you know, bill bathrooms and the city is already trying to do something. but what does your bill do? that's different. >> well, this will be
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additive. so state law would allow the city to create a downtown revitalization district. what that means is that we would be able to take older office buildings can convert them into housing and then with that increase in the value of the property tax that increase the tax prep, property, taxes would stay with the revitalization district and then we could use that to convert morehouse. so it's sort of a very virtuous cycle. so clouds the value increase. we would keep that increase in value and then use that to really help increase the amount of housing. the whole point. this is really less about housing of the house critical. it's really about economic revitalization and making sure we have more people in downtown san francisco. we currently have about 30 million square feet of office. space vacant. and with that, we know small businesses hurt the coffee shops, the restaurants people who do dry cleaning any kind of small business, many of them have closed because there's no traffic. there's no
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foot traffic out you're really trying with this is you're saying to activate these downtown districts. but >> why are these companies need tax incentives? it's so expensive. social one, it's actually more advantageous an office building. own an apartment building. >> so they're already losing a ton of money by doing the conversion from office, 2 residential. but because they look at what the future holds, perhaps it will be able to rent out the office building or get the rent that they would like this incentive to convert to housing. we'll be very helpful to their bottom line. what the city gets, his more people in downtown. we're trying to look at a variety your very creative ways to increase foot traffic increase people's presence in downtown. and that's really the people who live. there is one critical area. what we saw is during covid the neighborhood to thrive because people are working and living at home and we see restaurants. we see other small businesses really thriving in a variety of our neighborhoods. but we're seeing is downtown that's
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really missing. >> and finally, on this topic how do you see this playing forward? what's the status of where this is now for a b 24 88, right? well, this bill got out assembly, housing, assembly, local government. >> it's moving to assembly appropriations next. and then our hope is that you can get out of that committee and onto the floor. we have told end of august to get it to the governor's desk. i hope that the governor sign. >> all right. the next bill, you're very busy with bills. here is a prison capacity management. and we know that the state is facing humongous deficits when it comes to the budget. and you're thinking that by is it closing or consolidating several prisons across the state that we might be able to save some money in the budget. >> what's both our legislative analysts estimated that we could save about a billion dollars by consolidating and or closing additional prisons. and right now we're facing a 70 billion dollar budget deficit. we're looking for a variety of different ways to
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save money. and this would be 1 billion dollars ongoing. plus, potentially 2 billion dollars in capital savings because many of these prisons are all didn't want to keep them up and running. we have to invest in their which we haven't really done in quite a while. so we want to make sure that we being, you know, very smart, fiscally by consolidating and relief, really managing the capacity of our prisons by saving those dollars. we can continue to spend the money into education health, public health, human services, a very key programs for our state. >> which prisons are you thinking in? will that not be bent overcrowding at the other facilities? >> yeah, it's a great questions or prison population has dropped in really over the last 10 years. we're at low point in prison population for quite a while. what we don't do is tell the department what to do or how to manage their capacity. what we do in the bill is tell the department
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right now they 13,000 empty beds and we said over the next 5 years and every year you have to reduce the number of empty but every year get to keep producing. never against to get down to 2505 years. and you can do that through consolidation. you can also do that through closing prince. and so it's really up to the park. >> and which were the 10 state prisons that you think that would. be closed? >> yeah, we did the list. it's really up to the department to determine they're the ones to determine the few. the 2 presidents who they slated for closure. it's really up to the department to look at a variety of factors. whether it's age or location that any number of issues that they take into account. >> a summit member, phil ting, so great to have you on this afternoon to talk about these issues. appreciate your time come back on again soon. >> absent, thanks for having me. >> all right. also now there are some big changes coming for airline passengers as new laws try to crack down on hidden fees and make it easier for passengers to get a refund. those refunds will be automatic. if your flight is delayed or canceled these new
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refund rules starts 6 months from now. so it's not going to help during summer travel, but it could come in handy when thanksgiving starts to roll if you are delayed by more than 3 hours for a domestic flight or 6 hours on an international flight, airlines, we forced to give you an automatic refund instead of a voucher travelers that we spoke with sfo today say they're happy that they're going to get these protections. scramble to find other. >> airlines flights to get on and then have to pay for that and not get refunded because you chose not to take that flight. so, yeah, it's been frustrating. >> all right. we're going to talk about our forecast now with this live look outside of what's going on the city of san francisco. we're just watching that fog. those clouds is creeping closer and closer. how's it going out there today? kyla? yeah. they haven't gotten too far. we're also watching the clouds kind of build up as we look at lake tahoe. and if you take a look at the lake, you can see it's getting a little windy, too, because you start to see the waves on the lake and they are
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seeing the weather turned there right now is we're expecting a little rain and snow. you can see it's 52 degrees right now. the clouds are and we've got wind. >> out of south, about 40 miles per hour. and as we go up here, too, a diamond peak, you can kind of see that they are seeing a little bit of cloud cover there to not really seeing the rain coming down yet. having said that, i do expect that we will see that tonight into the overnight hours and then it will become snow showers as we get into friday and a little bit of snow on the way. so let's talk through that really quickly to show you futurecast as we get into the evening how this starts to pop up and then in the overnight hours and those temperatures start to go down, that we're going to see that snow really get going. this is going to be, you know, spring systems is not going to be a lot of totals. but you can see throughout the day on friday, we're still going to be dealing with that. and then by saturday, it's out of there. so here's what holds them looking for about 3 to 6 inches up at the peaks. so again, it's a spring system. it won't be a huge amount. but you can see here that it is something to look out for now. meanwhile, the day we are looking out for the winds today tomorrow, the cloudy
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skies will be with us again tomorrow as well. and a slight chance of a shower as we get into saturday. you can see the sunshine is back. the wind will stick around for a little bit longer there. but by sunday, we're looking really good. and then a warm-up on the way next week. i'll be back in just a bit. we'll talk more about that. thank you. we're just hours away from the start of the biggest offseason event for the and fl the draft. the niners have a pick in the first round kron 4. sarah wilson is here with us now with more. >> aaron, who you think the niners are going to take? >> you know what in the last hour, just seen things have gotten very interesting. so the three-day draft is just hours away in, although the niners don't have a super high pick at this moment for the first time, they do have a first-round pick for the first time in a couple years, at least. so the niners do pick at 31 as it currently stands. but that could change. right now. predictions are leaning toward picking up a wide receiver. however, in the last hour, things have gotten even more interesting within that niners entertaining
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conversations about deals, not just for brandon aiyuk but possibly deebo samual as well. so they want to move up in the draft, possibly. and one of those teams that they've been having conversations with. well there picking as early as the top 10. so like i things have gotten very interesting because lynch did say that they would have to be blown away to deal deebo. so the wide receiver, heavy draft class is pretty nice. as for are you heading into last season of the last season, rather of his rookie contract? it's no secret that the super bowl loss last season was devastating for many reasons. but it's also no secret that was pivotal for the niners success in the playoffs last season as well. which means that his stock has gone up and considering that brock purdy will be due for a big payday after this season. in addition, of course, to having to pay guys like deebo samuel, if he's that dale, george kittle christian mccaffrey, you know, being able to afford would maybe do present some challenges for the niners. so expect that the niners, we'll try to go for a low-cost field
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receive or to add to the mix. if they stay put at 31 so possible picks for that position. include xavier le get out of south carolina stock whiteout, you know, he has some versatility. he's it is game is actually kind of similar to brandon aiyuk. he stands at a 6, 1, coming in at about 221 pounds and they have 80 mitchell out of texas. now this whiteout won 2 national championships for georgia before transferring texas where his athleticism and ability ability to sniff contested passes really made him a standout there. now, guys like brian thomas out of lsu or even possibly xavier worthy, another longhorn at a texas standing at 5.11, one 65 or they've all been floated around as possible picks at that. 31 pick forty-niners. now that being said. right now, trade deals for iu. are likely now gm john lynch did say earlier this week that they want the opposite. they're hoping to keep to take a listen to what he had to say. know i know.
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>> a couple years ago, there was a lot of talk about another receiver deebo and i said the same thing. but with b a, you know, be a i've i've communicated on a couple occasions on many occasions are wishing our wish is that he's here and part of the niners for the rest of his career. you know, we're working through that you know, as such, you know, i was a player once and i never liked my business being out in the public. and so i'm going to respect that. i'm not going to speak for their side. can say we're having good talks and i'm just going to leave it at that will focus on the draft here today. >> funny how that sound. his aides in just 2 days with the fact that both of them in the last hour have been in conversations to possibly. >> the peak now obviously finding new homes could possibly be a reality for both brandon or deebo. more likely brandon, less likely deebo. but we don't know. as we know, draft day is full of chaos and a bunch of rumors that we just speculate until we know for
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sure. once everything takes place tonight, starting at 5 o'clock. so just stay in until i'll toss it to you as try to keep up with all cases in the road was going on around the nfl draft and the niners. it's just day started yet. oh, new now at 3, the oakland roots now have a new player of this is former united states men's national team player dom dwyer. he is set to join the team. he's a veteran striker who played. >> 10 seasons in major league soccer and also won the mls cup with sporting kansas city. he is the biggest name. the east bay club has signs. welcome to the bay. >> landmark ruling of the too era has been reversed. coming up, why new york's highest court overturned the conviction of harvey weinstein. plus a proposal that could change the way a bill is crafted negotiated behind the scenes break it down. when we come back. new
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at 3, a key legislative committee has blocked legislation that would forbid and state lawmakers and lobbyists. >> from entering into non-disclosure agreements during bill negotiations. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a closer look at the proposal. >> indeed, it's been mixed reaction here at the state capitol upon learning this bill will not advance clerk will open the road. we're looking at one of the most public parts of the legislative process, a formal vote on the bill are 32 knows find the merger process. but what the public does not always bill is crafted in negotiated behind the scenes when the public.
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>> a look at the laws being made. they deserve transparency. that's why bakersfield gop assembly member vince fong says he introduced assembly bill. 26 54. it would ban the use of non-disclosure agreements or nba's in the legislative process. in a nutshell in nba's an agreement between at least 2 people are parties binding them to secrecy, preventing them from disclosing specified information often deemed sensitive and confidential. legislation would prevent lobbyists, lawmakers and state employees from entering into such an agreement when crafting a negotiating bills. long's proposal came up for a hearing in the assembly elections committee where he urged members to back the legislation. it is my biggest concern that we are actually trying to shield the public for information and and from legislators as well. that is critical to our votes in to help laws are being made. >> and so nda is being used in the the law, making a crafting of laws that that process has to be discouraged and
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eliminated. but the bill has its opponents, including the california restaurant association and the california chamber of commerce. they came out against arguing some bill negotiations require confidential discussions to build trust and create consensus confidentiality agreements between private parties can often help. >> to allow a difficult issues and difficult. >> issues to be worked through between parties that don't necessarily always a great in the end. bush and has built the bill did not pass while the loan to republicans on the committee voted in favor of it. the democratic majority blocked the bill noting it was published only last week giving members little time to review it. >> this rushed process which necessitated expedited hearing by this committee prevented this bill from receiving the level of scrutiny and the analysis that bills normally receive. >> before being hurt, this is a disappointment. if nba's are going to be allowed to be used moving that's wrong. and so this bill is dead for this year. but every been told by
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several gop lawmakers, they want to see it reintroduced next reporting ot the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters. and if teenagers in san francisco get their way the voting age could be lowered to 16 years old. a youth activist is gaining support among community leaders to back another attempt to pass a measure that would grant 16 year-old san francisco the right to vote in local elections. supporters say that this would help increase engagement overall in local elections. this is though the 3rd attempt to lower the voting age in san francisco. it failed to pass in 2016 and 2020. former president donald trump returned to a new york city courtroom today for his hush money trial. he faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. our washington correspondent jessi turnure reports on what happened today inside of the courtroom. >> it is no case here in testimony thursday, the x
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publisher of the national enquirer tied former president trump to payments to buy it, then kill negative stories about him ahead of the 2016 election. david packer told jurors he believes trump was aware of the agreement. this case formally. >> branded as a conspiracy case. but many ways, that's what it is. david super a georgetown law professor says packers testimony early on is important that i think makes it much harder for mister trump to claim that this is a mischaracterization of his money or that he didn't understand what was being prosecutors accuse trump of illegally hiding hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. but trump's defense argues the money was legal. this is just a political witch trump and says the case is a democratic conspiracy to keep him off the campaign trail. but before heading to court thursday,
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trump visited construction workers. 4 campaign stop. we have a good chance of winning new york in my opinion nationally. a new quinnipiac poll has trump and president biden in a dead heat. >> in washington, i'm jessi tenure. the new york appeals court has just overturned. harvey weinstein twenty-twenty rape conviction and ordered a new trial in this landmark. me too case. >> the court today found that the judge had prejudice with harvey with improper rulings, including letting women testify about allegations that weren't even a part of the case. he has been serving a 23 year sentence in new york following his conviction on charges forcibly performing a act in 2006 and rape in 2013, he will remain in prison because he was also convicted in los angeles in 2022 of another rape and was sentenced to 16 years in prison. taking a live look outside here. just have like a cloud fog creeper camp today. just watching a kind of come in slowly.
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meteorologist kyla grogan. detail the truth is it never really went outrage. we start. it's kind of been back and forth. we have a little sun, but we've had the clouds might. >> it was nice. yeah, it was definitely break. and we've got more on the way and look, temperatures are going rising up to right now. we're at 71 in bakersfield, fresno, sacramento made the 70 degree club today. but, you know, things are going to be a little bit cooler the next few days. temperatures right now. 65 in san jose. you can see 63 in oakland. 66 in novato santa rosa made it up to 70 degrees though. not a whole lot of company there in the 70 degree club locally. but at least we got we got one. here's what i've keeping an eye on, which is the wind that has been building up. as we've gone through the afternoon. you can see 23 miles per hour right now in san francisco. 26 in oakland. so obviously it's a little blustery out there and stormtracker 4 showing you. there's also been a little bit of moisture that made it into the north day. just a sprinkle or 2. and that is part of a front that's tracking across and is actually bring more rain to the north of us. we've got that little shower chance
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as we go through the night tonight into tomorrow. i want to talk about the wind, though. so taking pacific as example here. we'll catch a little bit of break later into the evening and the overnight. but notice tomorrow, once that wind gets going, it gets even higher. the numbers that we're seeing today. so that is going to be bay area why they were going to see tonight. yes, windy. definitely. you're going to see some gusts. upwards of 25 30 miles per hour in spots tomorrow, though, higher numbers, more widespread. so friday afternoon into the evening. that's when i have the most concerned about some of this wind that's going to be going by by saturday. we still have that wind with us, but it is starting to come down and we should get rid of it as we get into sunday, we don't have any wind advisories, but they do in southern california. and you can see it's pretty pervasive there, especially as you head to those interior i don't expect we're going to see advisory, but this point we just need to look out for that wind on friday. again, it's going to be a little breezy on saturday, but i think by then we start to get a little improvement and notice temperatures pull up and then we get into sunday. we get warmer. we get sunny, we get warmer. and that's kind
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of the way we roll as we go into next week. back to you. plus all right. coming up, wildfire while workers are beginning to pop up around the bay area >> there might not be as many as in years past why experts say we will not be seeing is superbly. next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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snakes are expected to slither out onto the roads so they can warm up. officials are encouraging people to slow down. watch out for snakes and other wildlife in the parks. and now that the weather is trying to get warmer. wild flowers are starting to pop up that scientists are saying that this year's bloom is not actually going to be a super bloom, according to officials from some conservation programs at the california botanical gardens. this year's bloom has not really panned out the way that they thought it would axe, but said that the flowers are not as dense as they have been in years past because the state got too much rain water over the winter, which resulted in too many weeds. all right. we're following some breaking news right now out of southern california. these are new images into the kron. 4 newsroom as crews are battling a fire that broke out at an oceanside pier this afternoon. it started at a vacant restaurant at the end of the pier. the business was formally a diner and there is
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a lot of smoke there coming out of can seen there from the end of the pier. we don't know the cause of this fire just yet. we're working to get more information. we'll have updates coming up during kron for news. 5 as we wrap up our afternoon coverage right now will go to kyla grogan and just to go back to the super bloom there, we were talking about this too much rain, too many weeds. yeah, i know it's a really delicate balance with super blooms. that's for sure. and have to do with the fact that, you know, we tend to get them after drought year. so in a way, i'm kind of glad. >> that we're not telling with that this year. but the flowers will be pretty nonetheless. i'm sure everybody wind is not so pretty this afternoon into this evening. it's going to be with us tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow is going to be higher numbers. so just make sure your home is ready for this. if you've got anything that can fly around, make sure you're going to secure that tonight. we're going have that slight shower chance throughout the night from the clouds out there and gusty wind temperatures. not bad, thtugh. upper 40's to low 50's. so at least we've got that on our side. here's a look at your extended forecast after we kick the wind and a little bit of that chance of rain on friday. we'll have a
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bit of a gusty saturday, but temperatures start to rise up sunday, looking beautiful. we should gorgeous week next week. i mean, just really nice. above average temperatures and plenty of sunshine. sounds great. thank you so much for joining us this afternoon here on kron 4. i'm justine waldman. appreciate your time to back appreciate your time to back or if you're happy and, you know it, clap your hands if you're happy and, you know it, ride your bike. if you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. if you're happy and you know it smile big and bright. thousands of kids just like me are happy every day. and it's all because of generous people like you who support shriners hospitals for children every month. all you have to do is call the number on your screen
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