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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  April 23, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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county district attorney wants county leaders to set date for that recall election. >> the leader whose path that you can continue to follow. the bay area remembers the life and legacy life. church founder. >> cecil williams. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning and thanks for joining us on a tuesday. i'm sorry and i'm james and looks like going to another blustery tuesday. today. the winds sticking around. yeah. and it was gusty yesterday for sure. so more that today, john, more of it and cooler temperatures today. those winds of change yesterday. >> has this big switch up in our pattern occurs from what has been warm and summery feeling kind of weather to what is about to be a cooler than average and to the month ahead of us. we're we're sitting this morning. we have a lot of cloud cover out there. skies will clear out today, but we are going to be a lot cooler than yesterday
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was no fog in radar. currently, we are seeing winds, though, in pacifica and vacaville in excess of 20 miles per hour. and that cool ocean air sweeps in across the region today and having that cooling effect for all of us today, the very warmest. it's only low 70's for your daytime highs. current temperatures are in the 50's pretty much across the board later on today. as much as 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday was so definitely adjust the wardrobe as you're playing in the day out right now. i'm john, thank you for that. well, because of those high certainly taking my time. >> as i'm traveling this morning, especially if you have those high profile vehicles, no major hot spots on your bridges, but they're starting to get busier. 18 minute ride traveling into the city right now. meter lights are on polina to 82 want to san mateo bridge or richmond center fell bridge around 13 holding a bridge. looking at a 23 minute ride. 37 to the tolls. look at your highways, the busiest right now along 80 as a traveling to areas villain berkeley there along
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highway 4. hey, we're starting to pick up other highways still making great time. all regions. back to you. >> thank you. reyna won. and turning to our top story today. we honor the life and legacy of a man who touched countless lives in the bay area. cecil williams. yeah. the co-founder of san francisco's glide memorial church. if you haven't heard he passed away at the age of 94. >> leaving behind as daria mention an incredible legacy kron 4, sarah, since gives us a look. >> within the first hours of reverend cecil williams, passing people filed into glide memorial church in san francisco monday night to honor him at this man of peace. >> this man of justice passed away peacefully. i'm hearing about i really can't believe it's williams was the co-founder of glid . he was also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. >> was a larger than life figure. minister marvin white intern for williams when he was 18 years old and has
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become his protege. he says he'll never forget with the reverend told him he said. >> i need eor you to be you. >> glide put up photos of williams over the years with people of all walks of life from political activists like bobby seale and angela davis to politicians like nelson mandela and celebrities like marvin gaye in sammy davis, junior williams was also close friends with former san francisco mayor willie brown. more than 50 years. yeah. my friendship with cecil williams. >> in valuable him for me. it will never end. >> brown says he worked with williams and doctor martin luther king junior in the 60's during the civil rights movement before williams helped open the church. merry christmas to you. the reverend was known for making everyone feel like family opening the church doors to all making the institution. one of the most liberal churches in america, 2 women to poor folks to workers. >> 2 black folks to brown folks too early. organizers.
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>> on and on talk to him laugh and joke feel like i was found many say williams was not the same after the passing of his wife in glide co-founder, janice america, tony, in 2021. there. >> many times that he would. honorably and sonically just whale just thinking about not being with her i think also he showed. that he have to keep going. >> in december, glad marks 60 years and williams passed the torch to a new ceo doctor gina, from are mister white says glide will continue to keep the legacy of reverend williams alive for decades to come. we can grieve. >> and mourn, but we can't lose sight of liberation. it's even more visible now because of his passing. >> clyde will have the sanctuary open this week for
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people to visit and honor the late reverend williams. more to come on the service. i'm sara stinson roporting back to you. >> thank you, sarah. in the meantime, mayor london breed released the statement that you see on your screen here in reaction to williams is passing. it reads in part, quote, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our san francisco community. she went on to say that he lead with compassion and wisdom always putting the people first and never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and his vision changed our city. >> and the world and governor newsom is reacting as well with this. quote, reverend williams and his congregation offered a refuge and support to all who entered their doors, their tireless work to empower marginalized members of the community. put them at the forefront of key social and human rights issues driving positive change. all of us can take inspiration from his legacy.
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>> these predators are out preying on our children. >> a big story that we're following is a big bust in a san jose fire department. captain is caught up in it. he is accused taking part in a sting operation being arrested sacramento. yes, so the bay-area firefighter was just one of 24 suspected internet predators. >> who were arrested? kron four's michael thomas following the story for us up in the newsroom. michael. hey, good morning, everyone of the sacramento county sheriff's office says that the san jose fire captain is actually just one of many people that were in a position of public trust that were arrested for trying to meet up with these young girls. >> how are they caught? well, undercover detectives were posing as 13 year-old on social media and these people cut debate. take a look. this is video from the sacramento sheriff's office, three-day sting operation that happened at the end of march in total, they arrested 24 suspected child predators, all grown adults ranging from age 20 2 men in their 70's trying to meet up with young girls for the sacramento bee newspaper
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reports the 43 year-old spencer parker was one and he's working at the san jose fire department. he was a captain there. he was arrested and is now facing a criminal complaint from the sacramento county district attorney's office, which was filed on april 3rd, according to the newspaper, he was working at the san jose fire department during the time of his arrest and began his career back in 2008, he resigned, however, on april 12th, which was a day after being put on administrative leave. no details have been given on parker specific case, but investigators say some predators persuaded detectives to send pornographic photos and even made plans to meet up in a hotel room for acts with kids that they thought were 13 and younger, but a knock at the door and they were greeted by deputies. officials say, well, they did catch 2 dozen presenters. there are still many more out there on the loose. it's like having your and a. >> trying to hold it back. is that prolific? i don't care how smart or how sophisticate you think your son or daughter is an adult coming up with a
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child battle lines period. >> now, this sting operation involved over 100 officers across 21 different law enforcement agencies near and around sacramento. officials hope that this is a sign for parents to take it as a serious warning to pay closer attention to their kids. social media. we did reach out to the san jose fire department this morning for a comment but have not heard back as of yet when it comes to spencer parker, who was arrested? well, he's set to appear in court tomorrow morning. that's the very latest on the newsroom. i'm michael thomas started djing still send it back to you. thank you, michael. >> time now 707. and a nice pay. the group leading the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is calling once again on the county supervisors to set a date for the recall election. organizers with the group called safe sent this letter to the board of supervisors say that according to the state's election law, the board must set an election date during its meeting on april 30th. and if it doesn't
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save, says the responsibility will be handed off to the county elections office. safe plans to hold a news conference in a protest this morning at 10, 30 at the alameda county administration building the county of registrar of the voter registrar of voters has already announced that they did get enough signatures, signatures and verify them. there's enough for a recall election to happen. it's 708, and for your money this morning, what is with gas prices? they are soaring. seems higher. never. yeah area. will we get a break in time for summer? probably not. but we're tracking the numbers for you this morning. in fact, kron four's will tran is standing by. >> with a look at all of that will. >> james, unfortunately, there is no relief in sight, at least until july. so according to experts, it probably will continue climbing ever every so often. and then it will peak in july right now. my goodness, $5.69 at this san francisco gas station is $0.24
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more. then the california average. and right now there is no relief in sight because we do know that is $0.4 more. then last week, $0.21 more than last month. $0.59 more since the beginning of the year. so what's going on is well, demand is going up. we just got out of spring break in the summer months are coming ahead with the warmer weather. a lot more people traveling, especially with their families. so that dips into that good old fashion supply and demand. and then, yeah, on top of that, california, it recently switched to the summer blend refineries. they have their story. they're sticking to it that they always have to do maintenance and that takes them offline sometimes and that cuts into production. you get the point. the bottom line is we're all a more in california for gas prices. take a look at your screen. these are some of the prices you are looking at. if you're waking up in certain parts of the bay area. let's start off
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in napa county, $5 and $0.72. san francisco, 5.68. that is the average. so this chevron right behind me is one cent more san mateo county, 5.65 solano county 5.55. contra costa county 5.53. and santa clara county 5.52, the good old days of the $4 range that is long gone. but if you got up mississippi, james, you too, can get the cheapest gas price in america, $3.11. and just to salt on that wound. the national averages $3 and $0.67. i mentioned this last hour. if you're watching me for the first time, we're paying more in california that hawaii and they don't even have trucks driving gas to the refineries and into the gas stations. everything has to be shipped and hawaii is paying $4 and $0.78 compared to i-5 $1 and $0.45 average in
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california. >> how case so thank you. will. >> yet i managed run out of electricity yesterday, by the way, and i have a like yeah, you'll hear about that soon. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we're going talk about some death penalty cases that are now under review and alameda county and explain why. >> plus, activists demanding housing not handcuffs as the supreme court debates, an anti camping homeless law. we'll be camping homeless law. we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> yes. so briefly, i'm laughing at gas stations,
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right? as i like to kind of like i don't have to get stuck. i got down to 4 miles the cars like believe he is going to be lost. i'm on the highway going. 35 miles an hour. the hazard lights on a pill saying i can make it. i'm trying to take every downhill. i could possibly get some more electricity. i made it home with 2 miles to i thought i was i went 10 miles an hour on the surface streets. i was like a scooter. so yes, and make sure you've got enough before you leave on and help doing that. yeah. all right. let's get to the weather. glenn is sunshine. solar power, by the way, not alert to come in handy us today. maybe not so much this morning, though, is we got that gray out right here a little bit on the misty side of things this morning. >> now we are going to be looking at the day today that does bring dry skies, even though we do have a little bit of that, mister along the coastline, there are some showers up around lake tahoe. all this is signs of the big pattern change that we have
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taking shape out there in the low pressure area to the west of us. that is going to make its way into southern california later this week. la the sierra have better chances of showers as compared to the bay area. we have our best chance of showers towards thursday night into friday morning. aside from that, just a big pattern change will most of the rest of the country is going to be well above average temperature wise for the end of april and start of may northern california. on the other hand, looking at below average temperatures for the finish of this month and the start of next month. so your extended forecast is looking a little cool. those 80's that we had yesterday, not going to be very common place for the rest of this forecast. temperatures in the 50's and 60's at the coastline while looking at 60's to barely crack in the low 70's elsewhere saying carlos, at 68 for your daytime high today, south bay temperatures mostly staying in the upper 60's while the east bay also looking at a range of upper 60's to low 70's oakland up to richmond, way down from
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yesterday at 63 to 66 vacaville. you 86 yesterday today. you're only at 68 degrees. our biggest drop in temperatures. so a very noticeable difference are actually getting even cooler beyond here thursday night into friday morning, bringing our best chance of a few sprinkles here. and there. and then a comfortably school weekend around the corner right i don't think of that. a win is in mourning for us out there on our highways. you c n see from our map here. >> traffic is starting to build along 80 started about paulo all the way in oakland. things are slowing down there. holly, for antioch and to conquer slower commute. at 8.80, hayward into fremont. things are slowing down there. no major accidents on our bridges. that's the good news. the drive times are going up. so 20 minutes into the city right now and the meter lights are on 20's, even running 80 to 101 across the mateo bridge. checking on things in the south bay's last hour are still under 30 minutes. things start to quickly, bill. 45 minute ride. 85 to menlo park to 80 82 might be better options for you. and nearly 40
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minutes salient are down to 2.37, if you're making that right, mission boulevard always a good option for trying to get around 80 darya. james, back to you. >> 7.17, every money this morning. how much would stay at home parents make if they were paid and student loan interest rates are set to reach the highest we've seen since the great recession. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more i jane. >> head a good morning. so anyone who needs to borrow from the u.s. government to cover college tuition this fall will likely face the highest borrowing costs for student loans and more than 15 years. well, that's because interest rates on student loans track with the 10 year treasury and those yields are rising. so loans taken out by undergrads for the 24 25 school year but have a rate of 6.6%. if you're looking for a career that pays well, doesn't require a college degree and offer strong job security. you might want to consider a trade job. he was skilled. labor market facing record high
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pressure according to research firm mckinsey company's workers age out, fewer young people trained to fill their jobs as construction workers. plumbers, welders more topping job without a college degree is construction superintendent with pay at eighty-four $1000 a year on average specialist from by keep biotech. that is an international adult stem cell company determined the monthly incomes that homemakers worldwide should be earning for all their hard work. the rates vary depending on the cost of living in the city. but the pay was somewhere between 3 $5,000 a month researchers found stay at home. parents with one child spent about 155 hours on parental household tests per month. and that rises to 200 hours per month for 2 kids. well, blue note from star wars hit shelves ahead of the may 4th. a farmer own brand of dairy farmers in america is collaborating with lucasfilm to release blue milk ahead of the commemorative holiday. luke skywalker can be seen drinking blue milk in star wars episode 4, a new hope live from the nasdaq market
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site. i'm jane king back to bank salon chain. >> it's 7.19, right now. and now we know the identity of the man whose body was pulled from a reservoir in san francisco. 24 year-old oscar rafale quail flores. he was swimming at the wood were reservoir and stands last county on saturday and witnesses say appeared to grow tired, struggling to keep his head above water and that he went down and then come back up. first responders found his body about 45 feet away from the mountain view point shoreline. authorities want to remind everyone who ever goes into the water. if you even if you can swim, especially if you're alone, have a life s and a plan. it's 7.20, right now in the north a motorcyclist died in a crash that happened on saturday and now he's been identified as marco hernandez cast by a nose. the crash happened as reported yesterday was on tomorrow's road. hernandez was riding his motorcycle with
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another group of motorcyclists and he lost control of his bike, hit a fence and utility pole and was pronounced dead at the scene. >> in the east bay, a former elementary school teacher suffered serious injuries in a car crash. his name is ricky hannah. you see him there for years. he was a teacher with the oakland unified school district. well, this past february, he was in his car at a stoplight when a speeding truck rearended him. he's currently in the intensive care unit with severe spinal cord injuries. usd says that hannah worked with the district for 35 years and just retired in 2022, the gofundme page is raising money for his care. it's collected $6,000 so far the supreme court, meanwhile, is hearing arguments in a case that could shake up how cities across the country address their homelessness problems. demonstrators gathered outside the court as the justices heard arguments over whether laws that ban homeless people from camping in public spaces can actually be enforced. the case specifically relates to a
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law in the city of grants pass. that's up in oregon. demonstrators say that fining or jailing homeless people makes it harder for them to eventually find housing. inside the courtroom. justice elena kagan suggested the grants pass law goes too far. although chief justice john roberts asked that if homelessness should be a constitutionally protected status. >> it seems like you're criminalizing the status. if someone is homeless for week. finds available is that person homeless when he's in the shelter? >> well, this case comes after a lower court ruled in favor of the homeless population in oregon, calling their law of cruel and unusual punishment to fine and jail. someone who doesn't have anywhere else to go here in the bay area's. we know san francisco officials say they've been blocked from enforcing camping regulations because the city doesn't have enough shelter space for its homeless population. the decision on the case is expected later this summer.
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>> it's 7.22. and millions of californians could be in danger of losing their internet service will have that. plus how safety is being provided to the jewish community has we celebrate passover? man is in the
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hospital with life-threatening injuries after he was hit by a car in san jose while he was crossing. >> the street at south first street and hollywood avenue. we don't know if the driver has been detained. >> on the peninsula, there
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were threats called in that forced a palo alto high school to go into lockdown. >> gunn high school got 2 separate phone calls yesterday. one said that there was a person walking around with a rifle and another said there was a bomb threat. the lockdown lasted about 2 hours while the police investigated found no evidence of an actual threat. the origins of that call now being investigated. >> with clothing store express is shutting down to bay area locations after filing for bankruptcy. this is actually video of the store in san francisco's union square which closed last october. the 2 locations are going to be shutting down, including one on bay street in emeryville and the one of the valley fair mall in santa clara. the company says it plans to shut down more than 90 stores nationwide. 16 of those will be here in california. in the east bay award-winning brewery and taproom buckwild brewing is going to be pouring its last pints. this coming weekend. the brewery near oakland's jack london square
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specializes in gluten-free. beer and is in fact, won several awards for it. according to an instagram post, the breweries taps will go dry following its final day on sunday. the post didn't say why they're closing. >> it's 7.26. in. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. some tenants in san jose are speaking out about issues they're experiencing in trying live in an affordable housing complex. we'll tell you what they say is falling by the wayside. 7.29 right now and
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we're checking out the weather for you. it's going to be sunny, but windy, you cooler
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today, too. and it was kind of chilly with a win yesterday find out if this is a one-day thing, john or what you think? >> yeah, no, it's cooler trend ahead of us. getting even cooler for the rest of the week to daytime highs starting tomorrow only be in the 60's for us over ken, reversing course a little bit on the change of the seasons of feels like this is your look outside this morning. we are seeing some cloudier skies overhead. we'll see some clearing going on this afternoon. that cool coastal breeze really sifting some that cool coastal air on into the bay vacaville atlas peak half moon bay pacifica, particularly on the breezy side this morning. now we are seeing temperatures comparatively similar to yesterday at this point. right now it's upper 50's. we were right there yesterday at this time. we're just not going to see a lot of movement today. so that means daytime highs will really only land in the 60's to low 70's at the very warmest. i'll talk more about even cooler weather. still to come rain. all right, john, thank you for that. little traffic been gradually building at the bay bridge last hour. we still
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>> under 15 minutes now at 19. well, we don't have any major accidents. there is still a slower commute for you, especially on the san mateo bridge. so 8.80, getting on the bridge in haywards can take electric times more traffic. there. 26 min running 80 to 101. the richmond sandra fell bridge around 14 minutes checking on the golden gate bridge. so that's 101 were up 10 minutes there. 37 to that holds about 30 minutes. this is a look at your highways. you see 80's, busy highway 4, 8, 80 the peninsula. it you're still looking really great there during james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain, a 7.30, and the big story that we're following. 35 death penalty cases are now under review in alameda county. >> because of possible misconduct by prosecutors. so alameda county district attorney pamela price says that her office uncovered what may be a pattern of misconduct dating back almost 30 years where prosecutors >> had purposefully excluded black and jewish people from serving on juries. cloud four's. dan kerman takes a closer look who recognize how terrible this
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>> and it is something that we have to make right at a news conference monday. alameda county district attorney pamela price said >> a federal judge has ordered her office to review 35 active death penalty cases going back nearly 50 years for prosecutorial misconduct. certain prosecutors and the alameda county district attorneys office may have intentionally appeared to have intentionally excluded jewish and black jurors from death penalty cases prices. these prosecutorial notes suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries was discovered when her office was reviewing the appeal of our mistakes. a 51 year-old man convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old and the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery. the discovered notes were shared with the federal judge in the dikes case who ordered a more thorough review. the evidence that we have uncovered suggest
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plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the files. >> to determine. what happened and what the appropriate remedy price says that review is now underway and loved ones of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and doug's case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. dan kerman kron, 4 news. there you see just a sample of what oakland police were dealing with this weekend responding to. >> a side show. we asked them about their protocols after this dirt bike takeover sent ose writer to the hospital sunday afternoon. but roughly 50 dirt bikers were seen popping wheelies and weaving through traffic sunday afternoon. some taking their atv's here to the local parks, tearing up the grass. again,
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we asked police what they do in cases like this sideshows involving dirt bikes and they said in response, quote, officers do not immediately surround or block off the sideshow. participants but rather assessed that number of sideshow, participants and spectators threats to public safety safety concerns with the officer and resources available to address the sideshow. and once that information is obtained, the incident commander will devise a plan to address the sideshow appropriately and quote, opd says that sideshows in the city have evolved from late night street races to large weekend gatherings drive participants from all over the bay area. we'll see if this moves them to. and their protocols will its 7.34 and look at all of the day's drugs that were found in the north bay. >> with a man who was slumped over the wheel of a car in fairfield. the police made this arrest. they discovered 1000 ecstasy pills. several other baggies with what appeared to be cocaine, meth
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and fentanyl are also in the car. the man has been booked into jail. ok, 74 is the time police in healdsburg are looking out for the person who stabbed a 16 year-old over the weekend. they say it happened around 10, 30 on fox creek. >> pathway which is right near carson warner skate park. police say the victim and some of his friends had an altercation with a different group when the victim was stabbed in the back police and later discovered a 17 year-old was also stabbed in both. we're being treated for serious injuries and recovering at a local hospital. anyone with information on what happened is asked to call healdsburg police. happening today. nurses within the city of san francisco plan to rally over safety concerns recently. this just go department of public health nurses union surveyed members about their experiences of assault and abuse on the job. 70% reported having been physically assaulted on the job with more than 94% reporting verbal abuse, 10% said they were sexually assaulted or harassed
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during the san francisco department of public health commission meeting the nurses will deliver 2000 pages documenting what they say are unsafe working conditions. this is all set to happen at 03:00pm outside the department of health's. offices on grove street. >> 7.35 at the beginning of the high holidays for jews, the holiday of passover started last night and security is high. a local synagogue says they are concerned about the fallout from tensions in the war between israel and hamas. as we all know, there have been many protests in the bay area leading to a rise in anti-semitism and islamophobia. 2 weeks ago, a local synagogue was awarded a security grant from the state to pay for extra guards over the passover holiday. >> very sad situation that we have to rely and security were thankful to the state of california for giving this security grant. but it's really a shame that we have to do this. >> the local rabbi just heard from says that the guards are going to help the congregation
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feel safe as they try to celebrate passover. the remains of a gray whale found offshore in alameda. now the remains are at angel island. they were towed across the bay. it's a 40 foot long whale. that was first spotted dead on saturday night. it was an adult female. great whale and now biologist from the marine mammal center and the california academy of sciences are going to perform a necropsy on that whale and try to figure out what happened. lovers in the bay area also would love to know. >> very beautiful creatures. and it's very sad, though. i want to know what happened. i'd like to know what happened to whale. >> we're not sure when we're going to the report on that, but we will keep you posted. >> all right, 7.37 is the time in the south bay, san jose apartments meant to help bring people out of homelessness are now facing a slew of complaints. yeah, there are reports of break-ins and drug use and tenants say that almost nothing is being done. crawford moment has more. its
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been held since i've been there. >> genome monarch has been at the renaissance apartments for 4 years. she talks to us with 3 other tenants. all of these people say they don't feel safe living. there is tremendous amount >> and a lot these i have been broken into my apartment exactly 10 times due to says when she reports these issues to property management. >> they're either met with silence or retaliation. i have many people that has just wanted to packet grab a kid least in there because don't make better. and that claim to gina and others hits close to home. >> the apartments are run by charities, housing and are meant to be the first housing for people who haven't had a place to call home. they stay here for 2 years and then go on to a more permanent apartment. many of the people who stay here are recovering from years of living on the street. levi send witness. >> someone hitting at a woman. lisa mooney says her first
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year at these apartments she would still sleep outside. >> claiming it wasn't a stressful opposed to living inside. it's kind of discouraging 2 years ago, san jose spotlight published report of similar concerns and even reported apartment employees filming attorneys who were investigating the property apartment management denied the allegations reported by spotlight every anything gotten better. theresa tovar. a tenant of 2 years says she also sleeps outside her apartment most nights. she shows us the complaints filed against the apartments at letters her family wrote to those in charge. she says, though she is not hopeful anything will be fixed. it just makes no sense to me that things that they do. there's just it right like i as to karl, my kid. now we brought all of these concerns from the multiple tenants that reached out to us to the owners of apartment complex. >> we did not hear back yet any side. san jose jacmel but kron 4 news. well, 10 or 7.39. is the time and happening tonight, palo alto teachers will hold a rally asking for better pay because of the high cost of living in the bay
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area. >> members of the educator's association say talks with the palo alto unified school district have broken down. so the rally is set for 06:00pm tonight at the pa usd office on churchill avenue. meanwhile, happening tonight, community members plan to rally at san pablo city council continue to push for stronger rent protections. in they put togethir a package of renter protections include rent stabilization tenant, anti-harassment and just cause eviction ordinances. the rally starts at 10, 30 am. it will be at the center of city hall and they plan to deliver more than 1500 signatures, which is required to put their renter protection package is on the november ballot. >> union square is hosting a new completion to find out who makes the best competition matters for the best competition of the best croissant. that is the competition that they're holding. may 19 chefs are going to gather. we're going
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to see what they can create. this is pretty cool this viral video is on union square. social media account. there. tickets are already sold out. if you're lucky enough to get one of these croissants that are being judged. they look like they're pretty good in creative. it's going to take place in downtown san francisco at the royal sonesta hotel. happening today. the outside lands lineup is going to come out. so we'll get to see who's going to be on the stage is this is the 16th year outside lands in golden gate park 3 day festival starts august 9th. we've been getting all kinds of hints on social media, but the lineup is not out yet. we are waiting to see who's going to be out there. we'll get to the details as soon as we know and we'll post them on our website. kron 4 dot com. very exciting. all right, 7.41 is the time. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. although california is leading the nation when it comes to solar power generation, the state is
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running into some issues when it comes to the grid. and that may mean higher prices for you. we'll explain. and the nfl just days away from the draft. we'll tell you what forty-niners players are looking forward to in the latest on brandon aiyuk and his contract talks. >> we've been so warm and sunny the past few days, but in for quite the change today for san jose, we go from 81 for your high yesterday to just
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>> some 44 right now and you still can't take ferry from g% sausalito to san francisco
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right now. its been suspended indefinitely. well, they do some work on the pier. one of them was damaged when they didn't section on friday. one of the piles kron four's. leslie good takes a look. yes, it's unclear when the ferry service between sausalito and san francisco will resume after crews discovered damage on the pier on friday. >> now i spent with several potential passengers who tell me that they're shocked and disappointed to learn of this. nearly 500 passengers take the golden gate ferry between sausalito in san francisco daily in travelers like peter, who's visiting from germany, says seen the very out of service was a letdown. that i was kind of surprised because i thought it's easy to fix. >> but they could trying to fit looks like it's not easy to fix. so putin. it's not going to last. >> peter and several passengers are using the golden gate transit buses. instead, which will be available to riders into the
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very services resumes of. it's it's quite comfortable. so it's not too bad. but i like being on the water. so it was a bit disappointed according to the golden gate, ferry services crews have begun to make the repairs over the weekend. we have repair crews out performing repairs to the pile. >> and trying to get the flow back into operation. but they're facing some challenges were can only be performed. that low tide given where the issues are. so the windows to work during the day are limited and there are some specialty pieces that need to be fabricated with me. add a little bit to the timeline. the golden gate ferry service tells me that the sausalito terminal is set to have its gang weighs in peers, replace an upcoming project, but that construction has not started yet. >> so they're doing bus rides instead. and a bus ride is not a very right. got nice give yourself extra alright. well, one thing you don't have to worry about when you're on the buses, the choppy waves because the winds, this is
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true. lot of white caps i saw yesterday. yeah, i guess buses you write do have that as much. an today is going to be one of those days where you might see some of those white caps again, here's your look at the golden gate bridge. and if you look at this camera right here, does have that little bit of us way to it. >> when you do get those breezy days, that seizure tower camera tends to be more exposed to those gusts that are pushing in from the coastline. definitely cooling us off some unsettled weather across the region has already resulted in a few showers around the lake tahoe region as well. all centered up this low pressure system to the south and west of us is actually going result in its best chance of rainfall for southern california. later this week for us in the bay area. our best chances overnight thursday night into friday morning. and even then just a couple of sprinkles possible. now, while must much of the rest of the country is actually going to be in for a warmer than average forecast to end april and kick off. may % northern california is going to be just the opposite. some cooler than average weather for us as we do. and this month and kick off next month. so those 80's that we saw the
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past couple of days, not something you're looking at quite as much for the rest of this forecast. in fact, today it's 50's and 60's at the coast, mostly 60's elsewhere with just a couple of low 70's here and there temperatures in the south bay as much as 10 to even 15 degrees cooler than where we were yesterday. hayward, 68 oakland, 66 degrees. and after yesterday's 86 in vacaville school least 68 degrees today. so this is a big change of pace. tomorrow's temperatures will be even cooler yet. and we remain in the 60's at our warmest all the way through the start of the weekend. slight chance of some early morning sprinkles on friday rain. all right, john, the closer we get to the 8 o'clock hour, the slower we get out there, you can see a lot of congestion building along 80. >> about 43 minutes. crockett down towards the maze. traffic starts to do just so as you hit hercules and a richmond, sandra fell bridge in bay bridge are starting to see more traffic building there. no accidents on the bay bridge, but a 19 minute ride and the meter lights on. that's it. slowing down there.
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richard somerville bridge just under 17 minutes. so again, no hazards there. lot more traffic people traveling trying to get to work. last time we checked in still at 45 we've gone up by 20 minutes along 101 63 minute ride with a few small minor hazards and small accident sprinkled across one on one 2, 80 82 might better options for you. if you're trying to avoid the delays on that highway. checking highway 4, we started off slow there this morning. now we're at 43 minutes, antioch, to concord darya. james, back to you. >> thank you very much. 7.48. is a time for your money. this morning, california leads the nation when it comes to the production of solar power. but now there's so much of it apparently on grid that electricity sometimes thrown away. we just can't store it all. in response. the state is cutting back some of the incentives that it had in place for people to install more and more of these panels. so that slowing the pace of installation in 2022. 2.4
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million megawatt hours of electricity went unused here in california. 95% that was generated by solar panels. it's essentially be thrown away. and as a result, electricity prices are starting to climb and some believe a surplus of solar is a problem that several states could face in the future. >> renewable energy, clean energy, and we can make it more affordable and stable. if and bust, we need to be smart, unconscious and not reverse course solar energy development and may be invested more storage capability. >> something else to watch out for with solar. the california supreme court is currently reviewing a case challenging controversial rooftop reforms for rooftop solar energy. many believe skies limit when it comes solar. but obviously california's leading the way and there are some growing pains and it does come at a cost. we'll see how we how
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well we navigate that. it's 7.50, right now and who are the niners going to pick? the nfl draft is just days away. yeah. so we'll see what what comes with that. we don't have the earliest pick in the like we've seen in past years. but that's okay. kron 4 sports director kate rooney takes a closer look. >> it's hard to believe that we're already back at levi stadium talking football after all, a lot of forty-niners fans are still recuperating from the team's devastating loss in the super bowl. >> back in february. but the players are back here on the premises for voluntary workouts. and of course, forty-niners brass is prepping for the nfl draft. coming up on thursday. the team has 10 picks in this year's draft including a first round pick for the first time since 2021. they'll have the 31st overall pick. general manager john lynch explained his approach for how they're bolstering the team's roster through the draft this season. >> we've identified where we you know. we want we want to add some people in this draft. but, you know, needs is an
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interesting that they're not a lot of needs on this team. there's but but there's things like a couple years out. there's things a year out and then there's got there's opportunities where guys can come in definitely in tune to who we draft and just buddies from college or whoever in life. >> get drafted. it's it's a it's a pretty big thing for, you know, kids growing up that they give us your name on tv, get drafted and an opportunity to go live out their dream. so i think it's always cool time of year for shares. the draft is always really important. obviously see how how has been here in guys. >> i'm playing a lot of a lot of snaps, you know, as rookies and as young players here and this organization and being stable players for us. and so i am excited about the draft. you know, every year's important for the draft, even as they're focusing on the draft coming up this week, one notable absence looms large for the forty-niners wide receiver. brandon aiyuk is in contract negotiations and has not been here at levi stadium. >> for the team's voluntary workouts, lynch declined to answer many questions about
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how contract negotiations are going, but he did say the team's goal is to make sure that brandon aiyuk is a 49 er for the rest of his career. and that so far talks with his camp are going well at levi stadium. kate rooney. >> thank you, kate. 7.52. is the time and coming instead of spring cleaning your closet. how about spring cleaning your wife? we'll take a look at that in a moment.
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>> looks like a lot of people are taking advantage of how easy it is to cancel their subscription of streaming after you. you know, sign up and then binge, i guess what
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you want to watch. they just did this study and i guess users will sign up for streaming. they'll watch a series or a film or whatever they really were after. and then cancel the service. this is according to antennas, research, but you don't need a researcher that tell you what you're doing. i mean, who doesn't do this hold true. it's come cereal churning. so once they have a name on it, see, james, then it becomes a thing. >> this is the thing among a lot streamers and customers and 10 other researcher says their data shows that. >> serial churn ers make up about 40% of all streaming service. subscription ys and cancellations. >> but you're paying for the month. turn to to watch the content. no, but i think they do like they do in one month free. i mean, if they do, if you read it yet, but then i guess you get something for nothing. i suppose. >> well, the dating web site grindr is being sued now for allegedly sharing users hiv status with ad companies. the class action suit filed in london says the info is being
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given out without users consent. the lawsuit alleges thousands of users had their private information shared with 3rd parties. a grounder spokesperson says this is a mischaracterization of practices from years ago back in 2018 grinder admitted to sharing hiv and 4 with 2 at tech companies. but after a buzzfeed investigation, it agreed it would stop that practice. >> it's 7.56. and coming up on the kron morning news, how much is it going to cost fill er up? and will we see the prices go up or down before the summer vacation season kicks in a san jose fire captain is swept up and arrested when there was a sting to find people who are wanting to meet with children for and the bay area remembers the life and legacy of an active rev run and activists who really has changed the bay area
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪
7:59 am
♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
8:00 am
>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, a police sting operation ends in the arrest there with the rest of the san jose fire. captain accused of trying to meet a young girl for. the group trying to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price wants county leaders to set a date for that recall election. >> the leader whose whose path that can continue to follow. with the bay area remembers the life and legacy of glide church founder cecil williams. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at


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