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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  April 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the bay area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> our celebration for passover this year are definitely muted. it's hard. 2 celebrate festival of freedom when our people are hostages. >> now at 3 o'clock, somber celebrations for jewish families around the world. the war between israel and hamas overshadowing week-long holiday of passover. hello, everyone. thank you for joining us on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm catherine heenan
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passover. dust began at sundown. a lot of people will find the holiday which celebrates the liberatio of israelites from slavery harder to celebrate. that's still has more than 130 hostages. and the backdrop tens of thousands of palestinians, many of them children have died in the conflict. all of this while a war for the safety of israel remains under way. family and friends will gather tonight for the traditional seder here in the bay area. kron four's philippe to call says the holiday is leading to security concerns at some of ox. >> a quiet first day of passover at temple. beth abraham in oakland as the congregation begins a more than week-long festival of freedom. and rabbi marc blue hopes the celebration continues without incident. there's been some very unfortunate and hates protest, but we haven't seen the violence. the police department's almost all the cities have been in regular touch. >> with the synagogues. and so
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we're not anticipating any violence, but we are vigilant just 2 weeks ago, rabbi bloom says his synagogue was awarded a security grant from the state of california. >> which is paying for safety upgrades during passover extra guards. we still have a guard only for services. know we have a guard at many other times as well. >> we have upgraded locks gates cameras and we anticipate doing much more as the money for the grant comes. and rabbi bloom wishes it did not have to be this way, but it does in recent months at nearby lake merritt, vandals spray painted anti-semitic messages and pro-palestinian demonstrations denouncing israel's response to hamas is deadly. october attacks in israel made many jewish people feel unsafe. it's just a very sad situation that we have to rely and security were thankful to the state of california for giving this >> security grant. but it's really a shame that we have to do this anything. rabbi bloom says to ensure his congregation can celebrate
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without worry, having known so many holocaust survivors in my time, including at temple, beth abraham, where we still have some you re joyce, anywhere in any way you can and trust you will be protected in oakland, philippe djegal all kron. 4 tensions over the war between hamas and israel have been boiling over ivy league schools today. columbia officials canceled. >> in-person classes, dozens of protesters yale were arrested gates to harvard were closed to the public. the decision to cancel classes was an attempt to de-escalate campus tension. schools have been struggling with where to draw the line between allowing free expression while maintaining a safe campus. just days ago, police said the request of the university arrested more than 100 pro palestinian demonstrators who had set up an encampment on the new york city campus. the temps are back occupied by people affiliated with the university.
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>> i'm jewish. i never was told that israel was my homeland. it's not my homeland people who are saying that were anti-semitic. nowhere anti zionist. it doesn't make any sense. and israeli i served in the idf. i moved about 2 and a half years ago. what they're talking about is like. killing and or deporting my family from the place they've been out for about 100 years now. >> pro palestinian demonstrators have set up encampments at other campuses all over the country, including the university of michigan. it pro-palestinian students demanding that their schools condemn israel's assault on gaza and divest from companies which sell weapons to israel. jewish students argue that much of the criticism is veering and anti-semitism and making them feel unsafe, saying the demonstrators are not speaking up for the hostages. hamas has not released, but 45 protesters ideal were arrested and charged with misdemeanor trespassing. the head of the
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israeli military intelligence has resigned over the handling of the october 7th attack by hamas. he and other officials have publicly claimed responsibility for not preventing that attack, which some militants rampaged through israeli communities unchallenged for hours, about 1200 people were killed and 250 hostages taken a major foreign aid package. meantime, is about to get a vote in the senate. the legislation passed in the house this weekend with overwhelming bipartisan support. it would send aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has that story. >> foreign aid could be flowing to u.s. allies soon. a so important. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy told nbc he's grateful the house passed legislation to send 61 billion dollars to ukraine. he says if they get the aid promised in the
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package will have chance to lee. but that depends on whether the senate passes the ukraine aid senators are poised to vote on that bill this week and 2 others to send billions in aid to israel and taiwan sen mark warner told cbs it's critical for the senate to act quickly. it should happen 6 months ago with the next best time is riget now. this week, the package also includes a provision that could ban tiktok if its chinese parent company doesn't sell it to a u.s. company within one year. the idea that we would give the communist party this much of a propaganda tool as well as the ability to scrape 170 million american million americans. personal data. it is a national security. u.s. house speaker mike johnson pushed the package through the house despite opposition from some of the more conservative republican members of his party would rather send bullets. >> to the conflict overseas, then our voice, our troops. >> and i think this is an important moment, an important opportunity to make that decision. but some of those republicans are now threatening to remove speaker
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johnson over the vote. you do the right thing let the chips fall where they president biden says he'll sign the bills as soon as they get to his desk. and senator warner says weapons could start shipping to ukraine just days after that in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> law enforcement agencies around the bay area are mourning the loss of a former colleague deputy tobin bolter. >> he was killed in the line of duty saturday night during a traffic stop in boise, idaho. he was the first sheriff's deputy in that county to be killed in the line of duty. poulter had worked in law enforcement 7 years, including as a member of the pleasant hill police department and he was a cadet with the walnut creek police department. he was 27. in east bay. the remains of a gray whale found offshore and alameda were being moved across san francisco bay today. quite a sight kron. 4 s charles clifford has more from treasure island. >> on monday, the remains of a
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dead whale were towed across san francisco bay. the goal is to move from the first location to keep it from getting stuck on the sand in alameda on the beach and take it to a second location where scientists can examine it, trying to figure out what happened. >> monday morning, the remains of a 40 foot long adult female gray whale. we're slowly towed across san francisco bay from crown beach in alameda to angel island. the carcass was first spotted on saturday evening just offshore from alameda. at this point, it's unclear what might have killed the whale, whether it was a ship strike disease or some other cause is yet to be determined. the plan is for biologist from the marine mammal center and the california academy of sciences to perform a necropsy on the whale to hopefully figure out what happened. we will open the whale up. >> we will look inside. it will look for signs of cause of death in the spring months. whales, including humpbacks in gray's migrate north along the california coast, moving from mexico to alaska to feed for the summer. sadly, it's not unusual for dead whales to wash ashore during the migration. how this whale got
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into san francisco bay is unknown. very beautiful creatures monday morning. laura sonido watched as the whale was towed away from alameda. she recently went on a whale watching cruise and it's sad to see this happen. and it's very sad, i want to know what happened. i'd like to know what happened to whale as of monday afternoon. it's not clear when the next crop see will be performed or what will eventually happen to the remains of the whale after it's been examined. now, we also understand that this whale is not the same. well, that was spotted about 2 weeks ago with some fishing nets. >> tied around its tail. this is a different gray whale. but for now on treasure island, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> golden gate ferry service between sausalito and san francisco has been suspended indefinitely, damaged damage was discovered at the pier. this was friday during routine inspection repairs began over the weekend. could wrap up later this week. the pair will be reinspected before ferry service resumes. for now, there is bus service over the golden gate bridge. president
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biden shared a message with americans on this first day today for the first time. >> americans can apply to join my american climate so everyone as a pathway to clean energy >> biden says the american climate corps will put about 20,000 americans to work to build the clean energy and climate resilient future. san francisco mayor london breed posting on social media as the city kicked off the second annual sf climate week. she says her goal is to be greenhouse gas free in the city by 2040, and says there are a lot of opportunities for volunteers to pitch in and help. all right. let's talk about the forecast as we take a live look at sfo. kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan is back and it's such as just been beautiful out. kylie. yeah, it has. we had a gorgeous weekend with having a really sunny day, albeit a little bit breezy here in san
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francisco. you can probably make out if you look really closely a little bit of these trees moving around. >> temperatures, though, have been very warm inland and very cool. the coast kind of indicating where we're going here is we're going to see a bit of a pattern change as we go into tomorrow. so san francisco, 56 degrees in notice. half moon bay, is it 57, however, between that, you know, we're up to 80 in concord, 79 in livermore. you can see some these temperatures are pretty impressive. these are the breezy conditions that have kicked up and they're really starting to get going. now. you can see it's made its way over to napa and oakland kind of moving through the bay area and those breezy conditions will be with us today into tonight. and then tomorrow afternoon as well. so this is kind of the big picture look, and if you notice the marine layer is very present down in los angeles where they are kind of sitting in some gray and then we're starting to see rolynn. there's a little bit of a southerly flow that's going to be bringing this up. and it's starting to happen already out at the coast. but we'll start to really see the effects of that as we get into the overnight tonight. by the way, tomorrow is a full moon. i noticed the moon last night was absolutely gorgeous. we
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are going to see some increasing clouds tonight. i don't know if it will be quite as visible tonight with little gusty wind out there. but temperatures will still be pretty mild tonight. those upper 40's and low 50's. this is what we're looking out for that. you can see the golden gate bridge getting a little cloudy. we're going to see these temperatures knocked down as the marine layer kind of does that classic san francisco thing. i'll talk about a little more. want to see you and your 7 day forecast in just a bit. >> all right. cuyler, thank you very much. nurses at san francisco's kaiser permanente medical center. i joining a statewide strike. they're protesting what they say is the unregulated use of artificial intelligence and hospital practices. they said they want to highlight patients safety amid what they call a rush to use ai today's protest expected to include members of the california nurses association statewide. and a major case on the homelessness is before the u.s. supreme court. what the justices will be deciding
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while activists demand housing, not handcuffs. >> and what happened in and out of court former president donald trump's hush money trial got underway. and i and miss it. cameras catching a person attacking and then person attacking and then sitting on a waymo com. norman, bad news...
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i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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visit to learn more. doc? video shows somebody attacking a waymo driverless car. this was san francisco. somebody around market and allure street saturday night kicking and the windshield and then standing on the car's hood. and then as you see sitting on
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the smashed windshield motive, not clear. we have asked for comment from san francisco police and from white. and it was the second time a waymo car was trashed san francisco in february. might remember this. >> a 14 year-old charged for setting this waymo car on fire. police say a crowd sprayed graffiti on the car broke a window through fpreworks inside. there were no passengers. no one was hurt. in the east bay, a street takeover by people on motorcycles in oakland ended with one motorcyclist in the hospital. it happened yesterday on bellevue and grand avenues. police say dirt bike drivers were speeding through the area, creating a safety hazard. the motorcyclist was taken to the hospital after colliding with a car. meantime, at lake merritt, there were more motorcyclists, creating chaos. some of them riding on the driving and the opposite direction traffic. san
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francisco's north beach neighborhood has been shaken by a stabbing outside a nikon, church. witnesses say the victim had been attending a service of saints. peter and paul catholic church. one attacked by a man with a knife kron 4. sarah stinson has that story. >> a scary sunday in san francisco's north beach. a person stabbed in front of the iconic saints. peter and paul catholic church during service. video from the citizen app shows emergency crews rushing to help the victim kron. 4 confirmed the man is a churchgoer. someone who works at saints. peter and paul says a homeless man was disrupting the sunday service. and when asked to leave, he got physical and the homeless man then pulled out a knife and a parishioner outside the church. i saw him. >> home home. this guy being pinned down. and that's when we heard he got stabbed. so i
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meant top of steps of the church looking out and all of us and i go, oh, my the frightening scene played out on filbert street around one in the afternoon. the victim was later taken to the hospital that we're just going just pray and see what happens. police say they arrested a man who witnesses identified as the attacker. >> the church worker says it scares them to know that the man was armed while inside the church. we didn't know we had a knife. he could have done something here. so this happened in supervisor. aaron peskin is district reached out to me, says he's aware of the stabbing. >> and he's in contact with police. he also tells me the victim is recovering and expected to be okay. i'm sara stinson reporting in north beach. back to you. >> all right. let's talk about the weather again that this is walnut creek and kyle. and i've been talking about just how nice it is. for earth day, yes, people are out and about good weather. well, time for the earth to cooperate like it has today. i don't know that
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we'll be feeling that way. the rest of the week, everybody. but it's been a beautiful earth day today. temperatures have basically low 60's to the low 80's. if you headed inland yet some spots where that warm pretty sunny everywhere with the exception of the coast where we've had that marine layer presents. and you see that the temperatures, right, half moon bay about 55 degrees. well, a spot like livermore in now sitting at 79 80 right now in pittsburgh and about 60 berkeley. 62 in downtown san francisco, north bay. start to cool a little here. there are a little warmer. 77 in nevado, though. so it's interesting because some of the highs today feel like they peaked a little early and i think it has everything to do with the fact that we've got a different air mass that's kind of moving in and you can see it half moon bay where they've been great all day long, very different story in san jose where the sunshine has been out and fan has a one of the spots set to be, you know, quite warm today. but by tomorrow, dropping those temperatures by a good 10 plus degrees. and then we're going to go even lower as we head into thursday and friday. and that is when you get like a pattern change going on. that's the kind of drastic thing that happens and
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it is going bring us back to more classic san francisco feeling where we've got that marine layer. you can see we've got a little drizzle the overnight, but there's your wednesday. we do stay dry. it looks like our chance of a little bit of a shower and it is just a tiny probably a tiny shower if it is that he is going to be overnight thursday into friday. as you can see it there, i don't think will be a whole lot. but it is just an indication that we've got this cooler air that's associated with this. now, by the time we get to next weekend, we should stay seasonal, but we will have a nice dry weekend. all right. so today my advice is get out and enjoy the warm weather. it's certainly warm in petaluma us want to take the dog for the long walk today. i think that's a really great idea because tomorrow you're probably take that jacket. our going to be little breezy a little cooler. you can see we just got to roll through the week, getting down to the point where our inland spots can't really get out of the 60's. i mention that little chance of a shower on friday. having said that, the weekend we pull up a little bit and we do get some nice sunshine in there. so i think it will be ok for making plans for the weekend. always a bonus. thank you, kyra. well,
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after a drawn-out jury selection, former president donald trump's criminal trial did get underway today. >> he is the first president to face a jury of his peers in a criminal case. reporter raquel martin has the story. >> donald trump left the courtroom today saying he thinks things went well. ultimately it will be up to the 12 jurors to decide. prosecutors are charging the former president with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. >> that's donald trump's trial began in earnest today with opening statements and the first witness inside and outside the courtroom. donald trump and his lawyers claim that the former president is unfairly accused of illegally hiding hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. alina is one of trump's lawyers should not be here today because he did nothing trump defense told the 12 person jury that the payments like the $130,000 check given to daniels by
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trump's lawyer. we're not illegal. this is the case. >> uk and they that a legal expense. prosecutors say trump lied about the money in official new york business records. they say trump directed his then lawyer michael cohen to pay the national enquirer. >> to buy exclusive rights to actors, daniel story of an alleged affair with trump and make sure it was not published before the 2016 election. the publisher of the national enquirer, david packer was the first prosecution witness in the trial, which has recessed for the day and is expected to go on for weeks should should be a lot of different places right sitting here trump and says the case is part of a democratic conspiracy to keep him off the campaign trail. >> tucker is due back on the stand tomorrow for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you.
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>> still ahead on kron, 4 news 3 bay area. drivers. they've certainly noticed gas prices still hot. how much the cost of a gallon of gas has gone up just since last week. and how mayor breed is describing her week-long visit china and the connections she's making to benefit the bay are.
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>> for your money, the global demand for oil going up as a result of the war in israel. aaa says the average price now in california 5.44 a gallon, that's $0.20 higher than just
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last week in the bay area. the most expensive counties, napa and san francisco at about 5.70, a gallon 5.60, in san mateo sonoma marin, alameda counties, solano and contra costa counties. just couple of cents last. the cheapest is in santa clara county at 5.54. mortgages have an all-time high monthly payments. now on average of nearly $2800.11 percent increase from last year. this is according to redfin, a lack of new homes and lower payments during the pandemic are a couple of the reasons being blamed for the problem. also, fewer homeowners willing to sell. economists say that mortgage rates will remain high until the feds cut the rates. still ahead, tackling homelessness. the hot button issue making its way to the supreme court. >> also hobby party. how a
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local community celebrated a long overdue, very expensive public toilet. and as the a's trying to get a new stadium in vegas. the reason behind a new lawsuit. stay with us. kron. 4 ne
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>> the supreme court heard oral arguments today in a case that it could cities deal with homeless encampments. washington correspondent maddie beer-temple has that story. >> hundreds of homeless advocates rallied outside the supreme court as justices heard arguments over whether the city of grants pass oregon can punish homeless people for
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camping in public spaces, throwing somebody in jail for using a blanket in the middle of the freezing winter. demonstrators say fining or jailing homeless people makes it harder for them to find housing inside the courtroom. justice elena kagan suggested that grants passes laws went too far. it seems like you're criminalizing the status, but chief justice john roberts asked if homelessness should be a constitutionally protected status if someone is homeless for a week. >> and finds available is that person homeless when he's in the shelter. this case comes after a lower court ruled in favor of the homeless population. >> calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to fine and jail. someone who doesn't have anywhere else to go grants pass lawyers urge justices to overrule that decision which has fueled the spread encampments while harming sos it purports to protect california. republican congressman kevin kiley says he's seen the impact in his
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own state. kids can't walk to school without having needles or waste citizens can to the park without confronting open drug use. kylie says a ruling in favor of grants pass would help other cities better handle homelessness. a decision on this case is expected later this year. >> in washington, i'm maddie beer-temple. >> california is providing a spending 192 million dollars in encampment grants to various state projects. the goal is getting people out of tents into housing and the bay area. the city of oakland will get more than 7.2 million to do something about 3 longstanding encampments. marin county will get nearly 6 million to serve the community's biggest encampment that sun sandra fell and maureen, we'll get to more than 8.6 million to help a mostlu latino farmworkers and their families and marin county will get 3.7 million to deal with an encampment at
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been fed been forge a road novato. san mateo county will get more than 14 million for an encampment. that's along a state right of way. the cupertino city council has approved millions of dollars in cuts to city services. this is out there working to try to balance multimillion dollar deficit. city officials cut about 9 million do lars and those cuts include reducing public works contracts, cutting vacant positions. that deficit comes from a loss and apple sales taxes. that was after an audit last year. san francisco mayor london breed did back in san francisco talking about her trip to china. she posted this video on social media saying we had a remarkable time. our partnership stands as a testament to the power of international cooperation, driving innovation and understanding. across continents, she spent about a
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week trying to improve relations and attract new business interests. her visit included a trip on china's high-speed train. and you see saw her there with those little stuffed pandas. she did announce what apparently will be the return of giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. san francisco's infamous a public toilet got a themed celebration in no way valley. the rest from made headlines after its initial million dollar price tag, the replacement was last kron four's. dan thorn was there for what was dubbed the toilet bowl. >> no, we've alleys town square taken over by a party. the event dubbed the toilet bowl and bracing the controversy around san francisco's now infamous public restroom. this kind of got world. >> famous like bathroom. people like laughing at us. so let's just laugh at ourselves and have some celebration featuring a toiletry.
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>> music from the american standard band and bathroom inspired acrobatics. it's so much fun get to celebrate this new bathroom. i think public restrooms are really important. i think we should have more of them. the public restroom opened up last month after controversy over its initial 1.7 million dollar price tag. but after contributions from multiple companies, the project ended up being around $300,000. some toilet bowl attendees say they're flushed with excitement over the new bathroom. i think it's so wonderful to have a place for people to be able to relieve themselves when necessary. we all need to go and it's nice to have a place to it's just kind ridiculous and ludicrous and hilarious and fabulous all the same time. and of course, there was a line of people waiting to try it out. >> a few giving rave reviews >> 10 out of 10 with me.
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>> and that was kron four's. dan thorn reporting. sunday was the final day of the cherry blossom festival in san francisco. in a big highlight was the grand parade. >> drummers and dancers of those beautiful floats were going down polk and post streets. people lining the streets to get a nice view. the festival highlights japanese culture, including food and art. this was the last festival before the peace plaza. his round of 8. all right. let's talk about the forecast as we look out over the embarcadero and and still a little breezy kyle. i'm just watching those palm trees. that's right. >> they're good indicator that the winds picking up a little bit. and you can see that a little bit here, too. as we zoom in on them. and it is breezy out there. but we do still have the blue skies, at least in san francisco. we've had with the cloud cover, though, here at the golden gate bridge. and as we look to the north, let's talk about
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santa rosa, which is a spot that's pretty warm today, but not as warm as yesterday where you can see they got up to about 81 degrees. if we look altogether that 11 above average days so far this month up in santa rosa. now we know this next week as we go into tomorrow, we're going to cool it down a little bit. let's talk about the week after that. and you can see the good part of the country. they're in the reds and oranges, meaning they're going to be warmer than average, whereas we're expected to be either at or slightly below average. so obviously we're about to make a big turn here as far as temperatures go and you can already start to see that happening today. when you look at the difference between the coast, 59 degrees where they're under the influence of the marine layer and then you head to bakersfield in their 90 degree days. wright inland is much, much warmer in the same story here in the bay area where we're at 55 in half moon bay. but we're 82 in antioch and kind of splitting the difference in th1 areas around the bay and up in the north bay there in the 70's, not quite as warm. so we're going to see a big pattern change. the temperatures set to cool down. one of the nice things about bringing a little bit of this moisture in with
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marine layer is that after today we're actually going to see allergies pull back for the next 2 days instead of showing you then going up. so i just finished easing a few minutes ago. so i'm very excited about that. i'll be back in your seven-day forecast in just a bit. thank you. kyla chick-fil-a is continuing its bay area expansion. it is planning to open a new location in san mateo. >> sometime later this year, it will be at the bridge point shopping center could open this fall last thursday, the company opened a second plus some 10 location. and it's building a new location in concrete. get our nation's capitol. the house has passed legislation that could ban tiktok in the u.s., but that's only of tiktok's china-based owner fails to sell its stake within a year. the decision by house republicans to include tiktok is part of a bigger foreign aid package meant the ban was fast tracked. the company expected to go to court to try and block the
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law, arguing it would deprive the apps millions of users of their first amendment rights. but last month president biden endorsed legislation to ban tiktok saying if they pass it, i will sign it. california is officially the first state in the country to set limits for cancer, causing contaminants in water. last week. the state water resources control board voted unanimously to pass a limit on what's known as chromium 6, a carcinogen linked to various witnesses, including lung cancer. officials say the new standard could cause californians to see higher water bills, maybe $20 a month, although for some people up to $40 a month. lawmakers in nevada could tap and a nearly 400 million dollars of taxpayer money to build the a's new stadium in las vegas. but the proposal has led to a lawsuit. and as kron four's dan kerman reports, the a's have now
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filed paperwork to get involved. >> it was in june of last year when the nevada legislature passed sb one bill earmarking 380 million dollars in public money to help pay for the a's. new baseball stadium in las vegas in february of this year. the nevada teachers union filed a lawsuit against the governor, the treasurer and the state of nevada suggesting the way sb one was written violates nevada's constitution. >> issue we're having is that the vote tally was not two-thirds majority for revenue peace that this funding mechanism that they structured under this bill assumes deaths from the county without that's that revenue peace involved, that the law itself, you know, doesn't mention certain populations and the county and the language is very sloppy written when it comes player in rather when it comes to assuming that that's since the initial filing, the legislature and the las vegas stadium authority have also been named in the suit. >> and while a's owner john
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fisher, he's the one to benefit from the public funds and sb one. the a's are not named in the suit. but this week the a's filed a motion with the court to intervene in the case saying the athletics and affiliates have a substantial interest in sb one and will be affected if sb one is found unconstitutional without intervention, the athletics ability to protect its interests will be impaired. strong public schools will be opposing their intervention. >> we think their interests are well represented by the other defendants, many of whom were basically unregistered lobbyist for them during session. so those folks want this stadium just as much as they do a separate filing by as president dave kaval confirms financing and a development agreement for the new stadium had not been finalized but the process is underway. >> it's unclear when the court will rule on the a's participation in this lawsuit. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> coming up for the first time since february, 40 niner
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fans have reason celebrate the nfl draft days away. we're hearing from the general manager about what the team planning to do. and if you'd like another way to show your support for the team. look at this. the forty-niners have an interesting new way to do that. it's free. even helps raise money for the cost. and how south korea is responding to north korea's latest launch to north korea's latest launch of military missiles.
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all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. >> arguably the biggest week of the off season has arrived.
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the 2024 nfl draft just days away. kron four's kate rooney caught up with the team's general manager to find out. but the team is planning to do with 10 picks available. >> it's hard to believe that we're already back at levi stadium talking football after all, a lot of forty-niners fans are still recuperating from the team's devastating loss in the super bowl back in february. but the players are back here on the premises for voluntary workouts. and of course, forty-niners brass is prepping for the nfl draft. coming up on thursday. the team has 10 picks in this year's draft including a first round pick for the first time since 2021. they'll have the 31st overall pick. and today general manager john lynch explained his approach for how they're bolstering the team's roster through the draft this season. while the the glaring, you know, spot that a guy can come in and be the starter right away, may not be there. there's number of spots that we see probably more than people might think where there is opportunity. and we've. >> you know, we were very thoughtful of that. but then also have to be flexible and
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nimble to see how the draft breaks and then whose who do you have not being beholden like we are drafting this position at 31 now will draft. okay. we've got 3 or 4 needs that we see, you know, which which where we're going to go with it and that that when we've done our best work. and i think when most teams as team executives players alike get ready for the draft on thursday. one notable absence looms large wide receiver brandon aiyuk has not come to levi stadium for these voluntary workouts. he is still >> deep into contract negotiations with the forty-niners lynch today declined to say much about that. but he did say the team's goal is to bring brandon aiyuk back and that they have had positive talks with his team so far at levi stadium. kate rooney kron 4 sports. >> and the forty-niners are offering another way to show support for the team. these specialty license plates. they will help raise money for state parks and youth programs across the state. but they're being offered to fans free. you can pick your favorite
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style sign-up online at forty-niners plates dot com. and basketball. steph curry top the nba list of most popular jersey based on sales at the nba store website for the 2nd half of the 2023. 24 season curry has led the jersey sales for 3 of the last 7 years. lebron james coming in second, jason tatum. 3rd, the warriors as a team ranked 3rd for the nba's most popular team merchandise topped only by the lakers and the celtics. all right. time for a look at the a live look at the golden gate bridge and lots of fog and kai lows here. hey there. yeah, it's been like that all day. in fact, it's a little better than it was earlier. >> but it's an indication, catherine, that we've got cooler air coming in. and so is this wind, especially the southerly wind that you see and half moon bay and santa rosa napa now up to 21 miles per hour.
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>> so we're going to be breezy today. we're going to be breezy tomorrow. if you're out at the coast, a spotlight you're going to be feeling that about right you see today. >> it will ramp down a little bit, obviously the overnight, but will grab that back again as we work our way into the noontime hour tomorrow. so just be prepared for that. the wind is going to be a bit of a issue is we get into the next day or so. so this is the cv and then you can see as we work our way into tomorrow afternoon, more of this kind of pushing in and really becomes a little bit more pervasive in some of these gusts could be 2025 miles per hour. we're also going to be cooling down. we're taking a live look from the east bay. and again, you start to see that little haze out there. an indication that that marine layer is not too far away. today we're looking at for temperatures. you know, they're well above average and tomorrow we'll be lucky inland to get to that 70 degree mark. so some of these temperatures are set to drop, you know, 10 to 15 degrees. and tonight the marine layer will be coming back with a vengeance. as you can see, this is about 10 o'clock tonight expecting some of this to really start pushing into the north bay in particular and obviously along the coast. but by tomorrow
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morning, it will also work its way down into the east bay, too. and just notice that we've got this drizzle along the coast to. again, this will be just a little bit of return to more of a traditional san francisco kind of a feeling when you wake up in the morning and i want to show you, this is storm tracker 4 or you can see in southern california. they have really been dealing with the clouds all day today and it's been making its way up the coast. so has also been quite cloudy today, but we have been out of the coast cloudy, but as you head inland, staying pretty nice. and that's not to say that won't be nice, but we're going to be a little more cloudy over the next few days and certainly a whole lot cooler. you can see on friday there's even a slight chance of a shower that kind of overnight thursday into friday. the weekend looks dry. it does look nice. it will be more seasonal and slightly below supposed to be wildly above average weekend that we just had. thank you, kyla. most state lawmakers are addressing the problems that pet owners often face when they're trying to find a new place to live the they have created legislation that would
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ban no pet policy completely. it would allow property owners to ask questions about pets, but only after. >> applicants are approved. landlords also will not be allowed to charge extra fees. property owners could still decline applicants with pets. only if they have safety concerns are there are health problems involved. the bill did clear a committee. it's obviously still needs the approval of the assembly and the senate. today, north korea central news agency says that it test-fired short range ballistic missiles into the sea. this is after a test of a big cruise missile warhead and and antiaircraft missile. north korea says the test her regular military developments and had nothing to do with what it called the surrounding situation. south korea, japan, the u.s. they've all responded with extra training and trying to sharpen their defense south korea's joint chiefs of staff
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are calling the test a clear provocation. iraqi authorities say they're investigating an explosion at base. >> belonging to a coalition of the way allied militias. one person was killed. 8 other people were injured saturday happened at a former u.s. space that was handed over to the iraqi military in 2011 militia officials initially call this an air strike and blamed u.s. forces. the u.s. central command is denying it carried out any airstrikes in iraq. a tech company has opened its stores in an effort to inspire the next generation of innovators which demuro attended a unique event for students in today's tech smart. >> you might know belkin for their cables and power banks accessories we enhance people's lives through
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technology. but recently the southern california company opened up their la area offices to students for an event called spring fling an opportunity to give students an idea of what corporate life is like and hopefully inspire them to choose a career path in technology find something that you love. you lean into technology is going to be and it's going continue to evolve. and i think there's a lot use can bring to that in the future. students attended workshops, leadership panels and even got a behind the scenes tour. i thought that it's really cool that everyone kind of gets to have networking have to meet different people in different fields and kind of come here to learn something 11th grader mckay bhalla goan said it gave him insights into the corporate world and also like bridging that gap from education to the corporate environment. technology already a huge part of teens lives not only a connecting force, but also contributing to troubling issues, including cyber bullying and mental struggles. something speaker
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rafael mcmaster is working to combat with lessons in creativity, consciousness and connection these types of days and get togethers and you know, outgoings and programs of social uplift. >> that's all about steadily building. this inner technology, humans helping humans. representatives from google also on hand to help students understand there are multiple paths to a career in tech. i think we need all sorts of people who are >> passionate about technology and the impact it can have. and we need a lot of different skill sets and you can come to a role like this from many different angles. >> still ahead, a really strong class of musical genius is the latest inductees to the is the latest inductees to the rock and roll hall of fame. ss.
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>> just in time for earth, day 2 tiny peregrine falcon chicks. they hatched and their little pebble mast on top of the uc berkeley bell tower. that's the mother on top of them say don't really see them right now. but look at the little eggs. they're off to the side and the un archie are the parents they had been watching as the newborns emerged and some nearby falcon fans have been viewing from a livestreamed, a nest camera. you're looking live at the falcon cam. point, look at that little oh, look, kylo look worse. a little bit of the babies and there are 2 more speckled eggs that have not hatched it. the rock and roll hall of fame has revealed
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this year's inductees, strong crowd share mary j blige ozzy osborne among musical figures who will be inducted this year. others include kool and the gang, a personal favorite kool and the gang. a tribe called on war work for the first time the inductees were announced during an episode of american idol. the induction ceremony will be october 19th in cleveland, ohio. taylor swift continues to break industry records. some she's now holding spotify's title for most streamed musician, most streamed album in a single day. her 11th studio album the tortured poets department dropped friday. spotify says it was streamed more than 300 million times in one day. the lead single of the album fortnite featuring post malone. also breaking records. it is five's most streamed song in a single day. all final look at kiawah
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forecast. so what have you got, kyle? well, i'm atop mount tam here where we usually have a really nice view, san francisco. and you can see what we're getting a nice view of right now is the marine layer. >> you can barely make a little bit of the bay area out there. but that is to say that the marine layer is going to be rolling in tonight. in fact, we're already seeing it kind of pushing up against the coast. i wanted to take you to southern california really quickly just to show you this because they've got. >> also little twirl here. little edie going on this drawing in all of these clouds. you can see the marine layer is back and it is making its presence known as we zoom out here and that will kind of be the telltale sign of our sars forecast as we get into the next few days and what that means is that we go down temperature wise as we get into tomorrow. these are the highs and looking out for 50's in san francisco 60's around the bay and we'll be struggling to get to those low 70's tomorrow. a quick look at your extended forecast. just kind of showing you it's going to be a cooler week as we roll ahead. but a dry weekend next weekend. so still make your plans going to be a good one.
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thank you, kyla. that's it for kron for news 3, i'm catherine heenan. heenan. >> thank you for joining us. ♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪
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♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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saying she had a ♪ livisurprise for you.state ♪ and when you returned home, the surprise was, surprise, you're locked out of your apartment. narrator: hot bench. judge rachel juarez, judge michael corriero, judge yodit tewolde. three judges, three opinions, one verdict. this is hot bench. your honor this is case number 109 on calendar, lewis


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