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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  March 28, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. >> our top story today at noon tonight could be the a's final opening night at the coliseum. and thousands of fans are expected to show up to protest the team's proposed move to
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las vegas. and and that an investigation is underway and pacific on after police fatally shoot a woman after they say she shot her adult son at an apartment complex. plus, best workers can expect a bump to their pay next week, but others could be at risk of losing their jobs. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. a big day for baseball fans as the league's celebrates opening day a's fans plan to head to the coliseum tonight in what could be the team's last opening night in oakland. many expected to protest the team's relocation efforts to las vegas. well, it was michael thomas reports on the planned reversed boycott. >> lot of baseball to be had on this opening day of 2024, lots of boycotting happening here in the city of oakland is oakland a's fans plan to pack
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up the parking lot of the stadium rather than the actual stadium. and oakland a's officials will they say they're looking those gates to the parking lot only until 2 hours before. >> last year over 25,000 fans showed up to the oakland coliseum on opening day to pack it out as a reverse boycott for the team's pending move to las vegas. >> this year, organizers from the last dive bar in the oakland. 68 splint a boycott by having a block party inside parking lot which normally opens up for hours before the game. but the oakland is decided this year with a parking lot. gates will open up until 2 hours before the game, which is 5 o'clock rush hour. organizers like brian, tell me this doesn't come as a surprise to dissipate it. >> and there do something right to try to thwart the efforts, the boycott and what better way to do so than the opening gate just prior to the game. only 2 hours before, you know, it's funny because they've never done that before. oakland city officials have publicly asked the oakland a's to open up the gates earlier as the major traffic jam at the coliseum, which is near 8.80. >> could be a safety concern
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not to mention singer-songwriter kesha. kohl's also hosting a concert at the arena next or thousands upon thousands of cars trying to get in the stadium all at the same time. >> it's it's going to be a huge public safety risk at this time. we hope that the a's and we days to open it sooner. officials from the a's have yet to make any changes regarding the gate times opening and boycott organizers say all their social media request for a time change have been ignore. if you are heading over to that area this evening around 5 o'clock, you may expect a big delay. >> that's a very latest reporting in oakland, michael thomas kron. 4 news. >> along the coast, a new affordable housing project has been approved in san mateo county, but some neighbors are raising concerns. kron 4 s charles clifford is live for us now in moss beach near the site of that plan development. charles, what's going on here? >> well, good pretty much everyone is in agreement that there needs to be more affordable housing, especially for farm workers here along the coast in san mateo county
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and a half moon bay area. and then a couple of this all this you see behind me here could really be redeveloped into affordable housing but the project is not without its challenges. the san mateo county board of supervisors has approved what's known as the cypress point affordable housing project. the new neighborhood will be built on this lot in moss beach will include 71 1 to 3 bedroom homes spread across 16 buildings. a quarter of the units will be reserved for farm workers and other low-income residents and all of the units will be rented to households that make below the area's median income. it's exciting. it's great to put roofs over people's heads. the san mateo county board of supervisors, including supervisor david canepa approve this project unanimously on the coast. >> there is not enough affordable housing and even with this development, it's really exciting that work. we're we're doing it. we're still deficit. so we need to keep moving forward with projects that we have in the pipeline. we certainly need
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low-income housing, but the plan is not without critics. neighbors like rich pierce, all are concerned that adding dozens of new homes here will cause traffic problems and strain already limited public resources. there's a progression that happen. that should be a road study. >> should be a sewer study. be a water study. they should study the impact that it's going to have existing community. and i believe that those things are kind of being bypassed in order to get this project approved and the and to get underway. supervisor campus says that any new housing development comes with challenges, but he believes they can be met. but we're really going to take into consideration the concerns we're going to have to make. >> significant investments and the county is committed to doing that. the county estimates that construction could begin in 2028 and be completed by 2030. all right, back live. now this project is being paid for in part with about 17.8 million dollars in.
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>> funds from the california department of housing and community development. but for now in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you. >> california's new minimum wage law kicks in next week raising the rate for fast food workers to $20 an hour as kron four's rob nesbitt tells us which should be a celebration for workers has also turned into fear over potentially losing jobs. >> many workers at fast-food chains are immigrants who don't speak english. that who i spoke to say the minimum wage increase is an improvement. but what they hope to be just the start. california is home to more than 500,000 fast food workers. and starting april first minimum wage for them will raise to $20 an hour. i spoke to to spanish speaking fast-food workers in oakland about the increase, including de la vargas who works as a cook at mcdonnell's. snow. but so this is going to improve. help us improve our quality of life. folks will be able to spend less time at work and more with their family. she
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says living paycheck to paycheck has been difficult with the previous minimum wage of $16 an hour from all the crews works at a wendy's and says she can relate to the struggles si is defaced people. it's very difficult. both my husband and i work but he doesn't have a stable job. and so when he's not i become the head of household and 16 is not enough to pay for rent and like many fast food workers. cruz works later shift and has noticed an increase of crime at night. >> she would like to see an even bigger minimum wage increase for those who often find themselves in harm's way experienced a lot. i don't what comes to mind, but really, really scared me was saw my co-worker shot in the face with a bb and when i when i saw what happened, i to myself, what if this was a real kind, she could have died right there. and many fast food workers are already losing their jobs over the wage. increase. pizza hut and roundtable have both laid off
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10,000 plus delivery drivers. >> and chipotle says it will be raising its prices to comply with the new wage law in on system right now. >> one hour gets ca a but we do know at the next week it will more hours. and so, yes, it does for i see them also bringing in new people and that worries me, too. >> the state assembly has passed a proposal to exempt some fast food restaurants from the $20 minimum wage increase including airports, hotels, event centers, museums and theme parks reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> in the east bay, another former employee at the federal women's prison in dublin was sentenced for sexually abusing multiple inmates. nicki nunley of fairfield will serve 6 years in federal prison after being convicted of multiple counts of abuse. prosecutors say nunley abused 5 women. he was assigned to supervise engaged in acts with 2 women
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and also threatened a victim with transferring her to another facility. nunley join 6 other former prison emplhyees including the former warden associate warden and captain, we have been convicted in this scandal. jose, a man is hitting killed on northbound 101 of the oakland road off-ramp. chp got the call around 3.40 this morning. the victim who was walking on the roadway died at the scene. the driver pulled over and cooperated with officers lanes were shut down for a few hours. everything is back open now. in the south bay, san jose's alum rock school district faces serious money problems as kron four's will tran reports some campuses or risk of closing? >> the alum rock union school district is a lot like a lot of people out there. they can't pay their bills simply because they're not making enough money. so they are facing a 20.8 million dollar budget deficit for the next school year. don't worry if your kids are in school this
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year. we're talking about 1000 kids within this school district. you're not going to be affected were talking about next school year because they don't have the money to pay all their bills. they're not getting as much money coming from the state from the federals as well as local officials to make that budget gap clothes. so they have to make tough decisions like a lot of people out there and those tough decisions could impact staff and students as well as driving around. all. explain that in just a few moments. but in the meantime, take a look at your screen. these are some of the options on the table, including hiring freeze for about 48 people. freezing benefits, services and then worst-case scenario. they're also possibly contemplating closing schools. what does that mean? sometimes you could live very close to the school for your kids. but if that school closes and they have not said that they will
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or which ones. but if that school closes, that means you'll have to drive further to another school. just a drop off your kids. we're talking kindergarten through 8th grade. so right now they still have to think about this. they have a couple of months before they come up with the final presentation in june. well, lots going on simply because they are not pulling in the money that they used to. and if they cannot make it work, then the santa clara county board of education will step in and they ultimately will have to make that decision. back to a nonprofit is petitioning to restore a historic train station abandoned in west oakland. >> the oakland heritage alliance is working to persuade developer citi ventures to restore the 16th street train station city ventures purchase the station and the surrounding land to build 19 homes. the alliance says restoring the station is not part of the current plan for the area. the station was damaged during the 1989 loma
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prieta earthquake. the non-profit hopes this petition will promote talks with the developer. let's check in on our forecast conditions now as we take a live look outside at the bay bridge. looking pretty nice out there for the time. being a check in now with cuyler from or what we need to know. hi, hey there. yes. so we are getting some clearing in spots with some people still dealing with a few showers out there. taking a live look. >> from the east bay. you can see the you know, there are some sunshine breaks out there, but also certainly some clouds want to talk about the rain we've picked up last night. canfield, north bay really over performed here over an inch in canfield could see over half an inch of point. re santa rosa just under half an inch napa for tents, oakland, about a quarter in san francisco to 10 south bay really just got about a 10th of an inch a little bit more than that. but we just picked a little more up in the south face. i think we'll be adding to those totals. you can see that line. the just rolled san jose and some of them were heavier downpours. also a few light showers that are happening in the north bay right now leaving some of that rain to be happening as well. so it's
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a little unsettled. roads are still slick in places. and today that's point going to kind of be the story as we see some of these showers like what's rolling through morgan hill and right through the santa cruz mountains. i'm kinda happened a little intermittently. we also have a little snow happening in the sierra. all of this courtesy of this low pressure system that is ultimately going to start tracking to the south. and that's going to bring us some heavy rain tomorrow. but right now they are looking pretty good. 60 degrees in san jose and alameda dublin at 60 61 in the inner east bay there in concord in pittsburgh, even downtown san francisco getting into the upper 50's right now. little bit cooler as we look to the north bay. so highs today will be below average, but certainly we will have, as i mentioned, those unsettled conditions. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk about the rain that we're going to get tomorrow for now. send it back to the desk. all right. thanks so much. >> coming up, those are spotting a unique creature on beaches in the bay area. experts tell us what they are and how ended up here. and health experts are warning
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parents about the rise in the highly contagious respiratory infection among students in the bay area. and after the break, i sit down with san francisco's former mayor mark farrell and how he plans to win back his job. plus his strategy to tackle the big strategy to tackle the big problems facing the city. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar.
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deep breath. learn how abbvie cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters. we continue profiling the top challengers in the san francisco mayoral race. today. we look at the candidate who won set in the mayor's seat for 6 months. i sat down with venture capitalist mark farrell on how he plans to win
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his job back. >> over the past 5 years, i've seen our city crumbled candidate mark farrell, not mincing words over the problems he says are plaguing san francisco. san francisco used to be the greatest place in the world to raise family. today is not the same. people do not feel safe in their own neighborhoods, let alone downtown the conditions are streets have never been worse on our local economy has suffered as a result. you know, we are now the of jokes across our country. and that should not be the case. the venture capitalist stepping back into the ring. >> with city politics where he previously served for 8 years first as district 2 supervisor, which includes the marina pacific heights, presidio heights and north of the panhandle. and serving 6 months as mayor after the death of ed lee and 2017. a key point farrell says that sets him apart from the competition. we don't have time for someone to come learn on the job we need. someone is
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going hit the ground running on day one. if you are elected mayor, what do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? i do believe we need a new police chief. we have lost budget dollars and we can't recruit. >> police officers. so we need a change in leadership promoting what he describes as a 0 tolerance policy on crime while promising to shield the city's public safety services from budget cuts. my budget plan. >> this year, include the addition of 250 new officers. we need to recruit additional officers transfer officers. we need to bring reppert hard officers. >> we also need to flood our police academy with new classes. then we start to get to work on local economic issues. i fully believe we need. we need to use tax incentives to bring employers back to the downtown core. my background includes over 20 years in the private sector. i know what it is to make payroll. i know what it is to see. companies do well and suffer. adding he'll clear all tent encampments in the city within a year as mayor before.
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>> i took out all over large tent encampments within 6 months. if elected mayor again, i will do it again. i asked farrell if he's in favor of encampment sweeps given the city's ongoing legal battles, i would characterize sweeps. we treat these individuals with respect with compassion. we offer them shelter and housing. but if they refused our offer services, we will not make it convenient for them. no one is getting better by sleeping in tents and night on the streets of san francisco. this has to stop. this challenge are coming out of the gates swinging. look, san francisco is suffering and what we don't have is any vision out of city hall right now. so as mayor london breed fit to be mayor in 2025, yes or no, no. mayor breed has a great personal story. no doubt about that. but right now, she also has a track record. 6 years of failed leadership inside of city hall. san francisco needs a reboot in san francisco. stephanie lin kron. 4 news. and actually x founder sam bankman-fried will be incarcerated for the next
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quarter century. >> the cryptocurrency fraud case is considered one of the largest white collar crimes in american history. spf as he is also known, was sentenced to 25 years in prison today. just 2 short years ago, the palo alto native was a titan in the crypto industry as ceo of ftx. but customers lost billions when his exchange collapsed last november. bankman-fried was convicted of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering related to the cryptocurrency exchange. prosecutors say bankman-fried cost investors over 10 billion dollars but misappropriating the money to cover his own expenses, which included purchasing luxury properties in the caribbean. city. officials in trying to fix an accounting error after more than $100,000 earmarked for affordable housing was spent on a lawsuit. that lawsuit was filed last year by housing advocates against the city's noncompliance state mandated housing plan. the city used about $165,000 from the 5 million dollar fund for the lawsuit. in the east bay, the
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east bay spca got $50,000 to help more animals. the organization says most of the money will go towards the hold for home program. a crisis boarding program for pets whose owners are experiencing a short-term crisis. and the goal here is to give pet owners time to get on their feet and ultimately reunite them with their pet, no matter their financial situation. the east bay spca says with the funds they can hold impacted pets for 4 weeks and will act as the animals case manager until the pet and owner are reunited. and check this out. you might see these mysterious sea creature is the next time you head to the beach. they are called the layla also known as by the wind sailors. some of these creatures have been spotted on beaches around the bay area. and experts say that they can staying. so you want to avoid touching them. but experts say that they are generally also not considered terribly dangerous. >> that's just good rule of thumb for anything morrow led
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wildlife be while that's you know what? i try to teach my kids and tell everyone they can cause some skin irritation. it's pretty mild. but, you know, don't want get too close to for people in sensitive skin. generally, you know, you want to keep your pets clear of him to because you never know what will happen if if they ingest them. so just look at him, take some they're really, really cool for sure. the creature gets its nickname because their only method of transportation is to catch the sea breeze. >> how interesting is that? all right. so let's talk about our forecast now as we take a look at san francisco. some pretty fluffy blue skies up above some clouds out there as well. let's check in fow with kai love for more. hey there, kyra. hey, there, we need to talk about the rain tomorrow. we are under what's called the marginal flood-risk, which means that the rain is going to coming down quickly. we've got the chance of thunderstorms tomorrow. >> now notice once we get into saturday that risk moves down to central and southern california where it looks like their totals are going to be even higher. so kind of
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interesting to be this time of the month, right over rolling towards the end of our water year getting towards the end of march. we were talking about a big system, but this is going to be that it's low pressure that's off the coast are going to see that it kind of gets its act together and start to move to the south and then it brings rain and snow to california on a pretty big level here. and as we get into saturday, you can see it does push down into that southern california for a place until finally, we start to clear out as we get into sunday. so we're going to talk about how much rain and it's going to be significant here in the bay area. i think between an inch an inch a half in some spots. but notice these bigger totals in big sur in santa barbara and also down in los angeles. i think that's where they're going to have the bigger risk of flooding. so for us, this is going to get started tomorrow morning and will be most intense friday afternoon throughout the evening. we are going to be under a wind advisory. and as i mentioned, we will have a chance of a thunderstorm. so the wind advisory, as you can see, a huge part of the state will be under it for us here in the bay area from 11:00am on
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friday till 05:00am on saturday. it does not include the north bay, but it includes the coastline along the peninsula and also down into the santa cruz mountains and of course, in to our east bay hills as well, looking for win 15 to 25 miles per hour with gusts potentially up to 45 miles per hour. so there's the low pressure system that's going to be on the move. and once it arrives, that's when we're going to get a lot of rain going. but right now we just have a few scattered showers that are out there still remaining a little bit unsettled as we go through the day today. but some sunshine out there, too. once we hit friday morning, though, get ready for it. if you can avoid driving on friday, frankly, i would. saturday is also going to be a little difficult. we have some of these isolated thunderstorms coming in, but we have awfully nice weather as we get into next week. we'll talk about the snow when it come back in a alright, love the son of that. thank you. still ahead, a massive recall impacting 10's of thousands of subaru owners. >> potentially that recalled over airbags, not working correctly. we have the details that you need to know. plus,
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california doctors are warning parents about the rise in a highly contagious respiratory infor
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your health marin county officials are warning about a rise and whooping cough. they say since december, the county has seen almost 100 cases. many of those from high school students. >> a doctor, a kaiser permanente center fell tells us that testing is key here. >> the turnaround time and testing is about one day or maybe 2 days. and that's really the gold standard for making the diagnosis. and now with the cluster that we're seeing, i think it is very important that if you have those symptoms that we get
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past. >> the cdc is warning parents to make sure their kids are up to date on all vaccines. coming up next here at noon, police shoot and kill a woman after they say she shot her adult son inside their home. >> we have the latest on the investigation. plus, shay controls just lifted within the last few hours. we have the latest on snow a fly. a bay
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beach community has been rattled by rounds of gunfire. pacifica police say they were forced to kill a mother after she shot at her adult son. kron four's. dan for reports.
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>> that investigation is underway in pacifica after a tragedy between a mother and her son. police say a man called 9-1-1 wednesday morning and said he was shot by his mom in their home. officers rushed to the apartment francisco boulevard and encountered the mother who they say was trying to drive away. police say the woman then pointed a gun at them officer opened fire and killed her ice heard >> bunch of gunshots. i think over at least half a dozen neighbors sua says at first she thought the sound was firecrackers. >> but after learning about what happened, she was dumbfounded she shot her son trying to kill him. >> i'm sorry for her. but something. something's wrong with her. you your child. >> investigators say the son was found with one gunshot wound and was later taken to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. neighbors tell us
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they've lived in this quiet beach town for a long time and have never heard of anything like any time somebody dies. it's sad, right? just don't see. that's pretty. >> i mean, i feel safe up to the beach every day and >> pacifica police say none of their officers were injured. and so far no names have been released. it's also unclear what happened between this mother and son before the shooting in pacifica. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> and the family of a couple shot and killed in dublin says they're worried about how the alameda county district attorney is handling the case. family members of maria and venice and tran were outside the courthouse today as a former alameda county sheriff's deputy faced a judge. police say devon williams shot and killed the couple in september 2022. inside of their dublin home. williams faces 50 years to life if convicted but da pamela price asked the judge to dismiss enhancement charges, which could make williams eligible for parole.
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the judge denied the motion, which was a relief to maria sister. >> the judges, it's good. he knows about the case in u.s. history, but he he knows to be doing the right thing. and said i'm extremely grateful for what he has done. but is now up to a price to do the right thing and to bring justice to our family and the community. >> williams is scheduled to make another court appearance this afternoon. the way for an arrest in a deadly playground shooting is going on 2 years for a san francisco family. police are offering a quarter of a million dollars for information leading to the conviction of the shooters. kron 4 sarah stinson has the details. >> the family of brandon cheeses hopefuls, the increased reward will bring them a long-awaited justice after what's been an extremely hard 2 years for the first time, his sister is ready to talk about what happened to her brother. the metal fence along alice chalmers playground in san francisco
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remains bent from bullets. it was 2 years ago on a sunday afternoon when shots rang out. >> killing 20 year-old kiran carlson. and 22 year-old brandon cheese. he touched so many lives. brandon sister sylvia lopez often visits the area to honor him where a memorial continues to evolve. even his elementary school teacher. >> seeing that she remembered him. i think it speaks volumes to the kind of person my brother was. lopez takes us back to april 3rd 2022. when she found out her brother was killed. >> calling it the worst day of her family's lives like this can't be. was just like the most terrible. >> agonizing pain. >> police say they're looking for at least 2 men involved all got away in a silver honda accord this week, police increased the reward to $250,000 for information that leads to an arrest. we want
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justice. >> i want these people behind bars. they don't deserve to be out and free and living their lives. when my brothers gone, brandon worked as a private security guard. he was also a barber. lopez says her brother was the most generous person he would even go downtown san francisco and and put all his equipment in his car in the trunk and he would cut hair for free because that's the kind of person he was. >> brandon leaves behind 3 sisters, a mom and dad as well as his four-year-old daughter. the family says they desperately want closure. we were robbed of so many beautiful memories and hurt for my parents. >> the pain that they're feeling the pain, my nieces, you know, having to deal with. i hate that she has to deal with this. i hate that. she asked, why can't do you just come home? >> next week marks 2 years since these men were killed at the playground. brandon's
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family plans to gather there with candles and flowers to honor the 2. if you have any information at all about this case, you're asked to call the san francisco police department. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> in the south bay, police arrested a 3rd suspect for copper wire theft eta stations in san jose earlier this month. investigators say 3 people stole 20 feet of wire valued at $10,000. police arrested 2 suspects the day of the incident. the santa clara county sheriff's office says deputies arrested. 55 year-old michael reader on a long list of charges, including grand theft, vandalism and possessing a stolen vehicle. benicia city leaders say they're working on a new measure to reduce the accidental release of hazardous chemicals from factories and also improve air quality. they want residents to help for miss law. they are inviting them to fill out a survey and engage benicia dot com. >> happening right now, subaru is recalling more than 118,000
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of its cars. >> the recall notice cites a potential issue with deployment of air bags during a crash. it also lists certain outback and legacy vehicles made between 2020 2022. being affected. car owners will soon be offered a fix for free from their local subaru dealer. a strange story out of the city of oroville up north on wednesday morning. oroville chp say they spotted a car stopped in the middle of an intersection asked to move the driver then sped off leading officers on a short chase into a dirt parking lot near plume u.s. avenue elementary officers say the driver then put the car in reverse and backedeinto a patrol cars. you can see there once officers rich the driver's side of the damage, volkswagec. they found a 9 year-old boy behind the wheel. the boy telling police that he took his mom's car to drive himself to school. thankfully no one was hurt and the boy did eventually make it to class. in the sierra snow fell in our mountain communities throughout the morning. the uc berkeley,
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sierra snow lab reporting that within the last 24 hours, it recorded just under 10 inches of heavy wet snow. what snow removal contractor says the previous storms kept them prepared for this one. >> week, it snowed quite a bit. how much are we looking at? i think we've got about 7 feet in 3 days. >> the winter weather advisory is now lifted. the weather service issuing a lake wind advisory in effect from now until tonight at 8 o'clock. speaking of all that, on the topic to talk about our forecast. well, taking a live look outside actually up in the sierra at interstate 80 near soda springs. and, you know, kyle has been keeping an eye on all of that for us. remember yesterday, 70 look at this picture of yosemite and ahead to put it up again because the snow has moved up. the screening. you can see lots of fresh snow there. and let's take an at a lake tahoe. this is diamond peak where they got a couple of inches of new snow as well. you can see a little bit. they're still on the bench is not a whole lot of people out quite yet. here are the totals that we had in
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the last 24 hours. boreal and soda springs got a foot of snow and check out some of the season totals. 2 that are pretty interesting to look at. we're talking 386 inches of korea. but again, you can see pretty good. a pretty good counting there for some new snow. and we do have more on the way currently very chilly in tahoe. you can see south lake tahoe coming in at 33 degrees. skies are relatively clear. there is you could see, but we do have some snow flurries that are happening here just as we remain unsettled. tahoe does as well. but still looking out for the bigger newt next system that comes along as we get into tomorrow for us, that rain will be tomorrow morning. but for tahoe, it will really be in the afternoon when it starts to kind of get going again. i'm gonna take you now into our friday. so here is one 30 in the afternoon. you can see that next system taking shape and it gets really heavy as we get into the evening hours and then notice what happens here. we get to saturday because this is counter clockwise circulation and i mentioned the system is going to i go to the south. it starts throwing a little bit around to the
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north and then it kind of comes back in again as we get to saturday afternoon. so a little bit of a loud there. and then we're back in it sunday as well. so that is when the system is finally going to start to drag away. and again, we're looking out for some of our peaks getting one to 2 feet of new snow. back at it with the snow as we head towards the weekend on the back we're going to track the rain for the bay area. all right. looking forward to it. thank you. talks are back on to bring top israeli officials to washington to discuss potential military operations in gaza. it comes after israel's prime minister canceled the trip earlier this week. kron four's washington correspondent reshad hudson has more. the white house continues to criticize how israel is conducting this war. >> but some republican senators say the biden administration should stay out of in a major reversal. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is planning to send top israeli officials to washington to discuss possible military operations in rafah. >> his office has agreed to
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reschedule that meeting that would be dedicated to refer, which is a good thing. netanyahu called off a planned visit to washington by senior israeli officials after the u.s. allowed the passage of a gaza cease-fire resolution at the united nations. netanyahu said that emboldened hamas and wanted to send a message that was the person most >> do start to the work and he has the backing of south carolina republican senator lindsey graham who was in israel. here's my advice to you in your country. get on with it. the state department says a cease-fire is still the goal. we do want to achieve an immediate cease-fire that gets the hostages out and alleviate their suffering and both sides are still working to find a date for this crucial visit reporting in washington, reshad hudson, back to you. new state bill is looking to protect blue whales from being hit by passing ships. >> assembly bill 2, 2, 9, 8, aims to establish the california protecting blue
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whales and blue skies program, which would prevent fatal ship strikes on endangered whale populations and reduce harmful error emissions. the program would offer incentives to shipping companies to slow their speed along the coastline. researchers say each year close to 100 whales are hit and killed by ships along the west coast. many of them near san francisco. francisco is ready for the boss. a new custom street sign along worriers way outside chase center now reads. >> bruce springsteen is seen and the e street band springsteen is scheduled to perform at chase tonight and on sunday, they are sold out. last year. he postponed his world tour as he recovered from ulcer disease. and baseball is back in the bay today. opening day is today and both bay area teams are getting ready for first pitch. the giant start their season
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on the road in san diego. first pitch against the padres at one 10. just a few moments away. >> and the a's will start their season here at home. make sure to tune into kron. 4 news 2. for more on the fan lead demonstration that will be happening outside that game. and after winning their first match on the road, the bay area's new women's professional soccer team bay fc plays their first home game this saturday. >> tickets for that match against the houston dash are at paypal park are already sold out. officials say parking lots are expected to fill quickly. they are encouraging fans to take bart caltrain or use rideshare services. the first 5,000 fans through the gate will get an inaugural pen. it will also be a fan fest area inside the stadium. sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. she was once ranked in the top 20 best tennis players in the world. now. >> she's teaching kids. it's not all about winning the game. hear how this remarkable woman is working to empower woman is working to empower kids in the bay area.
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kerendia presents the abc's of ckd. c is for chronic, because chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes gets worse over time. k is for kidneys, because kidney damage can lead to kidney failure and dialysis.
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d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and ask before taking potassium supplements or salt substitutes containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium. kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible. don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you.
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happening today. kron four's very own pam moore is being honored at the powerful women of the bay area. bay area awards. >> in oakland, she receives this year's special recognition award for impactful reporting in the bay area. pam join kron in 1991. as an anchor and general assignment. reporter. she was nominated for an emmy for her special from selma to ferguson. just last year she was awarded the san francisco press club's lifetime achievement award. she retired from our anchor desk here last year after 32 years of incredible service. a problem
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for continues. our celebration of the bay area's remarkable women with the story of a pro tennis player turned a nonprofit leader. we're going to coach kids on how to win the game of life by changing how we think about success. i had a chance to sit down with san francisco's very own peanut. louis harper. read it with me. if you'd like brady at mill breeze, meadows elementary, what is 6 s? >> that's easy to see is trying the best. you can be. a special assembly is underway a sure hand. are you ever afraid to fail? holding the microphone is keen at louis harper, co-founder of harper for kids, a nonprofit now in its 17th year of empowering children. >> starting with this simple message, it's really about just trying your best, no mattir if your first place last place. if you've done everything you can. >> you should feel very proud of yourself. it's perspective. louis harper says she shared with tens of thousands of kids
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over the years and more than 100 schools in the bay area and beyond. there's so many negative definitions of success out there. can you imagine a world where kids are like success is all about trying their best. you know, it's like, wow, that's it. flipping the narrative by focusing on values like hard work, team, spirit and self-control here. it's not about winning or losing. you just want kids to live a happy, healthy life and really. give them a chance to pursue what they love and life. a message already resonating. i learned that sometimes it you can't. it's not always going to be perfect, but you should always try your best reminding us. it's ok, it's a mess up sometimes has. and you can learn from your mistakes. is there anything wrong with telling us something? well, it can get you frustrated. sometimes you just have not let that get here and keep trying hide. value. served up from louis harper's own life story as a former pro tennis
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player once ranked among the best in the some of her first match is played here in san francisco's golden gate park. >> she grew up the youngest daughter of chinese americans. my parents luckily did not pressure us in that way. like when lucy, you know, that was just part of the game. but, you know, if didn't win the match, that's ok, ko back out there the next day in practice, which we did. she won 14 national junior titles and as a pro ranked as high as 19th in the world. but perfection, never the end game is just about every day. can you be one percent better than you were the day before? louis harper also inspired by the teachings of coach john wooden, considered one of the greatest ncaa basketball coaches of all time. it's all about the peace of mind that happiness in your heart that you just tried your best. this former tennis champion turn nonprofit leader setting kids up for a court advantage in the game of life. that's ok, trike. and it's not always
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about hitting an ace. just keep encouraging your kids be happy. asked them, you know, what does success mean to them? scoring points instead on the strength of our efforts. that's what we hope for in all the kids to take away with. this is just to be proud of themselves. no matter the result in san francisco, stephanie kron. 4 news. inspiring story and fun fact we are person. jarrett is a bay area musician who made a national tv appearance on the hit show the voice he is set to perform at bottle rock in may. so it really seems like success runs in the family. >> and we it will be on live in the bay today. so make sure you stick around after today's news at noon to watch that interview. all right. talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at this gorgeous view right here. let's check in now with cuyler broken for there. there's some rain on the way for us as we get into friday that carries into the weekend. you can see here in san jose we just had a few showers roll through. so certainly some clouds still
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there. >> however, san francisco, we're getting some sunshine going. so a little unsettled as we get through the afternoon. you can certainly see that here as we zoom into the north bay. we're a few showers are falling just north of santa rosa. in and around the 101. keeping that road a little bit slick that doing too badly as i mentioned in san francisco. but down in the south bay, we just had some of the showers roll through san jose head towards morgan hill. so once we get past today, we're going to be talking about this low pressure system and it's going to track very quickly down the coast that's going bring some heavy rain our way. so let's take you hour by hour. we get through today. not bad, right? we're looking okay. got some clouds out there. but tomorrow morning here comes the next system. remember, this is tracking down the coast. it's got that counter clockwise circulation. this is 8.30, tomorrow morning. this is 11:00am now we're getting into the afternoon. some of these are getting very heavy. we could see some big downpours with this for 30. that is rush hour now. we'll get into the evening and you see it lights up a tiny bit here. still not done though, saturday morning, staying unsettled a little bit saturday afternoon. we start
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to feel like we're done and then there's a back and on this on sunday morning bringing just a few more showers through. so that is because that low pressure is going ride down the coast. now, once it does, that high pressure is going to in and next week we've got warmer and drier conditions coming our way because of high pressure will then be in control. looking forward to that myself. but between now and then we've got quite a bit of rain to pick up. you can see some spots, especially along the coast, looking to get over an inch of rain. but we could even see that as we head inland as well. so just prepare yourself because not only is it going to be rain, but it's also going to be wind. wind advisory kicking at 11:00am on friday. you can see for the peninsula coast, santa cruz mountains and the east bay hills. we could see gusts up to 45 miles per hour. so get ready for this. one is going to be a little bit nasty. as i mentioned, isolated thunderstorms are possible as well. by sunday afternoon, we're clearing out next week is gorgeous and warmer. all right. thanks so much. coming up next at noon, how ai could help you find your perfect. your perfect. >> for a friend.
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area baske ball, the warriors trying to hang on to a playoff spot as they take on the magic in orlando last night. and the big talk of the game is jalen green being ejected from a game once again. kron four's. erin wilson has the latest. >> well, the warriors, they were on a second of a back-to-back wednesday night at the bills are trying to continue to outrun the rockets and hold on to their play-in spot. while the rockets are trying to take it away from so bonus day, they were hoping to build off the miami heat when the night before, but go ahead to go up against orlando magic team that had 3 days off coming into this one. so we'll
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pick it up in the 1st quarter with the warriors up by to palo bank carol. he drives lays it in. you can count that one and the foul on andrew wiggins with draymond green. he gets ticked up here after making contact right there on the on with the rap is re acosta and well, he continues to walk off continuing to speak to the don't know exactly what he's saying, but you can see they're caught the threw him out. he was ejected from this one just 4 minutes and drain lines for injection of the season. meanwhile, step knows, although he is frustrated with it, the show must go on and indeed up by klay thompson out date, drop that radar off their 17 three-run. that's all a part of all happening after the ejection 2nd quarter. now the 10 point warriors lead and wiggins drive stores 2 jam there. the warriors, they extend their lead to 12 3rd quarter will pick up the warriors up by 8. steph curry puts up a 3. it's a nice rhythm bounce. and find his
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way through the navy. it's his first 3 of the night in the 3rd 4th quarter. now the warriors they their lead is now been cut to 5 wiggins. he spins here, lays it in and draws the foul. 23 points. 6 rebounds for weeks under a minute to go now the dubs up by just 5 who else? but the clothes in a close steph curry sinks the dagger 3 and he good night night night, if you will, to the orlando crowd. 17 points, 10 assists for curry. the warriors. they win this one on one 93. they continue to be a game ahead of the rockets as they continue to play on with the hornets. up next on friday. it's all we have. also back to you guys at the day. >> aaron, thank you. >> are you looking for the perfect food? should they be artificial intelligence can help you out with that. >> researchers in london developed an algorithm then classify them into different groups from excited dogs to is too reactive. they hope a i can help potential dog owners pick the perfect one just for them. and that will be all
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from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. >> i'm stephanie take good care of yourselves. live in the bay is next.
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you're now tune in to live in the bay and we have a great show for you all today. coming up. >> it's time to reorganize and he'll we learn more about how home organization can bring on the with the simplified like. >> then springtime is the best time to refresh our family habits. the easy steps you can actually hear it. he improved th


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