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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 28, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron morning news. pacifica police shoot and kill a woman,after they say she shot for adults. an inside of their home have the latest on the investigation. it's opening day for major league baseball and thousands of oakland a's fans are expected protest the season opener. tell you why. and a fast food wage hike is coming to workers in california next week. but some businesses are exempt. so not every employee will enjoy that. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no.
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>> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday. i'm sorry and i'm james. we've got some mixed conditions this morning. we see nice conditions behind us here at the golden gate yeah, as you might be, sunday might be raining depending on where we are right now, john, yet quite the variety this morning, some of us are sitting in nothing but the sign and others have just seen some pretty good shower activity rolling overhead specially if you just d4ove across the san mateo bridge. this is what we've got a little bit further north in the east bay, from the berkeley hills skies here looking very inviting. now, if you were to be a little bit further southward, more so down towards hayward and fremont. and that's where you're looking at some of our rainfall currently. and this is impacting stretches of 6 ad as well as 5.80, in the east bay and of course 80 as well. dumbarton bridge releasing a coming down as did the san mateo bridge still wet. but you're starting to see the intensity easing up a little bit. redwood city up to san mateo and over to happen. bay on 92. all very wet right now. watch that travel up and down the peninsula on 101. as well
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as on 2.80, currently. now, most of us are going to come out of today, actually looking pretty dry. the showers are going to be really spotty and few and far between a testament to that is just how sunny it is for the rest of us right now. 40's to 50's for our current temperatures. and later on today will reach the low 60's rain. all right on the year. that will it coming down on the san mateo bridge right now. as you can see. >> courage and everybody. if you're traveling there, just give yourself some extra time. also be mindful dunbar bridge right next to that. so they're probably getting some rain as well. 17 minutes into the city. we had some earlier hazards all clear now, which is over a footbridge around 13 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls solid 30 minutes started days. back to you. thanks. allies, 901. and it is opening day for baseball, which is exciting for fans of san francisco giants. they're not home right now. the opening of san diego, they'll be home. april yes. >> opening at home, though, is the a's. although the fans are going to be showing up there at the stadium won't necessarily be rooting on the
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ownership of the team. they're pretty upset that. >> they're going move to yeah, and they're trying to take a stand with this boycott crawford's michael thomas is live in oakland with what's going to happen today. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's right. lots of baseball to be had on this opening day of 2024. and here in the city of oakland, there's going to be a lot of boycotting as oakland a's fans are still upset that the team is heading to vegas. so instead of packing up the stadium, they plan on packing up the parking lot. and officials with the oakland team say, well, that's fine, but we're not going to open up those parking lot gates at the same time. we normally do it. last year. over 25,000 fans showed up to the oakland coliseum on opening day to pack it out as a reverse boycott for the team's pending move to las vegas. >> and this year, organizers from the last dive in the oakland 68 plan to boycott by having a block party in parking lot which normally opens up for hours before the game. but the oakland a's decided this year the parking lot gates won't open up until 2 hours before the game, which
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is 5 o'clock rush hour. organizers like brian, tell me this doesn't come as a surprise anticipated. >> and there do something right to try to thwart the efforts, the boycott and what better way to do so then open the gate just prior to the game. only 2 hours before, you know, it's funny because they've never done that before. oakland city officials have publicly asked the oakland a's to open up the gates earlier as the major traffic jam at the coliseum, which is near 8.80. >> could be a safety concern. not to mention singer-songwriter kesha. kohl's also hosting a concert at the arena next or thousands upon thousands of cars trying to get in the stadium all at the same time. >> it's it's going to be a huge public safety risk at this time. we hope that the a's and we days to open it sooner. officials from the a's have yet to make any changes regarding the gate times opening and boycott organizers say all their social media request for a time change have been ignored. >> now back out here live, we did reach out to the media team with the oakland a's. we
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have yet to hear anything back. so the best advice i have is if you're heading towards the oakland coliseum or near 80, you may be jam packed, especially around 5 o'clock tonight. and he also tells me people plan to be start heading out, lighting up in cars by about noon today at the very latest here in oakland, michael thomas story. james, we'll send it back to you. >> it is my honor to introduce to you our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. >> and with that oakland mayor sheng thao formally introduce the man she handpicked to be the city's new police chief floyd mitchell spoke yesterday about his plans to build public trust and create a safer community. >> just really going to be me getting my getting here, getting on the ground and getting out to me. everyone here getting to know who my council members are getting to know the police department and where we can get better and how we go about getting better. you want to make oakland police department be
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the employer of choice for the bay area. you want your officers know that they're going to be supported. and and that you're going to take care of them both from a benefit standpoint. but you're also going to see them as a person. >> lofty goals. it will take some work to get there among his top priorities, he says, is getting crime down, which continues to plague oakland and the police department is still under control of that federal monitor because of the writers case for more than 20 years ago where officers were caught planting evidence. mitchell says putting changes in place to get out from under that federal monitor is key. >> job is to continue to do the work to satisfy those requirements. i'm going to sit down with the monitor and identify specifically what we need to do and how we need to do it to get to the end of road. >> mitchell's swearing-in date will be sometime in the next 30 days. we'll let you know when they pick an exact date. >> police in berkeley are
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investigating a shooting at child was shot in the leg. it happened tuesday night near the intersection of bone, our street and alston way near strawberry creek park. there were reports that there were several gunshots in the area and when they responded, that's when they found the child who had been shot. they do think they're going to make a recovery was shot in the leg. no arrests have been made yet. >> the city of vallejo is investigating the death of a man whose body was found. >> earlier this month, it's the city's 5th homicide of the year. the body was found on march 16th near garnett circle. it was around midnight. police are now investigating. >> will some breaking news overnight in san jose where a man is hit and killed on northbound 101 right near the oakland road off-ramp. chp says they received the call at about 3.40, this morning about a pedestrian in the roadway that had been struck by a car that man sadly died at the scene. and now the chp says
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the driver who hit that pedestrian pulled over and did cooperate with officers lanes were shut down for a few hours. but everything is back open now. >> its 907, in the south bay, san jose's alum rock school district is facing a serious money problem. they are and this could cause some schools to close leaving students in limbo. kron four's will tran on the story for us in san jose to explain. will. >> the alum rock union school district is a lot like a lot of people out there. they can't pay their bills simply because they're not making enough money. so they are facing a 20.8 million dollar budget deficit for the next school year. don't worry if your kids are in school this year. we're talking about 1000 kids within this school district. you're not going to be affected were talking about next school year because they don't have the money to pay all their bills. they're not getting as much money coming from that state from the
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federals as well as local officials to make that budget gap clothes. so they have to make tough decisions like a lot of people out there and those tough decisions could impact staff and students as well as driving around. all. explain that in just a few moments. but in the meantime, take a look at your screen. these are some of the options on the table, including hiring freeze for about 48 people. freezing benefits, services and then worst-case scenario. they're also possibly contemplating closing schools. what does that mean? sometimes you could live very close to the school for your kids. but if that school closes and they have not said that they will or which ones. but if that school closes, that means you'll have to drive further to another school. just a drop off your kids. we're talking kindergarten through 8th grade. so right now they still have to think about this. they
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have a couple of months before they come up with the final presentation in june. well, lots going on simply because they are not pulling in the money that they used to. and if they cannot make it work, then the santa clara county board of education will step in and they ultimately will have to make that decision. back to all right. thanks a lot. well. >> 909 is the time. and starting monday, minimum wage for fast-food workers in california will go up to $20 an hour. and while that is something worth celebrating for many, its triggering fears as well of job cuts for some pizza hut and roundtable. each laid off more than 10,000 delivery drivers. chipotle says it will be raising its prices to try comply with this new minimum wage. d'elia vargas works at mcdonald's in oakland is what she had to say. >> and i mean, that seems to sum right now one hour gets ca a but we do know at the next week it will be more hours.
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and so, yes, it does for i see them also bringing in new people and that worries me, too. >> the state assembly passed a proposal to exempt some fast food restaurants from this new $20 minimum wage. and that includes airports, hotels, event center's along with the parks and museums to. >> people we have no power over our future. but i that's why i'm running for governor. we have the breadth and the power to make california out of for all of us again. >> well, former state controller betty yee is joining the governor's race in california. she posted this video announcing her bid for the state's highest office in 2026. he spent nearly 40 years in public service. some of it as the state's budget director. she joins a list of candidates now including lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis state superintendent tony thurmond and state senator tony atkins. governor newsom is currently serving his final term.
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>> time now is 9.11, and the race to replac congresswoman anna eshoo could be going to a recount. former san jose mayor mccarter we know has secured his place on the november general election. but >> the race for his opponent is razor thin. 2 votes. >> seem to separate them right now. santa clara county supervisor, joe, so many and leeds assemblymember evan low by just 2 votes. both campaigns are working to cure ballots. that means they're asking voters to fix or cure the ballots that may be missing a signature, according to the san mateo county officials website. there are 525 ballots that need to be cured by april second or they're not going to be counted. any candidate can ask for a recount. so far neither of them has planned, said they plan to do so. its 9.12. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. there's a family continuing to mourn the loss of a man shot and killed at a playground in san francisco. >> finally, his sister is speaking out.
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>> and today is pretty sunny for a lot of us as you saw the golden gate bridge, but not for everyone. this strong soho made its way up and down the peninsula. moments ago, really strong over the san mateo bridge now making its way further southeastward into hayward. fremont eventually heading out towards the mountains of the doppler is east of
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>> i-15 right now checking out a little break that most of us are going to get today and the rain. and then when it comes back and john, good morning. yeah, today's the between day last night we saw good amount of rainfall over an inch in some spots in the north bay.
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today we're looking at kind of a mix going on before heavier rainfall tomorrow. san jose. right now you're sitting under sunshine. but look at all that cloud cover there in the distance. this is a round of rain that is scooting right in over the peninsula and is now making its way just north of san jose on over north of fremont, a hayward up the grade. the parts of the tri valley. formerly left sfo pretty wet as well as the san mateo bridge and a lot of that energy is spreading further southeast. we're now. so if you are traveling routes like a tier 6.80, heading north from san jose past milpitas. be prepared to be running into some really wet spots on the roads as well as some pretty good rainfall, intensity, especially right there around fremont at this moment, highway 90 to the san mateo bridge as well as the dumbarton bridge are both wet from this as our 2.81, 0, 1, on the peninsula. now, a lot of us today are actually going to come out of today. pretty dry and mostly sunny. we have this pocket of rain this morning and another into late
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morning and early afternoon, especially across the carquinez out into the inland east bay. so keep a close eye on radar. we certainly will be as well. the rest of the day does look to trend a little bit drier tomorrow morning before you even get up, showers will begin and rainfall intensity really seeing an uptick as we make our way through late morning tomorrow into the early and mid afternoon. look at that. heavy, intense rainfall, yellow, orange and red indicating it moving right across the bay specially into the afternoon along with some really strong winds to saturday remaining unsettled with a chance of thunderstorms pop up heavy showers at times. rainfall amounts tomorrow anywhere between a half to an inch and a quarter of rain. adding up some more on top of that into saturday. as for winds gusts as high as 65, even 70 miles per hour. we do have high wind advisories going into effect tomorrow at the coast and in the east bay hills. as for the sierra winter storm warnings just expired. but we do have winter weather advisories that will go back into effect over the
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weekend as we still do see some snowfall potential in the sierra specially working their way into friday. your best travel day in the sierras looking likely to be sunday earlier in the weekend. going to be kind of a rough go. this is a strong, low pressure area that's dove in deep red across the region in keeping us unsettled for the remainder of march. but next week, high pressure ridge builds in. and that is going to bring us some relief from these cooler and wetter conditions that we have been seeing today. upper 50's to low 60's tomorrow and saturday, only the upper 50's we reverse course and start to warm up after that. back to the 70's by tuesday and wednesday, right? all right, john, thank you for that. we are recovering in the 9 o'clock hour. but because of the rain. >> we've been really slow. you can see from the north bay all the way down to south. they just low across our highways this morning and your bridges, not much better. they bridge right now about 16 minutes there. san mateo bridge just have some fresh rain come down. 21 minutes. 81 want no accidents or hazards. there. checking on the south bay, 50 woman, right? 85 to menlo park. all right. james, back to you.
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>> all right. time now to talk winners and losers on wall street financial expert rob black. joining us this morning. robin, the markets a bit flat this morning. what headlines are you pulling towards? end of the the s and p 500 and nasdaq both up 10% roughly. that's an amazing start to the year we've seen a broadening of stocks winning. so it's not just the magnificent 7. >> i'm healthy for your 4, one k very likely it should be sitting in an all-time or close because the markets were at all-time high as of yesterday, market s p 500 right. >> so 1st quarter. pretty good. inflation is doing its thing. it's still be in or it's sticking around and lingering. it's not going to be a straight line down. >> earnings are solid. it's good 1st quarter. andy, out today's the last day. trading this week because of good friday. tomorrow. >> right? what do you think about this deal sam bankman-fried? we did the story early. he's expected to be sentenced does this have any other indications for the
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greater crypto industry or sort isolated thing and sort of kind of a localized story since he's from the bay area. think it puts things to he got 25 years. i was just announced guilty farm or something like that. and know that's common. but what he did was a bad thing and give black eye to crypto crypto slowly started cover. it's interesting to note that crypto fellow large part declining. that's what covered this fraud. and it's recovered all the way to the point that he probably would have been scrubbed from many, many more years, had a crypt in a falling apart. so a lot of his victims are going get some money back. yeah, cover. >> fascinated. okay. let's turn the focus now to disasters and we talked about
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that typical talking about hurricanes and wildfires and how the insurance industry really is hit hard. whenever you have big events like that, i didn't think to connected. but yeah, that bridge collapse in baltimore out of the baltimore harbor. they're going to see some ripple effects in the insurance industry there, too. lloyds of is paying claims could be n% somewhere between 2 to 4 billion. >> and what's interesting about this, it's like a car crash where we understand the car has to be replaced, that maybe there's cargo in your car that has to be replaced but in this case, it's the ship and its cargo. and it's also bridge. so that's the main claim. the secondary claims business operations, their ships that are stuck baltimore bay, their ships that can't leave their ships that can come and that's lost business. and that's going to part of the claims. the second order of is going to be pretty substantial. second order of claims. so the biggest claims ever was a tight towards the costa concordia back in 2012
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from 500 million dollars that killed 32 people as a cruise ship kind of went too far in the 40 minute stop crashed so this is kind of interesting. 500 million was the largest be to 4 billion, bmw, mercedes and vw or or get the big and if it lasts a short period, time will be 2 billion range of blues for a long period of time in courts be shut we want 4 billion. >> wow. okay. and then our final story today has to deal with remote workers coming back to the office and in some cases getting some pretty nice boosts in pay to do >> yeah, if you're here really remote and there's 3 type of workers here, purely remote you make about 82,037 box a year. that's pretty good. but only about 10% of jobs in america are fully remote. to come back in the office. i'm sorry in offices, i got that the remote hybrid. if you're kind of coming in 2 or 3 days
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a week that's around. $59,893, right? pay remote is about 75,327. so they're offering big money free to come back in. if he switched a jump of about 29 point 2%. again, only 10% of all jobs are remote. and that's the ones that people still want. 46% of recent job applicants want fully remote. and it's it's tough on the employers trying to match flexibility higher pay. it's interesting coming back to work. i didn't realize they were. you get that much of page up next, 29%. but all right, rob, thank you as always. and we'll see you monday. we'll see how the holiday weekend >> was for you and what the markets are looking forward to next week. we'll see them. have a good weekend. you get you to and if you want to get your questions and comments in for rob to think about over the weekend and come back with you on monday when he joins us. let him know you've got his handles there for social media. got his e-mail as well. it rob at rob black dot com.
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>> its 9 25 and in the east bay, another former employee of the federal women's prison in dublin has been sentenced for sexually abusing multiple inmates. making nunley of fairfield will serve 6 years in federal prison after being convicted of multiple counts of abuse, not only abused 5 women that he was assigned to supervise and engaged in acts with 2 women and prosecutors say he threatened a with transferring her to another facility. at one point nunley join 6 other former employees including the prison's former warden you have been convicted
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in this scandal. redwood city police have arrested a man accused of human trafficking after a monthslong investigation. officers found a victim last december at a hotel in redwood city and she directed them to marcus coleman. police found and arrested him and alameda county and he's now in the santa rita jail >> time now is 9.26. and happening right now, subaru is recalling more than 118,000 of its cars. the recall notice cites a potential issue with the deployment of the air bags during a crash. it also lists certain outback and legacy vehicles that were manufactured between 2020 and 2022. as being affected, vehicle owners should soon be offered a fix for free from their local super dealer. well, coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news health experts are warning parents now about a rise in highly contagious respiratory infection among students. more on that coming up
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>> 9.29 right now and we're checking out the weather. i was noticing, by the way, as we kind of raining pouring yesterday. yeah. a lot of traffic and early. so i'm thinking people are starting to maybe get away for easter weekend. i don't know what's let's find out more on the weather front of all. ed. good morning, john. yeah, people might have seen this forecast and said, ok, let's go into hundreds or i or cause it has been or are in past couple of days and >> tomorrow is going to be our rainiest day of the forecast today. still active, but most of us are tapping into sunshine right now above coit tower. you're seeing some pretty inviting looking skies
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now further south in the day. it's not so quiet right now. in fact, we're still looking at some pretty good rainfall working its way through fremont and milpitas. as of right now, i'm going to start over here right around 6, 88, 80 as you're making your way up to seminole. watch those windy mountain roads. they are very wet right now in very slick. currently, most of this energy is moving pretty immediately to the east and that is going to place it over some less populated areas over the east bay hills here fairly soon. dumbarton bridge as well as the san mateo bridge are both very wet from earlier showers and some showers now around woodside highway. 84 palo alto, redwood city spots like this. still seeing it coming down. so we're definitely completely dry. and we'll still see these isolated showers into the early afternoon today as well. now most of us will be tapping into sunshine more than anything else. and some of us will come out of today. completely dry out together. so just depends on exactly where you're at as we move into the afternoon. still some low 60's for your highs. i'll
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be talking more in your forecast as we go, right. all right, john, thank you for one down in our 9 o'clock hour. but things are still slick. >> these are still slow. if you are traveling. they ridge right now about 16 minutes. thankfully no access or hazards there. now, 70 min right on or 70. oh, bridge getting across towards the peninsula. we have some fresh rain there in the last hour. 11 minute ride along richmond, sandra fell bridge golden gate bridge. 21 a little faster along in the north bay, a snapshot of the area. highways. you see a lot of rain along 80 88. each of you hayward this morning. so take your time as you're back to you. thank you. it is 9.31, a former alameda county deputy accused of killing a married couple made an appearance in court yesterday at this happened back in september of 2022. and now the family of the victims are putting pressure on the alameda county district attorney. >> pamela price after she requested to dismiss some of the enhancement charges. southwards gayle ong has more. >> the man accused of this
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double murder. devon williams is facing a 50 years to life if convicted and sentenced of all charges. the judge dismissed assistant district attorneys oral motion to dismiss enhancements at this time. but the judge did say the da can make a motion for that same request after this hearing, court appearance was a preliminary hearing for the judge to determine whether defendant will be held over to face the murder charges. williams is a former alameda county deputy. he is accused of killing a married couple back in september 2022. police say williams shot the married woman. he was dating and her husband at the time. it happened in the couple's home in dublin. officers say he went on the run for a few hours but eventually surrendered the family of maria and suntran gathered outside court here to put pressure on the da. here is reaction from maria tran sister about the judge denied a motion to dismiss enhancements. >> the judges, it's good. he
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knows about the case in u.s. history, but he he knows to be doing the right thing. and i said i'm extremely grateful for what he has done. but is now up to be a price to do the right thing and to bring justice to our family and the community. >> the next court appearance will take place thursday afternoon. the family of the victims say they will be back here to put pressure on the d a reporting from dublin gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> 9.33, is the time. another big story today. san francisco police are offering a quarter of a million dollars for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person behind a deadly playground shooting. it was back in april of 2022. at the alice chalmers playground in the city's crocker, amazon neighborhood. investors, investigators say they've victims were playing basketball when at least 2 people in a car opened fire on them, killing 20 year-old kyron carlson. and 22 year-old brandon alexander cheese. 2 other people were wounded. police say the getaway car was described simply as a silver
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honda accord. >> time now is 9.34 on the peninsula. quiet bay-area beach community is rattled because there was gunfire yesterday morning near pacifica. police say they were forced to kill a woman after she shot her adult son of kron four's dan thorn with more on what happened. >> that investigation is underway in pacifica after a tragedy between a mother and her son. police say a man called 9-1-1 wednesday morning and said he was shot by his mom in their home. officers rushed to the apartment francisco boulevard and encountered the mother who they say was trying to drive away. police say the woman then pointed a gun at them officer opened fire and killed her ice heard >> bunch of gunshots. i think over at least half a dozen neighbors sua says at first she thought the sound was firecrackers. >> but after learning about what happened, she was dumbfounded she shot her son trying to kill him.
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>> i'm sorry for her. but something. something's wrong with her. you your child. >> investigators say the son was found with one gunshot wound and was later taken to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. neighbors tell us they've lived in this quiet beach town for a long time and have never heard of anything like any time somebody dies. it's sad, right? just don't see. that's pretty. >> i mean, i feel safe. to the beach every day and >> pacifica police say none of their officers were injured. and so far no names have been released. it's also unclear what happened between this mother and son before the shooting in pacifica. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> 35 and police have arrested and they're accused of being involved in a gang-related attack in san jose. 5 were arrested in southern california and one. >> in san jose and look at what police seized.
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>> in his home, multiple firearms, several rounds of the ammunition, drugs as well as you can see here, the attack, the gang attack happened in october and that's when police found a man who was seriously hurt after being attacked by multiple people. all 6 have been booked for assault with a deadly weapon. >> well, for your health this morning, marin county officials are warning about a rise in hooping cough. they say it was since december that they notice the county has seen almost 100 cases, many of them among high school students. a physician at kaiser permanente, sandra fell tells us that testing is key. >> that turnaround time and testing is about one day or maybe 2 days. and that's really the gold standard for making the diagnosis. and now with the cluster that we're seeing, i think it is very important that if you have those symptoms that we get past. >> now the cdc is warning parents to make sure your kids are up to date on all their vaccines. 9.37 is the time and
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tenants in alameda county are protesting a new renter protection ordinance because they say it doesn't protect all renters. the new just cause law prevents landlords from evicting a tenant without cause. if they've lived in the property for more than a year. but people at yesterday's rally say the law leaves out residents who live in unincorporated areas like the even area. >> are people lined the streets are people are those who are becoming addicted and why becoming homeless. so we need these. we need these protections and we need this now. >> according to the group renters in the area have no local tenant protections. in fact, they solely rely on state law which they say has little local enforcement. >> its 9.37, an active shooter drills are part of the safety program for schools across the state. but now some lawmakers are concerned that they could be morrow harm to students because though they prepare them, they could also scares
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them. there's a new bill that's looking at how to set up a clear standard on how these drills will be conducted. >> had 2 kids in elementary school myself. we need to make sure that we're looking for security gaps are other ways to keep our community safe. should do a better job, really setting some parameters around active shooter drills so that they're not doing more harm than good. and the bill would also ensure that the community is told beforehand. >> if it is a drill or real assure that is at the school. some students are saying it's not happening now. they're not telling him that it's just a drill and they're getting alarmed and they also want to make mental health some resources available and known where and how to get those on campus. >> in the east and nonprofit is petitioning, they want to host a historic range, a train station to get restored. it's been abandoned and west oakland and the oakland heritage alliance would like to change that. right now. it's owned by a developer. it's the 16th street train
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station and citi ventures purchase that station and the surrounding land to build 90 homes. the nonprofit says that fixing the station would be a great, but it's not part of the plan right now. that station was damaged in the 89 loma prieta earthquake. and for years it's been neglected and the nonprofit is hoping hoping the happening as circulating his position. sorry, getting the word out will maybe put pressure on the developer and get some talks opened as to how to refer version and bring this back to life. >> caltrain retired more than a dozen of its old diesel cars over the weekend. all in the name of progress, the agency. 32 of its old passenger cars from its san jose and san francisco railyards to its storage facility up in petaluma. the retired cars debuted back in 1985. and we're finally taken out of service last year. they'll be replaced with new electric train cars, which is all part of caltrain's new electrification project starting this fall, caltrans will operate. 23 new electric
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trains each with 7 cars. our take a look at this. you might see these mysterious sea creatures the next time you go out to the beach. lot of people been reported seeing him. they're called villella, but they also go by the name by the wind, the sailors that's kind of a nod to how it gets around. they've been spotted on beaches all around the bay. they can staying. so you want to avoid touching them. although experts say they're generally not considered dangerous. >> that's just good rule of thumb for anything morrow led wildlife be while that's you know what? i try to teach my kids and tell everyone they can cause some skin irritation. it's pretty mild. but, you know, don't want get too close to for people in sensitive skin. generally, you know, you want to keep your pets clear of him to because you never know what will happen if if they ingest them. so just look at him, take some they're really, really cool for sure. >> well, jellyfish creatures get their nickname by the wind
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sailors because of the method they get around that that sort of sales structure on top, that kind of. takes them wherever the wind blows. >> 9.41 right now and speaking of sea creatures, there's a new state bill that looks to protect blue whales from being hit by ships. this bill aims to establish the california protecting blue whales and blue skies program. it would prevent, they say, fatal ship strikes on endangered whale populations and also reduce harmful air emissions. this program would offer incentives to shipping companies that slow their speed along the coastline. researchers say every year 100 whales are hit and killed by ships along the west coast. many near san francisco. its 9.41. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. she was once ranked in the top 20 best tennis players in the world. and now we're going to show you. >> how she is helping kids in the bay area. she is one of our remarkable women.
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>> and today most of us are looking at sunshine, but some of us are looking at this, actually some pretty heavy rainfall right around milpitas. the snow grade having just seen that over fremont and some decent showers as well around mountain view, sunnyvale up to redwood city right now
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection! italian herb for pasta... smoky chipotle for fajitas... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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i would never show my teeth. never. i'd never smile. and it forces you into this submission of silence because you don't think that anybody is going to take what you have to say seriously. invisalign has changed my life forever. >> 9.44, before you head out the door, you need to know if you still need the rain jacket. your that's right. and the person who will know that is john in the weather center. good morning. yeah. i would still bring it with even if you're looking at sunshine up above. take a look at this. san jose actually getting a little bit of that sunshine. but you look in the distance back there. those dark clouds
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are some showers that have rolled from the peninsula now into the east bay. we're certainly not done with this energy, you can see all across the region. but here in the bay area, prime example of that, we're still looking at some spotty showers across the southern end of the east bay north into the south bay and some of the peninsula. this cell rolled right over the peninsula. earlier leaving san mateo bridge as well as as a foe, pretty wet over the past few hours. and you are seeing some showers right now around palo alto, the dumbarton bridge milpitas up to fremont. most that energy now moving, though, into the hills above the east bay, little less populated up there should be running into. that's people. now futurecast does show you that we have spotty showers looking likely into the early afternoon for areas around the carquinez out into the inland east bay. we will continue to see that potentials. i bring the rain jacket with you even though a good share of us are actually going to come out of today. nice and dry. now tomorrow, our heaviest round of rainfall arrives and it does look pretty widespread through the morning with
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intensifying rain just past noon into the afternoon. 02:45pm here, yellow, orange and red indicating those heavy downpours scooting in from the south and west across the bay area making for a very wet start to the weekend on friday, spotty showers and unsettled weather continues into early saturday with even a chance of thunderstorms out there. so keep a close eye on your radar time saturday does look like sunday dries out pretty nicely. as for tomorrow's rain, half an inch to an inch and a quarter expected. we'll see even more on top of that on saturday with those spotty showers continuing for the middle of the weekend tomorrow. it's not just rain either. it's also some really strong winds. wind gusts in excess of 60 to 70 miles per hour at the coast in the east bay hills, particularly going to be seeing those windiest of conditions. the sierra has winter weather advisories going back into effect over the weekend. and that is because we still have several inches if not feet of snowfall. ahead of us once you
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had about 5,000 feet will still be measuring it in feet ahead. that low pressure area very strong continues to impact our weather through the weekend. your final days of march are still active but long range forecast showing a high pressure ridge building in behind it. that is going to contribute to a warming trend in a drying trend into next week. not before these 50's and 60's today and the 50's tomorrow into saturday entire bay area sunday for easter. kind of a day of transitioning out of this weather pattern and back into some drier and sunnier skies next week. right now, all like john just mentioned, that rain coming down along 8.86, ad out air. >> so if you look at those highways, you can see things are slow and slick and wet. so take your time as you're traveling. no need for speeding. get a look at the right now. bay bridge just under 17 minutes. there. our san mateo bridge around 15 minutes. things are starting to dry here the last hour. we are coming down pretty hard in terms of rain. richmond center fell bridge just short of 12 and the golden gate bridge. 37
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to the tolls. 22 minutes started is back to you. >> alright night, 48 is it time at kron 4 continues. the celebration of the bay area's remarkable women with the story of a pro tennis player turned. >> nonprofit leader. yeah. and now she coaches kids and how to win in the game of life. let's take a closer look now at her. she is from kron 4, stephanie land. >> read with me. if you'd like brady at mill breeze, meadows elementary, what is 6 s? >> that's easy to see is trying the best. you can be. a special assembly is underway a sure hand. are you ever afraid to fail? holding the microphone is keen at louis harper, co-founder of harper for kids, a nonprofit now in its 17th year of empowering children. >> starting with this simple message, it's really about just trying your best, no matter if your first place last place. if you've done everything you can. >> you should feel very proud of yourself. it's perspective.
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louis harper says she shared with tens of thousands of kids over the years and more than 100 schools in the bay area and beyond. there's so many negative definitions of success out there. can you imagine a world where kids are like success is all about trying their best. you know, it's like, wow, that's it. flipping the narrative by focusing on values like hard work, team, spirit and self-control here. it's not about winning or losing. you just want kids to live a happy, healthy life and really. give them a chance to pursue what they love and life. a message already resonating. i learned that sometimes it you can't. it's not always going to be perfect, but you should always try your best reminding us. it's ok, it's a mess up sometimes has. and you can learn from your mistakes. is there anything wrong telling us something? well, it can get you frustrated. sometimes you just have not let that get here and keep trying hide. value. served up from louis
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harper's own life story as a former pro tennis player once ranked among the best in the world. >> some of her first match is played here in san frangisco's golden gate park. she grew up the youngest daughter of chinese americans. my parents luckily did not pressure us in that way. like when lucy, you know, that was just part of the game. but, you know, if didn't win the match, that's ok, ko back out there the next day in practice, which we did. she won 14 national junior titles and as a pro ranked as high as 19th in the world. but perfection, never the end game is just about every day. can you be one percent better than you were the day before? louis harper also inspired by the teachings of coach john wooden, considered one of the greatest ncaa basketball coaches of all time. it's all about the peace of mind that happiness in your heart that you just tried your best. this former tennis champion turn nonprofit leader setting kids up for a court advantage in the game of life. that's ok,
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trike. and it's not always about hitting an ace. just keep encouraging your kids be happy. asked them, you know, what does success mean to them? scoring points instead on the strength of our efforts. that's what we hope for in all the kids to take away with. this is just to be proud of themselves. no matter. >> the result in san francisco, stephanie kron. 4 news. >> and it, you another person who has gone on to succeed after being. >> helped by his mom, her son, jared. he's a bay area musician and he made a national parents on the tv show the voice. and guess what? you can you set to perform. >> at bottle rock in may. its 9.51. right now coming up in the next hour, the problem morning news, a nonprofit. >> that's empowering women of color to pursue a role in businesses coming to san francisco.
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>> all right. we are back 9.54. is the time beyonce. her new album, cowboy carter drops tomorrow. in fact, she released more details about the songs that are going to be on it. you know, the first single texas hold'em made history by becoming the first song by a black female artist to hit number one on the country. songs chart. however, beyonce says the cowboy carter isn't a country album. it's a beyonce album a category. yeah. singer posted what appears to be the album's tracklist the poster. he can
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make it out. has 27 names including references to country legend dolly parton, else and linda martell you could be covering some of those songs like 10 chalet. i heard a rumor that jolie. >> yeah, i can see the right. the center. jolene maybe she does that you're listening to dolly right now? we'll let beyonce. yeah, do the cover. but in any event is pretty exciting. and again, the album drops tomorrow. so i bet you will sell out cowboys big now, right? like, you know, country music. the whole thing. i got a hat. i mean, isis sparkly like now, what are the glitter? all right. and now a woman that cough or is familiar with our own pam moore. >> she is a legend here and she is a powerful woman, says she's getting a powerful women of the bay area award. these annual was showcase women during women's history month and she's getting this year's special recognition for her work in the bay area. and here's some of her work that she's done on channel 4 over the years. she started 91 as
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an anchor and general assignment reporter. she was nominated for an emmy. she's gotten all kinds of awards for the national occassion academy of tv arts and sciences. she this whole studios named after that is ham or and this is my favorite shot with a double tone. i had a jacket like that and erika like that. >> pam, 32 years here. and still going by the way, she retired. she special project actually does more work. now that shavers, i know she congratulations. pound it is 9.56. and coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. >> everybody's get ready for opening day of baseball. and some of the biggest a's fans are going to be in the parking lot. said inside will tell you why. >> and a school district in east san jose is facing money problems and that could mean trouble for students.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, pacifica police shoot and kill a woman after they say she shot person inside of their home. have the latest on the investigation. it's opening day for major league baseball and thousands of oakland a's fans are expected protest the season opener. going to tell you why. and a fast food wage hike is coming to workers in california next week. but some businesses are exempt from those employees aren't too happy about. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching on morning team. >> thanks for joining us. and aria, along with our future billionaire james, a lot although, yeah, just me tomorrow. right now we're all we are. and we've got lots to talk about wer-


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