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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> all right. now at five-thirty, the rain is moving into the bay area. been scattered throughout the afternoon, figures too pickup. >> that's what lawrence tells us a little bit later on tonight. we're really going to feel like winter again, lawrence. yeah, how about that? i think the one that comes after this one, actually that was going to pack a little punch as it heads toward the bay area. but tonight we're back into the rain, the high country. guess what? it looks a lot like winter there. that snow coming down again. you're looking at a live shot right now at half dome in the snow been falling across the higher peaks now and more on the way overnight. we'll be picking up there as
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well. you can see the very latest on 50 in 18 hours starting to see some snow showers popping up across their of the highest peaks toward honor. and as you make your way, that also be prepared if you're traveling in the high country. yeah, we've got a couple of cold storms rolling in next. we're going to be a windy storm and carrying a lot more moisture with it. so yes, snow levels going to be dropping overnight tonight, starting out around 5,000 feet or so. but by tomorrow about 3500 feet, as much as one to 2 feet of snow above 5,000 feet. that is a lot of snow that will impact your traveling up there. so expect some travel delays and some chain controls from time to time and some gusty winds, especially with that friday storm. there's a very this latest look at that. winter storm warning up along the western of the sierra nevada. you see the winter weather advisory continuing all the way from tahoe down toward mammoth. and you're 70 as well as you might expect. some cold temperatures moving in. the snow showers see up there. going to be on and off tomorrow. and then i think the heavier storm with a some windy conditions, possible whiteout conditions from time
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to time on friday. as you can see that heavy snow and some very gusty winds kicking in on friday and into saturday, too. so if you're planning on traveling up there for the holiday weekend, you better be prepared. a lot of snow coming your way and some dangerous travel forecast for snow. yeah. a lot of that. some of the highest peaks as we head through the weekend. maybe we're talking 3, 4, feet of snow, maybe more across the highest peaks. lot of that on the way to the storm system now just working its way in more snow for tomorrow and a bigger storm after that coming on friday. and the start out your weekend. lawrence. thank you. the 2 brothers attacked by a mountain lion over the weekend near a small town east of sacramento took the right measures to scare the big cap off. >> but still in this extremely rare case ending in one death, the cougar continued with its deadly attack. that's according to state wildlife officials. but kron four's philippe djegal reports people should still stands tall if encountered by a lion. >> for the 3rd time in a year and a half, ryan mooney
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surveillance cameras captured a mountain lion passing through his property in the martinez hills. the most recent spotted march. 11th fitting given incredible pass. mooney knows cougars are around, but fortunately has never come face to face with one. and after learning of the recent deadly attack near sacramento, he hopes he never does. currently. i think we're cold sistine. okay. but it is one of those things where i don't know how the mount line would react. >> if we cross paths and the california department of fish and wildlife confirms through statements from the victims family that the 2 brothers attacked by a young mountain lion over the weekend did rely on their training by shouting aggressively standing tall and even throwing something at the big cat is trip. horrible tragedy. >> but that was not enough to prevent this. not land from attacking the 2 of fish and wildlife estimates. the state's mountain lion population is between 4,006 1000. >> this weekend's attack resulted in the first death in
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20 years. one brother survived biologist zara mcdonald's with the field, a conservation fund and puma project says human encounters with mountain lions are rare where the attack happened because it is rural. she suspects the brothers were searching for antler sheds near a sleeping lion and it was spooked. she says you are less likely to come across a big cat in the bay area because they are used to us and do whatever they can to stay away. are the urban wild land interface. so we are. >> right at the urban edge lions that navigate. >> this edge are extremely vigilant. and, you know, avoided of humans. they go out of their way to avoid humans. and if you about all of the people living in and around the bay area and los angeles, these large urban areas, lions are amazing at avoiding us. if you do come across an aggressive one, mcdonald says fight back. >> for the lions, eyes and
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nose to hopefully disorient the animal and eventually retreat. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> police in antioch are investigating after a man was found shot to death in a parked car. police say they found the 36 year-old parked on east 18th street near lake al hombre. they didn't offer any other details but say it appears to be an isolated incident. the identity of the man he's being withheld until his family can be notified. >> multiple fire arms and several pounds of drugs were seized in san jose during the search for 6 men accused of gang motivated assault back in october of last year. police say they found a man seriously injured after he was attacked by multiple people. last wednesday, police arrested those 6 men, they believe were involved. only one of the 6 suspects still lived in san jose. the other 5 were found in southern california. all 6 are booked for assault with a deadly weapon. active shooter
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drills have sadly become kind of the new normal in schools in this country. but one state lawmaker here >> says he's concerned these drills are actually causing many students, too, have anxiety depression. so now he's introduced legislation that he thinks can help kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> you're looking at a school shootings rely covered nearly 2 years ago at criminal area high school. it featured crisis actors lying on the ground and on tables pretending to be least with weapons and first responders simulating an on-campus evacuation of the wounded. all of it, something that someone member chris ward recognizes as a necessity to ensure students are prepared in an era when school shootings have become all too common. i have 2 kids in elementary school myself. we need to make sure that we're looking for security gaps are other ways to keep our community safe. he says, well, drills are rightfully focused on protecting students physically. he believes more attention must turn, turn sharing. the drills are not
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causing students harm emotionally. we should do a better job, really setting some parameters around active shooter drills so that they're not doing more harm than good. that's why he says he introduced assembly bill 18. 58 also known as the safe and prepared schools act. it will require school districts to set clear standards about how to conduct such drills and ensure the school community is made aware of the drill in advance something sacramento area student arianna williams said did not happen during to drill. she experienced at her high school. >> i had no clue if the lockdown was real or not. she spoke alongside war. but this recent press conference supporting his bill, the swat team filled the halls. the lockdown cause hysteria. i remember some of my classmates crying hyperventilating and panicking. and all i could think to do is text my mom and tell her i love her. even some of the drills. >> i've had some very horrible and that sometimes way more of a turn them to each i think should be exposed to scenarios where they see victims lying
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around and think pools of blood for a simulated activity like an active shooter drill. it's important to run through that exercise but do so in a way that doesn't induce trauma. and that's why he says a major part of his legislation calls on schools to notify all students and staff about on campus mental health resources. he notes several studies, including this one from the georgia institute of technology showed nationwide up to 42% of students and staff reported an increase in stress. >> anxiety and depression after school shooting drill took place. we need to be prepared to make sure that we can keep our students, our staff and our in a safe space. >> and while we are still at the beginning of this year's legislative process, as of now, the bill has no formal opposition reporting at the state capitol. wallace. >> kron 4 news. new developments tonight in baltimore where divers have recovered. >> 2 bodies of workers among the mangled remains of the francis scott key bridge. authorities say the bodies of
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the 35 year-old and a 26 year-old. they were in a pickup truck in the river not far from where the key bridge fell. the 2 were fixing potholes. they were among the 6 construction workers presumed killed when a massive cargo ship lost power and slammed into the bridge yesterday morning. >> back here at home, health officials in marin county are issuing a warning as a highly contagious respiratory tract infection, known as whooping cough. it's on the rise since december. the county has seen almost 100 cases. many of those from high school students. earlier we spoke with a physician at kaiser permanente. sandra fell about the rise in cases. he says just like when it comes to covid testing is key. >> gold standard of distinguishing is to get a sample from the nose in from them out. and that's a major friend jill sample and sent for testing the turnaround time and testing is about one day or maybe 2 days. and that's really the gold standard for making the
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diagnosis. and now with the cluster that we're seeing, i think it is very important that if you have those symptoms that we get past. >> cdc is warning parents to make sure their kids are up to date on all vaccines. >> police in san francisco are offering a quarter million dollars for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whomever is responsible for a deadly shooting that happened in april of 2022. at the alice chalmers playground behind longfellow elementary school. this isn't the crocker, amazon neighborhood. investigators say the victims were playing basketball when at least 2 people in a car started shooting. they say 20 year-old karen carlson and 22 year-old brandon alexander cheese were killed. 2 other victims were shot but survives. police say the getaway car was a silver honda accord. is looking for a new hope. the rail line has
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been sharing its headquarters with samtrans since the 1990's. but samtrans is moving to a new office space near the millbrae caltrain station. that will happen next year. samtrans invited caltrain to move with them. that was kind. but the rail lines says it wants to shop around first for a new home of its own. this could get spicy. they say the company is expected to grow to 177 employees over time. so they want an office that is ideally between 20,000 to 30,000 square feet and they want a 5 to ten-year lease. they're considering locations in san francisco millbrae redwood city and san mateo. we'll have to keep following that. >> senator le finds a butler announcing the state of california is getting more than 260 million dollars in federal money for projects across the state and here in the bay area, some of them include more than 65 million dollars going towards water
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projects, including water storage, and flood protection. another 21 million is set to go towards addressing the state's homeless and housing crisis. some of the money will also go towards improving wildfire prevention and the state's opioid epidemic. >> well, you might see these mysterious sea creatures the next time you head to beach. they've been washing up all over certain parts of the bay, a marine life expert explains what is going on.
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>> i let's talk weather. looks
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fun. i know that surprise me that drops on the camera lens. this is a upon sutro tower. so you get all kinds of whether there and he has started to rain. raindrops on roses, lawrence, savoring every single moment. we're getting close to the end of the season. looks like to me now on. >> we got a couple storms to deal with one coming in today and tonight, another stronger one coming in as we head in toward friday and the weekend. so, yeah, if you're a lover, you better enjoy these. after this looks like things really settls down. i think in the first week in april, a little bit beyond now, too. so out there right now, we've got a lot of clouds. we've got some showers out there looking for the east bay hills back out over the bay. we've got some more raindrops there. not too bad of the golden gate bridge. we've had some scattered pop up showers but not too wet. there. that's going to change as we head through the night tonight. i think that rain it's going to really start to ramp up around 7 8 o'clock tonight. so if you're headed out this evening, make sure you're prepared for that. likely to see some puzzling out there on the roadways. so a cloudy and wet for tonight, a little breezy, then it will turn the showers after midnight. and then tomorrow,
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partly cloudy, a see some sunshine. if you're lucky. a couple of rainbows in a couple of scattered showers popping up around the bay area and then looks like stronger storm system moving in on friday. that will likely continue into the weekend out the door yet nor was talking about being a little cool. how about that? you got mid 50's in the north bay. 59 degrees oakland right now. 59 in san jose with some cloudy skies as well. well, the storm system rolling into the pacific. you can see that big swirl in the gulf of alaska right there. and all of a sudden here comes that front coming into california. not a real strong one, really acting like a late season storm system. the next one is going a little bit different, though. it's going to act more of a punch as it comes through. but you see the pop-up showers rolling on through mainly just some scattered light showers. even some drizzle along the coastline. as we head through the morning hours. then by the afternoon start to ramp up a little bit more on. that's way it's going to play out tonight. things will be on the increase is the main cold front going to start dropping in. so if you are planning on heading outside tonight, make sure you grab that umbrella with you. you're going to from time to time and probably tomorrow, too. in fact, keep
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it handy for the next couple of days. all right. we've got this one system dropping in. but look what's developing on the backside of this one right here. we've been watching this storm system come through tonight. and then behind that, we get this guy in the center of that area of low pressure. it's going to camp itself right off the coastline. so that being the case, lot more intensity with this next one coming through. a lot more wind, maybe start talking. winds gusting 40 45 miles an hour along the coastline. power outages could be an issue. we could see some more trees coming down with some of those gusty winds that kind of rolls through into saturday to and that the area of low pressure is close enough. we could see some thunderstorms as well on easter sunday. maybe some pop-up showers in the afternoon county outlaw outlaw that up to thing's going to start to clear out looks like as we get into next week and the first week of april, things begin to calm down. so tomorrow. yeah, not a rainout tomorrow. couple of pop-up showers. temperatures in the 50's and the 60's. next couple days, though, it gets a little bit wet and wild as we get into friday, a chance of thunderstorms on saturday. slight chance of shower on easter sunday, too. >> but then my seal to sonny's
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that. see, that's the bonus. that's the payoff we get back to mid 70's by the middle of next weekend. feels like baseball weather going to a nice. yeah. he's for the sunny. sunny for the sunnies. yep. get thanks, guys. some sad news tonight. famed sculptor and san francisco native richard serra has died. his lawyer confirmed the death saying he died of pneumonia. >> sarah was known as the poet of iron. he started drawing at a young age and was inspired by the time he spent at a shipyard where his dad worked as a pipe fitter went to uc berkeley and eventually yale where he graduated in 1964. this 120 foot long curving wall of ross steel at the federal plaza in new york city. first put him on the map in the 80's. it generated backlash, though and was later taken down. sarah was well known for working with nontraditional materials, things like rubber latex, even neon his works have been installed in landscapes and included in the collections of museums across the world.
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richard serra was 85 years old. after winning their first match on the road against angel city. fc the bay areas, new women's pro soccer team bay fc is play its first home game this weekend. it will be against the houston dash saturday night tickets for the match paypal park where the quakes play are already sold out. people are excited here. rightfully so. officials say parking lots are expected to fill quickly. fans are encouraged to take bart caltrain or use rideshare services. the first 5,000 fans through the gates will receive an inaugural pin. there will also be a fan fest area inside the stadium. afc is the newest expansion team in the national women's soccer league. >> happening tomorrow, baseball is back. the giants and the a's both begin their regular season. the giants will be in san diego. take on the padres. giants are looking to have a bounce-back season after failing to make the playoffs last year. logan webb
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will be on the mound for san francisco. first pitch set for one 10 tomorrow afternoon. meantime, the a's will begin. what could be their final year at the coliseum. the team's current lease expires at the end of this season. they're currently in negotiations over a new lease until the team's stadium is built in las vegas. the a's will open their season at home against the cleveland guardians, former giant alex wood will be on the mound for oakland. first pitch for that game. set for 707, tomorrow night. >> all right. take a look at this. you might see these mysterious sea creatures the next time you head to the beach. they are called the label. is that we're saying so valera. and so multiple would be the legless alanis or delay lot. they're also apparently known on the streets as by by the wind sailors, by the wind sailors. i mean, these things
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are interesting. the jellyfish, like creatures are known for their beautiful blue hues. >> and been spotted on beaches around the bay area. however. >> experts say the u shouldn't touch them because they can stay generally, though they're not considered dangerous. just best to not touch them. >> that's just good rule of thumb for anything morrow led wildlife you while that's you know what? i try to teach my kids and tell everyone look your eyes. you know, is that very simple? it's hard to you want to check them out? you want to touch him, but i'm just leave him they can cause some skin irritation. it's pretty mild. but, you know, don't want get too close to for people in sensitive skin. generally, you know, you want to keep your pets clear of him to because you never know what will happen if if they ingest them. so just look at him, take some their new you really will for sure.
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>> they are the valais lead gets its nickname, you know, by the wind sailors because their only method of transportation is too catch the seabreeze the ties that with the way to see flows, the kind of look like stained glass windows. just don't touch. yeah, it's and then they have that middle part kind of popping up i mean, so very interesting. little creature. you learn something new every day. i love the ocean. okay. hosting an easter celebration this saturday. it's happening at frontier land park from noon to 03:00pm. >> our producer wants to go, but it's only for kids, ages 0 to organizers are encouraging all to come for caught. they're calling the epic adventure. families can also enjoy music from a live dj while they play games, eat some food, get on rides as a lot going on at this a venture, they do ask you bring
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your own bag basket or bucket for county. got to somewhere to put up. yeah. can stuff from all your back and keep it for next year. so you know, to go. >> find that stuff again. up next, you won't believe the industry benefiting from the industry benefiting from the upcoming solar eclipse. .
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don't wait- call today. >> the >> total solar eclipse may be boosting tourism for many cities on the path of totality. but it seems one industry is reporting an expected economic boom that part of parties, those
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companies reporting high cities along the path of the eclipse. try to make preparations for the large crowds. a total solar eclipse is expected on april 8th. it will be the first one to pass over the u.s. in 7 years on. remember the last time i wrote last night, california isn't on the best path, though, to see the total eclipse. nasa estimates people in the bay area will just over. 35 1% of coverage which isn't that exciting. but it does. we can just before 10:15am, in the morning on april, 8th reaching peak at 11, 13 and at 12, 16 pm so. so we're also wasn't a close, a better path. last i lived in texas 7 years i just saw some pictures of that was back in august of that year, though. so interesting is happening the time of year. well. >> when you got to go, you've got to go and got to go apps up kron, 4 news at 5. so total eclipse of the sun and a full moon at the porta-potty. there you go. all here's what we're
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working on for kron. 4 news at 6 o'clock. oakland mayor sheng thao fo mally introduces floyd mitchell as that city's next police chief. we're going to hear from mitchell about his plans to improve the department. plus, investigators still on the scene after a woman was shot and killed by police in we have the latest developments in that case. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next. next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6.


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