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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> to introduce to you. our new top police officer chief floyd mitchell. >> now at 5, oakland mayor sheng thao introducing floyd
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mitchell as oakland's next police chief. we've learned about his background, his goals and what he thinks of the oakland police department. thanks for joining us here on kron for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus. it's a high-profile job. the former lubbock, texys police chief spoke today about his plans to try to tackle the big challenges his new city faces scrub forest see it was at the news conference earlier. she joins us now live with more on oakland's new top cop theresa, a grant to go. well, what a big day. floyd mitchell got straight to the point saying that building public trust. >> and creating a safer community will be his top priority. >> i look forward to becoming an integral part of this community and the pursuit of public safety all come. police chief floyd mitchell broke down his goals of why he decided to take the job is top cop of oakland. >> and what he plans to do in his first 100 days on the job. >> first 100 days is truly going to be me getting my
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getting here, getting on the ground and getting out to me. everyone here getting to know who my council members are getting to know who are the movers and shakers within the organization getting to know my command staff getting to know their abilities, getting to know the police department and where we can get better and how we go about getting better. crime continues to plague oakland while burglaries are down by 46%. >> violent crime overall is up by 14%, which includes robberies up. 37%. chief lloyd says that he embraces programs such as cease-fire to make a difference. he also said keeping at retaining officers will be top of mind. you want to make oakland's police department b the employer of choice for the bay area. >> you want your officers know that they're going to be supported and and that you're going to take care of them both from a benefit standpoint. but you're also going to see them as a person. i think it's important that that you enjoy coming to work.
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>> the opd continues to be managed by a federal monitor due to the writers case more than 20 years ago where officers were caught planting evidence. chief michel says that he will work to move the department out of that relationship. my job is to continue to do the work to satisfy those requirements and working with my team to make sure that we do everything that we're supposed to do. >> to satisfy those requirements. i'm going to sit down with the monitor and identify specifically what we need to do and how we need to do it to get to the end of road. >> again, big job mitchell will be opd. these 12 chief in the last decade. that is including interim chief. she says, although he is an outsider, he already feels at home and looks forward to getting to work. his swearing-in date will be sometime in the next 30 days. back to you guys. >> all right. thank you to reset our other top story tonight. we're following developing news in pacifica where police say they shot and killed a woman who had just
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shot her son. right now, francisco boulevard between clarendon road and lakeside avenue is blocked off as police work to clear the scene. kron four's dan thorn has been working this story. he is live in pacifica with the latest. good evening, dan. >> yeah, good evening, grant. still a large police presence here on francisco boulevard after that deadly shooting earlier today. you can see here, as you mentioned, that area still closed off here from what we learned this morning. police responding to an apartment complex here on francisco boulevard after a son called 9-1-1 saying that he was shot by his mom. once investigators arrived on the scene here, they say they encountered that mom and that mom then turned it officers and pointed a gun at them. and one of those police officers actually shot or rather one of those police officers actually shot that bomb and killed that mom once they got to the apartment complex, they found that there was a victim there
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on on scene. the sun did suffer one gunshot wound. he was taken to the hospital right now. we know that he is doing okay. no other officers were injured from what we've been. no officers were injured of fun is what we've been told. a district attorney's office as a part of their protocol. they're going to be looking into what went into this situation. and as for the circumstances surrounding this shooting, it's still unclear and we're not sure if there was some sort of fight that happened here and why mom shot her son again. investigators still on the scene here. we know that the forensics team is here. a lot of their focus is on the other side of this building. the perfect pour cafe with that apartment we're still going to be working to get some more information. we caught up with neighbor a little bit earlier. that neighbor telling us that she had actually heard several shots out here this she didn't know what happened. she thought maybe it was firecrackers. then she later learned the unfortunate news that police shot and killed a
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woman. we'll have more her and other neighbors coming up tonight at 6 o'clock. that's latest here live in pacifica. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> dan, thank you for that live report. we'll continue to update folks on this story as the evening goes on. taking a live look outside now towards. the north bay and the golden gate bridge there it is wet. yeah. the storm has rolled in. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us to let us know how things will play out from here. >> a couple. showers through >> lauren lawrence, i think there's something wrong with your microphone. we're going to get that checked out to get you the latest weather forecast in other news, a former alameda county deputy
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accused of killing a married couple made an appearance in court today for a preliminary hearing. the incident dates back to september 2022, the family of the victims were there to put pressure on alameda county district attorney pamela price for requesting the judge dismiss enhancement charges in the case. kron four's gayle ong was in court today. she has the very latest here live from dublin. >> yes, i'm devin williams. the man accused of the double murders. he is facing 50 years to life. if convicted and sentence of all charges. and the judge today in court tonight, the assistant district attorneys or request to dismiss those enhancements. but the judge did say that the can request the to drop the enhancements again after this up preliminary hearing that took place today. so today's court appearance was preliminary preliminary hearing for the judge to determine whether defendant
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will be held over to face the murder charges. williams is a former alameda county deputy. as you remember, he is accused of killing a married couple back in september 2022. police say devin shot the married woman. he was dating and her husband at the time inside the couple's home in dublin. officers say he went on the run for a few hours, but eventually surrendered the family of maria and venison tran gathered outside court to put pressure on the d a here is the reaction from maria tran sister about the judge denied a motion to dismiss enhancements. >> the judges good. he knows about the case in u.s. history, but he knows to be doing the right thing. and said i'm extremely grateful for what he has done. but is now up to the a price to do the right thing and to bring justice to our family and the community. >> next court appearance will take the next court appearance will take place tomorrow afternoon. and the victims
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families say they will be here to put more pressure on price. live in dublin, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> all right. thank you, gayle. want to go back to lawrence now with a check of the forecast. guys. the rain moving in now across the bay area so far it has just been some widely scattered showers popping up around the bay area. little drizzle along the coastline, but it's going to ramp up as we head through the night tonight into tomorrow morning. see more of that rain moving off to the bay area. then another strong storm system behind this. but here it is rolling on in right now. not the strongest storms moving on through, but we'll see the bulk of that coming through right around between about 8 and about 11 o'clock tonight. i think that's when things really going to pick up at scattered showers between now and then you see it popping up around the bay area right now. some of the showers making their way into parts of the north bay started to slide in the central bay to we're going to see more of that as we head through the evening as things are really going to get going as we head through the middle of the evening and then things tapering off. more scattered showers overnight tonight and tomorrow morning.
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but you're going to see some pockets of some downpours and that is going to open the door to some very unsettled weather. so if you are headed out the door tonight may be headed out to dinner. yeah. you might want to grab that umbrella with you just in case a few showers popping up around the bay area. temperatures fairly mild generally in the 50's. but yeah, we've this frontal system off the coastline that is going to be pushing on through as we head through the night tonight and that opens the door. you see the jet stream side in the south. there's another storm coming in right behind it. that one is going to swing in right along the california coastline. we're talking about a pretty wild friday around the bay area will have more on that coming up in a few minutes. lauren, thank you. the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. >> could be going to a recount. former san jose mayor sam liccardo has already secured his place in the november general election. but the race to decide who he will face off with is razor thin. right now, santa clara county supervisor joe submit ian is leading assemblymember evan low by just 2 votes. both campaigns are working secure
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ballots, meaning they are asking voters to 6 ballots that may be missing a signature according to san mateo county officials. there are 525 ballots that need to be cured by april. 2nd, or they won't be counted and the candidate can ask for a recount. but so far, neither some of the in orlo have confirmed they plan to do so. east. san jose's alum, rock union school district is facing a dire financial deficit and could be taken over by the santa clara county office of education. the district has 22 schools ranging from kindergarten to 8th grade. the education office is now reviewing the district's financial report for this school year. as well as resolutions addressing its projected budget deficit. the outcome of the review is still uncertain, but they say school closures in the district are imminent. hunters point tennis courts are back open in san francisco. those courts were dedicated almost 40 years ago.
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now. >> by tennis legend arthur ashe, the non-profit san franciscans for sports and recreation as well as the u.s. tennis association raised more than $270,000 to help upgrade for courts. there. >> coming up, san francisco mayoral candidate daniel lurie getting a big endorsement from someone who knows a lot about the ins and outs of the job. and after a man killed by a mountain lion in eldorado county. wildlife experts say what you should do. >> if you come face to face with the big cat, doesn't back down. and why california's new fast food minimum wage law has some fearing they'll lose their job. stick with us.
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>> california's new minimum wage law kicks in next week. kid raises the minimum wage for fast-food workers to 20 bucks an hour. what should be a celebration you might think for workers as also though, turned into fear over losing job. scott four's rob nesbitt spoke with some fast food wopkers and he joins us live in the studio to share their concerns. rob grant, many workers at fast-food chains are immigrants and don't speak english. that who i spoke to today say the minimum wage increase is an improvement, but they hope that is just the start. >> california is home to more than 500,000 fast food workers. and starting april first minimum wage for them will raise to $20 an hour. i spoke to to spanish speaking fast-food workers in oakland about the increase, including de la vargas who works as a cook at mcdonnell's.
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>> business around guess distance guide us as to when i found out about their raise. i was really happy and i knew it would help a lot of people. >> she says living paycheck to paycheck has been difficult with the previous minimum wage of $16 an hour from all the crews works at a wendy's and says she can relate to the struggles. si is the face people. it's very difficult. both my husband and i work but he doesn't have a stable job. and so when he's not i become the head of household and 16 is not enough to pay for rent and like many fast food workers. cruz works later shift and has noticed an increase of crime at night. she would like to see an even bigger minimum wage increase for those who often find themselves in harm's way experienced a lot. i don't. what comes to mind that really, really scared me was i saw my co-worker shot in the face with a bb and when i when i saw happened, i to myself,
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what if this was a real car and she could have died right there. and many fast food workers are already losing their jobs over the wage. increase pizza hut in round table have both laid off 10,000 plus delivery drivers. and chipotle says it will be raising its prices to comply with the new wage law in on system right now. >> one hour gets ca a but we do know at the next week it will be more hours. and so, yes, it does for i see them also bringing in new people and that worries me, too. >> the state assembly has passed a proposal to exempt some fast food restaurants from the new $20 minimum wage, including airports, hotels event, center's theme parks and museums reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> thank you. rob says we get a peek outside on this wednesday on skies over the golden gate. >> things sure have changed, lauren. yeah. so much for the spring days, right? i mean,
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the nice warm sunshine temperatures in the 70's, but they're going to come back. we just have to wait a little bit. we've got some more stormy weather to deal with. looks like that's going to be rolling on in. you're seeing some of the showers popping up around the bay area right now looking out towards sfo, raining out of sfo right now. they do have delays of over an hour, but not because the rain just because we've got construction going on out there on the runway right now. but storm clouds on the kind of rolling through throughout the day, leaving behind a few scattered showers. nothing exceedingly important just yet. but i think afterward over these next 2 storms, i think we're much of the bay area going to be above normal precipitation wise for the season. snow is already begun in the sierra nevada to the bay area starting to get into some rain as well. and you see these shirley strands of moisture moving on through right now. some of those showers saying for the south of the main event still yet to come. that is going to push it through a little bit later on in the evening. so here's where we sit right now. few widely scattered showers. so if you're headed out the door this evening, make sure you're prepared for that. that rain will be picking up, though, becoming more steady as we head throughout the evening, too. let's forecast model. you can see some of the scattered
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showers showing up. the moving up out of the south. now and then as we head in toward 8 o'clock, that's when the-main front begins to drop in. and you can see here in the yellow and the and the orange. that's when that rain. it's coming on through. so be prepared. those showers going to be dropping on through the evening tonight and into looks like tomorrow morning. more scattered showers but slowly working its way through the bay area to about 10 o'clock tonight that after midnight turn into more widely scattered showers and beginning to taper off into tomorrow morning. but more rain probably on and off tomorrow. 2 more scattered showers are going to see some sunny breaks between the clouds, not going to be a washout tomorrow, but occasional showers wondering on through maybe even a thunderstorm. be aware of that. we've got some more stormy weather on the way. in fact, as we get to friday and much more significant storm tomorrow about 63 degrees, partly cloudy and san jose. slight chance of showers and temperatures go at 58. did today. >> to give my endorsement to daniel lurie. >> former san francisco mayor and police chief rankin jordan. you heard him. they're
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making a big endorsement for daniel worries. campaign for mayor jordan says his political ideals align with lori and he's proud to endorse the heir to the levi strauss fortune. >> right now, there's a serious concern and it's been going on for about the last 5 years. safety now is turning out to be the number one concern for all of san franciscans. so we need to get back to that first priority of government, which is the protection of life property. >> as part of his campaign, lori talked about his plans for san francisco's police department has behavioral health plan as well. laurie also says he plans on fully staffing the police department and sheriff's office. he's calling for a citywide fentanyl state of emergency as well. the top candidates laurie is facing in the race for san francisco. mayor r incumbent mayor london breed, former san francisco mayor mark farrell and san francisco supervisor ahsha safa e.
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robert f kennedy junior's announcement yesterday about a bay area running mate has voters and political analysts talking. the independent presidential candidate chose tech attorney and philanthropist nicole shanahan kron four's catherine heenan is in the newsroom. a shia has been following this story. she's got the latest for us. catherine, yet know on the first 24 hours or so following the announcement. >> kennedy has raised more than 2 million dollars, not bad, although it is agreed he'll need. >> 10's of millions to get on state ballots and keep going putting a running mate in place is considered a move that could help kennedy on several fronts, although it remains to be seen if he has any real shot in the race. >> the kennedy team is hoping shanahan will attract young voters. help him get on more state ballots and it is not incidental that she has deep pockets. the former wife of google co-founder sergey brin
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is wealthy and has donated to the kennedy campaign. shanahan echoes many of kennedy's core beliefs, including a distrust of vaccines. some observers, in fact, we're surprised the new vice presidential candidate leaned into that so heavily tuesday. pharmaceutical medicine has its place. >> but no single safety study can assess a cumulative impact of one prescription on top of another prescription and one shot on top of another shot on top of another shot throughout the course of childhood. he just told you that steady rain out. >> it does cut some non-traditional and traditional lines. that's the appeal. anti-vax moment. it was during the covid pandemic in our case trying to ride that wave, if you will, into an anti establishment. contrary a moment headed into the november election and his running mate, as someone who shares many of those same
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views that and ideas and then that sense, they're kind of peas in a pod here. >> kennedy, meantime, has been labeled a spoiler. something he acknowledged again during tuesday's announcement. >> our campaign is a spoiler. i agree with it's it's a spoiler for president biden and for president trump. but political analyst david mckeown says it is the biden team, which is most likely worry he has the potential to be a real wrecking ball for democrats. >> that wrecking ball would include qualifying beyond. the only state is officially on the ballot so far that utah, but he has enough signatures, for example, to get on the ballot in hawaii, new hampshire and nevada. those are all democratic states. so he's positioning himself to take votes from both parties. but at a higher rate from democrats. and this is why democrats and the dnc are freaking out.
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>> kennedy told me this weekend he said it again yesterday. he is confident he will get on the ballots of all 50 states. mckeown cause that challenge a heavy lift. he says kennedy is also running out of time. he's only got about 8 weeks, grant and well. >> thank you, catherine. former connecticut senator and democratic vice presidential nominee joe lieberman has died according to a statement from his family. he passed due to complications from a fall remembered for his moral stance during the clinton era. lieberman made history as the first jewish candidate on a major party presidential ticket. despite winning the popular vote with outdoor their campaign was overshadowed by the supreme court's decision to halt the florida recount. ultimately leading to george w bush's victory. joe lieberman was 82 years old. >> residents in the east bay are rallying for better rent are rallying for better rent protec
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>> housing measure vetoed by san francisco. mayor london breed has been overridden by the city's board of supervisors. the measure protects some of the city's neighborhoods from being turned into high-rise housing city officials voted 8 to 3 to override the mayor last night. san francisco can still build housing, but not in certain neighborhoods like the northeast waterfront or the jackson square historic district. meantime, people in alameda county are rallying in support of residents left out of the new just cause protections. the law restricts landlords from terminating a residential lease when a
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tenant has occupied the property for a year or more without a just cause. but raleigh or say the ordinance does little to protect residents who live in unincorporated areas like the even area leaving thousands of families vulnerable to eviction and displacement. according to the group renters in the even area have no local tenant protections and solely rely on state law which has little if any local enforcement. >> new details in this weekend's deadly mountain lion attack. and what you should do if you come face-to-face with one of these send the big cat gets aggressive. plus trying to adjust to a new normal. how one state lawmaker hopes to keep students prepared for potential danger. well, also keeping their mental health in mind. and we're tracking the forecast. umbrellas are out there tonight and they could be out there tomorrow. the next day, the
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