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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  March 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you for joining us here on kron for news at 3 and justine waltman. we're following developing news out of pacifica right now where police say they shot and killed a woman who had just shot her own son. right now, francisco boulevard between clairton road and lakeside avenue is shut down as police are trying to clear the scene. kron 4 s charles clifford has the latest now from pacifica. >> well, here in pacifica on wednesday, law enforcement has closed down the 2500 block of francisco boulevard between clare dunne and lakeside since early in the morning when one person was fatally shot. according to the pacifica police department around 07:41am, in the morning, they
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received a 9-1-1 call from a man claiming that his mother had shot him inside a residence in the 2500 block of francisco when officers arrived on scene, they found a woman attempting leave the area in a vehicle when they confronted her. she pointed a firearm at the officers. there was then an exchange of gunfire and that woman died at the scene. it's unclear at this point if any of the officers were injured. we also know that person was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and is in stable condition now since the shooting early this morning, officers from the pacifica police department along with south san francisco and sheriff's deputies from the san mateo county sheriff's office have been here on scene. we also know that the san mateo county district attorney's office, we'll be taking over the investigation into this case so far. we do not know the identities of any of the people involved. we also don't know what might have started. this incident between the mother and the son early this morning in pacifica, charles clifford kron. 4 news.
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>> to antioch now where police are investigating after a man was found shot to death in a parked car. police say they found the 36 year-old man parked east 18th street near lake hombre. police did not offer any other details but said it appears to be an isolated incident. the identity of the man is being withheld until his family could be notified. berkeley police are trying to figure out how a juvenile was shot in the leg last night. this happened around 11. tina bonar street right near strawberry creek park. officers say they found physical evidence of a shooting as well as a juvenile who had been shot in the thigh. the victim went to the hospital for treatment and no arrests have been made. a big story today is that we've got to meet oakland's new police chief floyd mitchell was introduced as the new top cop kron four's. stephanie lin has more now on mitchell's goals as he takes over this new job. stephanie, thanks for joining yeah, thanks for having me. just enough for the first time oakland residents got to meet and hear from their new police chief.
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>> or to introduce to you, our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. >> shouldn't out doing the honors this afternoon. mitchell who began his career with the kansas city police department in missouri served as police chiefs in temple, texas as well as love the texas. he explained how he uses his experience as a guide. >> by upbringing taught me the importance of community commitment and working together for the greater good. and these are some of the same traits that i bring with me in my role as police chief and community leader. my approach to law enforcement, my approach to policing has been shaped and influence by the law enforcement professionals. i've served with the communities. i became a part of and by the successes and challenges that i faced as a police chief. my approach begins with strong community engagement and collaboration.
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i'm here to work with the citizens of oakland. >> the mayor thao explained that what separated mitchell from the other candidates and why he was at attractive candidate to also lead department. listen to this. >> she's mitchell's commitment to proven crime reduction strategies, including proactive policing and strong officer community engagement. propelled him to the top of the list. and as our city's top police officer, chief michel will join the talent to public safety leadership team. we have assembled. he will lead the law enforcement elements of oakland's comprehensive public safety strategy. and has a bite. and as i've gotten to know, chief michel. i have come away incredibly impressed by the qualities that make him a good police officer, a good leader. honestly, a good person.
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>> the new police chief has a lot to tackle. and chief michel said he plans to get into the community and meet with the residents and business owners of oakland robberies in oakland are up. 34 1% compared to last year. and there have been more than a dozen homicides so far this year. reporting live in the newsroom. stephanie lin kron, 4 news. stephanie, thank you. and some new video now into our news room as smoke is being seen out billowing from a silo in the south bay. >> cal fire on the scene for this debris fire to morgan hill. they're calling it fema drone fire. it's near drone and daugherty avenues. firefighters say they're making good progress and keeping it contained and we'll keep you updated. taking a live look outside of the gloomy picture here showing us what's going on with the weather. meteorologist kyla grogan here now to detail where the rain is going this afternoon. have got really true. we've got some wind picking up. it's all getting very interesting. you can see where this line of showers here. >> is at the moment. certainly making some of these roads slick, as you can see, is rolled in by half moon bay,
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right through redwood city towards san mateo and then over to the east bay as well. so hayward, san ramon, fremont seeing some of those showers. >> and we have a few that are rolling up in the north bay to a little bit light in a little bit variable here. but you can see some of it right here out of point arena through ukiah, headed down toward santa rosa. we've got about a 10th of an inch of rain there already today. all of this courtesy of the low pressure system sitting right up here in the pacific. and right now we're seeing just a little bit of a front, also bringing some snow into the sierra where they're under a winter storm warnings as we look to the north bay, you can really make out where those kind of dark and stormy clouds are as some of this roles in. and also, as i mentioned, it's getting very breezy, as you can see, the flag really flying there here at the golden gate, getting some of breeze that's rolling in. so here are the temperatures are sitting mostly in the 50's to 60's out there. san jose has been pretty warm today about 63 right now. livermore about 60 a cocker. 59, everybody else cooler than that. obviously very mild day with all the clouds out there. but the wind is starting to pick up a little bit. and you can
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certainly see that not only half moon bay and san francisco, but it's also moved over towards oakland and up towards nevado and even in napa where they're at 18 miles per hour. so we're getting a little blustery. so as we go throughout our afternoon and evening, we're going to see those showers continue. they will pick up as we get into the evening as well. temperatures will be mild tonight. nothing to chilly out there for but the rain will be the thing to contend with. so once we get into tomorrow, we will catch a little bit of a break and then we have more rain coming friday into saturday. i will be back and we'll talk more about that with your seven-day forecast. sounds good. thank you. today protesters rallied outside a former house speaker nancy pelosi's home in san francisco. >> to protest her supporting a tiktok ban. the group says pelosi wants tiktok banned due to young people getting uncensored information about gaza and the u.s. is involvement in the war. but pelosi has maintained that she wishes to ban tiktok due to it being a security threat. there in the south bay. san jose is launching a pilot program that
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we use technology to detect homeless encampments. the city is inviting tech companies too out cameras on a city vehicle that would collect video of streets and public spaces and that video would then be used to train ai to detect homeless encampments and people living in cars. advocates are worried that this will be used to push homeless residents out. but city officials say the surveillance will be used as a better way to provide essential services. also in san jose nurses said regional medical center will be rallying to keep their trauma center open. the hospital's trauma center as a level 2 trauma center, which means they can treat burn victim, stroke, heart attack victims really the most in a severe here of the nurses, organizing the rally say closing the center will cost lives, especially especially because the trauma center is located at the center of highways. 10c to ad and 6 ad in february regional medical center announced it would close the center due to a decline in patients. the er is set to
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remain open. kron 4 spoke with mayor matt mahan after the announcement that he said he was concerned about the closure. >> look, it's it's it's concerning. you know, glad to hear that they're committing to a 10 million dollar investment in expanding the number of beds and services in the emergency room. but we don't ever want to lifesaving medical services cut, particularly in our lower income neighborhoods. the fact that he side san jose will have to travel farther to get to a trauma center is concerning. our eastside residents should not have to travel farther than other people too. get lifesaving trump. >> regional medical center will operate its trauma center as normal until august. 12th that nurses rally set to start at 3.30 today. famed sculptor and bay area native richard serra has died. he was known as the poet of iron. he was world famous for rusting steel and other materials into large-scale pieces of outdoor artwork. his lawyer did
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confirm his death saying he died of pneumonia and he was 85 years old. here are now some of the sculptures that he did. this one got a lot of attention. he started doing all this park in the 80's, but this is 120 foot long curving wall of raw steel. it's at the federal plaza in new york city. sarah's works have been installed in landscapes and included in the collections of museums all across the world. he was well known for working with nontraditional materials, such as rubber latex and even neon. he's a native of san francisco, started drawing a very young age and inspired at the time because he was spending a lot of time with his father at a shipyard where the dad worked as a pipe fitter. he did go to uc berkeley and eventually went to yale where he graduated in 1964. coming up today at 3. we have some new details on this weekend's deadly mountain lion attack. and we should do if you come face to face with the big cat. >> and that make sure that the big cat doesn't back down. but first, we're going to see his
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throwing support behind daniel lurie has campaigned to become the next mayor of san francisco.
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>> the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo could be going to recount. former san jose mayor sam liccardo has already secured his place in the november general election. but the race to decide who will face him is razor thin. so right now it's between santa clara county supervisor joe simeone and assemblymember evan low. they're separated by just 2 votes. both campaigns are working now to cure ballots, meaning they are asking voters to fix ballots that might be missing a signature according
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to san mateo county officials. there are 525 ballots that need to be cured by april second or they will not be counted any candidate can ask for a recount. but so far neither of them have confirmed that they plan to do so. and then the race to become the mayor of san francisco. one candidate got a big endorsement today from somebody who used to hold that same job. kron 4 said to justice joins us now live from our news room with more on this announcement. yes, air to the leave, a fortune in founder of an antipoverty nonprofit, daniel lurie was joined by former mayor. >> and police chief frank jordan today speaking with the golden gate bridge as a backdrop, the former mayor and police chief making the full endorsement of daniel lurie as mayor. >> proud to be here today. to give my endorsement to daniel lurie wednesday morning, daniel lurie, founder of the antipoverty nonprofit tipping point and heir to levi strauss, fortunate. >> getting a big endorsement.
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former san francisco mayor and police chief frank jordan throwing his support behind lori jordan says his political ideals align with lori and he's proud to make the right now. there's a serious concern and it's been going on for about the last 5 years. >> safety now is turning out to be the number one concern for all of san franciscans. so we need to get back to that first priority of government, which is the protection of life property. >> as part of his campaign, murray talked about his plans for the san francisco police department and he's behavioral health plan. laurie says he plans on getting the police department sheriff's office fully staffed. he also called for a citywide fentanyl state of emergency. >> heartbroken to see the increasing numbers of people dying on our streets. 131 in our first 2 months this year alone. that is why today i'm calling for a citywide fentanyl state of emergency to
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bypass the bureaucracy and surge city resources to the drug crisis. lori calling the state of emergency last year in the tenderloin filled in narrow. >> and plans to appoint a senior level position to tackle the problem. >> my administration will use this emergency declaration to immediately implement that behavioral health plan to ensure successful in implementation of this plan. i will implement a senior level position in the mayor's office to coordinate interagency response. they will report directly to me. >> now, lori is a san francisco native born and raised and the founder of nonprofit tipping point was started back in 2005 reporting, the newsroom to justice kron. 4 news. tiffany, thank you. the top candidates that he'sfacing in the race for san franmayor include incumbent mayor london breed, former san francisco mayor mark farrell and san francisco supervisor asha sakai. and there's another contender for the state's
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highest office. former state controller betty yee posted on her official campaign launch video today saying that she's going to put in her bid to become california's governor twenty-twenty 60 has spent nearly 40 years in public service. some of it as the state's budget director. >> people worry and we have no power over our future. but i know that's why i'm running for governor. we have the breadth and the power to make california out of for all of us again. >> she joins a twenty-twenty 6 gubernatorial race. that includes current lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis state superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond and former senate president pro toni atkins. people trying to recall governor gavin newsom can start collecting signatures. the secretary of state approved the official recall petition by. a group called rescue california. the group cites the budget deficit, public safety, immigration education as reasons for this latest
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attempt. people in california rejected the latest recall in 2021. by 61 to 38% margin. all right. taking a live look outside see the wet roads here across the san mateo bridge definitely raining there. let's hear now tracking where the storm is going for today. that doesn't look so fun. feels the timing, zachary here, folks who could wet roads just in time for you to get out of work and head home >> so let's talk this through. this is round one. what i'm calling round one between today and about tomorrow afternoon. then we get a little break on thursday night through friday morning and then we have round 2 coming in friday into saturday. that looks like the one that could actually bring us the chance of a thunderstorm or 2 and also have a little more wind associated with it. a little bit higher totals as well. so totals, let's talk totals between now and tomorrow afternoon. looking out for about a quarter of an inch of rain, maybe a little higher in spots, but that's about it. and then the second hit we get friday into saturday. that's what we're going to add to this. you can see these
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numbers going up. take your eye down to the santa cruz mountains there. you can see that area in red. i thanks to those coastal areas and and can especially on the central and southern coast are going to be a lot from that system. here's the first round we're getting this afternoon into this evening. so you can see it's scattered showers, but some of them will be heavy at times. so just be prepared. you know, this is about 08:30pm, tonight and then we get into the later evening hours and notice some of this is still hanging out even in the overnight hours. we wake up tomorrow morning, still unsettled and still a little bit of this left to go as we work our way through the day. but then later in the afternoon, things should start to back off. and that's when we catch the break. and then we get into friday and time we get to friday afternoon, you see this next system rolling in. now. that's the one that that low pressure system that's going to be tracking for north to south. so, you know, the rain coming in a little bit of a different direction, just kind of visualize that show you right now. we've got this low pressure that's going to be little closer to the coast, but what it takes off and head south. that's what we're going to get that second system. heavy rain totals, the chance of a thunderstorm. it gets a little bit more rambunctious
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and then it finally heads to the south and then over towards the east. once that happens, high pressure moves in and everything changes. so takeaa look at your seven-day forecast because, well, we do have the rain to contend with today tomorrow and then into saturday by sunday. we'll start to clear out by monday. we've got gorgeous, sunshine and warmer temperatures and it's looking really nice and a whole lot more spring-like as we get into monday and tuesday and wednesday. there we go. thanks, kyla. still ahead, wages are about to go up for fast food workers across california. but business owners are already responding. owners are already responding. >> with job cuts. - my childhood was tough.
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i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress, but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. learn more at
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new minimum wage law kicks in next week. but fast food workers are already allegedly losing their jobs over this. the states minimum wage will rise to $20 an hour starting monday. pizza chains are the stories making the biggest cuts as a result? pizza hut already announced layoffs for 1200 delivery drivers. some outlets have cut deliveries altogether. roundtable also laying off about 1300 delivery drivers to police says it will raising prices to comply with the higher minimum wage. a very lucky person in new jersey. one that record 1.13 billion dollar mega millions jackpot. but there is a very lucky winner in southern california who now has a million more bucks and their wallets. one lucky ticket was sold in la county match 5 of the 6 mega millions numbers. and it's worth just over 1 billion dollars. this is video of the store that's old that lucky ticket. even though the mega millions billions is
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gone, don't fret. you have another chance to win big tonight. the powerball jackpot is worth an estimated 865 million dollars. >> i'm keeping an eye on the weather here. we've got some rain rolling through the bay and snow in the sierra. we'el and snow in the sierra. we'el want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag.
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>> the 2 brothers attacked by a mountain lion over the weekend near a small town east of sacramento took the right measures to scare the big cat off. still in this very rare case, it did end in one of the brothers dying kron. 4 to call, talked with experts to find out what people should do
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if a mountain lion approaches. >> for the 3rd time in a year and a half, ryan mooney surveillance cameras captured a mountain lion passing through his property in the martinez hills. the most recent spotted march. 11th fitting given incredible pass. mooney knows cougars are around, but fortunately has never come face to face with one. and after learning of the recent deadly attack near sacramento, he hopes he never does currently. i think we're cold sistine. okay. but it is one of those things where i don't know how the mountain lion would react. >> if we cross paths and the california department of fish and wildlife confirms through statements from the victims family that the 2 brothers attacked by a young mountain lion over the weekend did rely on their training by shouting aggressively standing tall and even throwing something at the big cat trip. horrible tragedy. >> but that was not enough to prevent this. not land from attacking the 2 of fish and wildlife estimates. the
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state's mountain lion population is between 4,006 1000. >> this weekend's attack resulted in the first death in 20 years. one brother survived biologist zara mcdonald's with the field, a conservation fund and puma project says human encounters with mountain lions are rare where the attack happened because it is rural. she suspects the brothers were searching for antler sheds near a sleeping lion and it was spooked. she says you are less likely to come across the big cat in the bay area because they are used to us and do whatever they can to stay away. are the urban wild land interface. so we are. >> right at the urban edge lions that navigate. >> this edge are extremely vigilant. and, you know, avoided of humans. they go out of their way to avoid humans. and if you about all of the people living in and around the bay area and los angeles, these large urban areas, lions
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are amazing at avoiding us. if you do come across an aggressive one, mcdonald says fight back. >> for the lions, eyes and nose to hopefully disorient the animal and eventually retreat. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> police in san francisco are offering a quarter of a million dollars for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible for a deadly shooting that happened at a playground. the shooting happened back in april 2022. at the alice chalmers playground. it's behind longfellow elementary school in the crocker, amazon neighborhood. investigators say that the victims were playing basketball when at least 2 people in a car started shooting at them, they say 20 year-old karen carlson and 22 year-old brandon alexander cheese were killed. the 2 other victims were shot but survived. police say the getaway car was a silver honda accord. if you have any information, you should reach out to sfpd new at 3 active shooter drills have become the
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new normal in schools all across the country, including here in the bay area. but one state lawmaker says he's concerned that these varied roles that are supposed to physically and mentally prepare students for campus shootings are actually causing a lot of them to experience anxiety and depression. so now he's introduced station that he believes could help kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives us a closer look at this proposal. >> you're looking at a school shootings rely covered nearly 2 years ago. let criminal area high school. it featured crisis actors lying on the ground and on tables pretending to be least with weapons and first responders simulating an on-campus evacuation of the wounded. all of it, something that someone number chris ward recognizes as a necessity to ensure students are prepared in an era when school shootings have become all too common. i have 2 kids in elementary school myself. we need to make sure that we're looking for security gaps are other ways to keep our community safe. he
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says, well, drills are rightfully focused on protecting students physically. he believes more attention must turn, turn, showing. the drills are not causing students harm emotionally. we should do a better job, really setting some parameters around active shooter drills so that they're not doing more harm than good. that's why he says he introduced assembly bill 18. 58 also known as the safe and prepared schools act. it will require school districts to set clear standards about how to conduct such drills and ensure the school community is made aware of the drill in advance something sacramento area student arianna williams said did not happen during to drill. she experienced at her high school. >> i had no clue if the lockdown was real or not. she spoke alongside war. but this recent press conference supporting his bill, the swat team filled the halls. the lockdown cause hysteria. i remember some of my classmates crying hyperventilating panicking. and all i could think to do is text my mom and tell her i love her. even some of the drills. >> have had some horrible and that sometimes way more much
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earned them. the each i think should be exposed to scenarios where they see victims lying around and think pools of blood for a simulated activity like an active shooter drill. it's important to run through that exercise but do so in a way that doesn't induce trauma. and that's why he says a major part of his legislation calls on schools to notify all students and staff about on campus mental health resources. he notes several studies, including this one from the georgia institute of technology showed nationwide up to 42% of students and staff reported an increase in stress. >> anxiety and depression after school shooting trail took place. we need to be prepared to make sure that we can keep our students, our staff and our in a safe space. >> and while we are still at the beginning of this year's legislative process, as of now, the bill has no formal opposition reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> across country to carjack somebody.
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>> this is some dramatic moments that were caught on camera when a suspect clings to a moving car while trying to get away from police officers from the lathrop police department in pursuit of the suspect who led them on a chasing this car in the during the chase. one of the suspect's tires blew out while on the highway. so he then jumps out and holding on there to the side of this moving car. officers were able to catch up to him. they opened fire. the suspect was hit and treated at the hospital before being sent to jail and is now charged with a number felonies. like what would you do if you are that blue car? you keep going. company ever to find out. looking for a new home. the rail line has been sharing its headquarters with samtrans since the 1990's. but they're moving to a new office space near the millbrae caltrain station in 2025. so samtrans invited caltrain to
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move with them. but they say that they want to shop around first and look for a new home. they say the company is expected to grow to about 200 employees over time. so they want an office that ideally between 20,030 1000 square feet, they want to 5.10, year lease. so they're considering some locations in san francisco, millbrae redwood city and san mateo. now to developing news out of baltimore, maryland, where authorities have now transitioned to recovery operations at the site of that horrible collapse of the key bridge. the bridge collapsed early yesterday morning and our washington, d.c., correspondent reshad hudson tells us how the federal government is now responding. >> from the rescue efforts of the rebuilding of the bridge. the federal government says it will be there every step of the way. 6 construction workers are presumed dead after a ship hit the francis scott key bridge in baltimore early tuesday morning.
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maryland governor wes moore says the cargo ship lost power and sent out an emergency. mayday call. our state is in shock. the search for the missing workers was suspended as night fell. the water was deemed too cold and the effort took too long for anyone to survive. very difficult water temperatures. >> you have structures from the bridge there in the water that can move with the tides and currents to do our very best to recover those 6 missing people. president biden said federal officials from the fbi, the army corps of engineers and the department of transportation to help local leaders. this is an excruciating day for several families. the president says he wants the federal government to cover the entire calls of rebuilding the bridge. people of baltimore count on us. so. >> stick with every step of the way. so the poor is reopening. the bridge rebuilt. and the busy port of baltimore remains closed until all of the debris is removed from the water.
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>> reporting in washington reshad hudson, back to you. >> talk about our forecast now. we know we're getting rain and that's going to turn into some snow. here's a live look here going towards diner. it's slick and kind of gross out there right now. cuyler what's going yeah, we're getting some snow and of course makes contact with a road. sometimes you get a little bit of kind of slick a mix and that looks exactly what it looks like. we're looking live now. >> at your 70 where you can see the very gray skies here just indicated we've got some of that snow that's starting to come down in the sierra. and that's going continue as we go throughout the night tonight into tomorrow and then another hit coming our way as we get into friday and saturday. so right now you can see this is not where you want to be right on the roads right now because everything is really in action as far as this is concerned. and that is why we do have a winter storm warning that is up. you can see right there in the area in red and that goes until 11:00am on thursday. we're also have the weather advisory. winter weather advisory in tahoe proper. if you look at the south lake tahoe, so all together,
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looking for about 6 to 18 inches of new snow it up at the peaks we could even see over the next few days between 2, 2, and a half feet snow level starting about 5 to 6,000 feet, but then dropping as we get into the overnight hours down to about 4,000 feet. so as you can see as we go throughout the night tonight, very heavy snow set to fall and then tomorrow we will see things taper off a little bit on thursday morning. but they have that same. see 1, 2 punch coming where that second round of snow is going to roll in as they get into friday afternoon. so when it is all said and done in the 2 systems, kind of come together, you can see what we're looking out for here is again, another impressive sierra storm, right? looking 18 to 24 inches in most spots and then up at some of the peaks we could even see higher than that. meanwhile, back in the bay, we're dealing with some rain. i'll be back in a bit. we'll talk about that in your seven-day forecast. thank you so much. as the war in gaza now enters its 6 month, tensions are strained between u.s. and israel over the possibility of a cease-fire. >> our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports on what could be next in the conflict.
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>> despite the rift between the u.s. and israel on how to defeat hamas. a state department official said a meeting between both countries leaders could be back on full-scale military operation. >> into rafah would be a mistake. the biden administration is standing firm and its opposition to israel's plans to invade the southern gaza town for more than a million palestinian refugees are trying to survive kind of mission that we can support >> i'm much more. >> targeted limited campaign state department spokesperson matthew miller says israel's current plan endangers too many civilians. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his military still plans to invade rafah and he has the backing of south carolina republican senator lindsey graham. here's my advice to you in your country. get on with it. graham was in israel urging the biden administration and congress to get on the same page and stand behind israel. one thing that
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israel cannot afford its 6 netanyahu this week signaled his anger with the u.s. by canceling plans to send a delegation to washington. it was a reaction to the u.s. allowing the un security council to approve a cease-fire resolution. netanyahu said that emboldened hamas and he wanted to send a message that was the best worst of all, most >> do start to the work. miller says that meeting has not been rescheduled. do think it's important that that meeting happened. >> the state department says any cease-fire would have to come with the release of hostages in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >> today people in alameda county are rallying in support of residents left out of the new just cause protections. the california law restricts landlords from terminating residential lease with a tenant has occupied the property for 12 months or more without just cause. people at the rally say the ordinance does little to protect residents who live in unincorporated areas, which
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families, then we'll have to face unlivable conditions, landlord, harassment, illegal rent hikes and and just eviction notices. >> are people lined the streets? are people are those who are becoming addicted and why becoming homeless. so we need this. we need these protections and we need this now. >> according to the group over one in 4 renters in, the unincorporated areas are left out of those protections. happening today. the hunters point to this court in san francisco will have a grand reopening. the courts are right next to the willie mays, boys and girls club. mayor london breed expected to be there along with former mayor willie brown. the court was originally dedicated to buy tennis legend arthur ashe almost 40 years ago. the grand opening is set to happen at 4 o'clock this afternoon. >> and maybe you have seen some of interesting looking sea creatures at the coastlines here across the bay area. they've been washing up
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all over the bay. so a marine life expert is going to join us after the break to explain what on earth. these
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>> the valais law also known as the biden when sailors are being spotted on beaches across the bay area to jellyfish like creature that is known for its beautiful blue hues. but it's a little concerning to people who are finding them along the coastline. and for more now on what they are, what we should do if we find them. we're joined now by melissa chu, a quest, the director animal care at the aquarium of the bay in san francisco. thanks for joining us. >> also happy to be here and talk to you guys about these
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animals. thanks for having of a layla. >> what? what is it? and then we have some video to show people. can you describe also what it looks like to you? >> yes, so ayla or biden when sailors easier to say here to they are tiny like they're and so we say that they're jellyfish, jason, so for for everyone out there, you can just kind of consider them to like a jellyfish they're related to things like the portuguese man of war, which is a little bit more well known, but rest assured not nearly as dangerous. you don't want to confuse anyone there. a couple inches. lot when they're full grown. they have a little stale that a lot of people say looks like a clear potato and they have a nice blue ring around that. that's kind of there as they're floating to ocean. i mean, a pretty cool looking blue colors really pretty. i love the description of a clear. >> potatoes is it concerning that so many are washing up
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and which beaches are people finding them the most at? >> yes. that's a tough one to really answer definitively, at least for me. i'm not a climate scientist. but, you know, one thing that i can tell you about jelly is is that overall jelly species worldwide will thrive in warmer waters. and we know that we've been seeing some of hottest surface temperatures of the ocean on record. historically speaking in the past few years. so that means we're going to see more jellyfish this particular species has been known to wash up along the shorelines. they had a big wash up of them down in southern california last year. we see them periodically here. so it's not really i'm super alarming in terms of rare, you know how rare it is. how are friends? it is around here. you know, you can definitely say that weather patterns, manmade climate change, el nino and all those things are really having a factor on that frequency. and even now seeing a orleans. >> i read that they were showing up a lot of ocean
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beach, fort funston in baker beach. some beaches also and marin county. that's where people could see them. >> we're walking around. we're going on a nice little walk along the shoreline. we've got our pets with us. like if we see that much, we do probably not touch them. i would assume. >> yeah, that's just good rule of thumb for anything. morrow led wildlife be while that's you know what? i try to teach my kids and tell everyone look with your eyes, you know, is that very simple? it's hard to do. you want to check them out? you want to touch him, but i'm just leave him they can cause some skin irritation. it's pretty mild. but, you know, don't want get too close to for people in sensitive skin. generally, you know, you want to keep your pets clear of him to because you never know what will happen if they ingest them. just look at him, take some they're really, really cool for sure. they're cool. and we'll be just kind of get swept back away. will animals come eat them? >> i think a little bit about actually, you know, the
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biological process will happen. nature will no major will do major at williamson. animals will eat they can, you know, some of them will get swept back out to sea. no, just naturally kind of dehydration, decompose, all those death right? well, they're cool looking, but look with your eyes. melissa's west, the director of animal care from the aquarium of the bay and san francisco. thank you for joining >> thanks so much. enjoy your day. you too. it is not, though, apparently a beach day today, but here we are looking at the exploratorium and bros from the shot. but that's all right. we got going to track where that rain is going. and you haven't been on the coast and seeing those things no, i haven't. but i know what they reminded me of those beautiful glasses that you get that have the blue rim, you know, talking about. >> like the drink yeah. they kind of look like that to me. they're really pretty, although, yeah, i think it's best to just look and and leave them be here. we are taking a live look at half moon bay and my goodness. i think that maybe is that a kite surfer at their summit with the kites hard to make it
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out. there. >> they've got plenty of wind to deal with us for sure. you can see the rain that is hitting the camera right here as we start to have some showers that are going right over half moon bay. kind of see as we take a look here is this line of showers is kind of roll in over the santa cruz mountains. and if zoom in here, you can see right now some of them showing up in los altos across fremont, even in san jose. they are light showers. but there certainly enough to make those roads very slick. so you can see as we continue over to the east bay here, spots like 6 88 80, you're definitely going to be seeing some of that on the roads. it can start ponding rather quickly. also in the north bay. now, along with one, you can see parts of petaluma getting some t light showers and they got about a 10th of an inch of rain already today up in the north bay. so if you are headed out about just to be careful, as you can see, this line is going continue to roll through as we get through the evening, i leaving a little heavier as we get later into the evening and afternoon here. all that's courtesy. this low pressure system sitting off of the coast and it's going bring about a quarter of an inch of rain between now and tomorrow and
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then that low pressure system is going to be on the move and head south. >> and when that kind of parks right off the coasts, right by us, it's going to throw a lot of energy our way, including more rain as you can see here. but also the chance of a thunderstorm and even some kind of nasty wind as we get to tomorrow afternoon or friday afternoon. i should say. but once we get through saturday, you can see these rain chances really ramp down. and it's a very different story as we get into next week. so just kind of showing you this. we've got the front tracking through tonight. then we've got that low pressure system that's going to track right to the south right down the coast. once that's done, then we get some beautiful weather on the other side of it. we warm up. we get the sunshine back. so here's a look at your extended forecast. and yes, you're going to take that umbrella with you today. tomorrow, saturday by sunday, things are changing by monday. it's kinda gorgeous. monday, tuesday, wednesday, feel-like, vanna white here. but i mean, that's, you know, doesn't get any better than that. >> by the thank you. san francisco supervisor. there's one about it anyway. that
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wants to speed up traffic safety projects and part of the city that are considered dangerous. this is supervisor connie chan. she got approval on a project that still has not been done more than 4 years later. kron 4 sarah stinson has the story. >> given what we spent the last 2 weeks is that we can no longer wait. supervisor connie chan wants the city to speed up vision, 0 projects to make san francisco streets safer for all vision. 0 is a policy aimed at eliminating traffic deaths all together. yet this year we've seen an uptick in deadly crashes, including the one that killed a family of 4 at a bus stop in west portal. and over the weekend, a man was injured by a car at a bus stop and the district chand represents the supervisor is now asking the city attorney's office to draft legislation that would authorize an emergency declaration to prioritize projects that haven't been completed. you.
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we have these plan project. we know that design. it's and its plan and it's been planned. well, let's move with that. let's go like let's finish chance says she's frustrated. several projects in her district aren't done yet, including a project on fulton street to build yellow bulbs, extending sidewalks for pedestrians, project planning for this began in 2019. here we are, you last 5 years, pedestrian fatalities has significantly increase. it is time for us to move and declared. the emergency chant also wants the city to speed up installation of to speed cameras on fulton street and install lights for people crossing in the busy fulton corridor so that when they cross and will made aware that there's a request for crossing. that was sara stinson reporting chanted criticize sfmta saying it has a lack of urgency. >> and failed to successfully complete major projects. and
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so the sfmta center statement, it reads in part that it is 100% committed to doing our part to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on our streets. what we do know is that achieving vision, 0, well, knesset, 8 necessitate bold action beyond our agencies control. this saturday is bay fc's. first home opener ever to celebrate san francisco throughout kickoff party at civic center. this was sent tuesday. mayor london breed at the event all decked out in the team's gear. she says that she's thrilled to welcome bay fc to san francisco and the bay area players there were signing autographs for fans. young players also got the chance to work on their footwork. afc will be playing the houston dash at paypal park in san jose on saturday. and if you want to see the bay's newest team in action, you're going to have to wait until the next home game because the first game is officially sold out.
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baseball coming back to the bay area tomorrow. opening day for both. barry teams will not both. your teams are getting ready for the first pitch. the giants are going to start their season on the road in san diego. first pitch against the padres won 10 tomorrow afternoon and oakland. the a's are hosting me cleveland guardians for their first game of the season. but don't expect to see a lot of fans inside the coliseum during opening day. a group against john fisher plans to move and his plan move the team to las vegas. their hope hos-ing and opening night. boycott. the boycott is expected to happen in the parking lot outside of the stadium. first pitch is 707. tomorrow night. and happening tonight, fremont unified school district holdin a spring into stem event. it's at the downtown event center. stem stands for science technology, engineering, arts and math. this is a free family-friendly event with activities and giveaways along with a scavenger hunt. this runs from 5 until 8 o'clock tonight. and
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you can go to it at the address there on your screen address there on your screen at the downtown event center. s.
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>> all right here, the new cadbury bunny has not been crowned and this is not a a fluffy rabbit. this is lou. we the raccoon hailing from miami, florida. louis is the first of its kind to snag the title chosen from the 6th annual cadbury bunny tryouts. 2 year-old louis is going to star in the 2025. cadbury bunny tryouts commercial. the pet raccoon rescued by his owner in 2021. after being deemed unfit to live in the wild. and now louis. living
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his best life. thank you so much for joining us this afternoon here on kron 4. i'm justine waldman. appreciate your time. we'll sek you right back here tomorrow. have a an eyeline tattoo proced
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ure. this is my first experience with tattooing.. you've never gotten a tattoo, and the first tattoo you want to get is near your eyeball? narrator: hot bench. judge rachel juarez, judge michael corriero,


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