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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 27, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at good morning. lots going on this morning. the city of oakland gets to meet their new police chief. i lee's been almost a year has plus san francisco supervisors now pushing for
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>> the reduction of traffic related deaths are calling an emergency on the streets that need to be tackled and nurses in the south. they are pushing to keep a trauma center open because they say >> the community can't live without it. good morning. i'm daria and i'm james will get to those in a minute. want to take a live look outside. look at that. see what what stormy weather. storm. store will be santa this afternoon. john. you never but no storm this morning and into the afternoon. we are looking at quite a lot of rainfall ahead of us, especially overnight hours tonight. so mother nature is working with us. giving your dry morning commute in just a few sprinkles later today before the real rain kicks into gear later on. looking outside at the east bay hills right now. nice bright skies overhead. if you look to our north, though, not so bright anymore, all that rainfall that's pushing into the north coast is still several hours away from us. we have had a few light sprinkles up in sonoma county this morning. the early afternoon will bring light sprinkles to the rest of the bay area. whereas after your evening commute tonight, that's when
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the real heavy rainfall kicks back into gear that you're going to bed tonight. so again, mother nature timing about not so bad for us. current temperatures are upper 40's to low to mid 50's. still cool enough for those jackets make it that rain jacket. if you plan on being out of the house throughout the day today, daytime highs will reach the low 60's towards the early afternoon before more and more cloud cover and increasing showers after that right now. all right, john, thank you for that out of the clear when it comes to your morning commute. >> but things are looking better on your bridges. 14 minutes for you on the bay bridge 30 of the peak of the morning 20 minute ride one the san mateo bridge means it's much easier getting on and off that bridge. there center bridge just under 13 biggest improvement golden gate bridge. about 30 minutes. look at your highways. busy wednesday morning for sure. is a is back to you. thanks. a lot of today is the day that oakland residents will meet their new police chief up for the first time. floyd mitchell is going to be introduced at oakland city hall and proper is michael thomas has a preview for us.
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>> live in oakland. good morning, michael. >> hi, good morning, everyone. that's right. we really have been anticipating this moment for over a year. this news conference is going to be led by oakland mayor sheng thao, who tells us she's excited about hiring this new police chief. and expecting to learn more about him today, but this is what we know so far. take a look. we've got videos and photos of the new police chief up on your screen. his name is floyd mitchell. and from what we found out, he began his career and spent 25 years in kansas city, missouri, before he became the police chief in temple, texas. then most recently he was that level taxes. but he parted ways with the lead. the department last september after taking the heat for 9-1-1, calls going unanswered. in mind, it's also an issue that we've seen here in the city of oakland. we spoke with community members who tell us the new chief does have a lot on his shoulders as reports right now show that the city of oakland has already seen more than a dozen murders this year alone with other crime statistics showing that robberies are up 34% from
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last year. the majority of them are happening at gunpoint. we did speak with oakland, mayor sheng thao recently. take a listen to what she had to say regarding the police department here in oakland. >> i think that all oaklanders, including our officers are officers who go to work every single day. you know, whether there's a pandemic or whether there has just been you know, officer shooting, you know, they wake up and they come to work every day and to have this kind of steadiness, you know, stability in the department is what everybody is looking for. and so, of course, the process was little interesting. however, we are here today and our chief, it is chief michel. >> now, some a question if chief michel is ready to take on oakland, given that it's a much larger city, an area than the ones that he's worked in bust for. but we did speak with the president of 100 black men of west texas who worked with mitchell during the time when he served in lubbock says chief. and he tells us his experience will show adding that he is known
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to hold people accountable when needed. now back out here like that press conference is set to start within the next few hours. again, we're hoping to hear more from both the mayor and this new chief and with the plans, maybe to try and bring the crime rate down here in the city of oakland. that's the very latest reporting live in oakland and michael thomas. story of james. we'll send it back to you. all right. thanks a lot, michael. >> 904, is the time at happening today. we've got san jose nurses at regional medical center now set to rally to keep their trauma center open. the hospital's trauma center is a level 2 trauma center, which means they treat everything from burn victims to people suffering from strokes or heart attacks. the nurses organizing the rally say the closing the center is going to cost lives, especially given the trauma centers located right at the center's of highway 101 to 86 80. they cover a large area. but back in february, regional medical center announced that they would be closing that center down because of a decline in patient count. but you are they say will stay open. kron 4 spoke with mayor matt mahan after this announcement was
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made and he was office. a concern. >> look, it's it's it's concerning, you know, glad to hear that they're committing to a 10 million dollar investment in expanding the number of beds and services in the emergency room. but we don't ever want to lifesaving medical services cut, particularly lower-income neighborhoods. the fact that he side san jose will have to travel farther to get to a trauma center is concerning. our eastside residents should not have to travel farther than other people too. get lifesaving trump. >> well, regional medical center is going to be operating until that trauma center until august. 12th the nurses, the nurses, say their rally will be at 3.30 today. >> time now is 905. another bargaining session is set for today between nurses and john muir medical center and concord. and it's the second day that nurses are on strike. the 2 sides have been negotiating for almost 2 years now for a new contract, registered nurses on the picket line yesterday said
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they have several concerns, staffing challenges that do a lot of them. take a break. and also workplace violence are some issues. >> john mayer has a lot of their own. it. boards and meetings in place already. but none of those really provide a seat for a nurse to be president and to have any input. and as the feet on ground, the people facing. >> patients every day, we really feel that it's most important that the nurses are the ones that have the most important. >> john mayer responded with statement which the gist of it is that they say john mair has face staffing challenges, but they've gotten a lot better. they say as they can sit continue to hire nurses and on health and safety, they say that they have done a lot too address this and that they are also proposing expansive language in a contract to address it as well. >> a new report shows that san
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jose is struggling to divert 9-1-1. calls related to mental health and emotional distress to the 9, 8, 8, mental crisis lifeline where these should be gone. the report found the county mental health teams actually were only given 2% of the nearly 60,009, 1, one calls that should have gone to them. police had been us traitors happened yet answered why it's taking so long for staff to figure out which calls need to be directed to 9, 8, 8 where those. people can be served the best. >> 7 right now in san francisco, mayor london breed loses her fight over affordable housing. yeah, she went toe to toe with the board of supervisors and in the end the board won. kron four's will tran is live in the city to explain morning will. >> san francisco supervisors, they got the final word on. was not the mayor, even though she vetoed this measure. so what's going to happen is san francisco could continue looking for housing locations, but they can not go through
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certain historic districts. san francisco mayor london breed says san francisco needs about 82,000 units for now into 2031. pro housing, as she says, which is why she vetoed the measure introduced by san francisco supervisor. aaron peskin that measure said that he wants to preserve something historical feel and charm of certain neighborhoods like the northeast waterfront as well as jackson square. but the mayor vetoed the measure. but last night, well, the board of supervisors by a vote of 8 to one should they voted to override that veto. so they get the last word. a lot of people they're on the fence about this. they realized that there is a housing crisis in san francisco. how do you keep the chart? well, we got a chance to talk to some native san franciscans. we definitely need housing. and if it. >> takes a toll at the charm
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of the city, the and that's and that's not what we want to obviously native san francisco's. but >> i mean, there has to be a a solution to it. i i don't have one. and at this particular point, nobody has a clear cut solution. but according to supervisor peskin what he wanted to make sure was that they did not develop like 200 foot luxury towers in old historic neighborhoods because they want to have that feel now. san francisco mayor london breed cause this a setback for san francisco. >> thank you. well, time now is 909. a san francisco supervisor wants to up traffic safety measures in areas that have been dangerous. remember, just recently a family of 4 was struck and killed as they're waiting at a bus stop in west portal. and then after that, a man was injured when a car hit a bus stop in the richmond supervisor. connie
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chan has asked the city's attorney's office to draft legislation authorizing emergency declaration to prioritize vision, 0 projects that haven't been completed because of red tape. >> we're saying you we have these plan project. we know that design. it's and its plan and it's been planned. well, let's move with that. let's go like let's finish it is time for us to move and declared the emergency and we need to move so i really think that we all have can really share that sentiment today. given what we spent the last 2 weeks is that we can no longer wait. >> jan criticizes the sf to mta saying that they have a lack of urgency and they failed to successfully complete major products. we asked the sfmta for a comment but haven't heard back. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. multiple people are planning to protest in front of an see pelosi's house will tell you what has to do with tiktok. and after the
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break, the search for 6 missing construction workers is expected to resume this morning baltimore following bridge collapse will have the latest.
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>> 9.13 right now we're checking out the weather and john's got the timing of the storm rolling in today. he does. good morning, john. yet later on today, especially into the evening commute and after that is when we're really going to it start to see that rainfall cranking up. this is where we're at this morning. we've had some light sprinkles across the north bay. and you can see that here from rc church tower view right now, all part of this
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low pressure area that dives in bringing us our first round of what will be 2 systems to end of the week. the first one. well, that's impacting us here. imminently. you can see that those light sprinkles up there in sonoma and napa, lake and mendocino counties already kicking off, especially for upper elevations, more widespread rainfall. still several hours to the north. light sprinkles for the rest of the bay area kicking off this afternoon and then into the evening commute. rainfall. intensity increases a bit more. but the heaviest of it most widespread arrives during our overnight hours tonight. that might help you go to sleep tonight and mother nature. thanks for timing it out just right for us. as we do go to that into tomorrow morning, we'll get a brief reprieve from the rain at least before around 06:00am to 07:00am when we will see some pop-up showers yet again in a chance of some isolated heavy pockets during your monday at your morning commute on thursday after that thursday itself is a mostly dry day. just a chance of an isolated thunderstorm thursday afternoon before that second
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system moves in friday. and that's going one be the one that brings most widespread rain across the region. tonight's rainfall, a quarter to half an inch of rain. adding more on top of that into friday and well over an inch by week's end. that's for the sierra winter storm. warning is just a couple hours away now, starting at 11:00am this morning and we will be seeing multiple feet of snowfall, especially above 5,000 feet in elevation and even some snowfall in the north north lake and mendocino counties seeing a few inches yourselves, snowfall is likely to result in some delays, especially towards the start of the weekend. absolutely. be bringing those chains with you. above 5,000 feet, one to 2 feet of expense expected and snow level as low as 3500 feet in elevation. temperatures today still pretty mild. a word in concord at 63. well, fremont and morgan hill at 64 tomorrow and friday, cooling down little by little by friday. we won't even make the low 60's rainiest of times being tonight and again throughout the day on friday,
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right? all right, john, thank you for we're still seeing a little congestion along those highways about 55 minutes long, one with 85 to menlo park to 80's. not as bad. you still seeing delays along. 85 87 in the south bay. >> bridges look much better. 14 minutes of the bay bridge no longer traffic building of the toll plaza summit over around 17, 80 to 101. checking on those other busy highways like 8.80, so down to 2. 37. 44 minutes, south winds, it's 82. so no slow the northbound side. you make a great time crockett out towards the maze around. 25 reasons. back to you. thanks, fred. time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black morning, rob. >> morning, dara. howell yet all the markets. good. we've got a three-day slide, but we're coming off record highs last week. >> the quarters almost over end of march. so we're up 9.1%. the s p 500, the nasdaq up 8.7%. the dow is up 4.2%.
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so we're looking good after the 1st quarter, the recession is not coming anytime soon. and jobs are healthy. inflation subdued with rate cuts coming later in the year, which still be able to climb a little bit higher this year. okay. well, we are pushing east or so. let's talk prices of eggs and i do mean chocolate ones and regular ones because everything's up. >> chocolate is higher. and so rex. >> yeah, it rockets had cocoa has had a record breaking to over $10,000 per pound of cocoa there's not enough trees on the planet. there's only 4 countries that produce cocoa. they've been kind of lazy, replanting them we're going to the price for chocolate specially later in the year because the run-up has been so recently and eggs or $3 doesn't. a lot of inflation last couple years before the pandemic, things across the united 45 then in the pandemic, they spiked to 4.82. now it feels like there's always like add $3 to that. >> households with everything or 3 million dollars of its
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housing that house at 3 billion of its eggs at 3 mice with you, hay speaking of easter, i know your kids are grown now. so no egg hunt for you because john says it's a it's going to be dry out by sunday. >> but a waste he's up in santa rosa where she grew up. so we still do you wait. old. but there's a golden egg that's got 50 bucks senate. so lot can eye on it. you can kind on sunday you want to breakfast with us, we'd love to have out. i would only offer the cars gotten a ton to. i don't know what's in them, though. it could just be chocolate. oh, wait a chocolate. so the most popular candy for california is for easter is the cadbury egg, which? >> i like pete. but any any opinions on your eastern hendry acts for me. sure. that sugar rushes almost it will be on a there's this thing about a march madness. and i mean, it's big business. it's also betting and it's a kaleidoscope of things. but what's your business take on
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march madness? really interesting is not very mad this year. it's kind of controlled because 9 of the top 10 scorers are seniors. >> why are there so many seniors in this year's tournament during covid ncaa give 1, 1, more year of eligibility. and also recently we've done the opening up of the nil. the name admitted and licensing. so the seniors that are sticking around or getting paid stick around and they may not be a good enough for the nba. so the university of north carolina the tar heels their little bit overnight, think than the age on the oklahoma city thunder, a professional team. so that gives you an idea of how much are teams are doing so well this year. okay. very good. and it and we're talking about a lot of people to fill out brackets and they bet on this kind of thing. >> and the big headline that surprised me today and betting was these online gaming sites that are going to be, you know, watching out for i guess people who are maybe addicted or might get into trouble with that. yeah, your family's
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ground mine is still in that area where they can get into a lot of trouble special since cowboys. >> 2 million americans have severe gambling problems. 5 to 8 million have mild or moderate a town that mild to moderate category where when i go to vegas, i camp and usually when. but that's a dumb thing to say. right? so fanduel draftkings bet, they're getting together as a coalition to try to like flag people who are jumping from site to site who are losing big. like there's some privacy issues here, but it's 85% between those guys during the super bowl this year because family is so widespread legally now in states there was 15,000 bets per second during the super bowl and you saw elese shohei ohtani his interpreter looks like you've lost about 4 million dollars went bankrupt show his money. there's problems and it's it's just societal problem only going to get worse. well, in my opinion, point when you say mou're worried about your kids. >> you asked for trouble.
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trouble is when your kids middle names. you asked for that. dangers when kids middle name couples. the other wanted to give my kids good they want to a young woman. >> a barn literally say troubles my middle name. sure. they're i that's i think it is that both fantastic thing i've ever heard in and naming. >> okay. we do want to move on a big business story which we didn't know would be so local when it happened. and that's the baltimore port accident because just like us, they're a big east coast port. so that's going affect maybe ripple all the way over here. >> it's not probably going to become a national problem and there's enough ports on the east coast to get some of the traffic to them. so it will be a problem about 15 million dollars a day. it will hit the rails, trains commuters at distribution centers baltimore is the closest city or the closest port to the midwest. so a lot of vehicles, containers and commodities go
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through there about 1 million containers of goods to sell 850,000 cars like bmw and volkswagen. so that's number one port in america for imports. see may have trouble getting your vehicle to distributors, but again, there's enough ports around the new jersey, new york, boston, portland, maine. there's nothing they can do the rerouting. so we're keeping our fingers crossed. it's not to get out of control. there's a 440,000 people depart on cruises baltimore. so her carnival and royal caribbean norwegian. but again, they can say, hey, we're leaving out of charleston this time and just make people go to a different fort. the traffic looks like it could be the worst. you remember that from our big earthquake. come many, many, many years ago that when we lost of a bridge for a period of time, people have to get from the east and fined 5.80. find that barton bridge. it was that was a nightmare. so that's going to about 50 35,000 drivers a day go over that bridge. that's big one.
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yeah. all right. >> thanks. big impact there. thank you, rob. thanks the day. and if you have a question or a comment from rob, you can reach him on e-mail, facebook or acts.
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>> its 9.25. and today there's going to be a rally outside of former house speaker nancy pelosi is home in san francisco. >> to protest. supporting a movement to ban tiktok the group. they say pelosi wants to ban tiktok because young people are. i'm getting uncensored information about gaza and what's going on in the middle east and the u.s. is involvement. but pelosi
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maintains she says the reason that she watched the ban tiktok is because of it being a security threat. that protest is at noon today. >> new this morning caltrain is looking for a new home. the rail line has been sharing its headquarters with samtrans since the 1990's, but they're moving to a new office space near the millbrae caltrain station in 2025. samtrans invented caltrain to are invited. i should county to move with them. but the rail lines says it wants to shop around first for a new home of the town. they say the company is expected to grow to 177 employees over time. so they want space. that's ideally between 20,000 to 30,000 square feet for a 5 or ten-year lease. they're also considering locations in san francisco, millbrae redwood city and san mateo. we'll take a break 9.27. but coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news signatures are being collected right now to recall governor newsom again, talk more about the group and the reason behind it.
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>> i-29 is the time we're checking out the weather for ya. and we've got clear skies now, but it's not going to be the case several hours. that's going to change by this john. yeah, this afternoon, especially the evening tonight. just getting rainier and a rainy year. so a nice try morning commutes, but don't anticipate it to stay that way. go ahead and pack the umbrella and the rain jacket with you as you're leaving the house this morning. you look outside in san jose. still pretty bright. we do have a lot of sunshine up above for especially areas of the south bay rainfall is already on the rise for areas of the north coast. and we've seen some light sprinkles for portions of sonoma and even
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marin county. so far, lot of cloud cover up north and some light showers right around windsor. right now, further south in the bay. you can see that it's nice and clear. we'll see some midday sprinkles for the rest of the bay area. rainfall kicking up around the evening commute and even more so as the sun goes down, temperatures are in the 40's to 50's right now. berkeley oakland conquered egypt. 52 while santa rosa at 49 degrees currently later on today. daytime highs will reach the low to mid 60's at the warmest right. all right, john, thank you for that. good time to get things done. now that traffic on a bridge to start to drop, not seen as major delays there. britta highways still pretty busy. 14 minutes traveling into the city right now. your san mateo bridge around 40 minutes as 81 to one richards ever feel ridge. 8 minutes. no accidents longer going to be a bridge. make a really great time. checking on those highways are busy about 51 minutes. 85 to menlo park to 37. still at 37 minutes. all right. james, back to you. thanks a lot.
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let's get to the latest developing story out of baltimore, maryland, where it's turned into a recovery effort. >> now after that big ship hit bridge that you can see it there, cause it to collapse. but there were 6 people that are unaccounted for that went into the water at a total went into the water. they have rescued 2. but yeah, the other 6. >> they haven't seen from since. and that's why it's now a recovery effort. >> we have our washington, d.c., correspondent right now were shot hudson with more on the federal government's response. >> from the rescue efforts of the rebuilding of the bridge. the federal government says it will be there every step of the way. >> 6 construction workers are presumed dead after a ship hit the francis scott key bridge in baltimore early tuesday morning. maryland governor wes moore says the cargo ship lost power and sent out an emergency. mayday call. our state is in shock. the search for the missing workers was suspended as night fell. the
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water was deemed too cold and the effort took too long for anyone to survive. very difficult water temperatures. >> you have structures from the bridge there in the water that can move with the tides and currents to do our very best to recover those 6 missing people. president biden said federal officials from the fbi, the army corps of engineers and the department of transportation to help local leaders. this is an excruciating day for several families. the president says he wants the federal government to cover the entire calls of rebuilding the bridge. people ball marker count us. so. >> stick with every step of the way. so the poor is reopening. the bridge rebuilt. and the busy port of baltimore remains closed until all of the debris is removed from the water. >> reporting in washington reshad hudson, back to you. >> and the collapse in baltimore has people in the bay area wondering what would happen here if a big ship or container ship were to hit one
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of our bridges we are a big port as well. there's a lot of cargo passing through oil tankers. and caltrans says the possibility of a crash was a consideration when the bridges were designed built and upgraded. >> every one of them has a protection device around it. that's a fender system that either is completely different than the bridge foundations themselves or it's designed to absorb the energy. >> caltrans says is actually more likely because of offenders that the bridge vendor would damage the ship as opposed to the other way around. still, they say you can't plan for everything, which is why caltrans says in the case of emergency, if there's a crash, they shut down the toll plaza. chp were closed down the freeway. so no, we do have access to any bridge that it might be affected before it was to be inspected. now, when it comes to the golden gate bridge, they say this one has the most robust ship collision protection system of any bridge on the west coast. the north tower is partially on land. so that means a big
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vessel would run aground before would collide with the pier. the south towers protected by a concrete fender. it goes 40 feet below the surface. it's filled with sand similar to a highway crash barrel. it's 27 feet thick at the base providing a very significant protection, according engineers. >> 9.34 is the time and california superintendent tony thurmond is backing a proposal now that would make financial education a graduation requirement in public schools earlier this year, we highlight one of those programs that's currently being taught at an elementary school in oakland, capitol correspondent eytan wallace with the story. well, here at the california department of education, thurmond told me he believes are required. personal finance course could be a game-changer for students. >> and soon you the voters. >> could have the final say. this is something that will have tremendous benefits for our student. that's the message. state superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond hopes to convey about
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a proposal to make a course in personal finance, a graduation requirement in california. public schools. at the california department of education. thurmond spoke to this group of educators and financial literacy professionals about why he believes making such a course mandatory would have a long-term impact. what students have access to learn about personal finance. they're less likely to have be able to make great decisions about their future. and their finances and they get education that often isn't provided in the home. in the past. members of the legislature have tried to introduce bills to mandate a personal finance high school course. but those proposals failed. but now supporters behind a new effort are hoping to bring the idea directly to voters. last month with the support of thurmont, they turned in nearly 900,000 signatures to qualify the measure for the november ballot. they need just under 600,000 of those signatures to be considered valid to officially qualify for the november election. we hope
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that people will support and we think this is a great thing for california kids. it's a message with valerie chapman agrees and educator from oakland. she's the founder and ceo of financial literacy for kids, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching 4th and 5th graders about saving and investing. well, this is extremely important because studies have proven that students learn or develop their financial habits at an early age habits that will, you know, last them a lifetime. still, some are skeptical. >> in an op-ed for the nonprofit publication cal matters. last fall columnist dan walters road adding new mandates takes class time away from basics that too many students are not already mastering. >> financial media literacy classes are pointless for kids who cannot to map or read at their grade level but therm and sees it differently. >> it can save a life report with students who are in tough neighborhoods or schools that, you know, i've had many challenges and we see students performing well academically, but being engaged in life and what their future is going to be. we think that personal
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finances, important ingredient to success for all of our students. and it's unclear where all legislative republicans, dan, on this proposal, but gop senator and former senate minority leader scott wilk says he supports arguing it will give students the tools they need. >> to succeed reporting outside the california department of education in sacramento. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> thank you. ate on. meanwhile, people trying to recall governor gavin newsom can officially start collecting signatures. the secretary of state has approved the recall petition submitted by the group called rescue california. that group says they want to recall the governor over concerns about his handling of the budget deficit. public safety, immigration and education to name a few. california's, though, rejected a similar recall effort back in 2021. by a 61 to 38% margin. we'll see how this latest effort fares. >> its 9.38 com for your local election headquarters, presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior has picked his running mate. it's a silicon valley lawyer and felt philanthropist he made the
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announcement yesterday in oakland, which is the city where his choice for vp grew up. nicole shanahan is her name. kennedy says she's exactly the right person. >> my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist. technology is a fears or your mom, nicole shanahan. >> there's only antiwar candidate today and you'll find him in the democratic party or the republican party. he is an independent robert f kennedy junior. his commitment to peace and to the welfare. working people in america. that job me as a person of compassion to his candidacy. shanahan used to be married to google co-founder sergey brin. >> she has a record of donating to democrats, but she says she left the democratic party because she feels it has lost its way. new numbers are out now showing just how much fentanyl the state of california sees last month. >> according to data from the gtvernor's office, the
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national guard last month helped seize more than a million fentanyl pills statewide. and that includes nearly 600,000 pills along the california mexico border. governor newsom is now calling on congress to take action to help him secure that border with mexico well, uc berkeley police now asking for your help in identifying 5 people who are involved in this protest last month. here's some of the pictures of the people. police are looking for. they're accused of disrupting a campus event hosted by jewish a student organizations. police say members of that crowd forced their way into the school's theater, injured guests and police officers and cause property damage as well. the incidents are classified as hate crimes. if you know who any of these people are, police would like you to give them a call. it's 9.40 in the north bay. a big step for sonoma county sheriff's deputy who was injured in the line of duty. here you see him leaving the hospital. >> after 22 days, deputy nick
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d'elia was released yesterday to go continue his recovery. he was critically injured. well, he was confronting an armed suspect. that suspect ended up dying. will continue his recovery at a rehab facility. >> in san francisco, police are looking for the person who stabbed a man in the city's tenderloin neighborhood. it happened early yesterday morning on gary street just a few blocks from van ness. police say 2 men got into a fight before one stabbed the other several times. the victims at the hospital. police have released a description of the attacker, but we'll let you know when they do. meantime, there will be no more new smoke shops in san francisco's tenderloin. the board of supervisors unanimously voted for that ban on tuesday. existing businesses won't be affected, but it was the residents of that and a lot of push city leaders to make this decision. supervisors, by the way, also voted to bring a full service grocery store to that neighborhood. at some point. >> its 9.41, and still ahead
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on the kron morning news. the warriors looking to get back on track in miami taking on the heat. we'll take a look at what happened. >> and you can see showers pushing right into the northern part of the state of new ways. still dry for the bay area. but we've got a rainfall on the way. are the evening commute tonight? some of the heaviest your forecast is ahead. and before you leave the uouse, you need to know your morning commute is fairing will make a lot of fairing will make a lot of progress on bridges.
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ >> 9.44 to won't be long before this. a total solar eclipse one as it happened around 7 years is kind of a big it's causing a big boom in
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one particular industry. >> the full moon industry. yeah. porta potties, you because if you want to look at that for those 2 minutes, probably have to stand outside all day and stuff and you're going to need a place to go. >> and i'm just telling you that these things are all rent it out. in case you need james, hard to get right now, ok, mostly in the path of totality. yeah, not around here. if you needed a port-a-potty, but when you look up, by the way, if you actually do travel, you need to use left. the special glasses, think sunglasses and do the trick. they want their no wrong ideas that guys for even if i have the dog reflective still not enough. yeah, but we're going to watch streaming. there's a couple different places around the bay you can do that is perfectly safe to do. the sport turn will be one of them. so enjoy that. yeah. and we'll get a sampling because depending the clouds in whatever area the path is you might only be able to see the certain places. and john, good and if you stay here, you don't need a porta, john, you can just keep the weather.
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grace the name. yeah. i heard a lot of the kids. haha. yeah. we are looking at forecast today that >> would be the best eclipse viewing, unfortunately, because we got a lot of rain on its way, mostly at the very tail end of the day after the evening commute. but you can see from your tower view that we do have some showers moving on into the northern part of the bay area. really light sprinkle so far. but more and more of that energy is just going to push our direction as activity. a few light sprinkles will drift into the rest of the bay come the mid-afternoon today, just enough to keep that rain jacket with you evening commute tonight, becoming a bit more widespread and then into the overnight hours is when we have the heaviest stuff moving in tomorrow
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morning. we could also see some heavy, isolated downpours during your morning commute. anticipate a slick thursday. start after that. most of the rest of day on thursday, actually giving us a break from the rain, slim chance of a thunderstorm or 2 before are even bigger system impacts us towards friday. friday. going to be a rainy day from start to finish. tonight's rainfall going to amount to around quarter to a half an inch of rain. we'll more on top of that by the end of the week. we're over an inch of rainfall. total. a winter storm warning is about to go into effect up in the sierra starting at 11:00am. this morning. this is because of not just inches but multiple feet in some cases of snow piling up. do expect delays on i-80 at donner summit as well as eco pass on highway 50. and even a few inches of snow on the highest peaks up in the north bay. this will result in delays, especially at the start of the weekend and with 2 cold systems in a row, snow level by thursday night into friday, we'll drop towards 3500 feet in elevation. that
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one to 2 feet of snowfall above 5,000 feet in elevation. as for today, temperatures still pretty mild. we started the day with some sunshine and even with the increasing cloud cover, we're still going to be in the 60's for your afternoon. highs tomorrow. a 60 year, too, but a little cooler. and by friday, our rainiest day in our coolest day, too, with daytime highs only in the upper 50's right now. all eyes on. thank you for that. now was the time get your bridges right now. all under 13 minutes on the bay bridge, san mateo. and there are 2 somerville bridge around 20 on the golden gate bridge. that's pretty standard right now. look at all those highways and drive time to start to drop. there's well, 17 minutes traveling along 80 crockett down towards the maze, the taken 24 just under 17 minutes. once you hit a it's pretty smooth sailing their yacht to get the wannacry first highway for antioch to concord, him from 40 at the peak of the morning to 16 and southbound 6.80, dublin to fremont. just short of 21 minutes. darya. james, back to you. thank you. reyna
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48 nice pay. officials have now identified a man who died in a crash in fremont over the weekend. take a look at the citizen app. >> of the action that we have this accident happened saturday when daniel thrower of el sobrante was driving on southbound 80 near the dakota road off-ramp. he hit a car and then his car hit an embankment. he ended up being killed. he died at the scene. the driver of the other car was not hurt. chp still investigating. why he had that crash and then also the man who died when his truck hit a freeway overpass in oakland has been identified. he's identified as jose de a dry day philo of pittsburgh. he was driving a big 3 actual truck with the bed. the bed was raised. and it ended up striking the freeway overpass and he ended up dying at the scene. investigators say he was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. san mateo county sheriff's deputies arrested a woman for
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embezzling about $300,000 from the san carlos based technology company that she worked for. they started looking into reports of embezzlement in june and after several months of investigating detectives ended up arresting tina cubs boudoir on march. 20th. they arrested her and now she's been booked into the maguire correctional facility 9.49. is the time. let's talk basketball. yeah. the warriors on the road taking on the miami heat >> it was good outcome for sports director jason dumas to speak. >> the warriors barely had any breathing room on the houston rockets right now, a win is necessary on tuesday night in miami's steph curry and the dubs. the team is hoping to turn things around only about 10, 11 games left. 1st quarter warriors up 6. here's how you do it. step patient with the ball navigates through lane between a couple defenders. i saw floater off the back
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boards worries extend that lead to late in the quarter. heat now up by one draymond green gets his shot, blocked by bam adebayo. we're going the other way. haywood highsmith. he scored on the other end. heat lead by 2 at the half 3rd quarter. same score play. thompson had himself a game started. he was re inserted in the starting lineup team. so they stand. he's proved why that was a good decision. all right. now later, dream on 3 misses the 3. and it's tapped around. staff goes out, take care of it. drag game. nice little logo shot 17 6 on the support staff closing moments of the 3rd. but his play this highlight miss by clay ends up with a nice little poster dunk from jonathan kuminga. if you don't get a body on him, he's going put you on a poster 18 7 from coming stretch about a cherry on top. klay thompson coming off 3 of those. 28
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points for klay warriors win one 13, 92. they're back in action this evening. taking orlando magic. all right. that's a look at sports. well, the giants were back at oracle park hosting the a's in the bay bridge series. but there was one voice missing from the game. >> and fans picked up on it right away last night was the first game without the team's longtime announcer renel brooks-moon for 24 years. she's been the voice of oracle park, but the team last week announced that giants and brooks moon were parting ways and we had a chance to speak with some of the fans before the game and here's what they had to say. >> for years a lifetime, most of these kids haven't experienced a game without you so that will even now i can hear the pa that's notable differences not run i wish you the best stick with the diocesan level. on this here. >> team president larry baer
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says that in the meantime, they're going to be using a rotation of different announcers for last night's game. for instance, the giants use caroline better known as cj solis. she is the baseball announcer for cal poly. >> more sports this saturday is bay fc's first home opener, everett to celebrate san francisco had a big kickoff party at the civic center yesterday. mayor london breed was there decked out in the team's gear? >> she says she's thrilled to welcome bay fc and the players they signed autographs for the fans. their young players to do little footwork. they fc will play the houston dash at paypal park in san jose on saturday. >> all right. well, coming up in the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news eating avocados may keep you healthy. >> we'll tell you what research found out recently.
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>> 9.55 is the time and we've got. more news coming up here on the kron. 4 morning news. a new police chief in oakland is going to be unveiled today and introduced to the community. they've been waiting a long time for that more than a year. so we'll see more on that coming up in a minute. >> also ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. as we said, we'll be introducing you to this. the city's top cop in oakland and also in san francisco. the mayor's plan for more affordable housing roadblock. we'll have that. plus what's going on today in baltimore as they try to recover those who were thrown
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into the water off of the bridge. that collapsed was hit by a cargo ship. teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good?
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hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news, the city of oakland will meet their newly appointed police chief after not having one for more than a year. plus, san francisco supervisors pushing to end traffic related deaths. they say it's an emergency on the streets. and nurses in the south bay. they're going to be rallying today to keep a trauma center opened something say the community cannot live without. >> from the local news station. you're watching 4
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morning team. >> thanks for waking up with us. i'm darya and on james. we've got lots to get to today from the changing weather to the news. of course, we're following what he or she and fortunately famed sculptor, richard serra uses bay area native, also known as the poet of iron. he passed away. talk about his life, his legacy when he leaves behind honor him got a lot news to get to this morning as well. and that includes the weather. the storm that's moving. and i know you would know it because it's been so nice and dry this morning at times, even sunny. but we will get to some rainfall here pretty soon for a lot of us. >> where we're sitting right now looking out from the east bay hills with mostly cloudy skies at this point. definitely not as clear as you were just about an hour or so ago. rainfall becoming much more widespread up on the north coast, especially mendocino county northward. we've seen a few light sprinkles now drifting into marine sonoma and napa counties. an


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