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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  March 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, the city of oakland will get an opportunity today to meet their newly appointed police chief. plus, supervisors pushing to end traffic related deaths, something she says he's an emergency on the streets. plus nurses in the south bay will be rally today to keep a trauma center open, which they say the community live without. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us. the really cruel ariana james? yep. we've got a dark start to this wednesday morning. but don't worry, the sun will be out. and then the rain to yes, that is the change for this morning. hi, john. yes, we're going to be looking at rainfall fishing in later on today. so at least you have the dry morning drive to work. >> but if you plan on being out throughout the day, you want to be ready to go with
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that umbrella and that rain jacket for 2 where we're sitting right now in the east bay hill skies are clear. we don't have a lot of change from yesterday just yet. so pretty favorable morning commute here locally. now, if you are up a little bit further north from the bay, you can see what we've got heading our direction. rainfall across the very northern coast that will dive down towards the bay area here in just a few hours. morning hours should remain dry by noontime. a couple of sprinkles possible rainfall really picking up after the evening commute tonight, temperatures in the 40's to 50's oakland and san francisco sitting at 52 san jose down at 45 degrees. santa rosa actually warmer than here in san jose sitting at 46 degrees this morning. later today. showers will increase in by the evening tonight, especially after sunset as can expect, our heaviest of rainfall. i'll get to more of those details still to come, right? all right, john, thank you that. let's get you moving year on a wednesday. everybody heading into the city right now. the mayor lights are on. so about 60 minutes there.
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>> no accidents, no hazards could start already. 13 minutes. san mateo bridge 80 to 1, 1, is getting off that bridge. richmond center fell bridge around 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls 18 minute morning, right? daria is back to you. thank you. reyna wanted today. oakland residents are going to finally meet their new police chief. yeah. first time look at the chance to do that. floyd mitchell is his name will be formally introduced at the >> oakland city hall and crawford's michael thomas is actually live in oakland ahead of that event morning. michael. >> hi, good morning, everyone. this press conference with mayor sheng thao to introduce new oakland police chief of mitchell. he's really been anticipated for over a year or so. and as we know, that search for the police chief has been quite dry, the field to say the least. so we're hoping to get to know him more today in the plans he has for the city. but for now, this is what we do know. take a look. these are photos and videos that we have of the new oakland police chief. we do know that he started his career in kansas city, missouri, with the police
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department there. he spent 25 years before becoming the police chief in temple, texas. then most recently lubbock, texas, he parted ways with the lubbock, texas last september. after taking the heat for 9-1-1, calls going unanswered, which has been an issue here in the city of oakland when community members were asked about him being hired, they tell us that the new chief has a lot on his shoulders as reports show right now, the city of oakland has already had more than a dozen murders this year with other crime statistics showing that robberies are up more than 34% from last year with the majority happening at gunpoint. we did speak with oakland, mayor sheng thao recently nast her exactly how the process went in, hiring him. and the reason why he was picked. take a listen. >> for me, she floyd mitchell, really it and, you know, showed at his proven leadership through all of the results that he's been able to do in lebec in also and in the other cities that he was chief however, at theaend of the day, you know, i do believe that this is a great pairing
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with my public safety personnel. and yet again, it's never just one person. it's always 18. and so making sure that we have this missing puzzle piece so important and i'm so excited that we finally have a team to move forward. >> now, some may question if chief michel is ready to take on the city of oakland, given that it's a larger size area than his past. however, to piggyback off of what mayor sheng thao said, did speak with the president of 100 black men of west texas that worked with mitchell when he served as a levick chief. there tells us his experience will show and that he holds people accountable when needed. now back out here live, that press conference is set to happen later this morning. it's then we hope to hear from both the mayor and him on with the plans. maybe to kind of get the crime in oakland down in the plant. they also have for the city overall. it's a very latest reporting live in oakland and michael thomas will send it back to live in the right. thank you. we'll check in with you later. michael.
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>> well, 604, is the time and happening today. we've got san jose nurses now at regional medical center there rallying to keep their trauma center open. the hospital's trauma center is a level 2 trauma center, which means a treat everything from burn victims, 2 strokes and heart attack victims as well. the nurses organizing the rally say that closing this center could cost lives, especially because the trauma centers located right at the center of highways one-on-one to 86, 8 back in february, regional medical center announced that he would be closing that center due to a decline in patients. the er, though, is going to remain open. kron four's spoke with the mayor, matt mahan after the announcement who was concerned, obviously about the clothes. look, it's it's it's concerning. yeah, i'm glad to hear that they're committing to a 10 million dollar. >> investment in expanding the number of beds and services in the emergency room. but we don't ever want to lifesaving medical services cut, partmcularly lower-income neighborhoods. the fact that
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he side san jose will have to travel farther to get to a trauma center is concerning. our eastside resident should not have to travel farther than other people too. get lifesaving trump. >> and regional medical center will operate its trauma center as normal until august 12. the nurses rally set for 3.30 today. time now 06:00:05am. >> and another bargaining session is set for today between nurses and jon mere medical center in concord. it's the nurses second day that they're on strike. the 2 sides have been negotiating for almost 2 years trying to come to an agreement over new contract. registered nurses were on the picket lines yesterday and they say they have safety concerns, staffing challenges, workplace violence, issues and not enough staff to relieve them so that nurses can take breaks. >> john mayer has a lot of their own. it. boards and meetings in place already. but none of those really provide a
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seat for a nurse to be president and to have any input. and as the feet on ground, the people facing. >> patients every day, we really feel that it's most important that the nurses are the ones that have the most important. >> john myhre responded to the picket with this statement saying, quote, like all health systems, john muir health is face staffing challenges which have significantly improved as we continue to hire more nurses specific to the subjects of health and safety, including pandemic readiness and workplace violence prevention john muir health is proposing to add expensive new light is sorry, expansive new language to the contract, end quote. >> well, a new report shows a san jose is struggling to divert 9-1-1. calls related to mental and emotional distress to the 9, 8, 8, mental crisis lifeline. the report found the county mental health teams responded just 2% of nearly 60,009. 1, 1, calls better suited for a non police
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response. even in those situations, police responded jointly police officials have yet to answer questions as to why it took so long to figure out which calls to redirect to 9, 8, 8, >> time now 607. francisco mayor london breed has lost the latest fight over the board of supervisors overrode her veto of a controversial piece of housing kron four's will tran is standing by in the city to explain. >> goodmorning well. >> good morning, james. here's what's going to happen. san francisco can still look to build more housing developments. they just can't do it in certain neighborhoods after the board of supervisors late last night voted 8 to 3 to override mayor breed's veto. so what's going to happen is they can continue searching in other parts of san francisco, but not not historic areas like jackson square waterfront or the northeast waterfront of the city because it's so historic,
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according to supervisor, aaron peskin that he introduced the measure earlier this month. that said you can build, but it cannot be a huge luxury tower. they don't want to turn it into beach front like miami beach. they want to keep the historic charm of that particular area and other areas in san francisco, mayor breed says san francisco desperately needs housing about 82,000 units from now until 2031. she the toad, the measure and then late last night to supervisors overrode the measure, basically resetting the clock. going back to what supervisor peskin initially introduced. so what's going to happen is mayor breed. she can still look around in certain areas. she is not happy. >> with the overriding over veto saying it is a setback for san francisco, a city that desperately needs housing and has need housing for decades.
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but again, this just basically resets the clock to go back to what supervisor peskin says, he does not want the charm of certain neighborhoods to all of a sudden look like 200 foot luxury towers. back to you. >> well, thank you very much, 609, right now. and a san francisco supervisor wants to speed up traffic safety projects. >> in areas that are considered to be very dangerous. this after a family of 4 was struck and killed by a car that ran into a bus stop where they were waiting in the west portal neighborhood. and also a man was injured. recently. he was hit by a car a bus stop in the richmond neighborhood supervisor. connie chan has asked the city attorney's office to draft legislation to authorize and emergency declaration to prioritize vision, 0 projects. they have not been done because of red tape. chan says the clock is ticking. >> we're saying you we have these plan project. we know that design and and its plan and it's been planned. well,
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let's move with that. let's go like let's finish it is time for us to move and declared emergency and we need to move so i really think that we all have can really share that sentiment today. given what we spent the last 2 weeks is that we can no longer wait. >> chand criticize the sfmta saying it has a lack of urgency and failed to successfully complete major projects suit. and we reached out to the sfmta to get response. but we haven't heard back yet. its 6.10, and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. multiple people are planning to protest now in front of nancy pelosi's house today in support of tiktok. we'll have more on that and trouble in the north bay when a teenager is found possession of a firearm. >> plus, after the break, the search for 6 missing construction workers resumes this morning in baltimore after a bridge collapsed when
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it was hit by a big a vehicle sorry, a big vote card. and
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we're back almost 6.14. and here are 4 things to know. san francisco city leaders now banning any new smoke shops from opening in the tenderloin. >> the legislation does not affect already open businesses, but leaders say this was decided after a request from residents in the tenderloin. the stud bar will be opening on folsom street on april. 20th, the nightclub operator. 55 years before closing in twenty-twenty due to the pandemic. owners say
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the new location will be twice as big as the old one. and bay fc's first home opener ever will be this saturday. they're going to be playing the hudson at paypal park in san jose. we have to watch the weather forecast for that. and the warriors beat the heat one 13 to 92 last night while on the road in miami. they'll be in orlando tonight playing the magic tip off is at 4 o'clock. okay. we go back to the soccer. what day was that mater? day saturday? >> that's a day. i want to know about 2. lots of stuff going on. what do you think, john? saturday is not going to be bad, but we do have a chance of a few lingering thunderstorms on saturday which sounds better. but friday is really the day to avoid. so saturday is a day of improvements. as for the sierra, i know a lot of people going to be heading up there. friday is going to be a rough day to try to get up there. we're going to see feet of snowfall piling up at the crest of the sierra nevada spring skiing in full force. here's diamond peak right now. looking clear for the moments. but this next low pressure system drops in tonight. it is
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a slow mover. so let's give you a little extra time to get up to this year if you want to do so this morning before this afternoon into evening, snow will really start to pick up up there. as for the bay area, you can see that our rainfall is well to the north of us. still still several hours away. so we do have a nice dry morning commute. your drive to work unaffected by any rain. we will see some late morning. very light sprinkles for the north bay, mostly into the afternoon. some light sprinkles for the rest of us. rainfall picks up towards and after the evening commute tonight and overnight hours tonight is when we're going to see our heaviest dose of rainfall from this latest system. some of it will linger into tomorrow morning for your morning commute on thursday. expect some wet spots out there thursday afternoon actually dries out pretty nicely chance of an isolated thunderstorm. but overall, some good peeks of sunshine. this first round of rain anywhere between a quarter to a half. an inch of rainfall expected. we're going to add a lot more of that on into friday. our rainiest day of the forecast, as i mentioned saturday is improved but a chance of isolated
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thunderstorms. my kit in your way, from time to time. as for the sierra winter storm warning is in effect starting at 11:00am today through 11:00am on thursday in. this is because of the feet of snowfall that is set to be piling up up there the days to come. you can see areas like donner summit in that range of a foot and a half to even 2 feet of snowfall. and even some snowfall up in the lake county as well. definitely an active weekend. so here's what you got to know as we do work our way into it. snow level will continue to lower into the weekend as low as 3500 feet. that's well down into the foothills. and we are going to see that one to 2 feet of snowfall. if those upper elevations above 5,000 feet resulting in some delays, definitely some chain controls. also some gusty winds, too. and most of this impact will be on friday into early saturday. today's daytime highs going to be nice and comfortable for the bay still holding on to some 60's temperatures will slide downwards into the weekend. friday is the day to stay indoors. saturday is kind of a
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mixed bag chance of thunderstorms but better conditions. by sunday. the worst thing that we have to worry about for easter, it's actually just some fairly strong winds to close out the weekend. great. all right, john, thank you for that. are starting off like this morning. >> long on driving along the peninsula. 29 minutes. 85 in menlo park. well, 2, 80 82 into 37 still making really good time. the bay bridge looks like drive times are going up. last time i checked, did see an accident or has it there. but it could be a hazard on reported drive times at about 30 minutes right now, typically are still under 20. so we'll keep a close eye on that. 14 minutes on the san mateo bridge, 80 to 101, t cell. down to 37. 26 minutes. smooth sailing along 88 in 80's oakland. also 5.80, livermore looking good and 80 in the east bay clocking out towards the maze. a little slow richmond and berkeley. but other than that looks good. 20 minute ride reaches back to you. thank you. 6. today. the hunters play tennis
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courts in san francisco have a grand reopening. they do. you have the courts are right next to the willie mays. boys and girls club. >> mayor london breed and former mayor willie brown and sports stars are all expected to be there. the court was originally dedicated by tennis legend arthur ashe almost 40 years ago. organizers of the event city partnered with the city to provide equitable access to sports and recreation activities. the grand opening is set for 4 o'clock this afternoon. and a minor has been arrested in the north bay after allegedly being caught with a firearm in his possessions. so santa rosa police say that an officer conducted a traffic stop after seeing a bmw vehicle with excessive window tents and expired registration. there was a strong marijuana odor coming from the vehicle as police were approaching it. the officer allegedly saw marijuana on the floor and prompted removal of the occupants. the search of the vehicle led to findi g a gun in a bag under the driver's seat with 2 loaded magazines. the 17 year-old driver
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admitted that the firearm belonged to him and he was arrested and booked into juvenile hall. >> time now 6.19, and we want to get to the latest developments out of baltimore, maryland, where a a cargo ship hit a bridge which collapsed. you remember there was a construction crew. we told you about we're looking for survivors yesterday. but now those 6 are presumed dead. so instead of a rescue is now a recovery operation at the site of that. >> a bridge collapse. the francis scott key bridge that collapsed early yesterday morning after again. a story mention that partnership caused that. tower. one of the sport towers to crumble. we have right now our correspondent ben dennis joining us live from baltimore, maryland, which is right where that accident occurred. good morning, ben. >> tara and james, tragic update this morning. indeed, it is 9.20, here on the east coast in baltimore. you can see that that bridge collapse right behind me. that's precisely where dangerous recovery effort is happening right now for those 6
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construction workers believed dead. broken pieces of metal under the water. hard to see frigid temperatures all at play at this. our first responders taking it very slowly. take a look at these new images from the feds overnight, a bird's eye view. >> 4 lane highway from this bridge collapsed onto the bridge is bow officials say that a mechanical problem with the ship's power gave out before it. it careened into the structure or pillar at the 50 year-old bridge around one 30 am yesterday around. 35,000 people take this road every single day. no longer. the roic lee were told that authorities blocked traffic from driving on the bridge just after a mayday call was made that that ship rather head of stream lock off the southern tip of india. and because of that heads up to block the bridge, no doubt saving a number of peoples lives. here's what's next in the recovery. sage this morning. >> this is an excruciating day for several families. we do not know where they are.
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intend to give it our best effort to help these families find closure. we're going to work with structural engineers to help them understand how to navigate and address the challenges of having bridge structure in the water. that may be sharp. could puncture issue. >> you can only imagine the anxiety of the first responders families as the heartbreak from this construction workers. the fbi says they have no reason to believe that this was related to terrorism. they think that this might have been an accident as they investigate. this could have a ripple effect on our nation's commerce. that's because this very busy port of baltimore is not letting any ships or out. they handled a billion dollars of international goods just last year alone, 800,000 cars and trucks. time will tell if the prices of new vehicles will rise and baltimore been dentist. back to you. all right. thanks. a lot of them that shipping port on the east coast. we're a huge shipping port on the west coast here in the bay area.
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>> and that has a lot of people wondering about our bridges. >> and what if there was a crash in the one of those what our bridges survive? well, yeah, i mean, we do see lots of cargo ships passing in the oil tankers in the like caltrans says the possibility of a crash was considered when they built and designed the bridges and when they were upgraded. >> every one of them has a protection device around it. that's a fender system that either is completely different than the bridge foundations themselves or it's designed to absorb the energy. >> and so caltrans says it's more likely that the xbridge fenders will damage ship. as opposed to the other out on the ship, damaging that that bridge caltrans admits, though, you can't plan for everything, which is why that they in the case of a crash which shut down the toll plaza immediately, the chp would close the freeway. you wouldn't have any access to the bridge and they would investigate. look what happens when there's an earthquake of the little things are checked out like barton alike so yeah, they take no chances 6.23. is
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that i'm coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a high-speed chase ends in a crash in 4 people arrested. we'll tell you what pol
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>> back 6. 25 police in san francisco now offering a quarter of a million dollars for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible. >> for a deadly shooting that happened at a playground. so the shooting happened back in april 2022, it was at the alice chalmers playground, which is behind longfellow elementary school. that's in the crocker, amazon neighborhood. investigators say the victims were playing
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basketball when at least 2 people in a car opened fire. they say 20 year-old rain carlson, a 22 year-old brandon alexander cheese were killed. the 2 other victims were shot but they did survive. police say the getaway car was described as a silver honda accord. time now 6.26. and coming up on the kron, 4 morning news signatures are being collected. >> to recall governor newsom again, we'll tell you what this group of behind it is this group of behind it is complaining about. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds
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up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?!
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invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama. hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent.
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>> 6.29 right now we're checking out the weather and we're in for some changes today. we are yet today's the trausition day for sure. john, good morning. today is going to be a day where we start dry, but we end on the weather side of things. so if you are going to be leaving the house and staying out all day long, bring the rain jacket. the umbrella with you. you won't need it this morning, but you will be needing it later. right now we're looking outside at some dry skies from the east bay hills. definitely a lot more cloud cover than yesterday. and you can be easily see where that rainfall is. that still several hours to our north, but very present up towards eureka inn near the oregon border. we'll stay dry through the rest of the morning and honestly up to around noontime after that, a few light sprinkles increasing rainfall towards the evening commute. the very heaviept of it after the sun goes down tonight. so just gradually ramping up through the day. temperatures are in the 40's and 50's right now with hayward and berkeley tried out 50 degrees sf and oakland at 52 on the battle through cloverdale in the mid to upper
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40's later on today. look for to temperatures that will still be in the 60's despite the increased cloud cover and the opportunity of rainfall. we'll be breaking down the exact timing of everything you've got to now. still ahead, rain. all right, john, thank you for that. go on up on the bay bridge. so i thought there might be an accident or maybe even a hazard there. but no, there's nothing. there's a lot of people traveling this morning to 20 minutes into the city. give us a little extra time. san mateo bridge still at 15. so we're still nice and light making decent time. there. richmond center fell bridge has gone up a few minutes. 11 minutes tolls to 101, golden gate bridge just short of 20 minutes. darya. james, back to you. thank you. reyna 6.30, right now and california superintendent tony thurmond. >> is backing a plan to make financial education a graduation requirement in public schools. earlier this year, we highlighted one of those programs being taught at an elementary school in oakland. we're capitol correspondent eytan wallace to explain. >> well, here at the
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california department of education, thurmond told me he believes are required. personal finance course could be a game-changer for students. >> and soon you the voters. >> could have the final say. this is something that will have tremendous benefits for our students. that's the message. state superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond hopes to convey about a proposal to make a course in personal finance, a graduation requirement in california. public schools. at the california department of education. thurmond spoke to this group of educators and financial literacy professionals about why he believes making such a course mandatory would have a long-term impact. what students have access to learn about personal finance. they're less likely to have debt. >> be able to make great decisions about their future. and their finances and they get education that often isn't provided in the home. in the past. members of the legislature have tried to introduce bills to mandate a personal finance high school course. but those proposals failed. >> but now supporters behind a new effort are hoping to bring
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the idea directly to voters. last month with the support of thurmont, they turned in nearly 900,000 signatures to qualify the measure for the november ballot. they need just under 600,000 of those signatures to be considered valid to officially qualify for the november election. we hope that people will support and we think this is a great thing for california kids. it's a message with valerie chapman agrees and educator from oakland. she's the founder and ceo of financial literacy for kids, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching 4th and 5th graders about saving and investing. well, this is extremely important because studies have proven that students learn or develop their financial habits at an early age habits that will, you know, last them a lifetime. still, some are skeptical. >> in an op-ed for the nonprofit publication cal matters last fall columnist dan walters road adding new mandates takes class time away from basics that too many students are not already inmedia. literacy classes are pointless for kids who cannot to him out or read
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at their grade level and sees it differently. it can save a life report with students who are in tough neighborhoods or schools that, you know, i've had many challenges and we see students performing well academically, but being engaged in life and what their future is going to be. we think that personal finances, important ingredient to success for all of our students. >> and it's unclear where all legislative republicans, dan, on this proposal, but gop senator and former senate minority leader scott wilk says he supports arguing it will give students the tools they need. >> to succeed reporting outside the california department of education in sacramento. eytan wallace kron. 4 news a top. thank you. people trying to recall governor gavin newsom can start collecting signatures. secretary of state approved the official recall petition submitted by the group called rescue california. >> the group cites the budget deficit, public safety, immigration and education. among the reasons for this latest attempt to boot him from office, californians
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rejected the last week, although that was back in 2021. by a 61 to 38% vote. well happening today. there will be a rally outside former house speaker nancy pelosi, san francisco house to protest her support in banning tiktok. the group says that pelosi wants tiktok ban due to young people getting uncensored information about gaza and the us's involvement in that war. but pelosi has maintained that she wishes to ban tiktok due to it being a security threat. the protest is set to start at noon. >> its 6.30, for kron 4, local election headquarters in presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior has picked a silicon valley lawyer and philanthropist to be his running mate. he made the announcement yesterday in oakland, a city where his choice for vp nicole shanahan is from kennedy calls are exactly the right person praising her as a gifted administrator. my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientists acknowledges fears or your
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mom. >> nicole >> there's only antiwar candidate today and you all in the democratic party or the republican party. he is an independent. robert f kennedy junior. his commitment to peace and to the welfare. working people in america that shocked me as a person of compassion to his candidacy. >> shanahan is the ex-wife of google co-founder, sergey brin and she has a record of donating to democrats. he says that she left the dig up democratic party because she feels it has lost its way. >> new numbers are out now showing just how much fentanyl the state of california sees last month, according to data from the news have been ministration. the california national guard last month helped seize more than a million fentanyl pills statewide. includes nearly 600,000 pills along the california mexico border. governor newsom is now calling on congress to take action to help secure the border with mexico. what uc berkeley
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police are asking for your help now identified 5 people that were involved in this protest last month. and we've got a few of the pictures here on the screen showing the protesters and police are looking for. they're accused of disrupting a campus event hosted by jewish student organization. police say members of the crowd forced their way into the school's theater and hurt guests and police officers and caused property damage as well. the incidents are classified now as hate crimes. >> in the north bay, a big step forward for sonoma county sheriff's deputy who was injured in the line of duty after spending. 22 days in the hospital there you see deputy nick d'elia being released from the hospital yesterday morning. he was critically injured while confronting an armed suspect. and the incident ended with the suspect dying. is going to continue his recovery in a rehab facility. now. we're
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learning new information about a high-speed chase that happened in the bay area and ended with 4 people being arrested. the for people stole these items from a lululemon store in napa on monday, about 200 items. >> worth $23,000. we told you about this high speed chase that ensued after that ended in oakland with the car over turning and we have video from the citizen app showing in the car on its side. they're on lakeshore avenue beacon street. a tourist says that they're not surprised to hear about this. >> unfortunately, like in today's and it's like just training your team that like to almost just like let them do it because like also the sounds that like insured and like your life isn't worth a couple. caroline kings. >> we reached out to lululemon about the theft. they haven't given us responses, as of this morning. >> in san francisco, police are looking for a man who stabbed another man in the city's tenderloin
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neighborhood. they say it happened at about well early yesterday morning on geary strst afew blocks from van ness. police say the 2 men got into a fight before the victim was stabbed several mes that victim was taken to the hospital. we're still looking to get a confirmation on that person's condition. police haven't released a description of the attacker, but we'll let you know when they do. meantime, san francisco city leaders are banning any new smoke shops from opening up in the tenderloin on tuesday. the board of supervisors unanimously voted for this ban. the legislation does not affect those businesses that are already in existence. but leaders say this was a decision they made after getting numerous requests from the residents there of the tenderloin supervisors also unanimously voted to push to bring a full service grocery store to that area. >> 6.39 and san mateo county sheriff's deputies have arrested a woman for stealing $300,000 from the san carlos based tech company that you work for. the deputies started looking into this report of
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embezzle meant in june and after an investigation for several months, detectives identified tina caboodle. i as the suspect in march, 20th deputies from the santa rosa police department arrested her and she was booked into the maguire correctional facility. she she is facing charges embezzlement. now, time now is 6. 39 and in the east bay officials have identified a man who died in a crash in fremont over the weekend. take a look at video from the citizen app of this accident that happened on saturday. daniel thrower of el sobrante was driving on southbound 8.80, near the dakota road off-ramp when he hit a car and and then he struck an embankment and he died at the scene. the driver of the other vehicle was not hurt. the man who died when his truck bed hit a freeway overpass in oakland has been identified. that was jose de andre philo of pittsburgh. he was driving
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a a 3 actual truck. and the bed hit the overpass. and and on the freeway. he was pronounced dead at the scene in that accident. the investigators say he was wearing a seat belt when the crash happened. >> one of san francisco's most iconic and long serving lgbtq+ venues will soon open in a new location. the stud will be opening on folsom street come april 20th. the nightclub operated for 55 years before it shut down back in 2020 because of the pandemic. but the owners say the new location is twice as big as the old one, which was notoriously crowded. so they're hoping this will ease that a bit. they say it will have 2 new bars, a new stage and a new sound system as well. we're going take a break. 6.41 on the clock and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the warriors looking to get back on track in miami as they take on the will have the highlights of that game coming up in a minute.
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>> here are the 4 things that you need to know right now. san jose nurses at regional medical center are rallying to keep the trauma center open. they say that closing it would cause lives. in february regional med center announced that we're closing because of a decline in patients. police in san francisco are or for offering a quarter million dollars for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for a deadly shooting that happened in april of 2022. in allis,
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chalmers playground. the victims were playing basketball when 2 people in a car started shooting. a minor is arrested in santa rosa for bringing a firearm and having in his possession 17 years old. this driver admitted that the gun belonged to him and he was booked into juvenile hall. san jose city officials have launched a pilot tech program to help detect homeless encampments. advocates are worried, though it will be used to push the homeless out. city officials say the surveillance will be used to provide better essential services. well, checking the weather here on this wednesday. we're midway through the week and fittingly, today's the day where things changing kind of midway through day to morning john. it's the 2nd half of the day that's getting wet. the first part of the day, which is spread now looking. all right. but if you are get-ing outside and planning on being out throughout the course of the afternoon. >> don't forget the rain jacket in the umbrella. you'll need it later on. quite our looks. all right this morning, definitely a lot more cloud
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cover than yesterday. there's your storm system right here and works its way in today. so we're transitioning out of that dry pattern where we started the week and back into a much more active pattern. this is not just one line of showers making its way in. it's actually multiple rounds of rain fall ahead of us right now. rain is situated still several hours to our north up towards your weekend, the oregon border. that's where we're seeing it currently. we'll see a few light sprinkles for the north bay late morning in for the rest of us. a few of those light showers into the early afternoon today, really after the evening commute tonight is when intensity starts to crank up a little bit more and pockets of heavier rainfall during our overnight hours leading into tomorrow morning, too. areas of rainfall continue through your morning commute tomorrow before some afternoon drying for your thursday. after that, our rainiest day, the forecast that's actually set to arrive on friday. the data maybe keep it a little bit closer to home and try not to plan too much outdoors. tomorrow's tonight into tomorrow's rain followed
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quarter to a half an inch of it. we'll add up more on that and to friday and by the end of the week, we've seen over an inch of it for some parts of the bay and in the sierra. we're not measuring it in inches, but rather feet again as another winter storm warning is just around the corner, starting at 11:00am today. we'll be looking at areas like donner summit seeing the potential of well over a foot of snowfall. even the lake county and mendocino county mountain seeing a few inches as well. what do you got to know here for the weekend? will friday is going to be a rough travel day and even tonight into tomorrow morning, going to be pretty rough as well. this is too cold. storms dropping snow levels low as 3500 feet. and once you head above 5,000 feet, it's one to 2 feet of it. expect chain controls and delays very likely here in the bay today it is going to be another day of 60's tomorrow. temperatures cool down a little bit further in by friday. we're not making the 60's. most of us landing in the upper 50's rainiest times will be tonight again on
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friday. chance of thunderstorms on saturday. interspersed by dry skies by sunday. we should be dry back out. but with some windy conditions for easter, right? all right, john, thank you. that let's get day as traffic starts to build along highway 4. >> and traveling 2.42 around. 33 minutes. i'm not seeing traffic hazards there. just an uptick in traffic. they bridge right now at 19 minutes into the city meter lights are on other than that. you're not seeing any delays starting to go up along the san mateo bridge 60 minute right there. so just a little slower along getting on the bridge. 1, 1, still looks good. 24 walnut creek down to 5, 80 still in the green at 13 minutes. checking on 6.80, doubling down to fremont. 22 minutes under 30 still making decent time. arias is back to you. thanks a lot. let's talk sports and basketball. the worry is on the road taking on the miami heat. they did kron. 4 sports director jason dumas shows us what happened. >> the warriors barely had any breathing room on the houston rockets right now, a win is
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necessary on tuesday night in miami's steph curry and the dubs. the team is hoping to turn things around only about 10, 11 games left. 1st quarter warriors up 6. here's how you do it. step patient with the ball navigates through lane between a couple defenders. i saw floater off the back boards worries extend that lead to late in the quarter. heat now up by one draymond gets his shot, blocked by bam adebayo. we're going the other way. haywood highsmith. he scored on the other end. heat lead by 2 at the half 3rd quarter. same score. klay thompson had himself a game started. he was reinstated in the starting lineup teams on stand. he's proved why that was a good decision. all right. now later, dream on 3 misses the 3. and it's kept around. step goes out, take care of it. drag nice little logo shot 17 6 on the seafloor step. closing moments of the
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3rd. but his play this highlight miss by clay ends up with a nice little poster dunk from jonathan kuminga. if you don't get a body on him, he's going put you on a poster 18 7 from coming stretch. how about a cherry on top klay thompson coming off 3 of those. 28 points for klay warriors win one 13, 92. they're back in action this evening. taking orlando magic. all right. that's a look at sports. well, as for baseball, the giants were back at oracle park hosting the a's in the bay bridge series. >> but one voice was missing from the game last night. fans will know that this was the first game without the team's longtime announcer. now, brooks moon now for 24 years. she's been known as the voice of oracle park, but the team announced last week the giants and brooks moon were parting ways before the game. fans of
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all ages sent their love and best wishes for brooks. mo. >> for years a lifetime, most of these kids haven't experienced a game without you so that will even now i can hear the pa it's noticeable differences, not run i wish you the best stick with the giants on some level. amiss here. >> team president larry baer says they'll be using a rotation of announcers, at least for the short term for last night's game. the giants used caroline cj silas. she is poly. so she had her turn at the mic and we'll see who's up next. >> this saturday is bay fc's. first home opener ever. and to celebrate san francisco through a kickoff party at the civic center yesterday, mayor london breed was there all decked out in the team's gear. she says she is thrilled to welcome bay fc to san francisco and the bay area players signed autographs for fans. young players also got
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the chance to do a little work. afc is going to be playing the houston dash at paypal park in san jose on saturday. >> the next total solar eclipse is coming soon. all explain what it is and how you can experience this where an amazing phenomenon. i'm rich amazing phenomenon. i'm rich ss. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> we are back 6.54. is the time and easter will come a bit with a bit pricey price tags this year, the price of cocoa. look at this has now surged to a record high of more than $10,000 per metric ton. so what do you get
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chocolate childlike bunnies and start some trucking area, they're upping the cost. but cadbury any you know, chalk this. you enjoy during the holidays, advertising candy, that contains less cocoa. that's what start doing to try to keep the price down for yeah, you got to have. i needed better like good, good, you know that the price of cocoa has >> in the past year, triple double this past year, tripled in the past 12 months following poor being harvest in west africa. so you know what? the world weather patterns are affecting. something as simple as or candy bar for. okay. well, now it's a food group. i care about. how about guy like a lobster roll. >> a popular seafood spot known for its is coming to the bay area. broad street oyster company opening in ghirardelli square today and their menu features a whole bunch of great seafood items, oysters, tuna caviar. they have 6 other
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restaurants, but they're all in southern california. so this will be first. just i like it 6.55. coming up in the next hour, the couple morning news. oakland's get ready to meet its new top cop. we'll hear from the mayor about the new police chief. and san francisco's board of supervisors. >> been overridden or overridden way. the mayor vetoed ordinance about neighbor density tell you what this means. all you want to know is what's going to happen with affordable housing in your neighborhood. and crews in baltimore have shifted now from rescue to recovery. 6 people lost in the water when that bridge went down. we'll have the very latest.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> goodmorning lots going on today. we're going to meet the new police chief of oakland. so we've got that for yeah. they've waited a year to have this moment. so they're going to get that today. plus, san francisco supervisors now pushing to end traffic related deaths. something they say is an emergency on the streets. and nurses are pushing in the south bay to keep open a
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trauma center that is supposed to close. good morning. i'm daria and i'm james. we get to those stories in a minute. but first, let's step outside. we want to start the hour with a check of the weather and we've got beautiful looking start to wednesday that might deceive you. if you don't look at what's going to happen later, johnny yet today starts dry. doesn't end so much that way as we do look at showers pushing back in, especially late afternoon into the evening tonight. so if you're getting out there this morning, just don't forget the rain jacket and the umbrella. if you plan on staying out all day long, we're we're sitting down in san jose. actually some fairly clear conditions for you overhead. you're off to a cool start down in the 50's right now. as for current conditions on the radar, we do see those showers up to the north in mendocino, humble down or take counties. still several hours to the north of us here in the bay area. we may see a couple light morning sprinkles for northern sonoma county later this morning. and if you light a afternoon, sprinkles for the rest of us. rainfall really starts to pick


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