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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  March 22, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. and that breaking news story this morning. oakland mayor sheng thao has picked a new police chief. the mayor has appointed floyd mitchell to the job. >> he replaces the ron armstrong who was fired more than a year ago. mitchell was the former police chief in lubbock, texas. and in a statement this morning, mayor thao called mitchell a strong leader and a smart crime fighter who delivers results. mitchell began his career as an officer in kansas city, missouri spent 25 years there with that department. he's also a veteran of the u.s. air force and he did release a statement this morning in which he said in part, quote, as oakland's police chief, i look forward to working together with our residents. business owners, city leaders and members of the police commission to build a stronger and safer oakland. he goes on to say i am excited about the opportunity to meet the
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members of the police department interact with all people who call this beautiful city home and become an integral part of this special place. and we just got reaction from the oakland police officers association about. >> the naming of the new chief. quote, we are excited to welcome chief michel and look forward to a promising future. we are pleased that the uncertainty regarding the oakland chief of police position has been resolve because, again, it has been about a year that oakland has been without a top cop and now with this, we have reaction, too, from those who've been waiting a new chief, including robert harris with the oakland naacp as one of his members there. mister harris, we appreciate your time with us this morning. and we're interested. >> to hear your reaction now to this announcement of a new chief of police in oakland. what were your first thoughts? >> well, were very happy that the decided to select a new police chief that so important
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that we have a police while we don't know much about the, we look forward to working to admit to make certain that open becomes a better place in which can live. >> so the question becomes, how can he do that? what do you need? what do you see happening? there's a lot of talk about the mayor said he was chosen because of his price. she called a proactive policing and strong community engagement. so what does that look like? what do you think? yeah, needs to be done. >> strong community engagement is so critical. 2 effective police work and we believe if the poli sci comes were 2 of the community gets the own engagement of the community, that he will more than likely be very instrumental in helping open move forward. and we look forward to that. >> how do you how do you envision he balances that delicate balancing act? we know that there are a number of new chp officers that the
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governor has sent into oakland to help fight crime. he wants to be proactive in that in protecting the public. we also have to balance that with protecting civil rights and liberties. so what would you like to see from him on that front? >> we're going would like to see from him is ginger, that constitutional policing continues in oakland and the chp came in oakland at the request of the in az pete. we've met with the government and we requested the governor. bring them in and now hopefully will be in a situation so that chp, the county's year and everybody can work together to make certain open is moving forward. that is the u.s. move forward and we're willing to work acp in any way we can to ensure that that happens. if you're going to rank. >> the priorities that you'd like him to tackle first. i know we're dealing with retail theft on the rise. we're dealing with a violent crime in some cases on the rise as
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well of the various issues that oakland is dealing with in combating. what would you suggest he tried to tackle first? if you had to pick one. >> the issue's obviously public safety. we must tackle the issue of public safety so every citizen can bills say walking the streets of open. and that is so critical to our well-being >> okay. so so number one would be that that police. but you said community engagement is important. a lot of times the trouble with public safety is, you know, people are afraid to report a crime because they don't want to get worse. and so, you know, that's a balance to as we're talking about that, how how can he encourage people to participate? will that builder? and and knowing that, you know, there there may be arrest that result and make them still feel safe. >> everybody they can open really wants to work with the police to make certain there is community engagement. when you have a real community
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engagement, people are not afraid to report crimes. and that's exactly where we want this community we want the community to build that. if crime is committed, should feel safe in reporting that crime. and when we get to that stage in our community will be in state would say is that open is in a position to reduce crime and is reducing crime. and that's exactly where we want to and i imagine someday you envision a community where. >> when somebody in the community sees the police, they run towards them and they're happy versus being afraid of them because there's ad angle as well where you want to feel, you know, that that you don't have to you're safe from the police, you know, and a lot of that will trend that repair work in that relationship does have to come. >> from the side of police, we know that the department has been, you know, rocked with scandals in the past. and so there is some work to be done on both sides to try and get us to that utopian. do that is
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right is absolutely correct. it takes both sides working together >> police in the community is so critical to will be in. we want. >> the oakland police department to engaged so that people report and they do safe in doing and i think look, the police chief, we hope that he will establish a situation that allows that to happen. the n a a c p billy's from lee in cooperation with the police and the amazing be also believes burma in constitutional policing. those 2 veins must go to trust. it's all about trust. thank you so much. appreciated. and. >> happy to give you some good news this morning. we haven't received news that looking forward to working with the new police or a fix, right? thank you. robert harris, executive member of the oakland, a chapter of the naacp. we appreciate his time
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this morning. >> all right. let's change gears right now. it is friday. so a lot of people are looking forward to the weekend that some good news. we do have a little storm on the way going to dodge a few raindrops here and there. good morning, dave james and darya. good morning. good morning, everybody. and you'll be able to enjoy at least a good chunk of the day today to keep you in the east and the south bay before this rain line moves in into the evening and fortune for the evening commute will be a bit on the sloppy side coupled with the fact of we're looking at winds too, right now. this is the beauty shot. we have the east bay shoreline, a mixed bag, a sun and clouds. it's like to quite a nice clearing trying to develop up there as you will notice. there's the low that we're watching a little closer inspection. nice little clear patch made its way across the bay. so we're getting some early sunshine that will add some instability. so we could even have potentially some thunder showers with this line even this evening. there's a look at the winds pretty much calm. the single digits. and as far as the breakdown today, we expect about 67 or so by 1 o'clock at 4 at 65. those are lofty numbers, by the way,
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because it's going to be cooler on the back side of all of this. and for the week ahead. little more on that forecast. a bit right arena standing by with a traffic all right. well, your bridges are looking fantastic. on a friday morning. we've been frying light friday light for most of our bridges, our highways, a little busy. >> 9 minute ride into the city. no accidents on the bay bridge just under 14 80 to 101. if you're taking the san mateo bridge currently, richards tower fell bridge 8 minute, right? golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls around 34 minute. let's check out some of those highways like the south bay. 85 up to menlo park around. 33 minutes down from 40. so you're making a really good time. darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot all right. now to some more developing news this morning. the driver who crashed her suv into a bus stop in san francisco's west portal neighborhood, killing a family of 4. >> has been released from police custody. kron four's rob nesbitt takes a closer look at what's next. mary fong allows lawyer says she did not suffer any major injuries like a broken bone from saturday's crash. >> he also says the public seems to have a
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misunderstanding held legal proceedings work in a case like this and that there's no wrong in his client being released from police custody. the pictures of the 4 victims who died because of saturday's crash. still hang on you, lois street in san francisco and visitors still walk to the growing memorial to pay their respects. police arrested the driver. 78 year-old mary fong lau. but her lawyer sam geller confirmed to kron 4 that she's been released from police custody and that no charges have been filed. the fact is that this could just be horrible tragedy. >> that, you know, have to vary. corporate consequences. that is an accidents without there being crime. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins has asked for patience as investigators gather more information, saying toxicology results can take more than 30 days to obtain. and that will also take time to go with the operating systems of the suv. lau was driving his grateful and appreciative of fact that da's office, despite potential public pressures you know, conducting a investigation to
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make a proper determination to get it right. the youngest victim in the crash, 2 months old ramos, pinto de oliveira died at the hospital wednesday. the executive director of walk san francisco, jodi madeira released a statement saying in part, quote, san francisco griese for this family. we're all far too vulnerable. >> cars, trucks and suvs can become deadly weapons in an instant. our city's leaders must step up to the all too real threat on our streets with new levels of commitment and a new ways walk. san francisco sent a letter to mayor london breed outlining the need for more decisive action with vision, 0, a road safety policy with the goal of eliminating all traffic related fatalities. reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> and speaking of making the streets safer today, the sfmta holds a public meeting on its no turn on red expansion that project games. it's improving safety for pedestrians. downtown a crop was will tran is live in the city to explain how this is going to work? well. >> here's what you can do now.
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you can come to this red light here and this is off of venice just off of market street, right? just right down the road. and they're focusing on this particular area. you can come here and you can make a right turn. what they want to do is implement 200 intersections in the north and south of market areas to make it illegal that you have to do exactly what these cars are doing, that you have to stop and then wait for a green light before you make a return because they want to cut down on pedestrian accidents and they have a sample size that basically backs up their argument says 2021, they've installed 54 signs at the tenderloin area that says no turn on red. and since then, they believe 92% of drivers have complied. and more importantly, the number of accidents have dramatically gone down. let's talk to motorists this morning and pedestrians. here's jamie parking. your thoughts on
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that. we live in a very busy world. some people say if i can make a safe right turn, why not? your thoughts no turn on rent? >> thanks. as a pedestrian and motorist, i work in san francisco. i'm here 5 days a week. i think if folks can slow down for 30 to 60 seconds that we should do it and also a local risk manager. so to me, it's if we can save injuries and save lives. there's been times i've been in the intersection and i'm scared. i've also been behind vehicles that have made a right turn and have that look to last first. and it's got hit. so you're all for this >> here's what you need to do. they want to hear your input. just go to the sfmta website. log on and they want to hear your input or nay on this, but it looks like it probably will be a done deal. it's a matter of not a matter if, but when. and it looks like the signs will be installed sometime later this year.
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>> okay. thanks a lot. we'll.
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>> 9.14, right now. and today beer lovers are all lined up. just for 3 bottles of beer. yeah. like a 3 bottles of beer on the wall use well if you like beer, you know, the russian river brewing company has applied to the younger available for a very limited time. >> once a year and proffers michael thomas was lucky enough to be up there in santa rosa to get his head. not only is hands on it, but the sample of 2 morning, michael. >> you know, you know, some would say i'm lucky. good morning, everyone. that's right. deiah 99, bottles of
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beer on the wall, right? we'll take a look. there's more than 100 people out here this morning. in fact, we've even got video to show you. i took this as i walked all the way through. it took me about a minute or so to get that far down. you can see people are really lined up in the line, has even crew longer. and the owners here tell me this morning, it's even longer when you get out there over to windsor because they're only selling it here at this location. and they're windsor locations. so as james mentioned, it's only available for 2 weeks in planning the younger. it's a triple ipa. it's not to be confused with a plane el dir. now the younger simply higher in alcohol and has tons of pop. so it's usually around 11% or the actual alcohol. we're going bring it back here live. ladies, helen, have you guys been out here this morning where you're traveling from tracy? but since about 5 this morning? tracy and stocked your house with pablo get yes, ok, i'm talking or has been earlier. he's been out since 5 as well. and you traveling before he got here at 4 traffic stopped and stopped. ended us like this your
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favorite kind of beer, you for the husband. yeah, we're you know, we're going to 11 to. what are you from where i'm from? stock them hitting what does make from stockton week. this is what we come for for you will hear their pizzas good as well as that very they have. and they've been here since yesterday. now 04:00am this morning and this morning that the gentleman down there from concord, he's been here. what time you get your lot. >> at this point, look at me just bothering everybody. they're just waking up with temperatures at here. 10 o'clock, 10 o'clock last night. and how many years of u.s. my second year doing is that worth it? >> yes, it is. it's only worth one words to describe the taste for viewers at home light but also strong beer to triple ipa. it's but it's really delicious, delicious, delicious. just like that month and that he's drinking now. hold on. i've got some of it here. give me one second on the step out of the frame. >> tara and james, here you go. this is what it looks like this year. they're doing 3
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bottles. normally they only get to. but it's our 20th anniversary. they've also got a new logo, they say right there on the actual battle. so this is what everybody is probably going to be jumping the fore. as i drive off this morning, james. no, i to be kind enough to give you one, daria al >> there a is perfect. you got 3, 1, 2, 3, there we go. that's now. haha. i know henry behind the camera. he's already trying to pump before. stent, school without a cuss there. yes, they're opening up this morning at 11 o'clock and we'll have a crew here. so if you're in this area, talked to kron 4, we want to hear your experience. back to you guys live in of and all right, michael, thank you very much. alright, 17 is the time. looks like the weather hold out. great for those in early but i was thinking beer-drinking weather is not like rainy. and you know, that's what's going to happen as we got is yeah, i move in and hope people come in later, dave, to stand in line to bring their umbrellas.
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yeah. because the north is going to get hit first. yeah. good morning, james and ari, good morning, everybody. but it looks like again, as we pointed out, looks ok up there. and as it does the east bay shoreline, look at some blue making its way through. we're getting some sunshine to start things off. >> although that just gives energy to the atmosphere and potential to see some thunder showers from central valley all the way up north, including portions of the bay. they'll probably expand that green line there. so here's what we expect in terms of timing. >> there you see the north bay through the afternoon and then by 5.30, it covers the whole bay. and this will be with winds, too. by the way, won't really depart until maybe as we approach run midnight temporarily than some more spotty showers late overnight into our saturday morning with even breaks in the clouds as well. this continues saturday night into sunday with some impressive cells to be had. but also those clear patches to that again, just give energy to the atmosphere. we have this this contrasts going on. and that's what drives weather right above is very cold. but at the surface, it's somewhat mild course that will
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be getting chillier as we go forward. here's the papa winds. i mentioned on sure they will be as we have the ride home tonight. what kind of repeat that again tomorrow? but none of these are anything like the wind events that we've seen from before. there's no wind advisories. there's no high wind warnings with any of this and it doesn't last, particularly that long, although it should be mentioned, it is widespread. now, however, you can get localized storm damage. if you get underneath a bad thunderstorm cell and we can sometimes get some hail with that as well. sunday. we even see some winds working here wide scale. as you notice, this is more southwesterly and it will be mostly focused at the coast today. rain is developing basically north bay to the south for a sloppy evening commute. showers on saturday. scattered about for sunday. we do have some impressive collect clusters of rain that do occur. shore. the quantitative lee. it's not like what we've been through during previous winner here because this could be much lighter in terms of how much actual rain we're getting. it's just going to be more dynamic. that's not a good thing, ok in the next wednesday's the next day to
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watch in friday, those the 2 big days over next weekend looks like it's improving. all right. 64 san francisco, 66 open. 74 san jose will be having that extended forecast for you coming up in a bit. right. a run as a traffic check right now. alright, snapshot of the bay area right now. if you are out there traveling and you can see a lot of green. >> little pockets of orange be traveling along a t 5, 18, 80 through oakland, 80 through hayward for the most part to 81 to one 2. 37 6.80, things are looking fabulous. a ridge right now my minute ride into the city. meteor lights on. that's not slowing. folks down too badly. 30 minute. 81 1 heading across towards peninsula. 80 krakow towards the maze. you start to build just in to berkeley. 17 minutes crockett out towards the maze. 1, 0, one. 85 to menlo park around. 32 minutes. so not far off. so and down to 2, 37. 30 woman writes los to hayward fremont. once you make it to milpitas things look great. darya. james, back to you. thank you.
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>> 9.21 in san francisco. police have arrested a man for vandalizing 20 cars. officers went to respond to a call around 9 o'clock in the evening tuesday night because many vehicles have had their tires slashed in the area of 12 avenue in anza street. when the police got there, they saw a suspect who matched the description. officers identify him as 22 year-old cl torres and he was taken to jail and arrested. >> coming up on the kron morning news lawmakers and the governor have reached an agreement could help with the ongoing budget deficit in california. but it's going to be painful.
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>> it's 09:24am. police are investigating a newark man who shot and who was shot and killed by a bail bonds and a bounty hunter. he was shot and killed. it happened earlier this week. the bounty hunter and his employee were attending catch the man who had failed to appear in court. and then after an altercation, the bounty hunter, she and shooting and killing that wanted man. the bounty hunter remained at the scene. he waited for police to arrive. the identities of the bounty hunter and the man that he killed. they have now been released at this point. the investigation is ongoing. >> port of oakland is busy. port officials say imports rose for the 4th month in a row. they brought in nearly 77,000 containers last month and exports were also up about
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24% year over year. so some good news there. meanwhile, in the east bay or further east in the east bay, we have conquered city council now accepting a term sheet for development of the former naval weapons station from brookfield properties. this is a large lot of land in the east bay and this exclusive negotiation agreement now which will span over the next 4 decades would develop a number things in this area which is currently not in use. it would create more than 12,000 homes, a quarter of which would be designated as affordable housing. there would be area for commercial use and green spaces. well, in fact, more than 2000 acres to the east of gifted to the east bay regional park district. so they can create a new regional park. the plan also includes restoration of mount diablo creek. and the widening of will pass road with all that new housing you're going to need or accommodations for the traffic that's going to bring a specific planned and environment report will be given once the deal with the navy is set because don't forget the navy still owns
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this lamp. >> new white house report says 10% of u.s. workers face the greatest impact of artificial intelligence workers with less education and lower income, they say are especially exposed to being replaced by ai. the white house says that raises the risk that the technology could create inequity or an inequality and equal workplace. these findings are part of the council of economic advisers and will report to the president. researchers say most jobs remain a collection of tasks and only a portion can be automated or, you know, become replaced by ai. they say the company's will >> still need people to do the work. although experts say that some jobs >> could eventually be wiped out by ai. >> the white house is in discussions with labor unions and manufacturing companies. >> about being ready for i means to various industries and jobs.
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>> 9.27 is the time. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news governor gavin newsom joins a chorus of people calling for an immediate cea another one in the books.
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but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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>> 9.29. right now we're looking at the weather and sfo actually good. so far so far it when chain later in. absolutely baseball with the details a >> james and ari, good morning. good morning, everybody. we're actually seeing some raised the sun as we start the day and rain is holding off very nicely until we get into the afternoon and evening. that's we expect that line pretty consistent with the model runs of marching in here. right? as we get to the
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evening commute sfo. by the way, they have the ordinary delays due to some construction and all that. however, this storm may produce more delays and really through this week and all this weather traffic coming our way. just keep that in mind. kind of mess up the schedule is a little bit. 67. it looks like by 1 o'clock and 4 were talking 65 as a reminder, these are probably some of the warmest numbers are going to see for about a week with all this unsettled weather from the system is dropping out the gulf of alaska already. here's the first one they were talking about for today. tonight and into tomorrow. the winds relatively inactive kind of single digits. but we do expect a pop of winds when the storm system dropped to the south and got us mentioned again, it's looking like we might get some scattered thunder showers with today tomorrow and even into sunday with the colder air. that's a lot. but first with working some of that dry air at the surface all right. what's going on with traffic right now? all right. well, now's a good time to get something before the rain starts to hit. >> a bridge looking good out there. 10 minute accidents hazards on a bridge this morning. 13 minutes, a 81 to one on the san mateo bridge
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just under 9 minutes. rich december fell. finally back to where we started at this morning. only 8 fridge around 30 and checking on a snapshot of the bay area right now. pretty much green. of the north bay traveling december, fells a little slower, no accidents or hazards. there reasons back to thanks. a lot of his 9.31. and breaking news. oakland has a new police chief mayor sheng thao just announced she has picked the new chief appointing floyd mitchell. >> he replaces leronne. armstrong was fired more new year ago. the new chief michel, he was the former chief at love this lubbock, texas. he was there. police chief for about 4 years. and in a statement this morning, mayor thao called mitchell a strong leader and a smart crime fighter who delivers results. mitchell started his career as an officer for the kansas city police department in kc, missouri. he spent 25 years with them and he's also
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a veteran of the u.s. air force. as for mitchell, here's what he said in part, quote, as oakland's police chief, i look forward to working together with our residents. business owners, city leadership and members of the police commission to build a stronger and say for oakland he goes on to say, i'm excited about the opportunity to meet the members of the police department interact with all the people who call this beautiful city home and become an integral part of this special place. and we're going to be hearing directly from mayor sheng thao speaking live with our justine waldman on the kron. 4 news at noon. so stay tuned for that. >> well, an amended civil rights lawsuit has been filed now against the san ramon valley unified school district over a former teacher. >> second victim has come forward saying they were sexually abused and claims the district. >> failed to act on that. and we've got kron four's philippe gaulle with more.
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>> a second former student at san ramon valley high school has come forward with abuse allegations against a former theater arts teacher. she has been added to a lawsuit originally filed last month in contra costa county superior court against the teacher and the san ramon valley unified school district. it alleges the school district failed to act when made aware of the abuse allegations during the 2011, 2012 school year. they did not document his final so that subsequent employers would know >> about these allegations. they did not submit the matter to the california teachers accreditation agency to ensure that his license was taken away. attorney robert allard with the san jose based law firm of sari boskovich and allard represents the 2 plaintiffs. >> he says jane doe number ones, alleged abuse happened multiple times on and off campus in 2011. and jane doe number twos abuse allegedly occurred shortly after the first plaintiffs graduation. the lawsuit claims the teacher
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shower the plaintiffs with gifts and played favorites. allard says jane doe number one was sexually abused multiple times on and off campus and that the teacher's alleged grooming led to him inappropriately touching jane doe. number 2. >> without her consent, were all behaviors which were known to the school. and to our knowledge, no action was taken by the school of prior to the. station of jane doe. number one, allard says the report was filed with paw enforcement back in 2012, but no charges were filed, which is why kron 4 is not sharing the defendant's name or picture. >> says he eventually left the school on his own accord shot. for the past. >> several years he has been advice principle. at a reputable private k through 12. school. then the east bay ice shutter to think about what i know about this man, how much damage he cause they're allard says now that a
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second plaintiff has come forward, a formal request has been made to law enforcement to reopen its case. >> the san ramon valley unified school district responded to our inquiry by stating, quote, we take these kinds of allegations very seriously, because this is active litigation. it is our policy not to comment. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> well, 9.35, mayor gavin newsom is now calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. elected leaders have been facing pressure as the death toll in the war between israel and hamas continues to grow in a letter to the state's muslim palestinian american and arab american communities. the governor says he is supporting president biden's call for an immediate cease-fire as a part of a deal to get relief for gazan citizens and the release of hostages. the bay area's council on american islamic relations or care for short says they would prefer the governor called for a cease fall earlier, but it's better late than never. >> for many months now, the
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majority of americans have said that the genocide in gaza it's sad that it's taken our elected officials so long. to join the moral called for a cease-fire. but we welcome that they are now here. >> well, the governor's letter also rise in anti-muslim discrimination and hate care. national says in the months following the october 7th attack on israel, anti-arab bias jumped according to their data by more than 170%. >> ray of sunshine to is. somebody was carrying, gave so much others. she loved her kids, her husband, she loved the community. >> we appreciate so much. this father who was grieving his daughter and son-in-law dying speaking to us about his daughter jt and amanda. true. they died march 12 when their car hit a tree while they were driving on river road in santa
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rosa coming back from celebrating jay tease 42nd birthday and now they leave behind their 2 sons. 11 year-old travis and 2 year-old mason. and amanda's father is caring for them. >> he's like, you know, the rooms of the rooms, exactly what they have to everything is going to be the same. so trying to everything as normal as can. but when i collect them to >> stalking about such a difficult thing to raise his daughters, sons. now, the chp meantime, is investigating what caused that crash. >> in the south bay community advocates in san jose are calling on city officials to help tenants stay in their neighborhoods. advocates are supporting an ordinance that would require 20% of affordable housing units to go to people who already live in the neighborhood. they say many working class families in san jose are facing eviction from their own community because they simply can't afford the rent.
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>> it is unacceptable that families intended have to endure the harm of the harmful effects of this placement cars. but the lack of affordable and stable housing. >> we witnessed a living in the streets and caused that. we also witnessed so many struggle in trying to find to the floor of the house and buildings. >> well, the city council is set to vote on the proposed policy next tuesday. if approved, the ordinance would go into effect immediately. >> it's and governor newsom and democratic leaders in the state legislature have announced a deal and they've all this is going to shrink our multibillion dollar deficit. yeah. but the key question remains. >> how are they going to do capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives a close closer look. >> well, democratic leaders about their plan will shrink the deficit by billions of dollars. all as republicans say, the budget process has not been transparent. it's the responsible thing to
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california senate president pro tempore mike mcguire promising swift action to tackle the state's multi-billion-dollar budget deficit, a deficit. the non-partisan legislative analyst's office 73 billion dollars. but when the newsom administration estimates it's closer to 38 billion dollars, whatever the number the choir and his senate democratic colleagues say they've reached an agreement with the governor and assembly democratic leaders to reduce the deficit by 12 to 18 billion dollars. the quicker we move. >> the better off our budget in fiscal situation will be for the entire golden state. specifically. the plan calls for early budget action, which in a nutshell allows the legislature to reduce the size of the current fiscal year's budget. the ideas that in turn would reduce the size of the deficit for next year's budget set to go into effect this summer are sacrifices getting need to be made this year. >> you're right. yes, absolutely. we are going to have to make sacrifices. but early action means that we can bring this deficit to a more
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manageable level. but the exact details of how they plan to shrink the deficit have not yet been announced in the past. governor gavin newsom has called for the legislature to dip into the state reserves and cut some housing and climate programs. but today he said specifics will be released next month. we're going to be moving very quickly to address the shortfalls in a matter of weeks, but not included in any of the budget discussions. republicans, they say they're frustrated. they've been left out of meetings and have not been briefed on the plan to tackle the deficit. i know nothing about it. i have seen. >> no details. the one thing i noticed about the process is exactly that the lack of transparency. >> here's what we know. the end result is going to be the same in june. we're going to deliver the 3 of us will deliver in time, balanced budget that will protect the progress that we've made in recent years. and democratic legislative leaders say they expect a vote on their deficit reduction plan sometime in
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early april, reporting at the state capitol. a tom wallace kron. 4 news. >> from the deficit to a surplus. how about winning the mega millions? you know, the pot is almost a billion dollars and the next drawing is tonight. so almost a billion tonight and then the powerball jackpots getting close to and is now up to 750 million. and that drawing is tomorrow. so between tonight tomorrow, james, i think there's a ticket with their names. somebody is life could be drastically change for sure. you have plenty to share. by the way, just i-41 right now. still ahead on the global warning is san francisco supervisors pushing to break. >> big grocery store to one of the most troubled in underserved neighborhoods will see how it helped those who live in the tenderloin. >> and we're got the first round of march madness under our belt and some big upsets probably. how's your bracket doing? >> we're having some madness and whether we have some thunder showers are possible
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with all of this rain we're talking about not just today, but tomorrow and sunday and a little unsettled into next week as well. have th
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>> and we're back at 9.40, for the latest news from nasa has space enthusiasts over the moon. all have. >> good one, james. >> recruitment is underway right now for the artemis generation program which is aiming to send astronauts to the moon's south pole qualifications for the role include a stem master's degrees. so something in size, technology, engineering can or or or a mathematics, you have to have a minimum number of 3 years piloting experience or medical residency. cause
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you're going to need those skills up there. selected candidates will spend 2 years training in houston preparing for travel and then readying a lunar experiments and all that stuff. and soon after nasa will land the first woman on the next mission to the moon when they put you up there and they don't have a problem they go. is there a doctor on board? everyone raises their right. >> 9.45. right now and we're checking out the weather just down here on earth. things that matter like rain and snow. >> good morning, dave and energy exchange is what we're doing. yellow thermodynamics while we're at a good morning, guys. good morning, everybody. up in the mountains, by the way, looks beauty right now. this yosemite same thing our tahoe. that's going to change with a series of systems all this weekend. but next weekend looks like you're getting a nice break here. all the weather will probably by that point clear south. want to take a trip up there. hold off until next weekend. you got to get through some rough weather. if you're going get up there and even once you're there will be a little rough both today and also into saturday. snow levels will be a little bit elevated to start
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and then dropped out of maybe some 5,000 feet or a little lower later on as the system moves through. a look hope forecast. by the way, we've got snow on saturday, peak some sun out here for sunday and into monday. by the way, that can also provide some instability even up there to sansa looks like in stormtracker 4. that's obviously big guy. we're going to watch. this could be a player today tonight. let's hand it over to future cast for takes just about all day to cover up the wider bay here. but finally does. so this is what it looks like. pass the morning evening commute into the evening or night hours and this is about what is going to part. we'll have some winds with that, too. by the way, a little break and then becomes a lot more spotty overnight and into saturday and saturday morning and then looks like on sunday. another dose happens actually overnight, which is kind of good because you have as much energy in the atmosphere with this big clump drops to the south, clears out. yeah, in the morning to allow some sun out. so this is the concern will get some thunder shower activity with all of that. 2 were instability. that could mean some hail or even if
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you're in the wrong spot. some straight-line winds. okay. rainfall collection. this is not like the other ones we've had during our winter season. we were they were fortified by subtropical moisture. coming up here, giving us a lot of rain. this is a bit more modest collection. this is what happens by saturday morning. it is really only santa rosa getting up there about a half of inch of rain elsewhere. it's turning very spotty. these numbers are being reduced with later model runs. when we add anything to it as we get to sunday morning, we're still not up there to the magical inch of rain yet. even santa rosa. so it'll take a while for that all to develop. all right. here's a look at the winds. we have a pop happening for the evening commute. that's a war just time for right then and then we'll do the same kind of thing on saturday, too. to make note of, although not as impressive, no wind advisory. so again, it's not like the winter system that we've had with those heavy duty wins. looks like by sunday morning. it's going to linger there, too, along the coast. the long-range forecast models here you have the traffic going on early in the weekend becoming more spotty on sunday monday. couple little spotty
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showers. another system look out for on wednesday and then another one on friday. as i said before, clears out in time for your weekend, 70 forecast. check it out. okay. that temperatures will be reduced out of the 60's. it looks like it around. 59 on monday. rain with traffic like i free of accidents and long our bridges right now. >> richmond center fell bridge san mateo bridge and the bridge all just under 14 minute to make your crossings their golden gate bridge about 20 moving at the limit. highways seen a lot of green. 34 minute ride along. 85 to menlo park. if you're traveling through there right now to a t 2. 37 17. we're also making really great time. so and down to 37. 32 minutes checking on 5 88 82 oakland. they both looked really good. 5 80's, even lighter than 80. if you had to choose between the 2 traveling along a still-low orange and yellow crockett out towards 19 minutes. highway 4 throughout the limit. 15 minute right, antioch, into concord's to 42 darya. james, back to you.
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thank you. reyna is 9.49. and a new proposal by san francisco leaders could bring a full service grocery store. >> to the city's tenderloin supervisor. dean preston is office, wrote a resolution calling on city departments to explore potential sites for a grocery store and come up with plans to open one up in that neighborhood. many people who live in the tenderloin currently have to travel outside of the neighborhood to get their groceries, which is more expensive and doesn't come with a selection. >> well, the corner shop really been story are. >> left to get home. a cursory is need and >> so they would love to see a grocery store. the plan calls on city departments to report to the board of supervisors within the next 60 days. >> well, some san bruno residents may have noticed some new parking pay stations in parts of town starting april. first, drivers are going to be required to pay for parking in the downtown
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areas near city parking lots even along some portions of el camino. you can visit the san bruno police department website for more information on this new development in the downtown area. >> 9.50, right now and march madness just around is in the books or in the bracket or maybe not maybe get busted. you're a lot of people. i think you're doing that. we have some upsets teams creating a lot of us to. aaron wilson has the highlights. >> quite a few upsets on the first day of the ncaa tournament. and i'm sure a great number of brackets have been busted at this point, but we'll start in salt lake city where, you know, in utah for the first round of the west region, arizona. the second seed in the west region tried to stay away from an upstate facing the 15 feet long beach state. >> and they're retiring head coach dan monson. so the game was close to the majority of the 1st half, if you will, morristown, he hits the 3 pointer here for long beach to keep them alive in have them
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trailing. they get within 6 at that point. but the wildcats, they want to 16 run that put the game away in the 2nd half. caleb love out of the break. you see him there with the alley-oop pass to shot. johnson who throws it down. he had 13 points on the night and they hit 13, 3 pointers. the wildcats da, 4 of them from this guy kylan boswell. 2 people in front of them doesn't matter. he knocks that one down. he had 20 points, arizona. they win 85 to 65 and now they played a ton in the second round of the tournament. meanwhile, the number 3 seeded kentucky also trying to avoid an upset of their own as they take on the 14 th-seeded oakland university. now let's pick it up late in the 2nd half where oakland was up by 2 in jet go key was the key. he drains the 3, his 10th 3 of the game in 32 points off the bench for gokey under a minute to go oakland. they were leading by ipone the knockout to dq cold i
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the corner. he sinks the 3 of his own oakland. they extend their lead to poor call, had 12 points in a rebound. the final seconds of the game is where we will take a real p% kentucky. they were on the inbounds play antonio reeves. he puts up a desperation hail mary 3, but it's no good and well that will do it. we're open shots, kentucky, and they shocked the world. they bless them break. it's 80 to. 76 was the final as they advance to the second round for the first time in all of their school's history. and they face the number 11 seed nc state on saturday, they also upset in their matchup. now being said, saint mary's, they have grand king in. meanwhile, stamper women, they have obviously state. >> tonight so we'll have a
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>> 9.55, and bart is looking for some talented musicians to fill stations with music. the famous german classical composer johann sebastian bach. and here's some photos of bars junior buck kids playing the violin recorder. piano cello at stations and keyboards. it's part of the bach in the subways program. it's running until march 31st. any age you can participate. no tipping is involved. if you're interested in this, you can register on bart's website. i like it. bochum medical haha. >> are going take a break. here is a 9.56. but coming up on the kron 4 morning news. big breaking news out of the east bay city of oakland now has a new police chief. tell
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you who mayor sheng thao picked for that role. plus, the sfmta wants to expand the city's no turn on red policy will tell you what they're hoping to do to make it safer. 4 pedestrians. plus the baby who died days after crashing a bus stop has now been identified. tell you what investigators are looking into in terms of a cause crash. sometimes it takes a different approach to see the difference you can make around you. ♪♪ ♪♪ with capella university's game-changing flexpath format, set your own deadlines and access coursework any time. imagine your future differently with capella university.
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right now on the kron. 4 morning news. breaking news. oakland has a new police chief are going to tell you more about who mayor sheng thao has just picked. and we're hearing
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from the attorney for the driver who crashed their suv into a bus stop killing a family of 4 in san francisco. and we're tracking the rain coming into the bay area today as winter weather returns. >> from the bay local news station. you're watching you on morning team. >> well, wait, there's more. you didn't mention the billion to more on and take on the throw to days. you may not be here monday. >> well, we're talking about the new police chief that you're seeing. how just talked about floyd mitchell. we'll talk a little bit about his background. he is. we'll get right into that. lots even stuff moving and shaking in the weather. you know, we're showing right there in that. he's there. you saw woman missing something. that's what's going four-thirty section of location over there. so just keep that in mind as we go for all of this. let's get right into it. this is what we look at that the sunshine is out rocking and rolling. so enjoy this part of the day before things start


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