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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  March 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

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>> welcome back, everybody on this super tuesday, we have our super panel like that going to introduce michael yaki michael's our political analyst, former adviser to nancy pelosi. david mcewan, share of the political science department sonoma state. jonathan madison, former vice chair of the bay area republican party. we talked about the senate race a little bit an hour ago, but that really is be race. everybody i think, kind of glued to and who knows. but the polls are indicating republican steve garvey is right up there with adam schiff as cold front runner and i think could happen. but how did how did he do that, jonathan? you know, i think he did it by being quiet. serious. i think he sort of cruise along a fine line and his democratic counterparts are very controversial and they're kind of beat each other up, which is what happens in these races. i mean. >> am lincoln said the first ruling being a politician is getting elected. right. so i
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think they're doing their job. but i think the debate here earlier has been is he going to go up double digits and as a conservative in california think it was the last time that happened for a second for hace. so but it also has to do with a california voting platform. so i'm eager to see what happens. >> so if you look at steve garvey, he was a very disciplined candidate. he was a very disciplined hitter. didn't say very much. he didn't talk about very much. it was about conservatives. consensus kind of really going back to the people without an accident. being, if you will, a in contrast, adam schiff was carried every bill under the sun for every possible, policy that goes on and that seems to have paid a dramatic dividends complete with that party discipline that republicans exhibit in california. how come like? the fact is that without adam schiff, we would be talking about steve garvey. he would be somewhere in in the air early. and like that.
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>> adam spent a zillion dollars. can to make it as there is a republican candidate, but he must defeat in november, which which also no wake and a lot of republican and to go well, you me there's there's actual conservative in this race. i should get out there and vote because adam schiff was concerned about one thing and one thing only being in a november run off with another democrat, especially in case. i think katie porter particles are katie porter in a highly brawl, high turnout election november probably has a little could have a little bit of an edge on him. so by spending a lot of money, making it seen it. adam, again, steve, is west getting steve up there to a point where i mean, yeah, i think being quiet was simply his way of saying i'm going to let adam schiff using adam playing politics. hampshire played played the politics beautifully in terms of in terms of someone who wanted to win and knew what the formula would be to win because even
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if he wins might even very where the finish in double digits ahead. i think about 2022 lan lan shen and fish ahead of malia cohen. 4 controller by about 12 points and then just blitzed in the general election. that's what that's the that's the playbook. the and schiff is looking for right now. boost garvey up, get him in the runoff, knocking down in the general. republicans are going to want democrats to spend money in california shift stone that he can raise a lot of money here. either himself or one of his affiliated pacs. >> raised more than half of the 71 million dollars that was spent in that race. that's 250% of what we've seen. the last 3 senate cycles. so it's a fundraising juggernaut republicans will play in that a little bit. but democrats are going to play a lot right there for shift that allows other resources to florida, california that might go other places in the broader congressional that's just a
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side benefit democratic party. but you haven't not having to have. >> 2 democrats go against november and the amount of research dream that i would put on fundraisers. absolutely that it but that's a side benefit to his overall strategy, which is get a republican and they're knocking down in general. all right, everybody on the couch earlier they don't think that he has shot and november. i said california voters kind of like a celebrity candidates be ronald reagan, arnold schwarzenegger. yeah, i know it's a long shot, but wouldn't that be? >> we have embrace headed to the general election. he can't be quite 100% so can pivot or do that shift. that would be the test. it doesn't look like garvey has that. >> in him to do for the general election. the make he was trying to get more specific on issues that didn't. we didn't really maybe he didn't want to. that's what you're just kind of sweeping on by making sure you made it this far. >> it be interesting to see how he changes his tune because you don't want to alienate to many of the left voters in california. but if
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you could appeal to some of that base that nikki haley has tapped into, now you're getting somewhere. so let's see how changed his tune. if any, and maybe he spends more elections and maybe spends a dollar more than the michael. yeah. he spent on the you it would take it would take a dramatic. >> drop-off in democratic voting for steve garvey to have scintilla of a chance in november. and it and yeah, shorts. necgr wine but we're talking about a very different electorate nowadays, much work. progressive electorate again, that's where that was a combat. keep lee democrat and very deeply democratic state. and we were ready has become purple. and and you have competitive seats in the central valley. so these are things that that jonathan's party has has to deal with. and i just don't see really how in november steve garvey, unless there is a luck as long as you're in the race, you always have a chance right? you never know what might
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happen. so in that sense, i would never say no. if someone 0 chance of winning burrs, but maybe just like a one percent and since the dodgers always fall when it comes let me ask this what i mean, i'm going by the polls. again, anything could happen. >> what happened to barbara lee? i mean, it seemed to me she needed to get beyond her identity supporters on maybe progressive women, african-american voters. what happened? she wasn't pose any way indicate no traction. >> you know, i think she it. and this is interesting. it's rare for barbara lee. she's managed to get a lot of traction over the years. i just feel like felt like she just hit still a place. she just couldn't managed to rally at the support for her based on the people who have supported in the past. she's got some new supporter. she has a real people like regina king, another celebrity
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supporters on your side. but she's really not been successful galvanizing that voters support that she used to traditionally, especially among african-american voters, african-american, male and female voters. so i don't know what it is. you interesting. >> you she's a progressive icon. she someone who was consistently antiwar, someone who talked about a cease-fire. happening in gaza, moved adam schiff on that position. the last 24 hours. she's someone who has been principled on the left but really was tagged into that lane. and that's a lane that's less than 12% of the vote early primary short runway kind of opportunity. just not going to be there. garvey upsets that that also upsets that the needle that has to thread there for a for katie porter. a and this isn't another element i think of the garvey candidacy. >> i love really i think she's been 2 wrecked representative in congress. there are 2
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strikes that she had to answer one. she had. she's very so. so fundraising numbers. and then secondly. in terms of sort of the free media that she's gotten. the fact is that adam schiff and katie porter have got a lot of free media on some of the liberal networks out there. and because of that, the ability to penetrate into where the voter rich territory of california is as much as we like to think it's here. it's not. it's it's south of santa barbara, la san diego. what have you? that's where they have media penetration that from the that bartley never had couple that was fundraising ability and you have a situation where sheet in a different race. i think definitely she would have had a chance, but against 2 people who had raise money and had media media exposure was going always going to be uphill race. all right. we have a lot more to talk about we didn't get to prop one, but we're going to be here all night. >> i mean, literally. haha.
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all thank you. and back to cannon oil. >> catherine, thank you. we do want to get your check of your 4 zone forecast. taking a live look outside at sfo tonight. all right, lawrence is here to give us a breakdown of what's going on out there. yeah. a couple of scattered showers around the bay area. of course, the storm not just impacting the bay area, but also the sierra nevada, where they've seen some very heavy snow. can you get this over 10 feet of snow while for that across the so, you know, we started out early in the season where we didn't have much in the way of snow and then all of a sudden things really kick into gear. and now we're talking about above normal. how about that? that's impressive about that. that, you know, i know they want to get a little sunshine get some of coming their way to. but yeah, we've had a lot of that rain around the bay or i know you want to get the sunshine. we're going to get to that. how about this, though? here's a look at half dome. it's in the background there. but you can see in the foreground all that snow piling up over the mountain top somewhat a storm. it's been, of course, if you've got stuck up there, you're not happy with that storm. i saw a lot of folks getting stuck up there on highways over the weekend.
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right now things are looking good. we're clearing your skies out a little bit. we're not done with the stormy weather in the high country by any means. in fact, over the next couple of days, a chance of more snow showers think mainly just couple of scattered snow showers for tomorrow. and then as we get into thursday and then by friday, we start to clear out your skies have been well should be looking good. all right. as far as storm totals over the high country, how about this? now? we're starting out preserving press of levels here now to 112% normal in the northern sierra nevada for our snow pack. the central sierra nevada 103% of normal. and how about the southern now? 93% of remember the beginning of the season. we're talking about 30% of normal. so we come really long way. the storm system off the coastline is going to kind of glide down the coast there. maybe some wraparound moisture. and that's why we may see a couple of snow showers in the high country. tomorrow is a good idea to pack the change regardless. you see a few more possibly wrapping around into thursday by friday. bush should be some beautiful weather headed up to ski slopes and enjoy that nice find powder.
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>> mayor sam liccardo is anxiously waiting for tonight's election results. i'm sara stinson live in the south bay from los cargos south bay from los cargos campaign headquart my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye.
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tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> welcome back. another big seat up for grabs in california as silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo is retiring for san jose. mayor sam liccardo is one of the candidates running for that seat and kron four's. sara stinson live for us. >> at the locarno primary election night headquarters with the latest. sara.
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>> yeah, right now people are casting their ballot last minute. in the meantime, former san jose mayor sam liccardo in his campaign staff are anxiously waiting to hear if he is one step closer to congress. now there is a packed list of candidates running for this seat and they are all running for the seat of anna eshoo. she was in this seat for 3 decades and the seat represents silicon valley and san mateo county. ricardo is running against fellow democrats. state assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe summit and as well as peter dixon who served in the marine corps in. he's also a tech entrepreneur. 2 republicans are running for the seat, including former menlo park mayor talk. he and candidate carl ryan, the top 2 candidates will be put on the november ballot. now, the cargo has told kron 4 in the past. he's hoping he has the trust of voters as he just got
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done serving as mayor of san jose for 2 terms city of over 100 million people. so he's hoping he has a leg up in this race. he's going to be here at luna mexican restaurant. it's in a prune yard. and campbell, and he's going to be here addressing his supporters talking about the latest in the race and will be here to show you at all. i'm sara stinson reporting live in. campbell, back to you. thank you. >> because that congresswoman barbara lee is running for u.s. senate. her congressional seat is up for grabs this election. the field of candidates for district 12 is crowded. 7 democrats, 2 republicans are vying for the seat. whoever takes it will represent more than 750,000 people in alameda, albany, berkeley, every bill, oakland, piedmont and san leandro, bart board member lateefah simon is a favorite in this race to finished in the top 2 and the
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ranked choice election alameda's vice mayor and city council member tony day sot is considered to be simons. major competition. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> for the first time since the war years left for their four-game road trip, andrew wiggins was back in the practice facility working out with his teammates, wigs, ms that entire four-game trip while being away from the team due to personal reasons. this is the second straight season. personal reasons have forced him to take a leave of absence. the warriors have been in full support of andrew during his time away weeks did tell the media today that his issues off the court are not behind him, but he felt that it was inappropriate time to rejoin his teammates. steve kerr didn't make any commitments, but he expects andrew to be ready to go. one, the warriors face the bucks. you can't really simulate an nba game.
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>> so we'll see how he holds up. but, you know, physically, he's phase perfectly fine to go ahead and play just, you know, being on the team, you know, so so love, you know, support, you know. >> it's a family here. you know, and you know, when i was away mister guys and obviously basketball and, you know, happy to be back. >> many analysts predicted that this would be a down season for the stanford women. the league was getting deeper and more talented and stanford was losing its edge. well, the prior may have been true, but the latter certainly was not. today. stanford swept the pac 12 regular season awards a few days after winning the league outright. cameron brink one both the conference player of the year and the defensive player of the year award. she's the only 30. she's only the 3rd player in league history to win both in the same season she's now won conference defensive player of the year 3 straight times.
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talk about dominant kiki area often she won the conference's most improved player award. she upped her scoring average by almost 12 points per game. this season. and then the goat, tara vanderveer, she won the pac. 12 coach of the year. she's only won that award 18 times. make sense for the all-time leader in college basketball. stanford plays the winner of washington state and cal on thursday in the second round of the pac, 12 tournament. the brewers in the giants. they were in scottsdale for a little cactus league play. logan webb. he had an up and down day he gave up 5 runs on 7 hits in 3 and a 3rd innings but struck out 6 brewers. the giants offense. they were all fired. wade meckler. 3 for 4 with 4 rbi. that's his 2 run single in the 3rd. wilmer flores. he's been breaking this bring. he was 2
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for 2 with 2 rbi eyes. that was a 2 run double to center in the 4th to put the giants up 7 to 5 19 hits. no home runs. still, they beat the brewers 13 to 8. all that's your look at sports. back to you guys. >> thank you very much, jason. and we want to talk about the oakland a's new stadium. they have some new renderings that are in las vegas. it said different from previous rendering small park will be built on the site of the tropicana hotel right off the strip. it's set to close on april second, 2, get ready for demolition. the stadium would have a 33,000 seat capacity. it has an outdoor feel with views of the las vegas skyline in it. the ballpark's jumbo tron is designed to be 18,000 square feet. that would be the largest in major league baseball while park set to open for the 2028 season. we'll have to wait and see if
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that actually takes place. >> kaiser permanente is reducing costs by slashing dozens of jobs in the east bay. the layoffs are going to impact 50 information technology positions. 49 of those it employees are in pleasanton. one is in oakland. no union represented employees are going to be impacted by this move. in a statement to kron 4. kaiser says, quote, it's important to note none of these changes will affect the quality of kaiser permanente's patient care and service, which is always our primary focus. let's get you a check of your forecast. taking a live look at the golden gate bridge this evening. what's going on warrants not bad out there right now. we had a couple of pop-up showers and kind of quiet. >> across the bay area and now those who had a few those showers swing through throughout the day. but overnight tonight, there's still a chance we could see a couple raindrops coming our way as the weather stays a little bit unsettled. there's area of low pressure moving down the coastline. you can see right there most the rain
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so far far northern california, the bay area, just not a lot. we've had a couple of scattered pop up showers today and that's about it. this low going to call the way down to southern california. where will bring them some more raindrops. and of course, that tremendous amounts of rain across much of the state. now this year much the state now running above average for this time of year overnight tonight and not a bad night, although the chance of a couple pop-up showers tomorrow morning commute, not bad at all. by the afternoon. i think things get a little more active as we're going to see heating the atmosphere, especially in the parts of the south bay. i think by tomorrow afternoon as well. you might see a couple of pop-up showers. temperatures around the bay area for tomorrow was put on some 50's and a couple of 60's outside and looking out over the next few days. we're going to see return to some drier weather on thursday and friday. temperatures up in the 60's. slight chance of showers over the weekend. >> lauren, thank you. this just into the newsroom. video of senate candidate barbara lee arriving at her campaign headquarters in oakland. she is in a tight race tonight against the top 3 vying to win
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the senate seat long held by late senator dianne feinstein. lee is expected to address her campaign staff in the next hour. our kron four's dan thorn is there. he's going to have the latest coming up in our election special, which begins at 8 o'clock tonight. >> coming up now at 6 east bay, residents celebrated his 100th birthday. we have a 100th birthday. we have a closer look at hi
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> one of the bay area's owners, residents is celebrating his 100th birthday today. born on march, 5th, 1920. our larson is a world
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war, 2 vet and a beloved resident at brookdale diablo launch in danville, his secret to a long life. he says he has a loving and supportive family maintains good health that all contributes to his long, happy life. here's his advice the younger generations. >> well, all >> good advice. have something to live for. basically. larson served in the army as a lieutenant from 1940, to 1946, year and a master's degree from the university of colorado and a doctorate from uc berkeley. arson is wife joanne, who's 9 years younger than him have been married. get this 72 years. wow. >> 72 years, eyes. >> quite pretty impressed. hahaha, definitely a lot. but they're still together and celebrating his birthday today. that wraps up kron. 4% news at 6. we will be back at
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8 o'clock with continuing election night coverage all the way through 11:30pm, tonight. so we'll have all the results coming in from across california. >> live reports from southern california, sacramento, california, sacramento, everywhere. so we'll see life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: spring break break up. i miami beach is telling college students to go somewhere else. >> this is not w


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