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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  March 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> welcome back to continue to follow today's elections across the country in california, in particular statewide, one big race, california's crowded senate race is one of the most high profile on the ballot. >> and the most expensive senate race in the state's history. more than 2 dozen candidates competing for a chance at the late senator dianne feinstein's seat to the 4 major candidates emerging in this race. democratic congressman adam schiff, irvine congresswoman katie porter, a former dodgers star republican steve garvey. and congresswoman barbara lee of oakland. because lee is running for the u.s. senate.
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her congressional seat is up for grabs this election as well. the field of candidates for district 12 is crowded. 7 democrats, 2 republicans vying for the seat whoever takes that seat will represent more than 750,000 people in alameda, al bunny, berkeley emeryville, oakland, piedmont and san leandro. board member lateefah simon is a favorite in that race to finish in the top 2 and they're ranked choice election alameda's vice mayor and city council member tony de saga is consider to be a simons major competition. meantime, the race for congresswoman anna eshoo seat in washington is heating up. she represented the 16th district, which includes the south bay for more than 2 decades, she announced her retirement last year. one candidate for the seat is former san jose mayor sam liccardo received an endorsement from his successor and current mayor matt mahan. state assembly member evan low is also running shoes. seat
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slow is 40 years old. previously served as campbell city mayor and was on the city council. if elected, he would be the first lgbtq and chinese american representative in congress from the bay area. we have our kron four's. catherine heenan here with a panel of political analysts. she joins us now with more. hi, catherine. yeah, we are. here's the whole gang. our little assigned to i'm going use the panel. michael yaki, our political analysts, former adviser to nancy pelosi. >> david mcewan, david is chair of the political science department at sonoma state university. jonathan madison, a former vice chair of the bay area, republican party. all right. we'll get media stuff in a minute, but i just have to say it is march 5th, for god's sake. you know, the conventions are coming. there's a whole string of primaries yet to come. it's awfully early. i mean, because the presidential primary essentially over well, you know, california, it's done this before.
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>> and it doesn't it didn't matter. then it's there's no amendment. alex, course, for the senate race, which is i think what everyone here is really interested in for me in that senate races. weather steve dari finishes first and by how much? all right. i was going. you have to hold that ask everybody but it is. incredibly early. >> it is incredibly early. you have to pay attention that that's obviously affected voter turnout. we see some of those sluggish numbers already. there may be some races, particularly down ballot that we don't know what the final disposition of will be. tonight, we're going to wait that fall. 28 days to see what goes on. that may affect, for example, what happens with that particular valley, a democratic or republican candidates for congress that may affect whether steve garvey is in first or second after tonight. for example. yeah. i mean, it will kind of echo. >> michael yaki comments from guards to guard them. really? you know, i'm really eager to see what happens there. but, you know, i think it's just going to be a snapshot of very limited snapshot tonight of what's actually going to occur as we get closer to november. so you're absolutely right. very early at this point.
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>> all right. well, i will ask if there's one thing. i mean, i think the senate race probably the most compelling for but what are what are you particularly watching for mike? now? we know. i think he's going to finish first. but the question is, >> we had this discussion is going to be ahead by double digits at the un at the end of the night >> well, i'm going to be looking at some assembly and senate races as well as what's going on in some of those house races. it's kind of the down ballot effect. i mean, look, nikki haley, a still a candidate, trump republicans come out that help steve garvey does that down ballot that they vote on some of the other things that happen and does a proposition one. gavin newsom sprout a ballot measure on mental health and homelessness doesn't pass and not. all right, david, you're saying some of those congressional races could tip the scales one where they could they give us kind of a barometer of what's going to happen. i mean, democrats wanted to retake the house are going to win in new york and they're going to win in california does so the matchup the lineup for what will be hugely important and who
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succeeds. kevin mccarthy, for example, is another element of this. and what happens in another congressional district. 2 democrats have been beating each other to face a republican incumbent. >> are interesting saying at the top of the ballot, you know, garvey and a guy who has said very limited things and i haven't heard a peep from sky. you know, you're a detail know. i mean, it's the it goes. the old saying slow and steady wins. the race may be absolutely quiet. he hasn't said much you. michael and i were joking before the we actually said maybe spent more on issues that be spent on where they are. but all seriousness, i think it's going to be very interesting if you're concerned california, even if you're liberal in california, are looking at that race in segment, republicans can still do it on a controversial right the polls indicate he could easily be one of the 2. and michael, you're saying maybe he'll be in first place. >> california voters love celebrity candidate spirit rival short, an acre. so could the shift a strategy of boosting boosting him back
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fire. could could it happen in november? john? certainly can. i mean, look, everybody is an by spectacle in this country and particularly in california. we will we know about how arnold schwarzenegger did it. >> i remember some of the ads, you know, you said i'll be back. you know, i mean, is that the whole terminator that? i think it could backfire. you know, i think time is a time will all right, course, democratic voters outnumber californians is registered as a democrat. 46 1% and a lot of people are on the sidelines, particularly those new emerging voters. if there's one thing that donald trump does is he drives turnout. he drives turnout in california and in battleground states. he's done this in midterms and in general elections, we don't have a good barometer of that tonight. that is only going to hurt steve garvey. if he ends up being the republican candidate only for one of the top do you know the fact is makes it and he i think he pretty much is going to make it in. >> to the november primary,
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november runoff. i don't think he wins the question is going to be given that as as david said in john saluda to what does that really mean for the rest of the state was mean for the republican party. we know november is going to be a knockdown, drag out race. does translate into knowing what kind of knowing what the result is going to be in california. will republicans come out to vote? i think one of the one of the little seats that that little big in terms of the national picture is david seat in the central valley. and that's a district that biden has won by double digits by last won by double digits. he just hung on by a few 1000 votes. i think the last election and there some trumpers at again. and there's some good democrats trying to run for house. i can all play out. so going to but we'll find out tonight. you're going to have a potential a recall again on the against a governor. i mean, there are a lot of and la drive out, voters just might play. and
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that's a district. 22. >> for that lineup or for other districts in california that are held by republicans in districts and fire from those races. so i think june would have been better june would have a better i don't cessar the money to be important in in the presidential primary. the fact we're really not except for being an atm for the rest of the country, but for these kind of down ballot races for recalls for 4 propositions. the more lead time california voters have to understand it. the better because we're complicated. state were very big, were very complicated. and this stuff, it has just a very short runway for people find out what's going i-70 mentioned the king i just want to mention this really fast. so last i heard she's at home. >> she has not been buying any new ads. i don't think there are any public appearance is set for tonight. what does she do? you know, i can tell you what i'm hearing in my circles. i think she sees the writing on the wall, but she does not want to give up. >> and i know there's a lot of pride behind those eyes as
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well. you know, she spent a lot of money. she's made a lot of significant, even personal contributions. and i think she was banking on trump going down when these legal battles that but we can see that he's winning thus far. so i don't know if that strategy of holding out to see if something happens is actually going to work. >> setting aside the steve and where where he finishes. the biggest question tonight is whether nikki haley gets out tonight tomorrow. what that looks like. she's got to keep trump under 20 point. she's got to win the state. she has to pick up a vermont or utah. none of that looks like it's going to happen. so there's going to be a lot of pressure on her in the next 24 to 48 hours to get out. i think it's a shut out she's i think in even the money that's been keeping her up at this point probably is going dry out whether she stays in for a week and decide what have you? i don't know. but but she get shut out? i don't see her staying in the race in the end. as jonathan others of alluded to. the fact is that the legal option right, the to the january 6 trial,
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especially with the supreme court deciding. well, we're going to hear this sometime in his meeting, defense on j 6 sometime in late april and you know, that means the opinion may not come down until after the convention. if that's the case. it's it's going to be hard for her to to put the numbers together, to put that, to put it. viable. interesting funded campaign between now and the convention other than just 2. walked everywhere she goes. she has served some say >> useful. purpose of demonstrating jon kyl ask you abed. donald trump doesn't have total domination of the republican party and some of those primaries. she's going 20%, 30% close to 40. so it does serve that purpose. i'm not sure what the endgame is, it does indicate that up totally dominated by trump. that's a lot of people not voting for trump. i'm actually impressed by that. >> it just goes to show there's a big segment. the
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conservative branch out there and some are even saying closeted what right, whatever you want to call them there's a conservative branch out there that is under represented. and i think i think nikki haley has really given these people a voice. you know, i looking at some interviews earlier today, some people at the voting polls and they were saying, well, i'm going vote. nikki haley, no matter what i'm inspired to vote for her and and i want to represent the rick hind a republican that i believe should be elected. so i am impressed that i'm i'm proud that she is represented another segment of the republican party that gets overlooked. it. >> 4 things coming out of tonight. future of nikki haley, donald trump. first, donald anti donald trump. joe biden's basin, that uncommitted or no vote that could happen in 7 states. and then california. and what happens in the senate race and what happens down ballot in california doesn't for big ticket questions out of tonight nationally in california plays a role in that. it's just perhaps the 4th component at the 4th
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headline. you know, i think that. >> without a doubt, sort of the big shadow over over this entire election is is donald trump and what it's going to mean for november for the november election. nikki haley. has done very good job for the past few months of creating a slew of sound bites for the democratic national committee for november against donald trump. i think one of the most interesting things for her is if she gets out of the race. how does she get out of the race? what does she say? and does she actually endorse or simply say i will support the republican nominee without saying the word trump. i think those are going to be interesting things going on depending on what happens tonight. but again, that's a long way off with a long, long evening. you have to go. there could be a lot of surprises. coming up. >> any indications probably too early to ask who sitting this primary out, for example, young voters. any thoughts on that and who so about? 25% of
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the california electorate over 65 about. 25% is between 18 and 34. >> the 18 to 34 year-olds are not voting. they're holding at a record lows that we've seen so far. but the over 65 they vote early and often. so we are seeing that in the returns. does that change today with those who showed up? we don't anticipate that that would happen. >> i think i think for the democrats and for biden, gaza is still for that for that, for that age group, gaza is like the biggest driver of and and sitting out. and and i think that one of the things that's going to happen either tonight is a lot of a lot of exit poll, a lot of opinion crunching to see. how do you get these folks back out to the polls? because without them no standing the general, the general consensus of how can at least for me, how can donald trump ever be elected president? again, without its this is elections are about a
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game in numbers. it's about getting your people to the polls. and unless you get your people, the polls, no one is guaranteed. a victory in this country so, jonathan, they're telling me we have to not only go i'm tossing to break but will all be back up 6 o'clock will all be back up 6 o'clock during the
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>> from 4 is your local election headquarters. and this evening, we're closely watching the outcome as we've been mentioning of california is only statewide measure on the ballot. this primary known as prop one. it is backed by governor gavin newsom. is he vows it will help the state
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address its homelessness and mental health crises. capitol correspondent eytan wallace joining us live. >> from sacramento this evening with a breakdown of prop one. good evening. a time. >> hey, good evening to both of you. and good evening, everybody in the bay area. and yes, you know, the governor promises this will make a difference. in fact, he calls us a game changer. but the question now, will voters agree? let's show you on screen here a little bit more about prop one proposition one. the full name, of course, a little bit about it. ask voters to approve a 6.3, 8 billion dollar bond to fund more than 11,000 behavioral health beds and some 27,000 be able health treatment slots for those on the streets experiencing severe mental illness and substance use disorders about 1 billion dollars from the bond will go toward treatment for u.s. service veterans. we are with governor newsom us voted in sacramento today. he did not comment then, but he did talk extensively about prop 1, 1, interviewed him one-on-one earlier this election season. >> can you look tax paris in
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the eye, at least on the camera lens right now in guarantee that prop one will make a different light. i don't think it like i know make a difference because it's best practices. we know what works. we're not replicating failure up. and success. and this program is the most significant and consequential program to realize the vision that's been 50 years being promoted to actually make it real. >> and opponents, including something member. joe patterson argue this is just throwing more money at the problem in a tweet, patterson wrote, quote, the problem with prop one is it keeps the same failed policies that resulted in california mostly on gavin newsom's watch spending 20 billion dollars and homeless is getting worse. now as we come back here live to tell both you that. well, recent polls show this proposition neck and neck remember needs about a simple majority to pass. that's it.
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well, one other important thing to note is that in gavin newsom's career, whether mayor of san francisco, whether it's lieutenant governor or his race for governor or simply when he backed a ballot measure or oppose the ballot measure. he always won. well, tonight, we saw see what the voters say reporting live from the state capitol. a towell kron. 4 news. all right. we'll try to keep that record going. thank >> live from sacramento. take a look at employees with the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab took a moment to >> enjoy the freshly fallen snow over the weekend. there was plenty. well, snow angel. yeah. get the legs go. and this is outside there basin. so to springs, according to the national weather service, 116 inches fell there in soda springs over the weekend, sir. any war simple joy than >> a snow angel. overall, california snowpack officially above average as of monday. it 104% of normal. state's reservoirs are also in good shape for the rest of the year. all of the major
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reservoirs are now storing well above average amounts and no part of the state is currently under drought. conditions out is a big change for us. we've got lawrence karnow here with a look at if we're getting any more rain and snow. yeah, we're not done yet. we've got a little more to come. so this all started become bonus. so whether that's for sure, as we see tremendous amounts of rain here. >> and a whole lot of snow on the high country. fact some of the peaks of the weekend. we're 10 feet of snow. that is just a ton of snow in any year. but yeah, things are settling down a little bit now. there will be a few more snow showers on the way as we head into thursday. so if you're headed that direction, you want to enjoy that powder. just be prepared to bring those chains just in case sunshine as we head in toward friday. but yeah, look at the snow averages across the state northern's here in about 112% of normal. now 103% of normal. the central sierra and 93% of normal. now in the southern sierra. definitely a great
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sight to see all the water out. all the snow in the high country and now more clouds out there. we've got another storm to deal with as we head throughout the night tonight a few more showers going to pop up around the bay area, not to be a rain now, but more scattered shower activity out there tonight and tomorrow to but an unsettled weather pattern still continuing here in the bay area, although in the long range, i think i'm looking a little spring weather making its way back toward the bay area, but not yet. temperatures outside right now, partly cloudy skies. you got a lot of 50's out there around the bay area and a few scattered pop up showers, not much light activity around the bay area. so that's kind of what we're going to see. just generally light showers. but other than that, i'm more that rain still far northern california. that's going to be sliding south overnight tonight. so expect a couple of pop-up showers as a front kind of drags on through make its way all the way to southern california. so we're going to the brunt of that. just more scattered showers and maybe the south bay by tomorrow afternoon should see some more impressive stuff. and you see here overnight tonight to see the winds come out of the south. at lowe's snow starts southward tomorrow morning's commute that look, that is not going to wash out by the
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afternoon things start to pick up to get a little heating, the atmosphere and you see towards santa clara valley got some pop-up showers, maybe an isolated thunderstorm rolling in that direction. and the big picture, though, here's your front. moving out of town. high pressure starts to build we should be talking about some nice weather. some dry weather by thursday. friday is looking good. then we get the weekend, a couple, a little weak systems, kind of slide to the bexar, slight chance on saturday. this and think a better chance possibly on sunday and even better chance as we get toward about tuesday early in the morning of next week. changes in the still a few scattered showers around the bay area tomorrow. not in the rain out numbers in the 50's and the 60's next couple days. just kind of an unsettled weather pattern around the bay area. no major storms on the horizon just a little bit wet from time to time. but nothing like we saw over this past week in the sierra nevada that was impressed. i can take a few little showers here and there some sunshine to be saying, yeah, it's tough change clocks there. and how about that as we can on like a full force, we lose an hour sleep, but >> the days of the thanks. thanks,
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have already started to see some flowers blooming in your neighborhood. and now california's wildflower hotline. >> is returning in anticipation of spring super bloom starting theodore payne foundation's hotline. we'll offer weekly updates on southern and central california wildflower sightings. that was super
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bloom isn't confirmed. just yet. signs do point to a promising season thanks to above average rainfall replenished seed bank fragrant blooms are already appearing in some areas, but it could take a month or so for some popular spots to be on full display. so just be patient. they think that's coming. >> love those sort of the bay area's oldest residents is celebrating his 100 and 4th birthday. today. born march 5th, 1920, arthur larson is a world war, 2 vet and a beloved resident at brookdale diablo lodge in danville. one of the secrets to longevity. well, he says a loving and supportive family is key. also tries to stay healthy along the way. and here's a piece of advice for the next generations. >> well, all >> always have a goal. something year headed for. look at watson served in the u.s. army as a lieutenant from
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1940, to 46 year and a master's degree from the university of colorado and a doctorate from the university of california berkeley larson and his wife joanne, who is 9 years younger than him have been married for 72 years. that's remarkable. wow. larson served in the u.s. army as a lieutenant from 1940, to 46. he. >> and a master's degree as we just mentioned. but my i mean, young, look at 204. i mean, yeah. and he can articulate the advice like that. so have, yeah, definitely or said how about and i kind of died back open. >> is san jose now with fresh look after it was closed for about 4 years. yeah, this place is a great many gore may have been a popular spot for more than 50 years, especially among staff at valley medical center, which is located just across the street. but the restaurant had to close in november of 2019 because of a
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fire chef and co-owner florence coup. >> says that led to a long pandemic-related shutdown followed by an even longer renovation. >> that we have to up co because of doing with soul was built in 1960, we had to we why all electric wire. so in the chain all of the water of process needs to be fixed. so. >> yeah. and aba. >> cole had to be fakes and that's what happened. >> looks nice inside. now the many gourmet first reopen last tuesday. coup says she's been very grateful for all of the overwhelming support they've received so far. all right. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 5. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. stick with us.
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