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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  August 18, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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are looking for the person who stabbed 2 students at a high school in the south bay. >> from the local news station, you're watching on morning team. >> thanks for waking up with us on a friday. it is august 18th and we're going to first check the weather and then we'll get to all those news stories in the weather is making news because a lot of people have waited for this cooldown, john? yeah, we've been patient with that. it's been a hot week and today is going to be the coolest of the weekend. so i hepe you get maybe sneak out of work a little extra early and enjoy a >> lack of 90's. in today's forecast 70's 80's a lot more comfortable where we're sitting at quite hour, getting a little brighter out there. you can obviously see a lot of that low gray, but we can thank that gray that's treated pretty far inland this morning allowing us a gray but cool start and eventually a sunny and much more tolerable, much more comfortable afternoon
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60's and 70's for current temperatures right now are warm. a spot is up in vacaville and out towards kelsey ville where we're hovering right around 80 degrees while san francisco and oakland still in the mid to upper 60's later today at or very warmest some upper 80's. nobody's getting to 90 today. but will we the rest of the weekend live? got your forecast. still to come, daria. thank you, john. now at 10 o'clock. let's get to the breaking news that we're covering. police. >> in san mateo are telling you, stay inside your home because there's a mountain lion roaming in the area. vanessa drive and south grant street. and this is actually a photo snapped of the outline what they're looking for. we don't often get that except for maybe, you know, the night before on some dark security camera. but there it is in broad daylight. mateo police are there in the neighborhood looking around. they want to be careful and see if they can. i guess she would away wrangle it. i don't know. police officers don't often have to at brand a mountain lion, but that's the stay in your home. if you live in that area or i guess you might be
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safe in the car. when chance at 10. 0, 1, right now. and more breaking news that we're covering. there's major police activity in martinez that we've been following all morning long. let's go back out to kron four's tiffany justice for an update on what we know what's going on. tiffany. >> yes, starting at the martinez police format mobile command center out here. so we do believe that investigators and police officers will be out here on the scene for several more hours. they're focusing 3 cars at this crime scene. let me go ahead zoom in for you at this cop car. as you guys can tell, several investigators are over there on the ground markers that have been placed over fallen bullet casings on the ground in does look like they're looking for more possibly more casings in the pushes surrounding that area. i do also want to tell you that i did try to speak with officers this morning on the scene and they were not able to give us any further information or
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further details. >> but we were told that possibly will be able to speak with us waiters so we can get that but here on scene, they're continuing to document the evidence and gather that evidence. i did speak, however, to the shop owners. this is a kind of a shot off to the right of me. they told me that they got a call from cops this morning informing them that their shop was being burglarized. the shop does have an alarm system. and when police arrived, that's when we believe there was some sort of interaction that shooting occurred. the shop owners telling me the individuals were not able to get away with anything. they were not even able to break into shop. but let me go in. zoom back out for you to show you all of this a crime scene. >> so 3 cars are involved. let me zoom back in for you. there's that light blue one and then further down the road, you can see darker blue car that has crashed off to the side of the road. that is
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also involved. we know at this point a suspect or suspects were involved in this incident, they try to get away hopped in their car and it looks like at this point they crashed trying to get away. we know also that there are several agencies out here. we have the martinez police department contra costa sheriff's office. a few more agencies here trying to put together exactly what played out here. we're going to continue to follow developing story and bring more information to you. back to you. >> all right. thanks. a lot of funny 10. 0, 3, is the time. and today the accused gunman that's accused of shooting a san jose police officer on wednesday is expected to make his first court appearance. meantime, the officer is recovering in the hospital. crawford's michael thomas is following this live from san jose with an update. michael. >> hi, good morning, everyone. you know, we actually did reach out to the da's office here in santa clara county. we're waiting to hear back from them regarding those charges that this gentleman
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macy says he's expected to enter into court today. but in the meantime, let's go ahead and give you a look at his much of that. we did get from police. his name is gabriel cur air is and he is responsible for shooting a san jose police woman wednesday morning. officers were called to a san jose home in a complex next to o'connor park near race in that area for a domestic violence dispute. with the arrived, the man allegedly ambushed and shot the female officer when she approached within 30 seconds. now that as taurean mentioned, is still in the hospital this morning and are critical but stable condition after the shooting happened. the suspect barricaded himself along with his wife inside of the home, causing a 4 hour standoff between himself and police know at one point he did release his wife who went with police safely and then a few hoursdlater, he was taken into custody. as of right now, he does have no bail and that woman remains in the hospital. we're working to get more details regarding those charges that he may be facing once he enters into the
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courtroom today. live this morning, incentives and michael thomas will send it back to you. >> all right. thanks a lot, michael. 10. 0, 5 is the time right now in the east bay. a thief is caught on camera stealing money from the register of a walnut creek shop. it's a coffee shop. just one of several businesses in the city that have recently been burglarized dan thorn has the story. >> another burglary in downtown walnut creek. 2 people, including someone who appears to be pregnant, are caught on camera breaking into and then stealing cash from. tell us coffee. you know, feels pretty violating. tell us is it is kind of like my second home. and so to be broken into just a good feeling. it kind of puts me my entire staff on edge shop owner janay mccullough says the burglar stole $450 in cash on the night of august 7 tell us is one of more than 7 downtown businesses that have been burglarized over the last month. mccullough says she has noticed an uptick in crime. same day that tell us robs. i
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saw with my own eyes norström getting robbed my next door neighbor about broken into justin 7 or 8 other businesses that have been broken it's it's really kind of getting out of control at this point. >> to show results, walnut creek police did announce a recent arrest in connection with several break-ins in july. but mccollum believes there needs to be more police visibility downtown, just having having a constant presence. i was reassuring if nothing else, but i feel like over the past couple of months, they've really hold back on that. i'm not seeing them as much a walnut creek city spokesperson says the police department is working on preventing more burglaries from happening. they now have a new five-member detail working in the downtown area. mcallen is just hoping for a safe environment for all downtown businesses. i don't know what the answer is, but it's not my job to know. i can just tell you that. >> crime is on the rise needs to take care of reporting in walnut creek. dan thorn kron.
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4 >> it's 10, 0, 7, and developing news that we're following out of san jose. police are still looking for the person who stabbed 2 students at james lick high school last night. the school board by address this violence. and this morning we've got the very latest from concourse will tran who is live in san jose. will can you tell us? >> the students are back inside the classrooms after being let out yesterday afternoon after administrators decided that it was safer to let them out earlier back to their parents instead of staying inside their classrooms because they still have not made any arrest or arrests in the case. and the san jose police department, they're still searching for whoever was behind this. let me show you video. this all went down at around 11. 25 yesterday afternoon when there was a massive brawl on campus. it was an area not frequented by a lot of students. it was by the basketball court. but we do know that some teachers and administrators, they ran
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to the scene to try to break up the fight, but not before 2 students were stabbed. we do know that one suffered non-life-threatening injuries. another life threatening injuries. but those injuries have been taken care of and they should recover after being attacked as far as who was behind is they either don't know or not saying if the attackers were fellow students or people who went on campus to attack those 2 victims. now they locked it down for about 30 minutes and then decided that it was safer to let the kids out. the parents rushed to the school, took their kids out. but in the meantime, obviously very fearful of what happened. some, larry, about returning to the classrooms today, which is why they added extra patrols around that area. i'm sure they have security officers on campus as well. not to mention counselors just in case any student who was very rattled by what happened yesterday if they want to talk to a counselor. back to you.
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all right. thanks a lot. we'll. >> and also in today in san jose city workers and community leaders are going hold a press conference in response to the mayor's remarks about san jose city budget workers and officials will gather at city hall at noon and they're expected to claims that job cuts will be necessary under the new contract. the city workers just negotiated for because earlier this week he had said the mayor said he doesn't support the tentative deal. he feels that the city is giving too much. it's going to and they're going to have to be cuts because of it. he thinks the council bolt and buckled under politics and caved in to pressure from the union. happening tonight. caltrans is once again closing all eastbound lanes of 80 between crockett, hercules. they're doing some construction and this is video from the weekend closures that they had before the closures will happen at 9 o'clock tonight set to reopen at 05:00am on monday. and this is the last weekend for the closure. but starting on
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labored a weekend, there's another project that's going to start and that will shut down the carquinez bridge for several days. we will keep you posted when that gets closer. 10 10 is the time. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, an investigation leads to the arrest of multiple police officers in the east bay. >> for criminal behavior. we'll tell you what they're accused of doing and oakland's mayor is responding to criticism that it's the city to blame for the rise in crime. some residents think it is. we'll tell you what they have to say. and we've got a great start to your friday. but skies clearing out more and more. and today it's going to be the coolest of this and 80's today. st. only 70's
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>> it's 10, 13 and san jose's mayor matt mahan is the congressman and different to political figures. they're having a conference because they want to connect low-income residents with reliable wi-fi connection. this is an initiative that supported by the fcc's affordable connectivity program, which aims to make sure that everybody has a good broadband connection for work school and health care. and they're expected to walk through neighborhoods and speak directly with residents show how they can sign up for the program and share how other people have benefited from the program. sonoma county's board of supervisors is considering placing a temporary moratorium on rent increases for mobile homes in unincorporated areas. they're discussing this idea at their upcoming meeting on tuesday because they say this temporary rent freeze would help preserve housing for vulnerable residents that are
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located outside of the county's 9 cities. the plan would also regulate rent increases in mobile home parks. 10, 14 is the time right now. we're checking out the weather. we can already see that it's cooler so far. and then i guess that continues into the weekend. john. yeah, we're looking at a nice, cool day today. the coolest of the week so far. >> and no 90's. and today's forecast which i'm very excited about going to be heading inland today. enjoy some of those 80's. your view outside at the east bay hills right here. still pretty gray. in fact, it's that low stratus that's really contributing to this cool push of air that's making its way right across the bay. >> that low pressure area. we talked a lot about it centered right to the west of us and it's kind of nudging that ocean cool. they're a little bit further inland than what we've seen previously this week. now in the even bigger heading our way next week is something you probably heard talked about a lot at this point, which is hurricane hilary right now. a major category 4 storm centered off the west coast of mexico. it's set to make landfall on the
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baja california peninsula in the days to come weakening a little bit as it does. so it makes its way through cooler waters as it heads north. but we have the potential here of the first tropical storm advancing the california since 1939. so this is not at all a common occurrence and as it does so resulting in the first tropical storm watch is up the coast of southern california ever issued by the national oceanic atmospheric administration. so that is a pretty big deal. and as we see this rainmaker pushing its way up into southern california, could result in a very high risk of flash flooding. that is especially true down from palm springs. indio across the salton sea area on up towards death valley and the eastern sierra as we see very heavy rain in these areas know to san francisco in the bay area, not seeing the same potential. so a very different story for us that are southern california. neighbors. if you do have plans on heading south this weekend into next week, do note this heavy rainfall on the way. well, over 3 inches
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into early next week for los angeles and san diego, palm springs could iet up to 5 inches of rainfall in a very short period of time. and that would result in that potential of flash flooding areas like death valley, which only see at max 2 inches of rainfall in the entire year will well exceed if not double that in just the course of 24 to 48 hours. so a lot of rain and a very potentially about situation for southern california that everyone's going to be watching closely. meanwhile, back here at home, it's just going to be milder than what we've been seeing. and we may see a sprinkle or 2 isolated thunderstorm from all that into early next week, but certainly not going to be in the same situation at all. hayward on up through oakland, berkeley, only in the 70's today. well, looking at 80's at our warmest antioch in vacaville, only up to 89 degrees for your daytime highs. looking ahead, daytime highs tomorrow and sunday will be a little bit warmer. today is the coolest of the weekend
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monday. we'll see our best chance of any sort of residual moisture from hillary that may make its way over to the bay area. for the most part, it skirting right past us and we'll see temperatures warming back into the 90's by the middle of next week. back to you. darya. thanks a lot, john. 10, 17 and another big story that we're following. an fbi raid leads to the arrest of multiple police officers from antioch and pittsburgh. >> the arrests were the result of an investigation that started as a narrow probe. but it ended up uncovering alleged unethical and criminal behavior. kron 4 sarah stinson has details >> and one of 4 of the indictments are disturbing and racist. text messages. these arrests brought fbi agents to multiple states, an effort to wrest 10 officers after 2 years of investigating officers in the antioch and pittsburgh police departments, the u.s. attorney for the northern district of california announced indictments thursday afternoon. 10 officers have been charged. 9 of them are sworn officers and one is a
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community officer 6 with antioch police and 4 with pittsburgh police. it took 100 fbi agents to successfully arrest officers in different states, including california, texas and hawaii. these are the 4 indictments announced one being a college fraud indictment alleging 6 officers claimed they earn college credits increasing their pay. but officials allege they hired people to attend those classes for them. second is a steroid distribution charge for 2 officers and an obstruction indictment accusing one officer of interfering with a wiretap investigation. lastly, a 29 page. civil rights indictment which has to do with text messages between 3 officers. it includes tax change, bragging about excessive force using a canine on suspects and allegedly targeting suspects based on race. the fbi and u.s. district attorney is mel ramsey says they are now focus on being able to prove their
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case against the officers and to make sure justice is served and precedent is set. >> collectively, these 4 indictments described group of officers who acted as though they were above the law. the operations today make clear that no one is above the law. the fbi and our partners absolutely committed to protecting the civil rights of members of our communities. 8 officers have made their initial court appearance is already. >> 2 others arrested elsewhere still need to be brought back to oakland for future court proceedings. 2 officers are facing multiple charges and if convicted, that could put them behind bars for over 3 decades. >> the fbi confirmed with us that this investigation is very much ongoing. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> kron 4 spoke with civil rights attorney john burris about the arrest. he represents 15 plaintiffs against the antioch police with 150 others under consideration. and he said it's about time that the charges are brought. he believes they validate the
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concerns of people who have complained about the department for years. burris says this is the first step in regaining control. >> they can begin the changing of the culture, the culture department here with one of e total disrespect racism practicing physical brutality, but really out of control no real constraints on these offices. so there wasn't any accountability. so we hope this is the first step to our weekend in cannes bill to control the department. >> also has the indictments indicate to him that the antioch police need federal oversight like the an event monitor that's overseeing the oakland police, 2 of his current lawsuits against the n police involved 5 of the officers indicted. and as of now, burris does not have any cases against the pittsburgh police department. happening today. the 5 former officers charged in the death of tyre. nichols are going to be in court. an attorney for one of the men confirms only the
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lawyers will be in court today. this comes as the da says that at least 30 criminal cases involved. the former officers that that those cases have been dropped. and on top of those cases that have been dropped, charges were reduced. and about a dozen other investigations. the 5 former officers were caught on body camera they were brutally beating tyre nichols in leading on the ground without medical attention in the video, all 5 officers have been charged with murder and all 5 have pleaded not guilty. in southern there's a bus and a bus now caring 40 asylum seekers. it came from texas and includes children about 12 children. this bus has now arrived in los angeles, 8th bus with migrants. many coming from venezuela, colombia, el salvador, guatemala, honduras use because some of the kids here and women, all kinds of
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people. again, this is slowed and you're there waiting here in california, greeted by some relatives. some were taken to a special site in chinatown. they were offered food there and health checkups and also some legal immigration orientations. the collective running this operation is also facilitating reunions with family members in total la has so far. got 323 asylum seekers come in from texas. they were sent to california from texas. 10. 22 and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, we're going to tell you why. if you go some starbucks in the north bay, you're going to have to bring your own reusable cup. and if not, it's going to cost you a lot more.
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>> 10 25 in ate.olice are investigating the death of a woman. her body was found in oakland wednesday night about 7.30, on keller avenue. >> in the oakla jt off 5.80. it's being investigated as a homicide. we do not have the identity of the woman who was found. in the north bay, a lucky grocery store, a lucky's in novato. it's closed down now because there were violations of the state's health and safety codes at this particular grocery store. there's a sign, as you can see, they're posted. it says that they're closed. a violation seems too be over insects and rodents and its location on grant and 7th, which is the same block as the nevada library. we have reached out to marin county for more information. we haven't heard back any specific. so we'll keep you posted. speaking of the north bay, just go a little farther
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up from nevado and starbucks is doing a new thing. there are 12 locations at and napa and petaluma and starting next week you have to bring your own cup. and they'll fill it with your cup of joe. but if you don't have your own cup, it's going to cost you an extra dollar for your drink for every drink because they're going put in a new reusable cup that they provide you. they say they're doing this to cut down on landfill waste and don't be surprised if you see this spread, if it if it works 10. 26 right now. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, new scrutiny to certain passengers and what they're doing inside of the driverless cars in san francisco. got details for you.
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>> 10 29 is that i'm looking at the weather our weather is great. i do feel a little bit for what's going. what's about to hit southern california, but not hi, john. i know couldn't be any more different. could see a sprinkle isolated thunderstorm into the start of next week. >> but nothing like the flash flood threat that southern california will be facing. as for today, we're talking a little bit other good news for us here locally is that it's on the cooler side after what was a scorcher of a past week. today's daytime highs getting a break from the heat. you can see part of the reason why that breeze and that cloud cover overhead. we have a cool push of air from the pacific. low pressure senator right to our west. and that's just nudging that ocean cool. they're a little bit further inland today. hence why we've had coolest morning and are about to have our coolest afternoon 60's and 70's for current temperatures with oakland, alameda in berkeley,
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each hanging out in the 60's right now later on today, it will be upper 80's at the very warmest. nobody getting to 90 today. we will tomorrow and sunday, though. and then next week, things get really interesting, especially for southern california. give you the update on that as we go direct to you. darya. thank you. 10, 30 and the developing story that we're following is one person was injured. there were a passenger in a cruise car. >> that was in an accident in san francisco. and we have new video of the scene from the citizen app of this happened about 10 o'clock last night. the intersection of polk and turk street. and you can see the crew's vehicle right there. so with one of their cut, what they say happened is they say that their cruise vehicle with the driverless in the intersection. it was a green light for the crew's vehicle and then they were hit in the intersection by an emergency vehicle. and witnesses told us that emergency vehicle did have its lights and sirens on the passenger in the crew's vehicle was injured and taken to the hospital. and here's
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the quote that we got from crews saying that there primary concern is rider the writer, welfare and that they are investigating 10. 31. and as we continue on with more about that, that recent crash happened in san francisco as the u.s. it city attorney wants a pause of the expansion of the driverless cars that are allow the cruise and waymo. they filed a motion after the california public utilities commission approved allowing the driverless cars to charge and take passengers around. 24 7. and in the time between approval and now the city has seen various problems on wednesday, a cruise car drove past a closed for construction sign. that it was stopped just sitting in the middle of an intersection with its hazard lights on. and then last friday, there was there were 5 cruise cars that blocked traffic in north beach. and then there was the one the accident that i just told you about. that happened
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last night. the attorneys office is accusing the cpc you over abusing its discretion by approving the driverless cars saying that the agency failed to consider the environmental impacts that would be did dip of all these thousands of additional cars that would be on the city streets eventually. so it's something that they want them to look into and pause. and that's the only concern about these driverless cars. apparently people are also having in the taxis. news nation's nancy loo has that story. >> the waitlist for waymo is said to be well over 100,000 and there is a true sense of excitement here in san francisco over autonomous vehicles. but word of and drug activity inside robo taxis, not among the top concerns. state regulators heard about last week before approving a major expansion of autonomous vehicles are everywhere on the streets of san francisco. and
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the word on the street is that driverless taxis are a favorite among passionate passengers. not really surprised that's happening because light. >> i mean, there's no one else in the driver's life. this one, according to a san francisco standard report robotaxi is a thing at the service expansion may have more people pushing the envelope even though both waymo and cruise vehicles have interior cameras, people do what they're going to you. i just hope they're just infected for each cruz tells news nation it has a dedicated team to investigate suspected incidents which are against company guidelines on appropriate behavior. >> the rules also prohibit the use of drugs and consumption of alcohol. but real-time enforcement is a nonfactor since the vehicles are driverless violators face suspension or termination of their account. the sexes when the tip of the iceberg researchers, scott cohen predicted 5 years ago. the driverless technology would lead to lewd behavior, and
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autonomous vehicles with drunkenness and autonomous vehicles, potentially prostitution, autonomous vehicles. >> all of these phenomena to be anticipated. >> it was just last thursday that california regulators approved a round the clock operations for waymo and cruise despite significant public pushback. within a day of approval. there's like this traffic nightmare as a music festival tied up cell signals. complicating resets of multiple vehicles blocking narrow streets. i still have a lot of reservations. you know, frankly, they're bearing out accidents, technical glitches and stalls have been the top complaints with a bee's blamed for hampering over 50 emergency responses to be. this is an experiment, right? let's see what goes >> and then we'll fix it. >> and you know that. >> from my public safety perspective, it's not. that's
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only going to create problems. >> the california public utilities commission is set to meet again in 3 months to assess the robotaxi situation here in san francisco as both companies expand service incrementally until then. >> it's 35 in the east bay, the naacp and the oakland police officers association are calling on the city to appoint a new permanent police chief. as soon as possible. critics are blaming oakland skyrocketing crime on a lack of stable leadership. oakland's mayor spoke with kron 4. she disagrees. >> to say that one person gets the credit for that work of everyone in department. that is bogus. let's not forget that we interim police chief who has been on opd force for many, many years and has been the acting police chief at multiple points in time. and so, you i know that we are looking for them. it new police chief that we want to
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be very cognizant. but the number of officers that we have today, 713, we haven't had that many for the last few years. and so i'm working closely with interim police chief darren allison, to really ensure that step our race. and that's exactly what we have >> since lebron armstrong's termination is chief, the oakland naacp says based on the police department's own statistics, crime appears out of control. the oakland police officers association agrees. they say the 7 month surge in crime lines up with the chief's firing. san pablo police arrested a man for this drive-by shooting that happened on 23rd street near richmond high school on monday. that's the suspect vehicle. we have another angle of it as well. and then you'll see there are people walking on the sidewalk. the drivers start shooting. they ducked behind another car and was hurt. police say the man admitted to the police that he was in a gang and he thought he was shooting a rival gang members. it's 10 37 in
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milpitas. police are looking for possible additional victims of a former teacher who was arrested on suspicion of assault. daniel mcquigg was employed by the milpitas school district until 2018 and last month a woman came forward and told the police that she had been sexually assaulted when she was a child under age minor in the district. she says that mcquigg initiated a relationship with her in 2016. he at the time was employed by the district he was arrested at his home this week. anybody with any information or any contact is asked to call the milpitas police. in the north bay. a cyber attack is preventing thousands of bay area real estate agents from being able to do their jobs. they're locked out of the multiple listing, which is where they see all of the homes that are for sale. proffers ella sogomonian has the story. >> realtors like christopher, a tease of bw and cohen
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rohnert park have been locked out of an important mls website called berries since last wednesday because of a cyberattack, but definitely frustrating. the stress is definitely in the air for sure. the biggest challenges that i'm facing currently is. >> getting my my my near future sellers to market. we had a plan and a day and unfortunately now they're being delayed. >> rapid tony, the company that runs berries confirms that hackers targeted the central network that real estate agents and realtors use to list and up to the property information that informs real-time data and appraisals to guide buyers and sellers. the berries. >> is our blood line. there's so much, you know, confusion going on. it's a mess. >> so it sounds like your hands are tied. >> hands are completely tied. yes, dealing with 3 girls in the books currently and just trying to prep commercial properties and a few other. what presidential with our hands tied and clients asking for an update. winds, winds going to happen. what is house worth? hands are literally handcuffed.
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>> rapid tony is not shared an update since last weekend, only saying that they're working diligently to restore the systems as soon as possible around the clock until the matter is resolved that they did not have an eta at the time, but that they will continue to update their customers. that was ella sogomonian reporting and with no end in you can see is sure service standstill until this gets resolved. >> we haven't back about the mls sites. no word on who's responsible either for that cyber attack. >> police in petaluma are investigating 3 separate store thefts. they'll happen on the same day in the span of 4 hours. >> it was yesterday at dick's sporting goods. they were hit wilco farm story. also assess at kohl's police found a man they say he took off with thousands of dollars of merchandise from dix. they found him. they arrested him. and while he was being booked into jail, officers got a call of the theft over wilco. and in that case it was 2 men. you
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see him here who still about $3,000 or urgent worth of merchandise now they still haven't caught them. and as for the kohl's store incidents, police say that suspect loaded a backpack with perfumes and left without paying. they're still looking for that faith, too. 10, 40 is the time. and there are new efforts in the south bay to get guns off the streets on monday. the santa clara county sheriff's office is having a firearms relinquishment program where they're going to hopefully get guns off the streets by offering cash in the form of a visa card. he turned in a gun. you get a $50 visa. gift card and each person can give get up to 5 gift cards giving away 5 guns it's first come first serve so till they run out, you can turn in their guns to the sheriff's headquarters. it's 10 41. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a nationwide pregnancy test recall linked to a lab in fresno. we'll tell you what was wrong.
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>> and after the break, real estate developers are descending on the island of maui. they're looking to buy up land is there. we'll have more on what's being done about that.
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>> 10 43. and if you're interested there, couple of new movies that are hitting the theaters this weekend, including a superhero one. dean richards has a preview. >> just when i thought i was sick and tired of superhero movies comes one that's well
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heart tradition and humor. blue beetle, the story of a young man first in his family to graduate from college. he returns home when he comes in contact with ancient relic that attaches itself to him. going with unbelievable powers powers that can be used for good or for evil, which is the battle that takes place on the superhero part movie. but the real superpower, a blue beetle is that sense of warmth and a family and tradition all expressed through the prism of this close-knit loving mexican household suddenly turned upside down. well, core of this movie is 100% latino. it's also 100% relay double to anyone while the good versus evil that'll start kind of routine. the humor in the spirit of family here is considerable all wrapped in the arms of latino culture. didn't understand some of the references jokes, but the audience i was in sure did
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howling at the familiarity really ability that was contagious to me and everyone around. i felt like i was visiting a family home at which i was more than welcome. blue beetle was a really nice surprise and a dean's list b. last year. right you can you want spears doesn't good, but i like how it's making me feel. also new this week, i have seen some dog movies before, but this one takes it too far. will farrell and jamie foxx star in the very are rated talking dog comedy. farrell is the voice of a border terrier vows revenge on his own dump them in a strange city. fox is the strain shows him the ropes of life on the while there are plenty of cute dogs in this this movie is not about cuteness. it's of older f bomb test mostly exist. just to see how run she this pooch was proved out way before the
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credits rolled. at least it was only 93 minutes a dean's list c minus. you can always get my movie reviews and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. >> just text the word. dean to 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, and i hope you have a great weekend in chicago. >> id directions. >> i hope people use or abuse because it like he said, if you don't like that movie, you just wasted now and a half and the weather is going to be gorgeous. that we look at the review, if you like it, it's worth. it absolutely is very helpful. and i feel team usually gets a pretty good we're looking out there at forecast that is going to be pretty good for maybe not going to the movie today. at least we've been waiting for a day were inland areas are only going to be in the 80's. and that day is today. so take an opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. looking outside to the east bay hills. it's pretty gray over the bay shore and up in the north bay right now, low pressure is right to our west and it's nudging that sea breeze a little further inland today. that's the cool down in the coolest day of the weekend. being today. now all
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eyes are to our south right now. we have hurricane hilary of rapidly strengthening category 4 hurricane churning off the west coast of mexico. going to be making its way further northward, weakening a bit as it does move over cooler waters west of baja, california, but eventually making its way into southern california. now, as this happens into tail end of the weekend and early next week. we are going to see a very high risk of flash flooding, especially for the deserts just east of la and san diego, talking palm springs, indio on up towards death valley. heavy rainfall advancing from saturday sunday into monday for these areas. and this will result in that potential of flash flooding looking at our rainfall estimates as we move our way into the middle of next week. spots like death valley, big bear could be seeing well over 3, if not 4 inches of rain in just a matter of a few days. significant for death valley considering rainfall over a year's time is usually less than 2 inches. so that could double your yearlong
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expectations in just a couple of days. palm springs, one of our areas where we really could see that flash flooding upwards of 4 to 5 inches of rainfall expected around the corner. now, in the meantime, the bay area not really going to be impacted as much from the system. we are going to be seeing temperatures in the 60's and 70's today and for most of us staying dry through the weekend and into next week, today is going to be a break from our hottest of temps. so good day to venture out. enjoy it. still warm livermore, vacaville antioch will be up to 89, but nobody quite getting up to 90 degrees today. the late napa and bunnies ship only in the 70's tomorrow and sunday. temperatures will be a little bit warmer than today's as we work into monday. we do have that best chance of seeing any sort of showers, a remnant of hillary as it makes its way just east of us after that will warm things back up and clear right back out. daria. >> thanks a lot, john. this 10. 49 and new this morning. some auto industry companies
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are right, ending their current contracts. and that could mean that a strike is around the corner with their workers are about 145,000 members of the united auto workers union. and they're going to decide next week if they want to join the picket lines, the u a w on track with ford general motors and some other carmakers expires on september 14th. and illegal medical lab in fresno county could be linked to a nationwide recall of pregnancy tests last week, investigators found dangerous chemicals along with viles of human blood and samples of covid and malaria and pregnancy test kits and they were all in an abandoned warehouse in really a small town southeast of fresno. the fda has now issued a recall for those pregnancy test because they can't guarantee that there effective an accurate you can find a full list of the recalled products at the fda dot gov website. it's 10, 50 and a
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developing story out of hawaii. officials trying to protect residents from predatory land developers who are offering easy money for the scorched plots of lands are on maui. more than 3,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed. news nation's tom dempsey has details. >> the deadliest wildfires in the united states and over century bring scenes of devastation and a rising death toll. but over a week after the fires first began people and now we must also deal with developers seeing an opportunity amid tragedy. i met someone personally. >> that's they were approached. at their home. want send >> with 2500 homes and buildings damaged or destroyed
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some in hawaii. see, they're getting unsolicited offers promising quick money as they deal with the heartbreak of losing so much. >> they will offer you 100 grand. what? for your burn? is what i'm hearing and they're calling from all over the place as a realtor. i can't even. think about being so desperate to need to call victims and so insensitive to do that as more and more people reported getting the calls hawaii governor josh green vowed to protect homeowners, even saying he may instruct the state attorney general to impose a moratorium on home sales in areas like luh-high-nuh. my intention. >> from start to finish is to make sure that no one is victimized from a land grab. >> breakings done by u.s. news and world report show hawaii with the highest cost of living and second-lowest for affordable housing availability. while the deals may at first seem attractive
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real estate developer or and says people of hawaii should keep predators at bay to avoid selling their land for lower than its value. >> it's a free market and people should be able to buy other property if they if they want and the most important thing that we can do is communicate about these predatory practices here on television to make sure that people know that they have options. >> that was tom dempsey, dempsey reporting for us. the hawaii real estate commission is saying that any exploit hated acts will be handled the full extent of the law. and if you want to help island of maui recover and all of those people have been devastated. we've got easy way to donate. our parent company next stars parting with the red cross we've got a link right on our website. if you would like to give and contribute, you can go to kron 4 dot com we can all come together for hawaii.
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>> just about done for the morning here for friday. let's check in with olivia horton and see what's coming up on live in the bay today. i love ya. high darya. good morning. coming up today on live in the bay, we take a look back at the week when the former trauma nurse turned com1dian stopped by studio all the last from our chat with comedian nurse blake. then the local hip-hop artist who soundtracks you can catch on big names like espn and nfl. we take a look back. the live performance king junior. plus, a sneak peek into what to expect at this bay area show happening at the punch line this weekend. more on our visit when comedian chris estrada stopped by. and as always, we want to hear it. you have to say about today's question of the day. so go ahead and scan that qr code to participate in honor of never give up day. what's something
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you never gave up on and why let us know could be read later on at 01:00pm darya. all right. thanks a lot, olivia. and happy friday weekend up to and that's it for now. we just want to peak with the forecast before we go. yeah, a lot going on out there, daria today is our only day this weekend. >> that you don't have to worry about the 90's. it circles one of the weekend. so i really hope you take that extra time to get outside saturday and sunday. we'll get a little warmer sunday. get a little cloudier. now we've all been talking about hillary, which is going to have its big impact on southern california. yeah, actually, the first tropical storm of the state since 1939, we're going to dge most of those impacts here locally. if we do see any rainfall, the best chance will be sunday evening and then a chance of a thundersrmso for us, a little rain for them. and so they for ya. yeah. like when. but the flash flooding potential. very scary us to from palm springs in or desert. okay. so we'll cover that for you on monday. we'll see later.
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(warehouse ambience) introducing togo's new french dip sandwiches featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef, smothered with melty provolone cheese and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today only at togo's
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>> judge yodit: a restraining order is very serious. now, why did you file for one? >> she was threatening to burn property inside of my house. >> he was already starting to threaten me and he is armed. >> judge yodit: somebody here is lying. we gonna get to the bottom of it, though. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge rachel juarez. judge michael corriero. judge yodit tewolde. three judges. three opinions. three judges. three opinions. one verdict.
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