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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 30, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> an area backroads is back on this evening's edition of bay area backroads. our grant lodes tries to keep up the former warrior superstar chris mehl and they take us on a trip up mount diablo. >> everybody. i'm grant lotus. i'm chris bowen. >> its bay area backroads. >> bay area basketball fans recognize that haircut anywhere. chris mullen, hall of famer gold medalist key member of the dream team and of course, one 3rd of the warrior scintillating trio known as run. tmc. they pioneered a whole new brand of
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ball that took the league by storm. welcome. and jason, are we meet up with malia chase enter where he works as a pre and postgame analyst. when the warriors play. and reminisces about his time with his teammates. they were mentioned back, great memories been since it was, you know, time of my life. >> run tmc beautifully. move the ball around kind of the way run dmc, exchanged lyrics. >> the hip-hop pioneers weaving their style with rock to become something greater than the sum of their parts. much like the warriors trio of tim hardaway, mitch richmond and chris mullin fed off each other and some time and buck the the new york native has called the east bay home now for more than 30 years trading the brooklyn playgrounds of his use for his backyard
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playground that is now mighty mount diablo. love the weather. >> that's some good friends here over time became. >> place. a phone number where biking up the scenic southgate road. one of 2 main routes leading to the top of the mountain is not really a beginner. i know. it's really like a. to our vacation. no matter how many times you do it. it's still a challenge. what hidden gems? having our backyards? through your bus and still shoot around. get shots up there with the law. yeah. house and shot. what am think right to buy knocking. >> that gets ace chris. absolutely. schools be in a game of horse or in this case kron. one of the nicest sounds in the world. >> fact switch, nothing like that. >> it is just effortless.
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chris drains shot after shot, although i do manage to get one letter off the ledge and there you go has won. okay. i think i'm done guys come out and that's a momento. everyone makes that. >> even on shoes make that. okay. there you go. you've got it. >> look, good back on the mountain. i do a slightly better job of keeping up with molly gray doing pretty good for, you know, first time and all of and before long, we come across a unique landmark current point. he's everywhere. >> i think when it's all said and done. the top 5, a that is that he's this generation's michael jordan. and that's really what has set this aarriors franchise has catapulted to dynasty status as we hop back on our bikes,
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right, grandma, let's to the top. >> island one of chris's favorites young, the music. but final. >> it's steep right that is right here. this is something has democrats doing it all the time. it's more than 10 miles from the south gate to the summit. >> the south route meets the north route at the junction ranger station. it's a great place to rest and get water before the final 4 and a half miles up the steepest part of the mountain along summit road. >> driving up the hill. this is a you bike. we skip that part. so we have time to explore the free museum at the top of the mountain. it's the summit visitor cener inside a historic stone tower dating back to the 1930's. >> inside chris discover something new which is that on the pitch have. i mean, it's
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out there said on the top of mount >> that's the top of mount diablo. more than 3800 feet up. >> while legends of just how much you can see from the top may have snowballed into hyperbole over time. state park leaders say you can see 40 of california's 58 counties from up there and the interpretive museum at the top is a great place to learn about the area's rich history. a giant relief map lets us trace our journey up the mountain. and we get acquainted with some of the local flora and fauna ago and is now is that river >> over time you ever see him out line right here? yeah. we're back yard to the real treat, though. >> 360 degree views of the entire bay area. it's crazy. you can come to a place. >> for years and years and see parts of it. you didn't know existed. slightly hidden down a narrow pass, a few 100 yards
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from the summit. >>his the mary bowerman trail know they got him out lines up in here. it leads to a beautiful scenic overlook if they do or so. chase is like there. you like the new year in nice, beautiful. and well, you can't get a clear glimpse of chase. enter weekend warriors who make the trek up. the mountain will find it tough to beat these views of the golden state. >> one place in the world spectacular knowing right here in the backyard with the sun warming. our backs on this cool day. we say goodbye to the mountain. if you told. >> like 12 year-old me watching the dream team that i'd be riding bikes 30 later, that would have said no way 12 year-old me program, brooklyn. i remember in california for next 35 years and i live at the new craze. you know, it's so right? >> lot of fun there. the head do they need bigger boats off the coast of new jersey? a
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look what the changes in migration patterns of sharks being to the ocean.
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>> manson family member leslie van has been granted parole once again after an appeals court overruled governor newsom's order to block it. that houghton has spent more than 50 years behind bars for her role in a 1969 double murder in a los angeles home.
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hurricanes was a separate incident from the infamous sharon tate manson murders. governor newsom have reversed the parole board's decision for a second time calling the 72 year-old an unreasonable danger to society. today's 2 to one decision by the appeals court panel reinstates the grant of her parole and paves the way for her release. the governor, however, could request the california attorney general rob bonta petitioned the state supreme court to stop her release. bonta's office referred any requests for comment to newsom's office which did not respond to questions about possible next steps. >> a man fell overboard from a carnival cruise ship early monday morning and remains missing tonight. the coast guard says 35 year-old ronnie peel junior fell off the side of the carnival magic about 200 miles off the coast of jacksonville, florida. security video confirms the man leaned over the railing of his state room balcony and fell into the water just after 04:00am peels companion.
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gentle in blosser says she couldn't find him when she'll woke up around 11 30 monday morning after searching the bar and could see and casino where he had been drinking the night before she reported him missing to customer service. >> they call several times. i waited and waited and waited for that and they searched under the dayton in the shower and the like airman. >> foster says the security video shows the incident was an accident. carnival cruise line says coast guard released the ship from search and rescue efforts and directed the captain to return to port in norfolk, virginia. air and water. search crews continue to look in the waters where peel fell. >> well, look, before you leap into the ocean while visiting the east coast of this summer in recent weeks, there have been reports of increased sightings of great white sharks in the atlantic ocean. many of them have been spotted off the beaches in new york and new jersey. experts say this is actually normal. the great white sharks are making their annual migration north
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for the season. they say the spike in sightings is however, a sign of a healthy or habitat and a cleaner ocean. >> we have a well-balanced system. and with that comes the return of the balance keeper which are are large shark. if you've made a bad decision and you find yourself face to face in the water with the sharks, then swim right at it or eyeball. it don't try to out swim it or swim away from it. you won't be able to do that. >> he also warns that sharks often come close to shore in order to find food. eyeball it next. in sports, it's the end of an era on meyer stepping down from his role. >> as warriors general manager after 11 seasons with the team worst director jason dumas has reaction from myers coming up.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the writing has been on the wall for some time now. but the finality of it is still a bit shocking today, general manager bob myers announced that he will step down and leave the team when his contract expires next month. myers was hired by the warriors in 2011 as an assistant gm and became general manager just a year later over that time, he helped architect 4 nba championships and won 2 nba executive of the year awards. he brought in andre iguodala via trade and kevin durant via free agency. but the grind of the job has started to wear on meyers. he mentioned today that he started wondering how
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much longer he could go right after the 2019 nba finals. >> my hope is. those relationships last a long, long time. if they don't, it's too bad of a scrooge sum up because what's the point of 12 years? if you walk away, you don't have those. i don't i don't understand that there's some people like those guys. that's a long time to work with someone and to accomplish what we did. so. it's a it's a bittersweet when they're not going to sit here and tell you, i understand it because i don't. tonight inside. it's not in me to do that so competitive. and i know he's too. it's really hard thing for me to understand why. it's really not for me to understand why it's wanted to se happy going to miss. i'm incredibly. i'm i wish success on the success of the world and whatever he decides to do. >> so with the departure of bob myers, many people wonder who will be his successor?
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well, joe lake up kept that close to the vest today. the 2h names that have begun to circulate are mike dunn, levy's junior and joe son, kirk. there's also guys like shaun livingston who have spent a lot of time in the organization lake up, didn't rule out, bringing someone in from the outside either. but at the end of the day, no matter who holds the gm title, no matter which players on the court lake upset. the goal remains the same >> it doesn't matter if they're here. they're not here. there's a lot of pressure our job is to win championships. and i'm going expect that we're going to expect that. this year next year, 3 years from now, 5 years from now. that's just you know, there's no point in doing this. if you're not trying to win the championship. no point. >> now, through all of this, the warriors are still prepping for the nba draft today. they worked out former usf don kelly. osha buys joe
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biden is the all-time leading 3 point shooter at usf in his 4th all time on the scoring list. he helped lead the don back to the ncaa tournament a few seasons ago this past season. he was first team all wcc. all right. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. all right, jason, thank you for that. using goats to help combat wildfires could soon be a thing of the past. in california. >> state agency has ruled the current way companies pay goat herders is no longer allow and ground force. noelle bellow explains that the goat grazing company say they for the change. >> it's about that time of year where goats across california to send our hills to munch on freshly grown grass and shrubs. you have. >> our goats grazing some of the tall grasses and weeds that could potentially be fuel for or >> wildfires. the goats are able to get to areas that are hard to access while trying to
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reduce the risks of the upcoming dry fire season. it's a much more sustainable approach. you know, there's no emissions. this know. >> fuel oil. the demand has grown year after year after year, california is probably the largest state that does go crazy and or >> some kind of fuels abatement. >> but come january 2024, goat hurting companies may no longer be able to a ford offering such a service. tim aerosmith's company, western grazers employs 7 goat herders from peru under the h 2, a visa program for temporary farm workers as herders are paid about $4,000 a month and they don't have to pay for food, housing or phones. but new state labor regulations will put goat grazing in line with the same labor laws as other farm workers. and according to the california farm bureau, the changes could raise the salary of herders to $14,000 a month. and so while
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the state of california is funding these measures, i think it also has a responsibility to make sure that the workers were associated with it are being abused. companies typically put about one heard or in charge of 400 goats and their jobs require them to be on call. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. >> because of that companies have been allowed to pay the herders a monthly minimum salary rather than an hourly minimum wage. >> aerosmith says if yes to drastically raise his rates, the necessary service would become unaffordable. >> we cannot fix the current legislation. we will be forced to sell these goats to slaughter and will be forced out of business and probably file for what's at stake for the public is your house could burn up because we can't fire me >> hurting companies have sued over the new overtime law and they're hoping to get it reversed. fletcher, who heads the california labor federation says goat herders are among the most vulnerable workers in america and need to be treated fairly in the
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newsroom. noelle bellow kron 4 whoa. let's hope they get that together. yeah. big service now to our 4 zone forecast. where doesn't look like there's any fire danger in the city right now because it's overcast. yeah, brittany, i was overcast and then you said he's going to be breezy tomorrow. yeah. you can head to see the tree and a bottom of the screen. just swaying back and for showing you those breezy conditions. so yes, again, gray skies has been the theme this week. may gray. >> and full force. you're still going to see some gray skies. unfortunately, when you wake up and let's talk about we need to know right now, here's the east bay. we can still the east bay, which is good. a couple days ago we showed this camera was so foggy, you couldn't even show you that. so we are making progress temperatures right now as we speak. san francisco, 58, oakland, 61, san jose. 66 livermore. 63 santa rosa. 63. so our temperatures are actually a little below average. and what
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see cloudy conditions are going to have temperatures slowly rising. that's the good news afternoon, sunshine. so a lot of those clouds will disappear around noon except for the coast will watch some patchy drizzle again in some >> foggy overcast conditions for you on the coast throughout the day. the good news is that the weekend is looking nice. we actually have a warm-up headed our way, but we've got to get past the next couple of days. so future cast again showing you wednesday as you wake up at yeah, you're going to see those cloudy conditions. you're going to see some fog as well from the bay all the way to the watching the sierra is temperatures in the 60's, but we're actually watching a flash flood warning and watch and parts of the sierra and reno until 9 o'clock tonight. just with that excessive rain happening right now as we speak. so that low pressure system is dropping our temperatures below average temperatures. but it's really that high coming off the coast. it's going to bring us above average temperatures later this weekend. so oakland, your average was 70. we're at 64 for your high santa rosa. your average was 78. we're at 65 to just showing you. it is chilly not
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to mention it's breezy those gusty conditions out. fairfield. we're looking at 28 miles per hour. that debris, animal roadway and large tree branches swaying back and forth. just to set the tone of what you're going to be dealing with tonight and tomorrow overnight, fog again, our a sunset at 8.25. our lows will be between 49 and 54 degrees and our 7 day forecast shows you the good news is every day gets a little warmer. >> picking a saturday, 84 inland bay, 73 and the coast, 60 once of some sunshine definitely headed our way. >> thank you. coming up, an elderly dog called hero after jumped into action to save his dog video shows how he fights dog video shows how he fights off a coyote.
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inner voice (furniture store owner): i know everything about my new furniture business... well, everything except the whole business part. not anymore. with quickbooks, you can confidently manage your business. right now, get 70% off for 3 months. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> all right. here's some good video. get ready for this. dozens of people chased a 7 pound wheel of double gloucester cheese down a near vertical hill in southwest england. the cheese rolling race takes place at cooper's hill about 100 miles west of london. it's been happening since at least 18. 26. hundreds of people watched as competitors tumble done at times limped after the cheese for 200 yards. the cheese is said to come down the hill and up to 80 miles an hour. a 19 year-old canadian woman won the won the women's race. despite get this, she was knocked out unconscious during the race. still, she won. and as the winner, she gets to keep that 7 pound wheel of
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cheese that she >> and that part the chiefs race and i was hoping we had video. still pictures are great, but the video is hilarious. running of the running of the all nearly toothless dog in southern california is a hero in his house for saving another dog from a coyote attack. a warning. the surveillance video is disturbing but both of the pets are okay. a coyote jump the fence of the home and pointed a dog named harley. he's the one yelping, another dog named vinnie sprang into action and scared the coyote. all the owners are proud of any because a video shows a second coyote was on the other side of that fence. >> there's going to be a big brawl that boy jumped into action. they say he's an older dog and almost 2 for this. well special treats for vianey that don't require a lot as it
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for us tonight at 6. we'll see
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: that a shark get him? the teen who jumped overboard on a dare. is that a shark? then... i am alive. the miracle survivor of the building collapsed. speak of the just collapsed


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