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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  February 28, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> absolutely. whether time now as we get a live look beautiful shot there of the ocean beach course not a good
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data. >> go to the we never really get to see the shot to such a pretty view there to see the ocean. but we're taking a look now that storm tracker 4 yeah, it's going to be raining across a lot of the bay area tonight and possibly more snow is on the way. lawrence karnow what is going on with is really just not giving up. no, we have a long way to go. if you believe long-range models. i mean, we could be talking about. >> significant amounts of rain even in mwrch. of course, it has been quite the season already. the sierra nevada getting tons of snow and well, it is just a impassable right now on 80. they've shut it down. here's a live look and you can see at castle big look at the road there. you could just maybe make out a couple of spots in the robot. even the signs begin to disappear along the side of the road. all getting covered in that tremendous amount of snowfall in whiteout conditions up there right now. so yeah, here it is. blizzard warnings are up for the sierra nevada. maybe another one to 4 feet of snow expected overnight tonight and we were just
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talking about in the break a some melting. and so you've got that snow all the way down in around that whole area and they try to move it around, but usually would melt and begin to make its way back in the lake of the tributaries. now, you've just mounds of snow all over the place with nowhere to go. avalanche warnings are in effect tonight until 7 o'clock in the morning on wednesday. i think we're finally going to catch a break. it all the stormy weather across the high country. but blizzard warnings are up there right now. winter storm warnings, of course, all the way down the foothills of the sierra nevada. maybe the snow level down to about 1000 or 1500 feet. more snow there. of course, we're going to see a little more snow in the bay area, too. and there's more on the way. we'll talk more about that coming up few minutes. all right, lawrence hit car crash really kept the california highway patrol tied up during the morning commute. probably during the evening commute to kron force him to go. reports now from the east bay where those. >> wet roads and strong downpours, cars collisions. >> a california highway patrol sergeant intuition may have saved lives late tuesday
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morning on highway 4 year. the road exit in martinez, the sergeant responded to one of several crashes along this stretch of roadway. in this case, a sit and spin out. but the driver was not injured. the sergeant cautioned against staying in the area too long for fear of other cars in the area. losing control on road and less than an hour later, that's exactly what happened. the truck speeding by lost control and slammed into a parked car of a family member waiting with the driver who initially spun out that family member was taken to a hospital with minor injuries. the driver behind the wheel of the truck did not require medical treatment. kerry. in another incident, cesar says he feels lucky to be alive before was traveling from union city pittsburgh and his big rig to deliver a load of cardboard boxes when he lost control on highway 2.40, to near the salon away exit in conquer this kind of a busy day.
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>> he is less than myself. he says he was not speeding. it only took an inch or so of standing water because the truck to hydroplane how like it to be fortunately, no other cars were involved in this crash. one of more than a dozen. the chp responded to the area during the morning commute. tra costa county, philippe djegal all kron 4 news and join us online as we track the storm, including road conditions and power outages in your area. you can do that by scanning this qr code on your screen. >> now to the north bay where someone stole a van carrying cats in napa and the shelter that that van belongs to is pleading with the public to help them find it. it happened on sunday around 11 night volunteers with the shelter called whiskers tails and farrell's say that this large white van was sitting along the street in california boulevard when a man rode up on a bike and they say he
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stole the van. they say he left his bike, took the van and then came back a few minutes later for the bike. the volunteers are now worried about the 16 cats were inside the van at the time was stolen. >> the kiddies we're going to delivered in the morning to the spay and neuter clinic. and so we don't know the whereabouts. we haven't heard much. we don't know where the cats are. we don't know if they released them or not. >> volunteers say that they drove around for hours, but they did not spot the vehicle. they say it's a ford transit van with this california plate. 4, 8, 0, 0, 7 e 2. so if you see it. be anywhere in the north bay or an app or anywhere across the bay area. they want you to give them a call. we posted the number on our website kron 4 dot com. >> to the east bay. now questions are being raised after oakland police witness robbery suspects get into a getaway car and officers did not pursue them. the group
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broke into a jewelry store in the owner says that they stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. kron four's. sara stinson explains why a police department policy may have helped the crooks get away. >> on video, you can see the moment the lock on the door to the happy hearts jewelry store get smashed and broken. 3 people are seen walking into the store on oakland's piedmont avenue last monday night. george lee and his business partner, irene have multiple cameras inside the shop. you can see the work, larry, from different angles. you have begun to go off as a person walks into the store with what appears to be a gun drawn. so we have to music on. >> 24 a day and then they hear this. i know. >> pull all one the gun. >> and sitting in meeting few with we were there. isn't anybody that there? >> once the burglars realize no one is inside the shop,
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they smashed the glass showcases. the owner says about $100,000 worth of jade collectible items were stolen. it. >> one of the men has obama break and then the police come they come police say officer saw 4 people jump into a car driving off northbound on piedmont avenue. but officers did not follow the car full of burglars. police say they're responding. officers didn't believe they had authorization due to the police department's pursuit policy. the policy only allows pursuits to be initiated if there's reasonable suspicion to believe the people involved committed a violent crime or a crime involving a gun. it's been one week since this happened and still no arrests have been made leaving lee and his business partner yeah. they still do with the scare. >> sad. but the life the qb go along, then we still, you know, i'm doing this is the to
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field. this area used to be a lot safer and belheve the city should do more to better protect business owners may be lot petrol. >> so and we we could still be says powder seale was safe. >> san francisco has a similar pursue paul. see as oakland right now, this case is still being actively investigated. they're still trying to identify the 4 people seen in that video. i'm sara stinson reporting in the newsroom. back to you. >> coming up, what experts say could help prevent women from developing ovarian cancer.
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>> for your health tonight, an aspirin a day could help keep ovarian cancer away. that's according to new research in jama network open. the study is suggesting that frequent aspirin use reduces the risk of certain types of ovarian cancer, regardless of most genetic factors. but researchers are warning frequent aspirin use is not recommended for all women because there's potential for side effects like strokes and ulcers. instead, it could be used as a preventative measure for those with the highest ovarian cancer risk. >> all right. still ahead lawyers going for their 3rd straight win as they host the portland trail blazers tonight. we'll have a live report from chase center with our sports director jason our sports director jason dumas said.
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have heart failure and still experience unresolved symptoms?
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heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... ...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. >> the warriors host the portland trail blazers tonight trying remain undefeated on their current homestand. the dep still without steph curry, tonight's game will service somewhat of a homecoming for blazers superstar. the point guard damian lillard. he grew up here in oakland. he always puts on a show when he returns back to the bay area. so kron four's. >> sports director jason dumas joining us now live from chase center. i know that we talked last night that damian lillard's been kind of hot and
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they're hoping that they can cool off >> that's exactly right. justine damian lillard is on fire right now. he scored an nba season-high 71 points on sunday night. it 13 threes. just 1, 3 shy of klay thompson's nba record 14, 3. so the warriors, they're going to have their work cut out, trying to stop him. they're also going to have their work cut out. it's because they're down 2 of their top players, step curry and andrew wiggins. they remain out. curry still nursing that leg injury, although he has started ramping it up. you should be back soon. but he is still out. meanwhile, andrew wiggins, he hasn't been with the team the last 14 days due to personal reasons. and we have no idea why we have no idea when he may come back. but the warriors role players, they've really stepped up, particularly in the last 2 games. and on sunday night when given opportunities that
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they really haven't been able to get where when get otherwise, get this team with healthy and they played well in those last 2 games. i asked steve kerr about his role players just moments ago. >> with the extra opportunities that some of the role players have gotten over the past couple of games. how do you think they've adapted and played over that span? i think the the role players have played really well. they've helped keep us afloat here you know, with with injuries and a lot of guys have really stepped up in and played well, the obvious ones you know, dante coming off the you know, jake been in good now for the last couple really playing his role. but you're seeing patrick, you know, with some minutes here that have been productive, fun. moses is had some some good moments for in the last couple very pleased with the bench group.
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>> good dante scored 20 points on sunday night. he's been really good. those role players can continue to play well in these opportunities they're getting it can really help out this warriors team long-term, not one person i haven't mentioned. draymond green had a setback on that knee a couple of days ago. but yesterday, iraqis he was upgraded probable. we talked to steve kerr steve kerr says he expects dream on the plate tonight. we want to see how that mary axe when you go through it, every game warm up. we will have a final update on dre in the 6 o'clock hour. but for now, we're live at chase center. i'm jason dumas. back to you guys. all right, jason, out to be a good game will be looking forward to that. >> we're taking a live look outside right now. and again, that cool camera that shows us ocean beach in san francisco and some clouds or rain drops are some things blocking our view here. looks like rain drops along awards. yeah, already anything in we've had.
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right. i mean, we hail ever thick so far this season and it continues out there right now. you can see the doppler radar. we've got the showers popping up around the bay area of had some thunderstorms rolling on through reports of more hail and we've got more coming in overnight tonight and tomorrow to looks like finally going to catch a break as we head through the day tomorrow. so enjoy while we have not to last long models are right. we're going to get right back into it again. i think in the weekend out there tonight, though, the clouds have rolled in and yet we've seen that rain. the heavy rainfall coming this morning, then turning more showers in the afternoon. we're seeing another round of rain moving through. here's sfo looking very wet out there right now. surprisingly, no delays at any local airports, even with the stormy weather out there right now. but scattered showers that continue to pop up out there. some heavier storms moving in across the peninsula now near half moon bay stretching across mountain dew and into parts of the east bay, too. some of the storms rolling on through into san jose. more scattered showers and yeah, more snow showing up over the mount off, well to the north and the north bay. you're seeing more snow showers there continuing
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adding to some very impressive snow totals across the high country that said winter weather advisories have been extended now into the east bay until 4 o'clock in the across the oakland hills in the higher mountain peaks, you could see another few inches of snow there. and we've got a lot more to go. here's your long range forecast models want to show this to. you can see the storm system moving through right now. this is going to wind down tomorrow. we finally get a break thursday. looks like we catch a break in the stormy weather and friday, too, this weekend, will that all changes? we start to see that rain moving back in on saturday. some showers moving in more rain on sunday. that low kind of acres off the coastline spinning storm after storm into the bay area in the middle of next week. but watch what happened near the end up next week. boy, if that holds true, that could be what we call the pineapple express. the atmospheric river event. that would be a danger set up after all that rain to see something like that coming on shore. but some models are paying up. some of them are not going to wait and see. but all said we're in a very active weather pattern. regardless. cannabis
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well, democrats are renewing their push for the equal rights amendment as a way to also protect reproductive rights. but opponents are arguing that the effort >> would harm the very women. they hope to defend our washington correspondent jessi turnure reports now on today's senate judiciary committee hearing. >> what kind of america do we want to leave her daughters and granddaughters as the equal rights amendment to return to the senate for debate tuesday, illinois democrat durbin said the supreme court's decision to end the federal right to abortion gives the effort extra importance for the first time in history to take away our constitutional right from every woman in america. democrats argue the would enshrine the rights of women, lgbtq individuals in the u.s. constitution, thereby protecting reproductive rights as a whole. but mississippi republican cindy hyde-smith said the e r a would remove protections for the unborn and instead empower unelected judges to impose a radical
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abortion policy. hyde smith warned her colleagues the e r a would also have broader impacts on safety, locker prison's hospital rooms. >> domestic violence shelters in restrooms would allow men into areas where women should feel safe and protected. but not all republicans oppose the effort. women should have equal treatment. 2 man under the law. alaska senator lisa murkowski said even though women make up half the u.s. population, only 25% of the senate is female and women still earn less money than their male counterparts. we still have a long ways to go. and i think we need the equal rights amendment to get the senate democratic leader chuck schumer has promised a floor vote within the coming months in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> next up, scammers take advantage of a girl scout cookie season pretending to take orders. but leaving customers empty-handed. how to make sure you don't become a victim.
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>> and person ation scams. boy, they're some of the oldest on the books. >> and now some critics are taking advantage of girl scout cookie season pretending to take orders, but they're leaving customers empty-handed can think of anything meaner than that. steve separation does some digging into how these cookie scams are crumbling? >> there is nothing more innocent than children selling girl scout cookies.
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legitimately to people like us can. is not too high to show it's a tradition which goes back generations. i was a girl scout when i grew i love supporting the girl scouts. >> just >> when kids always cookies. it's a lesson which last a lifetime you learn responsibility. and you learn how to take care of it teachers or to set goals and had to be an entrepreneur and sell things. and she's just very excited. >> to interact with the community last year, 800 million was generated by girl scout cookie sales nationally with about 600 million going to local troops and heartless criminals. want a piece of that action. >> here's alyssa parker with the better business there's been reports of people pretending to be girl scouts and scamming people say that they're going to take orders for cookies and then ends up. they never get their cookies because they're not. actually
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girl scouts turns out some girl scout council allow you to order weeks before the cookies actually arrive. and that is with the impostors move in. some other councils allow our only allow you take preorders and then to boost sales. after the fact reports the past have been an with a child. >> posing as a girl scouts. it's terrible. why would you why would you also find something so wonderful like that? all girls go to go door-to-door, supposed to wear the uniforms, but >> there's also another way to jet. there's an official abc cookies app. so if you are paying by credit card, please make sure that you use the cookie asked. the girl scouts also have a place on the web site that allows you to find cookies by zip code in your area. >> it will also give you a number which you can use to text for cookies so you won't fall victim to this. >> crummy scam working for you. i'm consumer investigator steve sbraccia. >> crummy scanned for sure. yet that gap between me and my
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thin mints. that wraps up kron 4 news at 5. but there's a lot more ahead here tonight on kron. 4 news at 6. catherine and pam are here with a look at what's coming up tonight. all right. thank you. thin mints. my favorite all right. >> coming up tonight at 6 o'clock, we are continuing to track the heavy rain across the bay area. we will take you to the areas hit the hardest and check the forecast to find out what's ahead in terms of more rainfall and win. and the really stormy weather causing a lot of damage to bay area roads. what the city of oakland is planning to do about a pothole problem. i'm kathryn mean, i'm pam moore. kathryn mean, i'm pam moore. the news at 6 is next.
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you go by lots of titles. veteran, son, dad. -it's time to get up. -no hair stylist and cheerleader. so adding a “student” title might feel overwhelming. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. it's coming along. well, it can.


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