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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  February 26, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6, what weather is back along with cold temperatures across the bay. the national weather service issuing a winter weather advisory for portions of the bay area with snow levels dropping to less than 2500 feet. thanks for joining us here tonight on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm noelle bellow and i'm dan thorn. besides the low level of snow or the low snow levels. the winds are also set to pick up with. >> gusts up to 50 miles an hour in some areas. kron 4 meteorologist rodriguez joining us now with everything
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that's happened. recent yeah, we could start seeing some light snow arriving in our north bay mountains as early as 10 o'clock tonight. that's when a winter weather advisory is going to go into effect. >> so today's light storm really just an appetizer of what's to come. as you can see, still tracking those storms showers, especially to our south san jose getting the brunt of it with some moderate rain there and even some snow showers throughout the east bay hills, including mount hamilton. so we're going to be under winter weather advisories starting by tomorrow morning, not just for north bay mountains, but east bay hills. that's going to continue through tuesday. so we are tracking this atmospheric river tapping into a plume of subtropical moisture. going to give us widespread rain. so right now we're going to start to see that drying trend. still seeing those showers out there in the south bay. but for the rest of the bay area, we're already drying out. that's going to continue throughout tonight. but the bulk of that river first going to ride for those of you in the north bay
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by monday morning. this is going to have a negative impact on your morning commute. so plan ahead and drive safely could see thunderstorms, hail and gusty winds throughout your monday morning commute with some scattered showers by monday afternoon with the 3rd round of rain arriving tuesday through wednesday. so we could see anywhere from about 3 quarters of an inch of rain or less doubled those amounts through wednesday. more my full forecast and a look at your sierra outlook in just a few minutes. back to dan and noelle. >> theresa, thanks live. well, despite the rain today, a big turnout in san jose and supported to street food vendors who were attacked in recent weeks. it comes as one of the attackers is apologizing for their actions. kron four's sara stinson. >> has more. >> rain or shine? people really showed up in san jose to support the 2 street vendors who were attacked can see they've got their tense up. people have umbrellas raincoats. they came ready to eat and ready to feel >> we all the people are
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supporters me and god reconco is feeling very supported by the community after seeing all these people show up at the street, vendor biota events for cocoa is selling hot dogs on the street in front of safety center. but he was brutally beaten by a person on february. 16th. >> he was hospitalized for injuries to his eyes, nose and face. he's still be wet. i mean, police are still looking for his attacker. another food vendor. carlos sanchez was attacked in front of in tax auto parts the following saturday video shows a man coming out of a nearby business with a baseball bat and attacking sanchez. police arrested the owner of nearby in tax auto parts, kenny home in connection with the attack. the shop's facebook page has been flooded with negative comments since then this week. hope posted a statement to facebook saying in part i deeply regret my treatment of the gentleman who set up a vending locations outside of my family's auto parts store.
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he continued to say he's ashamed of his conduct and he's sorry to everyone in the community that was affected by his behavior. sanchez was at today's event, but he didn't want to talk on camera. he was busy cooking up lots of chicken and thanking people for coming out eden and i'm organized the event. he's an activist and says >> statement seems more like damage control than an apology. basing on 30 telling them. >> i don't believe thing so yeah, i don't think it's any land. >> there were several sponsors who pay for the food and people who attended made donations. all the money raised will go to the 2 street vendors. i wanted them to have this event so they can have some. >> boost for their financial gains in seoul. they can have some time off. you know, they went through something traumatic. both of them did so i think they deserve a little bit of time on the congo says he's feeling grateful for all the community support. want to thank everybody who will. >> if you do now and they won't maybe coming on.
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>> thank you for the san jose city council members are in the process of creating a policy that will better protect street vendors. i'm sarah stinson reporting in san jose. back to >> and the east bay, a california court is blocking uc berkeley's plan to build housing at people's park. the appeals court says the plan has failed to address environmental concerns. the ruling effectively brings the project to a standstill until the university can conduct a new environmental study. the proposed 17 story building would occupy half of people's park and would house more than 1000 students. governor gavin newsom's office reacting to the ruling on twitter saying in part, quote, california cannot afford to be held hostage indies who weaponize the california environmental quality act to block student and affordable housing. this set selfish mindset is driving up housing prices and making our state less affordable.
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>> developing news we are following tonight, another violent night in oakland. police are investigating after 3 more people were shot. one of them killed saturday night. the first shooting was reported at international an 85th just before midnight. the victim is in critical condition. police say just an hour later, a second shooting took place. this one downtown off webster street. the victim in that case also in critical condition tonight. and then just 15 minutes later, another person was shot and killed on the off-ramp. 5.80, near edwards avenue. all this gun violence, of course, coming after 3 people were shot and killed friday night in oakland. police say investigators are working now to gather more information on all of the shootings. >> on the peninsula, 2 people believed to be connected to a shooting in oakland have been arrested by brisbane police. this happened around 9.30 last night near guadalupe county and carter street. police say one of the suspects tossed the gun out of the car just before they were stopped. the 2
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suspects were booked into san mateo county jail on gun and gang-related charges. their identities were not released. today in oakland, the rain didn't stop people from celebrating the six-year of the black joy parade. the free event featuring more than 200 black owned vendors with food drinks, clothing and more. there were 2 stages for performances along with games and what was called the healing village. there was also a procession which has been deemed the largest black joy parade procession in the country. >> coming up, a well-known comic strip being dropped by dozens of publications after its creator goes on a racist rant. plus, people in the tahoe region are preparing for a blizzard. how residents are getting ready. and when we return, remembering the victims of the 1993 world trade center bombing ceremonies that took place today in new york city. 30 today in new york city. 30 years later. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis.
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>> and national news today marks 30 years since the world trade center bombing, 6 people were killed more than 1000 others were injured after terrorists. >> detonated a truck bomb in the parking garage. new york leaders including senate majority leader chuck schumer new york city mayor eric adams spent the day looking back and honoring the family members who lost their loved ones. >> today we honor. john dg money. kirkpatrick. stephen.
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now. wilfredo mercado. monica rodriguez smith. who was 7 months pregnant. the over 1000 who were injured in this brutal attack. >> new york's governor kathy hochul also grieving for the victims and their families telling them their memories will never the last. coming up, the national weather service saying the blizzard second hit tahoe will bring with it. >> a life threatening situation. how people are situation. how people are preparing when we return. ♪♪ for skin as alive as you are...
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if you think you have dupuytren's contracture, there's a simple test you can take—from anywhere. try to lay your hand flat against a surface. if you can't, you may have dupuytren's contracture. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments.
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the sierra preparing for blizzard conditions expected to begin tomorrow. colfax residents who are most rangers to dealing with snow storms. >> are definitely going to be impacted here. reporter when the shot x has more. roads are just covered. >> can get dowe. my driveway for friday is crazy. and of colfax us. a young veteran when it comes to dealing with snow here. so this was far like least 4 big. my dad had to do all this by hand. they were packed in with all the snow for even the chickens with their heaters outside school was canceled on friday. but students didn't seem to mind. everyone's like to now. they're ever. so many good times. last year was pretty
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horrible. we've got about 2 feet in one night. called the snowmageddon. we lost power for 2 weeks. the national weather service says with blizzard conditions expected to hit the sierra by early tomorrow. colfax residents will also be impacted seeing up to 2 inches of snow an hour causing poor visibility behind the wheel. little worried about how this is going to go over the next couple of days. but making sure have a sturdy snow shovel that will actually handle the heavy snow. which colfax resident chris owen just bought from the hills flat lumber company in town was one of the ones. >> a collage showed us the top 3 things colfax residents should have to be ready for this next storm. number one, if you just shoveling year, blocked off. >> you can really go for either plastic or the shovels with the number 2, he's a heaters. you can just plug into propane tank, you know, and they produce a lot of he i fear garage. it really helps
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to warm up your hands and number 3, and the last thing we do sell also turned 2040 pound bags of ice melt makes it easier to shovel off and then it stays in that area little bit for a while, try and fall as much snow as we can to stay warm inside. and we're just going to hunker down. >> make sure everybody is taken care of and play it safe. >> sounds like a good plan for them. that was rowena shaddox reporting for us. taking a live look now outside at highway 80 at castle peak as you can see. absolutely no way folks are getting to the sierra. you can see traffic sign there. the snow is at the bottom. >> of that signed him. and one of the things i've been hearing from the officials up there, they're letting people know. >> do your research if you're going to go like, be smart, don't create like dangerous situations because going to be tough to get out there. and yeah, help you out of a breeze rodriguez. she's the expert on the snow around here.
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>> recent what's going on? yeah, we're currently under a winter storm warning in the sierra. we could get up to 10 inches for the valleys. and as you can see, we're going to get double those amounts for the highest peaks. i-80 at castle peak blanket. so you can even see the roads because of all of that fresh powder. and we're going to be under a blizzard warning starting tomorrow morning through wednesday morning. 47 feet of snow is expected for the highest peaks of this year with wind gusts of 100 miles per hour. 2 to 3 feet of snow is expected for the valleys with wind gusts and that 50 mile per hour range. so these winter storms definitely not messing around and even for the bay area as well. we're tracking drier weather for most. but starting to see light scattered showers for those of you in san jose saratoga. you're getting a little bit of a break from those moderate downpours. but for mount hamilton and even the east bay hills tracking that rain and snow mixture out there right now already. and we're going to look like a
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winter wonderland tonight. first, for those of you in the north bay mountains, when you are going to see some light snow up to 10 inches expected from now through wednesday and for eastern santa clara of hills and east bay hills that winter storm and winter weather advisory going to go into effect monday morning through tuesday afternoon. and right now we're tracking widespread 40's out there mid to upper 40's. thanks to that blanket of storm cloud cover. but it is going to get chilly for those of you in santa rosa. 31 degrees with afternoon highs. very similar to today, 5 to 15 degrees below average. we should be in the 60's, not 40's and 50's. so yeah. certainly going to feel like winter out there and we're going to notice, though, drier weather wednesday with milder temperatures by the end of this upcoming workweek with more showers by next weekend. but fortunately, it's not going to look as intense as what we're seeing right now is we have a few more days to go. lots going on part, thanks >> newspaper publications
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across the country are dropping the comic strip dilbert after controversial comments from the creator scott adams, who is a bay area resident, was discussing a rasmussen reports survey on his youtube show. the anti-defamation league has classified it as a quote, trolling campaign. the survey asked if it's okay to be white adams, who is white repeatedly referred to people who are black as members of a hate group and said he would no longer quote, help black americans. he also said white people should get away from black people. adams said yesterday he was trying to make the point that, quote, everyone should be treated as an individual without discrimination. washington post and the usa today network of newspapers have since pulled the plug on the long-running comic strip. >> why are we so you to be. >> streaming rights for south park is at the center of a lawsuit. warner brothers.
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discovery is suing paramount global, saying its competitor aired new episodes of the animated series warner brothers paid more than 500 million dollars for the exclusive rights back in 2019. the lawsuit says max did not receive the first episodes of the new season of south park and 2020 because of the pandemic. instead to pandemic theme specials were given a paramount. the show creators matt stone and trey parker were not named in this lawsuit. >> an update to a story we brought you last night. the ntsb says a small plane, a crash near reno, killing all 5 people on board appears to have broken apart. in-flight. the crash happened just 14 minutes after the plane took off from the reno airport. it was headed to salt lake city and was operating as an air ambulance at the time, ntsb officials held a press conference this afternoon and announce the plane did not have a flight data recorder. a preliminary report is expected in the month.
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>> the san jose sharks continue to shake up their roster, making another trade at the deadline next. in sports, jason dumas will tell us which fan favorite. he's heading out of town.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the sharks were involved in a blockbuster trade today and it could hint at a full rebuild san jose sent timo meier to the new jersey
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devils. the sharks received a first-round pick in this year's draft along with 4 players. meyer had 52 points in 57 games this season for san jose. he's played his entire seven-year career here in the bay. he was an all-star last year. meyer is a restricted free agent at the end of the season. so this could just be a rental for the devils, but a very talented player on his way senior day on the farm, stanford hosted washington and it was a big day for lone senior spencer jones. you could tell his teammates were looking to get him to rock. check out the beautiful past from harrison ingram to a cutting jones with a bucket. plus the foul, a cardinal of 12. that to happen this time is jones from the outside fence or finished with 21 points in his final game at maples. stanford up 15 late in the second. they break the washington press with ease. it ends with the brandon angel. don't he had 14? a stanford
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takes down washington. 81 to 69 manny machado is staying in the nl west for the foreseeable future. the star 3rd baseman has agreed to an 11 year 350 million dollars contract extension last year. many said he intended to opt out of the final 5 years of his current contract after the season after preliminary negotiations on an extension broke down. but clearly the padres heard that loud and clear they locked him up and it seemed as it many will be a padre for light. look at is whether in we tied a roo mexico, which we're all their nasty out here in day. the final round of the liv golf invitational. >> my a coma. the story was the play of charles. how the 3rd kid he knocks in the birdie putt at 7 to go -13. yes, 7 birdies and 10 holes and shot an 8 under 63 to win
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the tournament by 4 strokes. it howell was picked up a whole 4 million florida when you won't get that in a major on the pga tour. he's put in a wide area flocking to how about some boxing? i call these the celeb boxers not to be mistaken for the guy signed with legit promoting companies, j cole, tommy fury a pretty good about to both. guys landed some hard shots, but you could see by the end. they were both gas and at the end of the day, tommy fury beads, jake paul and a split. this handing paul his first loss of a celebrity. >> fox >> career. so. >> and that's cool. i huge from now works as we're on boxing april 27th. >> verse ryan garcia that just got finalize weekend. that's probably the biggest card will see in the past couple years in the boxing world. big, big
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doesn't doesn't catch the publicity that some of these paul matches get this one will. yes, one would dwarf that. but that's why we have the celebrity boxing matches. cause. you know, when he talks, people are interested. yeah, you know, like paul hasn't. mean, that's like the most legit fighter. he's fall writings that he doesn't fight anybody with. and then drake, i know he's not very happy 's a gambler an at 400 k to truck one quick note, the warriors, they're down by 4 right now near the end of the 3rd to the temple will have full highlights. one. that was the final. all right. we'll see you guys back here at 8 o'clock.
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(swords clashing)
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♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ aubrey aquino: hello, and welcome to "california bountiful." i'm your host aubrey aquino, and we are so excited to be kicking off a brand new season of all new interviews, farm and ranch visits, cooking demos, and so much more. today we're in sacramento, which is known as the farm-to-fork capital of the world, and we're hanging out at the citizen hotel, which houses a restaurant that gets high praise for its farm-to-fork practices. ♪♪♪


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