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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  February 23, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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yeah. and cold and getting colder. yeah. got lots to cover here. thank you so much. darya folsom, james fletcher. the big story this morning. clearly the snowfall overnight parts of the bay area even more snow in the forecast in the days to come and it's going to get colder. plus, we're still cleaning up after the strong winds knocked out. >> power and big trees coming down. there are thousands of people without power for about 24 hour getting more detail with that. we've got cotplete team coverage for you this morning. will tran, for instance, in the santa cruz mountains where it had been snowing on him earlier this morning. we'll get an update live from the scene. michael thomas also standing by the peninsula once again, keeping us updated on those power outages. first, let's go into the weather center with john shrable telling us what is going on a morning jog. i'd love to see michael and will bundled up out there because it is cold and it is wet depending on where you're at. it's either snow or rain this morning and we are seeing some breaks in between right now at the bay bridge. you're looking at dry conditions. we are going to be seeing some rainfall at points later today, though, that is going to be packing a punch. some of the heavier stuff later on. this is where we're at in the
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berkeley hills right here. you can see there's some passing clouds but dry right there right now. snowfall in the sierra on the north coast, in right here in the bay area officially falling just below 1000 feet in elevation that put it briefly there with just a couple of flurries for a few moments twin peaks in san francisco, montero mountain other mountains on the peninsula. seeing it also seeing it just dying down a little bit up in the santa cruz mountains. look at the central coast right now. this is just south of monterey. big sur right there. snow falling just above sea level. but overall, a very wet situation, a very cold situation. and tonight seeing even some snow, even more likely at lower elevations yet tonight, leading into tomorrow morning. winter storm warnings in effect for the santa cruz and diablo mountains east bay hills and mountains as well as in the north bay, too. we're also under freeze warnings and frost advisories right now through 09:00am easy to see why. when you take a look at temperatures, we're currently in the 30's to 40's san jose
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at 37 degrees. dublin livermore in mountain view. also there petaluma and santa rosa in the upper 20's. watch for some flurries in these areas this morning. i'm going to be tracking all of it. your forecast all morning long. so make sure to stay with us rain. john, thank you for that. well, in union city, we have an accident that's south of all model niles road. so lanes are blocked there. if you do try to head through the air, you could hop on to 38 and take that this morning. >> we have a 20 minute systemwide bar delay because of the wet weather this morning. they always slow the trains down. whenever we do have weather conditions out there. 15 minutes, mace to that free, much tx. if you're traveling high winds across the bridges. 81 on 13 minutes, san mateo bridge a richmond sandra fell bridge. put you about 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the toll is going to be 19 minutes on this thursday. darya james, back to you. all right. let's continue our team coverage. snow coming down overnight along highway 17 in los gatos. yeah, snowplows were actually being put to work there in the santa cruz mountains trying to keep
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the roads clear and safe as best they could. >> kron four's will tran actually up there for us this morning with a look at conditions at the moment can see his breath. yeah, i will. it is cold, but the snow has stopped for now. but you if you saw me at 5 o'clock. >> we saw flakes coming down. good enough to create this. look at this. you have high quality snowballs upon highways, 17 at the summit because the snow off and on throughout the overnight hours, it's come down and look at the cars, james and darya. it's covered with snow. >> yes, it is cold. the good news is it's not so cold where once the snow hits the ground, it does not become slushy. so not too bad. slushy is good enough for snow plows to go up and down this location. follow me will move the camera and then we'll show you the morning commute. so the best tip i can possibly give anybody. just give yourself plenty of time. of course, thousands of people travel between santa cruz and san
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jose. so this is the morning commute. just take it easy. and you know what? i don't know if it's a power outage. or it's if it's time, guys, because all of a sudden the road, the lights that cover the roadway up and down here at this stretch, it just went out. so you'll be dealing with darker conditions. cold, roadways. just take it easy. and again, snow off and on. i'd like to throw yulia 7 is a snowball, but i care about her too much to help with a snowball. but if you're in santa cruz and before you leave, maybe pelts, when your friends and you know what to heck what? >> the news crews are out here as well. the news crews out here as well. let me throw ready really moving. i want to throw to some of my colleagues here. we all cover the same story. no good. get. that one for the there it is. there you go. back to you. cut again. the snowball fight here in the bay area. thank you very much.
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a little strange. let's take a look at where video and new video from mount hamilton. there's plenty of snow coming down here that started around midnight at the lick observatory. >> and the photographer who captured the video says it was coming down steady, starting around 10, 30 last night until midnight. you can see it building up there on that emergency vehicle and the crew day. the roads recovered. that means they could still be, you know, wet and slippery and temperatures dipped into the upper 20's. plus, don't forget, we're still dealing likely to keep talking about with the damage from tuesday's windstorm. lots of debris, power outages and the like that. we're still dealing with change. yeah, no kidding. all right. so let's get everybody updated on what the situation is with that power outage. problem for the bay. thousands of people still dealing with that this morning. the wind storm, obviously the big culprit. >> this is pg e's live weather will live outage map showing us where those outages are being reported. we have some new numbers this hour. firstly, in all total, we have about 22,000 customers without power. that's a slight reduction from when we started this morning. we're also seeing that trend continue in the east bay. they had about
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76 customers without power earlier now it's down to 37. san francisco had more than 100. it's now down to 83 customers in the north bay. they had little over 500 customers without power. that's now dropped to about 320 in the south bay and the peninsula where we're seeing the bulk of those outages in the south. they were looking at about 1400 customers without power and on the peninsula. about 20,000. that's about $5,000 a $5,000, 5,000 customer reduction. it was a 25,000 earlier, but you can certainly see the concentration about it is really does span the entire peninsula and down here to the southern and 2 down near where we have been following since yesterday. perry, places like menlo park, stanford, palo alto and redwood city. that is where michael thomas is standing by this morning with a check of conditions there. and michael, i know on the radar, we might have some rain coming your way to along with the power outages. so it's going to be tough morning for a lot of folks. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. that's right. that rain is here. i had to move under an awning, it's raining.
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my phone says that 38 degrees and there's no power. so think about our elderly. think about those kids. think about people have food in their fridge. devon have power and date. take a look behind me. this is one of the stories that got to sign up this entire strip mall. we're going to move the camera that way. you can see just completely pitch black. the only thing the strip mall is a lucky california that is has power and i would assume that's because of a generator. but let's get into some video that we took earlier this morning. you can just see those streets completely pitch black when we think about power outages, you know, there's no stoplights either. those are all completely out. so you do want to keep in mind, we're going to have to stop, but it's also dark out here. so some people were just going straight for it. so you want to be aware of those things pg and e says that it's currently trying to restore the power. they don't have a time frame of when it will come back. they say that their team has known about this because of this historic storm happening not just here, but across the entire state. and when it comes to charging
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stations, their website says that there are no charging stations in this area. and as james mentioned earlier, we're talking 20 plus 1000 people without power, you know, all across of our bay area. but back out here live, you can see this store here completely closed down and they're closing earlier. it's is at 5.30. i would assume that that is because that's when the sun starts to go down. but no power. it's very lots of small local businesses. i mean, there's a restaurant next door in the first thing that came to my mind was all of their perishables are just going to go bad because electricity and before i send it back to you when i stop at a gas station this morning, they had security all because they were worried about people, you know, mean, breaking in or those type of things. because, again, there's no electricity and it's completely dark so nobody can see anything. but that is the very latest here in redwood city will continue to keep an on those maps and we'll keep you guys updated. yes, bundle up. if you're going again, be aware of those stoplights that have no electricity. so >> that's it. i'll send it back to you. all right. so
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dark and wet help and redwoods. alright and and damage trees down in the south bay. let's go there now to homeowners have some major cleaning up to do. >> because it big tree fell down and damaged their property. look at how massive this tree as it fell down from highway 17 near campbell. and it went into a backyard of robin trainee and it's because of tuesday's heavy winds. that tree fell over damaging her retaining wall, hitting her neighbor's roof as well. and she says it's the second time this has happened in 2 months. the first was back in january. a pine tree fell on some power lines in her backyard. >> and she says this would happen if the city had taken care of the problem. the first time. >> what a what a mess. what a mask. that's what i city needs to take care of these trees. they don't maintain them at all. and every time we get a storm, they basically throw up in my backyard. >> fall over and she said she's contacted multiple city departments but kind of got the run around.
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>> and she says simple maintenance could have avoided this. and that's what she still pushing for. meantime, it's going to cost thousands of dollars to fix this and she plans to stride to submit that build the city here. that frustration in her voice and she's not alone at other homes to on the peninsula, taking some storm damage as well. in fact, there was a tree in san mateo. >> that was uprooted came right down on top of that house. the neighbor tells us that the homeowner wasn't home at the time and most of the damage come to find out was under the living room. and then in palo alto, a large tree came down and amaged a portion the home. there. most of that damage was office to the exterior. people who live in the area say they haven't seen anything like this before and they were glad to hear the homeowner was all right. >> these are huge trees. so it's kind of surprising that they were affected by the wind. i've i've lived here 30 years. i've never seen anything like it being thing. you think when you see that is thank god that people's lives were spared. >> that could have been you or me.
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>> yeah. that's the worry they did put cones out in front of that home in san mateo just to make sure people don't get too close. it's still a little dangerous. and officials want to remind everybody if you see barriers up around a tree or around the home, don't go through that barrier. walk around and especially if you see downed power lines, don't approach them. call 9-1-1. they know exactly who to contact to take care of and do watch kron 4 and do go to our website as well because we've got all the information you need about the weather and the damage and everything else. road closures, power outages in your area. >> scan this qr code will take it right to that spot. and like i said, we're still covering it here on the kron. 4 morning news to stay tuned. >> there's up more snow falling in the sierra. this is a live look at placer county. we'll take a look at the conditions there. and also after the break, a journalist ambush while covering a shooting in florida. the emotional correspondent had report on the loss of one of her own and on to head up to the sierra to see snow fall right here in the bay area. we've got it is well, you can
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see it up and down the peninsula mountains as well as up into the east bay hills, tracking all of your forecast and a 20 minute bar delay because of the wet conditions slowe
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>> 6.14, right now. and thanks for hanging with us on a cold and snowy morning. look at this is the santa clara county as mount hamilton overnight coated in snow on the roadway there. this was around
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midnight possibility of more snow later tonight. and tomorrow morning is down the south bay. you think that be this year? but it's not. it's the south bay, although they are getting plenty of snow in the sierra to. we've got live pictures here. >> of some of the roadways heading up into the mountains. and as you can see. >> snow at the moment with more on the force monica de anda live in plaster ville with a closer look now. good morning, monica. >> james and darya. good morning. oh, my goodness. for getting a little bit of light snow right now. want to show you what it's looking like. reddit gas station just up the highway 50 here. and you can see just how much snow king that it kind of cover the car here. and if we keep on going this way, you can see all that snow in the background and then just set this truck you're pulled in and it's looking like it definitely came from somewhere where they're getting a lot more so than we are just this very second. but this is kind of a situation we're seeing here. we know places with lower elevations like possible saw snow. that's something they usually don't see. it's not typical. so they could see
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from 2 to 10 inches for any time from now until friday. >> and he right now we actually moved up a little higher at 51 in pines >> this is what it looked like. some light snow around here. if you look up off off into the distance here, you can see kind of some snow cover the bushes that were in this little area. and again, we are seeing chain controls all the way up 50 starting in plaster ville where you guys mentioned, they actually, you know, they said stop, hey, let's see if you guys have chains. we to gihtbe safe and s travels. pick up 15 so this is what drivers are going to be facing within just one last note, we did just speak to somebody who didn't want to be on camera, but he said he's actually come from san francisco and he said he wasn't expecting this, but he was ready to go had to change that. he's continuing his way up 50 now. so but that reporting here just a possible when you got to add that kron, 4 news. monica, thank you so much. and i guess by tomorrow morning have maybe a lot more snow behind us. so we'll have to wait and see how right. thanks a lovely guy coming from san francisco. >> expected. so it's all you know, is that he's leaving. so
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here's what he didn't do was he didn't watch john yesterday morning when the warning us we're going to get snow as low as plaster ville and even lower than that. john, i know those foothills communities yesterday. i still haven't president for the bay area. >> i was watching all my friends over there posting about some snow in some of the areas around fresno, just wild to be seeing this at such low elevations. it doesn't take a trip up to tahoe to see at this time around. you can see out there up in tahoe. this is castle peak right here on the way anyways. >> we got those travelers still heading up that way. you can get up there. it is open, but it is snow packed. plows are trying to keep up with it. but there is fresh snowfall on the roads and it is indeed very slick. it's a mixture of blizzard warnings in orange. we're in red winter storm warnings winter weather advisories in blue. we got all 3 of them as you're heading up there winds not as strong as yesterday. so that's a bit of a positive. but snow is really picking up now. and if you look ahead in this forecast as we move into the weekend friday, saturday and sunday for your weekend, travel up
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into tahoe. all of it is bringing snowfall. so just be ready to go with those chains and those shovels because you may be shoveling yourself out winter up there. as for the north coast, also getting some snow. that map is lit up in blue all across the bay area. we are also seeing some rain to snow fall redwood city where michael thomas was standing seeing some rain actively falling that stretching on over towards fremont in the east bay. snow up in the peninsula mountains. we've seen snow is low in elevation at around 800 feet. that did result in a couple of flurries earlier this morning up around twin peaks as well as on mount tam, but definitely not sticking in those spots. it is sticking in our higher mountains, though. mission peak mount diablo, mount hamilton, seeing it piling up and winter storm warnings for the same spots. the north bay mountains, east bay mountains and mountains of the south bay going into winter storm warnings overnight tonight when snow will fall to its very lowest elevations in some cases around 500 feet in elevation. now freezing temperatures in
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effect right now are frost advisories and freeze warnings. these extended through 09:00am because a lot of us are looking at temperatures below freezing if not just close to freezing snowfall tonight. well, over a foot of it expected on mount hamilton, if not 2 feet up there. and also seeing snowfall across the north bay chance of it piling up on top of twin peaks of mount davidson in san francisco. futurecast showing that snow and rain mix off and on throughout the course of the morning for the bay area. it's pretty spotty during the morning. rainfall really picks up later on today, though, and into the evening tonight, some heavier pockets of rain. tonight is what i'm watching really closely as far as rainfall intensity goes as well as low elevation, snowfall accumulation now into tomorrow could be waking up to a few flurries out there get those cameras ready to go for your friday morning. an inch of rainfall for the rest of the week and adding on next week, another 2 to 3 inches of it. so we've got a lot going on ahead of us these next 7 days. winds are calmer than they have been. that's a bit of good news temperatures
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right around the same as yesterday as upper 40's to low 50's at or very warmest. that's pretty much the way we stay through the rest of the week and on into the weekend, too. we will see a break from the rain on saturday. getting a good dose of sun before more of it into early next week. great job. thank you for that. ok in union city if you're traveling along i-80, we do have an accident there. >> this is right up on model niles road. so traffic building this morning and it specially in that spot. if you are hitting 8.80 today traveling to the city about 21 minutes. high winds across our bridges in a 20 minute systemwide bark delay because of the wet weather. 15 minutes a 80 to 101 traveling across towards the peninsula. 1, 1, of the south bay about 30 minutes. 85 up towards menlo park. 2.80, looking great 2.37. not seen major issues there and san leandro down towards to 37 going to take you out. 27 minutes. >> it is nice to see all the media. we come together in solidarity in this moment.
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this is every reporters. absolutely worst nightmare. >> a florida reporter covering the death of one of her own a journalist and a 9 year-old have died in 2 separate shootings. this happened wednesday morning. it was in the pine hill subdivision of orange county, florida. here's what we know so orange county sheriff's deputies say that they were called to the first shooting scene at about 11 o'clock wednesday morning. a woman at that location was shot and later died from her injuries. and then after police left the scene, a news crew was parked outside of that home covering the story where the crime it happened. that's when police say the suspect walked up to the news vehicle shot the 2 journalists inside. one died from their injuries. the other is still in critical condition this morning. and the journalist who was killed has been identified. here's his photo. it's dylan. >> lions spectrum news shared this image of him online. dylan was born and raised in philly and made central florida his home. he enrolled
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and graduated from the university of central florida was a much loved journalists who and that it wanted to do nothing more of a b b, a reporter. and police have identified the suspect. >> in the shooting, 19 year-old keith moses. police say after the suspect shot the news crew, he then walked to another home in the area and that's where he shot a 9 year-old girl and her mother that 9 year-old later died from her injuries. the mother is in critical condition. >> police say that both of the shootings are connected. they already have named him as the shooter in both cases. and this morning he's in custody. the charges are pending. police add that he does have a lengthy criminal history. it's unclear why he targeted the news crew and the mother and the 9 year-old. >> we'll take a break. and a 20 year at 6.22. coming up here in just a moment. the man accused of killing a bishop in southern california will talk about the amount of time he could get in prison if
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convicted. we'll be right back.
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>> and we're back at 6.25. a man now charged in the murder of a catholic bishop in the los angeles area. hillary bishop david o'connell was shot to death in his bedroom on saturday and haas the in the heights about 20 miles east of l a the suspect identified as carlos medina is married to o'connell's housekeeper. he had done work at the bishop's home. a swat team arrested him on monday. police say there is
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surveillance video showing an suv similar to medina's leaving the home the night of the murder. medina now facing 35 years to life in prison if convicted, his arraignment is set for march 22nd. >> a los angeles judge issued a sentence of 60 years to life in prison for the man convicted of shooting and killing rapper nipsey hussle. 33 year-old eric holder junior found guilty of the 2019 murder of the grammy-nominated hip-hop artist hussle was gunned down outside of his clothing store. he founded in south los angeles where he grew up. a new development in the investigation into the deadly mass shooting that happened at a club in colorado springs. last year. a police detective says that the alleged gunman ran a neo-nazi web site. and used and racial slurs while gaming online. his testimony came on the first day of a three-day hearing to determine if there's enough evidence to warrant the
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charges against anderson lee aldrich that shooting left 5 people dead. and 25 injured in november. >> parts of the bay area waking up to a winter wonderland. i'm on highway 17 and you can see snow on the ground coming up, we'll let you know exactly what's going to happen with the weather with a full team coverage when with a full team coverage when we come right back. meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. with a full team coverage when we come right back. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. paper being crumpled more paper being crumpled
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music: “i wish” by skee-lo boom! sound of paper balls landing in bins office workers cheering music stops why do we shoot baskets with paper balls? for the same reason we play scratchers from the california lottery. because a little play can make your day. logo scratches on
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>> all right. we're back. talking about the snow still. this is not tahoe. this is mount hamilton and the lick observatory. as you can see, the snow coming down. we've got the live radar sweep going on on the right side. the oh. so you keep an eye on where the snow is falling. >> because there's work on the way right now. as a matter of fact, especially it's a love mountains. and then whether or not you get snow, that's going to get colder, too. so be prepared for that today and tomorrow, john. yeah, it's cold. it's wet. it's just winter all over again after such a nice start to the week. a big change of pace looking out there right now, the east bay hills got some dark clouds overhead that are going to provide us ample chances of precipitation. not just today, but well into tomorrow. let's get a look outside on radar. and what we do have is definitely some snow falling in the sierra the north coast and along the central coast, zooming in on the bay where we're seeing really are most active area currently is on the mountains in the peninsula
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where we are seeing a lot of that blue indicating snowfall. it's basically holding just below 1000 feet in elevation, getting down to 800 feet here in the bay area. it's very lowest that keeps those of us along the bay shore in the rain from redwood city down through mountain view. we're currently seeing that fremont also seeing some light showers picking up now to half moon bay as well. but definitely slick for those of you crossing 92 between san mateo and half moon bay. watch out for some really slick stuff up there as that's where we are seeing some very active weather currently also along the central coast right now, right around gilroy, some light showers. you've got some snow on the hillsides above. you. and then also south of monterey, a mix of rain and snow down there. winter storm warnings in effect for the hillsides across the bay area. the santa cruz mountains, the blows the east bay hills in the north bay hills, even out towards the central valley. we've got some winter storm warnings and those extend up into the sierra nevada. as for temperatures cold enough for frost advisories and freeze warnings through 09:00am. look
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at this right now in san jose in mountain view at 37 degrees. while morgan hill at 30 to watch for a few flurries likely not sticking to roadways, but a little bit of mix. maybe a little grapple coming down in those areas. half moon bay and mid 30's for you currently conquer dublin livermore in the upper 30's. well up in the north bay right now, petaluma and santa rosa. well below freezing down in the upper 20's napa. 31 also watch for some flurries in these areas too. and tomorrow morning and even better chance of some snow coming down at lower elevations. i'm tracking it all. keeping you updated. your forecast rain. don, thank you for that. watch out for black ice out there. give yourself a little extra time crockett down towards the maze. about 17 minutes to make that drive this morning. >> heading into the city, we do have some high winds to slow down. 21 minutes mace to that fremont street exit. also 20 minutes systemwide bar delay because of the wet weather. 60 80 to 101 traveling across towards the
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peninsula. 101 of the south bay. 33 minutes. 85 up towards menlo park. 2.80. you're nice and light at this hour. 80 silly towards to 37. about 30 minutes and highway 4. 28 minutes. that's any at into congress to 42 darya. james, back to you. thank you. ran a. >> well 6.33, the snow has been coming down overnight all along highway 17. and this is some of the video that was captured showing it coming down at its heaviest. yeah. they need those clouds to be out there working in the santa cruz mountains in four's will tran is working this morning in the cold to show us what it's like out there. i will. >> i think those plow drivers. they are taking a break for now because there's no need, but they just pounced on it when it started coming down really hard at around 5 o'clock in the morning, we will step out. look at this. the roadways clear. i think your fear might be a little slipping and sliding just a little bit. there might be some parts that slushy. >> but not too bad. not so cold where you'll encounter
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black ice. but the bottom line is this is what you're driving through as you're going either between san jose to santa cruz or >> santa cruz to san jose, a winter wonderland. look at those dark clouds. of course you can have snow and less. it's rain for sunday comes down, course. and it crystallizes into snow said those clouds look quite dark. i paid attention to john and he says we should get showers off and on throughout the morning. >> it is cold here. take it easy. >> so as to give you advice and i guess the best advice i'm going to give you, it's just give yourself plenty of time because you never know. fortunately, guys, the sun is coming up and that improves visibility. and then after this, i'm going to go. do some black friday shopping because it feels like we're back in november, december. hard to believe a couple of days ago i was wearing sunglasses and charts its back in the prepared for thank you. will. >> well, let's talk about the power outages because that's
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also been a big issue, a ripple effect of not the storms about last night, although some are, but mostly because the winds we had earlier in the week took down power lines as trees came e's outage map and the mention asked majority obviously still peninsula and the south bay now of the 22,000 customers are without power right now. the vast majority about 20,000 are along the peninsula. everything else is sort of just divided up. we've got the east bay, 37 customers without power in san francisco. 83 a little more than 300 up in the north bay. but, you know, the story this morning continues to be the peninsula and the south bay, 1400 customers without power. 14,000 customers without power, i should say down in the south bay. but yeah, 20,000 without power along the peninsula and it continues to be the hot spot right here where we've been focusing this morning. this is right along where stanford is where redwood city is. menlo park atherton. these areas in orange indicate pockets where we have 500 to 5,000 customers without power. one of the big stories we're following, still no estimate on restoration, but hopefully
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piccini. we'll make some progress today yeah, there's a lot to do in south san francisco on the peninsula. people are still without power there. as you were talking about genes. >> in this case, it was a power pole that got snapped by strong a tree and also smashed onto the roof of a home tuesday that cut power to more than 100 customers and pg e's bay area regional vice president describes the challenge in getting power restored. >> so we'll have to come in and up set an entirely new poll. i'm pretty hard to get back in here with a truck. so we may be handing that poll. those polls will be anywhere from depending on how they spec 8 to 10 feet down in the ground. so we got a lot of work to do here to get that restored. and meantime, the house that got hit by the tree has been red tagged as the close of 2 says unsafe to live in. >> so nobody can live in there. they're just happy that nobody was hurt. >> well, mountain view police are asking for your help around finding a stolen puppy.
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we actually have a picture of the pet luka is the name. and police say the puppy was inside a black hyundai sonata that was stolen at about 12, 30 yesterday afternoon. and we have a picture of that stolen car. this is what it looks like. police say that it was parked in the area of re store for avenue right near rockstar park. if you have any information about the car or the dog lucca. police called mountain view police. >> a suspected serial armed robber is in custody this morning. police say 32 year-old woman from el serino is the one who committed 7 armed robberies throughout the east bay, including 3 in richmond and 4 in el serino. and now you can see they searched her home and this is what they found a firearm and illegal assault rifle and other evidence that they seized. and now she faces charges of armed robbery and several felonies for weapons violations. california lawmakers are taking of governor newsom's plan to penalize oil companies because
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he says they've been price gouging us at the pump. now, this idea is aimed at preventing price gouging in the future and lowering the cost of gas. but there are still some questions over how it would work. >> all of the technology would start only after the findings have been allowed to fund a healthy profit on each gallon. sold. just not an extreme margin up. the salk we saw last october, the california families. >> the critics think it's not a good idea. they say the state should instead be focusing on investing in oil, more oriole production. state lawmakers are going hold more hearings about this plan and it's going to be a while before the final details of the proposal come out. >> elon musk says he is opening up a new tesla engineering headquarters and it's going to be located right here in the bay area. he made the announcement yesterday alongside governor gavin newsom. tesla moved its corporate headquarters as we know from palo alto to austin, texas, back in 2021. after the ceo complained about the state's strict covid regulations. but with this new
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development, there is a hope now that tesla's announcement will lead to other companies making bigger investments in the region as well. >> this is the beginning of something even more extraordinary on the journey to dominate. in this space and to change the way we produce and consume energy. we've had this long-term trend over the course of covid where companies are moving away. so maybe this is one of the first positive signs that we can really 0.2 of a company wanting to invest here. >> well, california has committed to producing only 0 emission vehicles by 2035 and >> musk says the tesla manufacturing plant in fremont is the highest output automotive plant in all of north america with plans to make about 600,000 cars this year alone. >> it's 6.39. and former president jimmy carter continues. hospice care now in his home in plains, georgia. and while that is happening, the interest in carter as a person and his legacy. >> is now taking center stage. many recounting humanitarian works that he has done and his
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dedication to service derick. dillard, your has more. >> if you are of a certain generation, you may remember former president carter's presidency or maybe even the camp david accords, but for many others, it's his work with habitat for humanity in his other work after he left office, there's almost always something that comes to mind when people think of former president jimmy carter in the last few days. many of those thoughts have come back to a lot of people in there is just so much to look through. >> for robert e g drove 3 and a half hours to get into carter's hometown of plains, georgia. and he knows what brought him here. the head. >> on but it's from pope air force base through fort bragg, down to fayetteville, north carolina. back in 1977. for some it's his presidency. while in office, carter himself was seen as a decent, honest man. >> one that was even seen in the people he dealt with directly with the sun on a campfire. somewhere up in helen, georgia was cabin and he walked down the center the guys and hang out a nice line. white is a former secret service agent who now lives in north carolina who became friends with his boss and noted his commitment to
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service that service extended to carter's time in the military to his presidency and his work afterwards for peace. we would travel in places africa where he was trying to get the dictator overthrown and have a fair election, but also for habitat for humanity in march of 1984. >> they came out and built locally in america's georgia that fall. they came up with a busload of volunteers from planes in americus and spend a week re having a tenement building on the lower east side of manhattan. and that's when the world really found out about habitat for humanity. whatever the reason, again, there is so much to talk about. >> in plains that has been a subject of discussion. there's just so much a lot of pride, too. as for president carter continues his hospice care. that's what a lot of people are thinking off. used to say. you can judge a person. the person character. >> what he is, she will do when there's no one looking better. with president carter.
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he fit that mold. while there is no official update on how the former president is doing. we are told through sources here on the ground. >> that any change in his health status is not imminent. carter family that was still asking for privacy in plains, georgia and eric temperature. >> it's 6.41. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. he's a world renowned ballet choreographer, but he's also a philosopher all rolled into one. meet the bay area's alonzo king. >> rain and snow across the bay area this morning. we're seeing showers stretching across the dumbarton bridge from fremont up and over towards mountain view down the sunnyvale. and look at that. snow showing up on there in the santa cruz mountains, even a little bit in the hills right there above 3 months left to see but could make for up your forecast ahead, really coming down out there. so they slow down the bart trains at 20 minutes on your commute tracking your drive times. also some high winds so we'll drive
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>> 06:45am so happy to be back here in tahoe. i mean? >> it was like tahoe. i no idea. so i was in indiana was really hot. yeah. and gorgeous. and now it's cold and go. we've got john talking about how cold it is. cold enough to snow for some, which is my body. i can remember years ago this happening. but 9 times recently, mean, it's california or like a winter wonderland, right? you know
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that normally low, it elevates said. but yeah, up in tahoe were just get more of it. but back here at home, that's why we're all like used about it. all of us. it's just wild to be talking. snow. >> is low in elevation as we are, especially looking ahead tonight into tomorrow morning when snow level is expected to fall, even lower down into in some cases, the low foothills here in the bay area. now looking outside right here at pier 15, nice calm winds getting a little glow in the sun. but those dark clouds hard to miss something that is producing a lot of activity across the region. snow to our north and the north coast and of course, up in the sierra nevada. but right here at home as well. we had a couple of flurries in the top of twin peaks this morning seeing accumulating snowfall montero mountain southward on the peninsula and a lot of snow up there around mount hamilton, just east of san jose as well as on mount diablo in mission peak in right now. we've got a little bit of few flurries falling there along 6.80, as you cross the snow grade
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between pleasant and down towards san jose. so do watch out for that. of course, rainfall as well in the south bay in the peninsula and snow falling there. once you head into the hills, we have a winter storm warning going into effect tonight at 07:00pm for the north bay hills, east bay hills and then the santa cruz and diablo range is of the south bay. snow levels expected to fall even further. and a winter weather advisory for parts of this year to we have winter. we have frost advisories and freeze warnings. i should say for the rest of the bay area because temperatures are getting so cold out there dropping below freezing for parts of the north bay. watch tonight for some snowfall in areas like santa rosa on up into northern sonoma county. even a few flurries possibly sticking at the top of twin peaks. and then multiple feet of snow at the top about hamilton tonight. as for our daytime, we can expect hours today to bring spots of sunshine. also, some areas of rain and even snow fall at higher elevations. the spotty showers will become more and more
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widespread into the evening and heavy pockets of rain fall on into the close of the day today. areas like the towards midnight tonight seeing some heavy out down. bur a areas of heavy rainfall pushing in and then snowfall up in the north bay becoming most likely on into early morning hours of tomorrow. rainfall estimates for the rest of the week over an inch possible. we'll see even more than that. upwards of 2 to 3 inches for the rest of the forecast into next week. we will also see some strong winds at times, although calmer than they were over the past couple of days. now, today's daytime highs, upper 40's to low 50's and looking ahead, that's where we're going to stay in this forecast. temperatures remain pretty steady through the weekend into early next week. mountain snow and bay area showers thursday and friday and more of that to sunday monday and tuesday. rain. john, thank you for that. hey, if you're hitting the roads today, give yourself a lot of extra time. think that's the main message of the morning. 33 minute drive to down toward tunnel. pete is. >> and a 20 minute systemwide, bart delayed because of that rain. 23 minutes bay bridge
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mace to that fremont street exit. how about our san mateo bridge? 19 minutes. a 80 to 101. they're traveling across towards the peninsula. we also have some high winds across the bridges we had yesterday today. probably going to happen tomorrow. so drive slow. 12 minutes tolls to 101. richmond, sandra fell bridge and the south bay 1, 0, one. 38 minutes. 85 up towards middle part. still check in on 2.80. still looks pretty light. like john mentioned, though, drive slow because of that ice. all right. james, back to you. thank you, anna. choreographer, alonzo king is a bay area treasure. his reputation is known around the world, considered a visionary the kennedy center for the arts. >> actually honored him as a master of choreography. and for more than 40 years, he's let his lines ballet troupe performing touring in teaching. yeah, and covers. pam moore spent some time with him and actually discovered he's not only a choreographer. he's a philosopher, too. >> alonzo king does not believe in looking at life
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through limitations. whether it is the dances he korea graphs, the parts that you find challenging. that's where you really want to go the most to figure it out that uses information in there for you the way he guys and teaches his >> it's new tools and how to work that you can your evolution. >> warren, a social justice forum where he explains the motivation behind his creation of lines, gone to all the big schools, american billy the to school make a belly balanchine trained and it was a very tight door to get is. and i the when i started the company was going to be like that. >> that i wanted it to look like the world. >> lego art. >> is inside of the art? is. and so it's not this external thing that you're going for its something that's already
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in dance or a jesus oco has danced 9 years with lines. >> i would describe him as somebody that isn't just worried about steps but more about what are we saying? what is the message? what's the meanings? king's vision of life and dances so much larger than any stage. >> yet his love of ballet and movement which he got from his mother is where that vision plays out. >> you know, i was trained in so many different forms, but was more my temperament, the classic, a the geometric structures enticing. beautiful to be. king was raised in an activist family in georgia. his parents and many relatives were steeped in the civil rights movement. >> he says as a child learning the courage of their convictions had a lasting effect on his belief about truth and integrity. >> i remember as little kid being taken to miss meetings
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and still to be ready to give up your for something that you believe is a very intimidating to be and inspiring. >> and he says he carries that truth into his choreography. when you look at someone who to do it. >> and they haven't romance. and they've been working their entire life and planted in truth to the best of their ability. they moved to they look different. they be able to put their is artifice. and so there's bravery this year. this because not many bills are needed and we see these qualities, we think and we feel i want to be like that. we see someone move and it's beautiful. i want to be that i want to be that vulnerable.
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the art is is aiming for accuracy on every level. >> and so when you see that it's akin to a it's akin to a it's akin to life. it's true. >> michael montgomery has danced with lines for 13 years, working with is a gift. you know, the way that he expresses his passion for dance is so rare to find in the and said to be one of his dancers, you you feel like you're not only growing as as an artist, but as a person. you find yourself. >> alonso is to provoke a tour his work is so spiritual and so deep that i know i like many others are moved to tears by its brilliance and beauty. >> king was recently honored by the state of califo-nia. one of 11 people inducted into the 2022 hall of fame.
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>> taking the best expression of dance is when the artist to look internally and brings honesty to the performance, going to inhabit this idea. i'm going to become selfless. not what i want to do. feels go i'm good that. but what is required by the role and how could i make it move in this? >> that selflessness. >> kron four's honoring black history. tonight. we're going to be sharing stories featuring a rich culture in the bay area's community. pam moore is the host of the special. it's called honoring black history, sharing our stories and airs tonight at 06:00pm. don't miss it. we'll be right back.
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>> welcome back. it is 6.57 getting close to 07:00am and still staying active out there. we've got a lot of blue on the radar indicating areas of snowfall up in the sierra, the north coast in right here in the bay area. we are looking at rainfall actively moving into san jose. it's pushing through fremont milpitas as we speak as well as around mountain view. and sonny bill, back to you.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us. i'm daria and i'm james. we've got a lot of talk about this morning. big stories we're following. the snow falling overnight in parts of the bay with the possibility of more in the forecast. cleanup continues. meantime, from the last storm which knocked out. >> trees and powers to thousands of people. and that happened on tuesday. we'll have the latest numbers there. we've got complete coverage for you this morning. will tran actually standing by up in the santa cruz mountains with snowball in hand, showing us what it's like with that snow coming down. and then michael thomas standing by on the peninsula. we've got lots to cover with the power outages there. first, we want to go into the weather studio and


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