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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  February 21, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> now at 3 strong winds are walloping the bay area as another storm system moves in. this is video from the citizens app of a downed tree in san francisco's mission district. powerful gusts are toppling trees all across the region, forcing road closures and knocking out power for thousands of people. and this is just the beginning. so thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waltman. within the past hour, the winds have really picked up and we're now getting reports of fallen trees and first responders are asking people to avoid certain areas all because of the wind.
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we'll take a live look now at pg e's outage map. a lot of people in the dark right now. the company says mthan 22,000 customers are currently without power. the peninsula. appears from looking at this map hit the hardest over 12,000 outages reported there's also a decent number of customers without power in the north and south bays as well. even the east bay to getting hit. right now. we're going to take a live look outside so we can see the camera shaking in the wind. yeah, there's the golden gate bridge. this isur sut tower camera. the winds in san francisco pretty significant right now. meteorologist kyla grogan here with us in the weather center. wow, really get hit with these winds before this next storm system comes in. yeah, we certainly are. this is northwest wind that's coming in pretty much all of the cameras that i have are bouncing all over the place because of this. and you can see why when you look at these numbers right now is the focus sting. >> wind up now the sustained wind actually 39 miles per hour. 29 in half moon bay, 37 in oakland, but really nowhere in the bay is calm. so the wind is pervasive and we do
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have a high wind warning that is right along the coast. that goes until 09:00am tomorrow and then a wind advisory for everything else, bay area wide. and that goes until 01:00pm tomorrow. and simply because this wind is going to have some staying power. so not just now, not just tonight, but through the night and into tomorrow as well as weake a live loide where, you w,times look ee howhe■ind is doing. we look at the flag and y can see it is just ying. alsosome of the trees. you can see the moement ere. but the skie are pr blue. temperatures been vy interesting today because we've got really warm eaier. d then now we're starting to cool down as this cooler air is ushered in by this northwest winds. you can see all across the board here now in the 50's, my highest number still concord's ben, when my spots today there, 58 to our high pressure has been scorched over towards the west because low pressure dropping in. you see that cold air and those kind of snowflakes that are starting to fly up in parts of northern california, you know, even making it so far down to places like ukiah, if europe, it peaks, you're definitely going to start to notice that now we're going to get cold tonight. no doubt
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about it. temperatures about 29 degrees in santa rosa. 34 napa 38 in san francisco livermore. 36 and san jose. 39. but tomorrow night we do have even colder temperatures on tap. a freeze watch in place and a frost advisory on the back in a bit. we'll talk a little bit more about that and the rain coming our way as well. back to you. thanks, kyla. other top story today, california congresswoman barbara lee throwing her hat in the race for california. senate lee is currently the highest ranking. >> black woman to have a leadership role in the house. she joins fellow representative's katie porter and adam schiff in the race for open senate seat. kron four's noelle bellow spoke with the congresswoman earlier today joins us now with more on their conversation. what we can expect from this campaign. thanks for joining us to well. >> in the race to fill senator feinstein's seat now has some bay area representation. barbara lee has served in the house of representatives since 1998. here's a portion of her campaign announcement released today.
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>> for those who say my time has passed well, when he's making change, go out of style. >> i don't give up. come on. that's not in my dna. >> lee says she wants voters to know her last. 25 years of fighting for underrepresented communities will continue if she's chosen. her video highlighting past personal and social justice issues that she's faced. the video also reminds voters of legislation she's pushed through for lgbtq+ rights and survivors of domestic violence. currently there are no black woman on the u.s. senate. lee says she hopes her experiences of a progressive african-american woman and leader will help her fill. what she believes are gaps currently in the senate. and the break. so many barriers. my so. >> and mes you have to work witpeople who y or common try to get the job done. and i've done that over and over and over again without backing
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down and without giving up by progressive values. and i think the really need someone who has a voice that can fight and my history and my experience speaks to that. >> the 76 year-old faces off against to southern california. us houses house of representatives. as you mentioned, justin katie porter of orange county and adam schiff of burbank shift already has earned former house speaker nancy pelosi is endorsement, but representative lee is hoping to gain the people support. of course, seeking campaign donations now and encouraging voters to educate themselves about the work she's done in the house over the last 25 years. coming up later on in the hour. i know you're going to be speaking with michael yaki, but justine for now, i'll send it back to you. yes, noel, thank you so much. also this afternoon in the east bay, parents and families in the mount diablo school district are being invited to a community meeting to discuss recent problems with racism. >> kron four's charles clifford has the details. >> well, here in concord, the mount diablo unified school
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district says they want to be proactive about dealing with some recent problems in the school's involving racism and they're inviting the community to be part of the conversation. the mount diablo unified school district says that in recent weeks there have been several disturbing events at campuses across the district, including the use of racial slurs and the appearance of hate graffiti. in one case, a student at diablo view, middle school handed out cotton and what has been described as a joke marking black history month. the district says that student has been disciplined. the superintendent of the school district has condemned these ts saying all ofhese incidents are forms of bullying. we have also had several fights in our schools between different student groups, bullying and fighting have no place in anmd usd schools. in response, the dirichas scheduled a comeeting for 06:30pm, tuesday here at pine hollow middle school. >> they've invited parents and families to attend to give them a chance to express their concerns rectly to e district. again, that meeting is at 06:30pm, on tuesday at pine hollow middle school. it's in the multi use room. but for now in concord, charles, clifford kron, 4 news.
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>> happening right now, police in gilroy are looking for this 14 year-old boy. they say neo noga ceqa has been missing since friday and was last seen at broughton l junior high school at a school dance. police say that he was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, black pants, doc martens and a black mask. he has brown hair gray eyes and is 5 foot. 2 weighs about 100 pounds. they say he's known to go to parks throughout gilroy. if you see him contact police now to the south bay where google's plans for mega campus in downtown san jose is now facing some obstacles that are forcing the company to reassess the entire project at stake, though, 25,000 bs as well as 155 million dollars for the city kron four's will tran explains. >> 2 years ago, google and t city of san jose. they were talking about campus near this location that snp and across the street from the station. well, 2 years have gone by and
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now it does not look good for the city of san jose because google is pausing all future developments in san jose for the foreseeable future. >> the renderings well and offered all kinds of spaces. we're talking 4,000 living units, retail shops. >> 25,000 workers not to mention all the money that that would bring him. plus once they get all the google employees into the offices that will bring in another 155 million dollars in community funds to downtown san jose. for them to work with whatever needs that they have. but the trend is going the opposite direction. and the reason why is google recently said that they would announce a layoff of 6% of theieihaworkforce. that's 12,00 of ers across the glo that 12,000. we're talking 1200 right here in the bay area loand it looks like google is trying to get out of some their obligations on offices
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across the globe. they are seeing that more and more op people are working from home so they might not need. although those office spaces as far as the mega campus, there was no hard deadline on when they would start or when they will finish. but all the signs point to it probably will not happen for the foreseeable future. >> ryan, mardi gras festivities are underway in new orleans. elaborate parades will travel down saint charles avenue ending with a wild party throughout the french quarter. there are some concerns about me occurring violence as one person was killed, 4 others wounded during a shooting on sunday night during a parade. the orpheus parade was delayed about an hour after a float caught on fire. you can see the smoke parade goers posted video showing the floats stalling and the smoke coming out. but the issue was dealt with them party on wheels continue. there are a couple
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of mardi gras events happening in san francisco. the fillmore district is hosting its annual mardi gras parade festival with live music today. it starts at 5. tonight goes till 10. that's at fillmore farrell streets and in the mission district organizers are combining both mardi gras and carnival festivities for today. party that starts at 5 tonight. multiple venues in the mission are taking part and both of these events are free to attend. coming up here during kron, 4 news at 3 president biden speaking in poland today. the reassurances he gave. >> to the people of ukraine. plus, another brand of baby formula being recalled. why the fda says it could be dangerous for babies to eat it. but first, we're going to talk with our political expert michael yaki about congresswoman barbara lee's announcement that she plans to announcement that she plans to run for senate. stay with us.
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hold on... you're a night manager and mom, and the bill payer, baker, and nightlight maker? that's a lot. so, adding “and student” might feel daunting. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. -happy birthday! -happy birthday buddy. well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you.
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representative barbara lee has entered the race for the seat being vacated by state sen sorry, senator dianne feinstein. we made this announcement this morning. joining us now to discuss what this means for the 2 other candidates that have already thrown their hat in the ring us. our political expert, michael yaki. michael, thank you for joining us. thank you, justin. all right. so senator dianne feinstein has said officially she is retiring the past couple times. we've talked that wasn't official yet. and names are being thrown out there who want replace or she's officially
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not taking it. so i don't feel as talking about who's going to replace sir. but we already have katie porter and we have adam schiff. they both officially announced and now we have senator u.s. congresswoman barbara lee, who wants to be senator. so of those 3, are there going to be more people putting their name in the ring and how to each of them stand apart to you and who could, you know, pull ahead. a lot of questions. >> thank you. i love multiple multiple lot of the mobile park question. so i think the answer's going to be yes, there probably will be more people. there certainly are at least a few others. we know roe conn up in the south bay of congress and there's been thinking about running. we know that the possibility of maybe the lieutenant governor later caucuses thinking of running as well. but certainly with barbara lee centers in the rate was circle, not well-kept secret. she basic. gone ahead and and told a lot of our colleagues, especially in the congressional black caucus, but she was going to be running. this is a seat that for a lot of folks in the
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black community in california who thought they had lost an opportunity and lost the sequin kamala harris and moved on to the vice presidency. they think this is a seat that they want back and bar really is going to be the person is going to try bring it back for that. now that being said it's going to be it's going to be a tough race with one with one little caveat. california is a top to stay. so the top 2 finishers if their vote democrat, can make it to the general? and i think barbara lee's look at this as being trying to squeak into that number 2 position, the which one i think either katie porter friendship probably has the will have a large advantages in terms of money, joseph and raising in terms of media bar really is going to work on and basically had doesn't have the kind of history he still could. but i think a lot of is going to be about getting turnout and field operations out there to turn people out to get her into the top 2.
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>> i interviewed adam schiff right after he made his announcement. he had said senator dianne feinstein endorsed him as much as she could because she hadn't officially announced that she wasn't running yet, but he sort gave her. gave him her blessing. and nancy pelosi has also sort of given the not that she would encourage endorse adam schiff. so it seems like congress and barbara lee has a little bit of ground to make up because shift and also katie porter do have more national names for themselves. they've been kind of fighting against donald trump on the national stage for a little while. >> yeah, it certainly barbara lee about i would say 10, 15 years ago, maybe 20 years ago it was a national name. she let the opposition now to the to the second gulf war, the lone congressional vote against it. she is someone who a lot of progresses have have really admired for quite some time for speaking her mind and staying true to her beliefs. the question is how does that rank up say against katie porter, who's pushing against that same kind of more left
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progressive agenda. and then adam schiff whose basically hearing more today i went moderate. his mother is always a weird thing say, but he's more of a traditional liberal, but nevertheless has made it made quite a name for himself. as you accurately pointed out during me, trump, trump administration and having the support the explicit support. now, former speaker nancy pelosi. i get her has explicitly endorsing yet certain that that statement that you put out. but having those 2 behind him, it's really going to help him in terms of money recognition. and certainly in terms of sort of what california is looked to as a as gde to how they should be voting because it's important senate seat that they don't want to lose. on the other hand. the amount of money that's going to be put in this race in st. louis is a national detriment to the democratic party and the fact they're 23 other seats. but they need to defend. and
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california is really see if they need to defend. so all the money pouring in here is money that could be going to montana could be going to arizona could be going to other states where the democrats need resources to be to compete against the republicans in 2024. is going to take a ton of money for each of these candidates. >> to have to raise and spend on their campaigns in order to win the seat. i want to leave it there because we have some significant weather happening across the bay area. we're going to spend a little more time talking about that. but michael the wind blowing. you can feel but we thanks, michael. all right. so here's a live look outside right now at the embarcadero in san francisco where the winds have picked up that palm tree. an indication that ferry boat also an indication of what it's like out there right now. kyla grogan here now. and this is just the start of this winter weather that's returning to the bay area this week. yes, no doubt about it. it is for every mother. nature is on board with the winter thing and we're getting the
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party started today with those both being tossed around or something >> here's a live look at it from the east bay. and you can see we have, you know, some sunshine out there, too. and it looks kind of peaceful from here because you can't see all of the wind that is blowing now tonight, it is going to be chilly and we're going to see temperatures inland get down into potentially the upper 20's, low 30's, but it won't be quite as widespread as what we'll see tomorrow night when we do have this happening, which is that we have a freeze watch and we also have a frost advisory. so the freeze watch, you can see pretty much all of our inland areas and then the frost advisory along the coast and around the bay. so frost advisory, meaning we get down to about 32 to 34 degrees freeze warning, meaning we get below freezing in many areas. so it is a dangerous cold that will be out there tomorrow night. it would surprise me if we see more of a those watches and warnings going up for the following day also week have one of my cameras just decided to take a vacation. but we have temperatures here that are getting cooler as we get into our evening at this time of day, we're usually looking at the heat of the day, right? but right now we're at 55 in
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san jose. we were warmer than that about 2 hours ago. 48 right now in san francisco, you can see 54 nevado 49 at a point race where they're seeing an awful lot of wind right now. that's an indication of the cool air that is rushing in with this low pressure system as it tracks down so well tonight will be gusty and windy and start to see some of that cold roll in tomorrow. we're going to start to see some of the showers pop up from this along the coast and then the work their way inland. and then behind this. and while this is tracking it, lots of cold air funneling in behind it. so let me show you futurecast how this plays out. notice as we get into the overnight tonight, most of the staying offshore, but a few cells could certainly bring a shower or 2. going to take you into wednesday evening. so it's kind of hit or miss throughout wednesday. but by the time we get into thursday, this is thursday afternoon. notice more widespread showers rolling in that very heavy in the overnight thursday into friday. all of this cold air could mean we have some snow on our peaks in the north bay and the east bay and certainly in spots like the santa lucia
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how much rain we're going to get? well, it's not going to be a whole lot at first. you can see just a little bit there wednesday night, a little bit more as we get into thursday with that overnight thursday into friday. that's when the big totals are going to be coming. so as we look at temperatures also set to drop santa rosa as an example. you know, tomorrow will be looking at 50 then just 40's before we see some recovery as we get into the weekend. these are the current winds we're looking at right now. and again, you can see oakland right now, 37 miles per hour. 39 in san francisco. there's your extended forecast. it is a busy one. a little bit of a break as we head towards the weekend. back the cold. one. thanks. kyla. >> still ahead here, 3, the supreme court begins hearing arguments in 2 cases that could change the internet as we know its details on the potential reshaping a free speech online. but first, why the cost of food in america is sky high.
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introducing astepro allergy. now available without a prescription. astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid-free spray. while flonase takes hours, astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can [ spray, spray ] astepro and go. finally my shade looks like my skin. c3. c12. new true match foundation by l'oreal paris. now formulated with up to 6 pigments for our most precise match. 99% found their true match. new true match by l'oreal paris. we're all worth it.
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americans are still paying high prices for groceries a month. a report by the bureau of labor statistics found prices for food at home. >> to be about 11% higher for the month of january compared to figures. skews me. compared to figures from the previous year. all this comes despite the fed's efforts to bring inflation down with rising interest rates, the cost of groceries is hitting low-income families. as food prices are surging higher than
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salaries and the social security cost of living adjustment. and for me, all the pro. so bay, simply plant-based baby formula is now being taken off shelves. the fda. says it could have been contaminated with a bacteria that can cause serious illnesses and babies. no illnesses have been reported the maker reckitt is pulling about 145,012.9 ounce cans of the formula. the product in question has a use by date of march. 1st 2024. consumers who have this should throw it out or return it to the place where you purchased it for a refund. and you can find more details on fda dot gov. southwest airlines is raising its wi-fi fees for passengers with connecting flights. the company is eliminating its day passes for wi-fi, which gave passengers wi-fi access for $8 per day. instead, customers will pay $8 per flight. southwest says the
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change will affect a small number of travelers because of the company's quote, robust network of nonstop flights. less preferred members will still be able to access the internet for free on flights. >> we have a lot more stories for you ahead this hour on kron. 4 news coming up with the governor of ohio. just did to show confidence in the water quality after the toxic train derailment. plus, former president jimmy carter is resting in hospice care. how the town of plains, georgia is honoring our oldest living president. but first, president biden spoke in poland today following his surprise trip to the ukraine. what he had to say as the war. what he had to say as the war. they're
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after my car accident, what he had to say as the war. they're i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised.
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surprise visit to ukraine, president biden spent the day in poland where he gave a public speech and met with the polish president. >> our washington correspondent alexandra limon us now live with the latest here. thanks for joining us. >> justine, good evening. president biden speech today was meant to rally up support for nato and for ukraine as the war there now is entering its second year. >> ukraine will never be a victory for russia. never. >> in a major speech in warsaw, poland, president biden highlighted you clean, strong response to russia's invasion. president putin ordered his tax. the role in ukraine. he thought.
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>> we were all over. >> the speech follows president biden secret trip into war torn ukraine after taking a 10 hour train ride to sneak into the country upon his return to poland. he met with polish president andrzej duda. we're delighted to host you in poland. this is also crucial importance. i toss a sign of security. president biden praised poland for all the help it's provided to ukraine from supplying military aid to helping refugees truly extraordinary. president vladimir putin was quick to respond to beach to in. you could get putin announced russia will suspend its participation in the new start nuclear accord, which is the last remaining arms control treaty between russia and the u.s., though russia says it's not withdrawing completely. >> we'll be watching carefully. to see rush actually does. course, make sure that any of posture
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appropriately for the security of our own country. and and and that of our allies. >> and although secretary blinken says it's necessary for the u.s. and allies to be prepared, he also says it's necessary to be responsible when it comes to nuclear weapons. live in washington. alexandra limon, alex, thank you so much. >> the u.s. supreme court is hearing a case today that could transform the internet to challenge is a federal law that has largely protected websites like youtube and facebook from lawsuits over content created by their users. the justices will decide whether a family of a terrorism victim. ken sued google for helping spread their message and attracting new recruits. the outcome of this case could open such websites to an avalanche of lawsuits for everything that's posted online. as homelessness continues to grapple the state. some assembly members have introduced legislation they hope will address this issue. head on our capitol
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correspondent eytan wallace gives us a look at the proposals and shares what lawmakers says needs to happen to cut the red tape. well, keep in mind, the state has spent billions of dollars to address homelessness and members i spoke with here says the spending continues. they want to see accountability and t results and they hope to achieve that with new pieces of legislation. >> homelessness numbers from both parties at the state capitol agree it's one of the issues, if not the issue. top of mind across california really want to put forward real solutions to homelessness, things that are actually going to solve the issue, not band-aid solutions. that's exactly what assembly member of people are. szabo says she wants to accomplish with 3 bill. she just introduced among them a proposal to remove cost barriers are fees for people experiencing homelessness specifically when they apply for state issued id ease. >> and other records or documents people need id's just to get a job to get housing, to get social services. you the id is such a critical piece of what you need to be able to get on your
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feet and get stabilized. >> and house and another bill from szabo aims to simplify the process for builders. applying for state funds for low-income and homeless related construction projects. right now, there are 4 different agencies at the statewide level that you have to apply for to get funding to build either homeless or low-income housing and they have different deadlines. and then if you miss a deadline, you'll have to wait until the next year to be able to apply. and that means the cost of labor goes up. the cost of building materials goes up. and if taxpayers are funding those projects, that means the taxpayers are eating so we really want to streamline that process. we can get this housing online as as as fast as people really need it. the 3rd proposal from szabo calls for cities and counties to share their plans to address homelessness. something that goes hand-in-hand with the bill from assembly member lose a grievous. if signed, the release proposal would require local government to use state funds for homeless related matters to publicly share their goals. if the goals are not met, the funds could be transferred to other local governments where they're
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seeing success over the last few years. california invested. >> of nearly 10 billion dollars on homelessness. but a lot of our constituents still see, you know, homeless encampments. they see. you know, not enough permanent housing being built. and so they want to know what is the state getting for the money that it's investing. >> and we, of course, will track these bills. the first approval from various committees over the coming months and only with that approval can make it to the floor for a vote reporting from the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> we'll talk about our windy weather now with this live look outside from our camera on top of mount tam, even there we see a little bit of shaking meteorologist kyla grogan here now with details. what's happening here in the bay area and also across the country. winter is back. yeah, no doubt. back with a vengeance is you can see as we take a look at the country in total, it is a very busy pattern. you can see this wintry weather extending all the way from the west coast right into the midwest. even some of the great lakes getting a little lake effect snow there. so it is all kind
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of originating from the west coast where this cold air has been rolling in as this next system starts to make its push across the country. you see some of that cold air there in reno where they're at 38 degrees. but bakersfield sittin 70 right now. so a real contrast between where the cold air is and where it is headed towards. this is a look at lake tahoe. we're looking at times peak where you cannot see any of the usually you can see the sunset kind of happening here. temperatures about a drop of seeing some snow showers there already happening tonight. just a little bit of snow. but then as we get into wednesday and thursday, you see those highs just in the 20's. that's a really good to get that snow falling. now. notice all of these warnings and advisories not just for tahoe, but you can see to the north of us to the south of us in the santa cruz mountains and also the santa lucia mountains. also looking out for some snow. so i mentioned tonight, just a few inches. that's what that advisory is for. but then all the area that you see in red that is for the bigger system coming in as we get the latter part of the weekend, you can see above 7,000 feet were expecting 3 to 5 feet of snow.
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it's going to be a lot. and if we look at future snow, just focusing on tahoe. but i wanted to show you what the models are showing here is that many of the peaks in california could be picking up a dusting of snowfall. so, yes, it's possible that we see that in some spots. you really haven't seen it all season as snow levels lower to about 1500 feet. as i mentioned, santa lucia mountains, where the places we're expecting some snow, but, you know, around the bay area, north bay, east bay, we could see some snow dusted peaks that you haven't seen for a while. so keep your eye on the weather. it's going to be an interesting week. back to you know, kim, thanks. kyle will turn out to the latest on the ohio town affected by that toxic train explosion from earlier this month. >> the head of the epa along with the state's governor where there today for the opening of a health clinic in the town of east palestine, where the derailment leaks, toxic chemicals into the air. the clinic will be staffed by medical teams from the cdc and the u.s. department of health. meantime, the environmental protection agency is cracking down on the rail company responsible for this toxic
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disaster and now seeing a legally binding order requiring norfolk southern to pay for all the necessary cleanup costs. this is coming just after the agency's chief michael reagan visited a home in the area and drink tap water with ohio's governor mike dewine. the 2 officials are trying to assure the public that the drinking water is safe in the region. also happening in ohio today, a deadly explosion at a metal factory that killed one worker and injured about a dozen more. it happened at a metals plant in the suburb of bedford video from the air shows smoke and flames coming from the roof. debris scattered hundreds of yards away and hit nearby cars. they also caught on fire. one person reported to even flew away and smashed the window of his building. that was across the street. no cause has been released for this explosion, but fire crews are continuing to investigate. coming up this hour on kron 4 news. we will have a report from plains, georgia, as
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former president. >> jimmy carter continues to rest in hospice. but first, there's new technology that is reportedly helping stroke patients walk again details
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all right. breaking news now just kron 4 news room. there's a major backup right now on the bay bridge. here's a live look at the camera just after the toll plaza. the cars coming towards us. >> from san francisco. the backup, though, as the cars that are headed away from us into san francisco right now
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because the chp is reporting there's a downed tree on the westbound 80 east just of treasure island. that's on the san francisco side to there's a downed tree right now on the bay bridge and the right and center lanes are blocked. people are being advised to expect delays. we're looking at the backup right here, bumper to bumper right after the toll plaza. and if you can try to find a different way and even avoid the area altogether because there is no estimated time as well. not when they have this cleared and the roadway back open again. there's a tree right now on the bay bridge and it's affecting traffic going from the east bay into san francisco. we're going to keep our eyes on this because that backup looks bad as we approach the evening commute. so stay with us here on kron. 4 for the very latest. for your health. there is an electrifying new technology that could help stroke patients regain movement in their arms and hands. treatment involves implanting electrodes along a patient's spinal cord that electrical
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signals that stimulate the pathway from the brain to the arms and the hands. doctors in pittsburgh say that after a stroke, the brain continues to send signals. but the connection is really weak. so they hope to use the simulator to turn up the volume. so the signals from the brain can get through the muscles. still ahead. why these women said it was time to take matters into their own hands. >> and become gun
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>> former president jimmy carter continues hospice care at his home in georgia. the 39th president made the decision to end medical treatment over the weekend and people in his hometown of plains, georgia, are continuing to honor him. derek dellinger is live for us there in plains, georgia. derek, how's the town doing tonight? >> the town still in a very somber mood, becoming to accept the decision. the former president, jimmy carter has made it while that is happening. people are finding their own ways to honor. the former president says some of the residents they are getting these second glimpses of some of the landmarks that around here. but some people are coming into town. we need to get a glimpse of what makes former president jimmy carter so special. >> as news of former president jimmy carter's decision to go into hospice spreads. there's a reverence in his hometown of plains, georgia, that cannot be measured for some. it comes from the experience of meeting the 39th president in person and seen him on a regular basis to carter. you know.
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>> 95, 98 nba and he threw all this. >> not. i think it took everybody storm. i think it did the new heights. our own spin needs a restaurant in downtown planes, which is jimmy and rosalynn carter's regulars. it's something that some may not consider a big deal. but for hightower, it is that you read up on president carter. i have a lot of his books at my home and i just kept saying over over and over, who would have ever thought little black girl from upstate new york would lead planes and serve. >> the 39 longer with president. the news of the former president going into hospice may come as a shock and for some. >> with a sense of sadness planes, it has brought people into town to see planes for what it is and to see how it made. jimmy carter, the man he is. we caught up with people who say they had to visit as a sign of respect and gratitude. he was among the that can't wild, very humble and they
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somebody is and is there is an uncertain few days ahead. for many it's being approached with fun memories by everyone. the former president has touch beautiful memories. >> never thought i would be in here that i thought i would. part of least 2 cars line. now, as we've been really reiterating over the past couple of days, the carter family is requesting privacy at this time. >> however, they do know people will want to express their love, appreciation and support for him and his family. the carter center has set up a web site for people do so if they so wish. we're live in plains, georgia kron 4 news. derek, thank you so much. >> let's talk about our forecast here with a quick look again at the backup that's building across the bay bridge right now because there's a downed tree on westbound 80 just east of treasure island in san francisco, the right and center lanes are blocked. there is no estimated time for it to be open. and chp, caltrans now on the way. but if you're headed from the east bay to san francisco, this is what you're up against if you're taking the bay bridge. so maybe consider a different
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way. we'll keep you posted. and that tree fell down probably because the winds so strong out there today and that we see the problems it's causing. absolutely. and certainly anybody driving out there probably feels this wind yeah, it's a bit much. take a look at some of these numbers. 39 miles per hour right now at sfo. >> 37 in oakland, 31 at half moon bay and notice, you know, fairfield, 29, we don't have any place that's really calm. lowe number my map right now would be conquered. that's 18 miles per hour. that's still some wind. you're going to notice live look outside shows you that, you know, we do have the blue skies with us. temperatures actually peaked earlier today. instead of being at the heat of the day right now, we're cooling down as this cooler air rolls in. and in fact, san francisco doubt just dropped into the 40's indication of what's to come. now, we do have a high wind warning that is along the coast. you can see the areas in the darker brown that goes until 09:00am tomorrow. and then the areas in the later brown. that is our wind advisory and that goes through until 01:00pm tomorrow. so obviously we're seeing the effects of this now and it is all courtesy of this low
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pressure system that's going to be dropping in its already rushing some cold air towards us and driving some of this northwest wind. in fact, take a look right now into the north bay. you can see just a few little pops on the radar trying to make its way in. don't think i'll be too successful tonight, but it's not out of the question to see a few showers out there. lows tonight. we'll be chilly if you are up in the north bay. we're talking upper 20's to mid 30's, mid 30's also over in the east bay and parts parts around the bay. even fremont expecting get down to 35 degrees. so that's tonight. tomorrow night. temperatures expected to go even colder. as you can see, we have a freeze watch in effect for a good portion of the bay. and then a frost advisory along the coast and around the base that freeze watches where we could see temperatures get below the freezing mark. so it is a wild week of weather. no doubt about it. take a look at your extended forecast. it's going to be cold, everybody over the next few days. we've got to get ready, umbrellas. i think the heaviest rain is going to come overnight thursday into friday, but it's going to be chilly, rainy, windy, you name it. and then we get a break for the weekend and then they're back at it again. next week. a little more rain on
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monday. oh, boy, i love now during the pandemic, we saw gun and ammunition sales spiked to heights. we have not seen before across the u.s.. >> we also saw dominant group of gun owners emerge black women kron four's reyna harvey met with a group of local women who decided gun ownership and education was no longer an option, but a necessity. >> i just great to have him tonight about >> different walks of life and a multitude of like you said, a few stay ready and i can remember mom a mom. hey, can we just kind of learned, you know, self defense unified these black women to pick up a skill many never imagined they would need came to today's class. just to increase my knowledge that's proper preparation prevents poor like to stay ready. get ready. it's been a i think that's
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important for many of them. it's the first time they've eheld a and for others. it's a harsh reminder of what it means to take accountability for your own safety. i came here today because i was unity little 2 years ago. my husband had bought me a prior to that and >> never talk use in. so now i feel i felt myself. >> we need some protection because he's no longer my protector. and here we are. >> all of you guys for coming out nathan jones is the president of the bay area chapter of the black gun owners association. he hopes the queen's only event aimed at creating a safe space for black women safely. learn how to use guns here in the bay area and tells me the landscape of gun ownership looks vastly different today. >> there used to be quite a cliche of who was the typical gun that's changing really rapidly and the largest growing sector of new gun owners is our black women. and
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that's a nationwide. according to the national shooting sports foundation, gun sales for black americans rose 58% in 2020. >> the year of rising racial tension protests against police brutality and an unsettling increase in local crime and mass shootings. in 2021, another in s s f report revealed there was an 87% increase in gun likely you and all of this together. and you had play a more active role in protecting themselves. welcome anybody and everybody who is interested in learning and training. >> in a welcoming environment. >> is but amazingly did really get it. think. it was time for i can do this. i feel if i missed the target but i got
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okay. you know, if that was the first next time. >> reyna harvey reporting in concord kron. 4 news. >> jones tells us the queen's only several times a year. so if you're interested in more information, there's a link on kron 4 dot com. we do have an entire section on our website dedicated to black history month. so scan this qr code so you can check it out and don't forget our special that airs ♪ ♪ [ cat purrs ] [ phone vibrates ] introducing astepro allergy.
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>> we're going back to the breaking news we're following here on kron 4. the major backup on the bay bridge. a live picture here showing us the situation. if you're trying to get from the east bay into san francisco right now in the news, new pictures from chp, san francisco really showing us what's happening here because the winds so strong. >> that a tree knocked down right before the tunnel. and so they have blocked several lanes. >> of the bay bridge of of 80 westbound. and you can see from the pictures there. that's from chp, san francisco that they now have the fire department on scene there trying chop up that tree clear the roadway. right now there's no estimated time as to when the roadway will reopen. but the fire departments there as well, chp and caltrans, but they're saying try to avoid the area if possible. and we can see from that back up. exactly wise will continue to follow this and the relationship with the wind so strong that probably not tree down. look at. that's what is happening. and you can see 39 miles per hour wind right now at sfo. but all across the bay, we're going to be dealing
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with this throughout the night tonight and into tomorrow as well. we do have a wind advisory and a high with morning. >> high wind warning till tomorrow morning. the wind advisory through tomorrow afternoon and then we've got scattered showers on the way as we get into our thursday and friday. >> and you can see these temperatures rolling down to where highs will just be in the 40's as cold air rushes in a little bit of a break on the weekend and then we have another system coming our way next week suggesting it's a very active weather pattern. good time to make sure your house is ready for the next 5 to 7 days. absolutely. thank you. and thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. really appreciate your time. >> stay warm. see you back >> stay warm. see you back here next time.
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p phil-- >> stay warm. see you back here next time. there has been an increase in adderall prescriptions. dr. phil: are children diagnosed and medicated too soon for adhd? i have so much energy, dr. phil! i've seen him take a stuffed animal, whack it on things. they break tvs. start attacking. philthey'vawakfor 72 hours. i don't want to haveint to matmyon. . phs do it. crew: have a good show, everybody. here we go. dr. phil: this is a safe place toalk about hard things. crew: stand by. we'll count you down. dr. phil: today is going to be a changing day for life. crew: 5, 4-- dr. phil: get ready to take care of you. [cheering]


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