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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  January 11, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PST

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>> morning and thanks for joining us this morning. we've got lots of news to get to the weather. the airport. yeah, was just at the weather. that is the airport problem about its cell coming out. the law not initially, but the weather could certainly add to it as the day progresses. we got john starting things off in the weather center with more on today's wet weather forecast. a job yet still looking at some rainfall out there. but we are taking a step back from the severity of yesterday's weather with those very strong storms resulting in lightning, hail, flash flood warnings. >> all that will leave behind for yesterday today. you'll still see some heavier pockets of rain, but taking it down a notch severity wise, wet one out there quite hour. you can see a little bit of the trees movement around quite hour overall. it is breezy. it is wet at this point. we're pretty practiced at driving in the rain. so employ those best course. as for the south bay, you have some areas of heavy rain now working their way east of san jose right around alum rock stretching up into the hills right above you we
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are overall seeing a very active day ahead. you can see all this cloud cover still sitting to the west of us. there's your next push of moisture just making its way on into the bay today. this is going to be widespread moderate rain for much of the day in the most heavy rain can be expected to between 10:00am and 04:00pm. so after the morning commute, winds down, you especially see heavy potential of rainfall up in coastal north bay marin and sonoma counties. small stream flooding is possible. low lying areas for solano and napa counties could also see some spots of flooding overall showers will be strong but not near as intense north associated with downpours and lightning like yesterday's were by 05:00pm. most of the bay area start to work our way out of that chances of rain. and we actually come down really nicely this evening. setting us up for a nice, dry day tomorrow and needed dry. one flood watches do remain in effect for the north bay north of the car. cain is in the golden gate. the peninsula,
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south bay and east bay. your set and out today as for the bay area's winds, 15 to 30 miles per hour gusts currently we could see some higher gusts in our mountain tops, but not as windy as yesterday. so you get the picture here. it's still wet. it's still windy. just not as bad as your tuesday nor your monday were for that matter. 40's and 50's for current temperatures to bring the rain jacket. stay cozy and stay dry out there this morning. >> all right, john, thank you for we have an accident. 5, 80 westbound at palo verde road. so you are seeing delays because of that accident and residual delays along 8, 86. 80 is traffic starts to pick up this morning traveling into the city will not as wet as it was yesterday, but still wet. you can see that from the camera. 23 minutes into the city. slow it down. there's still a 20 minute systemwide bar delay. that's because of the weather. they're being cautious. they want to slow down 16 minutes 80 to 101. you're richmond center fell bridge pushing at about 9 minutes traveling out of richmond and the golden gate
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bridge. you can see those high winds slow down. 23 minutes. 37 to the tolls. daria, james, back to you. thank you. reyna 702. let's get back to the breaking news now. the faa says the computer outage that halted air travel nationwide for hours this morning is fixed. but >> the damage is done. raising cancellations starting to affect the bay ripple effects will probably last most of the day. kron 4 sarah stinson out at sfo with that. >> a live update for us. good morning, sara. >> hey, good morning. that's right. the faa has lifted the ground stop, but that doesn't mean we're not going to see more cancellations and delays. this is now causing a ripple effect at airports across the country, including right here at sfo because this this a pause on flights actually happened overnight. the faa is now investigating the cause of this. now i talked with one flyer says he had to get off the plane last night due to this issue. now, let's take a look at some of those ripple effects. according to flightaware. take a look. this is caused almost 5,000 delays
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nationwide, an 852 cancellations here at sfo. their 83 delays and 20 cancellations at the oakland airport. 49 delays, 18 cancellations. and then at the airport in san jose, 69 delays and 5 cancellations back out here live. you see people walking into security security line. not too busy this morning. now let's talk about what the faa has restored its call know, tim, it's system called notice to air missions system. it's vital it. it gives alerts to staff and pilots about closed runways, equipment outages and other potential hazards along the flight route. now, again, i spoke with that flyer who was on the plane last night and they were sitting on the plane for a couple of hours and finally had to get off. the pilot notified them about the system. failure. here's what the pilot had to say. >> found out our pilot came on and said there's an faa ground
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stop that all flights in the whole country have been canceled and then we sat on the plane for another hour events that i've been in like i've been doing this for 30 years or whatever. and i've never seen anything like this before. >> the president has been briefed by the secretary of transportation, the white house saying no, there was no evidence to believe that this is a cyber attack. the president wants the transportation department to investigate this and the faa says that's exactly what they're doing right now. this morning will be live at sfo. continuing to look at the effects of all this for now. we'll send it back to you in studio. all right. thanks a lot, sarah. >> let's go to the south bay now where we had several neighborhoods still without power because of this latest storm that struck the south and particularly hard kron four's will tran is following that live from the south bay right now in san jose. will. >> they are still fixing and now we see crews out here. we
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are in the willow glen neighborhood and check this out, james and darya. so see the crews on the ground. there's a cherry picker, but nobody inside and that's for good reason because who knows if that line is live right now, but they're using that cherry picker to keep the lines up and not have it fall to the ground. so that's one side will move the camera over here to the left side of your screen. they have that tower there that ladder that they extended just to keep that poll up as well. this neighborhood was hit hard yesterday. so we are now about full day into it without power. distribution poles came down and end up taking some transmission wires. we do have the latest numbers from pg and e yes, we are seeing widespread power outages but no place hit harder than the south bay. at last check, approximately 11,500 people in the south bay without power. look at this, james and area, those apartments, those
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buildings there, they don't have any power inside. usually you see people get up at this time. you might see some lights in the bedrooms. not right now. so they are struggling with it inside their homes and then the businesses are struggling because they can't make any money pg and e does not have a timetable on when they will restore power. back to you. all right. thanks a lot for the update. will. >> well, let's take a look at the latest power outage numbers that we're seeing all around the bay area right now. >> as we take a look at the wide map, you can see we've got quite a number of them primarily along the peninsula in the south bay. that's the heaviest that we're seeing at the moment. so let's zoom in. let's start in the south bay. you can see the santa cruz mountains, all white, yellow and orange. that's where we have 5,000 plus customers in each of those little neighborhoods without power. as for the populated areas in the santa clara valley down near san jose, you can see there's more of those red dots which indicate localized minor outages, although i know it's not mine or if you're one of the ones dealing with it. but in totality, the south is
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dealing with about 11,600 customers without power right now. and that's actually down from where we were at the start of the broadcast this morning in the east bay. we're looking at, but one of the few us regions of the bay area with power outages, you can see it's pretty sporadic in terms of where the icons are. there's only about 243 customers in total without power right now in the east bay, san francisco hardly has any they've got about 244 and then across the north bay. when we slide there will just briefly take a look at that as we wrap up this tour in the north bay, they have about 1300 customers without power. pretty there is a little bit of a cluster up near north of santa rosa. as you can see it, especially out towards the coast to that's what we're getting into the more mountain terrain at this point. bay area wide about 16,000 customers without power. that's sort of the situation as it stands. hopefully peach and we'll have a good chance today, especially tomorrow to get more and more of these communities restored before the next round of heavy rain, which is expected on saturday.
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>> in san francisco yesterday was busy for public works. crews trying to deal with all of the toppled trees around town. look at this one big tree fell on the roof of a muni bus full of passengers. and if led to karr. luckily nobody was hurt is in union square. rachel gordon was san francisco. public works. is that cruise race basically from one scene to the other trying to deal with all of the destruction. >> he was doing field were whether it's the end nears. looking at the slides, hits the street cleaners and tree crews. everyone is working overtime right now to make sure that san francisco's be taken care of. >> the public were exposed person says it's important to steer clear of the crews that are working out there trying to keep everybody safe. >> in the east bay, we have eastbound of nature valley road closed between civic drive and tampico place because of the tree that came down, knocking down power lines or at least was closed yesterday. and here in the video, you can see what crews were dealing with. these lines were hanging just inches off the pavement pg e says
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multiple polls had to be replaced. and during that time traffic had to be rerouted. and that was a bit of a headache for some. >> in fact, place real quick and it took like an extra 30 minutes. it very bad. >> and one of our reporters was out there working on the story. in fact, she says it took her about 11 and a half minutes just to go a half mile along one of these detour routes. we understand pg e did wrap up their work at around midnight so that road should be open again for the morning commute. we'll take a quick break here at 7.10. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. governor newsom is warning california is now that the storm is not over yet. we'll tell you why. rough weather appears to be the pattern. >> going forward for possibly weeks. and the latest california budget is out and the spending priorities have been illuminated. we'll tell you how it deals with the potentially huge state deficit. stay with us and wet out there this morning. sfo. i know there's existing problems there but keep an eye out for delays even later on today as
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we continue to see showers through the middle of the day between 10 and 04:00pm. the very heaviest of stuff is expected. >> i've got the full breakdown to come. and if you're hopping a barber members still a 20 minute systemwide delay. so tacked on to your morning drive. we're tracking that morning. drive will be right morning. drive will be right back after the break. - life is uncertain.
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>> 7.13 right now and we're checking out the weather which has been keeping everybody on their toes. you betcha for sure. and what toes at that because there's been a lot of deep water and standing water on the roads. we've got john with our forecast for today. it looks like it's going to continue. yeah. and while james was comfortably on his couch yesterday, dari and founder one of years, daria, what is mine? >> this is before the storm right here. you can see that lightning strike a little sunshine ahead of those dark clouds. >> are you cut that's what i got. it was gorgeous. this crazy downpour in sandra fell. yeah. and i went over like buy home depot and target. >> and there it was. and it disappeared after life for nato 5 minutes. last long they didn't. yeah. one minute it was like dark and scary. lightning and thunder. and then the next minute you are looking at the resurgence of sunshine and and arias case that nice rainoow right over the bay right there.
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>> quite the contrast yesterday. now today, i promise not to be near as dramatic as yesterday was. we're seeing a lot less convection going on. we do have a little bit of upward movement in this cell right here. this is east of the bay area. now that would be the storm building right there. but that's all radars really detecting right now. so it's actually pretty calm as far as what we have currently. it's just light showers out there for most areas. san jose, you've dried out after that heavier pockets of rain moved overhead and what we're going to be seeing throughout the course of the day today. there's a lot of that cloud cover streaming through from the west. this is moisture pack. so result in prolonged mostly moderate rainfall. but a couple of pockets of heavier, especially for the north bay. later today. i'll show you that hour by hour here in just a second. first of all, let's get a look at the train of storms ahead of us. you see big circulation sitting offshore. this is our next rainmaker. it sure does look imposing, but it is going to actually have things
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relatively spread out. so today we will see moderate showers for the most part. this is the very forefront of our next atmospheric river. lot of snow up in the sierra. it shouldn't paralyze traffic up there, but you will need your chains as you're heading up into the snowcapped sierra mountains. tomorrow, we catch a breather. actually, even a little bit of sunshine tomorrow is going to be a good one to venture outside for that long walk that you've been wanting to take then comes friday and the storm door opens again push of heavier rainfall that stays put with us into saturday and sunday for that matter. if you've got another round of heavy rain on into next week, another atmospheric river works its way in ewing to remain unsettled on into this next week of january. as for today, moderate showers through the morning starting at 10:00am we'll see rainfall, intensity starting to pick up specially for the north bay and marine in sonoma counties where we'll see heavier pockets of rain fall on towards 04:00pm today. you could see some localized flooding with small stream flooding possible in marin and
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sonoma counties, low lying areas and solano and napa counties could also see some water pooling in piling up a bit by the time we reach 05:00pm. it starts to come down the evening ahead. looks to be nice and quiet and tomorrow, especially going to be quiet its driest day of this forecast. very much so needed. rainfall estimates today anywhere from a quarter or a 3rd of an inch to around 4 inches at the max up in the north bay mountains, where you'll see those isolated pockets of heavy rain on into the weekend. and next week, we're going to add up on top of that, an additional 3 to even 10 inches of rain in our north bay mountains. flooding risk does continue for the north bay head north of the golden gate in the car. keene is in flood watches. do continue for our northern counties were also under some high wind advisories. winds not as substantial as they were yesterday, but you'll notice it is you cross bridges and mountain passes 50's for your highs today. tomorrow, not only our driest, but also our warmest day. you'll see some 60's and some sunshine. the weekend gets unsettled in a rainy as will be next week
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rain. all right, john, thank you for that. let's get you going this morning. if you're traveling along 101 right now. 36 minutes to make it up from 85 into menlo park. >> 82 no major delays to 80 moving pretty much at the limit. 20 minute delay. still an issue for a lot of us. if you are hopping on bar traveling into the city right now. 27 minutes. so we certainly do have slick conditions. steel and high winds. so about 30 minutes to make that drive 70 80 to 101. just slow down. don't drive too fast. atc ellie and joel down piece about 31 minute. tracking in accident along 5.80, in hayward. that's clear. just residual delays as you're traveling along, crockett down towards the maze. 24 so long it's going to take you. and if you're taken 6.80, doubling down to fremont 19 minutes. remember, 84 as you're traveling through niles valley, they still have that close because of that storm last week. so again, you know
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that by now, 6.80, or 5.80, the 2 routes you can take darya. james, back to you. >> thank you very much. rain. for your money this morning. disney is making it easier for its most loyal customers to visit its theme parks and wells fargo apparently stepping back from the mortgage business. curious to get jane king said about the nasdaq with these stories and more. good morning, jane. interesting about wells fargo's thing that here. >> sure is. i mean, they were once the largest mortgage lender in the nation. now it's reducing its housing business. according to cnbc, said the shift will result in a fresh round of layoffs for the bank's mortgage operations of that. they're not say exactly how many jobs will be cut. the company will focus on home loans for existing bank and wealth management customers and borrowers in minority communities. well, disney is making a number of modifications to its reservation in ticketing system as well as its annual pass membership perks at the theme park. so the park hopper ticket buyers will be able to change parks at 11:00am and they're also offering more tickets at the lowest rate, which is $104 a day and the
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changes were prompted by feedback from guests have complained about rising prices a longer wait times bath beyond plans, more layoffs as his cash dwindles retailer burned through about 300 million dollars in cash in the latest quarter. and it said last week it's running low on funds and considering several options, including bankruptcy filing and the reimbursements to impacted southwest airlines passengers from all the mass cancellations over the holidays have reportedly started being paid via pay pal. the airline has partnered with hyper wallet to reimburse passengers impacted once those payments are approved. passengers receive the customer id. they can use that to get that money live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. back us. >> thank you very much, jane. >> time now 7.20, california is facing a 22 billion dollar budget deficit. and governor newsom is proposing some cuts to state funding the budget calls for cuts to climate change programs k through 12 education, community colleges
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and childcare. the state had a surplus last year of more than 100 billion dollars. officials say high inflation rising interest rates and volatility in the stock market is causing the problem. the budget calls for nearly 6 billion dollars in cuts. the governor's going release a revised budget in may. 17 people have died across the state in these dangerous winter storms that we have had. we just got that update from the governor yesterday. as you can see him here touring santa cruz county. the relentless rain has already taking apart a historic pier in capital, a and brought lots of mud and flooding into the streets. some businesses and shops flooded out beyond repair and more rain is still on the way. and that's why the governor has another warning. >> we're not out of the woods. we expect these storms to continue at least through the 18th of this month. expect a minimum 3 more these
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atmospheric rivers and different shapes and forms. >> the governor said he's in close contact with the white house to ensure that california gets the federal help that we need to rebuild. and there are emergency shelters open all around the state, including here in the bay area and that's where you can go. if you've been forced home because of a flood or damage or if you're homeless as well. during this time, we've got a full list on kron 4 dot com. >> well, california storm victims now have until may 15th to file federal and business tax returns and make payments. the irs announced the people who live in areas designated by fema as the storm zone will get an extra month to file their taxes. and that includes are in napa. san mateo, santa clara and sonoma counties. the extension runs until may 15th. the irs says that other areas added later to the disaster zones will also qualify for that same relief. we'll take a break at 7.22. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. more than a foot of snow is expected to come down in the sierra this morning. we'll tell you what you need to know if you're
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planning on making a trip up there this coming weekend. -seriously? -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. -that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. -how would you feel if that was your family? -flashing lights mean "move over." [narrator] everyone needs quality health insurance, even if you're healthy and active. covered california is a free service to help you get covered. 90% of members have received financial help. and every plan offered is comprehensive,
7:24 am
covering preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. regardless of your income, check today to see how covered california can help you. and if you have questions, there's free assistance every step of the way. covered california, this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day.llment ends january 31st. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? -listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over.
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they say, actually new year's eve, it had like 7 feet of new snow since the start of the year. so that's pretty incredible. they are, though, however, expecting gusty winds too gusts that could reach up to 80 miles per hour. and that's not good. that could shut down some lift. so you want to make sure that the resort you're going to is expecting good ski conditions. if you're planning on heading up this weekend. >> all right. that such a great idea. just snow. you know, you know you can just ski to the parking lot and like. >> rain, not the only thing that we are getting in the east bay and this hail. that's right. there was actually hail. it came and went pretty quickly. and it wasn't that big kiss on the deck of a home here. they sent us into piece. eyes. so it didn't really cause that much damage or hurt anybody just kind of a wacky day when it 7.26. right now coming up on the kron 4 morning news next one south bay city is still reeling from all the cleanup they've had to do and all the damage they still have. >> we'll take a look at that next.
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>> 7.29 right now and we are looking at another day of instability. yes, look the weather turns. yes, just not extreme. instability yesterday was a handful yesterday's. like one of those days. you just can't get out of bed. that's how unstable. i was waiting for fraud. i really had everything. i was waiting for a frog, right? it says the decks. they got the list
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today. we can get out of bed. not so much to worry about lightning. we saw hail. we saw high winds. we saw heavy downpours and that's where the list begins. it all added up to flash flood warnings during the afternoon for san francisco in the east bay. today we're sitting most of that out. we still do have some winds and we still do have some rain. but the intensity is highly diminished. so as you getting outside, just taking a little bit slower, looking at the embarcadero right now. it's gray. it's wet. a lot of people out there in for good reason. it's nothing like it was yesterday at this time. >> yesterday are seeing those pockets of deep red this morning. it's light to moderate green, which just indicates a few showers here. and there a north bay we are rainfall pretty consistent up around the russian river. we still do have flood watches for the north bay today. so i do want to stress that we're certainly not out of the woods, but we're taking a big step back from the severe weather. a lot of cloud cover moving into the state from the west. and that is going to bring continued rain for much of the day today. so we will
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be seeing some saturated soils getting a little bit more water. that means flooding, ponding of water. still definitely a concern, especially for our northern neighbors between 10:00am and 04:00pm. today we'll see our heavier pockets of rain. this is mostly for the north bay. and at that, especially at the coastline, we could see small swell and small stream. some areas of ponding going on in low-lying solano and napa counties. this is around 03:00pm here you see that deep red right around marin county. so do watch out for that into the middle of the afternoon. should calm down into the evening commute tonight. and that sets us up for a really calm day. a break tomorrow from the rain. north bay still lit up in green indicating flood watches peninsula east bay and south bay. no flood watches for us today. futurecast, wind gusts shows anywhere between 15 to 30 miles per hour gusts throughout the morning. so still breezy temperatures currently are mostly in the low 50's a few upper 40's. so get those rain jackets on, stay dry and as rain will tell you make sure that you're
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giving yourself just a few extra minutes on the road. it's always a good way to operate if you're traveling along bay area, highways and bridges. >> give yourself more time. 35 there. 26 minutes of traffic is certainly building right near the toll plaza. and you do have high winds as well. 17 minutes a 80 to 101. that's the san mateo bridge. how about richmond? sandra fell bridge tolls to 11 minutes traveling at a richmond. we'll have 24 walnut creek down to 5.80, about 17 minutes. and if you're hopping on 8.80, cell answer down towards milpitas about 36 minutes starting as james, back to you. thanks a lot, rhonda. 7.32, let's get back to the breaking news now. the planes are in the air. the ground stop is over from early this morning. but nationwide. >> this is causing system delays because of what happened. the faa computer says, yeah, they couldn't get critical information to pilots and their crews and kron four's. michael thomas is standing by at sfo with a look at the impact that's having.
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>> locally, good morning, michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. you know, so far a lot of people are saying their flights have not been delayed, that we've had a handful of people saying that they are delayed. but take a look. people are just arriving right now. some of them are a little camera shy because it's so early. but so far people again, they are really getting to we need. they're where they need to go. now again, this is all happening because of that. if early this morning saying that flights are going to be delayed because their system, their messaging system known as know tim was down, eventually put something out saying starting at 06:00am pacific standard. time all flights across the nation would be postponed until then, however, they lifted that thing that flat flights are slowly gradually starting to get on the way, sir, is your flight delayed at all? >> no, really, not really. and so you had a 2 this morning. >> put the lie they are that wow, ok? well, good thing that that's not delayed >> now, that's actually the second person who said that they're headed that way. but let's get details up on your
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screen. take a look at these numbers. and they may have gone up or down a little bit over the past few minutes. but we're looking at nationwide delays, 5800 when it comes to san francisco are looking at about just over 100 delays out in oakland, 60 san jose. we're talking about 87 or so, you know. so again, these impacts are really kind of just going everywhere, but not as bad as i guess we could say with that. we were thinking. but earlier we spoke with a gentleman who said he's been here since last night. his flight was delayed. we spoke with a woman heading over to the midwest and well, she says she is the mom to pick up the kids. but today that may not be the case. >> and must be getting so what are your thoughts on the situation? find someone for school >> you know, back out here live, you know, i do want to see that the white house did go ahead, put out a statement saying that president biden was aware of the situation as of right now, there was no
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security threat, but he is asking for an investigation to be done. but >> these ladies, let's bring the camera over here. they're heading over to port of ir as well. right? he doesn't want to be on camera, but early this morning, your flight is not delayed, right? not to right now. curb. look at that. can we get a shot of you with the hat? just one time for the bay area. yeah. got daria would love that. but that's really what's going on at the airport right now this morning. you can see some flight delays again, but things are slowly starting to get back to normal as we get more information. >> we'll continue to keep you updated both. send it back to oral teller. she looks fabulous and we are all and the door of bank. to see that. >> now that made everybody smile on a day where it's been trees that are down boy, and they've had a lot to. in fact on tuesday, a lot about 200
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calls came in for downed trees and power lines and >> everything else. one worker says they've been running around like chickens with their heads, cut off more work than they've seen in a long time. >> i work for 21. i was you know, this few years will have raining and we take it just one. so they business that was busy old time right now. >> 21 hours straight. i mean, going from one scene like this to the next to the next to the next officials say it's not just down trees either, but they've been dealing with road damage. you know, potholes start happening. sinkhole start happening when we get this much rain. the city says they typically try to respond within 48 hours of a call that comes in. but san jose city leaders say there putting arl their emergency schedule in place right now. they've got all hands on deck and they're trying to respond within just one hour when a call comes in. in the east bay, the steady wave of powerful storms we've been seeing are taking their toll on rural hillsides and roads, especially in castro valley. a mudslide caused major traffic hazard at palo verde road at the east castro valley boulevard the slide
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happened on new year's day and it's not the only storm related road hazard in the area. either fact, a short distance away on paula morris road. there was a large sinkhole that they're dealing with, too. >> it was caused by a covert being plugged water started running around the fight. undermines the if that pvc line breaks, that's what an 8 inch main. >> there's a lot of water coming through. >> yeah, the alameda county public works. department is busy responding to a backlog of calls right now. they say they know about that road hazard and they are getting everything taking care of as soon as they can. but workers have been running around. they're using a dispatching tool that helps them address these county. why problems as they come in? still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the san francisco business owner hosing down an unhoused woman. >> and it's all caught on video and now there's outrage here in the bay area, including from one city leader of that story. coming up after the break. and the search for
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a missing child in southern california continues after he was swept away by flood waters will have the latest in that investigation. >> and still wet out there today. we have another round of rain to get through. before we get to our break tomorrow. thank goodness, not as severe as yesterday was we will see rain picking up late this morning into early afternoon. i've got you covered in the forecast and i'm looking at a much better commute today, but still a busy one. and remember, we still have far delays.
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>> and we're back at 7.40, happening today. the search for that 5 year-old missing boy who was swept away by flood waters in san luis obispo county will resume sometime this morning. crews spent tuesday looking for kyle do and in san marcos creek bed in san miguel. right near paso robles, the search was called off yesterday because of low visibility because father says his wife and son were on their way to school monday when the roads became dangerous. he says his wife didn't see any signs of road closures and decided to keep driving. but sadly, the car became stuck in flood waters. that's when neighbors pulled the mother to safety but couldn't get kyle before he was swept away. we'll take a break or 7.41. we'll be right back.
7:42 am
(vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 1) hey what about this one? (driver 2) nah... that one gets an extra day. (driver 1) somebody got lucky.
7:43 am
(vo) like having an extra day grace period? when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo. wendy's fries are always hot and crispy.
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fryday! so toby says everyday is now - fryday. fryday. fryday. - tuesday. - fryday. - wednesday. - fryday. - friday? - fryday. i always remember that one. that's because that's the easy one. try wendy's hot and crispy fries, preferred almost 2 to 1 over mcdonald's. >> some 44 right now and take a look what i a beautiful rainbow. and we deserved it. >> i don't know. well, how far around where you live, if you could see it. but this is from santa fell. and i had be n through the craziest rain and wind. the thunder and lightning was explosive. and then so to see this, everybody was stop taking pictures. it was gore who deserved it. but the leagues like 5 minutes of it. pat, that there was maybe like 10 minutes or so. one i
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got i met a guy who was actually a utility worker from southern california to help with like power. and he stopped. and just even he stopped enjoyed that brief moment of a beauty in the middle of all that crazy. >> stormy weather we had yesterday, john, now today are saying we're taking it back from 11 and crank it down to what do you think on a scale from one to 10? yeah. i like that yesterday. felt like an 11 really today. we're yet we're cranking it back down. i'd say if you're going to ring today, it's probably, you know. >> mid-level rainfall and there nothing to be alarmed by that is for sure that heavy rain yesterday that resulted in flash flooding. hail, lightning. the list kind of goes on about yesterday. he's really easing off today. this is most of your san jose camera anyway. sometimes that part, was that a tough time loading? it's just a little gray out there. we see those lighter showers throughout the course of the morning. light to moderate for the most part, some of most widespread rain right now is from san jose on up to fremont and the tri valley. and even then looking
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at some of those heavier spots, it's not heavy at all. we do have that cloud cover stretching offshore, though some moisture pack system is working its way our direction. this is all just the very front end of this massive system. you're seeing offshore kind of looks intimidating, right? well, it's going to be spreading things out over a multitude of days. so unlike the bomb cyclone that we saw earlier, which just saw a rapidly falling low pressure and that very intense rainfall. this one is going to come along with the forefront of it today with moderate rain in some good snow in the sierra nevada. but then we actually get a break from it tomorrow thursday, you're getting a breather from the rain. storm door opens again on friday. that will push in some up times pockets of heavy rain and some stronger winds that continues into saturday and sunday. now. but 3 whole days in a row with continued rainfall is going to result in the risk of flooding this weekend and will continue to see unsettled weather as yet. another system pushes in into early next week. so you get the picture here by no means are we done with it yet? and
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in fact, before we even catch a break tomorrow, we've got another day of rain to get through today. you will see moderate showers through the morning. heaviest of rain gets here between 10:00am and 04:00pm today. pockets of heavy rain most likely in the north bay coast. but we will see that potential elsewhere, too. these push through and mostly start to exit the region after 04:00pm right here you see that spot of heavier rainfall right around mill valley. north bay does have are greatest chance of flooding with maureen in sonoma county, small streams likely to get swole and up towards flood stage and also looking at napa and solano counties. those low-lying elevations seeing some pooling of water, too. the evening tonight quiets down a lot in tonight. we are looking at a dry evening leading up to tomorrow's dry conditions from start to finish thursday is your break before friday. that rainfall returns and likely stays with us through saturday sunday, monday into tuesday. so take full advantage of that break tomorrow. rainfall estimates today really anywhere from a 3rd of an inch
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in the south bay to some heavier amounts in the north bay mountains could see upwards of 3 inches up there in those higher elevations. then we work our way into the weekend and early next week. that next atmospheric river starts to add totals up again. in another 3 to 10 inches are looking likely. so a lot more rain ahead of us. most of us across the bay are sitting out flood watches today. but if you are north of the golden gate north of the carquinez that summer in sonoma and napa and solano counties. you do have flood watches through tomorrow. high wind advisories also in effect, although not as windy as yesterday and certainly not as stormy as yesterday. 50's for your highs today. tomorrow is the day we're all looking forward to just a chance of a couple in north bay. sprinkles aside from that consistently dry one and not just our but also our warmest day. we'll have some 60's for your highs. friday rainfall looks likely to push back in and that is going to set us up for a of rainy days saturday, sunday, monday into tuesday. likely beyond that towards the tail end of next week rain. all right. take
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advantage of tomorrow. like john know i'm going to get outside. >> also, a driving still leave early because he just should to be safe. if you're traveling along 101, we are seeing some delays. 51 minutes. it's 85 up towards menlo park. all to 80. so we've been pretty much at the limit. i don't see any major issues. a lot to 37 today. if you are heading into the city right now, meteor lights are on. still slick. 26 so that fremont street exit instill a 20 minute systemwide bar delay the san mateo bridge. 17 minutes, a 80 to 101, as you're traveling across towards the peninsula. if you're hopping on 8 80's hayley answered down towards milpitas. 43 minutes traveling along 5.80, certainly seeing traffic picking up there and 6.80, as well. no accidents, but people are commuting this morning. crockett down towards the maze about a 26 minute ride and highway. 24 wannacry down to 5.80 around 16 minutes. darya. james, back to you think you're in a 7.49?
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and there's outrage in san francisco after a video surfaced of an art gallery owner hosing down and on house woman in front of his business. it happened monday morning and was caught on camera. now the public is calling for action, including. >> from newly appointed after school board president who says that he wants to see the owner charged crawford's ella sogomonian takes a closer look at what happened. >> video captured the moments on monday when san francisco business owner call you're going sprayed a woman sitting on the sidewalk in front of his art gallery on montgomery street in the jackson square neighborhood. an employee of the cafe next door said he started recording when he heard her scream while he was on his way to work. sometimes you can do more. you want to be >> thank you. telling the community to what's happening your city. was going to in the city. sometimes you do that reminded people. >> we garcia and others on that block say they have seen that woman sitting there for the past few weeks, refusing help and wanting to be left
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alone. >> just kind of knew the neighborhood. but he's been there for a couple of weeks and i never winds. actions sparked anger throughout the community. and the next day someone shattered the glass of his front door. well, another business name barber osa seen in the background of the video was mistakenly targeted by outraged viewers. i saw this morning and was extremely. >> outrage done. frustrated and disappointed by what i witnessed >> since then, it's a little challenging because the individual in the video is in no way affiliated with barbara rossa. >> lounge owners did call the city's social services to connect the woman with health, which people nearby witnessed. they were just here on friday. >> down to street. say the only thing they can do is ship. >> well, when he's not answered a request for comment, he told the chronicle
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that he called police and social services and told her to move and she allegedly threw trash bins and yell back. he was quoted saying i'm only sorry that my way of helping her countless lee, he's got nothing done. the department of homelessness and supportive housing says business owners should call 3, 1, 1, in cases where the un house may be blocking entrances were having an episode. the street crisis response team also known as skirt. that makes contact and offers that person information on available services. the coalition on homelessness. executive director jennifer frieden buck explains the process requires more resources to function as ideally, what would happen is if it would. >> it would be a sine intensive case metro. fortunately, you know, there's thousands of people on the waitlist. the other thing that needs to happen we need to make sure once people are in treatment that they are stabilizing housing that's appropriate for their needs. >> the following day, an ambulance with skirt was on the scene freedom but confirms this woman in the video was offered to go to congregate,
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shelter. but she said that is not appropriate for a person who might be severely mentally ill and disruptive. san francisco board president aaron peskin tweeted my office is well acquainted with the victim and have been trying for many months to get her support from department of public health. dph has not commented for this report. that was ella sogomonian reporting. yeah. and freida mock went on to say that relations. so the unhoused neighbors take time to establish that trust in the connection to support them. yeah. so we'll see where this story goes. >> time now is 7.53 and other news that we're following this morning is coming up. so don't go away. we're following the go away. we're following the storm.
7:54 am
7:55 am
when that car hit my motorcycle, go away. we're following the storm. insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm,
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it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ look. puerto rican superstar bad bunny and korean pop group blackpink are making history as the first latin and asian artist to headline the first 2 days of blackpink is also going to the first girl group to receive top billing talent at the 2 week event and other acts scheduled to perform frank ocean bjork little. >> guara gorillas, all another burden boy, chemical brothers and becky g presale weekend passes officially start. >> at 11:00am on friday, ok? never think about because it's not for long time. and you got do this in advance. and so. >> yeah, it's cool. it's going so quick. alright, 7.56, that i'm coming up in the next hour. earlier computer outage.
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>> at the faa is delaying flights nationwide were at latest from sfo to live report. the ripple effects are being felt far and wide and several neighborhoods in the south. they are still without power this morning after yesterday's storm slammed that region will have a live report from kron four's will tran. we'll be right back.
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>> our pilot came on and said there's an faa. >> ground stop that all flights in the whole country have been canceled.
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>> when that make you nervous to hear that? yeah, that was just a computer lab right now, which is fixed at this moment. but the faa is national like ground stop has caused ripple effects even here in the bay area. we're going to be live at sfo without impacting travel. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> and thanks for starting your day with us and aria and i'm james. yes, we've got problems at the airports are not weather related, at least not initially that there's a problem later. there's an of weather-related problems to talk about this morning. so we'll go out live there in a minute. but first, let's get that forecast. yeah, and we're not done with this rain, john. we are not done with that. you can't blame the problems at the airport on it, but you can blame that slower commute on it for sure. at least you should be slowing yourselves down. cause roadways are definitely wet out there now today by no means going to be a stormy as yesterday was. so we are. >> breaking down the severity just a little bit. but it is still going to be a morning to yeah. watch those roads. watch th


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