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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  January 9, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PST

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this morning. as you can see on this radar. yeah, the heaviest of the rain beginning to move out of the north bay right now. but this is just day one of what's going to be a week's worth. >> of rain and wind and a whole lot more inclement weather to come. we've got live reports were all around the bay area looking at damage and flooding trees down and >> more on the way. john, good you know what? it's not the end yet. we've seen 5 atmospheric rivers now and we've got more still heading our way. so this is just an active january. we've ever seen one. >> and it has resulted and a lot of issues and especially this morning we're hearing more and more reports of flooded areas for a lot of the bay area. here's a bit of good news. we are starting to dry out for parts of the bay. this is half moon bay right here. those breakers impressively high. still, these storm systems have been packing a punch specially out along our coastlines where we've been seeing power outages in damages from the strong waves. most of the atmospheric rivers moisture has shifted further southward. that means we're seeing are heaviest of
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rainfall now from the south bay down to la and especially along the central coast. you do see so much trying now occurring for napa, sonoma solano counties getting some drier weather that's good for specially solano county having a lot of floodinr reports up there. a lot of people down into the delta, low-lying areas really starting to see that water piling up. now. and speaking f an area that's seeing a lot of flooding, san jose up the santa cruz mountains down into santa cruz itself. we've been hearing reports of many small streams reaching flood stage starting to overflow their banks, low lying areas, poor drainage areas really starting to see flood waters piling up and reports of evacuations in effect. in fact, the entirety of santa cruz county is in a flash flood warning right now. is that saying something right there? san jose up to fremont. you're still in the midst of moderate even heavy rainfall dumba4ton bridge still looking at it too. see those areas of yellow from san jose milpitas on up to snow that some of our heaviest of rainfall across the region right now. so some
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of us are drying out, but some of us still have some heavy rain over the next couple of hours here by 10:00am this morning. most of the north bay are out of it. even much of the peninsula out of it to san jose south bay still dealing with that rain but starting to dry out after that point by noontime, we're drying out in just in time as this water begins to stack up afternoon hours. look, really nice and clear. get out there this afternoon before tomorrow morning. you see that line of showers pushing through before you even get up in the morning. and then another line of rainfall pushes in right in the morning commute there. tomorrow is going to bring spotty heavy rain with it. so that is going to result in likely more flooding possibility of even more trees down winds day. our 3rd morning in a row that you're going to be dealing with some heavy rain as you're driving to work. flood watches in effect across the entire bay area. look at santa cruz county. there's those flood warnings in effect. we are also seeing flood warnings in the santa cruz mountains just south of san jose. if we go
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northward, russian river also still seeing water rising water levels as we do see river starting to enter flood stage itself. now, futurecast of winds were starting to calm down more and more. we saw a 50 mile per hour wind gust last night. now we're peaking around 30 miles per hour in sonoma. so still certainly windy, but not quite as windy as last night was current temps are mostly in the 50's and we should remain that way throughout the day. so temps won't be changing. i'm going to be talking more about the rest of the week's rain and the downside of that rain as well as any updates to the drought monitor. still to come all right, john, thank you for that. well, you talked about it. we're seeing flooding all across the bay area. >> 5.80, westbound, 80 west. i was driving along 80 this morning. it to work and hit a huge puddle of water. most hydroplane through that. so take your time down. tree southbound 13 at moraga avenue in oakland as you're traveling there that still blocking several lanes this morning and more reports of flooding. 8.80, that connector into to 38. as you're traveling through san leandro. john
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talked about the south bay and along the peninsula southbound to 80 north of farm hill road in woodside. at one point this morning that was completely blocked because of the flooding no longer completely block. that's 2 reports of flooding. the air also along 101, north of little avenue in redwood city. you have some traffic hazards along the highway as you're traveling through mountain view and a little further down there along northbound southbound 2.80, north of bird avenue in the south bay. you certainly have flooding reports there as well. if you're heading into the city this morning, it's slick. high winds are still really a thing. so 22 minutes slowdown as you're traveling there, our san mateo bridge, you can see visibility pretty low. about 15 minutes, a 80 to 101 heading across towards the pin is looks like traffic is getting pretty backed up there. a richmond center fell bridge tolls to 101, in 8 minute ride as you travel out of richmond and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 25 minutes. we also have a 20 minute systemwide bar delay. that's going to be a problem
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for most of the day as the weather continues to pour down across the bay. taria. james, back to you. sure does. thank you. reyna 904. and the national weather service has issued a flood warning for the guadalupe river in san jose. yeah. kron four's will tran out along that river this morning where, you know, one too long will where the coyote creek overflowed and we know what that did. and that's where but it a little bit nervous this morning. >> there most definitely nervous. and i have proof eu, james, look at these 3 gentlemen. >> they would not talk to me on camera, but they did say their offices are right down the roadway. you see those nice colored holmes weather offices and they are not just out for a morning walk. this is to monitor the situation. they are looking at the river and they are fearful that the guadalupe river will overflow. >> get up onto the streets and possibly even to their offices. and maybe they even live at that home slash office. so that's why they're out here in the rain. just to
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watch the situation. and you've got to believe they're just not watching him going. okay because they have been here for quite some time, probably talking about emergency things that they might have to enact in case it overflows this river is important because it cuts through san jose and look at how high it is right now. not just a river and we've seen it at times. it is just trickling. not anymore. looks like a raging river so much debris is coming down in our direction and look at how high it is. as far as up the trees. hopefully city, san jose and they did promise us and the public that they learn from their mistakes 5 years ago when the river overflowed so badly that it took over a neighborhood and caused millions of dollars worth of damage. you might recall that what we saw people down their street. well, so far we have not heard of any major flooding in san jose, but
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you've got to believe people are keeping their fingers crossed. >> i would make me nervous. thanks a lot. we'll. >> all right. 906, the time and the biggest area of concern for the next few days, of course, is going to be along the russian river to not only got a little bit, but the russian river expected to reach flood stage. >> today or tomorrow covers gayle ong went to guerneville to see how everybody is preparing for this. now, 5th atmosphere river. we're in the middle of. >> built. but a series of storms flooded. the entrance of johnson's beach and the cozy cove pat to the russian river. usually it's just a beach for people to come and hang out and yeah, now we're seen it full of water. every ferguson lives nearby. her neighborhood is under an evacuation warning. this point. it's just a warning other. just back. ready to. yeah. oh, ferguson experience. major flooding when the rising water crested right below the second floor of her home in 2019. well, she doesn't have any plans to leave her home
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yet. she is prepared to just making sure anything on the bottom unit is moved up so that if it does flood, we don't use as much as we lost last time and then just making sure we have enough food and water so that we don't have to worry about trying to get out. neighbors who live in a vacation beach neighborhood near the russian river say they've learned the importance of being prepared from past floods. the pj could not get to us to fix the powerful because of the flooded road. >> so you learn to be independent. you have generators. you have your it will propane cooking stove you. you just do without. you know, when you walk around, you talk to people when there's nothing else to do when you have no power, we have a generator. we have lots of gas for the generator. >> we have food. we have wood for the wood stove. >> we're good. lot of we have new york. >> this man says he is not worried about the rising river, but the saturated ground and runoff coming from
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his neighbor's home into his yard to my home. he plans to run his water pump all night. >> i like sleep for a couple hours and then i get up in. go check the pomp. when there was the lightning and stuff, it was down in the came up late for 4 inches. just like that. >> and the swift water rescue team with the sonoma county fire district did some training on the russian river ahead of the storm. they have their boats packed and ready to go in case of an emergency reporting from greenville, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> thank you, gayle. now the national weather service is also warning the downed trees and roadway flooding is going to be a big problem in the days ahead, particularly for those who live along the coast in half moon bay, for instance, residents there say they've had a pretty rough and windy week and a half, some losing power for days on. and they saw that during wednesday's storm. and for people like fishermen, pat coyle who work on the water, they say they are the storms
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that had a real big impact on their ability to make a living. >> it we got our products out there. beginning your for crab season. have to hear that. >> got out there. we have full year. >> well, as a flood watch is in effect on the peninsula till tuesday afternoon. it looks like the tough times the last little bit longer. >> president joe biden has approved a state of emergency for california as the storms continue to batter our state. >> governor newsom says that declaration is going make it easier. >> for state and federal governments to cut the red tape and get the resources where they need to go. he says the state is already deployed. swift water rescue teams, sandbags and the flood operations center to monitor flood hazards. the governor is also urging everybody take the storm seriously and stay off the roads. if you can. >> these floods are deadly and have now turned to be more deadly. then even the wildfires here in the state of california. common sense just be cautious over the course of
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the next week particular, the next day or too. >> the governor says his office is working around the clock to make sure that local responders have the resources they need. one of the most dangerous things is power lines down. and if that then we lose power, which also terribly. yeah, been following that whole part of the story as well. pge giving us the update now on there. >> outage map still right around 19,000 customers without power bay area wide. the play seeing the fewest number is actually in san francisco. where is a manual sees just a handful of green dots. that is a little bit more than it was when we started the broadcast. but at least for the moment now, san francisco fairing fairly well when it comes to power outages. different story for the peninsula. overall, there are a little more than 5500 customers without power. and you can see here areas of concentration right near san bruno between that and pacifica all the way up towards daly city. we can see some power outages there with the map, refreshing a further down on the peninsula as you head down towards the coastline, will you can see a
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lot of problems. this is down south of half moon bay right along the coastal hills. and you can see they've got big concentrations. it's going to be a while before pg can get to these more remote areas and get that power restored across the santa cruz mountains and into the santa clara valley. the entire south bay dealing with minor disruptions at the moment. little more than 1000 customers without power there, the east bay. it's ok if you're in debt, dublin, livermore, sandro danville, not really much reported there. we have about 1800 east bay wide customers without power. a few handful of them out there. walnut creek up towards conquered and along the east bay shoreline as well. looks like from about castro valley north on 8.80, and then all the way up towards the richmond. sandra fell bridge. and then once we do our final stop in the north bay, you'll see that most of its minor. however, a lot of it concentrated into central parts near santa rosa and down in the marine hills, the north bay, about 10,400 customers without power. right now, between those power outages flooded areas, james, it's been such an active morning.
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>> definitely still take it slow, sure, getting outside. but we are seeing some drying occurring for most of the bay area. areas were still holding on to rain include from mountain view in the san jose and up to 3 months. heaviest of rain now leaving the santa clara valley and up into the hills above it. we're we're seeing some most of our flooding is down in santa cruz county and the santa cruz mountains as well as areas in the north bay that are likely drying out. now, keeping you updated in the forecast and we've got some slick wet conditions out there. if you are traveling like across the san mateo bridge. >> wow. visibility little to nothing. there. about 15 minutes. we're tracking those
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>> 9.15 right now. and let's take a live look at sfo and update you on the delays and cancellations which are growing that are growing. yeah. in fact, they've grown to the point where since we built this graphic about 10 minutes ago, which had 63 delays out of sfo, yeah, jumped to 72. 0, my gosh. that was fast and the cancellations. you know, those are going to mount as well. and the way the dominoes fall, you know, all this is going to continue throughout the morning because once you start off this way, takes a lot of over absolutely. all right. well, let's take a look at why. and we've got the radar showing us all that wet weather that's been sort of >> hampering and blanketing the entire bay area all morning long. and it's not going anywhere we've got more tomorrow. but when it will be the best time to travel today, john. yeah, anytime this afternoon is going to be
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better anyways. if he could sit the morning out, which i know. >> if you're watching right now, maybe that was what you did. good for you because we are starting to see things clearing out for the north bay. now, the lidar you alluded to, we've got plenty more around the corner. so by no mean the end just yet just a little low. and what's an active pattern quite hour right here, looking grey and a little bit breezy, not near as windy as last night. we're starting to see the atmospheric river shifting its energy further southward as that happens, we're starting to see that heaviest of rainfall out along the central coast and eventually going to push further south into southern california. so the bay area starting to quiet down. we still do have some sprinkles out there and definitely some great conditions. the heaviest of rain that just work from fremont and san jose. now he's moved on over into the mountains above san jose. those are blows out there. definitely need to see it coming down now because water levels are rising. solano county, we have evacuation. sarah stinson heading there for a live report just a few minutes. and for the north
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bay, other spots up their small streams really reaching flood stage. the santa cruz mountains has especially seen a high number of areas that are flooded. small streams overflowing their banks, poor drainage areas starting to see water piling up in the entirety of santa cruz county under a flash flood warning because of this. now we will still see some rainfall for the south bay over the next hour or so. most of the rest of us are really starting a drying process. now that should maintain through much of the much of the day you'll even see a peak of sunshine or to towards the afternoon tomorrow morning gets wet before even get up in the morning. this line of heavy rain and strong winds pushes through in the middle of the evening tonight. at least there's convenient timing. but these are downpours associated with the system right here that makes its way through during pre-dawn hours. we'll see another push of at times heavy rainfall for early risers in the commute. tomorrow. showers are just a little spotty or than today, which is meant to make them relatively unpredictable spots of heavy rainfall here and there that will pop up mostly during morning hours for your
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day on tuesday. wednesday, our 3rd wet morning in a row as you'll be getting outside with more slick conditions for your morning commute. as for our rainfall totals next couple of days, one to 3 to even 4 additional inches in the mountains. you add on top of that, even more for the rest of the week into the weekend in one week's time, we have 3 to 8 inches of new rain fall. that's on top of what we've already seen this morning. so it's a lot of rain still ahead of us, flooding risk for the entire bay area. flood watches in effect have flood warnings along the russian river up in low-lying mendocino county in the santa cruz mountains. warnings means flooding is already happening in those spots. now, high wind warning still do remain for until 10:00am for the peninsula. east bay and south bay. we saw a 50 mile per hour gusts last night starting to calm down 70 miles per hour. peak us up in the sierra nevada. new snow up there. that's blowing a lot of that fresh snow around. it's kind of a slushy mess right around lake tahoe right now. as for high temperatures today, we stay in the 50's.
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that's where we're at right now. so temperatures really not changing much through the day nor for the rest of the forecast today. tomorrow, wednesday, our rainiest day as well. we do see a chance of showers thursday, but that sure driest one, then it's back to the rain come friday saturday and sunday reyna. well, john, thank you for that. reports of flooding along 2.80 southbound nor the farm hill road. >> that's one issue for most of the morning northbound whipple avenue in redlands, city and southbound to 80 north of bird avenue in san jose. so you've got reports of flooding all across the bay area this morning like 5.80, westbound i-80 west and a downed tree. and oakland southbound 13 iraq avenue. that's still there. still a problem. a little further down 80 the connector ramp to to 38 in san leandro. we do have reports of flooding there as well. if you are heading into the city this morning, it's going to take about 19 minutes to make that drive. conditions have been pretty slick out there. and you've got those high wind gust as well. san
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mateo bridge 80 to 1, 0, 1, 14 minutes heading across towards the peninsula. a richmond center fell rich puts us at about 7 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 21 min a ride still reports of more flooding. if you are a drug test traveling along a campbell southbound 17, darren james. it looks like there is some flooding there. not only that but rain. a look at the right hand side. that's a palm tree on fire. >> this is along highway 17 and southbound is the camera view. so we're really concerned about that. that is just a rainy day and all so that is that shot. it is curious and it makes me think power lines too soon saying i get a mix n obviously crews or anything there at this point. no emergency vehicles. nothing. okay. all right. 9.21. is the time. we'll take 9.21. is the time. we'll take a quick break when a truck hit my car, 9.21. is the time. we'll take athe insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm.
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i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible.
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let our injury attorneys when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible.
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>> it's 9 24 and in the east bay, the body of a missing 19 year-old damon lesson be junior of pittsburgh was found saturday near highway 4 between poor chicago and pass road in concord. now, here's what the family says. they think suspect because they've searched that area many times the last weekend. so have officials, but they didn't come up with anything. and this on this occasion, you know, the body was found with clean and dry clothing on. so the investigation is continuing and they families
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thinking maybe somebody placed it there early saturday afternoon and wasn't there the whole week. >> weather's been pretty bad, horrible. so he was entire 7 days. he's close with that. >> it definitely is very suspicious. a weird that he would be right there with >> we know dry every day. so obviously they want to find clues and figure out if anybody knows if you saw something especially. >> in the afternoon along highway 4, you're asked to contact the chp or the concord police. >> well, san francisco police are asking for your help now as they're looking for a man suspected in the killing of a person in the mission this week. this is who they're looking for. 21 year-old christopher aguilar, rojas. he's accused of shooting 2 men and 2 women early friday morning. one of them died of his injuries. the other is in critical condition. both of the women are expected to be okay. but police say rojas is considered armed and dangerous. they want to find him. they've issued a warrant for his arrest. i-25 is the
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time. here's a quick look at stormtracker 4. we can clearly see that line where the showers are still falling in where we're starting to get a break. >> from north to south, that's where that break is happening.
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(vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 1) hey what about this one? (driver 2) nah... that one gets an extra day. (driver 1) somebody got lucky. (vo) like having an extra day grace period? when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo.
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>> all right. we are back. coming up on 9.30, and here we are at the radar. taking a look at you can really see that sort of that diagonal line, really where it's raining and where it's not
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where we're finally starting to a little bit of a break. and isn't this a big difference from earlier when one of their 4 o'clock this morning and all the early commuters who had the worst of it now. >> it's kind of his good tickets for a little bit. let's take a live look outside as well. we've got some cameras to show you. and john has a look at the rest the day and then the next round of rain her give a job? yeah, we're going 3 wet morning commutes in a row. this one was obviously a tough one tomorrow morning. really spotty, heavy showers. >> and then wednesday morning, more of it. now we're still seeing rainfall in san jose is darren james were just showing. it's about a 50, 50 split of drying out. now and still at san jose is obviously under that still wet category. as you can see, rain is still falling down there. and yeah, we're going to continue to look at rainfall pushing into especially the central coast today, this atmospheric river. it shifting further southward. and that means most of its rainfall is now going to be concentrating right along the central coast over the next few hours and eventually
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further south down towards southern california, where we're at right now is that split of dry to the north and still went to the west south. this is really good news because we need to drive without this point. we have seen water really piling up now, really swelling those small streams in the north bay and for the delta out to solano county eastern contra costa county water starting to pile up in the lying areas. we're also seeing this for the south bay, too. we have a multitude of advisories for the santa cruz mountains in tire. the of santa cruz county itself under a flash flood warning right now. right now, most of our heavy rain has moved into the blows east of san jose starting to calm down. but we're still looking at wet conditions there in the santa clara valley where we're sitting in future cast. you can see we continue to grow drier and drier as the moments go by in the south bay does eventually dry out in advance of the noon hour. we're still going to be pretty cloudy for much of the rest the morning few drizzly spots here and there by the afternoon, though, we get a little peek of sunshine as we've been
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talking about tomorrow morning, another push of heavy rain. this is 02:00am right here in downpours and strong winds push into the bay area. this is while you're sleeping makes its way la tivoli. quickly after that for early risers spotty, heavy rain throughout the course of your tuesday morning commute. see, get the picture here by no means. are we done with it yet? in fact, tomorrow stays kind of spotty for much of the morning. and then wednesday gets here and we see our 3rd morning in a row with rain because of all this rain, we're seeing water piling up. flood watches in green across the entirety of the bay area where to start with a flood warning up in the russian river corridor. we are seeing water levels rising up there and we are advisories for people to get to higher ground away from the river. then you go down along the central coast in the entirety of santa cruz county is under a flash flood warning. you're seeing those now extending right along the central coast here. look at this. it's all the way up and down the big sur
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coastline stretching from soledad on up to salinas. all these areas affected by some very heavy water down there. and it's going to continue to rain for several hours for those areas. also seeing a flood warning down in the santa clara valley from the streams down from the santa cruz mountains entering downtown san jose. in addition to all this, it's strong winds, winds gusting as high as 30 miles per hour. last night it was 50 miles per hour. so we are starting to calm down now. it's currently in the 50's out there with doubling in oakland at 55 56 degrees mild right now that some hope the whole. the nice thing about this forecast so far, i am talking drier conditions this afternoon, which reyna we desperately need to see drier conditions for at least a few hours here. you see a lot of issues on the road. we certainly have, john. so if you are traveling along, i-80 westbound. >> between lagoon valley road and north texas street. this is in the vacaville fairfield area. there are reports of flooding there as well. an 80 eastbound west travis boulevard in fairfield. so it
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doesn't look like it's causing much of a delay because the map shows showing green. but there are reports of flooding there. so drive slow if you're traveling along that a downed tree southbound 13 at wrong avenue in oakland and more flooding the highways. 5.80, westbound 80 west. now we were all in the red earlier this morning. so traffic is moving. but again, drive slow because you are going to get those puddles of water. also, 8.80, that connector ramp to 2 down in san leandro. more reports of flooding. all right. well, we do have high winds and we still have slick bridges. so 60 minutes may's to that fremont street exit. how about our san mateo bridge? visibility? not the best here. 13 minute. 82 want to want to traveling across towards the peninsula. a richmond sandra fell commute about 8 minutes tolls to want to one. and if you're hopping on bart about a 20 minute systemwide delay because of the wet weather and the conditions. 20 minutes. 37 to the tolls. if you are in the south bay, still more reports of flooding. southbound 2.80, north of farm
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hill road and then 101, north of little avenue. that's in redwood city. we have traffic hazards traveling to mountain view along one a one and a little further down south bound to 80 north of bird avenue. so we certainly had a busy morning. lots of accidents, lots of delays, darren you guys have been tracking some other things. yeah, well, we've been keeping team coverage out there so we can see what's going on in the north bay. evacuations are now underway in vacaville because of flooding. there. things getting a little scary out there. kron 4 sarah stinson joining us live with the latest on the situation. sarah, what are you seeing? >> that's right. we're live now in vacaville where there are evacuation warnings. you can actually see just how deep the water is here on the right side, about a foot deep and then in the middle. it's a bit shallower, actually the city of vacaville public works just showed up to this street right off of southwood drive. this is the area that has been put on a evacuation warning. you can see president coming out there looking at this lake of a street. residents in the
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south would pluck place area south of marshall road esa peabody, northern alamo west approved a canal. these are all residents that are now on an evacuation warning being advised that there's potential threat to life and or property. so they're saying if you have livestock or pets and then you should get ready to evacuate. now that way, if it's a of the mandatory evacuation, then you're ready to go. in the meantime, it's an evacuation warning. so get ready. have that go bag, especially if you live in this area. vacaville, actually, the city crews just showed up. it looks like they're going to coming up. they don't want to be on camera. you that the crews can residents coming out. checking out the scene. you doing? >> yeah. darya james. it's it's pretty bad driving through vacaville. we saw many streets like this. you can see some of the cars here to get any deeper could certainly threaten these cars. and it's important that, you know,
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people have that go bag ready to go. if you feel scared than you can evacuate now. but you actually do have to right now, now's the time to prepare. if you want to get this deep, you have to be ready to leave because if you get any deeper, you may not be able to drive out darya james, we're going to try and chat with the city officials gets more details. what i have an update for us at the 10 o'clock hour for kron another thing, when you see a car like that, it makes the difference of just a few inches and >> point is the car would be ruined your in the water seeps in, you want to believe. but now you've got to rebuild. and and dry out, which is. >> jackie, so things get a little scary. there will be watching. that also saw some scary moments, too, for a castro valley that a large eucalyptus tree come crashing down onto a home saturday afternoon. fact, a trap somebody inside look at the size of the tree and then the power lines over like this is saturday >> and on sandy road and alameda county fire got out there. you can see they were able haul it away. cut it up. they actually took some of the
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hospital to their tree for injury and that person was trapped. in fact, the neighbors say. >> it was a oakland police officer who lived in that house and his colleagues tell us the officer is recovering pg. e crews obviously working to remove the debris to stabilize and get rid of those power lines, replaced them. one resident that we spoke with said obviously with that tree coming down there now worried about others. >> that, you know, wind was going really strong. and i was just look at these trees and all sudden it just started falling down. it hit the power. transformers and sparks were coming out. i think a lot of the people around here are going to be. calling arborist and try to have them check other trees, maybe think about cutting some down. >> are averse air last week and he was talking about ways that you can check the soil and the and the, you know, the core of the tree and just see if it like this calling arbor said happened. take a look at any tree. you're concerned about better to be proactive. then reactive after it's already fallen and they only care. by the pga will look at the stuff that's by the power lines like but otherwise, it's your responsibility right?
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let's take a look at another victory. this one fell over in alameda it's in washington park at the corner of 8th and central. and you can see just come, you know how the roots just came right above the ground there. and then it came to rest. but it's still in a precarious position. so they got to come out there and take care of that. john. yeah, and we're still looking at rain for the south bay in the santa cruz mountains. >> santa cruz mountains, still some heavy rain falling there. that's making its way into small streams towards the santa clara valley as well as in the santa cruz. and that's where we're seeing a lot of flooding this morning. sarah was telling about solano county, which fortunately is running out now, as is much of the rest of the bay area. i've got more on your forecast ahead. >> and we've got a busy morning. several delays as you're traveling out there. you're not out of the clear yet with highway flooding along 8.80. we'll have more on your drive times and your your drive times and your morning
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[narrator] everyone needs quality health insurance, even if you're healthy and active. covered california is a free service to help you get covered. 90% of members have received financial help. and every plan offered is comprehensive, covering preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. regardless of your income, check today to see how covered california can help you. and if you have questions, there's free assistance every step of the way. covered california, this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to
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>> 9.41 and on the peninsula. palo alto police are investigating the robbery of an elderly woman was sitting in her car friday night on tan lyn drive and avenue when a man came up to her and started grabbing her purse, the 7 year-old woman actually tried to hold on and struggled with the thief. but the guy managed to get off and leave with her belongings and actually ran off and jumped in a waiting car. that vehicle could have been a gray minivan or a hashtag. the woman is expected to be ok, although she complained that one of her hands was hurting. she refused
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medical attention. >> 9.41 is a time. and as we go to the break, let's take another peek as stormtracker 4 and this radar showing you the and this radar showing you the delineation a break - life is uncertain. everyday pressures can feel overwhelming it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. at (833) 317-4673 what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> we're back at 9.44. and climatologists and state water officials say that we're seeing pretty much the best start to california snowpack in over a decade, which is
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something we desperately need. they say the january measurement was a promising sign. the snowpack supplies about a 3rd of the state's water. and since the winter seasons only really just begun, a lot of the major reservoirs are still registering below average for this time of year. however, some of the smaller reservoirs in northern california, particularly are seeing above average levels for this time of year. so that's good news. and with the continued rain continued snow. we're hopeful that even the larger reservoirs will start to really fill up once again and maybe get us one step closer to getting out of this drought. here's a live look at the sierra. the chp saying you want to be very careful if you have to travel that rather, it's storming right now. they say there is going to be hit with heavier snow and wind over the next. well, pretty much all week long off and on. so this is really not the best week to head up there. 9 in for sure. think about that 9.45. right now and san francisco fire. >> is ready in san francisco. they've preposition strike teams to assist with any storm damage that they need to respond to or rescues. this
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group consists of 5 fire engines, as you can see. and each has 3 firefighters and one strike team leader and those units will help with clearing downed trees, power lines help with flooding, all of which we've already seen. it's been so active. and while they are based in san francisco, they're available to respond. if there's a request to regional and statewide aid and this is all part of the california office of emergency services on the peninsula. the high tide and crashing waves. a shark park beach flooded out some areas where people part, as you can see here, this was from over the weekend, a viewer sent to sen this. and if we listen, you can hear in the audio and they were shooting at that that they were saying what child? not a good idea to somebody who was driving in and right there because you never know that car made it. but many as we have already seen, james did not make it through those high waters. we've shown the video. >> and here's a quick look at the radar once again as we bring it back after the studio. you can see we've got a pretty hard line where the showers are still falling and
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who is now finally getting a little bit of relief this morning? yeah. so john, how long is a break in last before more storms will and the so it looks like a much calmer afternoon ahead of us and even much calmer late morning than what we've seen so far today. tomorrow morning before even get up around. 02:00am heavy rush of rain arrives and that's really our next big push after what we've been seeing. this is half moon bay right here. you can see some of those stronger waves rising up straight from the beach on towards those areas with all the ice plants growing along the shoreline. so definitely another day with some high swell out there at the coastline. even a little bit of flooded areas out there. this is again, from half moon bay. you can see the atmospheric river is shifting a little bit further south. we're now that means the heaviest of rainfall is now along the central coast areas that have a slew of flood warnings currently in effect. we're sitting for the bay area is quiet, comparatively. we are seeing the very tail end of the system passing through. now. so north bay, you're still under that cloud cover still have some sprinkles spots, but nothing like the
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south bay, which is still in the eidst of some heavy rain at times. we do have multiple flood reports. that's all those little blue bubbles down. they're in the santa cruz county area up into the santa cruz mountains. streams are swollen there. so all that water is rushing down into santa cruz or even into streams pushing up towards san jose. that's where those flood warnings are happening. as for the rest of the day, we see those showers moving out. we should see the south bay drying out around 11, 15 to 11, 30 following the rest of which is some cases of already dried out. we will see a mostly cloudy rest of the morning, but clearing out and getting some hints of sunshine towards the afternoon today. then we move into tomorrow morning with that heavy dose of rain before you even get up to to 03:00am hard line of showers pushes through with some really strong winds will see pop spotty showers after that through the morning commute and heavy pockets of rain fall in there that could result in localized flooding themselves. we'll continue to see that through the rest of the morning tomorrow. even a few rolls of thunder are
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possible into your tuesday. start will advance to the rest of the day. pretty unsettled. and wednesday brings our 3rd morning in a row with the rainfall that you're going to be contending with as you leave the house rainfall on top of what we've already seen for the remainder this week into next week, amounting to anywhere from 3 to 8 inches. this is again on top of what we've already seen. so not including storm totals from this morning. flood risk continues across the bay area. in fact, through tomorrow, flood watches in green. we have flood warnings along the russian river as well as up in the santa cruz mountains. and we do have high wind warnings remaining for just a few more minutes for the bay area. winds are starting to calm down now after 50 miles per hour peak gust last night we had white out conditions for much of the sierra overnight last night. gusts as high as 70 miles per hour. winter storm warning staying in effect through 04:00pm tomorrow for the bay area. temperatures today do stay fairly mild. we stay in the 50's. that's where we've been all morning long. we're going to be that way through the rest of the week. rainfall
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tuesday into wednesday. as i showed you in future cast thursday, bringing our most significant break with just a chance and more rain into the upcoming weekend. all right, john, thank you for that. will still tracking reports of flooding. so westbound 5.80. >> as you're traveling there, 80 west that connector flooding reports 8.80, connector ramp to to 38. you have flooding there. that's in san leandro and a little further down. 92 eastbound west of 80 more reports of flooding that downed tree. still there southbound 13 at avenue blocking things traveling to oakland, a 14 minute remember, we still do have high winds across the bay bridge across the san mateo bridge. visibility not the best there. 13 minutes a 80 to 101 heading across towards the peninsula. a richmond sandra fell bridge tolls to 101 about 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. a 20 minute drive. it's down from 40 minutes. there. lots of hazards. so if you're traveling along 17 right now, northbound and southbound at glenwood drive, we have a pretty serious
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traffic hazard blocking things here. and you also have flooding to 80 southbound north of bird avenue. more flooding 101, whipple avenue in redwood city and more flooding to 18 north of farm hill road. that's in woodside. and if you are traveling through the mountain view area, you definitely are seeing other issues as well. the city not without reports of flooding as well. southbound 101, 80 east of san francisco to a northern ocean avenue in san francisco. a southbound 101, south of airport boulevard in south san francisco. traffic collisions slowing things down. we still have a 20 minute systemwide bar delay because of those wet conditions out there. so darren james, we've been tracking this all morning and we're supposed to see more rain even tomorrow, right? we are. yeah. all we long which is going to be a problem for the niners on saturday. we'll get to that levi stadium on sunday showed a lot of love for damar hamlin before. >> the niners and the cardinals took the field. the forty-niners started out the 1st quarter down by 6 points.
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but brock purdy soon connected with christian mccaffrey who ran it all the way in for a touchdown. and that gave the niners the lead. the cardinals, yes, did come back by adding another touchdown. but that wasn't going to stop the niners. they lead at the half and kept scoring. you see the final score at the bottom of the screen, a blowout. 38 to 13. the 10th straight victory now for the niners in the regular season. first time in franchise history, they were able to do that. so what a team this year the forty-niners are going to be heading to the nfc playoffs as the number 2 seed. they're going to invite and host the seahawks this saturday. the wild card game at levi stadium with kickoff at one 30. and yeah, we'll see what the weather holds out. could be a soggy show down there at levi's come yeah. if you look at what we're looking at today and this mess, this is southbound. wanted to 80. >> you see the roads trying to >> you see the roads trying to dry out. we are going to break
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after my car accident, >> you see the roads trying to dry out.i wondered whato break my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. (steven) every time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a lot better now. i'm taking medication for what i should have been taking years ago. (vo) caremore health provides advanced primary care wherever you need it, in the hospital, at home, in our clinics, or virtually. (steven) so when i call them over a medical issue, they take care of it instantaneously. i'm not afraid to go to the doctor anymore or put off going to the doctor. (vo) call the number on your screen to learn more about medicare plans in your neighborhood
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that include caremore.
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when that car hit my motorcycle, that include caremore. insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> just about done here for monday morning. but let's check in with olivia horton and see what's coming up on live in the bay today. high livia high, daria, happy monday. everyone coming up today on live in the bay. >> the local organization that is helping lift tina little grassroots, get the assistance that they need to grow. plus, the international quick change artists that you need to check out for yourself when he comes to the bay area. do is joining
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us in studio then are you looking to get in shape in the new year? well, you definitely want to jump. start your nutrition with the help of the juice co and as always, want to hear what you have to say about our question of the day. so go ahead and scan that qr code. we want to know what are some ways you stay healthy. let us know by just scanning that qr code on your screen and the answer could be read live today on the show at 01:00pm. daria. alright, exercise. i mean, everybody that. love it. takes taria will see olivia. >> she's a free. i do enjoy. all right. here's your seven-day forecast. know how i stay healthy. i don't get well, it is going to stay pretty rainy. if you do want to get outside this week, thursdays or best chance to do it. >> aside from that today, tomorrow, wednesday, pretty wet. here's the good news for today. in the immediate future are actually in the process of drying out. we'll get some
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peeks of sunshine later today. so do get out there. i know all of us here again take the da goes on a walk later on today because daria couldn't even get her. some guys come on morning and really you you can't go out in the rain. there's a thing called a gym. you go to >> just plug in your online. just sit there all day. we've got you covered as the rain continues to fall today and for the rest of the week. and i did see on saturday, john, the heavy rain for the niner game. that's much in that wind flow we'll see later the same time. (vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra
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day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 1) hey what about this one? (driver 2) nah... that one gets an extra day. (driver 1) somebody got lucky. (vo) like having an extra day grace period? when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo. on an all new dr. phil--
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10:00 am
[police siren sounds] --defunding the police. it's a complete disaster. there's chaos at night. there's fires. there's shootings and stabbings. we don't have enough police. [police siren sounds] dr. phil (voiceover): helpful cause? people will do desperate things in order to survive. you're not solving anything by arresting those people. dr. phil (voiceover): or harmful ideal? we're not trying to win an argument. we're trying to solve a problem. let's do it! crew (on radio): have a good show, everybody. here we go. dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. crew (on radio): stand by. we'll count you down. dr. phil: today is going to be a changing day in your life. crew (on radio): 5, 4-- dr. phil: get ready to take care of you. crowd: dr. phil! dr. phil! [crowd cheers] [applause]


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