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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  January 9, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PST

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us. it is raining some cases pretty intense, as you can see now between san francisco and san jose on a monday morning, we're waking up to a what looks to be a week. >> of wet weather ahead. and it's starting off with a lot of gusto this morning. yes, gusts of wind and rain and john has the details the another morning. yeah. here we go back at it. >> you can see the outside san francisco heavier rainfall is moving through right now. >> obviously, those buildings to be swaying. but if you were to see the trees, you would see them getting pushed around in the wind a little bit. we're going to be looking at this rain through the rest of the morning commute. so there's no beating it. you just got to prepare for it. if you do need to head out this morning. definitely a very noticeable atmospheric river associated with that right here searching offshore. it's
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gradually going to shift further and further southward. so we actually clear out really nice later today. we're at right now is anything but clear, though, in fact, some really heavy rain right now impacting both to 81. 0, 1, as well as the san mateo bridge and the dumbarton bridge stretching from areas like san mateo down through mountain view and now on over into the east bay towards free month. some heavy rain for you. san jose pockets of heavy rain down there. san francisco now working its way on towards the bay bridge in the east bay hills. also in the midst of some heavier intensity rainfall north bay looking at petaluma right now, just north of you between a santa rosa in petaluma right there around rohnert park. you've got some heavier pockets, too. we'll continue to see this rain through the morning. so as i mentioned, there's no beating it. in fact, just take it slow or leave early. we start to clear on the north bay around 10:00am the rest of us more towards noon and then we actually get some sunshine this afternoon. tomorrow morning, another wet start
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because of all this flood watches in effect for the bay. you see those pockets of red in the santa cruz mountains as well as up along the russian river. those are flood warnings where flooding is imminent and currently happening. futurecast, wind gusts is showing you. we have some 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts right now. so it's windy. it's wet. at least it is mild. but all in all, just take it slower in minimize travel time this morning. i know we got to get to work. it's monday, but try to do is little venturing out as you possibly can. i'll be talking more about what's to expect the rest of the week to still to come over to rain. all right, john, thank you for that. well, we have flooding across most of our highways. pretty bad here. >> southbound 2.80, north of farm hill road. and so they've blocked all the lanes. 82 would be a good alternate or 101. but again, look at how slow things are long, 101. also some reports of flooding northbound, 1, 1, whipple road and redwood city. and then a little further down. more reports of flooding. southbound 2.80, north of bird avenue in san jose drive slow downed tree. southbound 13
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avenue blocking multiple lanes. and here flooding along 5.80, westbound. i-80 west certainly hit a pocket of water traveling along 5, 18, 80 this morning as i was commuting into work. so slow it down. let's check on the bay bridge. 35 minutes. things are very slow. you've got high winds. you have a lot of traffic slowly making their way trying to make it safely across the bay bridge into the city. 19 minutes a 80 to 101. we also have a 20 minute systemwide bar delay for you. if you are hopping on bar today, a richmond center fell ridge pretty slick and wet. 12 minutes tolls to 101, and more flooding. reports of that southbound 8 ats period boulevard in san lorenzo. and another accident north of davis street. a busy morning. definitely drive slow darya. james, back to her hands full because the ground is full of water and seeing a lot of flooding downed trees. just a big effect. >> the dominoes, although sure this is number 5 storm making
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the commute a pretty difficult to get through a lot of problems for people. crawford's will trend. >> getting an idea what it's like in the south bay. he's been in san jose looking conditions well. >> the rain has picked up. so we saw all the water go down just a little bit. james and area. i'm on 87 southbound near the santa teresa off-ramp. and you can see chp couple of their officers are out here, just slowing down the cars and then, of course, getting them off at number 2, 3, lanes because of the flooding. now, over the past 30 minutes, something happen where the flood went down at its peak. it was near the cones, but it's gone down. but sure enough here comes the rain. sorry would not be surprising once again if it continues to go up and up again. southbound 87 is important because so many people use this to connect to 85 to either go to morgan hill, our mountain view officers, the bravest officer, i know because there are a lot
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of cars, guys that come up pretty fast to him at the last minute. they realize wait a minute, these they're diverting us and then they make a left to go to the number one lane. the only if you can swing the camera back this way, take it easy would do this for 2 reasons. one, we'll show you just the traffic problems on 87. and with those headlights right in front of all of those raindrops, look at that guys. the raindrops coming down at this time. take it easy, especially 87. you can hear some cars already honking. so not a good day to have any road rage or be late to anything. back to you. all right. good advice. thank you. will leave early for sure. don't be stressed. trying to. >> you know, hitting the gas pedal error on roads when they're like this here everywhere. i did that very thing this morning left really early, went through marion county and over the golden gate bridge and in the north bay right now is sarah stinson looking at some hazards that actually develop? i think after i left the house, let's
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see how she's doing now. center fell everywhere you now sarah. >> yeah. reporting now live in corte madera right by the lucky drive exit. we talk about this but often very prone to flooding. the wind is a lot stronger than when i last talked with you guys. it's very strong wind, heavy rain as well. constant rain at that. we're going zoom in here to show you what people are experiencing on 101, in the north and southbound lanes. but specifically this area on the northbound lanes when you're coming down this hill and then you've got to speed horses, no drivers right now, but there's also some flooding was some more flooding on the other side of looking drive as well. so you got flooding on both sides of the highway. here comes the driver. they did pretty well for themselves in depends on which linger. and i think it's the number 2 lane. that is the worst one. here comes another driver heading in not too bad. the truck. it's better if you have
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a truck and a sedan. let me tell you because the it was this spot. roads driving earlier as those heading to center fell and it hit us hard. i almost hydroplaned i had a good one that we'll and breathe deeply because he just kind you know, let jesus take the carrie underwood song, just all the way gets very scary at this point. so make sure you're prepared for anything that may come at you this morning. a scene multiple roads floated flooded, rather. and let me tell you, it's not very bright out yet. so it's hard to see when things are flooded or not best to take it slow. i was behind some of the freeway was going 30 miles per hour. that's a little too slow. perhaps 40 45 50. that's what i was going. and that was a good speed for me to make sure i was prepared for anything ahead. so darya james, a very rough commute. and unfortunately, this rain is not letting up. in fact, it feels like it's getting stronger and the wind certainly is a lot stronger than last hour. >> and you have a great point
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about like know what is the right speed 30, you might cause an accident. people coming around you and it's too slow. i was going on highway 17 over the weekend and some people whipping it like 70 miles an hour. and that was too fast. and then you get on your windshield. you know, for the other car. so you have to share the road. >> yeah, you know, go with the speed of traffic. but unfortunately, my opinion, i think people too fast in the bay area, even when it's raining and that's what we saw earlier in sandra fell. one people were going so fast and they weren't prepared for what was ahead and they got stuck. >> in flooded waters. and that's what happens. thanks for the warning. yeah. keep rolling around. look at those trouble spots. it's really help for folks who are at home and hadn't left for work at. we'll check that with you later. sure. >> all right. 7 await us the time and we just heard from pg e this hour about their latest. a power outage situation. so part of the story we always have to cover here during storms bay area wide. we're looking at about
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17,000, 500 customers without power. that's the latest from pg. and e and their outage map shows where we're seeing the concentrations of outage. actually san francisco doing really well by comparison only 85 customers without power right now in the city, the peninsula. that's when the numbers sort of total up a little bit more. it depends on where you are. there's about 3600 customers without power for the entirety of the peninsula. you can see a large koester of them up near daily city. pacifica, south san francisco. it thins out as you head down 101 towards the south bay. we have another cluster out on terror along the coastline. no surprise there. they typically do see a lot of power outages when these storms kind of role in. let's take a look at the south bay and we're looking at roughly 1600 customers without power in all of santa clara county. and you can see it's very pretty sporadic. a lot of minor. that's what those green dots indicate the east bay. let's jump there. we're doing looks like for the east bay corridor that 6.80, ride, san ramon, dublin, danville, find a few more start. pop up,
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though, as you head towards walnut creek and then northward towards martinez and that out along the east bay shoreline. last storm, we saw a big cluster of outages here along 80 from about the bay bridge up towards the richmond. sandra fell. but it's not doing too bad this morning. just a few pockets here and there. and then finally, last stop the north bay where we're looking at the ride, really, from the golden gate bridge all the way up towards rohnert park in santa rosa. and again, just a handful of outages here for the all of the north bay. there's about 11,000 little more than 11,000 customers without power. right now. we'll keep you updated as keeps reporting. new numbers for us throughout the morning show. sorry. all right. and if you live near a creek or river, we're watching that and you're seeing that rise and wondering what's going to happen next is a lot of concern, especially along the russian river. >> which is expected to reach flood levels today or tomorrow. the swift water rescue team sonoma county fire district. you can see them out over the weekend when there are some breaks in the weather in the milder weather allowed them on sunday to spend their time training in assessing what could happen. people who
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live in that area along the vacation beach neighborhood of russian river say that they know what can happen for past floods. >> pj could not get to us to fix the power pole because of the flooded road. so you learn to be independent. you have generators. you have your it will propane cooking stove you. you just do without. you know, when you walk around, you talk to people when there's nothing else to do when you have no power. >> the swift water rescue team has boats ready in case of emergency, but also several locals who live along the river. they say they have their own canoes because they know what happens if the road turns into a river of sorts. that's the way you get around your own canoe or kayak. know that the national weather service is warning the downed trees. >> and roadway flooding is certainly going to be a major problem in the days ahead, especially for those living in areas along the coast. in fact, in half moon bay, residents there say it's been a pretty rough and windy week week and a half now some people lost power for days
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during last wednesday storm and they're bracing for what may come this week. a lot of people we spoke with like fishermen, pat coyle, who work on the water, say these storms have had a pretty big impact now, their livelihood. >> it we've got to punch out there. beginning your for crab season. have to hear that. >> got out there. we haven't yet. >> and the flood watches in effect on the peninsula to until tuesday afternoon. the ripple effects of this storm system keep on coming. john. >> some heavy rain just moved over sfo. and you can see that tarmac is really wet. make sure to be checking on your flights this morning. likely to see some delays if not a couple cancellations. so make our way through the day things start to get a little bit better for heading outside our heaviest of rain this morning. showers decreasing by noontime afternoon. even some peeks of afternoon. even some peeks of
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when that car hit my motorcycle, afternoon. even some peeks of insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now - fryday. fryday. fryday. - tuesday. - fryday. - wednesday. - fryday. - friday? - fryday. i always remember that one. that's because that's the easy one. try wendy's hot and crispy fries, preferred almost 2 to 1 over mcdonald's.
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>> and we're back time now. 7.15, president joe biden has approved a state of emergency for california as storms continue to batter the state. the governor gavin newsom says the declaration is going make it easier for the state and federal governments to cut the red tape that often gets in the way and get resources where they need to go as quickly as possible. he says the state has already deployed swift water rescue teams, sandbags and flood operation centers to monitor flood hazards. the governor is urging everyone to take the storm seriously and stay off the roads if possible. >> these floods are deadly and
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have now turned to be more deadly. then even the wildfires here in the state of california. common sense just be cautious over the course of the next week. particularly the next day or too. >> be careful. the governor says that his officers working around the clock right now to make sure that local responders have the resources they need. >> it's 7.16, in the north bay at carport came crashing down in rohnert park, crushing some cars as you can see here on snyder lane. it landed actually about 5 cars. but it seems that most of them didn't have too bad. the damage avoided something very that could have been much more serious. >> and in windsor, take a look at this driver who got stuck on a flooded roadway. this is west side road and it was 1 o'clock in the morning. oh, my gosh. you can see someone in there and they're kind of like, ok, so now what is example of what you need to be cautious of as you hit the
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road today. you never know just how deep that water is until it's too late to 8. absolutely. all right. let's go to the east bay where we have niles canyon road still. >> shut probably for the next week ahead as cleanup efforts there continue. the road is still shut down in both directions. caltrans crews have been out there, as you can see here in this video cleaning up as much as they can following this latest round of wet weather. we had mudslides, landslides, debris, littering the highway. this guardrail was ripped to shreds now as canyon road is closed now between old canyon road in fremont, which is just east of mission boulevard and main street in sun. also find another way around that for a little while. and pleasant hill. police say that the city sandbag locations have been replenished, which is good news. those stations are located at city hall at pleasant oaks park at the pleasant hill community center. they're free, although you need to bring your own shovel if you want to fill those backs. >> and filling a bag societies, the fight for
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rights. that's when you get that neighborhood. yeah, it is. and it's kind of nice when you prepare for storm and you're in a storm with other people. hopefully those other there this year showing beach other out and hopefully respectful of everybody sharing the roads because one person driving it dangerously affects everybody. and when you're looking at heavy rain coming, especially right now in san you've got to leave the house early. just be cautious because one wrong move by. you affects a lot of other getting asked john during the break with a little bubble looking at things there on the mat will reports of you can see there's a whole lot be and that heavy rain. you can see it in the yellow pretty close to those flooded spots, too. >> it's just all adding up. i mean, one storm after the next after the next. it's just continuing across the bay this morning. we have heavier pockets of rain fall. that will remain through the course of your morning commute here. we just saw those heavy rains pushing a onto the half moon bay coastline and pushing further inland. now we are going to continue to see moderate rain throughout the course of the morning. so make
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sure you're giving yourself extra time as you're getting out there. right now. we're dressed a gradually shifting atmospheric rivers moving a little bit further southward. so we're starting to see the evidence of drying up in northern sonoma county. the first signs of drying most of that moisture starting to shift further south. still definitely in the bay, though, east bay northeastern part of the bay up into solano county and then especi lly right around san jose is james and darya were mentioning are looking at some of our heaviest of rain, san francisco in a bit of a low. you'll see an uptick in rainfall, though, here quickly. our bridges subject to some really strong winds as winds push up on into the bay area. mostly from the south this morning. futurecast shows those pockets of heavy rain continuing over the next few hours. there's your drying across the north bay initially as the atmospheric river pushes southward will start to dry out further and further south. and by the noon hour, we're actually looking pretty consistently drive peeks of sunshine this afternoon and a nice afternoon to get back outside for a bit tomorrow
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morning. we're right back to it. heavy downpours possible in spots across the bay area for your morning commute tomorrow. and these isolated showers continue all day long for your tuesday, especially heavy during our morning commute as well as our evening commute. unfortunately, all this rain continues to add up. we've got an additional one to 4 inches of rainfall just over the next couple of days. we'll add up on top of that. an additional 3 to 8 inches of rain by the time we reach next week. so we just continue this wet pattern. areas in the santa cruz mountains, the russian river. and right along ukiah, seeing some of our flood warnings in red while the rest of us across the bay and flooding risk with flood advisories continue through tomorrow night and high wind warnings continue through 10:00am. this morning gusts as high as 50 miles per hour. the sierra seeing wind gusts as high as 70 miles per hour. and as we see a lot of new snow piling up there, we see the risk of whiteout conditions as well as some drifting snow on roads advised not to be heading up into the sierra
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today, waiting until better conditions 50's for daytime highs. that's exactly where we're sitting right now. so no different come this afternoon. temperature wise that how we're starting the morning and really not much different for the rest of the week, either. rain today, tomorrow into wednesday, slim chance of a few showers on thursday. but that's going to be our before a very wet weekend yet again, rain. that will we have reports of flooding all across the map. >> flooding so bad here. let's i didn't actually shut down the highway there. southbound 2.80, north of farm hill road. so you might want to take 82 because you also are seeing flooding hasn't shut down the highway. the northbound 1, 1, or whipple avenue, redwood city. you can still get through. but still reports of flooding a little further down south bound 2.80, north of bird avenue. these are the only flooding reports we're seeing. so you certainly want to drive slow here in the city. southbound 101, to 80 east that connector and reports of flooding. southbound 2.80, north ocean
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avenue and a traffic collision a little further down in south san francisco. that's south of airport boulevard. so again, as you're traveling, nothing but delays and drive times going up. 31 minutes. you have high winds across the bay bridge and also high winds across most of our bridges. 19 minutes. it's 80 to 101. as you're heading across towards the peninsula. a richmond sandra fell bridge certainly coming down here. everybody's traveling much lower this morning. that's good to do so about. 38 drive times going up along the golden gate bridge because of flooding as you're traveling along 101, here in the east bay southbound 13 the avenue got a downed tree lanes are blocked. there and then eastbound 5.80, at have another traffic collision, slowing things down in some flooding reports as you're traveling along 5.80, westbound, 80 west here, a little further down in the east bay. still we go. san leandro northbound 80 north of davis street. you have a traffic collision and some
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flooding cellphone 80 and he's fearing boulevard. so definitely certainly seen a lot of issues here in the north. a southbound one. what emmanuel t freed is parkway. you have flooding so definitely everybody's drive in much lower as you're traveling to san rafale. and if you are catching bart 20 minutes systemwide bar delay a lot going on this morning. definitely leave a lot definitely leave a lot earlier. we
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i'm a vegas hotel. i know what you're thinking - it's cool, i don't want anything too serious either. just a fun, spontaneous thing.
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i'm looking for someone who will let loose. dress up a little. see a show. order the steak and the lobster. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares. i'm just looking for a saturday to remember, and a sunday by the pool. think you can keep up? meet leon the third... leon the second... and leon... the first of them all. three generations, who all bank differently with chase. leon's saving up for his first set of wheels... nice try. really? this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. >> in east bay, the body of a missing 19 year-old named a
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minute lazenby junior of pittsburgh was found saturday near highway 4 between poor chicago and willow pass road in concord thing is the family and officials had searched that area for a week and they found nothing and then suddenly saturday the body was found in that already searched area. so not only have a look at several times and there's another clue as they see it. the clothing on the body was clean and dry. so they're thinking that somebody dumped the body sometime early saturday afternoon and it wasn't there the whole time. >> weather's been pretty bad, horrible. so he was entire 7 days. he's close with that. >> it definitely is very suspicious. a weird that he would be right there with it. >> we know dry, everything. >> so the family thing said something is wrong they're wanting to solve the mystery. and so are police. so if you think you saw something, please contact the police, if you saw anything along highway
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4, especially as what they're concerned about. >> well, san francisco police are asking for your help now as they're looking out for a man suspected of killing a person in the mission this week. 21 year-old christopher aguilar rojas is accused of shooting 2 men and 2 women early friday morning. one of the men died from his injuries. the other is in critical condition. the 2 women are expected to be okay. but police say rojas is considered armed and dangerous. they have issued a warrant for his arrest. if you have any information on his whereabouts, call police 7.27. >> and let's take a look at stormtracker four's. we go to the break. well, at least up most of the yellow has moved out from along the coast. so it doesn't look like we have another wave of really heavy rain coming in san jose. a still getting some here and all of those little bubbles that are blue. those represent flooded areas. the floods are getting worse. we'll be back with team -seriously? -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights.
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-that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. -how would you feel if that was your family? -flashing lights mean "move over." (vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 1) hey what about this one? (driver 2) nah... that one gets an extra day. (driver 1) somebody got lucky. (vo) like having an extra day grace period? when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo.
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-listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over.
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>> 7.30, right now. and before you head out the door, you're going want to see what you're in for that. we've apps in our live shots going this morning. team coverage was going to say, bring the umbrella, probably rain. koch is an umbrella is going to get caught in the win because it's pretty blustery outside. i was trying to protect the dogs. you taking the piney this morning. i was taking the wind and rain and putting didn't help. didn't help didn't help. but i did have an umbrella over them. we've got john in the weather center with more on the john. so dogs come on. just you know, way. it is going to be a morning to get out there as quick as you can and give yourself as much time
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as you can to make sure that you are driving to work. nice and slow. i was driving to work and 50 miles per hour. max for me on those highways, your look out there right now shows you that we do have a lot of gray and a lot of rain falling. >> the breeze continues along with it, too. so it's windy. it's wet. another way that we're starting this week much like we have been up fear river. pretty evident. that's that cloud cover that shifting a little bit further southward. now. so you're starting to see a little less rain across the north bay. still wet, though. heaviest of rain right now is in areas like san jose zooming in down there in the santa clara valley, especially up towards the blows and mount diablo of the east bay. in the midst of some heavy rain and strong winds, too 5.80, highway for 6.80, all of it so wet and solano county. you're in the midst of some heavy showers, too. definitely keeps going through the morning commute. so don't try to beat it. it's just something we've got to deal with. as for late this morning, we're already seeing conditions drying out a little bit for the north bay. we'll
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continue to see that happening on towards after the 10:00am hour and by noontime, you still have some cloudy skies but are looking a lot drier, a little peek of sunshine this afternoon. tomorrow morning. you see it right there. we're right back to it with heavy, isolated downpours. now we do have flood advisories extended through tomorrow night. i'm not going to be surprised at all at their extended further. we have flood warnings for the santa cruz mountains, the russian river and up into portions of mendocino county warnings where flooding is already happening. and we do have reports of that in all of these areas. i just showed him as for futurecast wind gusts, it stays windy. 36 mile per hour winds in san francisco right now. that's what you're running into is across the bridges 50's for current temperatures. it's a fairly mild morning, but a wet and a windy one. now. so much going on out there. we have a lot to talk about on the roads. rain has been keeping you updated on all of it. what's the latest? we'll have flooding across the board, john. so if you're traveling along 2.80, southbound north of farm hill road, all lanes were blocked.
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thankfully, a lane is open, but still. >> the flooding is pretty severe. the year northbound north a little avenue, more flooding little further down south bound to 80 north of bird avenue in san jose. you have flooding there as well. the map all across just yellow and red because it's low across most of all of our highways. south fell on a one 80 east flooding southbound 2.80, north of the ocean avenue in san francisco. flooding there in an accident. south san francisco, southbound 101, south of south airport. dry. our bridges right now. so with that water, 30 minutes into the city right now, high winds also a factor drive slow drive slow drive slow. 20 minutes. heading across towards the peninsula. 13 minutes richmond center fell bridge and there's a 20 minute systemwide. bart delay. so if you're having a large today or over the next few days, just factor that in bart's going to be slow because of the weather. about 40 minutes across the golden gate bridge here in the east bay 5.80, westbound i-80 west. we have some flooding, a downed tree southbound 13 at
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the raw the avenue and eastbound 5, atf, 13 south in oakland, another traffic collisions. so don't know how long will these issues are going to be around? but it's certainly a slow day. daria james. as that's why we're out to give you a live looks away are in for and if you are coming from the north bay. >> we've got reports of flooding and hazardous roadways. that's been a problem all morning long. kron 4 sarah stinson has been sort of moving around. >> gauging what it's been like in various spots. good morning, sara. >> hey there. good morning. that's right. we're live in corte madera by the lucky drive exit. we're actually seeing flooding on both sides, both north and southbound lanes of the lucky drive exit all get out of the way. so you can see what's going on out here. very slick roads, saturated roads and it's at least the sun is coming up because earlier it was super dark and you couldn't even tell where there was flooding and where there wasn't. and it got to be pretty hairy in certain areas like here and
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then over and lucas valley road. we actually saw several cars drove into flooded lanes. they got stuck and had to shut down the freeway. so that was a perfect example of the fact going a little bit slower today, taking a little slower that way. you are prepared for what is ahead. sometimes even when the sun is up, you can see just how flooded it is. now we're taking a look right now at the northbound lanes and it looks like people are doing pretty good eye figured out the 3rd lane from the right to basically lay number 3. that one is the problem. and when you're heading northbound on these lanes, heading from looking drive, this area can be very scary because you're coming from a downhill coming down. the hill you're gaining, says speed and you forget that there's a huge part linger right there. and then you can hide your plane and get to a scary situation. so take it slow out there. it's not a fun, camille, let's just say how it is. it's not going to be a fun come you, but you have to just take it
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slow or be patient with it and make sure that, you know, you're you're not going to driving like you would if it was, you know, a sunny day. this is a another storm we have and it's going to be a bad day because the rain, he's pnot letting up. so darren james ray not letting up. the winds are picking up that way. you know, you have to have both hands on the wheel that way. if that wind gusts hit 2 and then you hit a a flooded area, you're prepared and you'll be ok, honestly, james darya you, you kind of just have to breathe through it a few times. i was like. we've got free through it. what do you have to get through? are you like waterproof answer. what? rain boots? what's what's down? got the right. >> area of oh, oh, you know out. okay. approve. head to
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toe. can hear you guys anymore. why a week a strong week we could we've got rain boots on. and that is crucial. but a second, the second they get dry in the car and then i get all wet again. come back out here. the only thing you're really guess is not wearing a warmer sweater underneath it all. yeah, i've got multi layers here. >> and when you're wearing waterproof clothing, it just falls right off thank you thanks. long as you're prepared for. you can get through it. absolutely. just no. it's waiting for you when you step outside and know what's going to be like at the airport before you head out there, too. because all this wet weather is spelling >> for your point? yes, yeah. at sfo, we're looking at 49 delays right now. 11 cancellations, oakland, 14 delays only a single flight canceled so far. but that could change. and then a san jose, they're reporting 18 cancellations. all right. i should say 18 delays right now. as for cancellations, none at the moment. here's the
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thing about flying. you bought your tickets whenever so you know, you get what you get. but with a day like today, you can listen to us and say, you know what? >> find out when john says the breaks coming in. that's when all travel by road. and john, you were saying, actually, if you could just hold out a few hours 10, 11 o'clock this morning. yeah, later this morning into the afternoon, we're going to see a lot of clearing going on here because this atmospheric river. >> it's starting to aim a little bit further southward. so southern portions of the state in the central coast will start to see more rain. >> world started drying process initially for the north bay, northern sonoma county are already drying out in spots. heavy rain continues for the rest of us. i'm talking all of it as we go. >> and it's 20 minutes systemwide, bart delay and several accidents and flooding across highways and bridges. also the high winds out there drive slow this morning. give drive slow this morning. give yourself a theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose.
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7:41 am
>> we're back at 7. 41 and in the north bay. a person in petaluma is telling police that a tiktok scammer blackmail them using their loved one's ashes. so this is what happened. police say the victim told him that a tiktok are claimed to be able to create artwork with cremated ashes. and so the victim paid for this service sent the ashes to this seller. but then that seller turnaround blackmailed them and $3,000 to return the ashes. police say the victim is sharing their story now to try to keep anybody else from falling prey to the same crime. if you believe you've been the victim of this scam or any other,
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please contact the department's non-emergency line to file a report. >> it's 7.41 and we've got lots more team coverage of the storm coming up to get you through this commute, which is a messy one, a slow one. and there's a lot of damage building up from all the storm. so we're live outside and we're in the studio to show you the radar will be show you the radar will be back in a few minutes. hold on... you're a night manager and mom, and the bill payer, baker, and nightlight maker? that's a lot. so, adding “and student” might feel daunting. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. -happy birthday! -happy birthday buddy.
7:43 am
well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to national university. two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
7:44 am
after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. at the barnes firm, our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> we are back at 7.44. and climatologists and state water officials say that we are seeing the best start to california snowpack in over a decade have been able to say that while they say the january measurement was a promising sign. now the snow pack, as we know, supplies about a 3rd of the state's water throughout the year. and since most of the winter season is just now getting started. a lot of the major reservoirs are still holding below average amount of water but will hope for that to change here as the snow melt begins. but smaller reservoirs across northern california are sitting right now above their average for this time of year. so that's some good news. i know you're talking about the drug stuff like that. but i was just think has the yes, sierra a little tough. yeah. was 89 well, i mean it it looks okay. the questions. >> when you get there, can you ski and snowboard? because it that when you can well, and while it's storming him, you really can't what you know, you said and blowing the the chairlifts everything around. >> when will be the best time this week to head up? let's find out chain controls in
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effect right now. we know that much. yeah. and john, if he if you were to get up there today, i again, they say they advise against it. but >> we'll talk to john in a few minutes about the best time to get back. if you're going go to the sierra now moving on to other news and it's still storm related. san francisco fire department has a preposition strike team of several of them in san francisco ready to react to any damage and anything that they need to deal with because of the rain. and you can see this group. there's 5 fire engines. each has 3 firefighters and one strike team leader there. they are posing in front of their vehicles and these units are going to help clearing downed trees and dealing with power lines and flooding. that is a problem. and they are based in san francisco, of course. but also they can respond if asked to regional and statewide request as well for aid. and this is all part of the california office of emergency services. >> street repair crews worked on the roshan control on the great highway. >> next ocean beach can see them getting their work done
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as we head a little bit of a break over the weekend on saturday and sunday, there were a couple of opportunities and they want to shore up the area and make sure they protect the infrastructure along highway. well, from san francisco to santa cruz now and this is what it looked like when those powerful waves were smashing away pieces of >> bridge and sidewalk there on the cliff side. right along the santa cruz shoreline. this video showing how those waves were leaping over the edge at times potentially getting people wet, maybe even pelting them with a little bit of a concrete. you want to be real careful. santa cruz police warning anybody heading to the beach to watch out for these waves and debris in the water and not too far from here. we've got some video from rio del mar 2 showing what's left of a bridge there. that was washed away. cleanup efforts underway right now. sidewalks covered in mud. look at that. we've got the scrapers out there trying to clear off the mud as best they can. but that will stretch of coastline
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still closed right now as are doing that work. and also on the peninsula. high tide crashing waves at shark park flooded out. >> a lot of the cars that were part in that area. as you can see, this was saturday morning. so that's something to be aware of. what when you're driving in an area as well, somebody who is shooting the said bad ideas. they saw car go by. there you go. watch because, yeah, i guess that one made it. but you're never really sure. in fact, we've seen some people drive into water and had to be rescued. not drive out. yeah. and that that point, not drive out. >> all right. well, take a look at the drive on my way into work this morning. this is actually along the bark and arrow. once i got into the city and the yeah, it was coming down hard enough that visibility obviously reduced quite a bit. we're seeing those similar conditions out there right now. luckily, the sun is up enough that you got a little more like to work with them. we had earlier this morning, but the rain is certainly still there. the wind still blown around pretty hard, especially on the bridges to be careful. i get a
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taste of the worst drive i think is you know how highway 17 is always so perilous. yeah. and i drove highway 17 over the weekend. yeah. >> and carmel up to san jose, the sharks game. oh, my gosh. it was pretty dangerous and i saw people going too fast and hydroplaned you don't need to go very fast to hydroplane. we they say all you need is just a wet road and that's enough. >> to make you lose traction if you're going too fast. yeah, and i'm glad to see everyone going pretty slow on my morning commutes this morning. i was driving in. we were all just like. >> eason, our way on those roads because, yeah, even going fairly slow is going around 40 at times. i was still hit in some spots out there. i could feel the tug on my car from the hydroplaning and you're really going to feel that if you're heading up into the sierra today because not just is it snowy, you see how much will humble that camera has. we have 70 mile per hour wind gusts up there. any loose snowfall. he's going to be pics to pics. pick right up whiteout conditions possible blowing snow and drifting snow on roadways. so
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chp is really encouraging you not to head up there. we do have roadways open such as i-80, but with another one to 2 feet of snowfall throughout the course of this week. we got a lot of opportunities to get snowed in and hit some less than ideal weather. a winter storm warning remains through 04:00pm tomorrow as of right now. now, as far as we go in the bay area, this atmospheric river is starting to shift a little bit further southward. you see most of the heaviest of rainfall now down along the central coast. we're still holding on to it here in the bay, though, from marin county, all the way into the south bay. some pockets of heavier rain, fairfield the rest of solano county. also seeing those pockets, the strong winds on our bridges will also cause you some problems as you're making your crossings. we'll see the north bay drying out first. in fact, we're already seeing evidence of that is rainfall really begins to taper off up in sonoma county. by the time we reach 10:00am north bay are looking pretty done with it. still some heavier showers in these inland east bay as well. south bay. and then as reach the rest of the morning, we'll
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just continue to see gradual clearing noontime today. looking pretty good. couple of spotty showers into the early afternoon, but into the evening tonight, a nice calm, at least beginning to the evening. by the time you're waking up tomorrow morning, you're waking up to more heavy rain, potential of downpours for your tuesday. start this and a chance of thunderstorms for the start of your tuesday. often on pockets of heavy rain throughout the day. tuesday and your evening commute tuesday night is going to be accompanied by some of those heavier showers, too, which could result in some flooding spots because of all this. we will see another one to 3 to even 4 inches of rainfall just over the next couple of days. in addition to that, more rainfall after that into the rest of the week in the coming weekend, another 3 to 8 inches of rainfall just over this next week. and as far as flooding risk goes, all of us are under flood advisories. the santa cruz mountains under flood warnings where flooding is already happening. in fact, flash flood warnings for santa cruz county and then also along the russian river. a
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flood warning there we are under high wind warnings for the rest of the bay area's those of just expired for the north bay between now and 10:00am 50 miles per hour. gusts in these spots. temps today will be in the 50's and looking ahead. that's the way we stay. we are in a very much so holding pattern of wet weather with the rain today tomorrow and wednesday. our driest days expected to be thursday and then our heaviest of rainfall looking likely to be saturday right. john, thank you for that slick wet conditions out there. lots of flooding. southbound 101, and manual t freed is >> parkway. so that's the north bay. pretty flooded along 101, reports of flooding. 5, any westbound i-80 west make it slower for you. traveling alone. 5, 18, 80. i had a puddle of water traveling along 80 this morning. scary the drive slow and you should be ok, southbound 13 at moraga avenue. reports of a downed tree blocking lanes along 13. let's check on our slick. went bridges 30 minute drive into
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the city. still high winds and a lot of water sitting on our bridges. 18 minutes. you can see visibility pretty low. the san mateo bridge. so take your time as you're traveling there. visibility is a little better love. the richmond center fell bridge but still definitely a slick morning. try our golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls about 30 minutes traveling the golden gate bridge there. and in the south bay, we're looking at pockets of flooding. so 2.80, here along the peninsula, north of farm hill road in woodside 101, north, a little avenue. you've got some flooding there and a little further down in san jose southbound to a north o of bird avenue. 20 minutes systemwide bar delay. if you are hopping on bart, it's a slow and so definitely leave the house a lot earlier, we have more traffic weather
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>> welcome back. it is 7.56 on this rainy start to a monday morning. and we're looking at wet weather all across the bay area. some flooding spots which has been the major downside, as we know from the series of atmospheric rivers, we're seeing the worst of those conditions down around the santa cruz mountains. but still some heavier pockets elsewhere to that, i want to know, let's start with this cell that we have moving are right there around marin headlands. this is going to impact 101 which is already very waterlogged fact. we've seen a shoo-in 101 all the way down the peninsula. we have flash flood warnings in effect right now for santa cruz counties. flood warnings for the santa cruz mountains and
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some heavy rain. just having moved over san jose. much of this atmospheric river is now starting to shift southward. so this is actually some good news for us. we're starting to see drying up in the north bay. soon to follow will be areas further southward in those areas. further south, on into the central coast are really just starting to see there do some heaviest of rainfall. you actually see this occurring here on futurecast, likely dry for much of the rest of the day in northern sonoma county. heavy rain does continue for much of the rest of us up until around 10:00am when that for furthers puts its way further southward, be making my way through the rest of i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments.
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a wet monday morning. i'm darya folsom. yeah, and i'm james fletcher. good morning. i guess that all depends on how you're dealing with the wet weather this morning. if you're prepared, if you give yourself enough time, you can get to where you're going. hopefully safe. but if you're rushed, if you're anxious out there, yeah, it's a little nerve wracking. and at this 0, 8 o'clock. if russia just say wait a couple hours, if you can, because john says actually, we are going to get a break. let's talk about the storm and where it's headed, john. yeah, we have light at the end of the tunnel and this one and it's going to come this afternoon. we're actually going to see a pretty nice afternoon. >> with some spots of sunshine, peering through those clouds. but this morning, none of that just yet still raining and still pretty


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