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tv   KRON 4 News at 10  KRON  January 8, 2023 10:00pm-10:46pm PST

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>> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> another atmospheric river is right now in the bay area and brings with it strong winds and we'll deliver a lot more rain over the next 36 hours. good evening and thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm dan thorn and
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i'm noelle bellow. the national weather service warning tonight to downed trees and roadway. flooding will become a major problem in the days ahead. the coastline. >> expected to get head hit particularly hard. that's where we find kron four's amanda hari. she is live in pacifica for us tonight. i'm and i can see the wind kind of blow in your hair. there. >> the wind is definitely blowing its moderate right now. i would say from what i can tell the rain is fairly steady, not as bad as it was in the 8 o'clock hour. you can see behind so that some waves going here. but earlier i was in half moon bay and we had to come back up here to pacifica because we couldn't get any cell service. there have been talking to some of the people that live in the area. they believe that's because of the storm. just knocking out all the service. one woman told me she hasn't had electricity for 4 days. >> the flags were blowing sunday evening at johnson pier in half moon bay. people that
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live and work in the area say it's been a rough and windy week and a half. we've not had anything like this seriously in the time i've been here. debbie says cena has lived a pill from the pier for 33 years. she says she lost power at 04:00pm on wednesday when a large pine tree fell and took out electrical poles without water, no bathroom. >> things she and her family, including her dog, had to go to a hotel for 4 days. they finally got to go home sunday afternoon and people like fisherman, pat coyle who work on the water. the weather has a direct impact on their livelihood. has this last week and a half of bad weather impacted your bottom line? yeah. it we've got our products out there. getting your for crab season. have to hear that got out there. we have been able pull yet. coyle says he's finding small. clearing is in the weather to get out and get some work done. but it's a challenge is real bumpy out. there is out there today and it was, you
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know, no fun coming in, but it's a good duran is visiting from new mexico. and he says he's going to enjoy his time on the coast. >> despite the rain, we came to see the beach earlier. and i one of the things i love seeing about it was at night just saying that the waves crashing as the tide comes in. >> so we're out here just watching the tide come in, seen how but closer would get. and then it started raining and that just added to it. so. it just turned into a beautiful night so far. >> i was told by some people in half moon bay that back on wednesday, some of the ocean water was washing up onto highway one. they said it was a really scary sight. and they're hoping that this storm system won't result in similar things. live in pacifica, amanda hari kron, 4 news. amanda, thank you forecast. now you saw the rain falling there and this live shot. this is a live look. >> at sfo where it is very slick tonight. breece rodriguez. joining us now with a look at the forecast their
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dead well, yeah, let's take a look at this moderate atmospheric river bringing widespread light rain. >> to the bay area with some moderate downpours for those of you in parts of the north bay, specifically saint helene and sonoma. we are noticing calmer conditions for those of you in santa rosa with widespread light rain there. but we are tracking this storm tapping into that plume of subtropical moisture from hawaii. so this warm core storm. that is why it's an atmospheric river and it's expected to bring us inches of rain when it is all said and peak in intensity during the o overnight hours by 2 o'clock for your monday morning, widespread rain for those of you in the bay area. but heavier for those of you in the north bay with some pockets of some heavy downpours there, even into the san francisco peninsula, southern portions and south bay. until that storm track moves to the south and east into the east bay and south bay where we're expecting to see those showers finally
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start to taper off as that storm exits by mid-morning on monday by around 9 o'clock leaving behind a thick blanket of storm cloud cover gusty winds as well. from now, through 10 o'clock for your monday morning with gusts from coastal valleys and even the highest peaks 80 miles per hour or less. most of monday looking dry, though, after that storm exits by mid morning. but don't let your guard down because remnants of that atmospheric river set to return overnight into your tuesday morning. that could bring us a slight chance of pop-up thunderstorms. so even though it doesn't look as active, it's actually going to be most unstable on tuesday, 2 to 4 inches of rain expected with another atmospheric river set for next weekend for your long holiday, martin luther king junior weekend. so just plan ahead. back to dan in a while. >> all right. thanks. a lot of a breeze say in the south bay. the city of san jose is busy preparing for this latest storm potential for flooding this time around is very high. for more on how officials are working to protect people, including those who are unsheltered along the
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guadalupe river. we're joined live by. >> santa is a public information manager, colin haynir. colin, thanks for joining us. of course, we have over the last couple of weeks over the last week. the city said it was prepared for whatever is to come. curious what you guys have done, today and in the last couple of days to help those who are unsheltered those in vulnerable situations and living conditions. >> thanks to well, yes of the city's primary focus is protecting lives and the lives of the most vulnerable are especially in a precarious situation right now with water levels rising. our unhoused residents who live near waterways are very vulnerable to the rising waters. so we've been alerting them. we actually started in october, working along the creeks to let residents know that there was a threat of an increased rainy season and you might see water levels rising and the critics over the last several days we've been doing walks along the creeks, both city and county staff as well as d%
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volunteers and nonprofit organizations. police department has been driving along creeks using a long-range audio devices to alert those residents of a mandatory evacuation order. so we want to get them out of the creeks and and occupation center or daytime warming center with the people that were there. we know the loudspeaker announces they were done in multiple languages to make sure that people can clearly hear them. >> i don't know if you have the answer to this, but i'll ask anyway, do you know what the response was like for people understanding the danger? we are seeing a lot of people leave the area. and we know that our our evacuation center is being used. >> right now, we've got about 90 people at our 7 trees community center where they're to stay the night and our daytime warming centers have been well used to. >> those centers they will stay open through the remainder. i mean, we're going to continue to have for the next week. maybe 2 weeks. >> yes, that's correct. we've got more capacity at 7 trees community center. and if we reach capacity, we actually
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are are ready to open a second community center to to give people a place to come in from the storm as people there in san jose were preparing for last week's storming of the city of san jose. >> was declaring a state of emergency making sure that people were were ready and also making sure that the city was all in coordination together. this is an effort that's only being done by the city of san jose. mean, clearly it's the largest city in the south bay. but we understand that you're also working with the county, the national weather service and of course, valley water in this situation. can you describe what that coordination effort is like? >> absolutely. so we here at city of san jose have our emergency operation center up and running. we're going to be here throughout the night and through the rest of this storm. we're checking in particularly with valley water regularly. i've been here since 07:00pm i had to check ins with them already. we're talking along discipline. so our operations team is talking to their operations team. and as a whole teams are coordinating to monitor creek and river levels to talk about contingency plans to
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synchronize on communications to make sure that we are working together every step of the way. >> well, we are hoping that everyone in san jose the surrounding areas across the bay area. stay safe during this. is there anything else who are unsheltered those who do have homes in or potentially, you know, going to be victims of power outages and trees falling down. anything they need to know right now tonight before this next system hits them hard. >> sure. i'd encourage him to keep up with the city of san jose were posting flash reports twice a day on our website. san jose ca dot gov. also follow us on social media. we've been putting out all kinds of resources and information around the clock. and if residents see backed up storm drains or trees or tree limbs that have fallen in the roadway, please call 4, 0, 8, 7, 9, 4, 1900. that will alert our dot dispatched to go and check the situation out. if there are downed power lines over always call 9-1-1. 0st, colin haynie, the san jose public information manager.
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>> thanks for joining us tonight and giving our viewers that important information. thanks to know. well. now to the north bay where a carport actually came crashing down last night rohnert park. take a look at this video. this is on cider lane around 11, 30 last night. the carport landed on about 5 cars. and from the looks of this video, it appears that most of those cars have avoided any sort of serious damage. meanwhile, in windsor, a driver got stuck on a flooded roadway overnight. this was on westside road around. 01:00am. >> just another example of why you should be extra careful on the roads. today. course are seeing more rain falling tonight. some roadways do remain flooded. more might be flooded by the time you hit the road tomorrow morning. >> so the county's office of education announcing several school districts will be closed tomorrow. here's a full list right here on your screen. fort ross elementary school district guerneville school district horak on school district and kashi a
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school district. the office says that the closures because of the threat of fallen trees, potential lack of electricity or the potential for flooding. about 500 students in total will be impacted by these closures. coming up here at 10 o'clock, governor gavin newsom requesting federal assistance to deal with the severe weather. >> plus, a tree falls on a castro valley home, injuring a resident inside. >> and there's an evacuation warning in place for people living near the russian river. we're going to be taking a look at the preparations under way when we return.
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>> welcome back. taking to the north bay where the biggest since area of concern for the next few days is along the russian river water. rescue crews spent the day training to make sure they're prepared for any calls to come. >> and it's expected to reach flood stage tomorrow or tuesday. kron four's gayle ong went to guerneville to it. see how people are preparing for this atmospheric river. >> it was a cloudy, but mostly dry sunday in greenville. but a series of storms flooded the entrance of johnson's beach and the cozy cove pat to the russian river. usually it's just a beach for people to come and hang out and yeah, now word seen it full of water. every ferguson lives nearby with another potent storm expected sunday night into monday. her neighborhood is under an evacuation warning at this point. it's just a
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warning back. ready to. yeah. oh, ferguson experience. major flooding when the rising water crested right below the second floor of her home in 2019. well, she doesn't have any plans to leave her home yet. she is prepared to just making sure anything on the bottom unit is moved up so that if it does flood, we don't use as much as we lost last time and then just making sure we have enough food and water so that we don't have to worry about trying to get out. neighbors who live in a vacation beach neighborhood near the russian river say they've learned the importance of being prepared from past floods. the pj could not get to us to fix the power pole because of the flooded road. >> so you learn to be independent. you have generators you have year propane cooking stove you. you just do without. you know, when you walk around, you talk to people when there's nothing else to do when you have no power, we have a generator. we have lots of gas for the generator. >> we have food. we have wood for the wood stove. >> we're good. lot of we have
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new york. this man says he is not worried about the rising river, but the saturated ground and runoff coming from his neighbor's home into his yard my home. >> he plans to run his water pump all night. >> i like sleep for a couple hours and then i get up in. check the pomp so. last night when there was the lightning and stuff it was down came up late for 4 inches. just like that. >> and the swift water rescue team with the sonoma county fire district did some training on the russian river ahead of the storm. they have their boats packed and ready to go in case of an emergency reporting from greenville, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> with stronger winds expected in this next system. downed trees are once again. also a big concern all across the bay area. countless trees have already come down over the last week. last night.
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this tree crushed a car in santa rosa. fire department says a person who was working on repairs for the car was injured and taken to the hospital. no word on their condition. >> i want check your 4 zone forecast. taking a live look at the golden gate bridge tonight. yeah, the slick pavement out there along the. >> the roads delay sure stayed slick. i like that for the last several weeks. >> meteorologist rodriguez standing by. we've already got a lot of showers here. >> in the bay. yeah. and also gusty winds and a flood watch in effect as well. let's zoom on into radar for kuz. you could see widespread light rain for most of the bay area. and also we are tracking those of you in middletown seeing some moderate showers out there but insist plume of moisture from hawaii that our storm is tapping into. that's going to bring us widespread rain with light to moderate and heavy downpours overnight. so that's why we have a flood warning in effect for the russian and guadalupe rivers in the north bay and south bay
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flood watch in effect for the rest of the bay area. from now through tuesday as a result of all the wet weather. so gusty winds also going to be in the forecast along the coast. we're going to see the gustiest winds howling upwards of 80 miles per hour. that's what's possible, including elevations above 1000 feet. right now, wind tracker for we are tracking winds out of the southeast of pacifica. 34 miles per hour. the gustiest right now they're the future wind gusts for those of you at half moon bay, they are going to increase, especially within the next hour or so up to 40 miles per hour. and then by monday morning overnight at 2 o'clock, 60 mile per hour, wind speeds will be expected with everyone else in the 2030, and even 40 miles per hour range. future wind gusts, though, will subside by monday at 10 o'clock. that's when that high wind warning is set to expire once the bulk of that atmospheric river makes its exit out of the bay area. but very ominous storm clouds overhead in the east bay over
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berkeley. temperatures out there right now. they say that thick blanket of storm cloud cover widespread mid 50's to though 52 degrees. but overall we are tracking a milder air mass tonight. and santa rosa cooling down to 47 degrees. everyone else in the 50's with upper 50's to low 60's for our daytime high. so we are going to notice mostly cloudy skies, but then by wednesday, another storm set to return and even next weekend long holiday, martin luther king junior day weekend, it is going to be a washout. unfortunately, we're tracking another atmospheric river that's going to continue 10 days from now. so the 3rd week of january, this pattern continues because we are tracking more showers. 2 weeks out. really going to have to watch what happens, especially for roads or streets. creeks, rivers, everything, landslides, mudslides, all yeah. it's going to be pretty intense. i usually really look forward to that. end at 10.
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yeah. little more than what i was expecting. >> everything that you. well, there is some scary moments for a castro valley neighborhood when a large eucalyptus tree came crashing into a home saturday afternoon trapping someone inside alameda county fire crews were able to rescue that person. they were taken to the hospital and >> treated for their injuries. neighbors confirming to kron 4. the homeowner. he's an oakland police officer and colleagues. tell us that officer is recovering. this is what it looked like today. that neighborhood as crews worked to remove debris and downed power lines. friends of the displaced family spent the morning placing a tarp over the roof over the home to avoid any further damage to the items that were inside. >> that, you know, the wind was going really strong. and i was just look at these trees and all sudden it just started falling down. it hit the power. transformers and sparks were coming out. i think a lot of the people around here are going to be. calling arborist and try to have them check other trees, maybe think about cutting some down.
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>> the tree was not removed from the home. today, we're told the city is only responsible for cleaning up the streets and the sidewalk and some customers on stanley road are still without electricity. tonight. california officials have sent a formal request to president joe biden asking him to declare a state of emergency over the storm bearing down on california. take a look at the capital sacramento river rising since yesterday. this is video near the tower bridge. >> the american river was up over its banks today as well. totally submerging a bridge entrance to discovery park. >> as you can see here, the sacramento valley dealing with wind gusts of up to 60 to 70 miles per hour this morning that knocked down trees like this one causing him to fall onto an unlucky neighbor's car. the win also causing power outages across the area. at this hour, some 60,000 customers are without power in
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sacramento county today in the capital, governor newsom urging people across the state to take the storms seriously. these floods are deadly and have now turned to be more deadly. then even the wildfires here in the state of california. common sense. >> just be cautious over the course of the next week. particularly the next day or too. >> the governor says his office is working around the clock to make sure local responders have the resources they need. coming up on kron, 4 news at 10 san francisco firefighters preposition strike team to assist with the storm, the work they'll be doing. >> plus, president biden making a trip to the southern border kron. 4 news at 10 returns just a moment. new at
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10, the san francisco fire department has prepositioned a strike team in the city to assist. >> with this latest storm, the group consists of 5 fire engines each with 3 men and one strike. team leader unit will help with clearing downed trees and power lines and will be helping with flooding issues as well. they're based in san they're available to respond to regional and statewide requests for aid in this is all part the california office of emergency services. >> and national news tonight,
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president joe biden has wrapped up a 4 hour visit to the u.s. mexico border. he's now headed to mexico. the president walked a muddy stretch of the border and inspected a busy port of entry but did not appear to meet with migrants during his first trip to the region as president. his visit to el paso, texas did come as republicans try to blame him for the record number of migrants crossing into the country upon his arrival. texas governor greg abbott handed him a letter saying the chaos at the border was the direct result of the president's failure to enforce federal laws. >> elon musk has asked for a trial over a tesla shareholder lawsuit to be moved from san francisco to taxus. musk says the negative local media coverage has biased potential jurors against him. the billionaire businessman filed for the change of venue less than 2 weeks before the trial is scheduled to begin. musk's. lawyers say the legal proceeding should take place and federal court in the western district of texas. a shareholder lawsuit stems from musk's tweets in august of
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2018 when he said he had sufficient financing to take tesla private at $420 per shift. and that is all the time that we have for kron. 4 news at 10. stick with us, though. sports night live with jason dumas says coming up.
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>> sunday, fun day. it was the final sunday of the regular season in the nfl and now that all the dust has settled, i'm hyped up in my opinion. there are about 5 teams that could legitimately win a super bowl ad. the niners are one of those 5. so you got to be enthusiastic. we're going to break down all of that tonight on sports night live also had a classic stanford cal tilt in berkeley and more. thanks for rocket with me all. i'm jason dumas. the niners woke up today with a few different scenarios that play. but the messaging from kyle shanahan all week was to control what you can control and when all the dust settles march forward, that all started at levi's against the cardinals and levi stadium show some love for damar hamlin. he is just rapidly improving and we're so happy with that. the nfl is a fraternity clearly
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1st quarter forty-niners driving christian mccaffrey. he might win nfl comeback player of the year because the plays just like that. 21 yards and a touchdown. and just like that, the niners take the lead 2nd the niners defense show what they got. david blow. he's picked off by gets in. take a back in the sf territory. his second pick in as many weeks and that would lead to this elijah mitchell, tough running in first week. back. he gets in for the touchdown. the niners extend that lead to 8 later in the second. a 12 play drive for arizona leads to this. corey clement, one yard touchdown run in the cardinals, cut the deficit to one closing moments of the half, though, brock purdy surveys the field look at the toe drag by george kittle. you know, has been on a tear. he is clearly brock purdy's favorite target. san
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francisco leads 21 to 13 at the half. go to the 3rd after driving down the field. elijah mitchell gets it again. 2 touchdown day of his career. he had 55 yards on the day. welcome back. elijah. go back to the defense blow goes deep. and guess what? the wrong guys, gibson again, his second pick of the day. this guy's been a revelation where the niners over the past a couple of all righty later on forty-niners up. 31 to 13 purdy. the kit will once again kill the animal when he playing. well, that niners offense is just really hard to beat niners. they go on to win this game. 38 to 13 their 10th straight victory to close out the regular season. first time they've done that in franchise history. purdy had another brilliant start. 15 for 20, 178 yards and 3 touchdowns.
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all right. so niners, they take care of business. meanwhile, in seattle, the seahawks there in overtime against the rams. seattle needs to win to keep their playoff hopes alive and they get it done. jason myers knocks down a 32 yard field goal to knock off the defending champs 19 to 16. the they wait on the outcome of the lions. the packers game packers win. so head to levi for wild card weekend. lions win and it seattle coming to levi. so what we do, we head out to lambeau all came down to this game win streak. lions up 13 to 9 in the 3rd quarter. aaron rodgers don't he dropped back? surveys. allen lazard. thank you very much. hackers take the lead. 16, 13 were thinking green bay's coming to leave by so fast. jamaal williams. it's into the end
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zone and the lions take the lead. but at this point, i'm still thinking air rogers will get it out. here it is right here goes deep. can't do that. kerby joseph said, give me that aaron. that's the 3rd time joseph picked off aaron rodgers. there is pick down the white house, his fault, jared goff or 4th and one to seal the deal. the marine catholic boy, the lions had nothing to play for, but they spoiled green bay's playoff chances because of that, the stage is set. let's look at this matchup next saturday. seahawks niners one 30 at levi stadium. it's about to go down. and, you know, there's only one local station to get all your niners coverage all week long leading up to this one. kron 4 will be airing a live 15 minute niners preview special monday through thursday with a special 30 minute edition of the red and
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gold zone on friday night. get ready. you will not want to miss this levi stadium. let's go back over there. kate rooney, she's standing by with more on tonight's win against arizona. a perfect 10. >> 10 straight wins. that is for the forty-niners. hard to believe that this is where they are after san francisco started the season, 3 in 4 went throhgh 2 starting quarterbacks and somehow they still ended up here with the number 2 seed in the nfc heading into the playoffs. today's win against the arizona cardinals was far from perfect. even with the backups playing for the entirety of this game. once the forty-niners really did take control, san francisco was still the superior team and qb brock purdy has already written himself into the nfl history books over the course of his improbable run. but he said he and his teammates believe they still haven't reach their full potential obviously throughout the year. you want to. >> focus week to week gain momentum and things like that. but obviously we're at the point in the season words,
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man, regulations over now the tournament starts in this is, you know, the real ball that really every single day is going to be vital in terms of getting better and you know, being able to understand what our opponents going to be doing like it matters. so coach, definitely just that to us. after the game today. you know, we're already getting ready for what's to come and hopefully guys are on a mission, focus on just footballing on extracurricular activities are kind this pushed aside. whether it's, you know, >> friends, family, whatever it is, you want have we just hunkered down, you know, focus on, you know, these next whenever for 5 weeks where it is and move forward and play out and everybody we're going to be plan is right or wrong. they're going to try to there to give their best shot i just hope that i know that we will be ready everybody our best shot. i assume that i know that our best shot is better than anyone else is. i think the more we play together more our guys stay healthy, the better they i think i think a running game is going better. and just the way we've been
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blocking and i think, you know, having deebo out having a live show that says a lot put more pressure other guys, which that helps i think it has an incursion has got a lot more used to kind of our style and stuff. i think he's gotten better as it goes and sometimes it takes time to click and i think we were going better with time. we're excited to be able to have to go home games here. the crowd even light today. it it. they showed up showed out today. >> you know, we got off to a slow start, just seen at home. we're excited to be able to. so the playoffs are here. it's a blessing, obviously to make the >> to have the opportunity we have seriously. i don't i don't know if i've had this feeling that i have right now about our team and the opportunity that we have to go in this you know, this this opportunity. doesn't come around often. and i wanted but i want that to be the feeling, you know, right to for this organization and you know,
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it's it's about recommit yourself. we have to we have some things, obviously to clean up on defense this s every week. but we have everything that we need on this team to to do. we want to do this off this postseason. purdy is just the second rookie qb in league history to throw multiple touchdown passes in 6 straight games and its 5 start winning streak is second best in league history. the only rookie quarterback to do better was ben rothlisberger who won 13 straight games back in 2004. >> at levi stadium, kate rooney, sports night live. >> thanks for that. recap, kate. now this is how long of a season it's been for the niners. the first time they played the seahawks jimmy garoppolo was the starting quarterback. they won that game. 27 to 7. there's no christian mccaffrey on the team. remember that game? the blocked kick. they were pitching a shut out until that blocked kick. but my opinion, it's going to be a tough game. you know, division matchups
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are always tricky. you're playing a team that is so familiar with. you will be the 3rd time is hard to beat the same team 3 times in a season. the niners will enter the game. a 10 point favorite which is appropriate. the niners are way more talented. then this seattle team, of course, this was the second matchup and the niners one. this one, i believe it was 21 to 13. they won this game. george kittle had a big day. property started for them. so is not going to be an easy win. i know people just see the records on paper, ok? the niners are going to get it. but that division matchup, they can get weird. geno smith has been playing really good football. pete carroll, he's no slouch on the sidelines. so the niners i know they're well coached. they won't overlook and look past this team. although i did hear brandon, i say we're guaranteed 2 home games. the only guaranteed one home game. brandon, you've got to beat seattle. first to get that second. it will be a
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great matchup. as i said earlier, we will have the best coverage right here on kron 4 all week long. it's going to a fun matchup. now we are just don talking niners just about yet. after the break, a come back and she is joined by forty-niners insider brad graham. >> and the second ranked stanford women in for clean today and the fight of their lives. wait till you see the finish of this one in special guest getting good. you're up. we'll be right back.
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>> here to help us break down the niners win is brad graham who runs the sf niners account. you can find him on youtube, twitter, instagram, basically wherever you do your social media and wherever you're trying to get info about the forty-niners brad, 10 straight wins. a franchise record to close out the season for san francisco. did you ever think that this was possible back when there are 3, 4, to start the season? >> i mean, after the 2021 season, we knew that to get hot down the stretch. but what i couldn't believe is the 3rd string quarterback brock purdy coming in and leaving them to a 10 game win streak. absolutely phenomenal away the end of the year. >> property goes from being the 3rd string quarterback to a guy that they pulled from this game early in order to protect him from injury. what does that say about just how valuable how integral he's become to this organization? i mean, brock purdy has thrown
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multiple touchdowns consecutive games. he's been absolutely phenomenal. >> definitely building rapport with george kittle and his weapons. christian mccaffrey. and you can see it's not just the play on the field. there is a leadership intangible. he brings to the table that you don't see in rookies, especially mister relevant. so for him to come in and do what he's doing, be able to get get some rest in the in the 4th quarter. absolutely phenomenal for the forty-niners as they head into a pretty pretty awesome playoff push. going to come down the stretch. they're going to have to win a lot of games if they want to win a super bowl 10 straight here. >> another 3, 4, games that they want to win the super bowl, right? so that's a pretty long stretch. does that worry you at all, you know, in college basketball, you kind of want to lose a game before the tournament to take the edge off. right now. i hear you, but i think that raiders game was that that test that we were looking for. they just haven't come away with the w is one of those games where it really came down to the wire. and of course, the overtime, the way they're able to steam rolled back in the game and get that w. but i think that type of adversity will help them as they continue to push forward. and, you know, wasn't
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clean all the way and especially beginning of this game against the cardinals. so i think there's a lot of tape there for them to go back and kind of breaking apart and say we can do better here and we can improve there and that can help them propel into a playoff run. what if any concerns do you have about the 40 niners heading into this postseason? it's funny because earlier in the year i think we would talk about the defense as being the part of the team that was really holding them down in these winds. and it's kind of flip these last 2 games and with the emergence of brock purdy, the offense is scoring 30 points, a game since he's taken over and the defense's last 2 weeks of may be taking a little bit of a step back. and i think there's an opportunity for them to look in the mirror. kind of see how they're attacking their coverages and the way they're generating pressures and things like that on the defensive side. and i think that, you know, demeco ryans talked about it last right? talking about getting their eyes caught in the backfield and those types of things. >> the things that i'm seei


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