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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  January 5, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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>> now at 3 surveying the damage in the daylight after a bomb cyclone drenches the bay area. the latest impacts of this powerful winter storm. but as we know now has turned deadly. plus, we're not out of the woods just yet. our meteorologist kyla grogan is tracking the parade of storms headed our way when the next system will make landfall. >> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waltman. a deadly atmospheric river in the bay area's leaving behind widespread
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damage. and here are 3. we have team coverage from the areas hardest hit by the wind, the rain, the flooding and where the power is out. and while some parts of the bay area may be dry at the moment that not expected to last much longer. for more on this will turn now to our meteorologist kyla grogan with a look at the forecast. i think i saw the sun out there today, but i know we're not done with the rain yet. well, listen, i had to start with some good news because i know we all need a break and this is a live look at coit tower right now. and that is some blue sky that you are seeing >> parts of the day, not everywhere. that's for sure. parts of the day starting to see a little bit of clearing out there. temperatures right now sitting in the low to mid 50's. but you know, big big difference from where we started this morning. it certainly from where we were last night. as you take a live look here. you can see this is the last 3 hours and all of this is started rolling away from us instead of towards this town. notice if your fresno, you can see the kind of down to fresno and points out, they have some lightning that it's also popping up with these storms that just rolled through the bay area. but for us, we're getting on the backside of now starting to
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see some of that sunshine popping through. certainly some showers still out there north facing some of that light rain. you can see it there rolling through santa rosa and the data bay. but san francisco getting a few breaks and that's why we see a little bit of that sunshine at coit tower east bay, also getting some breaks. of course, we still have a few spots out there. some of the radar still showing a little bit of green, but all in all the bulk of this is now starting to move away from us. it is going through the sierra and bringing an awful lot of snow in their direction. we're also seeing some pretty decent winds, right compared to where we were last night. so about 60 miles per hour at sfo, i can see that 12 in oakland, a concord fairfield, a little breezy there at 16 miles per hour as well. now we do still have flooding concerns through this afternoon. we do have flood watches and warnings that are up and this has a lot to do with the areas that are kind of our creeks and streams that are being unfortunately tax by all of this rainfall that has been overflowing and now is rolling into those areas. and so you want to really watch out, particularly in the east bay, you can see through the afternoon and also
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in the north bay and notice some of that is the russian river points north. watch out for any of those low lying areas that you might know that you might be, you know, tempted to drive through. if you can't see the bottom of the road. if you can't see that, then you want to make sure that you're not driving through. wanted to give you a quick look at these rain totals. you can see over 2 inches in santa rosa just under that petaluma mountain view one and 3 quarter just under that at sfo about one and a half of fremont and san jose just under 1.2 inches on back of a little bit. we'll talk about the success of storms coming our way as we head towards the weekend. back to you. thank you so much. and new now at 3 o'clock. the sonoma county sheriff's office has confirmed the identity of the 2 year-old boy who was killed by a falling tree during last night's storms. >> this happened in occidental. that's a rural part of sonoma county, just west of sebastopol. authorities say around 5 o'clock last night, tow keeney was sitting on a couch inside of his family's mobile home when strong winds brought down a huge tree. the boy's parents were inside with him and the father was there was able to
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remove their son from the wreckage. the fire chief who responded to that home tried to revive the child, says he was just too late. >> household in the child, he was kind of covered in debris. he said my child not i remember so my first thought it my and let's get about the main because he's on a driveway. >> against father into the truck as i was backing up down the driveway reversed. i was giving him instructions his and as we did, we got back the main rescue squad and they may be able to grab the child from the father and started cpr. >> no one else was hurt. a chaplain has been called in to comfort. the family kron four's. rob nesbitt spoke with the boy's grandmother and we'll have more on this story coming up. starting on kron. 4 news at 5. a san jose chp
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officers recovering in the hospital after they were struck by a falling tree. officials say this happened around 11 o'clock this morning. on highway 17. while that officer was responding to a crash in the southbound lanes. the injuries are not considered to be life-threatening. no one else was hurt and there was no property damage. and this just in now to the kron, 4 news room caltrain the crews there have just cleared a tree that was blocking the tracks. and burlingame, that's a big improvement. kron four's charles clifford joins us now live from the scene. he's been following the story for us all day here. charles, what's the latest? they got that tree out of the way. finally. >> it appears so. caltrain tracks here in burlingame had been shut down since just after 4 o'clock this morning because of a fallen tree. we just saw 2 trains, one going on. northbound one going southbound go through right here. this is where that tree was. it looks like they have fully reopen caltrain here. let's go and take a look at some video. kind of show you what things looked like a little earlier now. this is
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all happening. all right. behind the burlingame caltrain station, the high winds we had last night knocked over a tall eucalyptus tree was lying across both directions of the tracks. if the tree itself wasn't the big problem. what happened is that knocked out a lot of power lines, utility lines that run parallel to the tracks and then spent pretty much since then till now clearing those fixing those lines only took them about half an hour. actually clear the tree. and now it appears that they have restored service here. so if you're writing caltrain this it looks like you'll be able to get the entire length of the route from now moving forward. caltrain has warned that because of the bad weather that's predicted to continue for the next couple days that there could be some delays within the system. but for the moment, that everything is going very well. you take a look behind me here. caltrain up and running here through burlingame. so some good news for now. but for a moment in san mateo county, charles clifford kron. 4 news. we've
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got the there that they got the tree off the tracks able to take trains again. >> well, our i'm not making it up. it's real. we saw with their own eyes. in oakland city. officials have red tagged this apartment building after a tree fell on it during last night's storms. the fire chief tweeted out these photos saying that the tree >> is blocking an exit path of the buildings. power has been compromised. the residents have now been relocated. no one was hurt when the tree fell and check out this video. this is from santa county all the waves split the worth. >> in half you can see the waves rising as high 35 feet here. capital of village has also flooded and people living in these low-lying coastal areas in the county are now under a mandatory evacuation. and these are new photos also from santa cruz for the iconic cement ship at seacliff state beach broke away from the end of the dock. >> waves stood at a massive 25 to 30 feet tall. that's
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according to surfline. the ship is being slowly dragged further out to sea, could see their out separated. now to the east bay where mud and rocks are continuing to slide off hillsides along marsh creek road in contra costa county kron. 4 subject all shows us how public works. crews are responding. >> and over saturating hillsides along marsh creek road mud and rocks into the thoroughfare. a 10 mile stretch of road from brentwood to clayton remains closed while contra costa county public works. crews used to did not agree back into we've got the majority of that last system that rolled through here cleaned up pretty good. but we're expecting this next system to >> roll through and hit us pretty good maintenance worker michael mann says his team is trying to keep up with mother nature or number one. priority right now is public safety. >> parts of the road continue to flood and to reach creek along some private streets
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within the closure, making some areas unpassable public works is easing back on trucks to second clear catch basins to allow water to flow off the roadways. it really helps. when we get a break in the rain. but once it starts to pound again, they're here comes the mudslides. and we just got to be back at it. everybody is on top of their game right now. drivers who live in the area say they would prefer not to be on the road, but some like sarah reed has to make deliveries. have no other choice. i expected to be closed all week. that's a safe bet in contra costa county leap to go from 4 news. >> and still so many people are without power after the storm. check this out. there's a video sent to us by a viewer for multiple blown transformers and downed wires. this was in sandra fell from last night. a shelter-in-place order is now lifted for now to make the bottles street.
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>> however, the power is still out in the area after what they experienced right here. there are a lot of people still in the dark right now. here's a look at the current power outages being reported by pg and e we can show you that maps that can go over it. if when you see the red on the screen, that means that those are that's the most affected areas. about 5,000 customers in the dark. >> the orange zones anywhere from 500 to 5,000 customers. we don't have that map. but we'll get it for you. there are still a lot of people doubt power pg telling us that they're working to get it restored people as soon as possible. and only 2 were quickly before the next series of storms. >> starts to roll in. still ahead here during kron, 4 news at 3 o'clock today. we will have much more weather coverage for you. so just scan this qr code to be taken to our website. kron 4 dot com. that's where you can find about the current weather conditions, sandbag locations, also tips on how to recover if you experience any damage, you can also watch kron 4 live on our website. kron 4 dot com or on the kron 4 app. it's
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available on i tunes google play roku and amazon. much more ahead this hour. there's a lot more rain in the forecast in many bay area. neighborhoods are still at the risk of flooding as we have some tips and tricks. >> and keep your family safe. but first, a report from the state capitol on how. california lawmakers are addressing this deadly storm. man: i'm not slowing down anytime soon. addressing this deadly storm. stay with us. that's why i take osteo bi-flex every day. it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, and continues to improve over time. kinda like us. osteo bi-flex. because i'm made to move.
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>> the storm system has now moved east and it's dumping another heavy dose of snow today. the flurries began at the summit as the temperature started to drop yesterday. local businesses, they're prepared. and yes, they're excited for all the snow saying that the weather. yeah, this is nothing new for them. >> chuck e. snow isn't it rains in december january, july? >> i love it. caltrans. those encouraging drivers to stay off the roads until tonight after the bulk of the heavy snow and gusty winds go away. chain controls are in effect on interstate 80 and highway 2.67, if you do have to go out, make sure you drive slow and bring extra supplies. >> well, a same power go on and off over the last several storms. liberty, energy and the bad energy are doing an amazing job. keeping the power up and running. but because of the weight of the snow, when you get this wet, heavy sheer summit that really waits on the trees bins of over, it's
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the power lines. so we've been seeing it go in and out. but we're prepared you're at all local and you've been there, you have your lanterns, your flashlights, your head lamps, you need to have daschle can still cook as you like your stop. but that still a gas or what? so it's been challenging for sure. >> some new video now of some ski resorts in tahoe that had to close down their list for the day because of the conditions. this is palisades tahoe. and you can see the strong winds rocking those chairlifts back and forth. snow is just blowing through there. you would not want to be stuck on something like that. we're taking a live look now here at the sierra here. he's highway 89 at tahoe city. it's snowing there right now. and the caltrain sign caltrans sign telling us chain controls are in effect. 25 miles an hour, they really want people to take it slow. the roads do look clear, which is good. and there's still a lot of snow coming down. a meteorologist kyla grogan joining us here now with a look at the conditions there. and here we're getting nice little break in the we are also nice
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to see a break in the rain of i want to say, though, that highway 80, i can hardly see anything on the camera. it just went out on me and i can't get the camera to function and some that that function and some that that that happens. we get. definitely do not recommend driving up to air right now. >> if you're already there, you're watching the snow fall and that's great. we're taking a live look right now at diamond peak. or you can see the snow kind of >> piling up there on the picnic tables. but yeah, the roads are treacherous. i'll show you the radar in just a second here. but they are under a winter storm warning until 04:00am on friday. so really you don't want to be heading up there until after that, right? so early morning friday, they're expecting another 5 to 10 additional inches of snow, 10 to 20 inches above 7,000 feet. travel is literally difficult to impossible of winds gusting as well up. the ridge is upwards of 50, 60, even up to 100 miles per hour. all right. so here we are. you can see 80 50. it is just all snow right now. so this is why it is very difficult going. and you probably better off just waiting until we get into early hours of friday morning.
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as we zoom out, you see all of the rain starting to clear from our neck of the woods and heading to the sierra. that's what's happening. and that's going continue as we head into the evening. that doesn't mean that we can't see some showers. we're seeing some right now roll across the north bay and just a few little pop ups. even in and around san francisco and heading over to the east bay. but the thing that really concerns me is this. we have that system that we have another system offshore and we have another one lined up behind that. it is this continue ation of storms, right, that we're getting into a little bit of trouble with now. this is all we have left of the current system. that's all we're expecting. rain totals. that's great. we're going to move into saturday and sunday and now taking you to sunday morning. and now we're looking out at, you know, another inch of rain in san francisco up to 2 inches up in the north bay and a little under an inch in the east bay and also the south bay. then we have another system on monday. now this one is going to have the influence of the in atmospheric river like we've seen. and that's going to add another couple of inches of rain. so let me show you this parade of storms. here we go. we're going to head towards the weekend take you into saturday. there is
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the saturday into sunday system. you can see kind of lingers into sunday and then we get into sunday afternoon. we get a little bit of a break. and then here comes the monday system sunday night overnight into monday. and this kind of last right through monday into tuesday. and then you can see another one on wednesday. so it just doesn't have a really clear ending right now. now, here's the upside to this. this is our new drought monitor. now, last week we showed you the drought monitor and pretty much you know, the last gosh, i think months on end, we've had a big swath of exceptional drought, the center of the state in california, one of the areas of the grow, most of our food. now you can see that has changed. and that has been eradicated. so that is kind of the upside. we've also seen some improvement here in the bay area. it's light, but it's a step in the right direction. so look outside shows you that those roads are going to be a little bit drier for you today on your drive home. unfortunately, more showers expected as we get into the weekend and monday. i think a stronger system that we will have to pay attention to before we get a little more rain on the other side of that and we get a break on next wednesday. i wish i had better
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news. i want to show them the sunshine just team. but i just don't have it. look at their eventually. flood waters could be dangerous for a number of different reasons. their storm debris, the water could be electrified by downed power lines. >> and their hazard to might not be able to see like raw sewage, toxic substances and bacteria. so if your home is flooded, make sure that the power is off to all those flooded areas and electric current running through water is deadly. do not turn it back on until we are certain there has been no damage to wires or appliances before entering areas that have been flooded. you also want to make sure you're wearing boots and gloves. if you have open cuts or sores, protect them from the water. if you do swallow flood water, you should see a physician immediately because there's a risk of hepatitis. you should also keep children and pets away from flood waters and avoid outdoor areas that have been recently flooded. also do not let children or pets play with toys that have been in contact
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with flood water until the toys have been disinfected. and once the flood water has receded to can clean walls, heart services, floors and other surfaces with soap and water. disinfect with a solution of a 4th of a cup of bleach added to one gallon of water be especially careful to disinfect areas where food is stored or prepared. also contact your insurance company for any additional guidance. if your home sustained any water damage. a full statewide response is underway as california finds itself in the middle of one of the most powerful storms to hit the state in 2 years. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a look at the response across various agencies and sheriff's with us what this could also mean for the drought. well, here at the california office of emergency services or callaway. yes, it's all hands on deck. those here actively monitoring the situation on the ground all while preparing for more dangerous weather. >> on the way. and when strong
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winds leading to downed trees and power lines. all of it, the result of what many have called a bomb cyclone deemed one of the most powerful winter storms to hit california in the last 5 years. we're in the eye of the storm in many ways. brian ferguson with cal oes points out the bomb cyclone is actually a series of storms expected to repeatedly hit the state one after the other. this is a very challenging storm that we will continue to see impacts for for at least 7 more days. there's additional storms behind it. please know that we still need to be prepared, need to be ready. and that more is on the way. and that's why he says the governor issued a rare statewide emergency declaration on wednesday and activated a level one response, the highest possible level of activation allowing agencies to cut red tape and work together to more easily provide resources on the ground. among those resources for million sandbags distributed statewide 400,000
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tons of rock to help shore up levees in danger. and 180 out of state utility crews to help in state crews respond to power outages and restore electricity. challenges persist. our rivers and streams will continue to rise even when the sun's out for a handful of days. so really trying to reach out to vulnerable californians, older individuals who may rely medical equipment. >> those with access and functional needs and those experiencing homelessness. the department of water resources has set up a combined state and federal flood operations center to actively monitor flood dangers across california. that includes communication with the army corps of engineers to make sure especially smaller reservoirs do not overflow into surrounding communities. as for the big question, what does this mean for the drought? >> see a lot of want to come in, but they still need a lot more. so it helps. but it doesn't cure. and experts say the state will need to see several solid water years ahead to really make a difference in the drought. but for now, they say the focus is safety with more storms in route reporting from callaway
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s headquarters near sacramento. eytan wallace. >> kron 4 news. >> still ahead this hour on kron, 4 news at 3 cleanup continues in the north bay. how neighbors are dealing with damage left behind from all damage left behind from all that rain and wind. i was injured in a car crash. damage left behind from all that rain and wind. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. oh ms flores. you're the leader of many and pet wrangler, too.
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down on one backyard into another and paradise k neighborhood. that's in timber on the cause is likely from the heavy rain that saturating the soil at petaluma. another tree fell early in the morning just off of petaluma boulevard while there is no damage and no was heard. people say what they heard and what they saw. still frightened them. >> surprise me that while the tree is >> old. but >> surprise me that it would. >> we don't want to fall. >> experts say trees that lean are more likely to be blown down and suggest having a qualified are brisk, come out and assess whether or not a tree should be cut down for safety. we have a lot more ahead this hour on kron. 4 news, wind and rain left behind damage on the peninsula's will take a live look there at the cleanup efforts. >> plus, an update on buffalo bills player damar hamlin following his near-death experience on the field. what he just asked his family and also check in with our washington, d.c., correspondent to see how the vote for speaker of the house is going or we're not going.
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is going or we're not going. thos when you find your reason to go on. let it pull you. past the doubt. past the pain. and past your limits.. no matter what, we go on. biofreeze.
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i'm feeling better. body pain? headache? nope. all in one and done. cuh-congestion? better. cough? fever? better. mucinex all in one relieves 9 symptoms in 1 dose. it's not cold and flu season. it's always comeback season. >> have you seen this video from south san francisco and the strong winds toppled a gas station, metal canopy. this is on king drive in callan boulevard. the intense storm broke the beams off of the ground. the structure then crushed to gas pumps. it appears the beams were rusted at the base which could have led to it. toppling over. we
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do get a chance to speak with bart officials earlier today about how public transit has been doing in the face of the storm. they tell us the trans are moving slower to help cut down on cancellations. officials say trains go slower during any kind of wet weather train operators have more lead time to hit the brakes. if there's something blocking the tracks and it stops the wheels from getting out of line with the rails locking up. still, though, wet weather impacts the line so they did share some tips with us about how to help you get where you need to go. >> got a look at real-time departures and see, you know, your train 8 minutes away or is it 2025 minutes away? and you know, if you need to rush because you don't want that long gap or if you can take your time getting to the station. well, tell us crews are ready with chainsaws and sandbags to get trains moving just in case there's any fallen trees on the tracks. >> and they say it's much safer to use public transit. the driving in heavy rain. and
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is there more heavy rain on the way for today? we'll find out in just a second as we take this live look outside here at san francisco international airport. if you're traveling today tomorrow, this weekend, you should probably check ahead to see how the storms will impact flights because there were a lot of delays and cancellations yesterday. our meteorologist kyla grogan is here now with details on the forecast. that shot looked a little sunny. >> yeah, i want to show everybody. this is the san mateo bridge and certainly the roads are looking a lot better than they over the last, you know, 12 hours. finally, we're starting to see some dry roads out there that people kind make their way a little bit safer. we're going to see those showers clearing out as we get through the night tonight. and that is certainly going to prove any driving conditions for you. so this weekend, we do have some widespread rainfall to be saturday and sunday. the total shouldn't be too extreme for that between about an inch, maybe 2 inches in parts of the north bay. but then another impactful storm is headed our way late sunday night into monday that what's going to happen to another atmospheric river and that kind of has my attention. but where we are now is that we're starting to get some clearing from the
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action that we've had over the last 12 hours. still some showers out there. certainly if you're in the north bay, you're seeing a little of those light showers kind of roll through there, but also spots that are starting to see just a little bit of sunshine that's breaking through, which is kind of nice again, santa rosa and had a limb and sandra fell. i think you're seeing a little bit of shower action. same over in the east bay, but things should improve for us as we get throughout the night tonight. now wanted to mention that we do have, unfortunately a high surf warning that is out there all along the coast to coast. a very dangerous place to be right now between coastal flooding and some of the surfer expecting waves between 25 and 30 feet high. and i just checked and you can see right here off of point rays right now. 24 foot, high waves there. clocked in and the boy now seeing 19 foot high waves. as you can see if you get a little further south. so that's just to say that it is a dangerous place to be. also, we need to be mindful of the fact that we still have our flood watch him play throughout the rest of the afternoon and also flood warnings called an aerial flood warning which means it's about the creeks and streams and all the low-lying areas that you might be driving through or having to move
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through. sees want to be careful about that going through this evening. and some of the red marks that you see up in the north bay that some of the creeks and streams and even parts of the russian river, of course, keeping an eye on all that as we get the rain and then the kind of after effect of that is that drains into the creeks and streams and rivers. and then those start to rise. and there's a chance that they're overflowing their keeping an eye on all of that. if you live in those areas, you know what i'm talking about. so just make sure you're checking before you're driving through any water that you can't quite see where the bottom of it is. live. look outside. those shows you were trying to get a little sunshine breaking through here as we take a live a look from the east bay. we do have that rain on the way this weekend. so we'll talk more about that and track that for you when it come back. >> for now, send it back to the desk. thanks, kyle. the storm took its toll up and down the peninsula. other downed trees. >> power outages and so much more kron. 4 s haaziq mod-yoon has the latest on the cleanup efforts in san mateo county. >> take a look at this huge tree that came down dangerously close to this apartment building right there. it happened on the
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alameda at valencia, in the san mateo county town of el going up. >> it was one of several tall trees that came down on this block. you in the store. there are also several breaks in this high voltage power line that suffered damage as well impacting residents who live here. >> yeah, i think that might be our power went out and about i don't know 6.37. last night. so right, right after you finish making dinner time with county public works. crews have been working around the clock clearing road hazards, including rock slides at numerous reports of downed trees. >> like this one here that fell onto the odyssey pizzeria and cafe. >> i spoke by phone to the public information officer for the san mateo county sheriff's office about the range of storm related hazards in this part of the peninsula. so throughout the cold including over on tara moss beach, bears all south coast. we've got the breeze on roadways. we have power lines down, trees down, wires down. we have flooding in certain areas. so we're
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encouraging residents if they can. to stay home, still stay off the roadways let. >> the power crews worked to try to restore power. there are some without power let. county roads worked to clear some of that debris because it is still hazardous trouble on the roadways at this time. >> think my kron, 4 news. >> stay up-to-date on the latest weather conditions with us here on kron 4 by scanning this qr code on your screen, it will take you to a special section on kron 4 dot com for the latest flood watches. traffic advisories. sand back pickup spots and so much more other news now. buffalo bills safety damar hamlin is showing signs of improvement according to his doctors. his first question in writing to his family was did we win? and they told him yes, you have won the game of life. the 24 year-old is in critical condition after suffering cardiac arrest while playing in a monday night football game. his doctors say that he
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has demonstrated that he is still nor logically intact. and then as long as are also healing a timetable for his recovery is still ueknown. but some good progress there. actor jeremy renner on the road to recovery following a snowplow accident near his reno home. the actor shared this video showing him getting a scout. the massage from his sister of the video posted to twitter was taken inside of the icu. he included the caption saiing, quote, a not so great icu day turn into an amazing with my sis and mama. the post is coming along with 9-1-1. call logs that were released by the washington county sheriff's office. the log reveals that the actor was crushed by the snow plow and that it took about 15 minutes before runner was loaded into a medical helicopter transport. russian president vladimir putin has ordered a 36 hour weekend cease-fire for his troops. russia blames its
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own forces for a deadly airstrike that killed dozens of russian soldiers. last weekend. moscow says 90 soldiers were killed when ukrainian forces fired 6 rockets. only 2 of which were shot down. russia blaming that on soldiers using their own cell phones in defiance of a ban that was put in place months ago. russia retaliated with a rocket attack against a sports reunite a residential building prompting further condemnation from ukrainians. allies. russians are increasingly turning >> too. critical infrastructure to enter targets to civilian targets. and that reeks of our tourism desperation. >> amid mounting losses, there have been reports of a new possible russian draft which could come as early as today.
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tens of thousands of people packing saint peter's this morning for the funeral of pope benedict, the 16th that took place in vatican city. pope francis presided over the 90 minute ceremony. the funeral marking the first occasion in modern times. pontiff has presided over the funeral of his predecessor. benedict will be buried in the crypt beneath saint peter's basilica. he will be buried in 3 coffins. cypress coffin. and then in a zinc coffin and then a wood coffin, which is what we saw there. all right. coming up here, 10 ballots later and the u.s. house of representatives has yet to name a speaker. so we'll check in with our dc correspondent for what this means. >> for americans with their not being a speaker of the house. but first, a deadly crime in san francisco's japan town. details on the teenage town. details on the teenage suspects. police have arrest
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7 day old tuna casserole! how'd you know that?! even my nose is strong! you need hefty ultra strong! it has arm & hammer continuous odor control! hefty! hefty! hefty! oh, and uhhh... toby needs a bath! stay one step ahead of stinky. >> a 15 year-old boy has been arrested for a deadly shooting in san francisco's japantown. a 14 year-old has also been detained in this case, a security guard was shot and killed outside of the japan towne mall. that's near webster and post streets. this happened around 7 o'clock last night. police are not naming the suspects because of their age. a heads up for drivers in concord. we just received this picture of a crash involving a big rig on highway 2.42. this
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is in the northbound lanes just south of grand streets. you can likely expect some delays if you're traveling in that area. much more ahead here on kron. 4 news at 3, the anniversary of the january 6th riot is tomorrow. >> what capitol why burn a candle when you can switch to air wick essential mist? it's the modern way to transform fragrance infused with natural essential oils into a mist. air wick essential mist. connect to nature.
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even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪ to washington, d.c., and house republicans are still fighting
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over who will become the next speaker. it's now. >> day 3 of voting. but gop leader kevin mccarthy well not end his bid for the gavel. our washington correspondent jessi turnure joins us now live with the latest. jesse, as i understand that they're entering the 11th round of voting right now. yeah, i wish you weren't right, justine, but you are correct. and that the 11th round, which means that this is the longest house speaker selection process in 164 years. >> and like you said, mccarthy is still showing no signs of quitting. >> speaker has not been elected a core group of conservative republicans continued their crusade thursday to keep kevin mccarthy out of the house speaker's chair, florida republican matt gaetz, even through another name into the trump, colorado republican lauren boebert said mccarthy still hasn't budged on their demands to change house rules to give rank and file members more power. it was never personal issue. there is a trust issue for sure. but
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mccarthy supporters like illinois, republican darin lahood were more optimistic. it does look a little dysfunctional and but i think we're making progress. still. lawmakers from both parties, including kentucky republican james comer made it clear they're itching to get to work. let's focus policy without a speaker. the chamber cannot swear in new members organized committees or consider legislation. we have to look at this for the outrage and the danger that it is. massachusetts democrat catherine clark stress this process hurts the american people as a whole by preventing lawmakers from setting up offices in their home districts and receiving important intelligence briefings. it is just a matter of luck at this point and that there is not something we miss. but president biden and vice president harris took a more light hearted approach to the situation and lawmakers
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are hoping to wrap all this up ahead of tomorrow's anniversary of the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. >> live in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> jessie, thank you. and speaking of the january, 6th attack tomorrow, does mark 2 years since that attack on the u.s. capitol in washington. >> law enforcement officers veteran, some lawmakers are calling for more accountability and security. a new law was recently passed to safeguard election results. but many say they're still work to be done today. former dc police officer michael, for now called a specific member of congress to condemn political violence. >> 2 years since the day almost died defending the capitol. the worst part is that our elected leaders allowed this to happen. >> some representatives have spoken out about their disappointment about the attack, including from illinois and indiana and also
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from colorado representatives. they're saying political violence does not have a simple solution with them saying it wasn't donald trump alone. that led us here. it's years of division, disinformation and lies. lawmakers say more needs to be done to fight these problems. president joe biden says he will travel to el paso, texas on sunday as trip will be his first time to the southern border as president ahead of his visit. the president also announced new steps the administration is taking to strengthen border control while expanding legal pathways to the u.s. reporter anna wiernicki is in washington with the latest. >> the biden administration is launching new rules to promote legal migration and punish anyone who tries to cross the border illegally. we can stop people from making the journey. >> we can require them to come here and there that they come here in an orderly way under u.s. law thursday, president
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biden said he's expanding a pool program to accept up to 30,000 migrants per month from cuba, haiti, and venezuela. this new process is orderly. >> it's a fan issue made. the announcement comes after weeks of republicans pressuring the president to act policies. >> and made the border patrol the welcoming committee republicans say border agents are on the verge of losing control of the border to make sure that doesn't happen once title. 42 and the administration will return to enforcing title 8, which expels migrants without a legal basis to remain in the country and bans them from seeking re and treat for 5 years. let me be clear. >> title 42 or not, the border is not. >> open. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas says dhs is already implementing the new measures but texas republican senator john cornyn says it's not enough. secretary mayorkas thinks the border is secure.
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>> but anybody with the highs and their head and ears to hear can see and hear that. that's not the case in washington. i'm anna wiernicki. >> switching gears to talk about our forecast. but this live look outside across a gloomy shot of downtown san francisco. but a little bit of sun is trying to sneak in warm us up and driest off. our meteorologist kyla grogan here now with the forecast. wow. yesterday was quite something. yeah. last night to get woken up by the wind or the rain. i did. i was a little worried about going to see the winds freaked me out more rain. but i mean, i was out like a light what? okay. i was a little hard them. a bit of a run. everybody has it. but as we take a live look at the golden gate bridge, you do see some peeks of sun trying to make their way through kind of nice to see the roads dry people being able to kind of walk across again, right without worrying about wind and rain and contending with in tonight, we should see a pretty good run of it. for those of you have to make your
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drive home. current temperatures out there. 53 in san francisco, same story in santa rosa about 52 in concord. 55 in san jose. so >> we're a little bit mild temperature wise. we started to see the wind, you know, kick down a little bit, although certainly some breezy conditions right now in nevada where they got 21 mile per hour wind happening. still kind of that southerly flow that is with us. that was kind of here throughout the stormy weather. but here's what's happening with the rain. and it's a much better picture than what we've seen in the last 24 hours. so some light showers certainly are still out there in the north bay, one of the spots where we're seeing those. but as we zoom out, what has my attention is the once again this, you know, set up of storms just kind of keep rolling. and here's the problem. so this system are about done with it, right? that's all we've got left to look for. but here comes the next one saturday into sunday. this one looking at about an inch of rain for san francisco. little bit more than that up in the north a little bit less in the south bay and east bay. but then we've got a system late sunday into monday and this one is going to tap into that atmospheric river kind of moisture plume, right? that brings these bigger total. so
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i think for those of you in areas that have been flooding, that's going to be a problem we get into monday. so time this out for you and show you how this works out and take you into the weekend. so here's friday morning. we have a system that mostly stays to the north of us until the overnight hours. and then we start to get some of that rain in on saturday and sunday doesn't look terribly heavy, but it does look kind of widespread. a little more snow in the sierra. and then here comes the bigger system on monday. this is the one that i think's going to tap into that moisture. and that could bring us those bigger totals that concern me. and we get a break as we get into tuesday, there. but we're not there yet. we've got a little break tonight into tomorrow to help people clean up. and that's some good news. here's your extended forecast. you can see it is a rainy one, folks as we get towards the weekend. little break next week on wednesday. but we are still kind of in it with the rain. the pattern has not broken yet. back to you. not broken yet. back to you. we'll be right back. paradontax blood when you brush could lead to worse over time. help stop the clock on gum disease now. parodontax toothpaste... 3x more effective at removing plaque bacteria,
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out this body camera video. we want to look at it and listen to it. it's coming to us from oklahoma. it all started when larry escape from his pig pen and then blocked a roadway. responding officers had a difficult time corralling him and told his owner, but he exceeds the city's ordinance stating that pet pigs cannot be larger than 75 pounds. larry's owner was then given 2 choices, either put larry on a diet or relocate him within 2 weeks. but the owner is now trying to fight that ordinance. she says that larry is a beloved member of her family and the community. but pilots unclear right now how much exactly larry >> oh, dear poor larry. i heart breaking for larry live with those squeals. they're hard to take so cute. all right. so rain for today still coming our way. well, a few of the light showers are out there. as we take a look at the radar, you can see we've got some decent clearing north bay starting to get a few of those light showers still rolling across of some in the
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east bay as well. so they're kind of hit or miss right now and it should get better as we head throughout the night, but certainly, you know, if you're in spots like nevado, if you are in sandra fell, you're probably seeing a few of those light showers come down. but the kind of impetus for this is for the system to push away from us and head further towards the sierra. so we do start to dry out a little bit for tomorrow. we should have mostly cloudy skies and then you can see more rain on the way. i know not the best news, but there it is. back to thank you. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. really appreciate your time. and i'll see you right back here tomorrow.
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voltaren. the joy of movement. . . phil. many children think it's just a game-- getting a rush from fainting. [tense music] dr. phil (voiceover): the blackout challenge encourages children to suffocate themselves until they black out. dr. phil: he had a stopwatch. he was trying to time himself. our son tate passed away. i unfortunately found him. there's no words to describe the nightmare. dr. phil: when you're talking about holding these people accountable, they need to be held accountable. dr. phil (voiceover): let's do it. person (voiceover): have a good show, everybody. here we go. dr. phil (voiceover): this is a safe place to talk about hard things. person (voiceover): stand by. we'll count you down. dr. phil (voiceover): today is going to be a changing day in your life. person (voiceover): 5, 4-- dr. phil (voiceover): get ready to take care of you. audience: (chanting) dr. phil, dr. phil-- [cheering and applause]


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