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tv   KRON 4 News at 4am  KRON  May 5, 2022 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 4. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here at 04:00am on this thursday. april 5th, it is cinco de mayo. i'm james fletcher. let's start off this morning with a check of the forecast. reyna harvey standing by with your cinco de mayo. weather rain. good morning, james. thank you for that. reminder that it's a good day to celebrate. >> because it's not as warm as it was yesterday. so we cool down. we had some of that maureen stratus moving to the bay area overnight and now we're seeing a few lingering
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clouds. so no clear skies today. if you're leaving the house, you'll probably see some fog or some ground level clouds. radar shows us the clouds that are in that is contributing to that cool weather that we've been seeing over the past. 24 hours yesterday was a warm one. today we get a little break from that heat. current temperatures outside right now in the south bay mid 40's 50's down there like san jose. 54 alameda, oakland, berkeley are low 50's of unfair full 51 paola. 48. now we do have a beach advisory in place because the tides out there are going to be pretty rough. we'll talk more about that and get a look at your 7 day coming up. james, back to you. all right, dana, thank you. quick check of traffic this morning as we take a quick look at the bay bridge approach. westbound 80 on this thursday morning moving well. >> just a few cars making their way into san francisco. the san mateo bridge drive looking pretty good to highway 92. we've got just a handful of cars in both directions. so you're making good time. the richmond, sandra fell bridge fairly deserted this morning
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as we're taking a look at no traffic really westbound on 5.80, making its way across the bay and into the north bay. and then, of course, for a marine county commuters heading down to san francisco. you are looking at some pretty nice conditions here with hardly any traffic on southbound one. 0 one, no accidents, no incidents. the chp log fairly clear. more weather and traffic checks in a bit. now, let's get back to the news to the a leaked draft opinion from the supreme court that would overturn roe v wade is putting abortion rights at the center stage now of the midterm elections. experts weighing in, believe that this could fundamentally alter the trajectory of the election. proffers should say taylor spoke with a political science lecturer at san jose state to break this all down for us. >> i think this week's draft food, give a sickly drops a hand grenade in the middle of the men political science lecturer at san jose state. donna crane says the roe v wade draft opinion leak will certainly shake up the midterm elections in the fall between the 2 sides. whenever the
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issue of reproductive rights is at risk is shown to be at that motivates the pro-choice side. much more crane says. >> this will be needed from democrats after polls over reveal their base to be significantly less motivated to vote. the republicans, something she says that over time has led the country to this moment knowing how slowly the supreme court changes personnel. that's a lot. that's a long game. >> and here we are. you know, president trump has appointed the last 3 justices to the bench and antiabortion with antiabortion led senate by mitch mcconnell. it was successful in putting 3 more justices on the bench now they have a 6 to 3 majority. so it's taken them 50 but they have got there. and something i will mention is that one of the strategists who laid out that 50 year back in the 80's was a young lawyer at doj
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nissan meanwhile, other large issues impacting the landscape of the midterms include high inflation rates. >> a redistricting year, any president with an approval rating in the low 40's. but now with abortion rights on the line, crane says will likely see democrats mobilize and take action at the polls. >> every single candidate who's running is going to have to answer to nations questions from their potential voters about what they think about this, the ship. and i think that actually just really the answer because we know from public polling the and those answers will favor of the pro-choice side. >> well, as taylor per reporting as it relates to this issue in a cnn poll in january, about 69% of americans said they actually support or i should say, oppose the supreme court overturning roe v wade. so. doesn't seem as though the majority of americans are in favor of this move. abortion, by the way, emerging as a point of debate in the california governor's race. governor newsom releasing a new ad for his reelection campaign saying that he will be making this a key issue
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saying in the ad that overturning roe v wade is about controlling women. and he says california will add abortion protections to the state's constitution. >> with reproductive freedom under attack, who can california women count on to defend our rights? gop indoor senator brian dolly stands with donald trump. dolly wants to roll back abortion rights, punishing women and doctors. it's why california women and plan and the governor's goes on in the ad to reprimand republican gubernatorial candidate and state sen. >> brian, dolly for his prolife stance. but dolly says that he's happy that he was mentioned some staff and women's health, the highest taxes in the highest poverty rate in the nation. >> he has to divert us. all he does is divert because his policies have failed. look, the supreme court is going to do what it's going to do. obviously it won't change in the law. in california. there's been talk about some legislation coming through here at the capitol will see what that does.
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>> we asked ali, if rolling back california's abortion laws were on his agenda and he said he will leave that up to the state's supreme court. governor newsom is also joining a coalition of 17 u.s. governors calling on congress to immediately protect access to abortion and reproductive rights. any other questions are coming up now in light of this potential high court ruling against abortion, for instance, would also affect infertility treatments. we spoke to a fertility doctor about whether placing a ban on embryo and how that could affect infertility care proper. theresa stasi has that story. >> the theoretical risk here is that, you know, the state could say you can't discard those embryos. doctor, heather huddleston with ucsf said bixby center for global reproductive health examining the potential supreme court decision to ban legal abortions in the country. >> and how that could possibly stretch over into infertility
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treatments. quite honestly, i think it would be pretty unlikely to limit fertility treatment access in other states. >> but as you know, with the way that this ruling is, it really leaves it up to states to make rules that they want to make. and that's where it could get complicated and concerning for those needing assistance. the doctor explains typically 5 embryos are created for those undergoing care. >> however, if states pass laws stating that life begins at creation, then only one embryo could be produced in transferred at a time and that could cause problems. you you when you create those biden race, you can kind of keep the best one. >> and so you sort of have a better better pregnancy rate because you're picking one out of that group. and so if you can't do that, just makes you know, said having 50% success rate, it's going to be like 10%. >> which could drive up costs exponentially to get pregnant, especially since few insurance
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companies pay for infertility treatments. the doctor believes fundamentally treatments may not face a ban or limit. one anecdote i heard was that. >> you know, so. the like politicians in the states and that are in the state house or the governor or whatever, like very easy for them to make and will about abortion. but when it comes to fertility, a lot of these people have daughters, granddaughters, you know, >> were conceived by app or who need id app. so they actually have like more of connection to that idea out. >> the doctor says the bottom line is so much is unknown right now about how all of this will fall out leaving more questions and answers for everyone. theresa kron, 4 news. >> and you can always stay connected with kron 4 on our website and on our free apps as well for the very latest on this supreme court ruling regarding roe v wade, just scan that qr ke ycode. to that
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our website with all that information for you. it is also in the headlines. 45 1% of youth who identify as lgbtq have seriously contemplated suicide in the last year. that disturbing statistic is from the trevor project, an organization that provides services to that population. kron four's rob nesbitt has more on the story. >> may is mental health awareness month that it's clear from the survey published by the trevor project wednesday that bisexual, trans questioning and youth need access to mental health services. now more than ever, the colors of the pride flag are bright, but the experiences for those who identify with each color of the rainbow can be dark. a survey released wednesday by the trevor project shows that in the last year 45% of lgbtq youth seriously considered suicide with 14% attempting to take their own life. while the numbers are concerning, their consistent critical tow as the education manager at our family coalition, an organization that provides support for lgbtq youth and
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their families. he says there's a direct correlation between how lgbtq people are treated in public. and the response of are you sad. >> and such is the don't say bill that became law in florida, not being able even able to talk about your identity in schools is making environments where the students are feeling rather hopeless. nearly 34,000 people ranging in ages 13 to 24 took part in a national survey. according to the survey, lgbtq youth of color, transgender and non-binary youth considered an attempted suicide at higher rates. if you parse out by race or you parse out by location or you parse out by any other of that. the different factors that might affect their lives. and you can see a huge disparity. researchers found that teens and young adults with supported families, schools and communities reported lower rates of attempting suicide. but that 60% of lgbtq youth who wanted mental health care in the past year weren't able to get it. a cold, though, says the trevor project's findings may be concerning, but that he's
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encouraged by the help that's available to lgbtq youth in california, california department of education. in fact, has an entire part of their web site dedicated solely to lgbtq resources for both youth and for educators and families that need them, though. thousands of you took part in the survey, the trevor project emphasize the organization does not have known counter registries on lgbtq youth and date on the populations. mental health outcomes remains limited in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> for 11 is the time. another developing story this morning. apartment fire in mountain view killed one person and displaced about 50 others. >> firefighters say broke out yesterday at 3.33. a school avenue about one pm. that's where they found an apartment on the second floor in flames. 5 people were injured. a dog died. the cause of the fire is under investigation. we'll take a break for 11. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. we'll tell you what an external investigation is revealing about the death of
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mario gonzalez and what it means for the officers involved. >> plus, new developments now in the civil rights case of a former minneapolis police officer. how a federal judge responded to a plea deal from derek chauvin's legal team. we'll be right back.
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>> and we are back at 4.14. we've got harvey standing by with a check of our forecast on this thursday morning on this cinco de mayo. hope you've got some plans to get out there and celebrate today. looks like the weather will be pretty comfortable yeah, it is certainly a festival. one. you don't have to worry about. >> that heat that we saw yesterday because we had a lot of them are in stratus move into the bay area, cools off pretty nicely. and a lot of it is still sticking around. we're looking at san francisco and skies are not clear this morning. so you are going to have some low to ground fog, the cautious and careful if you're out there out and about. also, if you are out at the beach today, let's go ahead and get a look at know my clicker isn't changing. well, i'll do it automatically. so if you're out at the beach today and you are going to be there we go. okay. so conditions at the beach, sneaker waves and rip currents that's going to be in place from in this morning until 08:00pm tonight. so you want to be cautious and careful if you are out there.
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certainly you don't want to turn your back on those ways if you can stay where from the beach today, you might want to maybe a good day to go hiking or do some other activities just to stay away from the water. there. today. nothing like we were yesterday. so about as hot as we're going to get their morgan hill 80. but conquer livermore mid 70's in the east bay, you're in the mid-sixties right there to hayward into fremont up in the north bay. you've got naplan novato santa rosa upper 60's mid to lower 70's and along the coast. 56 the year. remember with that ground level stratus that were seen? let's get a look at our 7 day forecast. so today, much cooler than that, 90 we saw on the map yesterday, 70's across the board until we hit sunday. and that's when we start to cool off inland mid 60's for you. the air along the bay shore. you're in the 60's all throughout the week. and then along the coast 50's you have what, one warm-up on friday and 2 years low 60's and then
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you consistently say in the 50's. so again, if you have some plans, whatever you do, wherever you are, where jacket today. james, back to you. all right. thank you very much. rain it. let's check the roads this morning. see how the commute shaping up. >> it's pretty easy ride here on westbound 80 is you're making your way across the goal that the bay bridge for you this morning in the east bay. there really isn't much to talk about in terms any problems out there. >> there is an issue on northbound 80 just north of broadway out in oakland. looks like they have a was described as a silver honda into the center divide. so that might slow you down just a little bit. if you're getting past the area. and then there's also an issue on a highway. 17 over the summit there in the south bay. looks like we've got vehicle on the right hand shoulder. it's a narrow shoulder. so traffic is slowing down as he's trying to get by. so just be careful that here's the richmond. sandra fell bridge toll plaza camera again, very light traffic. we're not seeing any issues as you're making your way across that stretch of westbound 5.80, and for our north bay commuters. it doesn't look like there's anything out there in the north bay. the chp has no major incidents or accidents
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on the logs. so any stretch of one? 0, one from santa rosa down in the san francisco. you're moving just fine. all right. for 17, let's get back to the news. and mexican officials say that the biden administration has started expelling cubans and nicaraguans to mexico under the pandemic-related powers that denied them the chance to seek asylum in the u.s. now the administration is doing this at the same time that they're making public statements about trying to shut down that policy. so far u.s. officials say that people are being expelled from the country daily with an official at one border location saying that at least 100 cubans and nearly 2 dozen nicaraguans have been sent to mexico just this week alone, the biden administration hasn't commented yet on this information being released anonymously from both sides of the border. today is missing or murdered indigenous peoples awareness day and native american advocates are calling for action. they gathered on the steps of the capitol wednesday, tribal leaders, law enforcement and state officials discussed the
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disproportionate rates of violence against native americans and the lack of coverage. attorney general rob bonta emphasized how this kind of attention for indigenous people has been a long time coming out at so the issue that's flown under the radar where >> our tribal communities have not been seen or valued on this issue. where for many years, what girls, the daughters, mothers, sisters have gone missing and it's been under the radar and has not been addressed. that have gone to says that officers are working right now on guidelines training and technical assistance. plus. >> 5 million dollars is now being invested to help end violence against native americans. california is getting into crypto. apparently governor newsom issued an executive order making a path for the state to eventually take advantage of digital currencies. the order directs state agencies to work with the federal government to craft regulations for cryptocurrencies. it also calls for examining how broader block chain computer
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coding can be worked into government operations. according to newsom, says california is home to silicon valley. the state should be the leader in this space and adapting into this new technology. interest rates are going up as leaders make an effort to try to bring down record high inflation. the federal reserve is raising rates by half a percentage point. something they haven't done in quite a quite a while. we've got our dc correspondent hannah brandt joining us live with the story. good morning, hannah. >> james, good morning. in the goal with this move is to cool down the economy by slowing down spending. but president biden says we have to do more and republicans are pushing back against his ideas. >> the federal reserve is attacking. i inflation with its largest interest rate increase since 2000. the economy is strong and is well positioned to handle tighter monetary policy. the half a percent interest rate hike means borrowing for car loans, credit cards and mortgages will be more expensive. but
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federal reserve chair jerome powell hopes it helps drive down demand in our economy. it's not going to be pleasant either. but in the end, everyone is better off. president biden is also urging congress to bring down costs in other ways with legislation to help pay for child care and prescription drugs. he wants to offset that spending by taxing the rich. how are asking is that the wealthiest america's largest corporations begin to pay their fair share part of that for sure. but republicans like senator pat toomey are not on board. they should just totally dropped the reckless tax and spending spree that they're still threatening. >> even now, instead, senator rick scott says president biden should reverse policies that republicans call anti energy and cut regulations for businesses. we have a crisis and we have got to fix this as both parties squabble about their economic plans. powell hopes the federal reserve's actions will have an impact for americans and everyone will be better off if we can get this job done. the sooner the better. how does warn that
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outside factors like the war in ukraine or pandemic lockdowns in china could have an impact on economic progress. >> live in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> it is 4.22, we're all just about. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news the metaverse stepping into the physical world. we're going to take you inside its new store, opening up on the peninsula. that should be interesting will be right back. for 24 is
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the to the parent company of facebook is opening its first retail store in berlin games. pretty interesting. kron four's justin campbell got a chance to take a look ahead of its grand opening this coming monday. >> welcome to the first in-person megastore. the company wants you to experience their products firsthand and what the future of the metaverse will look like inside the latest in tech products to like these rape and glasses where you can play music, take pictures and record video. first facebook store opening coming up tonight on kron 4. i meant to say metta, but you get the idea we step right here. we knew like that for you. you don't even have to pull out your phone, which makes it
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easier for you to show the world what you see i can take because of that beautiful sunset driving home that back to the city or maybe you're looking for something else. hey, rudi, facebook portal tv, which turns existing tv into a video conferencing device. so you get older that maybe isn't considers what he occasions internet connectivity. that's fine. your full team will still work into like a smart tv where you can or maybe you're looking to play a game. the store has a room where you can try the latest in virtual reality. i tried the boxing game. the movie, my believe me. it's a just wiped down medicine is seeing is believing and they hope customers will see what's here. now and what's possible in the metaverse. i think mike tyson floyd mayweather that need something like this in their and work reporting in
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burlingame, justin campbell kron. 4 news. it does look like a workout. thank you, justin. >> okay. we'll take a quick break here for 26. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. an hours long standoff outside of an elementary school. >> we'll tell you what we're learning about them and cause that lockdown.
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>> getting another check of the weather. hello. but you'll see me here in a little bit. there good morning, everybody. we've got rain already standing by in the weather center right now. starting off the half hour with a check of your cinco de mayo forecast. good morning, rain. good morning. that, we're looking at space for second. it was a look at an all closely there. >> hey, this morning, cooler temperatures in the ones we saw yesterday got really warm, gusty as well. and you're seeing clouds today. we have are in stratus move into the bay area yesterday. a lot of its still sticking around and there's a slight chance of rain in the north bay. hey, if you're going to the beach today, we also want to be advised that there is a beach advisory in place. the waves out there pretty pretty rough today. so make sure you stay away. radar shows us right now the clouds i was talking about moving across the bay area this morning.


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