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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  April 21, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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this morning. we've got a closer look at where it's falling now and where it's headed next. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron 4 morning news at 6. >> morning and thanks for joining us on a nice rainy day. yeah, it's nice to have it. we have sure. while so we've got lots to look forward to today. and i guess the rain showers might last into tomorrow. let's find out for sure was being thankful for every drop i saw this morning. i didn't see too but we get more. >> i know we can be thankful for and prepare for it. that's all we can do because we absolutely do need it. but it does make for a rough commute this morning. pretty windy out there, too. you can see the trees around coit tower being pushed around in that steady breeze that has made its way into the bay area along with this much needed rain. snow in the sierras going to stay consistent from this point forward piling up in feet. well, the bay area, we're going to see waves of moisture pushing through one of those waves is currently making its way through our inland areas.
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right now. it's gradually made its way directly to the east, too. and now those of you out towards brentwood and antioch, you are right in the middle of it. let's time out where it's headed next. it's mostly out into the central valley from this point forward here in just a couple minutes towards bethel island in discovery bay areas further out towards the valley will also be picking up on that heavy rainfall here in just moments, but definitely coming down. pretty good from antioch, oakley, down through brentwood at the moment, the eastern edge of mount diablo and still coming down in san ramon as we do see a pocket of rainfall right there that is making its way to the east about to be pushing over 6.80, into some less populated terrain, higher up at the southern edge of mount diablo. and as for areas further south light showers to moderate showers from fremont milpitas down towards the very northern edge of san jose and pretty calm comparatively across the peninsula on up into the north bay at this point, maybe come from time to time. but we
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still have plenty of energy that is about to make its way in along with this cloudy blankets throughout the course of the day today. and it's going to be coming in waves as i've mentioned. so we will have dry times like late this morning early afternoon. our best chance of thunderstorms and in future cast. you can see all of that pockets of rain continue over the next hour or so. we'll get to dry conditions late this morning right after your morning commute. so not the best timing to drive right back out. and then thunderstorms push through in the middle of the day. resurgence of rainfall into the evening tonight. so waves of moisture means it's always time to be prepared for it. even if you do see some sunshine from time to time 50's for current temperatures, not coldest morning. so as long as you've got the rain jacket, the umbrella, you're pretty prepared for what we've got today. john, thanks for that. a lot of our gratefully quickly come and gone out there like this one in walnut creek, northbound south of tree boulevard. the accident. jessica clear. so you still seeing residual delays as you're traveling along 6.80.
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>> meteor lights are on traveling into the city because we had an earlier accident in the last hour. we do have one on the eastbound side near that treasure island exit. however, not seen any delays there. 12 minutes traveling from the maze that fremont street exit, the san mateo bridge slick and wet conditions. so about 13 minutes for you as you're making your way across towards the peninsula. let's check on the richmond. sandra fell bridge about 8 minutes as you're heading out of richmond and we'll leave you with a look at the south bay traveling along one o one. 85 heading into park a little under 32 minutes. darya. james, back to you. thank you. rain a 6, 0, 3, and you don't have to wear a mask anymore on bart. yeah. but how long will that last? it could be short-lived. one guard official, in fact, is proposing. >> enforcing their own mandate going forward with kron. 4 s camila barco to explain out in walnut creek. >> camila. >> you guys so yeah, people now have a choice. they can either wear a mask or not. when they ride on board this morning, we've seen people wearing them. we've seen other people not but they are
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optional. however, like you guys mentioned, bart officials, our trying to reinstate a mask mandate. now bart did drop their mask mandate because now there's no federal state or local orders requiring masks on public transportation. the state's department of health also terminated their statewide order on mask had been falling, tsa's guidance. but now that agency also won't be enforcing them either. however, as you mentioned, bar is reconsidering a proposal that would require a mask on its trains. the board's president, rebecca saltzman, she's the one that's introducing it. and here's why she's moving forward with it. >> because there are many riders who need to be protected from covid. so folks who have underlying health conditions who are immunocompromised kids under 5 were still not eligible to get vaccinated, which is i know amazing to some people because
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vaccines have been around so long. but small children are still not eligible. those people really need to be protected in the best protection is that everybody wearing. >> mask. >> now she be he will be presenting that proposal at the next port meeting. she says covid cases are going up again and they say that this is their way to keep riders safe, especially the ones who are at high risk or under the age of 5 but salzman says that her proposal would not make mask a permanent thing. like i said, she will be introducing that proposal next week on the 28th at their bar meeting. but in the meantime, darya james park police won't be enforcing mask. however, a bart officials, we are encouraging people to wear them. back to you guys. >> all right. thank you very much. coming along on the national level, the u.s. justice department is appealing the florida judge's ruling that ended the nationwide mask mandate on
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public transportation. and the cdc is in support of the appeal. this as a new poll by political shows more than half of americans supported the mask mandate. >> yes, so we spoke with a legal expert to try make sense of all this back and forth. loyola law professor, just levinson says that the appeal. we'll take a look at a federal law known as the public health service act. that's the law that gives the u.s. public health service, the authority to prevent the spread of diseases from other countries. >> into the u.s. professor, levinson says that the judge's opinion of the cdc's ability to respond to public health emergencies could potentially have a lasting effect on the cdc's authority. >> do you appeal it to you? just leave it there and say, look at just one district court judge, where do you peel up to the 11th circuit and then maybe up to the supreme court? >> as you said, and it comes to a lot of issues. there is a risk of more and more bad decisions if the 11th circuit court of appeals says no,
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you're right. you really should read the cdc's authority that narrowly than its decision upon decision. legal experts say this appeal will likely make its way all the way to the supreme >> also happening today, we have vice president kamala harris actually coming back to the bay area. she's going to be speaking at ucsf as part of a push to address what the white house calls maternal health crisis. growers are stinson is live to explain more. hi, sarah. >> that's right. we haven't seen kamala harris vice president in a long time visiting her home state, let alone her home area. the bay area, san francisco, specifically she'll be here at ucsf. she'll be getting a tour of health care facility talking with expecting mothers and families as well as talking with health care workers really trying to figure out how we can help this maternal health crisis and figuring out the holes in the gaps where we need to fill to make sure that people are
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ok as they give birth before and afterwards. what to the maternal health crisis will, according to the american medical association, women in the u.s. are more likely to suffer a pregnancy related death now than back in the 1990's, america's maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the developed world. black women are 3 times more likely than white women to die as a result of pregnancy. >> the cdc says 60% of these deaths are preventable. so the vice president is working on initiatives for maternal health to make sure that we combat the systematic inequities that lead to worse outcomes for women of color. she's very passionate about this topic and he's excited to bring it home to the bay area. the administration is investing 3 billion dollars to help prevent women from dying while pregnant or giving birth 11 states, including california, are taking advantage of that funding by asking for an extension of medicaid. postpartum coverage for a full year after pregnancy, 40% of those births
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in the u.s. are covered by medicaid. so that could give some kind of peace of mind of these families who depend on that health care and hopefully prevent these types of pregnancy related deaths. this and today we'll hear from a vice president kamala harris around 2 o'clock. and of course, you can't be very little media can be there. so we will have it for you on or 24 7 news app. kron-on. if you'd like to tune in again, 2 o'clock. but for now, i'm sarah stinson reporting live in san francisco. >> back to okay. thanks a lot, sarah. >> and speaking of political celebrities here in the bay, president barack obama is also expected to be in the bay area today. he'll be speaking at stanford later this morning. his office says that he's going to be talking about this information in the media and challenges to democracy. he is set to begin his speech at 9.40 this morning. >> it's 6, 0, 9, right now on a high school freshman in the east bay is recovering from being brutally attacked in school. kron four's gayle on spoke with her and her mom.
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>> cell phone video captures a young woman attacking another on the ground, throwing several punches inside a bathroom stall in el cerrito high school. the student on the ground, 14 year-old julie at sutherland does not fight back. it happened tuesday around lunchtime in an exclusive interview with kron 4 on wednesday. >> juliet described the experience as terrifying that punch me in the head. >> i'm the ground were kicking me on the ground. juliet says she had an encounter with another student before the attack. >> the situation escalated the west contra costa unified school district notified parents about the incident. the district says some of the people involved are not students and trespassed on campus with the help of another student. >> a group of like 4 or 5 other girls in another guy had ran into a bathroom following the whole crowd. the people that i've seen around here did at 10 my school.
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>> in a statement, the district says in part, they are working with police. safety is our top priority in wcc usd. and we have a recently put into place and hand safety measures at our schools, including limiting the points of entry on campus and requiring all students to wear their id card. we're also encouraging students to remain vigilant and recognize and report when there are strangers on >> the taking that was bad. it was to get it. >> you know, i mean, >> i mean, it's just crazy. so i have is to get in julie. its mother, michelle rodeman says she is concerned about safety. >> just last month, a fight broke out at the same school involving a firearm. the firearm was never fired and no one was injured the i i can't believe it and the face and my child's school. >> julie had suffered injuries to her head and abdomen. she says her friend was also hurt. >> also police say the department is investigating this incident reporting from
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el serino, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> 6.11, now and still looking at showers pushing across the bay that heaviest line of showers is now moved out into the delta. we're still going to be seeing energy moving waves throughout the course of your day to day. and i'm timing them out for you. helping you plan out this thursday. still to come. >> and traffic continues to pick up out there on your thursday morning. we're keeping a close eye on your drive times. we'll have a look at that. once we get back from break.
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6:14 am
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>> 6.14, at the time right now and why we're short sleeves. i mean, that's just i you know, it's so late to get the ski season a roll. and that's what's happening here. we are live look up. this is a tie-up with field acts station. you can hardly make out the road here because the snow is coming down hard enough, which is great. and when it's snowing up in the sierra, we also have to go visit a time, of because he always gives us first-hand perspective >> oh, it he looks cold. a high morning. >> jay-z and daryn, everybody in the bay area. good morning. yes, it is cold, but you know what? it's all good. we need this. no one would imagine that. april 21st, this is what it's going to look like in king veil. this elevation 6,000 feet or so up here in
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the summit in the sierra about look at all this fresh snow that we got here overnight. i mean, this is just a lot of snow that we've seen here. and you can't really say now that we've seen that tractor plow come by here in king ville to remove all the start of the roadway so they can open the shell gas station here. so a ton of snow here, by the way, for coming up here. yeah, it's beautiful, but that means you will need those chains eastbound. i-80 those chains are required between the nyack exit all the way to truckee. and if you're going westbound from the nevada side, you need them from the truckee area all the way back to nyack. so be prepared for that. of course, all wheel drive vehicles with snow. tires are exempt from that. also highway 50, you will need those chains street between twin bridges and meyer. so how every come up here you need those chains. we constantly keep running into drivers who are surprised to see this weather mad that they don't have chains with them. so you really need those chains. and caltrans says, if you're coming up here to max speed limit over the snow 30 miles an hour. and as they say, if you drive to the snow,
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take it slow because i've checked with chp already this morning, a few spinouts nothing yet to close. i-80 but they are working a few really, really be careful. in the meantime, though, we absolutely need this at, you know, we are in touch with. less thing is i know a lot of folks in the bay area left to come up to palisades tahoe to other ski resort houses. thousands. they got more snow in april and they did the last 2 months combined who would have imagined. but in that case, this is really good. you just got to be slow. if you're coming up with names and are you is that video in the night time with the snow really hitting it? was that your video from your drive this morning for the live shot? >> yes, it was. indeed. that was coming up. i-80 and that goes to show you darya that really the snow is sticking. i i-80 why you need those chains and also really the visibility tell you just going to be slow and you can't really see and we can't see you all that good either. by the way, tell your photographer to. >> i thought you were in the middle of some torrential. it's you know, when you're in the shower, it's steamy. you
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go that a little fog on the land. but i think it's probably like that tom. thank you so much for giving us firsthand look at here this morning. yeah, there's nobody to. they're trying to stay ahead of it all keep its low as 8 on warren's you. good advice there. and john looks like it's what's the next best window. >> for getting up year, a sign? what do you think? yeah, i would venture up their saturday okay. if you're feeling brave at the soon as friday afternoon. >> it looks like they're really trying to keep up with it. but i would say saturday for sure, that's going to be our consistently dry day friday. we're holding on to snowfall through the middle of the day there and we'll start to see a calming down after that. what you can see an ad is not very much of anything. i saw some cars up their second ago. things are really quiet. i know a lot of you are just sitting this one out today and that's for good reason. you don't be driving up there in those conditions that are very snow packed and also very, very windy where 8
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on standing. it's a little bit lower in elevation. once you head up towards donner summit, you're not just looking at multiple feet of snowfall. one to 3 feet of it. you're pairing it with winds gusting as high as 50 miles per hour. that means very low visibility drifting snow. if you're even heading off of a teethers likely going to be some closures on many roadways later today into tonight because of those strong winds paired with this heavy snowfall. such good news. we absolutely need it. you just got to plan around it. that's what we're here for to keep you updated on that. snow in the sierra does continue all day long today into the middle of the day tomorrow on the other hand, it's waves of rainfall here in the bay area. we just saw a heavy band of it make its way through the bay. and now a lot of that energy is pushed out into the central valley. some heavy rain just south of sacramento on i-5 right now as commuters between sacramento and stockton are finding making that drive. currently, you can see showers still hanging on a long 6.80,
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although hot lot calmer than earlier. altamonte past. still in it, too, comparatively pretty quiet across the north bay. some snow in upper elevations north of clear lake quiet right now in santa rosa down through nevado and eventually to timber on right along one o one. there and on the peninsula. just a couple of sprinkles remaining widespread moderate showers from the tri valley on up into the blows those areas right there still active. but we're actually starting to catch a bit of a break. and that's the way today goes waves of moisture pushing in in between those waves of moisture actually catching some sunshine. that's actually going to complicate things a little bit. once you get some heating on the ground under that sunshine, you see the potential of some upward convection that forms thunderstorms in the afternoon. and that is certainly a possibility today. possible thunderstorms as soon as the early afternoon. you see those hints of sunshine that will get later on in those pockets of rain pop up in embedded in those the potential of lightning of small hail and of isolated downpours to you. notice that
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the blue stays with us all day long while the bay area's that on and off pattern, we're actually going to likely see a dry commute home from work before resurgence of moisture after the sun goes down tonight. good news that might actually help even go to bed because most of us will be settled in on a thursday night, enjoying time at home. nice and cozy. by the time that rain pushes in another break and then another push of it into early tomorrow morning. 05:30am, here. some pockets of heavy rainfall for your friday morning commute. so this commute and tomorrow morning's commute. both going to be affected by that. you see snow finally receding from the sierra nevada towards late morning tomorrow. some showers hanging on intel the afternoon. just barely light snowfall up there for the most part tomorrow, middle of the day, we really start to calm things down. stay calm to the rest of the weekend. as far as we go with temperatures today, familiar stuff here. it's upper 50's at the coastline and it 60's for the rest of the bay. if you are venturing outside for more than just a few minutes today and find yourself under some sunshine, it's actually going to feel
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pretty nice, but only temporarily. so make sure that you've got the rain jackets and umbrellas with. yeah, regardless of when you step outside because especially this afternoon, those thunderstorms could catch you off guard a little bit. and you want to be prepared in case one does move overhead. now temperatures the next 7 days start to get pretty warm today and tomorrow are cool ones. but after tomorrow's rain pushes out, we're in for a dry stretch. and daytime highs will near 80 degrees for some of us by the finish of the weekend on sunday rain. john, thank you for that. and we do have slick conditions out there. the good news is i don't see any major hot spots. >> just some slick or roadways. so a 30 minute drive if you're traveling along one o one. 85 in to menlo park 2, 80 82 both are at the limit at this hour. let's check on the bay bridge. meter lights are on in the hour before last we had an accident. they were able to quickly clear that off. but they turn the meteor lights on. so 60 minutes traveling from the maze 2 that fremont street exit san mateo bridge, 13 minute drive traveling across towards the peninsula there at this hour,
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crockett down towards the maze. we are starting to pick up a bit as you're traveling through richmond and berkeley. so about 20 minutes for your drive. let's look at highway for travel time start to uptick. 28 minutes as you're traveling from any act, a conference to 42 the year and along southbound 6.80, doubling down to fremont a little under 17 minutes. can also see we're starting to pick up southbound along 8.80. the northbound side is moving along pretty nicely. darya. james, back to you. >> thank you very much. rain at 6.23. is the time and we are tracking the rain here in the bay area. just a quick look at the live radar imagery. we've got john with a closer look at the next round that's set to hit this going madison waves. more on that coming up. (music throughout)
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>> 6 26 and in the south bay, the federal aviation administration faa is working to move a group of homeless people away from the airport. the homeless have set up kind of an encampment, as you can see here. and it's near the landing strip at the san jose airport. all these vehicles are about 100 families live in the camp. me encampment in total and san jose city workers are notifying them now saying they have to clear out by june 30th. the faa says it's a safety concern. >> they keep this area and was not vacated. we will start to dismantle and clear by the week of may 6. >> the city has already cleared out another area plot of land that's across the
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street. it's 6.26. right now. and coming up next. >> more coverage of the rain which is covering the bay area. it's moved to the east, as you can see now and get a little break. i would say take the dogs out get to work. do you need to do? because it's going to be raining all day. we'll be right back.
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meet brett from apartment 2b. he's not letting an overdraft alert get him stressed. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> 6.29 right now and we're tracking the storm is moving all over. the place is heading out to the east bay right now. but don't be fooled. this is just part one. i was just thinking i was like, oh, you see it's moving out, not quite yes, waves of moisture today. so it's going to be one of those days where you got to be ready for it, whether it's sunny or whether it's raining. as you can see, a lot of that rainfall has moved out to the central valley right now are set up with max 2 on the wall. let's get over to max. one really quick there. you can see we have the embarcadero right there. a little bit wet. i actually saw some joggers on the embarcadero just a second ago. and you can see the gray that's out in the distance, fairly calm for the time being. i'm glad some of you guys are taking this window and enjoying it while it is relatively calm for a second. you can see the snow in the sierra that stays with us all day long today. so while we have waves of energy and some common between those waves for the bay, you're not going to see that so much in the sierra nevada. it's just going to stay consistently snowy all
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day long. and that's why today is not necessarily the day to brave those road conditions heading up to lake tahoe where we had in the bay. well, pretty quiet for most of us. a lot of that rain that was really heavy just about an hour ago has made its way out into the central valley now, now moving just south of sacramento between you and stockton. i-5 is very wet this morning for those drivers out there. and of course, we're wet across the bay area, too, because we saw dose of heavy rainfall throughout the night. and then that line that moved just moved through within the past hour, leaving us with calmer conditions right now. still some sprinkles out there. some light showers. but if you look that cloudy blanket that's offshore is definitely going to be providing us some energy that's about to make its way our direction. and i also want to point out to the map that we do have some lightning already offshore. that cloud to water lightning, i guess you could say because it's well out in the pacific will make its way our direction later on. so whereas we're probably dry for the time being a lot of that moisture.
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a lot of that instability is going to work its way direction. that's what's going to provide us with that chance of thunderstorms towards the middle of the afternoon. so showers on and off for the rest of the morning. may hear roll of thunder this morning. the better opportunity for it will be after some sunshine late morning. and then paired with those areas of those pockets of rainfall that push in towards around 1, 02:03:04pm, another resurgence of moisture after the commute tonight and after the sun goes down right now, temperatures are in the 50's. so it is a cool start. i would focus on the rain jacket, though, not the coldest mornings will be keeping you updated on the showers. give you the latest as we go. reena. thank you for that, john. and we've been keeping a close eye on your roadways because they're slick. thankfully, no major traffic collisions because of that right now. so 90 minute drive. >> 37 to the tolls across the golden gate bridge for you on this thursday morning. the bay bridge traffic is picking up their meter. lights are on. i told you at an earlier accident there now about 19
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minutes to make it from the maze to that u.s. tx people are driving slower. the meter lights are on and it's very slick. san mateo bridge, 40 minutes for your drive. 80 to one. 0 one. as you're crossing there and the south bay, if you're taking 1 one, you can see pretty much at the limit all the way across. 85 into miller park 30 minutes. 2, 88 82 also moving along nicely now, some slower highways like here, crockett down towards the maze. 22 minutes starting to pick up as you're traveling to berkeley and emeryville. let's check on highway 4. that's also starting to pick up in terms of drive times. 31 minutes traveling from antioch in to conquer and we'll check on a southbound 6, a doubling down to fremont 60 minutes there. looking at 8.80, southbound there, a few delays to fremont. the traffic continues to move along pretty nicely. darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of 6.33, a former peace, a priest that isn't a convicted child molester is being charged now with manslaughter while driving under the influence. he's going to be arraigned
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this afternoon. 75 year-old stephen. >> kai sully is charged with hitting 2 victims in the planned community of ross war in walnut creek. he struck a couple walking on the sidewalk as they were returning from a trivia game night at a local recreation facility. the 64 year-old kurt his gun. he died at the scene and his wife laura land, was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. just walk by the spot where there's i think the you know, leftovers from the flares and it just just hit me, you know, because i haven't been out since since the news. yeah, i'm just very, very sad. heasley previously served time for molesting several children at parishes in fremont and panel. he remains in custody in the martinez jail. one of the suspects in the sacramento mass shooting is now behind bars. smiley martin. he was in the hospital at first because he was injured the night of the shooting. now he faces charges for having a gun that he was not legally supposed to
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own and his brother dandre martin was also arrested in connection with the shooting. authorities are still searching for a 3rd suspect to la peyton. >> well, san francisco man who spent more than 3 decades behind bars for a murder he didn't commit was able to walk out of prison. 61 year-old joaquin, a studio was arrested in 1990, and convicted of the shooting death in san francisco. the northern california innocence project at santa clara university, though, advocated for his release. in fact, attorneys with the organization brought new evidence and eyewitness accounts which ultimately proved his innocence. so yes, spoke to reporters as he walked out of prison. a free man. >> you don't think you did. we a beacon that i probably all my sale. i'm like, oh, my god, i say may not know when i opened my eyes. he says something about doing. not
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>> yes, it is. case marked the first exoneration by the district attorney's innocence commission, which was established by san francisco district attorney chase being back in 2020 with the express purpose of reviewing potential wrongful conviction cases. also in san francisco, a civil case against businesses accused of fueling the opioid epidemic starts on monday. the city lawsuit takes on manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies that city officials say encouraged they're engaged in unlawful and harmful flooding of san francisco with opioids. now, walgreens has been named in the suit along with the allergen pharmaceutical company, teva pharmaceuticals and the endo pharmaceutical companies are all listed as defendants in this case. san francisco city attorney david chiu says that this is a first of its kind case because his office is targeting the entire supply chain. together.
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>> the over supplied opioids that resulted from the defendants false and misleading statements and from the defendant's failure to control against diversion, flooded san francisco with prescription opioids in created the crisis that we see playing out on our streets every day. >> according to chu, that city is already entering a settlement with one of the defendants. that company has already agreed to pay 10 million dollars to san francisco to combat the crisis. 5 million will be paid immediately. and the remaining 5 million will be paid over 10 years. >> time now, 6.37. and there are real concerns over the state of california's legal marijuana market. state leaders are warning that the pop market could be on the verge of a collapsed kron four's. ashley zavala tells us what they need. >> leaders of california's legal cannabis market say it's still in crisis mode. actually, it's gotten as a as an overall and revenue being driven into the legal market has gotten worse. marijuana sellers like jared quay low say they need the state to
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ease up on the amount of taxes it collects and some regulations with the state's industry on the brink of collapse were in a point where the market has actually stopped the number licensed dispensaries as has decreased taxes and regulations are also hurting small growers like johnny casale. i can. >> yeah. >> i can't imagine not doing something that i've been doing my whole life because ali says an oversupply of cannabis in the market has caused the price of tripoli flour to drop to $300 a pound. he says $161 of that gets cut by taxes. >> on top of other regulations he has to follow which also costs money. it's really easy. even for a like myself, that's not really highly educated to figure out that it just can't work. and in shops, a similar situation. >> experts say statewide anywhere between 30% to nearly half of the price customers pay for legal products is going to state and local taxes because of these higher prices, they're losing customers pretty much taking away. >> what is 30 to 40% of my business in the last year.
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>> so when you say your competition, you're saying the illegal market, right? yeah, that is the illicit market. they just they just don't have taxes and regulations and fees. state leaders say they're working on it. several bills are circulating through the state capitol to east taxes and make cannabis more accessible across the state. some advocates say they're hopeful governor newsome will provide relief for them in his revised version of the state budget due in may, some of these proposals could take months to go into effect. so in the meantime, we're looking at holding on by our fingernails. so we're just kind of hoping for a good and that there's good demand from tourism. ashley zavala kron, 4 news. >> lawmakers in the east bay are making it easier for you to get pot in. walnut creek delivered to the city voted unanimously to legalize. >> recreational pot delivery. but there are some restrictions right they're only 3 authorized companies to deliver to how you or your drivers can also deliver more than $5,000 with a product which is a state limit and they have delivered directly to customers without stopping
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along the way the council is delaying making a decision on allowing store-front sales of recreational pot until next year. >> well, the bay area air quality management district wants the pot business or one particular pot business to stop using diesel generators in east oakland. so district officials say green sage is using those generators without a permit at their oakland tenor e and the oakland cannery locations on san leandro street. officials say that they're going to ask the district's independent hearing board to order the business to shut down operations. and if the hearing board approves it well, green said it would have to shut down those generators immediately. >> well, we may be fairly calm at the moments after a rush of rainfall earlier this morning. but you see that cloudy blanket to the west of us. that's still steering its way our direction. and we do have plenty of snow that's going continue all day long today after the sierra nevada breaking it all down in your forecast. >> and will the higher winds and the slickest out here that we're seeing out there. our
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putting our drive times up in most parts of the bay area. we've been tracking your bridges and some of your slower highways. we'll have a look at that. once we get back from break. what can i du with less asthma? with dupixent, i can du more.. catching my train... making moves... ♪ making a connection... a train connection. that's how you du more with dupixent, which helps prevent asthma attacks. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems.
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6:43 am
>> 6.43 now. that is a great
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beach is not today, but it is fun to see the big waves for just don't go the national weather service says because of the big rip currents and strong sneaker waves that we're going to see you should not swim today. >> and it's no, day just nice day. there are a lot of people who who, you know, go out fish off the rocks teen right? not the day to do that. they and they know. and you know who you are? we want to have to do. another story of the coast goard had rescue somebody go right, the roxboro because, you know, if you're serious fishermen like water like the rain doesn't deter ios. oh, no, yeah. and we do have that extending i think still into tomorrow. we've got john in the weather center. good morning, john biggs. actually, it is the brave ones out there today. so don't be too because wimps will just a little close-up farther away from the water. >> all the state in my house fully admit looking out there, you can see the cloud cover that we have overhead and half moon bay looking calm at the moment, but don't let those
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waves there to see via that is definitely a day of high surf. and we're going continue to look at that. >> throughout the course of the day today on until 03:00am on saturday. we'll continue to see those high waves. the sneaker waves and of course, the dangerous rip currents, not necessarily a day to catch some sun at the beach anyways, but a good one to keep it a little bit further away from the coast. up in the sierra nevada, not the best day to be heading up there either. we're seeing snowfall piling up as high as 3 feet at those higher elevations that paired with some really strong winds does mean today's the day to avoid too much travel up that direction. comparatively quiet right now to where we were an hour ago when a line of heavy rainfall push through the bay area. some lingering showers across parts of the east bay will start with the north bay. you do have some snowfall up in the lake county mountains. really, the north bay is going to be our common spot from here on now. the moisture plume that's bringing us rain fall has shifted further southward. now more directed toward the core of the bay area and into the south bay. so these totals are where we're going to see some heavy rainfall. and at times some
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thunderstorms popping up later on. you can see that heaviest of rainfall in the central valley. now, brentwood, antioch, in the midst of some light showers currently also seeing some of those around mount diablo is stretching on towards san leandro. couple light sprinkles a few light showers as well around union city and into the santa clara valley. pretty quiet. all in all at this moment. multiple waves of energy will continue to push into the bay area today. so while the sierra nevada sees consistent blue indicating snow fall all day long up there, our rainfall is going to be on and off. we finished with this first wave of moisture going to see some peeks of sunshine as we work our way through the late morning and that sunshine actually gives a little bit extra convection, potential to that next wave that pushes in. you could see a few isolated thunderstorms popping up between one to 03:04pm, today. so you may see some sunshine but be ready at all times for some of those rain showers to push right back in and maybe even accompanied by some hail and some lightning too dry
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evening commute tonight. and then the rain pushes right back in as you're settling in for bed tonight, another wave on top of that into tomorrow morning making for a wet drive to work on friday morning pockets of heavy rain right in there. note that during this time the sierra doesn't let go of the snow. it stays put all the way through tomorrow morning and a little bit of a resurgence of it towards the middle of the day. tomorrow. but for the most part, by noontime friday, things will be pretty calm across the region. winter storm warnings in the sierra through 11:00am tomorrow and we are seeing one to 3 feet of that snow falling up at donner summit pair with 50 mile per hour winds. that's a recipe for very low visibility and also some blowing drifting snow on roadways that you don't want to be venturing out into. i'd hold off on the drive up there until saturday morning 60's for your highs today and 60's for your highs tomorrow. after that pretty smooth sailing. lots of sunshine and highs climbing as warm as the 70's by saturday, right? john, thank you for that. okay. so we do have an accident. this is a long 8.80.
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>> northbound south of west winton. so you might want to go ahead and take mission boulevard to get around that traveling into the city right now. 21 minutes because of the slick conditions and the high winds. so take your time as you're traveling out there. san mateo bridge about 15 minutes heading across towards the peninsula. let's head to the south bay to look at one. 0, one traveling for 85 in to menlo park around. 32 minutes story of james, back to you. thank you, brandon. 6.48, and somebody rob members of the berkeley high school mountain bike team at gunpoint over the weekend. scary situation. a van and for bikes in the end were stolen during this carjacking crop forcefully to go all spoke with the head coach. >> who says, yeah, it's been a rough week for the team. >> the berkeley police department is reviewing surveillance footage that may have captured the weekend carjacking involving coaches and members of the berkeley high school mountain bike team. the group of 5 was robbed at gunpoint near the intersection of 8th and virginia streets just after 3 o'clock saturday afternoon,
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head coach nick effort to make says the thieves were armed with guns wearing ski masks. coaches van for bikes were stolen and another badly damaged. well, the suspects drove off unfortunate. there's also tragic death on monday at the high school. >> that has affected the team that day. a student died after falling from a parking structure pepper to mix as they were not a part of the club. >> but were well known to members who are taking the loss our emotional taxing. we've definitely been working as a team to start of >> get through this together on saturday. hamper to make says the team was robbed. well, the coaches were dropping. one of the athletes off at home. they just returned to berkeley after a bike ride in napa county. it seems like people have picked up on bikes being pretty easily transportable. >> worth a watch and relatively easy sell on the great martin black market.
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this as bikes are growing in demand. well, gas prices continue to soar. >> in all the bike teams last totals, more than $20,000. fortunately, the community has helped raise more than $23,000 to replace what was stolen. phillipe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> 6.50, right now. let's talk warriors kuz. tonight is the night that will be in denver for the game. 3 in the first round of the series in the nba playoffs. yeah. they're in the series. 2 games to none. they won the first 2 at home. now it's going away to denver. the team. >> held his final practice of the chase center before taking off for the mile city. and you can see steph curry there along with all the others taken to the court, get warmed up. warriors say despite their lead in the series, though, obviously they know they need to stay focused because they know they've lost a bigger lead in the past. take a listen. class a tricky because >> you know, the emotion run high when you win. and they
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run low when you lose. so it's just important to stay even keeled and realized no winning 16. not winning, doing or not doing were supposed take the first 2 at home, protect home court. and respecting your opponent. having appropriate fear, knowing that they're more than capable of. evening out the series. if we don't come in and do our jobs. tell these young guys, most importantly, to enjoy this and appreciate the everyday doings of being an nba player because nothing's guaranteed in this business. >> and where the rights wet you know, headband clay also, i wonder, does he take rocco with him need to travel because they're going to be in denver and probably has somebody just dogs. it is a person for that. i think so. yeah. tipoff for tonight's game. >> in denver is at 7 o clock and we've got to talk about the area football, too, because of bad news. shocking news for 40 niner fans and for the team itself turns out the both samuel.
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>> wants out doesn't want to stay with san francisco. the superstar player made the request and we're still unclear as to why the teams made clear. they want to give him whatever he wants to stay, but people doesn't want to state. he has to come out to say anything just yet. parent is not about money because enough of it being thrown at him. he just he does want to stay with the same for some reason. the bill was arguably one of the best players are the best player on the team last year. he was key in helping the niners make it to the nfc championship game. and now with the news that he wants to go to a different team. what kind of impact will that have for the >> let's talk baseball. the giants taking on the mets brandon belt celebrating birthday and in the second inning, the birthday boy sends one deep to right by by that has been to the upper deck. the citi field that was belts forth, homer of the season and it gives giants a four-run lead right there. happy san francisco went on to win it 5
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5 to 2. and then the final game of the series is later this morning. first pitch for that 10:10am, our time right in new york. that's our that's our time. yeah, i hope so. yeah. it is >> for for the giants days. yeah. let's talk about them. they hosted the orioles at the coliseum. 5th inning is where we pick up the action here. hardline ball hard hit ball right up the middle that so let's have short stop. and that a lot of scored a run. and that was really all that was needed. this is one of the is about as low scores. you can get still win one to nothing was the final orioles walking away was that when the 2 teams will play again this afternoon? first pitch at 3.37. >> at the coliseum will be right back.
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6:55 am
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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> and thanks for waking up with us. waking up to a little rain around the bay and there's more where that came from. as you wake up, take your stretch and head outside. make sure you bring that umbrella with. you might have a shower or 2 to deal with this morning. and really all throughout the day. let's talk 0 in on who's got the most right now. just yet today is going to play games with this a little bit because it's going to get clear at times. and then it's going to be right back to the rainfall we go. so we've got to make sure that we're on top of it.
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staying ready with that rain jacket, the umbrella all day long. even when you do see those peaks of sunshine. now looking outside, got a jogger out there on the embarcadero. glad to see people taking advantage of a little dry window after the rainfall that we had about an hour ago coming down. pretty good at times. >> over the past hour for the bay area, that moisture plume still packing plenty of energy with it out to our west. and we actually do have some strikes of lightning out towards the central valley, actually quite near sacramento right now. i'm gonna first zoom in on that because that is indicative of the energy that we could be seeing work in our direction later on into the afternoon. so right now, we do have a pretty solid system that is a thunderstorm that is working its way just east of sacramento, right around roseville right now coming down with a precipitation route rate of around a half an inch per hour. that is some really heavy rain that is falling out there to our east and all that energy is transferring slow the up into the sierra neva


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