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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  April 11, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> our prom four's rob nesbitt joins us now live with how the federal law will make a different with different with gun sales. you know, here in the bay area. that's right. vicki, according to mayor, look a quarter of the illegal gun seized by the san jose police department in the last year. we're ghost guns. he agrees with president biden. the new rules published by the justice department will save lives. >> this is >> president biden promised monday that if you commit a crime with a ghost gun, expect federal prosecution, the guns made with 3 d printers or sold as assembly kits have been a growing problem in cities all over the country, including san jose. anybody who might have some of conviction or the major. >> anyone else that we may not want to have a gun can easily or went on the internet and assemble in about 30 minutes on the kitchen table. san jose mayor sam liccardo was at the white house for president biden's announcement saying gun kits purchased online must have serial numbers on all pieces. sellers will need to be federally licensed and run background checks before selling a homemade gun kit.
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they will also need to keep records on purchases for as long as they are in business selling guns. cities like san jose throughout the state have been trying to pass their own ordinances. it's really whole the liberation of these this federal regulations properly enforced. i'm confident will be. >> is really going to save a lot of cities. this to challenge of trying to put on their own. the ghost gun rules have been making their way through the federal regulation process for nearly a year. biden says congress now needs to pass universal background checks and ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. one week after 6 people were shot and killed in downtown sacramento. >> think about the mass shootings. is a hunter rounds. so weapon war. >> it didn't take long for president biden's announcement to be met with opposition director of the gun owners of america says the group will sue the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives to halt the implementation of the rule. live in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. thank
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you, rob. gilroy's mayor says the city will not remove a city council member from office over a deadly shooting at a halloween party at her home last year. >> an independent investigator that the city hired found the gilroy councilwoman rebeca armendariz helped plan the party miners were drinking at the event the night ended with 4 teenagers shot. one died. another was left seriously wounded. the city of gilroy says community members have been asking if the council member loser spot over the shooting, but the city says it can only cite her for breaking eunice abul codes and it will not remove her title. but the council woman and the city of gilroy are facing civil cases in court over the events that night. that our coronavirus coverage and the city of philadelphia is reinstating its indoor mask mandate ahead of the busy weekend upcoming. the city's health commissioner says businesses will have a week now to give customers a
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heads up before the mandate goes back into effect on monday of next week. this comes as the city's reporting, more than a 50% increase in positive covid cases over the past 10 days. philadelphia is the first major u.s. city to reimpose an indoor mask mandate since the omicron wave. 72 people who attended the grid iron dinner in washington, d.c., last weekend. >> they tested positive for coronavirus. hundreds of people were there, including members of the biden administration, agriculture secretary tom vilsack tested positive friday. attorney general merrick garland and commerce secretary gina raimondo tested positive last week as well. congressman joaquin castro of texas and adam schiff of burbank. they also tested positive. maine senator susan collins became infected after the event. >> authorities in shanghai are starting to ease some covid restrictions. despite reporting a record more than
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25,000 new infections yesterday. officials you see the drones there. they've been using these things to warn the city's residents to comply with strict lockdown restrictions. many have reportedly strusgle to find food and medicine well-being banned from leaving their homes. the couple weeks now of this. meanwhile. manufacturing, but the northwest portion of hong kong had to close because it close itself off the rivals due to the covid surge in its big eastern cities. happening tomorrow. san francisco mayor london breed will be joined by senator alex padilla to announce a nearly 400 million dollar investment in the san francisco's public transportation. the money will be distributed to bart and the san francisco municipal transportation agency muni. so far more than 1.6 billion dollars has been delivered to both organizations to support their operations during the
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pandemic. this comes as 80% of bay area. employers say they plan to bring workers back to the office this month. >> some airlines are shortening their schedules in hopes of giving travelers a smoother trip to their summer destinations. jetblue and alaska airlines are both working to reduce flights in the coming months leading up to summer. alaska airlines says that it would reduce its flight sunday and then right on through the summer due to staffing problems. the airline also plans to catch up on pilot training. jet blue is expecting to reduce its flight by 8 to 10% in the summer season. other companies like american airlines say that they're ready for the busy summer season due to their monthlong hiring spree. >> time now as we get a live look outside on this blustery monday will get try to fly a kite, but like the go and look who just blew in. how about i mean, it's been whipping. i mean, really gusty behind this
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cold front that came through mazin gusts up there right now. blowing just about everywhere you go. clear skies around most the bay area. the flags, though, kind of whipping in that wind outside tonight, you've got a high profile of a vehicle or a something, a large car. you've got to watch it. go with the round on many of roadways out there, especially the bridges about this gus, 60 mile an hour gusts reported at san francisco international airport. san francisco downtown had a gust of 49 augusta. 54 in oakland. 45 am pacific. also a gust. 45 in san carlos and 38 in san jose. so a very gusty conditions all around the bay area's that cold front has moved on through. now, you can still see producing some showers in the sierra nevada, the bay area for the most part staying dry, the higher country still seeing some snow showers in the high some thunderstorms popping up there as well. but right now, these kind of quieting down outside as far as the rain is concerned, as far as the wind is concerned, that's a completely different story. we've got some very blustery conditions around the
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bay area. 32 mile hour winds at stinson beach. 32 of near beach appeared one in san francisco. 26 mile an hour winds. 36 mile an hour winds. >> in the richmond right now. 31 in pacifica. 36 in millbrae and burlingame was just some gusty winds all around the bay area falling behind that cold front. so a blustery evening tonight, although these wind should begin to subside as we head throughout the night tonight and then by tomorrow, more of a general sea breeze kicks in late in the day, but we're not done with the rain just yet this front moving on through. i don't see a big dome of high pressure building in behind it. so tomorrow is going to be kind of a cool kind of a brisk afternoon. then as we head toward the next few days, think we might be talking about more rain, maybe late on wednesday into thursday. we'll have more on that coming up a few minutes. >> a loud bang sent crowds of people running away from new york's times square yesterday. the new york city fire department says the boom was
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caused by a manhole explosion near times square. hard rock cafe. smoke was also seen coming out of the 2 other manholes utility company. con edison says the fires there were caused by a cable failure and there were no injuries reported. >> still to come, wild weather set a national record last month. how many tornadoes blew through the country? >> in march and bold thieves risking their lives for precious metal where utility crews are watching copper power lines this year. some
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when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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>> copper has become so valuable. it is sparking a bold, new kind of crime. thieves in washington state have been risking their lives to steal power transmission cables. it is a race to see who can cut down the old wires first. an energy utility company says the power lines are retired and not energized, but the copper they're made of has made them a hot commodity. utility crews know they have to hurry because they understand just how much that copper is worth. >> stop for wrecking out is almost 3 pounds. but a photo wire make some 15 bucks. >> and fans are out and about 500 so do that. and there are 6 pays up there. i find 5 by 6. >> we're looking at almost $36,000 for missed our that our
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>> a lot of my $36,000 for one section of cable thieves are climbing nearly 100 foot towers without any safety gear carrying nothing. but a well. i think the solid off the power company has now hired security to guard those lines. >> still ahead, a remarkable return to golf. tiger woods magical masters. come back as he set
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>> he didn't have his a game but just finishing was a remarkable achievement. you're talking about 14 months after that near fatal car crash. tiger woods managed to finish the masters played all 4 rounds standing ovation yesterday from the crowd in augusta, georgia. tiger said he was play to win. yes, but limping around. he finished miles back from the eventual champion. a 25 year-old texan who is having one of the best runs in recent golf history. aaron nolan has details now on the newest owner of the green jacket. >> new jersey born texas scottie scheffler surged into the lead. at the masters in augusta, georgia, a friday lead he held until the final hole on sunday. i was fortunate for myself in a position where i was in control determine today. so i didn't have to worry about. >> what anybody else is doing out there. if i took care of my stuff and played good like i get the job done. now, if
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you're a casual golf and scheffler is likely not a household name. his victory came on a day when one of the sport's established stars turned in a spectacular performance with this amazing shot out of the sand. >> roy mcilroy tied the lowest round ever at augusta 8 under 64. but it wasn't enough to claim his first masters. i give it a great cohen. i kind ask anymore myself. you know, i i went out there today show my best ever score at augusta. as for the man, most people were looking for. >> tiger woods, his comeback was something special. his goal was to win to contend on these hallowed greens. but on sunday, tiger, we 6 over his worst round ever at the masters. such a finish is rare for tiger woods, but also understandable. he's just 13 months removed from a car crash in california that left his right leg cheddar. on the final hole sunday fans saluted tiger both for his greatness and for his grit. thankful. as
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i said, i to i i keep saying but i am i really really am. i'm just to get to this point. >> and not only just to play, but i put up a good first round. >> that he did after the tournament. tiger woods says that he's definitely planning to play the open the open championship in scotland. this coming july of this year's tournament is taking place at saint andrews where tiger when 2 of his open titles. >> the warriors know who their first playoff opponent will be at first the dup's will half home court advantage still face the denver nuggets in denver did beat the warriors sin 3 out of there. 4 games pthis regular season. so it's going to be a nice test. the biggest question really is steph curry going to be ready for game one on saturday. that is expected to be decided closer to the weekend. once they see how that sprained
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foot responds to practice activity as they ramp him up over the next few days. the warriors are the 3 seed in the western conference playoffs. march was a record-breaking month for twisters. according to the national weather service march saw the highest number >> of tornadoes in that month in u.s. history over 200 tornadoes occurred in march with many happening toward the end of the month on march, 30th, 8 states in the south and midwest were under tornado watch the earlier in the month. more than 60 tornadoes happened across 5 southeastern states. more severe weather that could trigger tornadoes. it's actually expected in the southeast over the next several days. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now. i guess april could break a new record. yeah. if this keeps going, i mean, it looks amazing out there. the forecast. >> coming up here, this looks like a major severe weather outbreak across the country's midsection right through tornado alley. you see that
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all way down south of the dallas and houston all the way up in omaha, the possibility of some severe weather over the next few days. we're going to see just the perfect recipe. got the cold air from the system that you've seen go through here. that's going start to drop in across the plains. got all that warm air coming up the south before. you know it. yeah. kind of combines right there in the country's midsection. even tonight we've got some tornado watches up there near a little rock. you can see that texarkana as well in fort smith is we've got some severe thunderstorms developing now. but for the most part, the bigger storms expected the next few days. here's your cold front. moving through town today that brought with it the night showers around the bay area. things settling down a little bit. now. some snow continuing linger over the sierra nevada around the bay area. though things are quieter as far as the rain is concerned, the rain is coming to an end but the winds have really been whipping around the bay area. some 30 40 mile an hour. gusts are common. we've had gusts even as high as 50 and 60 miles per hour down in the urban areas, not over the mountain tops but places where we live. want to show you the long-range
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forecast. this work is really a thing. here's your system going through right now. kind of fall apart behind that. we've got yet another storm system gets a little bit closer. the bay area wednesday night into thursday. the main focus going to be a little further to the north, really north of the golden gate bridge. but a chance to get us more rain here. more snow up in the sierra nevada. that system slowly drags through into wednesday as well. and then look at that as we get in the following weekend. how about that friday night into saturday, a chance of a more significant storm system dropping into the bay area behind that. i don't see a major ridge. so that means things are going to stay rather active still. and yet as we get into next week, possibility of another storm system coming in late monday night and into early tuesday morning in no sign of ridge of high pressure after that. and you see that next storm system kind of lining up off the coastline. so keep your fingers crossed for all that. that be great. none of these look like huge rainmakers. but boy, they can add up over time here. if we get some more rain going, that would certainly help outside. tonight. it is windy around the bay area looking toward sfo where they had a gust there of 60 miles per hour. if you're stepping
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outside tonight, plan on some gusty winds out there and a few passing clouds. otherwise it should stay dry. but hold on. it is going to be ripping out there for tonight. tomorrow. the temperatures going to stay fairly cool around the bay area plan on highs in the 50's. maybe the low 60's in the warmest spots. coachella returns this weekend after a two-year hiatus. more than 100 artists will perform on 7 different stages over. >> 2 weekends at the empire polo club in southern california. riverside county headliners include harry styles, billie eilish and the weekend stick. it sold out. but there are some available on the resale market. if you can't make it to the festival. the show we'll be live streamed on coachella's youtube channel. ok? huge announcement from britney spears today. she's pregnant. one thing spears mention in her conservatorship, the testimonies that she wanted kids, more of them in now. >> she's posting on instagram that what she thought was a food baby is our human baby. she joked in the post that she
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just just ate too much on a trip ali. but a pregnancy test came back positive. she posted the news in a photo with her fiance, the personal trainer and actor sam has gari. this will be spears. 3rd child. >> but there's some mixed reaction from students just ahead. well, i think it is. >> shooting his shot to try and on live tv. why he came so close but failed.
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meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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normally friday would be the last day to file your taxes. but given this year's extended deadline. >> why tax day is now a week. so you're lucky next monday, april 18th, but his if you haven't gotten it together yet, april 18th, that's the new deadline to file your taxes this year. all unemployment to support its taxable. unlike last year when there were special tax breaks, financial advisors say delays are expected due to an irs worker shortage. also filing online allows you to get a refund within. they say 21 days you can also still file for a test so if you really need to, which would push your new deadline to october. so, you know, some people. go there. you are will do just about anything for their 15 seconds of fame, right? would you just? here? we'll find out
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later. here's what one kid that he would do. >> arms. but there's some mixed reaction from students just ahead. >> we're not live. >> is there is that jacqueline reporter, the fox affiliate in washington, d.c., she shared this clip on twitter yes, some people are like where you actually live in. just hold the kid. you alive to get him to go. she said they they were not. she was there recording a something that was going to air ahead of the actual story gets a tease as it were. and yeah, just 10 years old. we just hope that and start a trend. yeah. hey. well, well for put it out there. so, we asked for it. >> that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5. >> hope you have a good night. appreciate you watching the news at 5. but stick around.
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kron. 4 news at 6 is coming up with the a lot of great content. good to see both. we all have those stories only thing out >> all right. vicki and grant, thank you both. coming up next, at 6 o'clock, the district attorneys of los angeles and san francisco joining forces today to ask for an end to what they are calling fraudulent lawsuits that they say target local minority owned businesses. plus that huge fire destroyed a sow say home depot over the weekend. we have the latest on the investigation into what caused it. >> that's coming up in a live report. i'm ken wayne. i
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> tonight at 6, a massive fire in the south bay. so large it could be seen from space officials still trying to figure out what caused this weekend's blaze that destroyed a san jose home depot. thank you for joining us tonight. i'm pam moore and i'm ken wayne. crews are still dealing with flare-ups tonight. 2 days after the fire started kron four's. justin campbell covered the story for us over the weekend. he joins us now live in san jose with the latest on the investigation. justin. >> ken and pam, i still want you to get a look in. you can see how big this fire was if what you're looking at right now is the roof is gone. you can see those burnrk


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