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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  March 9, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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it's scaring me, i had to check to see if you're alive. that's scary for me. if you die, rebecca -- >> caitlin, i'm not going to die. >> your hands are swelling. we love you. we wouldn't be here if we didn't love you. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> we had some people check the crash site. it was and it was tragic. >> because the car looked absolutely terrible. >> tonight at 5, the brother of the usf student found dead after going missing for 2 weeks is speaking with kron. 4 news tonight. what he's saying about how he'll remember his brother. thanks for watching us on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm grant lotus. tonight we're hearing from the family of 21 year-old chris he was a senior at the university of san francisco in the yangs body was found saturday inside his rented
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tesla. >> police say it was overturned down over a cliff near interstate 5 in the central valley. proffers rob nesbit spoke to lee rather he joins us live with more on the memorial service that will be held tomorrow. bob. >> vicki, there will be a lot of chris lee friends gathered at saint ignatius church in san francisco tomorrow for his memorial service. the fewer family members. that's because his parents live in china. and that's why his brother is raising money online to help with funeral expenses and to reunite his family. >> looking back on their childhood together, jerry liang remembers a challenging upbringing for him and chris liang. but he says it didn't stop his brother from being himself. he was unafraid to share his truth and his love with the world. >> wholeheartedly and unapologetically. that's why chris wanted to take a road trip from san francisco to irvine. according to jerry, when he didn't make it to his destination. that's when the worry set in jerry organized
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search parties and spread the word through an online campaign called find chris liang unable to make much progress with police who had a lot of ground to cover between the 2 cities. i was really just focusing on concerning aspects of the trip because, yeah, he's not taking the police were not picking it up. you know, the police said that chris had the right to disappear, even though i kept on telling them that something must have happened to him saturday evening, that fear became reality when chris's body was found inside his rented tesla in fresno county. while jerri waits for answers from police about how the crash happened. he's focusing on finding a way to bring his family back together in the bay area. my sister, my parents left for china that the pandemic hits and then we were permanently separated. so my brother passed away having not seen my parents and her sister in person since 2019, he says round-trip flights from china around $6,000 at his parents will have to quarantine for a month when they return to china. his goal is to raise around $50,000 to a gofundme to pay for funeral
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expenses and reunited family this spring. when chris first went missing, jerry talked a lot about his concerns for his brother's mental health. i'll have more on that coming up on kron. 4 news at 6. >> live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. thank you, rob. friends of a black trans woman believe that she may have been abducted from san francisco. >> the police department is investigating the allegations, but at this point, it's not clear exactly what has happened. 20 year-old isa, this was reportedly kidnapped monday night outside a hotel near fisherman's wharf are friends and a cousin believe that she may have ended up in oakland somehow and they have been involved in a violent struggle. the san francisco police department is leading the investigation. investigators say that they've canvassed the area for the missing person. but so far found no evidence or witnesses to the alleged abduction. today. police are trying to track down the person who killed a benicia business
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owner. >> friends tell us the victim is door saying the owner of rowe's market on columbus parkway throughout the day today. people as you see here, has been dropping off flowers to honor his life and kron four's obtained the surveillance footage of what is believed to be the suspect. the owner of definitely pizza, which is next to sings market share this footage with us. you see someone running away. benicia police responded to an alarm at rose market just after 10 last night. according to reports, officers showed up 2 minutes after they got the call when they first arrived. they say they found the market owner seeing with a gunshot wound in despite paramedics best efforts. he died at the scene when officers arrived. they say the shooter was nowhere to be found. >> this crime has been a tremendous loss for our community our department. you know, we do take it personal. many of us knew the clerk is a tremendous loss in general. but in this instance, it is it's really painful. >> clerk and owner benicia
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police say this is the second homicide of the year and they claim they have every resource and detective working this case. >> the east bay kron 4 has obtained this video showing a robbery in oakland. take a look at happened saturday night in a parking lot on 28th street. you can see the woman she was walking towards her car. she opens the back and that is when a man wearing all black there comes up from behind her, grabbed her bag. then there's a struggle, as you can see then woman is thrown to the ground. the thief takes off with the woman's bag. police say that he got into a car that was waiting for him and then took off investigators. hope that somebody might be able to identify this man and helped lead to an arrest. >> some great news about the forty-niners fan who suffered that traumatic brain injury after he was punched in the face in the la rams parking lot outside the nfc championship game in january. yeah. a family spokesman reports that he's now out of
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the hospital and at a bay area of rehab facility. ap>> kron four's dan kerman report. >> you're looking at video of daniel luna shooting baskets. luna is the oakland chef and forty-niners fan who was placed in a medically induced coma after being punched into so fi stadium parking lot outside the nfc championship football game in january. now he's out of the coma out of the hospital and the bay area rehab facility. the video that you have me. >> he joked in the city seem to to get some hits. but it's amazing, though. well, you know, show to the warriors the so get a 10 day contract out. you know, he he he's got a sense of humor, which is always is just charming and wonderful. i'm in everybody's hoping for recovery. >> family friend in crisis communications specialist sam singer says initially there were fears linda could die or never be able to walk or talk again. and while he's made significant progress since the incident, singer says luna has
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a traumatic brain injury and there's a long road ahead. he needs substantial help to be able to get through the days, chance really have got severe re-injury. >> so again, there's a lot down the road to deal with. >> but his spirit is strong. shortly after the incident, this man, brian cifuentes was arrested for the attack. but the mayor of inglewood has said in video he saw luhnow was the initial aggressor. la county district attorney george guess cone is still reviewing the case. but regardless what he decides, singer says there must be justice for daniel luna. >> so play stadium unit needs to be held accountable for allowing fans to be this close together in heated playoff game that's just unacceptable. the nfl needs to look at what its safety procedures are as well. so by stadium. >> luna is chef and owner of store or restaurant in oakland. he's hoping that one day soon he'll be able to
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return to the restaurant and see staff and customers. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> in the south bay, another person is in the hospital after being hit by a car in san jose. this latest incident happened just before 10 o'clock last night on drive in south san jose near hellyer park. the person was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. they're expected to survive. the driver is cooperating with police in san jose is now considering new measures to try to prevent traffic injuries and deaths in city leaders believe slowing drivers down as the best way to try to make roads safer. the new measures could include narrowing lanes along with adding speed bumps, radar speed signs and median islands. >> hi, weather. time on this hump day. taking a live look outside. that was very just like appeared as by magic. haha. well, guys, windy windsor and winds are going to get whipping around the bay area for tonight. we're going
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to see those winds whipped outside some very gusty winds. >> around parts, the bay area's high pressure builds in behind which system kind of dropping by out there. right now. the winds have already started to pick up, especially along the coastline that more of a sea breeze. we'll see that offshore wind kicking into gear, though, as we head through the night tonight and you'll see why we have a cold front up to our north. that's beginning to drop the northern california as that system kicks further south was already starting to pick up once it goes by. we're going to see offshore winds really get whipping around the bay area. and it's been blustery around the bay area today, some 20 some 30 mile an hour. winds gusting specially out near the coastal sections and then overnight tonight, yeah, we're going see some stronger winds, i think especially over the mountain tops. we're going to see some very strong gusty wind develop not only here, but around much of the state. those gusty winds really kind of kick in. you watch him come to the sacramento valley. first watching the colors begin to change first of the sacramento valley. and here they come right down through reading, pouring back into the barrier overnight tonight. it's tomorrow morning. some very gusty winds, some 40, maybe some 50 mile an hour gusts across some of the
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higher peaks. but even blustery down below that is going to make for a cool thursday around the bay area will have more on that. the rescue forecast coming up. thank you, lawrence. mayor london breed says san francisco is lifting covid restrictions at bars and gyms. >> a negative test will still be required at mega events with more than 1000 people that as per state guidelines. yeah. other than that covid health related mandates are going away in the city by the bay kron four's. >> has he made union has details now on the mayor's announcement. >> get ready to say goodbye to scenes like these wearing a mask in proving you're vaccinated. when entering indoor businesses in san francisco says mayor london breed under 2022 state of the city address. we've lifted the indoor mask mandates. >> and today. we are. we announced we are ending vaccine mandates for businesses. you guys don't seem very enthusiastic about that.
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>> this is a really good move. the executive director of the golden gate restaurant association, laurie thomas says the sf restaurant industry strongly approved the announcement. we need to move to where the >> the businesses can can can match the state and can be more consistent so that people know, hey, this is a safe you know, covidwise for sure. and things are moving forward. the san francisco department of public health says starting friday march 11th, you will no longer need proof of being vaccinated or a negative covid test to enter businesses where food and drinks are served. >> the same goes for indoor spaces where elevated breathing happens. like getting a workout at a gym or in the fitness studio. i do want to say some businesses may want to keep things a little tighter. so we just ask that everybody check with their restaurants and cafes and bars. but a lot of people will be moving in this direction. we anticipate. their london breed sees this as an important moment for the
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people of san francisco this time not open up our. >> it is time to open up our city is time to enjoy our lives. after everything we've experienced. >> has it made you kron? 4 news? >> still to come on, kron, 4 news at 5. our security guard, kevin to shoot it. we honor today in the nation's capital after giving his life to protect one of our own. and lawmakers on capitol hill are calling on the biden administration to ramp up domestic oil production too. >> lower gas prices and have the u.s. and nato are trying to help ukraine without
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>> and now to the ongoing devastation in ukraine. ukraine says a maternity and children's hospital was bombed overnight in the city of mariupol. we have video showing the aftermath of the attack just destroyed, burned cars, piles of debris near the entrance there. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelensky calls it an atrocity. the death toll from this incident is still unclear. but at least 17 people are injured. ukraine says russia broke a cease-fire agreement with subpoenas or flying to see the type of >> the barbaric use of military to go after innocent civilians in a sovereign country. it was supposed to allow civilians to escape the southern city of mariupol, which is under siege by
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russian troops. >> the white house is accusing russian president vladimir putin turning to more brutal tactics like these due to being frustrated by his militaries. slow progress. and as russia ramps up its assault of key cities in ukraine, the u.s. and nato are trying to figure out more ways to help ukraine kron four's washington correspondent alexandra limon joins us live with the latest. alex? it's a complicated situation. >> it is in conversations are ongoing. but earlier today the pentagon said in a briefing that it is not fully on board with the idea of transferring fighter jets to ukraine in part because up some logistical challenges. but the u.s. is providing what the pentagon says ukraine needs most and that air defense systems like surface to air missiles. california congressman kevin mccarthy says providing fighter jets to ukraine is especially
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important in light of reports that russia is bombing everything from hospitals to evacuation routes. russia comes in the murder, cease individuals. >> ukraine wants to defend themselves. the pilots know how to fly the mix if you're going to supply them, a job limbs, supply them with the mix as well. we do not support the transfer of additional fighter aircraft to the ukrainian air force. >> at this time, the biden administration and nato fear that the way the military jets are delivered could set off direct military conflict with russia. how do you get planes into ukraine in a way that is not escalatory the white house as a polish plan for the planes to be floated by u.s.. pilots won't work. fighter jets manned by americans departing a nato base to fly and airspace contest can tested with russia raises serious concerns for the united states and nato officials also reject declaring a no fly zone over ukraine. if america goes out, does a no fly zone. we're in training. the ability to enter
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into the war. but secretary of state antony blinken says russia still won't prevail. >> i'm absolutely convinced putin will fail. and russia will >> suffer a strategic defeat. >> now the u.s. house still plans to vote later tonight on a bill to fund the u.s. government that on the bus bill also contains 13 and a half billion dollars in additional aid to ukraine. >> all right, alex, i guess the question a lot of people are wondering is why the house is taking so long to get that funding bill passed. >> vote on that bill was supposed to happen much earlier today, but there were some disagreements about the covid funding that was in the bill about 15 and a half billion dollars for that. and because of the disagreements, even among democrats, democratic leadership decided to pull the covid funding from the on the bus and they're going to vote on each of those separately.
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>> all right. alexandra limon reporting live for us from washington tonight. thank you, alex. vice president kamala harris has arrived in poland to thank the country for taking in. >> ukrainian refugee. she will be there for some 2 days and is expected to continue talks with the country to reinforce the u.s. commitment to nato and to help out ukraine. vice president harris will meet with the president of poland and to the canadian prime minister justin trudeau. she will travel to romania on friday. >> in the east bay and effort is underway, pleasanton to send food and supplies to refugees escaping the crisis in ukraine today, volunteers with kids against hunger have been packing up meals which will be sent to help the refugees fleeing the war. the organization was founded in 2010 to help people suffering following the earthquake in haiti. in recent weeks. they have watched in horror as the humanitarian crisis unfolds in ukraine and they decided to shift all of the resources
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towards helping the refugees fleeing that crisis. >> that we thought, well, we can help we. we've got these meals. we've been doing this for 10 years and we can continue to help. and and we contacted organizations and in fact, we were able to send 285,000 meals just last week and was airlifted over there to the polling border. >> a huge help kids against hunger bay area's planning to hold many events like this one. if you are interested in volunteer opportunities are donating to their cause. you can head to kron 4 dot com to learn more. >> whether time taking a live look outside right now. downtown san francisco. >> the full disclosure here. sometimes we talk to lawrence right before we we send it over to that. going to talk about it. cool temperatures overnight. rain big wind. ends. we too. are you doing i was doing the wind? yeah. i can't. you never know when you're on you might do it again. yeah. you better. you
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better. be prepared to use enough to go and talk you. but hey, guys, yeah, we've got changes coming our way. as we've got that wind that is going to be sweeping down overnight tonight going to get very gusty in spots. clear out there right now. not bad, little hazy, but otherwise looking good. temperatures are holding in the 50's and the 60's outside right now. so we cool down from those numbers up in the 70's today or so ago. but >> the winds, yeah, they're going to be kicking up. you get toward the diablo range, the east bay hills, the north bay, especially over some of the mountain peaks above 1000 feet. islam, a county expecting some strong, gusty winds, maybe some 40, maybe some 50 mile an hour gusts across mountain tops overnight tonight and into tomorrow morning. then those winds will begin to subside. but just see it right here right now we're getting more of a strong on shore breeze. once that front comes through tonight, everything changed. that wind starts to come out of the north and here comes right on the central valley. start to see that pick up just after midnight atlas. peak are seeing some winds gusting over 20 miles an hour there. that really gets going really after midnight tonight, some blustery winds to generating, especially over the mountain tops. you'll see occasional gusts down below. but the mountain tops about 1000 feet.
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you're talking 40 some 50 mile an hour gust by tomorrow afternoon. things do begin to subside but still left with kind of a cool day outside high generally in the 50's and the 60's. >> thanks, lauren. still ahead tonight, wnba star brittney griner is in a russian jail cell as she faces drug charges in that country. the details we're learning about her arrest that is coming up after the break. >> and how california is preparing for a long covid-19 cases. it's c
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>> today state lawmakers held a hearing on the impacts of deal with the call long covid the covid that just won't go away or you've symptoms months, months after you got it. and really how people should be preparing to help care for folks who have that. experts say that those with long covid have. >> ongoing issues in the body and the brain and there are still many unknowns. ashley zavala explains what health care providers are struggling with and what patients are demanding. >> preparing for long-term covid-19 cases in california is a big project ahead for state leaders. the state senate committees on health and pandemic emergency response work to figure out where to even start at its hearing wednesday. it's it's imperative that we now start to get reduced tension to understanding and treating long covid in the months and years to come. experts told lawmakers long covid creates ongoing problems for people physically and mentally doctor steven deeks with the university of san francisco said some of the sickest patients are those who got
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infected in the first wave of the virus. >> with still so many unknowns with the latest omicron surge. >> 1000 people, at least in the state of california. could end up. with profound residual diseases have him impact on their data those living with long covid told lawmakers getting care is a struggle they called for more access to treatment, more research and said those with long covid-19 should get the protections provided by the americans with disabilities act. >> leave the scariest part of all of this is that we have no idea what the future holds. more research is in the state leaders are keeping an eye on u c l a's inspire study. a project funded by the cdc to study long-term health effects of the virus. doctor joann elmore is a principal investigator on the project. >> it's basically just information. perfect storm patients and their families are anxious and suffering. there's not adequate support for health care providers in the health system. we would
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like to see more patients. we don't have capacity and we need to support collections, higher quality evidence long-haul covid could impact more than just the people it infects. but also the workforce. the mayo clinic's covid rehab director told lawmakers an estimated 2.4 million americans may not be able to work because of covid disabilities. >> we're going to be facing a tidal wave of patients unable to return to work for a prolonged period of time due to long covid. and i really fear what this may do to our world as we know what lawmakers did not take specific action in wednesday's hearing, but could take the information to create new policies. >> in sacramento, ashley zavala kron. 4 news. >> after it was bought, some progress had been made between major league baseball and its players. union for games have now been canceled. keep reading tells us what the new best case scenario is for seeing the asian giants play games and the director of the hit movie. the black panther was detained after being mistaken for a bank robber.
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>> what went wrong when he tried to withdraw some money? struck. 4 security guard kevin sheedy who was killed while protecting a news crew is being honored in washington, dc. we have the latest when that c
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oh, wow, barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. but i just... so thanks, but, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability guard who was killed late last year while protecting one of our journalists was just honored late today with the radio television digital news foundations, citation of


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