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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  February 14, 2022 6:30pm-7:01pm PST

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feet. sot out maddon who gave him advice and then the 2 formed a friendship in a mad really became one of rivera's most trusted mentors and rivera credits him with helping turn around that franchise. as you see fans, they're soaking it all up, celebrating the life of madden who is one of the rare individuals that really touched several generations from this time is that the coach and then the broadcaster and now even young kids know him as the video game guy. so john madden being remembered. bulls continue to check back in here at this memorial service. and if you would like to watch it live, we are streaming it. >> on our kron on app. >> another memorial, this one being organized by the fiance of the man who drowned near beach last week, jose padilla is body was recovered on friday, 3 days after a rogue wave pulled him out to see what happened when he was out fishing near the for us. rob
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nesbitt spoke to the agencies that conducted the rescue and recovery efforts and asked what they would recommend to the public when it comes to these sneaker waves. both the coast guard in the marine county fire department say that sneaker waves are difficult for even the most advanced swimmers to navigate. it's the type of way, but now has the padilla family making funeral plans? >> for days, multiple rescue agencies in moraine county search the waters of near beach for jose medaria padilla. his fiance shawn hinson posted online that the national park service recovered his body. >> saying, quote, he was found just before sundown on february. 11th on the shore near the accident site. now we will be able to bring him home to his family in honduras. before that, we want to host a memorial to give everyone an opportunity to say goodbye, raising money online for the memorial with a $10,000 goal. according to the u.s. coast guard, sneaker waves were responsible for 17 deaths along the california coast last year. search and rescue specialist with the coast guard douglas amp's as winter storms in the gulf of alaska
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caused the sneaker wave that killed padilla. the pacific ocean waves are a powerful. the waters turbulent cold. >> and the coastline is rocky and jaggar it. it's very difficult to get out of the water once you're inside the want. >> in moraine county threatening teague is in charge of coordinating water rescues. he recommends checking the marine forecast before going near the water. have a life jacket on hand and take extra precautions. if you're going to fish the shoreline spot is not going impact my weight. so not near ginger or rock areas where areas that are elevated that you have better platform with the pier that might be safer. the online fundraiser for padilla is memorial service has raised around $6700 of its $10,000 goal. >> in san francisco, i'm rob nesbitt. kron. 4 news. >> that it developing story. how the peninsula caltrans says a person has died after being hit by a train. it happened just before 11 o'clock this morning at the ranks or if avenue area in mountain view. calif train says the person who was hit
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was trespassing on the tracks about 30 people were on board. the train involved. none of those people were hurt. all tracks have since reopened and services resumed. this is cal trains. first fatality of 2022. >> some big changes apart this week should make it a little easier for more people to get around. starting today. there's a new transfer point at the bay fair station. so that east bay riders have a new option and heading into the south bay. bart is also adding more trains to its yellow line on saturdays and will offer a midnight train on sundays. these changes come as pandemic restrictions are being lifted. more people are going back to work. >> and that will make it easier for folks, especially in contra costa county to go into downtown san francisco and vice versa. it really is a big deal for our riders. the fact that we're extending our service to midnight 7 days a week. >> hart is also working with cal train to make sure that people have enough time to transfer between their trains.
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>> well, gas prices are going back up. in fact, california is inching towards the highest prices the state has ever seen, according to triple a crude oil has increased by about $30 a barrel since august. and that price is then passed on to us at the pump. aaa says if you're hoping to see prices go down a bit before the summer surge, you'll be disappointed. >> if any believes going to happen. doesn't look like it will happen till at least the end of this year. unfortunately, for many voters here in the united states, we don't anticipate paying less than $3 for much of this year. and for us here in california, that means the average for a gallon of regular will likely stay above $4. >> until the end of the year. ouch. >> millions of dollars are going towards expanding broadband access. but as the biden administration points to their broadband achievements, advocates say, well, there's more to be done to get americans connected to the internet. more than 10 million
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households are now part program to make internet access little more affordable. the bipartisan infrastructure law is investing billions into the affordability connectivity program, providing families with internet subsidies. >> when we connect families and workers, students and small business owners. but high-speed internet, we connect them to opportunity. >> advocates say that additional funding is an important step forward, but they do emphasize there's a lot more work to do to make the program more accessible. the center for rural strategies is also pushing for leaders to find solutions that fit local communities. and speaking to local. this is our local camera pointed in the direction of the iconic. transamerica pyramid dark out there cold. in fact, it was cold most of the day, most of the day and the winds are going to be kicking up in boy lights. it is a good thing. we got the rain in october in december when we did because if not.
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>> and you have these winds. yeah, well, it could be an issue. yeah, right now doesn't look like fires going to be an issue, but it is going to be whipping around the bay area. hunker down with your valentine out there tonight. cold out there as well. the winds already kicking up outside. we've got some advisories for some. >> a stronger gusts as we head throughout the day tomorrow from 07:00am to 07:00pm. national weather services issued a high wind advisory across county, but the entire bay area is going to see some very gusty winds as this front comes through. we watch those winds begin to pick up some 2030 plus mile hour gust showing up around the bay area now, especially along the coastline. they're going to ramp up throughout the night tonight and tomorrow as this cold front comes barreling through the bay area. now, there's not a whole lot of energy with it. unfortunately, it's going to be fairly dry system coming through. so there's a slight chance you might see a light sprinkle back side, though it's going to be the winds that are going to be the biggest issue as the system comes through overnight. tonight, the models are picking up on to see more of a westerly component. the winds right now you'll see that begin to change as we head through the night tonight
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and you start to see a shift a little more to the north and then by tomorrow morning, we definitely see more of a northerly component. some of those winds, 30 in some 40 mile an hour gusts as we head throughout the day tomorrow. and it's going to be blustery in spots. you watch as we head toward the afternoon, then you see really that offshore wind really trying to kick in. and that is that normally when developing outside and those winds getting very strong. so it is going to be a blustery day tomorrow. there's no getting around that this front drop all the way they almost due south and bring with it. a chance of rain in southern california may be a better chance of rain for them than what we had as that system comes through, though, all the wind is going to be racing on the backside of that given us a very strong gusty conditions throughout the day tomorrow. now that it's the system drops by bring with it, a slight chance of a light sprinkle, they're going to be some snow flurries up over the sierra nevada. so if you're headed up there, be prepared for that. and then on the backside of that just cold out there. but i think we'll see a rebound fairly quickly as high pressure started building on the backside of these temperatures. go to pop right back up. i think as we get
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into wednesday and thursday, but numbers tomorrow, we are going to be very cool highs only in the 50's and the 60's. but want to feel much cooler than that with the wind outside the next few days, we dry things out, bring some more sunshine and then we cool back down over the weekend with more winds expected the clouds by next monday. all right, lauren. still ahead on kron, 4 news at 6. if you're still waiting on last year's tax refund. >> you're not alone. how many people are still waiting on their money and why? and in sports, the warriors back in action tonight there in la preparing to take on the clipper sports director jason dumas says. >> reaction from steve kerr coming up. and would you move if the city you're going to is paying you to do so? we're going to take a look at the top 10 cities creating those financial incentives.
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oh, wow, barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. but i just... so thanks, but, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. when a truck hit my car, limited availability the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you
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get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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money tonight. 24 million taxpayers are still waiting on last year's refund. >> according to data from the washington post, the irs as nearly 24 million individual and business tax returns that have not been processed and need to be manually completed. the agency reported back in december more than 11 million unprocessed reports due to the pandemic. but numbers now have more than doubled. the federal agency is warning returns may be delayed for 10 months or more. new at 6 cities across the country are looking for ways to appeal to those who
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have turn to remote work by pay you to move their way. according to extra space storage dot com. >> at least 10 cities are offering incentives, including land crypto currency cash. here's a look at some of them. you have bemidji minnesota bentonville, arkansas, with that's where walmart is lincoln, kansas, morgantown, west virginia, home to the university of west virginia where they often burning couches after winning football games. new haven, connecticut newton iowa, a topeka, kansas, north platte, nebraska, tulsa, oklahoma, and west lafayette, indiana. some cities require residents live there for a full year while others pay out the cash over monthly installments. for example, if you choose to work remotely and purchase a home in tulsa say you could get up to $10,000 for the year. we have more details about each city on the website. kron 4 dot
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com. all right. next up, we'll tell you what happened. so that leftover super bowl gear for the opposing team. >> how it's going to help people all over the world for news. we'll be right back.
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>> when i give you another live look here. this is the memorial service for former oakland raiders coach, an nfl legend john madden happening in the coliseum right now. they're playing various video.
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tributes and people are speaking. we have a crew. there were also streaming this live. >> on the kron on app. >> right now to our 4 zone forecast as we get a live look outside right now, the iconic quite tower in san francisco. meteorologist lawrence karnow here looking way far off in the distance. yeah. wind and rain. 40 days since we've had any rain and that not amazing. not a record yet, but we get 57. then we start talking record territory. but out there tonight so far it is dry. there's a slight chance we could see a sprinkle. here's the long-range forecast models we head through the night tonight. we do have a cold front coming through. you felt that change in the air today and all those clouds rolling through. unfortunately, not much moisture left behind as we get into tomorrow afternoon, we clear out your skies get more northerly wind. it is going to get brisk, some windy conditions out there and then we're going to quiet down again. high pressure kind of builds in. we get off shore when the temperatures going to bounce back and warm up as we head into thursday and friday
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over the weekend. again, though, things change, especially late in the weekend on sunday, we've got another cold front dropping in. there you go. almost a replay as we get into the following monday as another weak system drop to bring with it. a slight chance of some sprinkles here in the bay area. and some gusty winds behind that otherwise remaining dry in the middle of the following week. so not the pattern that we'd like to see, but that's the one we're in right now. tomorrow, gusty winds outside 50's and some low 60's clear to san francisco about 59 degrees to over. now to 57 in half moon bay. you can see some gusty winds all around the bay area, coastal sections through some of the mountain gaps. tomorrow is one of those days that if you drive a high-profile vehicle, a truck of any kind, be extra careful, especially head across the bridges, some of the mountains locally as you're going to see those strong, gusty winds of 30 and 40 miles per hour around the bay area. so tomorrow is going to be a brisk, a blustery day. those temperatures are going to start to warm up a little bit on wednesday and thursday. cooling back down, partly cloudy skies next weekend, right, laurent now. and wait
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for the band. play now to this year's winter olympic games. after all that fanfare, we have actually less than a week. get all of your favorite athletes compete for gold. there are more medals on the line tonight for team usa marlena. but laura says in beijing with the latest. >> hello from the zahn dzeko mountain zone where sports like skiing and snowboarding take place and mckayla shiffrin takes a slopes again and women's downhill. the alpine skiing star did not finish in her first 2 events and then finished 9th in the super g shiffrin said it was a big relief to finish the event. ellis colby stevenson and alex hall will all have shots at medals in men's slope-style because of the winter weather. the competition was pushed back. so qualifying runs will begin tonight. lots of action to catch tonight. that is the latest here at the winter olympics. i'm marielena balouris. >> so let's take a look at where team usa stands right now in the medal count. they are in 3rd place with 16 total
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medal. 7 golds, norway's in first place with 9 golds and 21 total medals, germany second place with 15 total medals and 8 golds, the netherlands and austria round out the top 5. >> so now that the super bowl is over, what happens all that leftover bengals gear when you're in case they won. so the nonprofit good 3.60, says that it will repurpose the hats, the sweatshirt and shorts by sending them all around the world. the company will not disclose exactly where this batch of items eventually end up, but it could be anywhere from africa. the middle east are some regions in asia or south america. they say the important thing is to put the items to good use and make sure that they don't go to waste or end up in online auctions. >> and now kron 4 sports. 2 more games separate the warriors and a weeklong break and it comes at a perfect time. this is considered.
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>> the dog days of the nba season. yes, that does have been playing solid ball. but they are banged up. draymond green, andre iguodala and james wiseman remain out of the lineup. and other guys are playing through numerous ailments. tonight, golden state will take on the clippers down in socal. steve kerr has stressed the importance of entering the all-star break with some momentum and the first way to do that is to tighten up on the defensive side of the ball. >> transition defense has been really and we're going to cut quite often. so i'm just in you know, we always talk about to take show defensively. >> that our show has not kind leaks all over the place. so people are just going right past us from cows transition buckets, fact that you know, we've got a lot to clean. >> of course, we'll have highlights of that game once it goes final tonight. it hasn't started yet. now the bay area celebrated the life
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of john madden tonight during a memorial ceremony at his old stomping grounds. the coliseum fans came out to pay homage to the sports icon in bay area legend madden is from daly city and coached the raiders for 9 season and won a super bowl. he went on to become a legendary broadcaster and the face of one of the most successful video franchises ever. >> john was very intelligent. don't let that boom stuff. fool you. he's very intelligent man in a lot of different areas and he was willing to to talk about things. you know, whether it's football or not football. and so he was just a it was that encyclopedia britannica only in a fun way is a great i think that's what we all take with that way. so the coaches here, ex-players you know, it one of those kind of guys that just a good guy and love the
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that's what we all love to think that shared with us was you know what he believed was right or wrong about football. >> and i think it really % impact a lot of us. and i think because of that impact that he made on really helped throughout our career. and i think it still helps me today. >> the madden video game releases was like a yearly holiday in my household. used to way outside of the video game store around midnight to when it came out and i can buy my copy. so yeah, great memories from playing that video game. hope his enjoyed that ceremony today for him. all right. that's your look at sports. we'll be righ (typing) (toddler laughs) ♪ (train whizzes by) ♪ (toddler babbling) ♪ (buzzing sound) ♪ (dog barks) ♪ (wine glasses clink) ♪ (typing)
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and here's something important. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent.
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>> happening now, mcdonald's plant based burger. the mic plant is now available. they say here in the bay area, the burger features a patty made from ingredients like peas, rice and potatoes that the company co-developed with beyond meat, which is like the impossible burger in these have been around for a while. but now. at mickey d's here in the bay, they'll be available. the company says that approximately 600 participating locations for a limited time. they're trying to basically gauge customer demand for these things going to sell or no. plant is also available right now in the dallas fort worth area in texas. >> i take a look at this african penguins at the
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academy of science here in san francisco. they're getting hurt, shaped valentines to give to their nests is part of it. the academy's survival species plan typically the male penguins will accept the hartsville, take them as gifts to their female counterparts. who will then take them as nest lining material, the ideas that the valentine's encourage breeding behavior among the penguins and help the little penguin couples bond written inside the hearts for valentine's day messages from the academy's high school interns. very cute. aw. and if you're watching us on the new kronon app, a full hour of news is next. >> and we want to let you know that the memorial service for the late great coach, john bad news happening right now. that's at the coliseum in oakland. and that is former philadelphia eagles and current kansas city chiefs head coach andy reid, who is addressing a huge crowd which
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is packed the coliseum. tonight. we heard from a forty-niners coach, steve mariucci. kron on is actually going is streaming this right now. so if you want to check out the kron on app, you can watch the ceremony. chin ron rivera who coaches the football team in washington kron 4. the key is, you know, has a crew there and will be getting some of the highlights later tonight. yeah, fans and people from all over are coming to that event tonight. >> very heartfelt occasion on this valentine's day. night. everybody seating.
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now you know. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: love in the air at the super bowl. he had to leave the victory party after his wife went into labor. the big names at the big game. and none of them wore masks. all the behind the scene action at the halftime show for the ages. and after the game, the streets were paved with chaos. then... follow home danger alert. >> police found her dead in her bathtub and her alleged killer hiding under her bad for you to speak of what you need to kn


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