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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  December 6, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> we live in the capital saucon valley and any kind of technology that helps improve our level of service to our community is going to be welcome. >> automatic license plate, readers serious threat to t%e privacy of the entire community. >> tonight at 6. there are mixed feelings on license plate, readers that are coming to the south bay. the san jose city council has approved spending some of its federal covid relief money on those license plate readers, an effort to fight the recent rash of smash-and-grab thefts at retail stores. good evening, everybody, and welcome. thanks for joining us for kron 4 news at 6. i'm catherine heenan in for pam moore. i'm jonathan mccall. ken wayne has the night off san jose mayor sam liccardo announced the push for those license plate. readers. >> in response to recent incidents at valley fair santana row and downtown san
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jose where large groups of thieves rushed in and ransacked those stores. kron four's. rob fladeboe has reaction from police who say those devices will also help them fight other crimes. >> summer is committed $250,000 in american rescue plan funding to expand the city's deployment of automatic license plate, readers, not unlike these traffic cameras mounted on fixed locations near santana row. it's hoped the alp ours as they are known will deter the mobs of thieves targeting retail stores, but they will also help solve other crimes as well. so san jose police officer steven upon days. >> they're used very commonly to track down stolen vehicles. look after vehicles that are wanted for felonies like kidnappings. amber alerts or perhaps other situations where there are violent felonies that have occurred in or so seems to be a cult. police have had some success using similar devices mounted on vehicles and a reader help them track down burglary suspects at the grand century
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mall. >> critics of the plan. however, cite privacy issues associated with tracking people's movements gathering and storing information these devices. happy news to follow. >> a political activists. they have been used to identify and deport immigrants. the information can be stolen information can be misused by government employees there is simply too much credit to our privacy to put this kind of power in the hands of police officials said jose insistence plan restricts the use of data to investigate felony crimes only and would not be shared outside law enforcement. >> advocates say the readers will be a strong deterrent to retail sell off. but police say not the only deterrent. >> but nothing is going to replace uniformed officer who gets there to be able to make an arrest and nothing replaces a good witness who is out in the field and sees a crime occurring calls it and give us a great description of what's happening and really as a participant in making sure
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that they are also helping keep their community safe. the readers likely won't be up and running until the first part of next year at the earliest shopping malls will probably get them first, but eventually other crime hot spots as well. >> in san jose. rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> new covid protocols are set test guests ages 5 to 11 must be fully vaccinated or show a negative test within 72 hours of attending an event at the arena free testing will now be available on site an hour before scheduled events guests, 12 and up are still required to show proof of full vaccination in order to enter officials say the requirements will remain in place until state and local health and safety guidelines guidances are changed. >> in the east bay contra. costa county officials are not happy. this after finding out that no fines were issued to
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businesses, not in compliance with the county's vaccine verification order. so certain businesses are supposed to check the vaccination status of customers before they enter. but instead of issuing fines county health leaders in contra, costa say they are now taking a new approach to the businesses, not complying. kron four's rob nesbitt live for us tonight in the newsroom with reaction on both sides of this issue property. they jonathan catherine, no proof of full vaccination know going inside. that's the rule at restaurants and gyms in contra, costa county. one county supervisor says serious threats made by businesses, not in compliance is a big reason for a lack of citations. >> $1500. the price of not checking for proof of vaccine in contra. costa county was not cheap in september and october. >> but in november, no businesses received citations from county health services. >> education forward approach. we don't just jump right in there with a fine the get go. we give the businesses an
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opportunity just because our goal is really to get to compliance people to follow the order. our goal is not to shoot much doctor chris farnitano says that only for businesses have been fined since the vaccine verification order went into effect in september. >> in and out burger in pleasant hill even had their health permits suspended late october after repeat violations. the news of no citations last month did not sit well with karen mitch off. >> i was pretty irritated the county supervisor for district 4 says after several phone calls to county officials. she found out that death threats were being made to health inspectors writing citations our response. our county administrators was we can get you assistance for civil standbys. that is not an appropriate reason not to be out there citing businesses that need to be cited according to contra costa county health services. 80 complaints were made last businesses not in compliance mitch off says thsse calls were made for a reason and that she feels a sense of
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security when she's asked to show proof of full vaccination or another local restaurant sunday yesterday for breakfast. it was packed all inside people having a great time knowing that they're safe and that everybody there is vaccinated and it's not just for the patrons, it's also for the employees. >> proof of vaccine is not the only option and contra costa county businesses where people remove face coverings to eat or drink indoors can also ask customers to show proof of a negative covid test result from the past 3 days. jonathan and catherine. all right, rob, thank you. tonight new travel restrictions are in place for international visitors flying to the united states. >> last week. the biden administration announced new restrictions on travelers to the u.s. from other countries to help slow the spread of the omicron variant starting today. all international travelers headed to the united states, but now test for covid night covid-19 within 24 hours before arriving this applies to vaccinated and unvaccinated people. passengers must show
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their negative test results to the airline before boarding the flight there is one exception to the new requirement. the passenger who recently recovered from covid-19 and can show proof of recovery from the virus like a doctor's note will not have to be tested. >> big story out of new york city tonight. all private employers will have to require workers to get vaccinated against covid mayor bill de blasio who leaves office at the end of the year made that announcement today as cases are climbing again in the u.s. he says cold weather and holiday gatherings are driving more people indoors where the virus is a lot more likely to spread vaccinations are already required for hospital and nursing home workers. and for city employees that includes teachers police officers and firefighters that mandate takes effect december 27th. the omicron variant is continuing its spread across the globe, but early reports suggest while it may be more transmissible. it might not be
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as severe as the delta variant doctor, anthony fauci is calling that encouraging. but what 2 bay area doctors have to say. kron four's dan kerman is live in san francisco with more on that. dan. well, they're not discouraged about it, but they are very cautious about it. doctor fauci also very cautious about it saying this is very preliminary. >> and we don't want to put the cart before the horse. >> thus far. it does not look like there's a great degree of severity to it. but we really got to be careful before we make any determinations that it is less severe or really doesn't cause any severe illness comparable to delta. but thus far the signals or been encouraging regarding the severity. some cautious optimism from white house chief medical advisor doctor anthony fauci. >> about early reports from across the globe indicating the omicron variant may not make people as sick as the reigning variant delta.
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>> i caution you. how preliminary those data are now. much more. we need to learn. and i think you have to be really cautious because the second week of these new variants is often with the hospitalizations start to rack up very doctors say a less contagious form of covid-19 could be an ideal scenario. but at this point they say they're still not enough data to know if indeed omicron is less severe for all populations. people may get mild disease. but again, we don't know how to it. >> on harden said it all on people who are there new compromise. >> so is not the united states. a general population is older. we also have more co morbidities and tons of other medical conditions. that's why doctors recommend people remain on guard until we know for sure. >> getting vaccinated said that's by far the most important thing we can including kids about 5.
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>> and, you know, wearing the mask when it's crowded indoors. i think we'll continue to do that. >> now. what are we going to get more information. well, that should start coming in over the next week or so throughout this month, more information not just about transmissability and how severe this is, but also on how well this variant is in terms of the vaccine live in san francisco. dan kerman kron 4 news. thank you, dan. and as always, you can get the latest covid information, including the omicron virus variant on. >> kron 4 dot com. you can scan that qr code on your screen, you will be directed to our website, stock weather right now. this monday night. a live look at sfo as we. wrap up the start of this first week of full full week, i should say, of december rain is falling across the bay area. yeah. it's been cold. it's been great. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here, cold and gray. but hey, we're happy about the
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rain. yeah. love to see the begin to show up again. nothing too heavy just yet. not going to see a real huge rain event from this. but we've had reports of as for hundreds. >> of an inch of rain already in parts of the north bay. you see the front still yet to get here is on the back side. we're seeing some stuff out ahead of the system here. so mainly just some light scattered showers popping up outside. but yeah, you may need your windshield. these mind at least once coming in so yeah, we've got more than on the way as we head through the evening hours. that's going to continue to slide on through overnight tonight and into early tomorrow morning, temperatures have been very, very chilly. in they're sitting almost of their high right now. that center is that a high of 49 degrees today can imagine chilly temperatures all around right now and it's going to stay that with all the cloud cover outside. so tonight here comes that main cold front coming in right around 4.30, or so that because the drop on through scattered showers behind that. this it is interesting you have this front moves through and then high pressure starts to build on the backside of a sudden you start to see that offshore wind kicking in to see that skies start to clear out in the north as we head toward tomorrow afternoon.
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we're going to thought a bit. it's going to be a little bit warmer around parts of the year. but there's a lot of cold weather coming our way and some more rain to will talk about more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> lawrence, thank you so much. more to come tonight here at 6 us boycotting next year's winter olympics in beijing. we'll let you know why and what it means for american athletes hoping to compete in the games. also, president biden. he's making his case for how his build back better plan will lower the cost of prescription drugs will have more on. >> that part of the plan and a live report. >> then a controversial kentucky derby winning horse dies after a workout in dies after a workout in southern california. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis under control? hide our skin? not us. because dupixent targets a root cause of eczema, it helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of it. and for kids ages 6 and up, that means clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. hide my skin? not me.
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by helping to control eczema with dupixent, you can change how their skin looks and feels. and that's the kind of change you notice. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. when you help heal your skin from within, you can show more with less eczema. talk to your child's eczema specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment.
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>> happening tomorrow. the pleasanton city council could limit where smokers can light up inside a private homes. if approved smoking would be banned in common areas of homes like hallways, playgrounds parking lots and other locations. the ban would also apply to private spaces like decks and patios because secondhand smoke can drift and impact others if approved that ban would go into effect in july of next year. president biden is taking on expensive prescription drug prices as part of an effort to build support for his build back better plan. this move is aimed at getting the senate to act on his house passed legislation. >> kron 4 washington correspondent jessi turnure joins us live from d c with the latest. jesse. >> yeah. good evening, catherine. jonathan, the
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president continues to stress that nearly one in 4 americans that struggles to afford their medications and that causes many to delay their doses entirely. but some democrats even can support the plan. >> i could actually feel myself slowly dying. >> when faced with the choice between paying for her insulin or rent. i use a maze, type one diabetes patient chose her home. i was forced to ration my supply of drug that is as vital to me as water mesa doesn't want other diabetics to have to make the same decision i shouldr't have asked for help. and sullen and health care should be affordable the difference between nearly die. >> and thriving as a cost of one drug president biden's build back better act would cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for all americans. >> he says the average cost is now $375 a month. even though it costs a few dollars to make. we pay the highest
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highest prescription drug prices of any developed nation in the world. the president's plan would also impose a tax penalty on drug companies that raise medication prices faster than inflation. even if you think this doesn't affect you could. does. everyone has less money in their pockets because high drug costs make health insurance more expensive for everyone. the most controversial provision allows the government to negotiate medicare drug prices after getting drop in the package. senators struck a deal on a more limited option that house leaders have previously backed we need congress to finish the job. now, house democrats passed their version of the legislation last month and today is senate majority leader chuck schumer reiterated he wants to vote on it before christmas. >> but when asked about a specific timeline today, president biden said he wants it done no matter how long it takes. live in washington. i'm jessi tenure. thank you. just say. >> the biden administration will not send us officials to the upcoming 2022 winter olympics in beijing. deciding
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instead to hold a diplomatic boycott that has drawn instant criticism from china while that decision will keep us officials from attending american athletes will be allowed to come to compete. >> the biden administration will not send any diplomatic or official representation to the beijing 2022 winter olympics and paralympic games given the piercings ongoing genocide and crimes against. the humidity engine john and other human rights abuses. >> the white house says that china has to follow through with what it calls from counter measures. the white house stresses that american athletes to have the country's full support. house speaker nancy pelosi issued a statement she had argued for the boycott because of human rights abuses. pelosi says she applauds biden strong leadership, adding while we must support and celebrate our athletes, america and the world cannot give our official
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in premature to these games or proceed as if there's nothing wrong. >> kentucky derby winner medina spirit died this morning at santa anita horse is, as was working out on the track when it happened. the track medical director said that the horse was running and then suffered a sudden death. officials say the medina spirit appeared to be laboring at the end of its work out. a full necropsy will be performed to determine the cause of death. but in a spirited won the 2021 and derby under suspicious circumstances. right now an ongoing investigation is underway to determine whether or not it will be declared the official winner. >> in the bay area. winery in napa valley is making the best of a bad situation and they are doing it with vodka in 2017 pine yard. vineyards was hit by smoke from nearby wildfires management said the grapes began having a smoky flavor. well, that's a really bad flavor for wine. turns out it's pretty good one for vodka. the winery teamed up
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with a vodka distillery to create a flavor called smoke point, which is flavored by the smoky grapes. a bottle will cost about $50. all right. now to our 4 zone forecast as we're looking live outside a view of downtown san francisco. rain falling in parts of the bay area. little bit more will fall overnight as well. kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow here tonight tracking. >> where those showers will pop up. yeah, this really just the opening event now looks like a much wetter pattern. >> now beginning to take shape here for the remainder of the month. but it has been cold around the bay area today. the clouds sitting overhead that cold air already in place. these numbers well below the average members just last week. we have those numbers record breaking heat in the 70's today. well below the average. everywhere you go 52 degrees. all they can get to in san francisco. 53 in oakland and san jose 52 chilean live more 51 in concord. but look at santa rosa. only 49 degrees today.
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very cold temperatures in place. here comes the cold front dropping down the bay area now see the front is still a little further to the north. we're some rain out ahead of the front here as it moves on through. not going to be a big storm at all. just some light scattered showers we've seen 400 water parks north. they already more that come overnight tonight. mostly cloudy, a couple scattered showers will kind of fall apart as is moving on by cloudy early tomorrow morning. then clearing skies in the afternoon. a little breezy in spots, especially over the mountain tops. but more importantly, an unsettled weather pattern. now beginning to develop and it looks like a cold one, too. we could be talking about snow down to about 2500 feet in our mountain tops locally as we head in toward thursday and friday. here's the first system dropping off through that will kind of open up the door. you see the jet stream begins to take a dip as well. it will be breezy tomorrow afternoon. temperatures are going to bounce back just a little bit. but overall, looks like we're going to things staying a rather cool in the long range forecast. in fact, tomorrow going get a little more sunshine. you can see
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tomorrow morning just after 8 o'clock in the morning. still some lingering clouds and then the clouds start to clear out that offshore wind. that looks pretty slick. and as we get the next couple days. storm clouds roll back in and we start at about the chance of more rain temperatures tomorrow should bounce back a little bit on the cool side, 50's 60's for highs. the next few days. the temperatures rather cool wednesday and thursday. another chance some showers and then a bigger storm rolling in sunday and into monday. >> still ahead in 6 first merriam-webster picked vaccine. now dictionary dot com has named its word of the year. let you know what it is after the break. >> also what a plumber discovered behind the walls of discovered behind the walls of i was injured in a car crash. discovered behind the walls of i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible.
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>> new at 6. here's a new word that you can add to your vocabulary tonight. is dictionary dot com's word of the year. the site hooking the unusual step of anointing a word it added just last month, the word first surfacing back in the mid 1800's and among the definitions, the role of a person who advocates for inclusion of a marginalized or politicized group in solidarity but not as a member. the side. so uses search engines along with a range of other influences to come up with their final decisions. >> for your money tonight. gas prices have gone down. first time in months. the average cost for a gallon of regular is now $4.70 that's down about $0.2. not a lot, but it is the
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first forced dropping about 3 months. but the bay area is still the most expensive area and the whole country. we'll take a look at local prices in san francisco. 4.90 a gallon for regular and alameda county and santa clara county for 78. and in marine county for 84 a gallon in texas joel osteen's houston. megachurch has confirmed that thousands of dollars have been found inside a bathroom wall of the church building. that story came to light. one a man claiming to be a plumber called into houston radio show. he says last month he was working and a church restroom. he had to open up one of the walls. and when he did, he discovered hundreds of on the lopes filled with money. police think the envelopes are connected to the 2014 theft of unknown amounts of money from that church. >> still much more to come tonight here on kron. 4 news at 6 o'clock longtime california congressman devin nunez has announced that he is leaving congress at the end of
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the year. a look at his new career plus the area. congresswoman jackie spear has endorsed a candidate to fill her seat in the house of representatives will let you know who she is now throwing her support behind and someone setting fire to the christmas tree and oakland's jack london square. will it
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