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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  June 24, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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evening. thank you so much for joining us here tonight, i'm justine waldman for the second day in a row california has reported a record number of covid-19 cases overnight more than 7100 new cases were reported today. a jump of more than 2000 cases from yesterday which was also a record number even more concerning hospitalizations due to covid-19 are also rising, that's the issue as kron four's theresa stasi reports governor newsom says now is the time to heed the warnings or else. >>it is or behaviors that are leading to these numbers and we are putting people's lives at risk governor gavin newsome getting right to the point. >>covid-19 cases are surging in california causing alarm. i mean to say that to be modeling to be hyperbolic but we lost 52 individuals again in the last 24 hours, 65. on tuesday, the governor claiming
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that the increase is in large part due to our actions. the reality is i'm not naive people are mixing. that is increasing the spread of this virus. it shouldn't surprise. anybody. using the latest data to illustrate what state officials are seen. the governor says, although we are testing more numbers show the spread of the virus or positivity rate is what is significant and that has gone up 5.1% in the last few weeks also he says hospitalizations and icu rates are also on the rockies. so cautiously in eyes wide open it cannot practice physical distancing. then are you practicing love. the governor is saying that it is critical to continue to socially distance also he added the medical experts say the when you are choosing your activities choose outside rather than inside. when you're not at home. and you have gone to the office or
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you're back in the retail environment or any other environment that's indoors as you go about doing. >>your day-to-day necessities. minimize the time you are indoors and the governor emphasized once again the importance of wearing a mask saying that no matter your age that you should absolutely. >>whether you are inside at work or outside going on an errand to make sure that you mask up for everyone's sake in fact mass are required in california. governor newsome added that he does not want to make it a crime to. >>be caught without a mask, but said that with today's numbers. it is vital for all of us to do all that we can to continue to fight the virus where we may find ourselves back where we were in march. theresa kron 4 news. >>here in the bay area there have now been more than 21,000 confirmed cases of covid-19 and 545 people have died. today all counties saw a rise
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in cases. alameda county also reported 2 deaths from coronavirus and contra costa county reported 5 deaths. another nursing home in the east bay is suffering from a covid-19 outbreak, san miguel view on concord has seen 75 positive cases of coronavirus and at least 14 patients and one caregiver have died. the facility is still operating as normal kron 4 reached out for comment. but so far we have not heard back. the outbreak at this nursing home has also showing us that there's a much bigger problem more than 12,000 covid-19 cases have been reported at assisted living facilities across the state. contra costa county health officials are working with san miguel view of to try and prevent the disease from spreading any further. east bay hospitals are treating more covid-19 patients this week than they were last week. so far staffing and capacity levels have been maintained and as kron forced him to call reports 2 major health care system say they are ready for
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a surge if it comes. >>john muir health in walnut creek and conquered has set aside a unit on their campuses to care for an influx of covid-19 patients. doctor nick mike is is the medical director of clinical operations and says his hospitals are safe and prepared for a surge in cases, a surge. he says is expected around labor day in recent weeks much like the rest of contra costa county he's noticed a spike in hospitalizations but nowhere near the level that would jeopardize the ability to provide critical medical services, you're planning for capacity of 4 it's if the actions and we're nowhere near or standard capacity much less and forcing in a statement a spokesperson for kaiser permanente northern california says quote. >>the recent increase in cases throughout california is a reminder that the virus is still active in our communities. we have seen an increase in covid-19 cases at kaiser permanente hospitals over the past week.
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>>our facilities and staff have remained ready to respond to a surge and safely and expertly treat patients with the virus will become cheaper hurts a little one safe this or things are as a 100% no, but it definitely is keep us safe unity data from contra costa health services shows more than 400 new cases have been reported in the past week. >>nearly double the number of new cases reported the week prior phillipe djegal all kron 4 news. >>and it is delaying the phase reopening of his disneyland and disney california adventure theme parks, the southern california attraction was scheduled to reopen on july 17th with new safety requirements for gas. but it faced strong opposition from a union that represents do disneyland employees. disney did not give a new reopening date. san francisco's annual outside lands festival has been canceled due to the ongoing pandemic organizers made the announcement today
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and in that same announcement they also revealed the lineup for next year's festival which will be held august 6 through august 8th. headliners include tame impala lizzo and the strokes anyone who purchased eager beaver passes will be able to use them. next year to get buyers have one month to request a refund which can be done through the festival's website. and our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic will continue throughout tonight's broadcast at 6.30 doctor anthony fauci the nation's top infectious disease expert will give us his thoughts on california's response to the pandemic and problems with reopening to sue. we'll turn to some other news right now in the east bay oakland police are investigating 2 deadly shootings that happened overnight in the span of 3 hours. the first shooting happened just before midnight last night and cal caught place. and the second shooting happened around 2 o'clock this morning on east street. both victims who are oakland residents died at the scene. they have not been identified at this time. to the south bay
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now where there are plans in the works to reform the police department in response to calls for change in the wake of recent protests as kron four's rob fladeboe reports. the mayor has unveiled his plan to reform but not defund the department. >>our community expects us to do better and we're committed to doing better in a virtual news conference wednesday, san jose mayor sam liccardo announced plans to reform the city's police department. >>the action follows the mayor's refusal to give in to protesters demands to defund the department while still addressing calls for change amid outrage for police brutality nationwide is are several race substantive changes which are proposed. >>for how we will ensure that sends a continues to be at the forefront of police accountability. >>and how we can ensure that we are providing equal protection for everyone under the law the mayor laid out an
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ambitious nine-point plan included are steps to improve transparency and accountability in arbitration and disciplinary decisions. >>independent investigations of alleged police misconduct expanded authority of the independent police auditor college money for low income use who want to join the department, the separation of criminal and non-criminal matters a ban on rubber bullets and a review of use of force policies expanded authority of the mayor over the police chief leveraging data for hiring and an audit of the department's budget and spending the mayor says the plans reflect his commitment to reforming the police department without defunding it. i believe the overwhelming majority of our residents. >>want us to continue funding the police because they want police officers to show up particularly in communities that are heavily him by crime. our residents are overwhelmingly telling us we want more police not less the cost for defunding are rooted in something that is absolutely true. which is that
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we need to take a hard look at our police department as we think about policing the 21st century and identify ways in which we can better respond maybe not with a person with a badge and a gun. but for example if somebodys experiencing a psychotic episode. when the mental health worker in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. so a republican police reform measure collapsed in the senate today. >>the bill failed to get the 60 votes needed to pass senate democrats say the legislation is an inadequate response to nationwide calls for action to address police misconduct and racial injustice. the bill was led by south carolina senator tim scott, the only black republican sen. democratic leaders called for bipartisan talks before the vote calling the bill, disastrously week. >>this bill last. because it was woefully inadequate. it never would have passed. and mcconnell provided no pass to
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improve it. >>all of our colleagues for their work today which is. to not fall into a political trap. to not take crumbs on the table when there is a hunger in america has for real solutions to a very real problem. >>while the bill failed to move to the senate floor today senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he may bring it up again. a georgia grand jury has indicted 3 men in the shooting death of 25 year-old amar arbery which happened back in february. the district attorney announced the 9 count indictment earlier today. the indictment charges 4 gregory mcmichael travis mcmichael and william roddie bryan include malice and felony murder ahmad arbery's killing captured on this disturbing video drew national anger. his death has also fueled georgia state lawmakers to pass a new hate crime bill that the governor plans to sign pending legal
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review. and a quick programming reminder kron 4 is hosting a live town hall tonight with mayors from across the bay area. we will discuss the changes cities are making after protests highlighted racial injustice also find out how cities are moving forward from the coronavirus pandemic this town hall will air at 9 o'clock tonight. right here on kron 4. >>coming up tonight here on kron 4 news at 6 new york, new jersey and connecticut have issued a mandatory quarantine for any visitors coming in from certain states at 6.30 which states are not considered to be high risk for covid-19. plus trust with president trump has signed an executive order to try to protect job growth amid the pandemic but some argue the order could actually do more damage to the economy. and up next the calls to defund police have been heard around the united states and the city of oakland is taking steps
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>>in the east bay, the oakland city council approved a budget that includes defunding. the police department, a city council member tells kron four's haaziq madyun why she believes redirecting the funds will increase public safety. >>redirecting a portion of the oakland police departments, million annual budget and investigate in alternative public safety programs that is one of the primary goals of the mid cycle budget passed by a majority of the oakland city
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council but for me it's not about deep funding for me it's about you where do i want to invest the revised budget is the work of the city council's equity caucus led by finance committee chair councilmember lynette gibson mcelhaney we reduced our expenditures and police about 12 million she says giving police more time to respond to violent crime is the aim of the new budget what we want to do is to get some better policing on the serious and significant crimes murder trafficking kidnapping. >>rate. and relieve the department of any of the things that are better suited for social workers that are better suited for. >>but they are because they are better syria. for a community response councilmember mcelhaney says she knows what it is like to have police respond to a call involving a loved one needing mental health assistance. >>i was terrified and i literally throw my body around. this young woman. nbc's to allow it to be
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handcuffed. the protocol was as she be handcuffed in the middle of mental health crisis. that her car was broken. she says the revised budget also allows for the city council to study what it will take to reduce opd use of the city's general purpose funds by 50%. >>we know that we cannot police are way to safety. we have to do the things that create healthy whole community has a menu kron 4 news. tonight, the oakland unified school board is voting on whether to eliminate its school police force the george floyd resolution would dismantle the oakland school police department. >>which consists of 10 sworn officers and 50 unarmed campus guards. this cost the city million a year. activists and community groups have been vocal in their calls to end the department that vote is currently under way it started at 5.30 this evening and kron four's gayle ong we'll have a live report with the results
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tonight on kron 4 news at 8. last night the san francisco unified school district board of education voted unanimously to declare the city's public schools to be police free. under the resolution, the district will not renew its memorandum of understanding with the city's police department and will deem it schools sanctuary spaces from law enforcement armed officers will not be allowed on school grounds and funds that were previously used to pay law enforcement will be redirected towards student support services. happening now the oakland police department is asking for the public's help in finding a missing teenager, 12 year-old kenzie cox was last seen tuesday afternoon around 4 o'clock, leaving her house on 8th street near the west oakland bart station cox's 5 with 3 with brown hair and hazel eyes. she was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. police say the kochs may be visiting areas with coastal
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views. >>we're looking in the west oakland area lake merritt alameda in emeryville on comey's has an affinity for the skyline she like speeches, she loves to see the san francisco, various skyline. so we're focusing their as well as other areas around the bay area. she's not familiar to the areas it's going to be really difficult for her to find her way back she's been shut for away from the house. >>now if you've seen her contact the number on the bottom of your screen right now that will get you and talk touch with the oakland police department. let's talk about our 4 zone forecast right now as we take a live look outside a downtown san francisco, sunny in the shot that fog is creeping in. let's check in with our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow karl, the fog is just really love an. levin us this these couple summertime in the bay area right that fog really moving on shore you see that sneaking along the coastline. >>ran headlands looking from timber on back toward the golden gate bridge that fog certainly an issue along the golden gate very dense they're a little bit earlier today and
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we'll see that probably happen again tonight. temperatures right the average in the san francisco 67 degrees oakland checked in at 7485 in san jose still hot inland 92 in livermore on the hot spot 94 degrees in concord today, 84 in santa rosa, so you get away from the coastline, these temperatures running a good 30 degrees warmer of course during the summer months, sometimes we see of 40 even 50 degrees warmer in some of the valleys but today, 64 degrees in half moon bay with that patchy fog over the hill you've got 83 redwood city, 85 degrees in san jose 83 in fremont 77 in the napa valley very comfortable there. and 80 degrees in play all outside right now the numbers keeping you cool right along the coastal areas and that fog has started to creep back inside the bay, the temperatures reflecting that 60 the san francisco, 67 in brooklyn now but we're still at 93 degrees and hot in concord now that fog certainly going to be a factor overnight tonight is going to restart to establish some kind of makes that a little bit little any moving in along the coastline here but more fog on the way. the
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high country again lighten up with thunderstorms just erupting in the afternoon folks camping there in the parts of the eastern sierra and also parts of nevada seen those of thunderstorms rolling on through wind continues to blow around the bay area that breeze continues to 21 miles per hour fairfield 24 now in sf own 12 in the san jose tomorrow, let's plan on other similar day it is going to stay hot inland 90's again showing up in a the interior valleys in concord in the live more in antioch back along the coastline, those temperatures easily. a good 30 plus degrees cooler. >>still ahead. she is one of out magazine's most influential people san francisco's brianna sinclair reflects on being one of the
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celebrating 50 years of pride in san francisco and tonight we will meet the voice of a new generation. opera singer brianna sinclair is leading the way and she talked with kron 4 sanaz tahernia about one of her major accomplishments. >>dying light back on you you're the first trans woman to ever perform the national anthem at a professional sporting event. what was that like. oh my gosh i was i was
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really nervous, really because when you're dealing with sports you kind of like. get a little nervous, but you know how the audience is going to take take you know the performance and also it's a great kind of on norman did. profession and i knew deep down in my heart that i wasn't just sitting for myself i was seeing all my transistors gender nonconforming trans problems out there really quick what do you see as the next 50 years we've come 50 years with pride here what do you see for the next 50 years for lgbtq people here in our community in the bay area. >>yes i am hoping for a lot of change i hope that trans women of color able to get more able to get jobs. get housing go to school. >>off the equal and that we all be one of the next one and i'm hoping that. >>you know i do believe that change is coming and we're
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going to keep fighting so that that change happens. i do believe that you know our community will make some huge strides in the next 50 years because we're working on it right >>there is much more with brianna sinclair another lgbtq leaders and our kron 4 news special celebrating 50 years of pride that will be airing this weekend. both on saturday and sunday night at 10. next here on kron 4 news at 6 generals are reopening in san mateo county so we're going to check back in the 2 personal trainers. >>to see how they plan to make their clients wet with some new safety measures in place. plus the trump administration is planning another attempt to strike down the affordable care act by democrats argue it's more necessary than ever during this pandemic. and doctor anthony fauci holds a virtual qna with state media up next is warning for california. after a surge in coronavirus cases.
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>>well, i don't think it's anything that the state of california is doing wrong not it's what the response of the to what the opening process is. >>doctor anthony fauci the nation's top infectious disease expert of the leader of the national coronavirus tax force weighed in today and california's response to the coronavirus and issues with reopening our capitol bureau
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reporter ashley zavala explains his warnings for our state. >>that from from the leadership doctor anthony fauci a key leader in the nation's coronavirus response complimentary of california but says its people could do more californians have risen. >>to the occasion on on social issues so well in the past you've been the leaders in the country and those things. this is an issue that really has social responsibility in an interview with the sacramento press club fauci warned the next few weeks are going to be crucial for the country, including california. the warning comes as the state now sees an uptick in the rate of positive coronavirus cases i don't think it's anything that the state of california. >>is doing wrong not it's what the response of the to what the opening process is governor newsom said wednesday with plenty of hospital capacity and other resources prepared in the event of a surge, he doesn't plan on putting california's reopening process on pause and as long
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as we start to see more and more compliance. >>with mask mandate. and then i think we can move forward more safely and work our way through this without having to toggle back fauci praise state leadership and the governor's mask order urging californians to follow it. but he also left something for the governor to consider in many respects i agree with him. he don't really need to go back to lock down he need to pause and say wait a minute. >>we're starting to opening and things are going right what do we need to do to correct that you may need to stay where you are in impose a few more restrictions or maybe back up a little. >>in sacramento, ashley zavala kron 4 news. >>more than half of the country is currently going in the wrong direction in the fight against covid 1926 states now seeing surges in coronavirus infections in florida cases are rising for younger people aged 18 to 35. the


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