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tv   KRON 4 News at 10  KRON  April 26, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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is so irresistible, you'll wanna eat them anywhere, so don't resist! pop 'em outside, or on the go, or on the way home! pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99.
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>>you're watching kron 4 news.
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now attend after weekend reopenings in states like georgia and oklahoma more states will be loosening coronavirus related restrictions this week in other states are announcing plans to get back to business. >>thanks for joining us tonight at 10 o'clock everybody i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis this as one white house economic team member signals optimism for the summer. >>while another warns it's going to be ugly during the weeks ahead. karen caifa reports now from washington. >>in colorado monday, retail businesses can open with curbside pickup any elective medical procedures can resume. despite loosening some restrictions governor jared polis says he does worry about another spike it's why we've really been really laser focus is an administration and figuring how we how how we can in how we can indoor in sustain this week, montana tennessee, minnesota and iowa will follow states like georgia and oklahoma and relaxing some business restrictions. states like
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florida say they're not there yet if people don't have confidence then the economy is not going just take off which is not the way it works even hard hit new york has a plan for reopening is not a timeline governor andrew cuomo said sunday an eventual reopening will be phased in starting with construction and manufacturing, but all businesses should think about a new normal think about it in terms of people how are you going to protect your people what are you going to be do differently with your employees. >>your actual physical space treasury secretary steven mnuchin on sunday expressed optimism about an economic bounce back starting in july white house economic adviser kevin hassett however said to expect some shots on the immediate horizon i think that the next couple of months are going to look you're good to see numbers that are as bad as anything that we've ever seen in washington, i'm karin caifa. >>mayor london breed said it is likely the bay area's shelter-in-place order will be extended beyond the current date of may 3rd and health experts say now is not the
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time to ease up on restrictions we spoke to him epidemiology professor, ucsf today to get his take. >>this is not the time to to start to waver in our commitment to shelter in place in and protect the elderly and people other people with underlying conditions is a very serious disease. and we're you know we're not at the end of at the end of at the end of this first step for step period ups of a disease transmission yet you hope will be there soon. but it's you know we're not there yet. >>and it was nice out this weekend. these are pictures shared on the san francisco. police department's twitter page you see lots of people out in groups in some of the city's green spaces, not exactly a hearing to physical distancing in all cases all the other foot spread to pre spread apart. there. police were joining volunteers said parks across the city for money everyone to stay least 6
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feet from people with whom you do not live. they're also handing out masks to people who did not have them. the department wants to remind everyone to stay home and save lives. and tonight sausalito is closing its city on parking lots on weekends and holidays because they say too many people are simply ignoring the non essential travel restrictions as kron four's gayle ong reports first tonight city leaders say groups of people are congregating in sausalito especially on warm weekend days. >>the closure is to help reduce the spread of covid-19 while some lots are closed here it did not stop people from visiting the city. here at the downtown waterfront in sausalito people could be seen sitting under the sun somewhat out mapped this despite the city closing municipal parking lots due to overcrowding over the weekend. >>as of sunday april 26th, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, will be closed on weekends and major holidays week it received
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complaints from residents as well as community advising the possible violations we look into the violations. >>and we did notice that there were a lot more individuals coming to sausalito. >>who were probably who work most likely non essential travelers and the people from outside and community metered parking along bridgeway in other areas in sausalito will be restricted to residents and permit holders are in counties shelter-in-place order went into effect on march 16 it appears the warm weather is bringing people out police want to remind out of town visitors they could get fined if they violate public health orders we want to make sure that everybody is that you're into the shelter in place order in the public health order. >>in doing what is necessary. this ensures the safety of themselves as well as the safety of the community. >>the most important thing is making sure that we are all working together. and we're all sharing to these orders for the safety of the entire state and stay as well as our local jurisdictions are local cities and towns.
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>>violators could be fined $500 and that applies to visitors for nonessential travel and physical distancing violations reporting in sausalito gayle, ong kron 4 news. >>tonight, most beaches in southern california remain closed in los angeles county that includes all public beaches, the peers. beach parking lot and beach access points. but to different picture in orange county people flocked to newport beach on saturday soaking up the sun and warm weather. ventura county also open most speeches there but parking lot and peers remained closed out of towners are discouraged from visiting and social distancing remains in effect roughly 100 protesters were in san diego here this afternoon amid growing frustration. >>over physical distancing guidelines waving posters and american flags organizers called it a day of liberty to open our beaches they say they want all restrictions lifted. however, california officials point out that their
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aggressive stay at home orders have proven effective in flattening the curve. >>well the coronavirus pandemic is forcing the shutdown of major meat plants all across the country. these closures have been invoking fear in shoppers of a shortage, even one of the world's largest meat producers is concerned about the supply as the outbreak ranges of rages on our first dan thorn is live for us in oakland tonight, he joins us now with how local butcher shops are responding to this stand. >>while vicky the second largest meat company in the country tyson foods says to expect millions of pounds of meat to disappear as they're forced to close their factories because of the coronavirus pandemic but we spoke with a local butcher shop here in oakland who says they're not afraid because their supply chain remains strong. covid-19 is sweeping meat processing plants across the country outbreaks among their employees have been
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forcing major companies like tyson foods to either cut back or shut down because of this the ceo of tyson is sending out a warning. >>to expect less pork beef and chicken at the grocery store. >>that doesn't seem to be on the horizon but but we have had some disruptions those disruptions says daniel sumner a u c davis agricultural economist will not create a shortage of meat even after the country's largest meat producers, including tyson along with smithfield and jbs have recently shuttered processing plants you and i may see our favorite supermarket low on something but they'll be plenty of meat ah ah, a beef pork that we all like they'll be plenty of meat in the supermarket's some bay area supermarkets have been seeing chunks of their meat section standing out, especially when it comes to bacon sausage and ground beef. >>oakland butcher shop for in sun farms has so far avoided any issues with meeting meet
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demand. they advocate said sometimes smaller. >>might be better off of army comes from within 200 miles of the shopping and our facilities are doing fine in our farms are doing fine of all and protecting themselves and their employees about this exact war liz not expecting the push for protein to hurt his business just yet may be another good reason to shop throughout this pandemic we've been doing just fine here it really a feeling very lucky to be one of the few places that actually not to getting a really from all of this. >>most of these meat plant closures are expected to last just about 2 weeks but even that short amount of time. >>has these major companies concerned about the shortages that might come. reporting live in oakland dan thorn kron 4 news. >>developing news now we are following san francisco police are investigating a homicide in the outer sunset neighborhood. now many details yet, but we do know a body was found tonight inside in
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apartment along the great highway near lawton street will continue to follow developments here and bring you any new information as we get it tonight. >>one less thing to worry about when you get home from grocery shopping will tell you why the fda says there's no need to wipe down your groceries and using u v lights to sanitize workers why one group of employees is having mixed reactions to the new practice. gas prices continue to fall across the country as people stay at home the unb lievable price tag, but some drivers saw this weekend why. experts are warning lower gas
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♪ ♪ when you need it, jack delivers: order on uber eats, postmates and grubhub.
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is so irresistible, you'll wanna eat them anywhere, so don't resist! pop 'em outside, or on the go, or on the way home!
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pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. the u.s. shutdown of course because of the pandemic gas prices are below a dollar ease. >>yes, some of the lowest costs are in wisconsin nowhere in california of course this is a gas price friday at one shell station there your eyes are not tricking you $0.75 a gallon was the cheapest price in the country. gas price of course been dropping all across the u.s. because there fewer drivers on the road. but experts say why you are saving money on gas now you may have to pay for it later. >>exciting that allentown go off the bat the dollar count. but overall you know it gets flashing a red signal. longer a lower virus. we are afraid
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that's like going up sharply made it out of the month that but in the years ahead. >>gasbuddy says competition between gas stations in wisconsin is near the top of the country. >>background checks are required mission in california appeals court reinstated the state law yesterday reversing a federal judge's decision to stop the checks that federal judge argued the law violates the constitutional right to bear arms. the law took effect last july california became the first state to require in-store background checks before buying ammo. >>the fda says that there's no need to wipe down your groceries or takeout containers trying to say that even though studies show the virus can live on some surfaces for 2 or 3 days. there's no evidence that the virus is being transmitted on food or food packaging. scientists say instead it's best to wash your hands after hand and handling or unpacking the groceries. another scientist says that if you're
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still concerned one thing you can do is like groceries that don't need to be refrigerated sit for a day before you decide to impact them. >>all right time now for a check our forecast with meteorologist mabrisa of greece's been beautiful. >>yeah really beautiful and we're going to switch from spring to summer temperatures once again in the bay area's our weather rollercoaster ride continues, daytime highs peaking on tuesday we could be 5 to 15 degrees below normal take a look at downtown san francisco today we had a very strong sea breeze with gusts upwards of 35 miles per hour or less cooling us down to below average 59 degrees 22 degrees difference. from livermore and conquered still very toasty as you major way inland with daytime highs there 5 to 10 degrees above average and that's going to continue for tomorrow as well as that warming trend for interior valleys will last for the next couple of days and we take a live look outside from the east and berkeley crystal
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clear skies out there right now marine layer nowhere in sight tracking gusty westerly winds because of that cool onshore flow with sustained winds at 26 miles per hour seeing gusts. upwards of 30 and we could even see gusts throughout the san francisco peninsula tonight, upwards of 35 mile per hour less so fortunately below advisory level, calmer conditions everywhere else temperatures belt cooling down into the mid to upper 50's on the bay area's shoreline still in the low to mid 60's as you make your way in run even though overall we're tracking a cooler air mass. we today we were about 5 to 10 degrees cooler than saturday as daytime highs and overnight lows tonight once again going to be on the mild side with widespread low to mid 50's. those of you in the north bay like santa rosa nevado upper 40's but daytime highs tomorrow warming up 48 degrees along the coast and along the east bay shoreline we're all going to be above average upper 70's and even low to mid 80's as you make your way in life but daytime highs peaking on tuesday, 5 to 15 degrees above normal but then cooling
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down significantly by 10 degrees on wednesday star teased of summer will be short lived at that grand be back to you. >>this week president trump made controversial remarks about using uva rays in the battle against the coronavirus but so employers are already working on plans to use u v light scanning to protect against the virus. many experts are warning that this is dangerous josh or rip rogel takes us inside one business that's already putting it into practice. >>the final screws are in place. in the disinfecting lights are on. it's so strange most would likely agree. the new normal is. as employees head back to work at this a metal detector looking sanitizer is part of this office's new workflow decision. >>this above and below. >>the creator physicist
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freddie mac sic claims it safely uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and the ideas that you can walk into it. >>you raise your arms you turn around and during that 12 22nd period. you are actually deactivating viruses that might be on your skin on your clothing your hair on your shoes, but does it really work and could it even be harmful stand under the portal for just a few seconds. >>ultraviolet light is normally toxin. >>and multiple you the associations warned against using you the lights on skin is disinfected still max and plans to sell its device to workplaces to the u.s. is a far ubc. >>that's been shown to not be carcinogenic that's been shown not to damage your eyes and therefore it's human safety keeping our environment. other scientists say the method is suspect using light that's too weak to work if it's not hurting your eyes. i wonder how strong it is. plus he says it could give people a false sense of security you're not good. >>you're going to have to keep social distancing you have to
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keep washing your hands, christian pinkston says he invested in this technology for his company hoping it would protect his employees whenever business begins to normalize we realize that. >>typical old way of doing business wasn't going to work anymore and that we needed and of a stocky raise your arms you being stands investment one of many 3 mac success during the pandemic orders have taken off it has gone from. >>yes, we would sell a few dozen of dirt during the course of the year 2 years was signing a few dozen awful almost on the hour. >>whenever the masses head back to work we can know that were coming in or going out of the office and being clean technology adding some reassurance but by no means eliminating the threat of coronavirus from employees. you can sterilize the outside of them, but if they're shedding virus. >>and they're breathing and talking while they're at work. they're going to bring it in right past you ve curtain that they walk through on their way into the office feel like i'm
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ready to go. i'm a new man. >>i was joshua replogle reporting for us tonight from washington d c. >>the tigers at the miami zoo our coronavirus free now after they receive tests the symptoms they were showing that prompted that's to spring into action and physical distance same, definitely not a thing at chicago house parties check it out how police are. >>cracking down on these massive gatherings and how
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mrs. walker. michael vasquez! come over here. i've heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for.
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>>chicago police have been busting a big old party send the videos going viral of one of them so packed people attending it or bumping into each other my coach nelly reports the governor knows about the video and is not in a festive mood about it. >>this party on 79th street on the south side was so jammed the young lady shooting this video chose not to even wade into the crowd on the first. >>haven't seen video of police had this party. what was on the mind of police when they broke up a large governor pritzker had seen the video when he went before the cameras today, but he clearly had heard about the party side suggest that all of those people. >>violated not only the intention of the order that we put out. but but also they
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violated the trust of their friends and family. the governor says all it takes is one possibly asymptomatic spread of the virus to sick and many others who inevitably spread it to their loved ones want to remind everyone that. >>by doing that by standing not social distancing. many people not wearing masks you're literally putting. around you in danger, you are. they are putting your at you in danger and very importantly. all those people are putting their families and their friends who are not there with them in danger. that was my kitchen alley reporting for us tonight, chicago mayor lori lightfoot condemning the large house party that took place. >>on chicago's west side in a tweet she wrote i have seen the video which shows what appears to be a house party taking place inside a chicago residents. what was depicted on the video was reckless and utterly unacceptable. it's been the meat and poultry
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plants forcing some to close after hundreds of workers tested positive. >>after the break we'll hear from workers who say it's too little too late and a fight over funding the latest on the clash between house democrats wow! i'm original. one of a kind. you feel me? love ya'. oop! you look cute. better than you! wherever drama pops off pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99.
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is so irresistible, you'll wanna eat them anywhere, so don't resist! pop 'em outside, or on the go, or on the way home! pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. nancy pelosi says the next coronavirus released bill will help states and local governments. >>but senate majority leader
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mitch mcconnell and some republicans are concerned about the amount of debt. the country is taking on the debate over that funding could beat up at a crucial time is states way the economic and public health risks of remaining closed. first is reopening karin caifa reports now from washington number of people who know speaker nancy pelosi reiterating that congressional democrats will include help for hard-hit states and cities in the next coronavirus relief bill but lot has state and local and we will have it. >>in a very significant way senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is among some republicans signaling resistance last week reminding the cost of the response is adding up and also time to begin. >>excited about him out of of the call for help from governors, however has been bipartisan. democrat phil murphy of new jersey on nbc's meet the press talked about the toll on his state we will go bankrupt bubble got the living daylights out of things like educators first responders the very folks we
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desperately need republican larry hogan of maryland on cbs face the nation on the front lines and we can't provide services to the people in our states and help us get out of this economic problem without that assistance. treasury secretary steven mnuchin said sunday the white house would consider additional support for the state and local governments and also expressed optimism about an economic bounce back starting in july white house economic adviser kevin hassett however said to expect some shocks on the immediate horizon i think that the next couple of months are going to look you're good to see numbers that are as bad as anything that we've ever seen. >>in washington, i'm karin caifa and tonight we know the people getting economic stimulus payments will also receive letters from president trump. >>cnn has obtained a copy of this letter and can confirm that it has reached people in at least 4 states so far in it president trump says his team is committed to supporting people through these tough times. he also thanks congress for passing relief legislation. the law that
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enabled the checks requires the notices but it doesn't say that they have to have president trump's name on them. the physical stimulus checks have recently drawn criticism for the inclusion of the president's name. >>all right switching gears now as we get a check of the 4 zone forecast a live look outside on this sunday night at san francisco's embarcadero time now to check on our weather with meteorologist mabrisa rodriguez for brisas sounds like the heat is on. >>yeah, it's really going to turn up along the coast and along the bay grand in big d we're going to warm up 4 to 8 degrees. tomorrow compared to today, you will recall downtown san francisco only warming to 59 degrees. that's 4 degrees a below average, but tomorrow going to warm up to 67. so we're going to be a few degrees above normal enjoyed a warming trend because we're really going to feel it tomorrow as that cool sea breeze will actually ease up a bit only tracking wind gusts upwards of 20 miles per hour less half moon bay, 64 degrees
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in burlingame in brisbane warming up to 66 degrees for your monday afternoon highs in mount you 76 degrees in san mateo warming up to 67 degrees with widespread 70's for those of you in the south bay, san jose 77 degrees as his livermore as you make your way inland into the east bay but along the east bay shoreline widespread mid 70's, there. oakland, 73 degrees but conquered and walnut creek in the low 80's napa 40 with 80's at 79 degrees in santa rosa 81 degrees for your afternoon high. so we're all going to be a few degrees above average, especially our interior valleys tomorrow, 5 to 10 degrees above normal but then summer weather will return on tuesday. we're going to be 5 to 15 degrees above average and then cooling down on friday may 1st right about where we should be for this time of year can make it back to you. >>thank a free said the miami zoo is happy to report tonight that it's too much in tigers here are not infected with coronavirus tigers certainly
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can get it at least 8 big cats at the bronx zoo in new york have been infected. in miami after the animals there had covid-19 symptoms slyke nasal discharge lethargy and loss of appetite. the zoo keepers decided to test that. so officials say the tests are not the same ones that are used on humans so the kits that were used were ever reserved for human patients, there still a testing shortage issue. >>the coronavirus pandemic certainly has been the meat and poultry industry some plants are closing in. cnn has confirmed a chicken processing company is what they call d populating a 2 million birds killing of its sites labor shortages due to the coronavirus outbreak. cnn's gary tuchman spoke with workers at one plant in iowa. >>who say they wonder about their health and their future. >>cars rolling into the
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parking lot of the tyson pork production plant in waterloo, iowa, hundreds of them. the plant itself has been shut down. but the employees are now waiting in a long line to take company provided tests for covid-19. the plan to lease shut this week after positive covid tests of employees had reached the 182 mark. lana kerr works at the scare because scared because he says someone who work next to for hours has tested positive like us a lot of kerr went ahead and got a test on his own i've got my results back yet lana kerr is a husband, the father of a baby that is one of many employees of the plant people in the community and local politicians to call for this plan to close much earlier when word of the first infections came to light. he says he called the tyson hr department last week. and you said what. >>i was concerned about the coronavirus been the plan while i was scared for me and my family, what hr say to you. i was i was i was i was safe
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and they told me everything's ok and they tell me i have a better chance. a cast of the coronavirus borne out to walmart in size the rq ciphers. and did you believe them. i want to believe in america on the that that money at the same time so i went to work. >>this employee doesn't want to reveal his identity fearing retribution from the company so do you think they care about your health. not as much as any to he waited hours in this line to get tested he said he also got tested number-one last weekend it was negative. but felt if he didn't do it again at the plant he might not be allowed to come back to work when it reopens but he is angry particularly how he says the company dealt with one of his co-workers she was sick and i asked to go was told that she couldn't go home because she did not have a fever at the times. a couple days later she ended up testing positive for the virus. >>the company tells me it can to address the specific situation as described.
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>>tyson is paying employees where the plant is closed. however, many workers remain angry at the company. but the president of tyson foods did not seem contrite during an interview with cnn and when she said the company is fully committed to employ safety and work were part of that community and from everything we've seen that that the spread of the disease in the community is is affecting us in the plant. >>but the much more common sentiment here is the opposite is true that the spread of the disease. the plant has affected the icelandic or feels that way but will you go back to work once they say it's safe to reopen there. few my family. so we are going back to work. after we met him furness lanik are found out he tested negative a feeling of relief amid the continuing tension gary tuchman, cnn waterloo, iowa. >>that's good news and there's good news for basketball fans the nba is reopening team
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practice facilities for players in some states full explain what that process will look like and where is kim jong how experts are trying to track the north korean leader's whereabouts after
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>>in questions are surrounding the whereabouts of north korea's leader kim jong-un he was last seen in public. on april 11th and then missed an
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important event on april 15th now satellite photos are raising suspicions that something serious may be unfolding. cnn's will ripley reports. >>it is abundantly clear right now that something major is happening inside north korea ever sense. cnn's jim sciutto broke the story that the u.s. is monitoring intelligence that north korean leader kim jong un's health may be in grave danger after a surgical procedure. state media inside north korea has been radio silent business as usual they have not confirmed they have not denied haven't said anything. so we have to look at clues, including these new satellite images released by us think tank 38 north they show what appears to be kim jong un's train at his compound in the north korean coastal city of one side is a beachfront luxurious compound where kim jong-un spent his summers as a child it's a place he loves to be. he's also conducting a number of missile tests from that location. but the significance of that rain being there now is that it lends credibility to reports that kim jong-un is
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their reports in south korea and other places but the presence of that rain either proves or disproves kim jong un's health condition, what i do know from my trips to one side is that usually when kim jong un goes there, he prefers to fly he often flies his own plane. it's faster it's more convenient for him. if kim jong-un is currently unable to fly because of a surgical procedure or another reason that rain could be a way for him to get back more comfortably to a place like the north korean capital pyongyang on we know that kim jong-un also chooses to travel by train during very formal are serious events such as he summit in beijing with chinese president xi jinping or somebody noi with us president donald trump. you also that kim jong-un's father, the late north korean leader kim jong-il according to die on his training was taken back to the capital in a very formal way. >>we don't know why kim jong-un strain is at his compound or where it may be going if it decides to leave the station. >>but given that there is so much secrecy right now in so much confusion about the health status of kim jong-un
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every clue that we see from satellites and from intelligence. it's significant will ripley cnn tokyo. >>still ahead tonight, a family in south carolina who lost everything when a tornado destroyed their home but put destroyed their home but put wow! i'm original. one of a kind. you feel me? love ya'. oop! you look cute. better than you! wherever drama pops off pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99.
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pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy michael vasquez! come over here. i've heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for.
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is so irresistible, you'll wanna eat them anywhere, so don't resist! pop 'em outside, or on the go, or on the way home! pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. >>is planning to reopen a number of team practice facilities. >>espn is reporting that the league is expecting to begin
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the process on friday in areas with relax stay at home restrictions. the nba also plans to find alternative arrangements for players and states with full quarantine orders to be able to practice. sources also telling espn that restarting practices does not mean the league is starting the season any time soon. the fbi and police are investigating an alleged hate crime in salem massachusetts so-called zoombombers tried to hijack a streaming church service with racist propaganda. peter plus has details. >>salem police and now the fbi are also >>the sounds are similar. but the queues are empty sunday worship the tabernacle congregational church in downtown salem held and zoom because of to all of you responding that way about 40 people were part of the virtual service when all of the sudden as many as 5
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zoombombers hijacked the meeting playing videos of the ku klux klan burning crosses as vulgar racist music plays in the background the resiliency of my current nation was incredible we didn't let that stop us reverend joe amigos says while it was upsetting to see they are prepared for the possibility of this happening. keeping the link open. so anyone could join similar to the front doors of the church said why would people do that and the response was because they can unfortunately and it's obviously people wanting some kind of sick attention river dimicco reported the races video to salem police they're investing in the incident as a hate crime along with the fbi trying to figure out who this person is and the others who zoom-bombed the church we pray for them and pray that i that they might get help if they need it. and now we move on. >>that was peter ellie opolis reporting for us tonight, the anti defamation league is also where this incident. the church is making it links
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private going forwards only parishioners can access them. >>facebook is taking on zoom with a new video conference app it's called messenger rooms that will allow users to host meetings of up to 50 people and unlike zoom there's no time limit zoom does allow for a meeting of up to 100 people but limits the lane to 40 minutes or else you have to pay messenger room users will be able to invite people to the video calls even if they do not have facebook accounts and use of the facebook video conference software and every buddies conference software has really exploded in the past month. of course, millions of people suddenly working and schooling from home and spree here working from home. >>where to get a final look at the weather now with more bruce a. she is >>i am well let's take a look at my final stay at home forecast, let's take a live look outside golden gate bridge and we're noticing
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marine layer nonexistent tonight so enjoy the crystal clear skies and a marijuana company by the granite dinas very bright out there this evening for your sunday april 26 and temperatures out there right now makes a 50's and 60's and we're going to remain in the low to mid 50's for most of the bay area but really warming up along the coast and along the bay 4 to 8 degrees from today's daytime high so upper 60's along the coast, mid 70's along the bay bridge upper 70's and even low to mid 80's as you make your way in run so very little change parts here of alleys you're going earning 5 to 10 degrees above average on monday and we're really going to feel the heat as temperatures crank up once again on tuesday about 5 to 15 degrees above average for most of the bay area but our summer temperatures not going to last very long because by wednesday daytime highs will cool down 5 to 10 degrees from tuesday's afternoon highs, not cooling trend will continue on friday may 1st near average highs and
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slight chance of showers in the north bay this weekend, the rest of the bay area looking dry for the next 10 days printed keep back to you. >>recess, south carolina family lost everything after a tornado destroyed the whole family didn't have insurance to cover the law so they used a can of spray paint to ask for donations allen devlin explains. >>at one time was actually the entrance to. >>to arm our house or the house bill patterson has spent most of his life and is now unrecognizable this before and after shows just how much damage. the april 13 tornado left behind or dining room area was here. >>the fireplace was completely gone, you know when we when we came through there and court kitchen. >>destroyed as well powerful winds knocked his home almost 15 feet off of its foundation says the closet. patterson his wife and his autistic son hid in this closet as their roof collapsed in their walls caved in the family is ok. the house
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however, a total loss looking at the house you. >>maybe feel sorry for yourself just for a moment, you know get to pick yourself up you can't miss this no way to live and even worse they don't have the insurance to cover any of this. >>for the patterson family, there is no rescue squad. there's no man in a red tape. so as a last resort and with some creativity. a public plea for help for anyone looking or listening got up on the roof and. >>wrote my venmo up there and maybe this will draw some attention to a. so what we're trying to do in white spray paint. >>bill dash patterson dash 71, an open invitation to all to give to a family in need everything that i'm doing of olives around. >>my wife and my kids, i'm doing everything i can to you know to to rebuild from amman, reach out for help. >>and there was alan kelvin
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reporting for us tonight, the family case you're wondering is staying with a family friend until they can rebuild. coming up doctor anthony fauci snl dream becomes a reality actor brad pitt appears on snl
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>>tom hanks bay area native and his wife rita wilson, they're offering their plasma to help try to make a coronavirus vaccine. now the
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couple overcame a nasty bout with coronavirus well he was making a movie in australia. >>hanks and wilson returned home to la at the end of march after quarantining and recovering from their symptoms. they both say they carry the covid-19 antibodies now in an interview hanks talked about donating their blood to researchers if the plasma makes an effective vaccine. well the 2 time emmy award winner says that he's been thinking about a name for it. he likes the ring of calling it. the hank scene. and brad pitt meantime showed up on saturday night live last night to portray doctor anthony fauci the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases once joked that he would like brad pitt to play him on the show. >>guy got his wish in the home edition of snl pit translated the president's recent remarks about covid-19 take a look. >>anybody that we need to ask it's a tense weekend there they have to test and it s a
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beautiful ok couple of things. >>i don't know if i would describe the test as beautiful, unless your idea of beauty is having a cotton swab tickle your brain. also when he said everyone can get a test. what he meant was almost no one. >>took off the wigan thanks the real doctor fauci for his comb and clarity we call on the face of facts at those white house press briefings. pitt also wanted to thank medical workers first responders and all of their families for being on the front lines of this pandemic certainly a bit of humor in it, serious situation, but we need the doctors and the scientists are now more than ever i think we can all agree on that indeed we do and that wraps up kron 4 news at 10 has the night everybody thanks for being with us the kron 4
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morning news starts tomorrow at 04:00am it is monday. we start a new week during. these i've time so we appreciate you being here if you ever news on the go the kron on app has you covered there in kron 4 dot com is a great way to stay connected always. wow!
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