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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  December 9, 2019 7:00am-8:01am PST

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darya folsom, i'm james fletcher almost seems to you that yeahut a boat on that kind of push around is that stic out there this morning, this is a live picture from i believe i'm told it's sutro tower but is might also be san bruno little too early so we don't know what is so foggy it's hard to make out where sarah yes is now covering for in marine county below can youee anything. >>and cisco does not exist them here on the murray county side. the golden gate and it's so foggy i mean we're but this is in 10. bay area. lete show you some of the conditions of driving here on the bay bridge. you can. lights right there peopleriving on the goalie bridge going the regular speed limit may even eeding but it's important to slow down. causes for dangerous driving conditions. take a look at this is the bay
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bridge and you can see. dealing with this. looki at the fog it's very eerie and take a look noat the embarcadero. north bay, this is the embarcadero and then. the crazy shots from the suture tower you can see nothin of the sales force tower which is usually an indicator of san francisco ca showing you a lease yocan always see the sales force tower. it looks likth fog is going to hang on around until. the fog advisories for sure 10 o'clock this morning but just being here by the golden gate bridge. i mean you cannot see the city you can see the golden gate bridge. a few people out there. this
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very but those headligh on make sure that you are. where today because this fog is thick in john trevorrow. meteorologist he's going give us a more in-depth report so send it back to y. >>yes, thank you very much. sharon and we've got john right here talk more about this dense fog all around yeah, very ick all across the bay really settled into the bay, sometimes you'll see it sitting right above us and that just makes for gray skies. >>just getting that see anything kn this is right down at the ground everywhere exactlynd we have actually another shot from our sutro camera looking fothat now and another little and above the fog. >>all i can think of is what they're already an hour just starting its aightmare. >>r 40 minutes. yes, you we landed early we had to sit there. or 30 minutes early we ended up 30 minutes late. we
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a c agree a when not like the fog this morning because it is slow you down whether u're at sfo or elsewhere across the bay south san francisco, half moon bay. >>concord livermore napo we're all looking at his ability. well below a mile heaw sarah standing out there in a second ago it is pretty bad as far as visibility goes anit's going to stay thaway all through your morning commute this fog is not in any rush of burning off it's gng to stay with us all through the morning that's we can expect visibility impacts even cases by the time we move to the evening tonight, another dose of fog to be expected. so be wary of th tomorrow morning to now at least we are quiet on the radar we had a day lose on saturday. so yesterday calm down and today we're going to continue the calmer weather after this chilly and we're going to see some .
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clearing aernoon and some 60's over parts of the bay upper 50's for others come the afternoon ahead of us so not a d day ahead and just get through the fog this morning sunshine. ok for to some well. >>you will and far until a lot of cars on the san mateo brge. so if you need to head across that spanned bill at extra time in because right now 31 minutes, there's been a fender bender of some sort on the eastbound direction at kenya out a so not this way, but this way but still it impacts traffic and that's why despite all that fog on the roadway and people paying attention. the times have climbed up just a bit now you're looking at 32 minutes a little bit of problem u can right here in the carpool lane at the bay bridge toll plaza 13 minutes. still a lot of fog here of the cars are still inching ong one quick thing to let you know about the's been a 2 car accident westbound 80 right around chmond parkway so you still miles away from the toll plaza
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that particular point but 80 altogether can be raaf keep that in mind westbound direction on 80 way james story. ok thank you very much. >>will our p story this morning. pg name has agreed to a multi-billion dolr settlement after recent wildfires in northern california. so what is wrong with. >>that's some othe victims don't like the deal let's go and find out more about what is wrong kron four's gayle ong has the details. >>pg e says it's the 3rd major settlement, the utility has achievedn its chapter 11 bankruptcy case. dozens of wild fire victims were in spoke with say the settlement the first st. 2 years ter devastating wildfires a multi-billion dollar settlent genie announced friday agreement to pay billion for settlement cost. >>resolving all major claims related tdeadly wildfires of 2015 2018 lawyers for the victims negotiated the settlement it's going to force of p g and b.
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>>to join the community of good corporate citizens. pa and parcel to this settlement p g inow going to have to invest the only un's of dollars in their infrastructure and safe which should have been done in the last 30 to 40 years the money will be divided between the victims of the tugs camp beautify ers and the ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland. >>at a press conference santa rosa sundaythe lawyers explain to wildfire victims at billion settlement is to be paid out in 8 to 12 months, accoing to the lawyers the money is split and now have cash the rest bonds pgd is currently in chapter 11 bankruptcy in says the utility have the financial backing in equity to support the settlement and its planned. >>anything is better than thing but i need to know all the details >>this father of 3 is thankful they concerned about the allocations know that stop us with anything in >>on the into the lkabout the stock with go only to 2022 you don't the this not risky. >>job layers as fountain grove home in santa rosa is a
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red tag from the tubbs fire. he is one of dozens who showed up to learn about the deal i think it's a good sethat. us getting back into our house. we're deali with our insurance companyso that's. attorneys say more than 30,000 claims have been submitted the claim still need to be evaluated to get them paid the hope is f all fire victims to get paid in late 20 20n a statement pg any president and bill johnson said from the beginning of the chapter 11 process ofetting wildfire victims fairly compensated especially the individuals has been our primary goal we want to help our customers our ighrs and our friends in those impacted areas. recover and rebui after these tragic wildfires the settlement must still be approved by a feder judge a court hearing is scheduled later this month. the deline for wildfire victims says submit claims for thsettlement is december 31th. pg e says we expect to learn more abouthe deal on
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monday,reporting in the newsroom, gayle ong kron 4 news. >>7 a video showing a racist and sexist remarks is using outrage on the campus at u c berkeley it shows a student sayinhe hates african-americans and they don't deserve any rights and neither do women. officials believe the videwas shot by students at the university and now students want the school to take action. >>personally my thought i use of the suit should be removed from the school grounds i feel as though he shou be expelled frothe school and you know addion to disciplinary action should be taken. >>it definitely does bother me that someone with. use a fuse like that jokes about things like that can be sitting next to me and mature. >>the claim should b responsible for that video and posted and a pop a g saying that it was a joke. u c berkeley public affairs says they're taking appropriate action and they condemn all forms of hatred, including racisand bigotry.
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>>right now as we take a live look fromcapitol hill who have the latest on the impeachment hearing underway with the house judiary committee hearing evidence presented by lawyers for both paties the democrats and republicans. the lawyers are laying out the information that's already been gathered to make the case for why it does or does not justify impeachment. this is expected to be one of the last ste before house democrats begin drafting articles of impeachment. the white house decline to participate in today's hearing arguing that the inquiry is rigged against theresident full house could vote on an impeachment bys early as next week democrats have said that they want to holdhat ve before christmas. if the president is impeached the sena would hold a trial to decide if president trump's should be removed from office ware of course moniting this hearing will bring you any developments that happened. throughout the morning will be right tre was we do have more on this coming up. >>7 oh 9 a developing story at least 5 i people were killed when a volcano erupted in new
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zealand. and now there's a desperate searcunder way for survivors. the prime minister of new zealand says about 50 tourists we're on white island. when look the volcano erued, killing 5 5.23 people were evacuated from the island 10 people are still missing and more than a dozen are hurt. most of those on e island were fr a royal caribbean cruise ship. news the fbi is investigating the deadly attack at a naval base in florida considering it pontially an act of terror we're going to have the very latest on that investigation this morning and a man arresteafter a video showed him rehearse in a mass shooting in southern california will have more on that as well an aer the break cleanup underway as a lot of lks dealing with the aftermath of the storm this weekend. we'll have a closer look. and at least know stormy weather today. we are nice and calm will be a very foggy i've got the details on what to expect for your monday ahd
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foggy absolutely right sarah stinson is at the golden gate bridge. she just showeus the shot 25 mutes now if y on the ecomy, a unique leader.
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mike bloomberg's created over 400,000 jobs. as predent, an opportunity economy that works for us. tax fairss -- where the wealthy pay their fair share. education .. affordable college and high skill vocational training so people can sueed in the new economy. economic security .. lower cost health care and affordable middle-class housing proven leadership onobs .. to build an econy whe people don't just get by, they get ahead i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.
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>>the cleanup is underwain san francisco after heavy rains pounded the bay area ver the weekend you can see examples of th here in these video clips the west portal neighborhood just east of 19th avenue and ste grove was hit. awfully hard kron four's tailored to sack he has the very latest. >>it brought us back to about 5 years ago when we had a water main break and it was literally the same height. i mean pretty much as what that was as crazy how much wer was here and it just was n going anywhere damage with items and restoration bans, a common sight of 15th avenue and walnut street in san francisco on sunday. >>neighbors tried to prevent the rain from coming into their homes at this was all cleaned out by the neighbors. >>i'm just using their own brooms and shovels to clear this out because thdrains are all cloed.
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>>but they couldn't keep up wh the downpour on turday very severe rains and our entire street got floodedi would say it was at least waist height, jason wu's crawlspace flooded. also he'll tour the last several items in his garage well, these are a lot of things that were in the box says a mainly. >>magazines some things that we've collected over the years unfortunately we've lost all of that mily has and yes, lots of family photos unfortunately couldn't was say other neighbors lost furniture and cars over neighbors who really close with. it went a the way into the back for houses even. takeut whole bedroom neighbors y there's obvious issues with their drainage system and now they're asking for help from the city and its leaders one of the questions that we have this you know this has become a chronic issu the city has not been out here. words or superviso where's the mayor was the public works department in san francisco taylor sackey on 4 news.
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>>and the fog to start your hands just made a little appearance through the fog. now gets ok we're doing any ppets taken. but it is just so thick everywhere, look at that. >>yes a very dense out there this morning guys it is causing some visibility issues for sure those living on the delays of a. >>there with the delays at sfo get me wanto do this. somebody saido be on the no fly list because i cplain so they're going to your picture up. she goes to do better. there was no fog yesterday by the way it only yesterday there was no thought when we were we arrived early they had no gate to put a son. so that's so nice out there with like no air on this because this so popul that the gates for all d mike hickey so why do we keep flying as a full if you hate it so much. later she purrd everybody flies on their son. bill i promise top
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on the wellthis morning. at leasthere's the fall excuse the y that us a full real anywhere else across the bay because it is dance out there your view from berkeley right here right now it's hard to tell which cameras which at leasyou can see the view and this one half of them. >>you just can't see anythi this morning now skies will remain dry today. it may be foggy to start and it will be foggy all the way towards noon for many spots in the day. but as we work into the afternoon expected. now as we make our way into tomorrow afternoon you'll start to see cloud cover on the rise. ahead of some showers that will work their way in come tomorrow evening now the showers are going to be very light very spotty tomorrow night in fact this week's rainfall potentl very much so diminished from where we were at last today, nice and dry tomorrow during the day we stay dry. then the showers move in they're really going to lose steam by the time they reach the bay area some isolated spots where you can see some light to moderate rainfall overnightuesday into early wednesday morning.
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again for a couple dbye to him of days, staying dry for the remainder of the week after that point as for todathis afternoon skies will clear out and that will offer up some sunshine. between some a pipe passing clouds mostly cloudy to partly cloudy skies highs in the upper 50's to low 60's. a pretty seasonable dry december day across the bay area we've seen enough for a now it nice to get a breather from it and today is definitely one of those days. but you can chal up to be a breather as we will be seeing such calm conditions just be wary of the fog this morning it's going to st with spots in the east bay in north bay well into the start of the afternoon ahead of us. but the afternoon itself will be bringing some sunshine eventually just going to have to wait a while for it on this monday. torrow a little cooler than today again we got those overnight showers esday night and wednesday morning. only other chancef rain besides that is on saturday. well, 12 minutes, if you need to go into san francisco from the east bay, it's foggy the cars drivers are paying attention no
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problems. >>going into san francisco but leaving san francisco on the lower deck of the bay bridge once he gets a treasure island there's been a 2 caaccident that trying to quickly clear that that's not the commut directions that you should be good to go as far as e bay bridge right now holding steady at 33 minutes on the san mateo bridge. fog just a lot of cars, this is the commute direction right there. no accidents just a lot. people heading in a very small space jam terry. >>thanks a lot we'll 7.19 for your money this morning was 60% of americans say they have en a victim. >>an online. >>scam d t mobile and sprint heado court today to defend their merger. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more hygiene. yes, darya good morning expected to take 3 weeks for this trial t bile and sprint will begin arguing their case to merge. >>this is a case that ws filed by the state attorneys general. now the number 3 number 4 wireless provirs plan to argue there's more competion anjust 4
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carriers in this industry and they believe themportance of accelerating 5 g technology will be helpedby their merger. now analysts say a deal is thiwatch other companes are likely to come in and make attempts by t mobile spread or both well retailers having a trouble finding the help they nd this year with unemployment, low.etailers are scrambling to findworkers the racing pay and benefits over what was offered in the past sometimes substantially. and th started looking for seasonal help much earlier than normal this year. well st one in 10 americans have not. but a victim of a fraud scam data breachdentity theft or social media hacking according to new resech. a whopping 63% revealed they have been a victim of a scam ke falling for romance request transferring mon to someone they've neveret. resul revealed 56% of the victims of fraud and re th halfnd other social media accounts hacked well amazon running at full days of deals on to of products from now through december 14 so each day is a different deal across
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multiple categories toys games from the nasdaq, i'm jane king that heater, thank you jane. >>time now 7.20. the kron 4 morningnews and officers recoveng after a police shoong in san francisco will tell you what investigators say led up to those shots being fired and after the break the viral video that's ghting up social media. she was a baby experiencing something many of us take for granted. there's a quick live look outside the bay bridge. awfully fogging we'll be right back.
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>>welcome back 7.24 on this monday morning can see anything from our camera oking down at san francisco from the north bay this morning. normally you at least get a lile visibility at the foregrod but nothing that shows you how thick that fog is this morning. tempertures are chilly to its in the 40's 50's jackets give yourself some extra time to get twork. james. all right, thank you very much hn. so we have
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vide here this going out your heart to baby girl and shows the joy she experienced when her hearing aids. >>were turned on and er reactions lighting up social media take a look. >>this is and the babies >>obviously the families thrilled the baby's happy to hear mom and dad's voice and it was dead actually that recorded this video and since the implants have been turned hear. the baby was able up at night right every morningthis is their routinely turn >>and they say good morning to be the reality. >>the 25 right now, i'm ming up on that. >>holidaseason we're going to stop it.gointo do to try >>holidaseason we're going
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where grass-fed cows produce rich, creamy milk for a truly delicious taste. kerrygold. the taste that takes you there.
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>>this morninghis not been easy can seend are they should we take our camera on to troll you spin it and whever stops. it's the same shotthe same chance whenou look in any way what are yo seeing this on the roads as far as like the well itained down sir. >>i would say you know what avoid the san mateo bridge take the dumbarton bridge because the san mateo bride that's the heavy lifting this morning it was around 33 minutes as far as him >>to get across all tell you why it revealed itself, i know the all right more on that to come in a moment >>so let's talk about this fog when it will lift and wh the weather's going to be like today, so it's going to take some timeuys fog is going to be with us pretty much all morning long a weather will be ce and calm today and eventually will offerp some sunshine kind of like you're seeing what you head above the
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fog just to hear from the center tower you can see the cloudy bank th is sitting around right io the bay this morning resulting in that very low visibity just barely a spying that top of mount m there in the distance s visibility widespread is being affected. onof the most widespread dense foggy morningi've seen in while, san francisco, half moon bay in napa conqred livermore as well as oakland haywa in santa rosa now just getng an update looking at visibility falling below a mile so we are definitely seeing a widespre impact from this dense fog improvement into the afternoon d then another push fog on into the evening tonight making for a foggy start to the morning tomorrow, too. now as far as conditions go. we will remain dry today and into thevening tonight you can expect a continuation of dry conditions. so besides the fog which is present this morning and will turn tonight. we do have a od day ahead of us 50's 60's for your highs and looking at sunshine later today over to you well is that u san francisco is that yo
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because. >>you will have a hard time seeingsan francisco. if you cross the bay bridge toll plaza look at all that fog on top of the screen. but the good news is cars are paying attention to their conditions. and that's why we don't s any major accidents 13 minutes if you need to cross that sn on to fremont street. here's what i was talking about a little bit earlier the s mateo bridge. this is the prom problem sp. this morning 31 minutes that's the commute diction from the east bay from hey we're down to one oh one a the reason why it's backed up by just found out there's an accident at 92 to 80 so you're well beyond one on one at that point but because the car's stackp that's why it'slowing go across that span 8.80 uthbound nothing t orange on the roadway, but no red and which is what we don't want. orange meansumping the brakes coming and goi. 22 minutes from milpit to san leandro james darya thanka
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lot. we'll 7.31 right now, the fbi is investigating friday's dely shooting at. >>a florida aval base is an act of terrorism now we have 3 us naval us sailors dilled. >>in the attack when a saudi air force officer opened fire. john lawrence has the very latest now this morning. >>a dignified transfer to dover air force base and a for the 3 navy sailors who officials say didn't run from danger when a gunman opened fire at naval air station pensacola airman mohamed and son joshuaatson and airman apprentice cameron walters died friday when they ran toward the shooter. >>on behalf of t entire navy i extend my sincere and deepest sympathies to the families of the sailors who lives were taking during this heinous act. >>no word yet on a motive, but authorities say the working with the premption. but this was an act of terror. >>thisllows us ttake advantage of investigative techniques. that can help us
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more quicy identify and then eliminate. any adtional potential threats to the rest of our community. the gunman was identified as mohammed alshamrani. >>a saudi air force officer, the year-old was killed after exchanging gunfire with 2 deputies. you have foreign. >>military rsonnel coming to our base. they should not be doing that if they hate our country all witnesses including some saudi nationals are being questioned. a us official told cnn. we are working with every single international and domestic partner to ensure that we vet every single lead reporting. y i'm jo lawrence >> of a story a san francisco police officer is recovering this morning after an officer-involved shooting in thmission district it started around 8 30 saturday morning. when police responded to a burgly at 23th and cap streets when they got there. they say the burglar assaulted them with a weapon d that's when officers opened fire witnessesay they heard at
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least 8 gunshots.both the burglar and one othe officers had to be hospitalized.i don't. >>an investigation like this we. we try to gather as much eviden as possiblefrom video surveillance especially in the area. >>the officers expected to be the burglars injuries, however are life threatening. >>in the east bay police say that since the jump start the holiday season property crimes are on the rise auto burglaries and package that's also a big issue. a few officers for the pleanton police department actually been reassigned to patrol through the's a strategy to try to crack down on property crimes are e end of the year. so we'll going to have uniformed officers and plainclothes officers working with neighborhood law enforcement agencies to focus onrime hot spo in town places like malls and shopping apartment buildings d as well a
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lot of our kinds of crimes of opportunity. >>where the victims either failed to lock the door on their vehicle or leave their the valuable property in plain sight which is that the crminal. the opportunity to the window and trying to gain access to that property. t best advice would be to lock your vehicles and hide all the property that's nickel that's valuable. make sure it's not a place i puit in your trunk. take it with you and always make sure to close your windowand lock your doors. >>are just some of the precautions you can take that a lot of people just forget because we're so busy rning around trying to romell are errands same with packag that's police say someone should be home when you're expeing deliveries you can bring it insi as quick as possible and don't rely on surveillance systems to stop a thief because as we've seen more and videos are popping up wath thieves just not caring. >>in the north bay police arrested a for robbing a rohnert park credit ion and
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there are pictures from inside during thisrobry tha happened at the patel co credit union on golcourse drive. police say the man his year-old trans and keely homes from sonora sonoma unty who handed the teller a note. now he's booked into the sonoma county jail. in the east bay poli in hayward investigating 2 separate homicides. one in the 27,000 block of belvedere court near tennis i high school. shots were fired there and they found the victim dead and then the was a second homicide in hayward and in 24 hours ecause saturday police sponded to shots fired the area of abba norway and yolo street near the haard bart station and that's where a man was shot and kild. they do not believe that these 2 murders are related. a woman. >>has been found dead on the sidef the road in contra costcounty h body found near gateway road just west of piper road in bethel island during investigations chp actuallgot a call from a man who said he thinks he may have hit a womawith his car.
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officers went to his home they found damage to the front end of his car. the victim's identity has been revealed and so far no charges have been fid just yet. stories we're following this morning a san diego cnty man will be a rain today accused of rehearsing a mass shooting. so that has been posted online appears to ow 30 year-old stevhokey practicing a sniper attack from a downtown san diego hotel. you can see him here loading the magazine of his gun and then loading it into the gun and then point it towards the window like he's targeting people outside that led investigators to thi he was possibly planning a mass shootg. police have arrested him they actually took him into custody at his home in spring valley and they seized more than a dozen guns. he lives with his wife and kids and he's now facing multiple felony weapons charges and child endangerment. we'll take a break at 7.37. coming up california is diggingeep to pay its firefighters overti wages during this fire season will have more on that in a
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moment. >>and aice and calm day ahead of us and very foggy start though i've got all you need to know as you ep outside forour monday ahead, and thousands of people are we're doing theirindle they try to power the way into work this morni right now in 13 minutes if you need to go into san frcisco by way of you know when you're at ross and you find their favorite hero... a price that makes you the hero? yes! that's yes for les yes! with hot holiday toys for all ages, ross is your toy destination. it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less.
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colgate optic white. whitening that works.
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and you find a deal on cookware that makes you say. you know when you'ret ross yes! ...oh, yeah! bring on the holidays! that's yes for less. ything you need to prep, cook and serve up the season. it feels even better when you find it for le-aross. that's yes for less. yes for less. >>well no lice are offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who can provide information that can leado the arrest of 3 thieves you can e the ce say pictures here they smashed display cases and sto thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and watches. cali on jurors that's at the great ma. this was back in august august 25th specifically police have bn able to obtain the security images from nearby businesses but they haven't bn able to identify the actual people so they're hopinmaybe you can help. all police know so far is the thieves left the scene in a black four-door sedan. following an unprecedented
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series of wildfires a new report says that in the pt decade overtime payll has pushed annual wages for california firefighterso billion. e report says overtime pay surged by 65% in the found the number of report firefighters earning more than a $100,000 in overtime alone. surge from 41. in 2011 more than a 1000 in this despite the large paychecks r. experts say it's cheaper to y overtime then hire more firefighters once traing and benefits for all taken into account. >>un the buzz usingika wins the day for the 49 ers but 5 5 amazing kicks. wn
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>>welcome back 7.45 on this monday morning. it's back to work with some very foggy conditions can see much from our sutro tower. but if you lookut in t distance you can see some of the clear ies that thing out out
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above this foggy later is morning it's actually pretty quiet out there what you don' fact in the fog that is interrupting your travel into work, but no rainfall least for today and tomorrow rainfalis likely to arrive come. tuesday night into wednesday rning it won't be amounting to much certainly nothinlike what we saw on saturday but some to talk about as far as rain goes nonetheless, it won't come tomorrow during the day but after the sun goes down do expect a few isolated showers drifting into the balikely into wednesday morning to ivy's drive into work on tions wednesday itself taking a look at temperatures 50's and 's for today's daytime highs conquered redwood city mountain vi nd san jose all up into the next 7 days temperatures in the uer 50's to low 60's with those chip thoschances of rain mostikely tuesday night into wednesday morning and then again saturday. well 15 minutes, the drive ime is slowly inching up it was 30 minutes when you
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started your weather report john now it's 15 minutes. >>all that fog is slowing things down the good news is no major accidents anywhere in the bay area and the g is getting people to slow down which is good because that means you need pay attention to the road conditions right now i3rd 35 minutes if you are crossing the san mateo bridge. a new ccident closer to the volume of cars. i just saw 2 accidents excuse me 2 car collision on 92 to one oh one in the commute direction right when cars dumped down to one oh one and that's we are seeing this time go up hopefully they'll clear that sooner than later but that's why i went from1 to 35 minutes, 65 5 minutes. if you gorom san jose to menlo park daria. >>put san francisco on.
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>>didn't internet th championship. the stanford women's kicks. so let's give the lady cardina some love and watch em nailed a penalty kick shootout that ended a grueling game against north caroli. after cotton goalkeeper katie meier top 2 tries by thtahee and this was at after not either side could find the net in 9 the minutes of regulation. ertimes and then finally the stanford women, national champs again for the 3rd. and in san jose. you can use and talk to about theni0 ners already ok. the soccer dad is a former 49 er hall of fame
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charles haley's daughter met anderson played last night and she is one of 4 stanrd player selected to try out for the national team. so maybe we will see her at the olympi. i now know that amazing 49 ers game or san francisco beat the new orleans ints, 48 to 46 it wasn't all. drew brees though mashed the 349 yards and both teams had 6 touchdowns. enters into field goal range and a couple plays later. >>that's what a good football team does he find a way to win. tough games like this. whatever may think our guys a bill for anything on and when the environment everything it was it was pretty loud out there, you know, but i thought weo both that.
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>>matter what happens just keep calm cool collected and ride the wave 90 we did really good that mother ups and downs was kep what happened if they scored not 14 an answer and i don't remember happen. but our i thin we just kept clking and even if a pleasant i d to specially is meant to place we had to win ultimately office in. >>know wh happened but whatever an awareness what you're my head backers. wel jimmy g is like going to the oscars yeah look at nigh george no it was great but and that got out my seat whehe made that final out final run their to. >>help us get into field resumes in his later something else as said i am necklace of some now some must mean something it was definily making a statement. the niners are number one in the dision now they say that. thanks to jared goff going nowhere fast
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they lost their well to the titans ach gruden is not for excuses but he found some. >>we'll take football team is comping hard. enormous of some of the players that helped us win those 3 straight games you know i think the golden state warriors are going through similar processes not as easy to win when you're not plan with your front line guys and we'r excited about the development of some young players that's on me answer this my responsibity to fix it. >>it was 3 championships. oaklanto san francisco over a bridge. they're not going to last the raiderplay their last game at the coliseum this sunday don't let the door hit
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tree and fans there brutal. has led them to 9 super bowl 6 rings and was care and into ing into last night's game against the chiefs. and here's the thanks he gets going into the tunnel halftime down 20 to 7. release is giving boy. >>yes, 42 you've been with us forever but to get it. 23 to . >>say should never how the patriotsut even if their fans are as unforging as i am i guess of the race. i guess you can call me a fair weher fan because i only like fall wn it's sunny dry and there's not a breeze in the air. james my plane landed. and we sat there
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because there was no gate. feel though should you or should ijust tell you how it really no no no i don't want to go iowa. i wanted to hate me, but i hate you. that's a nice. the van gogh.
7:54 am
to harson, the wine collecti. to craig, this rock. i leave these thin to my heirs, on one condition.f you, that you do everything to preserve and protecthem. withove, california.
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the ones that ma a truer been difference in people's lives. and mike'son them, which is important right this minute,
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because if he could beat america's biggest gun lobby, heing pass bacround check laws and defeat nra backed politicians across this country, beat big coal, helping shut down ndredsf polluting plants and be big tobacco, helping pass laws to se the next generation from addiction. all againsbig odds you can beat him. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this msage. >>toy's box office report brought to you by the new luxury lounges at century n francisco center. >>all right a quick breakdown of the top 5 movies this weekend we had a beautiful day in the nghborhood taking in 5th place, queen and slim it force. ford versus ferrari at 3rd ives out came in second and frozen to still number one at the box office 3rd straight weekend in a row with the domestic polled now 30. there are million. all right. we'll take a quick break coming up next tower pga reaches a
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settlement with the wildfire victims now those victims say they're not too happy witthe deal some parts of it anay. >>and a racist video shot by u c berkeley student goes viral. now students want the school toake action.
7:58 am
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7:59 am
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8:00 am
>>can't see >>whle area really widespread gate bridge in san mateo left and right boxes there and then our left boxes men, the bay bridge down by the barcudero i mean, but we can only see us to be seen as particularly just ha a bridge you can only see a couple cars and funny and yes, so it's that foggy all around in some spots, it's even worse that's why we've got team coverage on it ts morning, sarah stinson is going to be live for us in marin county. >>with the latest as we ta a look here there she is so sarah walk us through what are you seing out there.


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