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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  December 7, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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a great home coming. after being detained for nearly six weeks, he's back, spending his first night with family. >> he was detained for some 42 days after his visit in north korea. what the man had to say. >> it's been a great home coming. i'm tired. >> reporter: he didn't have
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much to say after being detained for six weeks. his wife and son and family met him at the airport where he flew in. the 85-year-old war veteran was visiting north korea when he was on his way to come home, but he was escorted off the plane stepping from his army service in the war years ago. he confessed to at the alleged crimes. many speculate it was forced. days after the confession, he was freed. after touching u.s. soils, he thanked his supporters. >> i thank everybody for all their help. >> reporter: he walked out of
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the airport with his wife by side. palo alto, kron four news. four deaths are being blamed an cold weather. police say another homeless man has died died. that freezing weather is expected to continue through the weekend. a live look outside right now and temperatures are dropping to 28 degrees on mount tam. >> we are in for this cold weather the next several nights with temperatures dropping below freezing. mostly clear skies, and they are getting cooler. a freeze warning in effect
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tonight for all locations except for san francisco. it's dropping into the low 20ing for tonight. tomorrow night is shaping up to be even colder, getting into the up per teens. we're in the middle of an arctic outbreak in california. santa rosa, 23 degrees. fairfield, the 20s. livermore, upper 20s. freezing for the south bay, 32 tonight. as we go through the day tomorrow, we have a cold start and it won't warm up very much. look for afternoon highs in the mid-to upper 40s, so a cool
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day at candle stick park for the game. police are warning fans to keep the peace. extra offices will be in attendance and you probably won't recognize them. >> security is tight for the game. even the media is being turned away at gates. this is an example what police don't want to happen in sunday's matchup. this is a parking lot fight that broke out last season. fans need to keep their hands to themselves. offices i will will pose as fans. and there beal more will be
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more dequeue fans decoy fans out there than you think. the 49ers are 8-4 and fighting to get back into the season. oakland is official keeping the a's. they let the team know today that their bid has been denied. a letter showed up in court documents last night. they admitted to the letter as part of their legal element to dismiss the antitrust lawsuit
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over the plans. tonight on the 72nd anniversary of pearl harbor, this beacon shines from sunset, today, to sunrise tomorrow morning. more than 2400 u.s. troops died in the early hours of december 7th, 1941 when the attack happened, pushing the u.s. into world war ii, a day where at least 2,000 are still living. thousands gathered at the memorial to honor those who died in the attack.
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the ceremony began with a moment of silence. in new york, they honored the occasion with a ceremony on the hudson. they remember those who died. inning up on kron four news at 11, possible answers into what happened with the deadly plane crash this summer. then then a warning for atm users. first, "that kid" returns to san francisco, helping a great cause!
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i want you to know stuff i don't. i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you.
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find your perfect match at and thrive.
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are a. a new mission. he's using his super powers to help other sick kids. today at a fundraiser for the make a wish foundation, he helped kick off a 5 k race.
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>> do you feel good? >> yes. >> how do you like the cold weather? >> i don't. >> are you getting in the water? >> no. >> happy days. if i can help anybody by doing this, dressing up and being bat kid, that's what we want. >> the leukemia is in remission. last month the foundation granted his wish of turning san francisco into gotham city for a day. demand for t-shirts, they've reached great amounts. they say there's more than 1,000 presale orders for the t-shirt.
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it's sold out. there's also other items in the bat kit collection like hats. privacy concerns being privacy concerns being raised in the privacy i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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preparations are underway tonight to remember nelson mandela. crowds have surrounded his home singing songs. a public memorial will be held tuesday. president obama and others all plan to attend. a state funeral will be held on the 15th. >> he's an icon. >> he died thursday after a long battle with lung infection. he was 95. the u.s. department of
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agriculture is recalling 2600 pounds of perchoottoa fan fact manufactured by santa foods. they are beginning ready to begin a hearing in the tragic crash that killed three. the two-gay investigative hearings are at the time to take place in washington d. c. they'll hear testimony from the faa and boeing and other aviation companies. how safe is your personal information? many individuals from
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california have concerns. the california health exchange is giving the names of 10s of thousand of consumers without letting them know. they say the information they shared was only to make the process for consumers easier. more information tonight about an amber alert out of washington state. they may be a driving a fordoes scape with temporary washington registration. he's accused of abducting this 14-year-old on wednesday. police believe he could be headed to mexico. a fire gutted this family's home. it started after 4:00 this afternoon. i took an hour to get the fire under control. no injuries. they believe it was caused by
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an electrical power cord. a police office in new mexico has been suspended after shooting at kids in a mini van. >> reporter: it's caused outrage. the chaos started when the police officer pulled this woman over. >> why did it take them over a month since the october 28th incident to suspend the
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officer. there was no comment. >> reporter: others have plenty to say. this attorney said in court in november... >> [ inaudible ] >> the state police chief says he has concerns about the behavior he concerned. we have a cold night on the way tonight. we have clear skies and we'll watch the temperatures tumble as we go through the rest of the tonight. we have a freeze warning in effect with the exception of san francisco. we have a few high clouds moving in. for tomorrow, a cold start. we'll see mostly sunny skies
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and deal with more cool temperatures, mid-to upper 40s. we're looking at temperatures 10 to 15 degrees below average. for tomorrow night, look for temperatures to be even cooler still, dropping down into the upper teens. as we go through the week we'll return to more average temperatures. by the end of the week, highs up into the 60s. now it's cold, however, and the temperatures are in the 20s in santa rosa. the coldest temperatures happen right around sunrise, currently below freezing in vallejo and fairfield. san jose, 37 degrees. san francisco, 40. here is the satellite view. sierra picked up to two to
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3 feet. this system is approaching, and the rain is going to get close, but not quite. future cast here at mid-might shows some high clouds and even some light rain. this remains off the shore. for the morning we'll watch the high clouds clear out and mostly sun yo and temperatures will be cold for the afternoon. certainly very cold for the morning. 20s for the north bay and south bay. highs for the afternoon, mid-to upper 40s. the warm spot is oakland at 50 degrees. here is the 7-day around the bay. it won't be until the middle of next week untilled we see the temperatures get warmer.
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the low 60s will return around wednesday and thursday. alameda lit up their christmas tree. the event kicked off this afternoon and featured entertainment. we're getting you into the holiday spirit before another kron special show, next friday right after the kron four news at 8:00. if you want to help animals back at home, the shelters are lowering their adoption cost. they want to find dogs and cats families of their own. the cost is dropped to just $12
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through new years eve. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today
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and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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justice. what's at the movies this
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weekend! >> reporter: this is about two brothers in an economically depressed town. one brother disappears. when the police give up on the case, it's up to the oldest sibling to seek justice. it's rated r. the warriors are coming off of a disappointing loss, but tonight in thompson, it's a
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whole different story. they defeated the grizzlies. the warriors end an 11--game skid, a dominating first half. it's cold out there, literally with frost. >> low to mid-20s out there, and close to freezing for hayward. tomorrow, it's going to be even
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colder. >> protect the plants. >> yes. that's it for us tonight. good night, everybody! we all have our little tricks.
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mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good.
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