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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  October 24, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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incumbent mayor is under fire the san francisco in from america headley today one of his opponents introduced a video accusing him of fraud. the mayor says that his campaign staff is playing by the rules. coming after his opponent deadly. the yee campaign
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says this video specifically shows workers handling damage and possibly marking balance which yee's campaign says is a voter fraud. >> we have no connection or communications with those passing up the balance. >>reporter: the mayor denied the group's that were passing out the ballot at the campaign. the sent the right to vote is sacred anshan not be tampered with.--he says the right to vote is sacred and shall not be tampered with. the district attorney's office in san francisco says that
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they have opened a preliminary investigation into a voting incident that occurred on stockton street. >>katherine: while merely continues to be hammered by the candidates his campaign the cape used today the former san francisco mayor who you see there endorsed leave for mayor today saying that san francisco would be for much better in the future if he was steering the ship. >> i have had the privilege of watching in this role. now he is moving from caretaker to in leaders there is no doubt in my mind that the city is better off because of his leadership. there is no doubt in my mind that the trajectory that the city is on will be enhanced if he maintains his role in this position as mayor.
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>>pam: he made the endorsement after he in its league lead toward the high- tech company branched out it could nix employee years and job-seekers grew facebook. [music] >>pam: it was significantly cooler out there with temperatures in the '60s, '70s and '80s. take a look. >>jacqueline: take it that the difference out there today. it was 70 degrees cooler in livermore and 18 degrees cooler in napa and that is because she saw the sea breeze return to the forecast but tomorrow we'll see a reversal in the wind, the wind coming towards the northeast. that is raising fire concerns. all the areas that are highlighted in orange in the north bay and east bay, areas that were under a fire and whether watch. we will talk more
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about this in just a minute. >>pam: kron4 news at 8:00 p.m. is just getting started. these the cat the recent earthquake in turkey. we also taking the kids singularities to what our own fault lines. >> the president is coming to town and that means that traffic will be a mess i will tell you you need to do to avoid the gridlock. >> the city has been bought from the top of the annual travel survey in the u.s.. we will have details coming up. >>pam: kron4 stanley roberts show you this scene on one the area street where police say public drunkenness is a key problem.
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at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home.
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from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. america's fastest and most reliable 4g network in over 160 cities. verizon. built so you can rule the air. the >> new details about this
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weekend's officer involved shooting and some analysts say. this all went down at the extended stay hotel. tonight we obtained 911 tapes. in them, a hotel employee tells the dispatcher that there is a man sleeping or pastel and if they're well and the hotel. the receptionist said the man had a gun in his hands. >> the shirt is lifted up and you can see the gun on the waste. my housekeeper tried to wake him up but he would not wake up. then i went up there and i was going to pick him up, like shaking him more, then i saw the gun and i said ok. >> police arrived they woke the guy up and officers say that guy displayed threatening behavior. at least one of the cops shot him in self-defense. that
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man is expected to survive. >>gary: coming up later in this broadcast we have the world series. we will talk with to raider in fire about you jackson and he may be getting carried away with himself. that is later in this broadcast. [ male announcer ] somewhere, there's a perfectly good lasagna being sent to the back of a freezer. and it's all because someone said "tacos." old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is.
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[ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at
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>>pam: and world news the death toll is nearing 300 in eastern turkey. rescue
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workers searched through the dozens of collapsed apartment buildings. the turkish government says as nearly as 1000 people may have died. >>katherine: this morning and a survivor is pulled from the debris. a rescue dog signals that someone else may be alive in the ruins of the collapsed building. for many people help came too late. >> yesterday there were knocking sounds and then there were two screen. >>katherine: surveillance video showed the earthquake and people rushing to the street. the quake released enough energy to shake buildings violently. look at what it did in five this apartment. earthquakes are common in turkey and that is because the country lies between three active
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tectonic plates. the arabian plate is moving north, the african plate is moving northeast both are squeezing turkey against the giant eurasian plate. the result is that turkey moves almost 1 in. every year. >>pam: in the meantime france his in menlo park are paying close attention to sunday's earthquake and its aftermath. it is one of a dozen magnitudes seven quakes ought to strike that area in the past two years. they say the fifth similar to what we have in the san andreas and the bay area. >> the fault is flicking at the same speed and has the same straight miss and to have a creeping fiction that doesn't produce like we have on the san andreas. this is
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a chance to study a fault that has produced a great number of earthquakes during the last 60 years. where unfortunately the san andreas has not given us very many. the has been like a laboratory for the san andreas. >>pam: another reason that the scientists are so interested in eastern turkey because there are records going back 1000 years of large earthquakes. they have been only studying the one on fan and trays for about 150 years. >>jacqueline: tomorrow morning we will have fog for the coast line as well as our bayshores. into the afternoon we will see a reversal in the wind. it will be breezy in spots, the winds will pick up into the late evening hours tomorrow and early wednesday morning
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but that is why there is a fire with a watch that has been issued. for gusty winds up to 38 mi. per hour sustained and that combined with low humidity means that it will be very dry. it is raising fire concerns in these areas. we will talk more about this and look at temperatures coming up. >>pam: the first authorized biography of the apple co- founder steve jobs hit the bookstores today. it is based on more than 40 interviews with steve jobs over 2 year--20 years. they say that steve jobs corporate with the but it never had chance to read it because he passed away
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earlier this month it was written by isaacxson. now this is the new ceo of apple steve cook. we take a look at the celebrities and musicians at the event to honor steve jobs. >>gabe: hundred the people draped the area. tim cook, now field apple open this ceremony sharing the last thing that steve told him it was advice for moving forward. >> he said he saw a disney paralyzed as everyone spent all their time thinking
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about what walt would want for what disney. he said he did not want this to happen with him. >> when it came to the voice recognition systems the tactical questions and then he said are you a man or woman? and then the system came back and said they have not find me a gender sir. [laughter] cab of he was also a fan of north jones she played a tune for him. former vice president al gore who also served as a board member said this. >> jobs has proven to be the one and only person in the world who can create technology product that people love. have but one of tv's favorite bands performed, cold plate. then tim cook wrap up the 80
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minute memorial with these words. >> there are no words in which that will express the fan is or our gratitude to have the opportunity to have worked for the world's greatest genius. steve, we will mission for ever and what are you in your merely by dedicating ourselves to doing the work that you loved so much.
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>>pam: and the new survey by popular travel magazine had dethroned san francisco. the reason may be the city's aggressive and. >> san francisco has been chosen for the past four years. but in this year's survey, the city has been bombed to #two. it is behind frost in south carolina. apparently even though san francisco boast amazing restaurants and tourist attractions leaders believe that charleston is a friendlier city. this is the president of the travelers association.
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>> i think a lot of it has to do with the aggressive street scene that we have. it is a bigger problem and san francisco especially in areas where a lot of tourists visit. if someone leaves their hotel at 8:00 p.m. and then there one are to eat and they can't aggressively panhandled at each corner they will not want to go out. >> they fit the city will this one to reclaim its no. 1 spot and protect its number one industry will have to take a team effort. >> we need to reach out to the more, if we see someone on the streets with a map looking for directions we may want to ask them if they need any help otherwise we have the threat of damaging our number one industry that supplies the quality of life that we enjoyed so much in san francisco. >>pam: coming of president
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obama on the west coast to making his way to the bay area. we will tell you are about his trip and how to avoid the traffic gridlock that his visit may cause. we will be back. for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child.
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keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given.
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that's why we pick vegetables at their peak. ...and freeze them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on
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>> protesters say the move may continue it is helping the less fortunate by given the mills, it also gives families who lost their home a place to street--sleep. the city officials have been urging protesters not to camp out overnight. this is what one of the organizers of the protests had to say. >> the point is to show the city that they need to work with the people. the city is going to create a problem if they bring the police in full force. >>reporter: officials tell me there may be a police raid some time tomorrow morning. >>pam: maureen kelly shows
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as the one encampment is growing larger. >>reporter: here is another kid going up at justin herman plaza and if you take a look around you can see how many tents have sprung up. a police officer tells me that there are about 65 to 70 tents. it has been a little over 1 weeks in san francisco he came in to forcibly remove the tenants. every since then they have been letting the campsites grow. the city has come and give them orders like the one from the fire marshal. the notice of correction action saying that there should be no more open flames. politicians tell me that they got another letter this morning fan that camping is not allowed in the public parks. obviously as you can see they're not listening. for the time being, this tent city appears to be staying right where it is. >>pam: and san jose its occupied movement one-man is
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occupying the top of a wall several stories high. you can see him here. the single protester named sean o'kelly was pulled testing and his son and read stand up for what you believe in. the san jose police say they will not try to remove him right now. in national news president obama said that congress is dysfunctional and the american people cannot wait. that is why today he announced his own housing initiatives he says this will allow home owners that is still current on their mortgage payments to refinance no matter how much their home values have dropped. >> we are going to take steps that will save consumers money, make government more efficient and responsive and help heal
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the economy. we will announce these executive actions on a regular basis. >>pam: the president made the announcement today in las vegas one of the cities hit the worst. grant lotus shows us how bad the situation is. >> the problem is bad, it is serious. california democrats and a former president bill clinton have called on president obama to do more for the struggling houses market. 27 percent of people in the u.s. auto on their loans in their home is worth. over in california things are worse, 31 percent of people are under water on their mortgages. as a reason into the bay area, solano counties and the worse shape. 55 percent of homes under water that means more than half. in contra costa
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33%, alan needed 20 percent and overall in the bay area 23 percent of people are upside down on their mortgages. teresa estacio talked with local and mortgage experts who say that news coming out of the obama administration today may help home owners who are stuck in a rut. >> experts explain the new plan will help borrowers with little or no equity in their home and are stuck with a fixed to 7% mortgage so that they can gain access to current lower rates. the refinancing program has been extended until the end of 2013. it was originally scheduled to end in june of 2012. the changes also mean that the process will be streamlined. with so many foreclosures on the market new appraisals often sunk a
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borrower's ability to read appraised a home because it was under water. so for many this is good news. >> it just depends on the loan, you have to have a freddie mac or fannie mac known if you have one of those the benefit. >>reporter: have you had any calls this a warning? >> not yet. i think until they hit the tvs and radios and then people start calling. they said the refinancing deals with federal loan will help out 1.6 million people nationwide. pam president obama is coming san francisco tomorrow at the w hotel. traffic will be affected by at all. we show you what you need to know to avoid the gridlock.
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>>reporter: at it is a good idea to avoid this part of the city tomorrow. any cars parked in the parlance if will be totally tomorrow morning. sf pieces that most of the streets in the town will be close for most of the day of the president is in town. police say that this is an area to avoid on tuesday. third street will be shut down from full from to mission. howard street will be blocked or from second sheet to first sheet. hawthorn will be shut down from howard to folsom. the president is scheduled to leave around 3:00 p.m. but the streets will be closed for some time after that to try and get everything else back to normal. >>jacqueline: the fire weather watch the we have been telling the bar has
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been updated to a warning. that is because of the gusty winds that are effective from tomorrow night into wednesday morning. 30 mi. per hour winds with a east wind gust of up to 45 mi. per hour. it will mean high- power danger for the hills. the us hope that nothing happened. the afternoon highs tomorrow will be pretty mild once again succeed in '70s. will '70's in the south bay, 67 in oakland and in the inland valleys, but 54 in san francisco, 55 in richmond. we will take a licking your extended forecast coming up. >>pam: coming up tonight at 11:00 p.m. will tell you what is causing most americans in more than just taxes and health care.
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>> this just in to the kron4 newsroom we are getting word that pg&e officials to a major gas transmission line has ruptured. it happened near bakersfield. crew scene of the line and field to eliminate from its tests on two parallel missio--back to yo >>kimberlee: according to an
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new government-funded study published today in the journal of pediatrics, and look at cincinnati area mothers and their children and found that in girl specifically the more bpa they were exposed to loud and the wound the greater their chance their parents will report to and hyperactive and anxious at age 3. the shares shares-- the researchers have not seen the same results and boys in the national why in. the american chemistry council that represents the chemical industry dismissed as the beast today saying that has significant shortcoming the conclusion to an unknown and relevance to public health in depth studies. in the meantime, the government experts recommend limiting in infants exposure to ppa. are the details on this initiative is our kron4 facebook fan page.
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>> the raiders lost to the chief. your coach lost to his tool--cool. gary has all the highlights in sports up next. >>pam: drunk people. i will show you just how drunk and where in the next edition of people behaving badly.
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we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business. it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $7.8 billion to small businesses across the country so far this year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better.
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if >> check out this guy in the red shirt. he appears to have had a little too much to drink. he is so that--bad of that officers had to babysit him until they could taken to the drunk tank and he sober up. this woman line on the ground had to be transported to the hospital for drinking too much. and asks her friend what she had to drink she told me everything. although in north beach there is zero tolerance for public drinking and being drunk in public people still get wasted and these are unhappy drunks. wait until i shall ye be not so happy drunks and trust me that will have you shaking your head. in north beach i am stanley roberts with kron4 news.
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[music] >>jacqueline: the cool weather will stick with us for tomorrow. by tomorrow morning and by noon it pushes back and we start to see a reversal. the winds will pick up into the late afternoon hour. we have potential for fire danger all the way through thursday. pakistan to the die-hard--that is thanks to the try wind that is coming in. later this week we will see slightly warmer temperatures and comber conditions. the mild weather will stick with us to the weekend. >>gary: could evening everybody, the dynamite game of the world series ended just moments ago. ron washington, you know that he will come in second when you
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talk genius. but here we go tonight, this david murphy. now two to one thankless in the fix,--sixth, then on to the eighth inning, bases are loaded. and here is mike to win the game. a lot to talk about and the cardinals do --bullpen. watch this. look popular everyone says the rooster is so smart and so cool, let the men be animated. they tie at 2 in go on to win 69 percent of the time for what it is worth. they will be off
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tomorrow and texas will try to win it on wednesday in st. louis it they need another game, it will also be in st. louis. then we have jose batista with the toronto blue jays. there you go, the official name of the award is outstanding offensive performance, that hank aaron award. baseball does it better than anyone. they will stretch towards out until christmas. someone will win something on christmas eve. now the boston red far, they're drinking deal is getting crazy. what is the matter with fang you cannot join they're doing the game. so undulatory fizz we will look into this. it all started when they said starting pitchers on the off days were going into the clubhouse and drinking beer. now if you cannot tell
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millionaires not to drink beer for three hours, what kind of deal are you running? anyway, adulatory now working for the major league management division says that we will look into this. >>gary: of the raids were bad yesterday. carson palmer didn't even know that he was torn to play. when you lose you have people jumping all over you. i guarantee that i'll never star another interception game certainly with the raiders. now pam, see how tough i can be? i am picking on the guy and kicking him when he is down. the then the coaches told palmer to go in there and he threw 03 interceptions. that i think
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this past week the coach may have enjoyed the limelight of a bit too much. >>gary: and anyone with a public job, you have probably been praised and then you start to straddled and then someone a complement to think there was a good segment i will stick my chest out what you think sent al davis passed away he started to feel like he is the path? >> especially when there is a leadership void. he is definitely feeling that this is his chance to make his mark in do things the way he wants to do them. >>gary: is it true that he had a profanity tirade against an espn reporter? because another espn reporter said that he would start car? >> he did before the game, but it is hot because he did start him. so the whole
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thing if kind of weird. >>gary: here is if anyone to ask. indeed the this is a learning curve? >> definitely, this is his first coaching job ever. >>gary: do you think it paid too much to get carson palmer? >> i do, but the choices were paid too much or not get him at all. he is always liked carson palmer he think he is the quarterback they need. >>gary: it is palmer or nothing there is no way it can come to camp with campbell and palmer. >> campbell is done. he is
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the craft had he really is. he was playing better and then within a matter of days he lost his job and he's lost his future job. >> we will have more in just a moment. from 20 leading brands, including barista prima. it's the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. way to brew.
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so i just started wearing this helmet instead... which, you know, it's... to me it makes sense. i mean, it can get awkward sure, when you're meeting new people but i just explain to them that i wear it because i dropped my insurance plan, and they're like wow, this is a smart guy. i mean they don't say that out loud, but... [ male announcer ] we know it can be tough out there. that's why we offer a wide range of plans for a wide range of budgets. blue shield.
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>>gary: pro hoops tonight in oklahoma city, that kevin direct and then labraun showed up. this looks great putting on a show, i will say this for the 900th time
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this is fine if the four or five times. and if they say we are going to play charity games all season and if those i cannot get their checks, they will not be playing. good night. state farm. this is jessica.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying?
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no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm.


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