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tv   KRON 4 News at 9  KRON  October 15, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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with the turkey in hot
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at the scene tonight hill cemetery right here as a chronicler-crime-scene investigators are piecing together why someone killed a member of the hell's angels motorcycle club during a funeral service and tonight the gunman is still on the run. the shooting happened around 1250 inside the san jose cemetery police say multiple shots fired killing a member of the hell's angels san jose police say right now they do not know what led to the shooting and was shot the victim. >> we do not know filled with in the club members of the club or an outside rival bank.--gang.
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>> it happened during the funeral of the president of the hell's angels he was shot dead last month. one- fourth thousand people attended the funeral san jose police have not said where today's shooting occurred the crime scene investigators did much of their time the gravesite despite all the witnesses and out a shooting police thing don't yet know exactly happened. >> the scene appeared to be tampered with, i tonight in its details to what they was tampered with, but they believe that it had been tampered with. >> even tossen the was the sergeant at arms of the club and a close friend of the president. friend of ours in front of his office. >> with the code of ethics you cannot do anything in
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memorial park in not doing thing at a funeral it is uncalled for so i will discharge and very sorrow. >> who is an ex-marine and family friends and is survived by four children including to yell and slide here in san jose tonight i and fallen in with kron4 news. >> old park cemetery was filled with many elves angel remembers. many did not know pedigru but those who did say this is a way of showing respect. >> i'm really disappointed
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real sad about what happened a lot of people will the guide his left until guy. >> those who came brought their condolences and falling in memorial and in remanded many added--had a lot in common with a brother on wheels >> many people gathered for a the oakland safety summit police spoke with oakland leaders and musicals look at the new anti-crime strategy in the heart is in the netherlands.-- neighborhoods. >> the new plan focuses on extreme violence, prostitution, drugs and poverty all in 100 block of east and west oakland. >> that includes organizing
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at the grass-roots level block by block, school by school and kid biking. >> the mayor is working with the alameda county district attorney nancy o'malley, and the interim chief of police to combat this time, part of the plan includes a chp grant that will fund 25 new police officers. >> we have and having in laser focus is warmly.--one way. people should not be denied even to think that you will have four or five cop walking around in one holistic approach. >> the d.a.'s office reassign senior staff to
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work directly with the police department. >> the special team would take those cases get them into the justice system quickly and move them through the system rapidly. >> after the presentation hundred visited hoofs and workshops on community policing learning how to get involved and help out. >>pam: after the safety summit some residents told us what they thought of the new plan. >> if this is going to work we need parents in the community involved not just people and the higher authority. >> i am hoping that people oakland like me come down on city council and the mayor to make them i got these new programs that oakland wants to put forward. >> i think this is a continuation of what has already pre existed and this is a very poor attempt to
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make a picture that really does not focus at all. it is not a plan that makes any difference at all. >>pam: residents also learn how they can get involved in such programs like a neighborhood watch, maturing children and self protection training. >> today we have a couple ladies and elsewhere we're in the '70s around the bay area with some high clouds today the temperature is right about 10 degrees to 20 degrees cooler in some spots. for tonight the high clouds that we have seen you see them over the bay bridge-sunset, these will the can into tomorrow morning and could produce a few sprinkles or showers for tomorrow morning for the best chance would be for the north bay otherwise you'll see cloudy skies will we will see increasing amounts of sunshine closer to the afternoon i will talk more
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about than they you know about a warm-up coming in a few minutes. >> occupy wall street goes global. and one demonstration against corporate greed that took a violent turn and before you take your next flight they're breaking down an increasing number of mistakes being made by air traffic controllers.
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>> a group of determined thieves recently broke into an iconic landmark. they were not successful in getting what they wanted. >> the theater manager showed us the surveillance video taken early sunday morning he could see two men approaching the back door of the theater. >> one of the accomplices pried open the door with a
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crowbar and they let these guys did. >> once inside they went straight for the safe. >> they brought in a whole bunch of power tools, they had a jackhammer. >> he says that the three of them were in the theater for about four hours and did significant damage to the safe you can see that the concrete was pounded by the jackhammer but they cannot ship enough away to get the save out and then they went to work on the still dead. >> they got a little frustrated try to cut through the. >> they failed, you can see why it is about 6 in. thick and weighs about 40 lbs.. and >> they could not get anything out of here, so we had some change, that the quarter's. >> baffled burgers spent all that time in the theater and all like it was some change there was nothing else to steal, or was there?
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>> they did not want to go into the hand is so they broke a lot at concession and stole the candy. >> and that is a lot of work and a lot of can view or maybe they are stopped the of for halloween. [laughter] >> 4 dog were poisoned during a medical marijuana heist. investigators say hot dogs stuffed with blue pills were found around the yard the dollar retreated and expected to be ok tonight no arrests have been made. demonstrations that start on wall street in new york are spreading coming up will show you thousands of taking to the street from san francisco the city as occupy wall street goes global.
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the >> this just in, three women dead and four others hurt as a jet ski collided with a bow. the three women were writing on a jet ski when it crashed into the boat 4 people on the motor boat were injured three of them seriously. there is no word on the cause of the crash. in world news, occupy wall street protests have
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spread around the globe, people are taken to the streets in paris, tokyo and other places. organizers say some 950 cities and countries are taking place to organize against corporate greed. >>reporter: massive crowds gathered around the world friday for the occupied what street movement. >> it is so wonderful to see such a global movement. >>reporter: into rancho thousands of protesters marched in the street carrying signs with anti corporate slogans. they say they're tired and the government are ignoring them and the banks are gambling their money away. in london students have joined a movement to. >>reporter: i came here because i felt something unprecedented in this country on the world it is very interesting and
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exciting. this is a real democracy. >>reporter: for the most part poultice has been peaceful but when the movement spread to wrong, this fiery steamy erupted a building set on fire, protesters wrecking windows at banks and stores. the protest stems from occupy wall street which began last month. >> we realize what has angered americans anchors as as well. >>reporter: organizers are urging everyone to take a stand and demand change for a movement that cannot be ignored. [music] >> a cooler day for today here is a live view of the golden gate bridge for tonight clear skies and you could see all across the golden gate but there are some high clouds up there, the high clouds may produce a couple of sprinkles or showers for tomorrow morning right now temperatures in the '60s did is really nine this evening. 62 san francisco, hayward and livermore. 67th mountain
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view. in the test storm tracker 4 shows that we have a little bit of shower activity offshore. there is, very small it may not even make all the way to the surface but this is associated with high clouds that have been coming through today. as we go into tomorrow, few of the clouds may produce a couple of showers, may be just enough for the rain hit the ground. here is fog tracker at midnight tonight we have the clout in and around the bay. both low clouds and men high level clouds to. for tomorrow morning, a mostly cloudy start. it will be a great day for this the morning hours within as we get into the afternoon i think the high clouds will begin to move out and we will see increasing amounts of sunshine for the afternoon even at the beach. high temperatures will be about the same as a we had today, look for '70s just about everywhere actually down a couple of degrees from what we had today. here is the seven day around the bay anyone not very quickly for monday. upper '70's bayside, mid
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'80s inland and then cool again for tuesday and wednesday. and of a weak system passes by no rain and warmer towards the end of the week. >>pam: knew he tells that spent so long that left eight people dead they called the suspect a methodical and merciless killers and they want the death penalty. >>katherine: prosecutors say they he had three guns, a bulletproof vest and revenge on his mind, the d.a. describes a terrifying scene when he walked into the paris salon where his ex- wife work and shot at anyone close enough to hit. >> in almost two minutes he shot victim after victim executing people by shooting them in the head and chest. >>katherine: foes of the eight people killed were shown at the news conference, his ex-wife, the salon owner various
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employees and a final victim a man who had simply been sitting outside in a parked car. this 73 year-old woman remains in critical condition she had been getting her hair done by her daughter one of the employees killed. the d.a. found it almost impossible go on when he started to talk about the man's a year- old son how the confused little boy was left sitting in the principal's office at his school that day. >> wait for his mom or dad to picking up... >>katherine: prosecutors say bitter custody case over the boy's sparked the shooting now they say the child has lost his mother. >> and he has to grow up knowing that his dad is a mass murderer. >>katherine: a bystander caught the arrest on video
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the d.a. says that the man believed ex-wife's co- workers at the salon were some how helping her in the custody dispute. michelle had recently told friends and family and said in court documents that she feared for her safety as he became more and more unbalanced. >>pam: he will not be arraigned until next month although he was in court yesterday his attorney says they need anti psychotic medication and he's not getting that in jail a medical review has been ordered by the judge some of the victims' relatives shouted at him as he came to the court, he is facing eight counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. >>stanley: coming up there is a school in san francisco that wait to late to order something very important and now students are fed up in the next edition of people behaving badly.
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>>stanley: at the academy of arts and sciences there are no books whatsoever. this is wendy lee, a junior at the academy of arts and science high school apparently two weeks in the school year apparent-- administrators put in an order for geometry in kaplan's book for each student for the last eight weeks according to the principal refused to go on camera just found out that only one book has arrived, this book right here. >> there is something going on somewhere. >>stanley: to be fair there are these only older classroom books and 65 students have to share them. but since these were
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booked arrived they did not actually use them. this teacher says one year he went an entire half a school year with no books. the school principal placed the blame on the books the fire out of illinois but windy places the blame on the administrators. >> they should be ordering books before school even start, we should have books on the very first day of school on hand and ready to take home. >> now when i was there the teacher received a call that the precalculus books and had just arrived but still no geometry book and with the california standard practice coming up in april the students say they need all the resources available to compete. i will be following this problem closely. >>pam: if you have a comment or story idea for stanley e. miller said people behaving badly. and a string of assaults on the bay area campus coming up we will see what is behind the
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spike in violence as san jose state. and if you cannot your hands on the new iphone look no further than the black market. and this haunted house and one east bay neighborhood was told to shut down we will find out why. ♪
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[ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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tonight in men killed during a funeral for a fellow hell's angel member.
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pedigru was killed in a casino last month. we're joined live with more from today's funeral shooting. >>reporter: is attack the san jose police the former will be here for awhile this is where the shooting happened it is still pretty active inside with crime scene investigators gathering evidence. they're trying to piece together what exactly happened, what led to the shooting death of a member of the hell's angels motorcycle club during a funeral service for another member of that club. the shooting happened on 12:50 p.m. the police say most of the shots were fired killing one person no one else was hurt that is according to the police. even though the san jose police department is not releasing the identity of the victim we have found out from the family members and friends that the victim is steve tosssen he was with
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the setup rules hell's angels.--santa cruz hell's angels. and he was accused of murdering someone in the club he was ultimately not convicted and he is a long time bills bondsman working in downtown san jose he is survived by four children to of them are young kids i understand from talking to the police that they're still looking for the gunman. he is still on the run. >>pam: san jose state university students are concerned after a series of sexual assaults on their campus. teresa estacio spoke with the police about how they're trying to make the schools safe. >>reporter: here is what we are learning about these recent cases of alleged sexual assault right here at the campus, the first
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incident happened this past wednesday around 7:30 p.m. wednesday evening that is when the police say victim was walking by the spartan sports complex when all a sudden out and know where a man on a bicycle approach her and grab her inappropriately. the second incident happened about one hour later about 8:30 p.m. wednesday night that is one of the victim says that she was walking by herself near the south side of clark halt when a man approached her, the same suspect and grab her. police only had a vague description of the suspect saying that he was a hispanic male about 90 with spiky black hair and writing in the mx bikes, they also said the suspect was with a another hispanic male also the same age 10 on a be a mixed style bike. police say they're increasing patrols. >> we are trying our best to make sure that the campuses say if we are increasing visibility in reaching out to inform
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people what is happening so they can make their own arrangements as far as safety, to the advantage of the escort system and informing us if there are any suspicious persons on campus. >>reporter: so far in 2011 there have been seven cases of sexual battery include the two on wednesday. >> people are buying more homes of the bay area however they're paying less, 6.7% less in 2011 compared to 2010. according to the data, september marked the 10th straight month that home sale prices set--failed. prices fell 10.5% and iran, and so no one is down 7.5% and people are paying 6.2 percent less and alameda and 6 percent
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less in santa clara county. prices are down across the board but as i said sales are up so that is good news, sales are up in every bay area counties except for san francisco right there where the sales are down almost 10 percent. dan kerman talk with a real-estate analyst in the east bay who say now may be the perfect time to buy. >>reporter: throughout the east bay it is hard to be not drive down a street and see a for sale sign and yet it is a tough time for sellers with property values dropping between 20 and 70%. >> they are not getting the price of the the past several years ago and everyone is a reluctant to take less. at this point we're looking at another three to five years with the markets will be fairly flat. >>reporter: this realtor with better homes and gardens is the forecast is that property values may
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only go up 10% in the next five years this is bad news for sellers in good news for buyers. >> what is happening with the prices come down as far as they have them with the interest rates as low as we have seen them in the last 40 years, this may be one of the best buying opportunities that we have seen in a long time. >>reporter: while many are taking advantage not everyone is. some have decided to remain on the sidelines until the economy turns around and others who would trade up to mid range homes simply cannot do it now because they do not have the equity in their current homes to make them affordable. [music] >> here is the bay bridge toll plaza looking over the bay bridge is pretty busy coming into san francisco we have high clouds this evening and we will see low clouds increased during the overnight hours. we have a
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great star for the day on sunday. there may be a few showers or sprinkles the best chance for that would be locations north of the golden gate bridge. we're starting up in the '50s and some 16th in the mildest places. we are going up to the '60s the '70s and perhaps a couple of 80's far inland but the warmest spot for concord and antioch into the '70s. i will talk more about the forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> this thursday will mark the 20th anniversary of the oakland firestorm 25 marks --lives were lost that day. we took a tour of the crew of north hills fire station. >> the city built this fire station to help better respond to blazes in this
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area and they have succeeded cutting the response time and half but there are still challenges to navigating the narrow roads in these hills. >> watch how close we come to is having one car on the right side of us. it is really tight you do not have a lot of leeway. >> while the typography and have made widening the road almost impossible the city has taken steps to make it easier to get around they drive different routes that make it shorter and with a better turn radius and improvement over the older models they use to drive. >> some of these curves as we go up, they would actually get stuck with this we cleared it. >> even though it says no parking sometimes people come up here and park. >>reporter: violators can be fined but maneuvering and fire truck around a car and
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every second counts can be deadly. >>pam: there is an exhibit on display at the oakland museum of california and next week a reflection will be held outside of the rock ridge bart station and a parade of fire trucks from neighboring cities and agencies that assisted will fall the commemorative ceremony. >>pam: coming up to me a man that barely survived the climate when the weather suddenly turn bad. and a neighborhood favorite that is being told to shut down to find out about the fate of this popular haunted house. macy.
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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and you'll get a bonus. you get 10% off your groceries. [ male announcer ] save 10% on your groceries when you get a flu shot. that should make you feel better already. safeway. ingredients for life. >> this man had a close call with mother nature while hiking he became trapped by elite summer rainstorm at the summit of half dome, we spoke with him
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about the experience. early on the morning of september 24th he and several friends hiked 8 mi.. when they arrive he said the weather look good. >> it was clear, there were some clouds but they were far away. and then it was thunder and rain and then held, it was a bunch of things. >>reporter: the storm raged for three hours and he took refuge inside of these caves. >> at that point i thought this is risky i do not know if we will make is i call my family to tell them that i loved him. >>reporter: he also called 911 this is the weather was so bad no rescue teams would be coming. >> i would not do this thinking that if something went wrong i would get help i did it because i thought
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will be fun. >>reporter: and the rain finally let up, they finally started the steep climb down. >> it was fine initially but then i lost my grip because the cables or wet but one of the post stop me and at that when i was really scared. >>reporter: he reached his group around sunset looking that he says the weather in yosemite is not to be underestimated. >> i think it is an awesome place but make sure if you're going to do something like that you have really good weather. >>pam: if you plan on flying a new report may make you think twice what it up with air traffic controller and the increase in near misses. >> we have highs in the '70s but it will warm back up i will let you know when to expect that coming up.
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>>pam: a new report finds that there have been more more air-traffic control mistakes late be grant lotus break down the numbers. >> it is this type close call on the runway in june that is on the radar that reported increase in mishaps. a jet that was about to take off had to come to an unbroken--abrupt
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halt avoid hitting another plane. >> cancel take off. >> all traffic is stopped right now. >> there were no injuries, but they point out that the u.s. air space is among the safest in the world their report a steep increase in your safety incidents. >> the government accountability office said the rate of incidence has increased. five in the second quarter of 2007 and 14 and they say that in the tower area which is 5 mi. from the airport incidents that are being reported are up 53% during that time. they say in the approach area which is 40 mi. from the airport the incidents are up 166%. the head of the national air traffic controllers association says the increase is due to a new reporting system in which controllers are not punished for reporting errors.
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>> i believe it shows there's a health the system out there where employees are comfortable in wood and to report safety issues to management in order to address them i think it shows that it is very healthy. >> the faa reports saying that more information will make a fine problems and take action before an incident happens with to help them build an even safer aviation system but a former air traffic controller is skeptical. >> a jump is inevitable as you change the reporting system you worry if he did not have a jump because you feel like something has not worked you should see more reports occur but then when the book underneath these numbers you just cannot explain everything away by a change in reporting. it looks like there is some substance to it too, that has to be dealt with. >> the government accountability office made recommendations including that the faa extend its oversight and faa officials say they are focusing on
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five areas and the changes in procedure and training are in the works. [music] >> here is interstate 80 in berkeley where we have some high clouds overhead from a weather system that is of sure. temperatures in the '50s and '60s did a really nice evening. 64 degrees currently in san bruno and san jose mid-60's 61 degrees for vallejo. the satellite view shows the icloud here they are streaming in over the bay area for today. noticeable the crowd are producing might showers a couple those may come across the bay area for tomorrow morning and just really brief light activity enough to hit the wipers want to twice and that is about it. a cloudy star for everyone, a couple of raindrops are possible clearing for the afternoon of improving conditions becoming mostly sunny and temperatures are a couple degrees cooler than
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we had today mid-70s south bay, and mid to upper '70's for the inland spot so i think we will stay cooler than the 80's everywhere bay area wide. '60s and '70s he sure. oakland is at a high of 70 degrees, mid-60's san francisco with a lot of cloudiness in the morning but increasing amounts of sunshine for the afternoon and for the north bay this the best chance for sprinkles tomorrow. highs in the mid-70s. your seven day around the bay shows that we had some significant swings in temperature over the next couple of days it will not be as warm as what we had but it will warm up monday upper '70's bayside, amid 80's in the with mostly sunny skies and then there's another week weather system coming for late tuesday and wednesday that will help to increase the sea breeze. will produce more cloudiness and timber to a will drop again upper 60s and low '70s
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by the day me to upper '70's and then and that one must up a couple degrees toward the end of the week. >> this just in, the texas rangers are heading to their second world series to become the american league first repeat champion in the decade. rob >>katherine: and halloween tradition and one east bay city has run to a roadblock jeff pierce reports that a neighbor of a haunted house and been told to dismantle by the city. >>reporter: for several years chris with the help of his brother in this and have built a haunted house and their parents backyard for neighborhood children with this year the city told them to shut it down citing safety issues. >> the haunted house that we build this year to about two months to build plus this month, now we got shut down the city said no, we
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can have a haunted house where in the process of taking it all down. this whole room was going to be a kitchen door here and this is the garages in here, this is what our hallways that we have with the revolving door is going down, and over this way is the small town in room that has a spiral top and a smoke spiralled through the room with the cool laser light is really cool effect with the levels that go up and down. we have been building for like six years in this all goes to a nonprofit which is just the fun of it. this is just a local nonprofit house and the city is blowing it out of proportion bigger than needs to be. >>reporter: the builders hope to rebuild on a location that the city approved of they think that they can have it done before halloween. >> hours are to the iphone
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for as went on sale there were thousands being offered for sale on ebay and correct list what is up with that? state to and i am gabe slate i have my tech report coming up.
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>>gabe: i searched craig's list for the iphone 4s and 596 listings popped up. there were people selling the iphone 4s that they just
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got marking it way up. this was $700 on the retail price and watch as i scroll through the posting a lot of them were listed for over $1,000. most of the listing to in the $900 to 1000 omnirange and this of the best that i found, a white one for $550 only $250 over the retail price. on ebay is the same thing, hundreds of iphone 4s on sale in the $700 range. keep in mind, if he did not get one on the day, you can get one in three weeks. with this whole debased secondary market thing that happens it is hard to tell the product release held out for if it sells out because of these ebay and craig list profit
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teers what you think? send me an e-mail. >>pam: meanwhile tomorrow will be steve jobs today. this comes as apple plans on hold in a memorial service for steve jobs. the private even it will be held at stanford tomorrow, he died last week at age 56 after struggling for years with pancreatic cancer. apple is also holding any event this wednesday for its employees at the headquarters in cupertino. now the weather, good thing we had a barbecue with some friends friday night. >> we were about 10 to 20 degrees cooler today. >> what happened? >> the sea breeze started to look up, and that is cool air and that is to have for tomorrow as well. cloudy in the morning sun in the afternoon look for '60s and '70s in the north bay the hot weather is going at least for now but monday we will see the readings
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down--balance back to the '70s and '80s. >>pam: well, it is october will that is it for us to you later.
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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