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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  September 23, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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up to 50 rounds were fired. two victims were also shot one with a grazed willing to the other one with a more serious injury. most boats picked unsuspected to survive. there are dozens of people on the street to only have to injuries is a minor miracle. the two suspects are outstanding. investigators were on the scene for several hours. the streets of oakland are much quieter than they were several hours ago. >> or other developing story is
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in our rendell where there is a gas leak. pg&e crews are working on it trying to tap the leak appeared it is that brooke would road. it could be another hour or two that before it is capped some residents were evacuated but have now been allowed back calls.holly. >> san bruno crews will be removing debris. well with the latest. >> you can see this big rig it brought into dumpsters they are waiting to get authorization to go down to the neighborhood so
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they did start removing all of the debris. all the burned out third in the area. trying to get that area back to normal. they will remove the burned out cars as well. this is video from yesterday the were preparing for this yesterday hosing down that area. it is the windy neighborhood. they want an insurer the dirt that they believe that the dirt is not dangerous but they will wear has met suits. we know a schedule for the first time it will be monday through saturday starting at 8:00 a.m. every morning and at 6:00 p.m. depending on the weather conditions. they will start a couple of blocks from where i am currently located. i will hopefully try to talk to the workers about what they will be doing and the potential hazards they will be facing.
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>> 6 04 a.m.. officials on wednesday confirmed the deaths of three members of a family from a pipeline explosion that ripped through a residential suburb. investigators used dna to identify lavonne bullis, 85, and her son gregory bullis, 50, as victims of the sept. 9 blast. gregory bullis' son, william james bullis, 17, was identified after an examination of remains found at the family's home in san bruno. this brings the total number of victims to seven. >> 6 04 a.m. clear conditions you can see from our shot. san jose temperatures sitting in the '50s the low 50s the first of all officially today. a nice warm up through the day today and then hot weather heading towards weekend. we are talking about the heat wave here. 54 for san francisco opera '50s through oakland. now but not getting out
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of the 40 jet. taking it through the day by 10:00 a.m. mostly sixties may be some '50s. by noontime '60s-'70s. towards the afternoon shows this '80s. 80s back into our area again especially for the napa valley and also is to the delta as well. by 7:00 p.m. still staying warm out their temperatures hanging on to the '60s-'70s. your afternoon highs 84 in fairfield, 80 napa, '70s right around the media base 74 san francisco, along the coast temperatures in the '60s. your 7 day around bay highlights the warming trend. beautiful looking forecast plenty of sunshine and hot temperatures that will last not just for the weekend but for next week as well.
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>> we have had a look at the bay bridge and as we saw it looks good so far no changes there in no other problems are hot spots around the area. continuing with the bridge check san mateo bridge in looks good here volume is building but only on the right side the westbound towards a new direction. the golden gate bridge ride as we look at 1 01 south island you will see it is moving very well this morning no fog to contend with for your drivers across the span or down the wall so great. you're right on interstate 80 to the bay bridge still looks good. the commute west allis recently lights of the drive times driving 12-14 minutes. no problems as you head towards the lorry short freeway. public transit we have barred, and ace train is doing well. the time
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is 6:07 a.m. we will take a short break and be right back. [ bell rings ] what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? our state has a huge deficit. meg whitman's plan will make it billions worse
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by eliminating the capital gains tax for wealthy investors, including herself. economists say her plan will "rip a hole in the budget" and is "deeply flawed". analysts for the l.a. times say whitman's plan is a "pure handout" to the rich creating a "huge risk" to schools and public safety. jerry brown's against this unfair giveaway because it will take billions from our children when we can least afford it. get california working again-for all of us.
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ag carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done sewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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it has been decided ac transit driver people who write it. board of directors cut we can service and eliminated for out of six overnight lines. it saves more than 11 million million dollars a year in means a loss of 90 union jobs and impacts 93,000 weekend riders. community activists are upset about the news. >> 6:11 a.m. new request for jobless benefits. for a hundred and 65,000 that is the first increase in five weeks. initial claims for jobless aid road rose
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by 12,000. economists expected a small drop or flat reading. the rise means employers are still cutting workers. stocks are edging lower this morning after sliding the bay yesterday as were waiting for the opening bell in about 20 minutes the national association of realtors has a report about the sales for existing homes in august. they're looking for a rise in that. starbucks plans on raising prices as on coffees. >> be sure freeway with the headlights moving close to the speed limit.
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veterans, no one fights harder than jerry mcnerney. when some vets were forced to travel hours for care, mcnerney fought for a new v.a. medical facility, and won. mcnerney took on washington gridlock, to improve care for vets with traumatic brain injuries. his plan became law. that's why vfw state commander dave norris endorsed mcnerney. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i'm honored to approve this message. thanks, dad.
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warrener developing story an overnight shooting outside a nightclub in san francisco at 2:00 a.m. this morning oh i'm sorry that's in oakland. 53 rounds were fired two people injured they are expected to survive nor ross. >> there is a gas leak pg&e is working to cap the leak it said brooke would road. some residents were evacuated they have been allowed back into their homes. >> all of those people love summer sad that today is the first full day of fall. but no need to be sad we have a string of summer like days ahead. we're talking about triple digits in this forecast. san jose nice
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that 50 by 76 a high today of 78 back down to 70 by 8:00 p.m. as we take you through the weekend we will start to heat things ups. tomorrow will 90s through the weekend temperatures the mid to upper 90s then take a look at monday 101 degrees expected for the afternoon on monday. the bay area should bring us temperatures into the eighties through the weekend and '70s along the coast. certainly beach weather for the weekend. temperatures in the '40's in some spots chile in napa. 10 degrees warmer than that in oakland at 58, south bay were looking at temperatures low 50s. your afternoon highs 81 in santa rosa, 84 napa, fairfield 84, 76
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francisco, around the bay '70s, so space temperatures in the '70's and low 80's in some spots. we keep warming it up every day this week. plenty of sunshine for use for the weekend and next week at up as well. >> the bay bridge westbound ride don't be fooled this is not a back up this is just the typical pattern we see in the left-hand lanes as it usually involves the shift change or something like that for the toll takers. it is not unusual between 615 and 630 to see a back up your the question is will it clear out before activation of the meter and light spirit and they are likely to activate him in the next 10- 15 minutes. if we don't see any problems or incidents we are
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likely to have a better commute them we did yesterday. sam until ride good conditions here perhaps later than usual on the right side of your screen which is to commit direction heading towards foster city the golden gate bridge ride still listed as one no problems year for lanes available in the southbound direction the ride on interstate 680 which has been a hot spot all part for the past several days. not the new stretch where the new lane is actually in operation but leading down to it. there is a background affect here the ride from a single has been jammed ever since they opened the new lane. at present there is a report of a big rig accident southbound before seasonal it has not yet begun to back up.
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>> 6 month anniversary of the health-care overhaul and it brings new benefits starting today. parents can keep their adult children on their coverage until age 26, you cannot deny coverage for children with pre-existing conditions, and no co-payments for some preventative care. >> decision 2010 than it jerry brown is leading meg whitman. they have released the new results and brown, so was 40 percent support women got 42 percent. in another report there
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are almost tied. >> three months and to the budget and still low-budget in place. they are meeting again today in los angeles to discuss ways to close the $19 billion budget deficit they met with the governor yesterday so he could be close to home as he is battling a cold. icefall republicans want deeper cuts to social services. today is expected to pass without the governor signing a plan. >> this suspected gang member charged with attempted murder for the shooting of back place officers facing additional charges nil. he goes to disconnect the and a possible, faces life in prison if convicted he is the one that
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police say shot at two officers that were searching for him last month and then took off he was wanted for the outstanding warrants. 6:21 a.m. will be back with more a couple minutes. is that the nimitz. newsies sluggish [ mom ] my son ryan didn't know his voulez-vous from his frere jacques... [ speaking french ] [ mom ] he decided to study in paris.
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♪ to see french masterpieces with his very own eyes. we even linked our citibank account to his so when his account ran low we just transferred funds. i just hope the language isn't a barrier. bonjour. [ mom ] my ryan can be very shy. [ male announcer ] from linked accounts to citi mobile we make it simple to manage your finances. what's your story? citibank can help you write it.
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we make it simple to manage your finances.
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úú the warmups starts today kicks in this weekend. '70s that the beaches 80 is along the bay upper 90s for inland. >> the chopper crashed in afghanistan and the pentagon confirms nine american troops were killed in that crash. for with the special forces, the television claims
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responsibility nato says there's no record of enemy fire on fire in that area. >> the minors trapped in chile have been there 50 days now. about a mile under the minds. there is growing optimism they will be soon l. the president promised they'd be home by christmas but as they continued to drill bolt holes the say rescue could happen in early november. >> the wet as monsoon season in years. there's concern about rising rivers. not making this is easier for the commonwealth games. it will begin next month of many venues are and are ready. >> kron 4 morning news continues in a moment out over san francisco and eyes looking morning temperatures warm up today. another developing story
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out of new york city the united nations world nations meeting out of new york city the united nations world nations meeting for poverty summit. saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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opening bell on wall street we expected to be a down day. after the weekly jobless claims came out and we saw an unexpected rise last week. we will bring in numbers for the morning but a down day expected. >> developing story out of oakland police are outside a nightclub on webster. investigating the shooting overnight look at some of the blown out windows. it happened about 2:00 a.m.. there up to 50 rounds fired from both sides of
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the street. it sounds like a gun battle. if two people were hurt one getting surgery and one graced by abougraced. they are d to survive. >> construction crews punctured gas line rate in downtown orinda. they have been working all night to cap this leak. it to be in our or to to cap the leak. last night and gas line was broken by another construction crew in put and neighborhood on kirk. it happened at 6:00 p.m. last night to clear the area and pg&e each cruise capt. quickly they say nobody was ever in danger because of the break. >> when one is held at the
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weather because we know we are headed for a warm-up. >> a summer like warming trend kicked off today on the first official day of fall. currently in san francisco temperatures are in the '50s and we are going to warming up as we head towards the afternoon in fact we will call it hot this weekend. temperatures could get into the triple digits. current temperature is 54 for san francisco, cool in santa rosa and napa, temperatures flirting with 50 not quite there yet. 54 san jose by about 10:00 hour plenty of '60s even some fifties. by noontime work their way into the '70s. our highs today do get warmer than that. will get some eighties tinkling
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of back down but even by some p.m. keeping 70's and '60's in the forecast. 81 in santa rosa, 83 napa 84 fairfield, around the bay temperatures into the '70s in fact mid to upper '70s in places like hayward and fremont. the beaches should stay in to the '60s. but warming it up into the '70s through the weekend it will be beach weather ahead of us. temperatures through the 90's through the weekend even troubled digits by monday. >> no hot spots in traffic so far that's good news we are however looking that activation of the metering lights they were turned on 6248 minutes ago and already building a back up for the west bound ride. most of it on the left-hand side so earlier concerns about that being the
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seat of a backup as in fact come true of the heaviest traffic still left inside. the ride on 92 this san mateo bridge volume builds here but still no problems in the to his election westbound looks good and he's found also moving smoothly. the write-down 1 01 at 92 is not yet delayed. golden gate bridge not any problems snow delays coming from doyle drive into the city. 1 013 san jose heading towards trembled occurrence still quite traffic passed great america parkway. even in tippee a is moves no delays to traffic. 680 southbound problems has not materialized there was a report of the big rig accident but it
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is not slowing the traffic. >> 633 a and the board of supervisors has unanimously approved cuts to weekend and late night service. it is facing a growing deficit of 40 million right now spokesperson explained how the cuts will affect the public. >> class to weekend service will be cut not on our main corridors. they opted to cut four of our six late night services that is service from midnight to 5:00 a.m.. >> they will postpone their decision until next meeting whether not use an independent contractor for paratransit. ac transit and the union have failed to reach the union. it is
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a more than 15 million and prevent service cuts the union reps as they are hoping to reach a deal soon. >> i think that we need to sit at the bargaining table finish the contract. lookit the savings and stop blocking out the riders. >> riders say they will have a hard time getting to things whether the work or church services. >> the cleanup begins at this san bruno gas explosion site. will tran is like following the cleanup >> 90 minutes away from that beginning behind me there's a big rigs that brought into large dumpsters and they are waiting for authorization to go down to the site. i did see to workers down there they are getting
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information before they begin work we have a schedule now we now know it will be monday through saturday starting at 8:00 a.m. every morning going until 6:08 p.m. depending on they conditions out here because it's always windy. depending on how gusty it gets that's how long it will take to go. he's probably go down there now. you to see the preparation yesterday there's nothing but they're down there because of the explosion so what they did was go round hosted down just to make sure that the chair does not take up and the workers faces well they do the cleanup. they will remove the cars but will they do this although the health department says it saves they will be using as matt out offense. it may take them months to do this will go down there
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and get reaction from the workers. if back to mark >> meanwhile pg&e says they are going to foot the bill for the investigation. cpc will vote on a resolution that would border pg&e to fund the investigation. their resolution would establish a blue-ribbon panel pg&e says the money will come from the shareholder profits not from customers. >> coroner's office officials on wednesday confirmed the deaths of three members of a family from a through a residential suburb. investigators used dna to identify lavonne bullis, 85, and her son gregory bullis, 50, as victims of the sept. 9 blast. gregory bullis' son, william james bullis, 17, was identified after an examination of remains found at the family's home in san bruno. this brings the
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total number of victims to seven.. the very latest from our web site will be right back instrumental music ] [ instrumental music ]
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we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! shuld have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases...50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad...the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor.
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failure we can't afford now.
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trouble goal depression moving across mexico with wind and rain. georgette could bring more rain to parts of the united states tropical storm in effect for the coast. >> hurricane carl is gone but there's problems it is caused blame for causing all this flooding in mexico and texas. some people got a flood of water there are now mud slides her can't hurt igor had been helping canada's atlantic coast with heavy rains it has been bad residents have been stranded in their homes in some parts. >> alive look to the golden gate
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bridge no fog integers warming up.
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the nasdaq down 8 the labor department reported jobless claims rose. that breaks two straight weeks of decline as you can see traders reacting negative to that is. oracle trading up 1/3 of a percent but everybody else in the red. another update momentarily. >> out of oakland police investigating early morning shooting outside at night club on webster street at 2:00 a.m.. they are trying to piece together what happened but it is suggested and night club lead note and to groups started
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shooting at each other from both sides of the street. over 50 rounds were found on the ground. >> there is a gas leak that pg&e has not shut off it is on a busy road in orinda. crews are there but they have not been able to shut off the leak. it is that brooke warned road. it could be another hour or so before the cap that. some residents were evacuated earlier but have the law back call. >> ac transit voted last night to cut half of we can service and nearly all of its overnight service this could help close a budget shortfall. >> get ready for nice warmup today we will continue to see temperatures rise right through the weekend rain fell 54 degrees for san francisco. in san rosen
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napa holding on to the '40's also in the 40's through livermore valley 49 degrees and the south bay low 50s by about the 10:00 hour we will see more '60s and the forecast by noontime jumping into the '70s high today getting into the 80 so the orange shows us the '80s. through the delta and warmer inland spots. then back down into the '70's and '60's 3:07 p.m. hour. your highs getting to 8183 napa 84 for fairfield. nice little warm-up for you plenty of sunshine out there it will continue to increase through the rest of the week. 84 for los gatos, 83 livermore, your 7 day around the bay and not one day of sunshine but entire forecast filled with sunshine blue skies and sunny days temperatures into the '90s
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through the weekend. by the end of the weekend up her 90s in some of the warmer spots it is around the bay mid-70s for the coast. newly a hallway and monday getting up to 101 degrees. fall comes back and so does the triple digits. >> the bay bridge toll plaza and not spot but as low spot already in the westbound direction meter lights activated at 624. no incidents on the upper deck so it is a normal back up from about the end of these parking lot, at 880 approach still your best bet for the bridge. you see here like traffic flow on the left-hand side of your screen the right side is not heavy either although it is a committed direction. golden gate bridge ride also swelled here and no fog for your trip across the span war over the wall the grade. crosstown freeway the amount central very light no
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back up for delayed coming in from octavia. traffic moving out of the city for the peninsula looks good 16-18 minute drive time down to sfo out of downtown. public trances ballantyne no problems. >> bart's board of directors looking at new ways to make money they will consider new revenue proposals. some ideas are electronic ads on trains and stations and naming rights to stations, billboards on the rights of way, and wraparound ads on trains. >> to outdoor enthusiast to take steps to present mosquito bites. after a group will mosquitos tested positive for what stall. the mosquito district says residents are should drain
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standing water that could serve as breeding grounds. >> i guess is back. banks reopened yesterday at a news spot is now sharing this place would line on market street. i guess is only taking floaters. >> we have a choice which switched over to phone orders only the way this still the same is still in our way. we get to wait at home instead of standing in this line. >> i didn't understand what people would wait and that long anyway when he and his college and. xi >> i understand why they wait in line. along lines that people are waiting in. if the jobless >> we will be back with more a couple of minutes a developing story gas leak right now in orinda we are live on the scene.
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first pictures from jackie sizzle pg&e crews is out there. this gasoline is still leaking sizzle pg&e crews is out there. this gasoline is still leaking gas pg&e working to catch that. . billions in profits and bonuses. and the sacramento politicians just gave these same corporations a new billion dollar handout... paid for by cuts to education and public safety with no guarantee of creating one new job. but we can change this by voting yes on proposition 24. prop 24 repeals the billion dollar giveaway and protects our schools and communities. yes on prop 24. it's time to give us a break... not the big corporations. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team.
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so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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millions of containers of similar tack. they're recalling the powdered version. it may contain beetle or beetle larva. the voluntary action. the recall does not affect any liquid similar lack formulas. the products were sold in plastic containers in various can sizes. >> blockbuster files for bankruptcy. they are billion
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dollars in debt. they had warned months ago they may claim bankruptcy. at this point all 3000 stores will remain open. >> those keypads and your phone don't cut it you might check out the first virtual keyboard. >> this is the world's thinnest keyboard thin as air. it displays on any service through this projector eight next to mobile. just like the devices own keyboard what every type on the virtual keyboard shows up on your device appeared it offers an easier typing experience for those who don't like to type on small keyboards. the projector and care work together to know
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what symbols your fingers are touching. it takes some getting used to austrasia to feel much vendors pushing down on actual keys. we haven't heard ejecting on cardboard so could pick up the laser keyboard. the company behind it says it will work on any service. overhead kicked flights can cause of visibility problem. people with big figures are those to type faster a larger keyboard this could offer convenience but it's not cheap. it costs $170. but not to kron 4 for more informational and look for my cat page. >> and we will be back with more a couple of minutes james lifts the sun's coming up as we begin our fault, warm up. we will be
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health taking a look live in their rendell work pg&e says south they have capped the gas leak this is the third leaking 24 hours. >> ac transit with that conflict will tell you when they take effect and where they will be. >> heading for warm of hideaways up. >> first few days of fall looks like some more we will see a summer like temperatures 3 weekend and next week bring this triple digits and the forecast. >> will we have a back up at the bay bridge toll plaza it is not a hot spot no incidents


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