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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  July 16, 2010 6:00am-10:00am PST

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you're looking at a warmer day in store. pretty hot all around the bay and the spot sweltering hot today and look at the numbers right here so oakland again around the bay is pretty deep and 60 later today give up to 75 but other spots began is yet in the upper 90s starting with a triple digits potentially getting there later this afternoon. no surprise because for the '60s and even the '70s right now antioch still 71 has a really cool them for mr. de italy up from here so were going to actually see '70s and maybe a few eighties as we had to the 89 and 10:00 hour. and i this afternoon, by noontime will start to see more '90s and by 4:00 this afternoon topping out into the '90s the upper 90s flirting with the triple digits by 4:00 in the afternoon. we will start of the north bay that's were expecting to see 80s and 90s. i did nev., 96 napa, 99 fairfield, 75 richmond in order san francisco 70 degrees and the south bay
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into the '90s 91 san jose, 94 morgan hill and 95 for los gatos. here is a look at your 7 day around the ba roy to keep it hot triple digits certainly a possibility and i said they still hot just not that hot as today and tomorrow. time right now 7 01 let's get a check and traffic was george. >> look at our for slow traffic of the morning is here and highway 4, not much of a hot spot but really the extent of the slowing the we could find. it is right here in antioch but by the time we hit pittsburgh urine better conditions for the west that right. out towards concord, pleasant hill the six city southbound are no problems at all. here is a project for you as we look first to the bay bridge in the west of commute would back up, what the lake, one leading lights? it is a really good right here this morning in the san mateo bridge the volumes a little bit heavier here and in still
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oversee the traffic is moving slowly. just a short delay for cash customers at the toll plaza for the san mateo bridge. up to the golan gate to look again to check the rise through marin county is still a problem free in the southbound direction and we look good here across the stand even the fog seems to be looked in just a little bit from its ban we can see more of the base of the south tower out. mark. >> the key george johnson apple right now customers waiting to see what his way to happen today with a press conference at apple headquarters in cupertino to address problems the iphone 4. >> if you own and iphone for in your have a reception problems there could be some good news for you. there's speculation that apple could be giving away a bumper case which is a case that goes really iphone for that could help with reception or at the very least possibly sell the cases at a discounted rate. the going price for that is about $30 so it might be less than that. apple is notoriously
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tight-lipped about what it plans to sort out exactly sure about the news conference, but i have to say the timing is quite mysterious because earlier this week the magazine consumer reports which a lot of people rely upon it don't make a move before reading, the magazine refused to give the island for its recommendation. for now reporting from cupertino a will tran, kron4 news. >> will customers are still showing up at apple stores that quarter the iphone for they have some doubts but it still works. >> this just a minor thing and it is probably pretty easy to fix so they'll get back pretty soon. >> up until this fall and they could put an apple and a broken out a prole bought it but they've done a great job with this. and dropping so many calls and the point of having a phone is to call. so i just talk about returning it couple makes
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fantastic products this double here and i hope to make good on the stumble in and stop denying that there is a problem. >> to they're still putting an in salinas for the iphone for and help the kings will show up on their individual iphone. additional resources on the iphone for and the problems will click on the tech report link under the news links at the >> if a new contract workers is put into place here's a look at what is happening in the clock this morning the judge will decide if a new contract for the transit agency will go the fact. the contract was approved by ec truck transit officials but they don't approve the cuts in this contract, and allowed to resume negotiations ac transit is asking drivers to stay on the job if they don't that could mean 230,000 riders could be left without a ride in the east bay. there are 1750 employees
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for the agency in the last transit strike happened in 1977 will bring in the latest from the judge's ruling later this morning. hewlett-packard plans to close its campus in cupertino will transferring several thousand to the main headquarters in palo alto over the next two years. this is according to san jose mercury news hundred acre campus has been home to some of hp's personal computer division as well as some of hp's personal software and hardware units. we're watching wall street this morning and the dow industrial is a rough ride that hundred 53 points governorate ports. this letter from city group and make america they have had higher earnings below revenue because of the lower revenue projections coming of these companies, schools well in analyst estimates have seen a big drop in the doubt. we live pictures of the white house that were keeping an oil and real the
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president has been in many meetings morning and is expected to, and make it a minute hill to address the oil spill in to address the latest the ability to cap that lake that is the dealer from bp they're successfully capped the leak in they're conducting a test to make sure that tapholes. to that is what we're watching for this morning especially. the family will then be heading off to maine to have to spend the weekend at a national park. following this and listen as he comes out will come right back and give you is, it's live mark. >> to be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues waiting for a hot day in the bay area level from the oakland hills that's one of the batter's box will finalize in the mid-70's in oakland a little bit later this afternoon will be right back with an update on the golden gate bridge.
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welcome back live secure the sale until frederick no upper 50s currently and '80s for a high this afternoon at the low spots. almost 100 degrees later
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on today for another hot one inland. a reminder that the golden gate bridge today is the last day there were only slight and a cache of the carpool lane. starting on monday or carpoolers will have to have a fastrak to get the reduced role. that means even if the three people in your car if you have fastrak to be stuck in the $6 bridge toll. there's another hitch to a few are few fastrak user at a car cooler, you can use fastrak only give to of cash fastrak link to the toll collector can count of the people are your car in to be reduced rate under transponder. triad, toyota and tesla motors are starting to build electric cars for toyota. the two car makers say they're working together to build electric version of toyota's rob for crossover vehicle. tasso creek there electric power system and they have one prototype already.
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the company is already a bill to the partnership in may to develop and build electric tesla sedans at the former newly planted fremont. james. >> live pictures the president speaking allison. >> they're working to determine is whether we can safely shut in the well using the new cap without creating new problems. including possibly new oil leaks in the sea floor. mill even if they shut to shut it is not possible this new cap and the additional equivalent being placed in the gulf will be able to contain up to 80,000 bar. a day. it should allow us to catch all the oil until the well is killed. it is important to remember that prior to the installation of this new cap or collecting on average of 25,000 bar. a day. for almost 90 days
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this of our mental disaster it'll us to take hold in the image of clean water is of oil spewing in the gulf. it is our responsibility to make sure that we're taking a prudent course of action that is what they're looking for as a short-term solution that could lead to even greater problems down the road. so to summarize, the new cap is good news either will be able to use it to stop the flow call or will be able to use it to capture all of the oil until the relief well is done. we will not know for certain which approach fixes until additional data is in. all of the american people should rest assured that all the suspicions will be based on the science and what is best for the people of the gulf. allstate water to questions still. did
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you feel your quick mr. president? >> no i didn't. >> these think this means that basically we're turning the corner in the gulf tell the american people what you've anticipated the next few weeks ahead because they're still very to sit out this. >> i think it is important that we do get ahead of ourselves here. one of the problems with having this camera down there is that when the well-stocked scutching i really feel slick were bad and we're not. the new cap is pertaining to oil right now but, aside to sit during the protests and what to make sure that by putting this cap on the oil is seeping out elsewhere in ways that could be even more catastrophic. the edibles measure pressures of all but a wall cabezon. the data is not all the it it has to be interpreted by the scientists. but here's the good news is that
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i think everybody needs to understand. even if it turns out that we can to maintain this cap. with the new cap allows us to do is to essentially attach many more containment mechanisms so we're able to take more oil up to the surface and put it on ships where will be selling it to the gulf. the final solution to this whole problem is would to be the relief will from getting a complete. but there's no doubt that we we progress as a consequence of this new cap sitting on it even if it turns out that we can heal corp. named khaled to completely stop the oil it is would allow us to capture much more oil. now in the meantime obviously we still have a big job to do there's still a will there and that is why we got more skimmer's out
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there there's better coordination on the ground along the shorelines they're so good to be an enormous clan of job to do what they're still going to be a whole set of issues surrounding and making sure people are compensated properly with a $20 billion fund is set up and is at acting expeditiously so we have an enormous amount of work to do and people down in the gulf particularly businesses are still suffering as consequences of this disaster. but we're making steady progress in its american people should take some part in the fact we're making progress on this one. so far to slightly ahead of target, but the problem on the relief well is not simply drilling all the way down it is also connecting at up and that is a delicate operation that could take some time. >> mr. president wins bp a
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trepang finds according to the amount of oil spilled? >> we are obviously going to take measures about how much oil was spilled on those calculations will be continually refined bp is going to be paying for the damage to this cause. and that is what duval little league and for the environmental disaster, and also, the same people who have defected. that is going to be a component of the calculations. >> what was said to the people you expect to the next? >> i would expect the next seven the next several weeks of back down and will return to their radios to make sure that the technical folks on the ground and making the best possible decisions to shut this well down as quickly as possible and standing up for the people in london to be compensated
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quickly. a single touch each and every day much during the progress in getting what briefed by the scientists. the key rate here is first makes decisions based on science and a stall what is best for the people of a golf and based on pr or politics. that is owed to speak this morning because i know that there were a lot of reports coming out of the media that syndicate will hit ok maybe this is done will be done until we actually know the we've killed the oil and we have a permanent solution in place. we're moving in that direction but i do not want us to get too far ahead of ourselves all right. thank you very much everybody. >> the hon it the president delivered, the white house giving the good news that they have been able to cap the relief well in here live pictures from the floor of the gulf showing you again and no oil in the water. ok will take a break is 717 and back with more of a couple minutes.
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the mac to the kron 4 morning news taino 72015 lookit rubicam down here you'll see pretty thick fog is in to the afternoon hours is going to accept an erection is going to warm up a hot the in-store especially in those in the stock sold it to those members in the second one did to the numbers right now because it is pretty much out there and in fact it is warm and spalding in new 71, livermore 64 later this afternoon will see if 2 80 isanta rosa 88, 99 fairfieo
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again fairfield that is what it up remarks today of. her over to oakland toda we're going to grat to work up through tomorrow and cool it down a little bit on sunday. it still called hot tomorrow stuccoing pretty hollins and a book by monday looking at a 10 degree drop in temperatures. that is what to continue to drop off in the tuesday wednesday and thursday. torino 722 with a check and traffic with george. traffic is running morning is not too bad we really only one area that a slow love to call a hot spot. will we have what may be a developing hotspot on interstate 80 rate of the car . whenever a motorcycle goes down usually means a long time to clear. tokyo close of on this incident here the various reports have a niece that
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direction in the westbound direction so we're waiting to see how all that shakes out. this is the hot spot that we mentioned is the right on highway 4 it is the only area in the entire bay area where you're going to find speeds down below 25 mi. per hour. expect that slowing otherwise your rides for highway 4 is not too bad. take a look at 580 so again this should be showing us some red but it isn't, so that is good news the 60 ride southbound also moving very smoothly. here's the bay bridge check for u.s. will look first at the toll plaza, the westbound ride is smooth with the problems on the upper deck. the danger that the during lights have been activated traffic is been so light. try to the san mateo bridge likewise as the house with commute with the problems up to the high rise across the high price or up to the bayshore freeway. and finally a check with your commute across the golden gate or you'll see traffic moving very ssmoothly. it is renewed
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account is on this just downside and on the shoulder. at 7:23 a.m. will take a short break of the kron 4 morning
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washington in southern california law to the landing dozens of lightning strikes causing fires, and an elderly woman killed a riverside county sheriff's deputies minish together and out of her home and at one of saving her story team suffered burns to their arms this woman was struck by lightning but actually save by fire fighters there is also 700 a wildfire burning to the east of the macula. dillon stars in the area as well. other stores aware firing one and thus is telescopes' the spotted 25,000 never before seen asteroids and about six months. luckily none of those actors pose a threat to earth and soon is the new wide field infrared survey to explore
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or wise for short it also found 15 new, it will be back in two minutes as the kron 4 morning news continues to love look here at walnut creek we're watching the heat on mr. to the morning 62 but in to the low 80s by noontime. looking for a highway into the '90s. by 8:00 this evening back out to the east. ♪
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welcome back watching wall street the dow jones investor average of the big drop down over 1 1/2% right now than a hundred and 63 points. burning season city group and bankamerica higher earnings below revenue. the couple's earnings below analyst estimates the dow 163 the nasdaq down 40, and the s&p 500 down 18. fresnel all three industries are dealt with and a half percent. will keep checking the numbers for you. another store were falling
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here is a couple emerged as a few hours away from major press conference and cupertino. it could take a bite of apple's reputation. amplifier over into the problems of the phone for. pressure for action the company holding his press conference today will follow the latest here this morning james. >> down here in the news and which is following a news story just in a state appeals court has ordered a new trial never said francisco man convicted of murder of a 60 year-old four years ago. this is coming in the first district court of appeals this morning here is as the jurors in that trial of christopher crandall improperly discussed crenels decision not to testify and the court also found that the mayor felt pressured to in their deliberations early. so for those reasons he is ordering a retrial of christopher criminal and the murder of 60 year-old four years ago. the coming off the wires as moments ago mark. >> think you're watching bay area weather a big story and the weakening he designed especially
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in the book here is san jose fog toward lifting of this morning let's find out how hot it is like to be with evelyn taft. >> the upper 90s maybe even triple digits today. we're still dealing with the fog which is the singapore press pretty soon we will see a sudden, seven is run the bay what we had in and that's what's really going to start to heat up upper 90s and even triple digits in to those in the spots. so let's get a look at the numbers are a sea temperatures right now in the '50s, '60s even seventies. 71 daniel, this will surprise a leak into the '90s letter today. this is overlooking a right now. 60 approach in the '70s by the clock hour and by 10:00 even if you '80s to the delta and by noontime 1-2:00 when he ducked into the 90s and topping out into the upper 90s maybe even triple digits around the 4:00 hour. so let's take a look at the numbers was our no. 87 rosa, 96 for napa, that none fairfield, 98 concord. we had over to the south bay to the trees there into the '90s 95 los
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gatos, 91 san jose in 1904 decrees for morgan hill. finally here is a look at your 7 day around the bay keeping a \ keelhaul today and tomorrow a little bit cooler and we start to cool down. as we haven't monday and tuesday lin say an even thursday. time reynaud 733 lots which took a drop george. >> we're continuing to track only one hot spot so far this warning so it's been a pretty good ride around the bay area. the hot spot this highway for the was the directions to look it's been really confined to just antioch this morning it hasn't released build over into pittsburgh for the west that right. north's concord, pleasant hill or south lake city southdown had a debt to walnut creek. it still is very good in another area of concern has been the right here at 880 west out where a motorcycle accident reported the good news is the key is the ambulance there are no injuries and apparently is blocked solution see things a
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moving well for was down 80 at a vallejo and moving it to crack it. what may turn into a loss what it does appear to be so. the check the bay bridge the leading lights of not yet been activated at the bay bridge was down that's the second friday with did you bother to turn on. while last friday and everyone turned on. so we can hope for the same today it is an interesting as we've mentioned before we've seen a sort of second wave of back up at the bay bridge. starting believe in the 10:00 a.m.. the president told was a drop from six to $4. the san mateo bridge road congestion pricing been changing in the patterns here have your hill distilleries the approach of the bridge and the problems across the span. for a ride in from marin county linton it's a there's an accident against up to the dumps. mark.
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>> fire fighters in the low parts file a lawsuit concerning overtime. firefighters say the district is refusing to pay them for the time they spent the uniforms in a year before the show starts. the district argues that they're not until that over time because the of the of taking their cue home with them every day. yothe july 5th fire engines see here to tran classrooms across $10 million in damage. school district officials say class will begin the schedules of august 16th and also help those classes on campus. recently completed to assure a portion of lipper completo nevada to incidence ard on suspicion of burglary and arson. 18 year-old john philip kessler charged with felony
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burglary. he's being held and 50,000 lawyers bill. police said the teens spray-painted hate crime symbol on the other words and markings as a practical joke. he allegedly broke windows and destroy equipment damage as close estimate of $6,000. ice third body never covered off point reyes has been from a fishing boat capsized wednesday afternoon killing two others 1/4 fisherman is still missing. national park service workers found the body washed ashore. " back to the kron 4 morning news continues a live look at san jose arena with the sun shining bit slow on a one-to-one past 8763 reno is single day for many eighties and looking for a high of 91 degrees to run three or 4:00 this afternoon. so were the looking for a high of 91 degrees to run three or 4:00 this afternoon. so were the clock in the upper seventies. do.
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get ready for the ride of your life. looking for a high of 91 degrees to run three or 4:00 this afternoon. so were the clock in the upper seventies. wipeout in waves of tender turkey and crispy bacon. gaze upon the rad rainbow of voluminous veggies and cool, sea-green avocado all on freshly baked bread. are you up for the ultimate? ♪ then you've got to try the totally new subway ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. carve one up today. crank up the flavor at subway.
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this 739 this just in the kron4 news for marketing news from democratic leaders that was virginia's governor has just passed his former chief lawyer to fill the late u.s. senators robert byrd's seat. on the u.s. citizens 36 rolled will take on the role to hold the seat until november when the election is all the west virginia. this is actually good news for democratic senators on capitol hill then for about to land people were currently going without unemployment benefits in a planned extension bill has been stalled in the senate because. they sped to the next tuesdaand another is quick to sy about washington d.c. the quake hit around 5:00 in the morning
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and the east coast had amended to 3.6 the u.s. saying it was a broad bill maryland where it is centered. back here in california education officials are publicly denouncing gov. schwarzenegger's latest budget revision officials say funding for public education in california has lost $17 billion. it's been cut by 17 billion in the past two years in the governor's plan makes things worse by trying to suspend this state's minimum test budget. californians are split over arizonas controversial immigration laws. it's the law requires police officers to question please people's immigration status based on any reasonable suspicions after being stopped of the real spirit loss was take effect in the month. israfil pulled up by california voters actually prove a lot 49 to 45 percent margin of 62% of democrats approve will 77 percent of republicans approved. will bareback is the kron 4
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morning news continues watching weather around the bay to be hot, watch and wall street as well big drop for the dow down hundred and 71.3 now will have more after the break.
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a quick recap of the top stories a big drop almost to a disappointing quarterly reports from the city group bank of america and google downhill hundred 50 point. an apple schedule a press conference in just a few hours to talk about reception problems with its new iphone 4. will carry the latest for you if you travel golden gate bridge is a car pool their today to lasted up the slack in allow you to pay cash for carpooling you'll have to use the fastrak starting on monday issued a carpool lane in news- there would to make your pitiful fair beginning monday morning. watching the fatah they're the golden gate with the temperatures really warming up evelyn taft has a loose in the forecast. he dove into the upper 90s today but this taking of all
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money going to be a little cooler around the bay was the head in this baltic fairfield if we get those numbers of four you'll see right here 61 right now later today or get to 99 degrees. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay show you how hot it is today and how hot it will be tomorrow by sunday still high of their clinical degrees and continue to cool monday through the rest of your week so the focus on the heat for two-year going to sea temperatures and to the '60s even seventies right now no surprise as to get up to the '80s. will get up to the '90s pretty soon here by 10:00 a.m. in looking at 83 and the spot some of those '80s turning to the ladies later this afternoon. upper 90s by 4:00 in fact it can get up to the triple digits for a 4:00 this afternoon sort of rolling out the possibility of it in the residency 88 santa rosa, 96 napa and 98 concord. over to the south they were looking at temperatures there into the 80s and 90s. so here is
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a look at your 7 day around the bay upper 90s in the for the next couple of days even triple digits for the next couple of days. a circle down as we headed to monday tuesday wednesday and thursday. 7:46 a.m. at the time the attack and traffic was george. we looked to gauge track a long hot spot this morning that is the right of highway 4. the westbound direction with the slowest part of the commute here through antioch an accident at somerville adding to the delays there. but another was later than usual right here for that was bound commute on for an even the southbound commute on interstate 60. there's some slowing their ahead as monuments of a bunch words for 24 in to the san ramon valley west a 24 as a head out toward the caldecott tunnel and. no longery concern about this delay coming from vallejo or slow kelly it
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let's take a quick check of the rest of that e shore free ride. you see just how good looks no problems at all for the westie drive. abridge check a look at the right first at the bridge. they have not been activated demurring like to the bay bridge that is as close as commute is. at the san mateo bridge was as volume and higher there's no problems or delays for the west down right and not only do we still have this was commute in marin county but we have an easy ride across the golden gate bridge. carolyn southbound. what is so persistent the deck and the two towers and you may find yourself turning joe wipers on because of the missed their otherwise, it will be a problem for a commute. mark. >> ok markets are watching weather here run the bay let's go to the oakland hills real fight was happening was kron4 as jackie sissel and guess the saving grace here lies the fire danger is not extreme because of the fog jackie. >> that is right mark is u.s. over there in san francisco are bathed in fog, we are starting
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to get sunstroke it here in oakland hill as the sun just popped up in the last half an hour so the low clouds that persisted for most of the morning started to really break up. to conceal some of the blue sky overhead as the panel further to the ec can see more of that out here so as the morning goes on especially out here in the east bay, starting to really see the sun popped out and you could feel the temperature starts to rise out here in the east bay mark. wall where i hope it is high with 24? >> actually mill a bad. usually with the traffic backup headed towards the caldecott tunnel beneath the direction but it's actually not at all right now. as a traditional elitist and the gulf of mexico. british petroleum has a cap on their. the enclosed the best on the captors no oil leaking in the gulf of mexico reno for the first time in almost three months. this is a temporary fix being greeted with some bp
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continues to steal this will lead by the end of next month. president barack obama says bp successful capping of the gulf oil spill is good news however it has to continue to determine whether the temporary cap will stay in place and be used to permit a stop this flow of oil if not the other device will be shortly. >> know even if it shed and is not possible this new capital in the additional equipment being replaced in the gulf will be able to contain up to 80,000 bar. a day. which should lead us to capture all the oil until the well is killed. it is important to remember that prior to the installation of this new cap were collecting an average about 25,000 bar. a day. for almost 90 days at this environmental disaster this all
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allison taken " in the image of clean water is of oil spewing in the gulf. but it is our responsibility to make sure that we're taking a prudent course of action. so to summarize the new cap is good news either we will be able to use it to stop the flow or will be able to use it to capture all of the oil until the relief well into the top of we know what to know for certain which approach makes sense until additional data is in. all the american people should rest assured that all these decisions will be faced on the science and what is best for the people of the gulf. >> there continue to meet this morning to analyze the state in the pressure of the new release cap. every six hours.
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>> >> we're now following the latest wall street jones dow down and has been down all morning long but notes hundred and 56 points to the downside the s&p also down 18 in nasdaq down 38. a lot of it has to do the consumer confidence numbers the key motor earlier today. the university of michigan publish those in there for a weaker than analysts had expected and that is why we're seeing traders pulled back just a little bit. will keep updated on the story and have other reports real- time
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the real story. 40 years in politics... and failure has followed him everywhere. ♪ in the sixties, brown enters politics and later serves two terms as governor. his big spending turns a surplus into a billion dollar deficit. brown appoints liberal judges who fight the death penalty, supports billions in new taxes, and leaves the state with record unemployment of 11%. failure. in the eighties, he runs for senate, but californians say no. he lobbies for a corporate polluter, and works to send california jobs to china.
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failure. the nineties saw jerry run as a presidential candidate against bill clinton. you know, he reinvents himself every year or two. [ female announcer ] failure. and in the two thousands jerry was mayor of oakland where he taxed everything from garbage to cable tv. crime soared, and he damaged the school system so badly, the state had to take it over. another failure. jerry brown. a lifetime in politics. a legacy of failure.
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8:00 on the kron 4 morning is what mr. this hour on bay area weather hot day inland. >> good morning mark out very hot day inland we will take you to the north bay across the golden gate to napa where it is 56 you're dealing with fog delayed the this afternoon getting up to 96 degrees c huge difference for more you are at right now so really warming it up all your inland valley locations pretty warm today hot upper 90s no surprise we are getting there because were into the '60s and '70s now. future cast 4 set for now we see '60s, '70s of you ladies and amex wants to get to the 10:00 hour through the delta and the minute some of those 80 is turning to '90s inland '90s maybe turning into triple digits this afternoon it will see here
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temperatures look like this santa rosa and upper 80s but spots like napa getting to 96 fairfield 99 concord 98 san francisco 70 south bay into the 80s and 90s spots like livermore valley upper 90s again maybe even reaching center mark this afternoon. ormoc through the weekend by sunday still hot not as hot but then we cool it down heading into monday, tuesday, wednesday until then the upper 90s maybe even triple digits inland and the coast is where to be over the next few days. >> a lot of people headed to the beach this weekend a wild guess. when you get triple digits people want a head to the water. we have a beach forecast for real a share heading it depends where heading if you're in santa cruz low 80s however if you're
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headed down to baker beach it will still be cooler about 72 for saturday could wake up to morning fog so you may want head to the beach later in the day temperatures getting warmer southwest winds 15 mi. an hour sunday shaving off a couple of degrees still pleasant out there against an aggressor warm or 82 below '70s for beaches around the bay. >> starting off with their loan hot spot remarkably light traffic in the bay area where a group called for the back there have been few incidents one a minor accident here summers bill road that's why we still see through manioc this slows traffic and the bay area at a dili read showing on the sensors this morning the rest of your ride as you can see looks good all the will of past we see slowing on 680 and assess bound direction still haven't leading
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to the creek. the westbound 24 right the southbound 680 into the san ramon valley no problems here. the commute on 80 westbound we pick up blood camera in albany light traffic still coming down through the s curves than moving past golden gate fields and that the bay bridge toll plaza the metering lights have not been activated this morning that selling the traffic has been for the west bound bay bridge ride at their bay area bridges by the way similar light traffic with no problems for the golden gate or san mateo bridge. >> developing story temple scheduling a press conference for 10:00 a.m. kron 4 as will tran live in cupertino >> that is the speculation that will address the at they did i not done done talking to a
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spokeswoman aster to questions one will he be there. can't say i'm just italian there's a live news conference. is this about the new iphone for she says i can say. all of that should come out they say be patient there is speculation they will address the reception problem possibly giving out of bumper case to a public reception for the discount price for the bumper case that is going for $30 right now they're saying be patient keeping on kron 4 newest if i find anything before 10:00 more than half the capacity. >> still old and walling is nothing unusual for apple. customers are still turning up at all stores to order the don't even with debts about the reliability of what they're buying some say it's worth it. >> it's just a minor thing it's
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probably easier to fix. >> up until this phone they could put an apple on a bracket i would've bought it. but they have done a great job with this thing is the reason you have a phone is to call people and i'm dropping so many calls almost half my calls seriously so i talk to them about returning it. >> apple makes a fantastic products they stumbled here and i hope they make good on the stumbled and stop denying there's a problem. >> they are still putting names on waiting lists for the iphone for and hope the kinks will shop on their phone. we have the resources on our web sites good vo-tech report news coming out with hk hp plans to shut down its cupertino operation and move its cupertino employees to palo alto. the palo alto-based computer giant announced that it seeks to achieve better efficiencies and use space more effectively by closing its
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cupertino facility and shifting operations to palo alto, a move that it expects to complete in two years. the move refers to a recent analysis that shows current utilization of both sites is low, with only about 60 percent of workspaces in regular use. >> following the latest with wall street the dow prices well below the neutral mark. we are seeing the same story with this that s&p and aztec. a handful of reason consumer reports came out this morning it dropped to its lowest level in 11 months. also post a first full week of burning season citibank and bank of america and say they have higher earnings by lower revenues. google came out this morning saying yet we had great revenue this past quarter it wasn't as great as it we were looking for. google stock was
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trading down and it is down 5% now. apple also negative down half a percent at $250 a share. >> big news and if the piece saying they have gained control over the biggest environmental disaster for now no oil. no oil leaking the cap they put in place they were able to close the events they are monitoring the pressure so far no crude gushing for three months first time in three months this is a temporary fix this cap will hopefully pulled they will be drilled permit poles of fully by the end of august tests are being run on but this test we will be back as kron 4 continues to live looks them until bridge renown fog starting to clear temperatures beginning to warm up inland up near 100
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later day eighties around the bay.
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built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800. [ maget readycer ] for the ride of your life. turkey & bacon avocado. wipeout in waves of tender turkey and crispy bacon. gaze upon the rad rainbow of voluminous veggies and cool, sea-green avocado all on freshly baked bread. are you up for the ultimate? ♪ then you've got to try the totally new subway ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. carve one up today. crank up the flavor at subway.
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eed internet you can connect to the internet at blazing fast speeds. wow, look at that! so you can go online and check out the news, or you can just catch up with old friends -- hey buddy. you can download videos and -- wow, that was fast... you can do it all from the comfort of home. so, as you can see, it's a -- whoah. you know what? i'm gonna just go grab a sandwich. [ male announcer ] introducing our fastest internet with speeds up to 24 megabits per second. call, visit or click today. now for only $24.95 or less per month for 12 months
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with select bundles. welcome back alive look from mt. tam fog around the bay for now the north bay 56 in santa rosa climbing to 85 and noon upper eighties to mid 90's and spots depending on where you are. eighties by 8 this evening. ac transit riders could be stranded next week if the contract for workers is put into place half the just shall a judge will decide if a new contract will be implemented it was approved by officials but the union says they don't approve of the cuts and one resume negotiations. ac transit is asking them to stay on the draw if they don't 230 30,000 riders could be affected there are over 1700 people to work for the agency. the last strike was in 1977. today is the
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last day golden gate bridge are reminded by bridge officials that accepted forms of payment for the $3 carpool toll are about to change starting monday. friday is the last day cash will be accepted for the carpool toll beginning monday, bridge customers will need to travel through staffed toll lanes with a valid fastrak account and tag to be eligible for the discounted toll. otherwise, the full toll amount - $6 in cash lanes and $5 in fastrak-only lanes - will be charged, currie said. vehicles traveling through the fastrak toll lane will be charged the full $5 toll even if there are enough passengers to qualify for the carpool rate . toyota and electric vehicle upstart tesla motors say they'll work together to develop an electric version of toyota's rav4 small crossover vehicle. tesla will develop the electric power system for the rav4, which looks a small sport utility vehicle but is based on a car frame. the company already has built one prototype for testing and plans to deliver a fleet of evaluate sometime this year. the companies announced a partnership in may to develop if and build electric cars at the recently closed nummi auto factory in fremont.
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we will be back as kron 4 continues we are talking warriors. and a fancy new hand jive in the world according to gary. a live look traffic backed up 1 01 north.
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time to talk to gary and the world according to gary. like everybody predicted. that shows you the media would be the best we have we tried to entertain you keep you from slipping to another channel but now nobody knows. >> it's more talk about. >> groupers peter gruber he's fun to talk about. in another store their. half of the team
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that brought the warriors he was teamed up with john peters the old boyfriend of barbra streisand. i thought you would be shipped to that. in the movie shampoo with warren beatty that was about jon peters was a partner with the new warrior owner when they lost 320 billion for sony. i'm losing everybody i can't help it. >> let's talk about like a and how he turned round boston and had the 2008 championship he's the bay area guy. >> i thought he was a minority owner. >> he says he was in the guy he was >> in the war >> if i own 10% i wanna be on the zero kron war room two. he's a ticket holder.
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>> larry said he was the highest bidder bidder. >> that's a strange one in the next few days if i'm larry and on the sixth richest man in the world and have somebody say he had the size bed but he didn't get it in on time you don't become the 60 richest man by not doing p.m. must principal in a deal. you do your thing and on time. that doesn't make sense. a wild guess. maybe chris collins said the arrogance all boils everybody's excited you bring in some mullers and nobody's acquainted >> with> so oracle reno will that stick? >> i don't know how annoyed i would be. if i was really annoyed i would say what's the find pull my name off the place. these are guesses but there you
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go. >> is this all heart. >> you know what it this its their resale you have faith these things go up lookit co and it was 16 years ago but he paid 120 million now it's 450. so like the giants i mean i'm not gonna go into detail but a friend of mine was given 1% interest without putting anything and just run it. so when they sell the team for 500 million i think it's $5 million. these deals all were losing money. it's when you sell at the u.s. domestic. >> in the meantime you have friends with the tickets. >> big deal. >> in other man year mencken's alike. >> i haven't studied him.
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>> he played football for the raiders. >> i don't remember him but the trick is to try out. and the rest of your life you say when i played for the team. the actors gabrielle said i was married to or greater disk i tried out. >> check out with this guy did the old spice sky. we have >> a video> >> can u.s. banker friend to marry me her name is in july a jail spiels think you for your tweet and i would be honored to on early honor your honorable request. it seems like yesterday met gsp by your love is blossomed into a fleet fully plant now it's time to fertilize the plant. angela would you
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make j s the happiest man in the world and marry him in real life. >> he's doomed marriage proposals. >> is a good actor. >> i'd be worried that if a man that i could smell like ask my girlfriend marry me i would look good. >> i know you're busy but maybe you have somebody that just see if they confine him it's just my guess he didn't like. >> i think he actually played for the seahawks. i think he made the field i don't think he did for the raiders. >> this seahawks maybe but the raiders when you grow around. no name. he's a good actor. >> he was an emmy nomination appeared
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>> your tough-guy this all but apparently like that. >> is a lease in iran? >> i want a war you about the handbag. my wife had a friend >> to muzzle your staff of the loud voice to pick up your stripes you put your initials on it send it to paris in getting four weeks later. they have six bags that are going back to paris for new initials apparently buying the beg causes divorces. >> its two-3004 back. >> without a close-up i can tell you. >> your friend or your wife's friend had to drive up here to get one. she sloppier because
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the experience of buying one of these handbags' ours off the charts. >> i would have called you and me to go get it for me. >> you later drive all this way you could win got it yourself. >> it's all about the experience of ordering the bag. >> next and give me a closeup and i'd respond better. >> ok dario be back monday see guerre.
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welcome packet were looking at warm weekend santa cruz looks like the santa cruz the '80s by the coast is on '70s by sunday much hotter inland >> continuing to track slow traffic westbound heading towards antioch the rest of the
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commute out through pittsburgh and will pass is a much better commute lots of light traffic in the area complete check coming up >> big drop for the dow jones city group and bank of america reported lower revenue. consumer sentiment dropping to lowest rate in 11 months. the aztec s&p also down. >> following these images this is hackensack new jersey three level parking garage pass collapsed. because the structure to buckle fire on the scene now they are trying to assess the damage see if anybody's in side there were reports to people are missing they are looking into that now this garage services in
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an apartment complex next door. a lot of cars involved again they are starting the investigation seeing if there's somebody inside will keep an eye on this.
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welcome back a 30 as side dealing with low cloud a few high clouds as well lots of sun this afternoon really warm temperatures for you up for '90s even triple digits expected. by 10:00 we are expecting 80s and 90s by noon also the triple digits by 4:00 p.m. you can see read maybe triple digits later this afternoon
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south bay into the 80s and 90s as well livermore valley 99 in antioch 7 day around the bay much warmer forecast today and tomorrow gradually cooling over the next couple of days if you want a cool upset head to the coast. >> head west i guess a lot of people be going this weekend looking at the beaches rows of francisco temperatures really only getting into the low '70's however santa cruz the warmest place for beach weather saturday 82 starting with mostly cloudy by burning off quick temperature low 80s 10 mi. an hour winds. sunday less clout in the morning and winds will be lighter but the temperatures were cool down to 75 degrees plenty of sunshine and a dry weekend.
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>> we continue to track hot spots this morning here is a new one in marin county it is not terrible but it will slow your ride an accident southbound and lincoln it has been moved to the shoulder already but it is creating slow traffic slowed southbound just passed hamilton field around look his belly road that's where you start to get slowing and will last into central san rafael. you should find a good ride. the rest of your trip is not bad the drive time under 35 minutes out of novato. slowing but is not the worst hot spot. slowly you're on highway 4 in the westbound direction they're ride through antioch is as close portion lookit the rest of the ride through will pass and concord so down to 24680 into the san ramon valley no problems. 24
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westbound looks great no problems at the bay bridge toll plaza the westbound ride has been light all morning long made their lights have still not been activated for the west bound bay bridge. we should caution you if you plan on coming in at around 10 and taking advantage of a lower pricing in may not happen today because traffic is light but the last three days we have seen a secondary back up the begins at 10:00 when the toll drops. san francisco for the ride at crosstown freeways inbound central is late. james lick very light. >> following the latest from apple press conference schedule for 10:00 a.m. possibly to address this perception problem. >> we are not even sure about that there's speculation the
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news conference will address the reception problems surrounding have phoned i tried to confirm that with the spokes people out here and they will not talk about this. all the media out here we volos several key questions one will steve jobs be there. they say they can't say. is this at to talk about the reception? they can't say. you just have to be patient this dome stoner walling approach as got everybody here so i guess the key words are stay tuned. >> the problems with the phone has affected at apple stock. >> they lost 4 percent this week which is it that the give rabble. we've had strong days in the market and they've been going the other way part of the
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uncertainty is nobody understands what they will do and one that may cost company there is no threat for apple they have 40 billion in the bank their strong company but there is speculation are they going to give a case or recalls iphone? what will that cost? is there is uncertainty the markets react. >> we have additional resources on our web site. if you put your web site and click on tech report you can find out more about the problems. >> where watching wall street and the kron 4 newsroom the dow still negative by big margin 188 points to the downside the other industries trading down as well. what's making news. bankamerica and city groups posted better than expected earnings other revenues were not expected.
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they're taking ahead. goldman shares are up almost 2 1/2% google had good earnings but again it did not meet expectations on wall street showed their shares taking head. the last time we checked google dallas will more than 4 1/2% on the day. we will have more updates in just a bit. the long- awaited financial overhaul bill heads to president barack obama his desk. this is video of it being taken to the white house. it was designed to strengthen consumer confidence and head off more bank bailout spirit it is considered the sweeping set of changes in the system since the 1930's and that is the news from wall street. >> consumers seem to be getting a better handle on their credit- card payments five of the six
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credit card companies reporting declines in unpaid balances last month. citibank was the only one reporting increases in late payments. the biggest improvement was reported by chase. goldman sachs & co. has agreed to pay $550 million to settle civil fraud charges that accused the wall street giant of misleading buyers of mortgage- related investments. the deal calls for goldman to pay the securities and exchange commission fines of $300 million. the rest of the money will go to compensate those who lost money on their investments. the fine was the largest against a financial company in sec history. every six hours bp taking pressure reading on the cap. the first time in three months we do not see oil spewing into the gulf. they closed the valves on the new caps they keep testing pressure the cap stays in place the concern is the
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pressure starts dropped will could leak from a different part of the well. bp is capping is good news. >> what the new cap allows us to do is to essentially attached many more containment mechanisms so we are able to take more oil up to the service put it on ships it will be spilling into the gulf. the final solution to this whole problem is the relief wells. but there is no doubt we have made progress as a consequence of this new account fitting on and that even if it turns out we cannot keep the cap on to completely stop the oil it will allow us to capture much more oil and seem less oil flowing into the gulf. >> scientists continue to monitor the cap and the pressure to hope this will last
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until a permanent fix is in place. we will be back as kron 4 continues after the break a live look outside san francisco fog continues after the break a live look outside san francisco fog for now clear and built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800.
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hotly inland is a story this weekend highest near 100th warm at the beaches saturday saturday the better beach day. firefighters say the time they pick up uniforms and year before they start to shift the districts as they are not entitled to it because they can take it home with them the district serves east palo alto.
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state education publicly denouncing budget revision funding for education has already been cut by $17 billion the last two years along with the governor's plan makes matters worse by threatening to suspend minimum funding requirements. we will be right back from cupertino everybody waiting at apple headquarters. will it be a fixed we will find out. [ female announcer ] why watch regular tv when you can experience
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the next generation of television service? at&t u-verse tv. a better tv experience at a really great price. hurry and take advantage of our summer sale. order today and get u-verse tv for just $29 a month for 6 months, plus the dvr is included. and for a limited time, get a 30-day money-back guarantee. u-verse tv lets you record and play back your favorite shows in any room. and you can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr.
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plus, you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. get ready for a new kind of tv service. it's time to switch to at&t u-verse. hurry and take advantage of our summer sale. order today and get u-verse tv for just $29 a month for 6 months, and that includes the dvr. plus for a limited time, get a 30-day money-back guarantee. at&t u-verse tv. a better tv experience. check it out now. at&t.
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quick recap apple with a press conference at 10:00 this morning to discuss reception problems with iphone will bring you the latest and bp said they have gained control over the biggest american environment disaster. the tighter cap has been closed there's no oil spill into the
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gulf for the first time in three months. watching wall street another big story today the dow jones down 1.8 percent down on hundred 87 points concerns over quarterly reports from saudi group blower revenue coming out in those reports. we are watching mother another big story expression with the heat inland. >> travolta digits inland so we will get to the numbers in the second you will see socks in this morning cooler around the bay and at the coast still warm heading to warned that country bit from the today it doesn't feel hot but it is it is 96 degrees this afternoon back down into the 80s look at the rest of the forecast several now '50s and '60s '70s inland those are
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the places will pop later today to triple digits '90s 10:00 this morning looking at '80s by the end of the hour by noontime 90s by 4:00 p.m. we could hit the century mark fairfield 100 degrees 99 for concord 84 allele richmond 76 we will take you to antioch temperatures triple digits 1 01 in ya 101 livermore we haven't had a hundred for a while 94 san jose 97 morgan help so '90s micro climates it could to get warmer tomorrow we could see more trouble digits eighties around the bay '70s by the coast by sunday pulling down a few degrees but still pretty hot mid-90s inland cities around the bay '70s by the close by monday: it down let's look to the beach
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forecast in santa cruz great place to go all is more warmer along the peninsula we are expecting '80s for tomorrow by sunday 75. it's 48 check gone traffic with george >> they continued to track how with for a as a hot spot was some persistent slow traffic through antioch this is the worst of it for the ride the rest of that trip looks good as you head toward concord the will of past plaza until lot ride also cells through san ramon valley trouble-free 580 is a good one to this is not been a hot spot this morning 680 ride southbound heading towards an all along your any of those construction delays and nimitz freeway some slowing around hayward in the northbound direction but just a short
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stretch issues see only about half a mile long. those are really rise still low level of our hot spot. san jose for the ride on 1 01 in the northbound direction not a hot spot here it's like traffic nice to see the sun it's an easy ride southbound looks great and the san mateo bridge the commute across 92 mid peninsula no problems are delays for you drive over to or cross i will rise. the bridge still no backup and no metering lights. >> pro he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of oscar brand as of thursday 100 people have confirmed they will attend the rally. they're calling for
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agency to halt the police chief did address concerns about pro and anti supporters turned >> any time you have two conflicting groups yet we have concern we are preparing to deal with that. >> the rally will start at 2:00 p.m. monday organizers say anybody that wants to incite violence should stay away. the grass roots oakley assemblymen at the continental club to discuss this satisfaction they say they plan a response to the rally as well as the decision by the jury >> we will come up with a plan of action a political plan of action that has nothing to do with writing. to answer to what's going on here. even these young men have expressed vacancy
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putting back the date of the sentencing to november 6th is in a rage. he is guilty as sin he needs to go to jail and it was time. >> he says he was upset to see coverage of people looting stores he says the real organized protests that happened was peaceful and constructive. we will be back as the news continues after the break. the golden gate fog thinned for now to orders warming up this [ female announcer ] the jerry brown story.
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the real story. 40 years in politics... and failure has followed him everywhere. ♪ in the sixties, brown enters politics and later serves two terms as governor. his big spending turns a surplus into a billion dollar deficit. brown appoints liberal judges who fight the death penalty, supports billions in new taxes, and leaves the state with record unemployment of 11%. failure. in the eighties, he runs for senate, but californians say no. he lobbies for a corporate polluter, and works to send california jobs to china. failure. the nineties saw jerry run as a presidential candidate against bill clinton. you know, he reinvents himself every year or two. [ female announcer ] failure. and in the two thousands jerry was mayor of oakland where he taxed everything from garbage to cable tv.
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crime soared, and he damaged the school system so badly, the state had to take it over. another failure. jerry brown. a lifetime in politics. a legacy of failure.
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welcome back new this morning's seven sprinters have one back there really metals. the court of arbitration world in favor of the women who appealed the decision to disqualify them from their mettle of the 2000 sydney games appeared the rules in 2000 did not allow teams to be
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affected by one member's bill been. nasa's newest space telescope spotted asteroids in six months now none of them posed a threat. the wide spread twice for short completed its first and tomorrow it sky and it will start again with the new round. they found the gene, as well. lightning strikes nearly killed a woman in riverside county deputies managed to save her firefighters suffered burns on their arms. strong winds very hot temperatures and lightning in fact several large fires were started north east of to macula. hundreds of firefighters will raise up sampras's goes tallest building the first annual firefighters still climb will take 300 firefighters up 48 flights of stairs. they will be
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wearing and 50 lbs. worth of gear. it benefits both burn center at st. francis. we'll be back in two minutes as kron 4 continues one of the developing stories wall street dow jones down almost 200.3 now 10,00161. ♪
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hey, at&t u-verse tv? yeah, it's our new tv service. every day thousands of customers across the nation are switching to at&t u-verse. [ female announcer ] visit a store today. hurry and take advantage of our summer sale on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. plus for a limited time, get a 30-day money-back guarantee, and a dvr is included. yeah, and u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows from any room on a single dvr and play them back on -- any -- tv. and multiview, which lets you follow four channels at once. whoa! whoa! [ female announcer ] visit a store today. hurry and take advantage of our summer sale
8:59 am
on u-verse tv. just $29 a month for six months. and for a limited time, get a 30-day money-back guarantee, and a dvr is included. you can even upgrade to over 130 hd channels. that's so cool. i know. [ female announcer ] see it. believe it. u-verse tv. ♪ top stories this morning first off we are just an hour away from apple's big news conference possibly discussing the problem with the iphone for reception. an update moment. officials say new cap on the gulf oil spill is working. but there might be more work to be done. walking you through minimum appeared first of forecast we have warm conditions
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this morning and hot this afternoon. >> did we mention it's hot. l just thought i'd throw out there again. fog sitting through the golden gate bridge you can see a few spots just isolated over northern portion appeared not widespread but we are dealing with morning fog. it will be hot today into weekend as well cool off as we headed next week current temperatures 55 in san francisco 51 in oakland you can see further inland the quicker it warms up these are where temperatures will get up. 69 in livermore in the act 8264 fremont 66 in san jose. as we head for the morning hours 11:00 dempster's heat oven to the '70s and '80s. and the afternoon by about 3:00 p.m. your daytime highs in nervous all the purple that is showing us triple digits they may fill out into
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our area in places like livermore, antioch, here's a look 92 center risen 96 napa fairfield 100 today 99 in concord around the bay temperatures in the '70s and '80s. 85 fremont and down in to the south bay temperatures upper 90s. keeping hot temperatures around keep water by you stay in the shade because again these are hot temperatures. be aware. next week much cooler weather had. >> tracking hot spots here the ride in marring county you may look at it and say that does the looks loads only yellow will you're right. but there's a lot of it and more than you're used to it will cost you extra time so we are calling it a hot spot. drive times are under 35 minutes but it is going to be slowing
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the new expected. as you had from lucas valley road an earlier accident at lincoln their reason for the delays. hot spot as well the nimitz freeway northbound the ride is heavy from davis all the way to broadway. there was a ramp clochard on the broadway off ramp it helped to back things up. the bay bridge what a back brace spot no metering lights they were not turned on this morning so it has been an easy ride for the bay bridge and the short freeway both upper and lower. finishing with sam francis going cross down freeways when a light ride in bound. from the panhandle and coming in no delays. no. bound ride looks good from to 81 01
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interchange through hospital curve into downtown. >> time now 9 02 we are 50 minutes away from apple's big press conference the company expected to address a reception problems. but if u.s. them you can get word out of them. will tran is trying. >> we are trying to give the best try i keep asking can you give us something our viewers want to know. they just keep saying there's a news conference at 10:00. half an hour from now they will allow us inside to supper. the one answer basic question will steve jobs be there. they can't say. they just saying keep being patient. there is speculation they will talk about the iphone for in the reception problems surrounding it. earlier this week consumer reports that millions of people read and don't make that move before buying. the timing odd to
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me on the heels of that report that's why would they call this know if you own iphone for keeping it on kron 4 at 1010, 1015 we will let you know if iphone will address that issue. they will talk about may be a bumper case for the iphone ford tempo or reception. >> we will check again as we get closer to a. loyal customers still showing up to order the phone and even with adults about the reliability of the product itself many say it is worth buying. >> it is a minor thing for it probably easy to fix. >> up until this fall and they could put an apple on a bridge and i would've bought it. but they have done a great job with this thing here the reason you have a phone is to call people and i'm dropping so many calls.
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almost half of my calls. i talk to them about returning it. >> absolutely not apple makes fantastic products they stumbled here i of the make good on a stumble and stop denying there's a problem. >> many said they are still putting their names on waiting lists for the iphone for they are crossing their fingers and hoping the kinks are worked out. we have additional resources on the issue on our web site click on track record and you will find it under the newscast. q. packard cupertino operation and move its cupertino employees to palo alto. the palo alto-based computer giant announced that it seeks to achieve better efficiencies and use space more effectively by closing its cupertino facility and shifting operations to palo alto, a move that it expects to complete in two years. the move refers to a recent analysis that shows current utilization of both sites is low, with only about 60 percent of workspaces in regular use. quick check of markets dow was
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down quite a bit last night. here is down 203 points. nasdaq also trading down. we will keep a check as a breast. president barack obama says bp successful capping of the gulf oily can tickle been an here >> >> maybe you'll hear from him shortly. >> i would expect i will be back down we are trying to do right now is make sure the technical folks on the ground are making the best possible decisions to shut this well done as quickly as possible we are standing up to fun so people are compensated quickly. i'm staying in touch each and every day monitoring progress in getting briefed by the side is the key right now is for us to make decisions based
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on science and what's best of the people from the gulf. not based on pr or politics. we will not be done until we actually know we kill the well. and then we have a permanent solution in place. >> obviously will follow that at least we have that good news for you the well has been successfully capped. we will take a quick break from mountie and cam a beautiful friday and shot and current temperatures out of livermore 69 degrees right now this afternoon livermore valley you are looking at 101 expected at 3:00 p.m. we will be back.
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presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on an all new cadillac srx luxury collection crossover... ..with a bose premium sound system. and an ultra-view sunroof designed to let more summer time in. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a new cadillac. hurry in for great lease or purchase offers on an all new srx during cadillac's summer's best sales event going on now at your cadillac dealer.
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we are back to and after the hour. san mateo bridge traffic moving good on 92 current
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temperatures 58 loaded to mid- 80s by 3:00 p.m. complete check on forecast and traffic,. riders to use ac transit could be stranded is a new contract is put into place. a judge is set to this light at 9:00 a.m. any time now we should your decision whether not they will implement this contract on the drivers. whether will go into effect. it was approved by officials and imposed on the driver's the union says they don't want it they don't like it did not like the cuts. it went back to the table. ac transit is asking to stay on the job if this contract is put into place if they don't to run and 30,000 riders could be affected. 1750 people work there. last time they saw a strike was 1977. drivers
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traveling over the golden gate bridge are reminded by bridge officials that accepted forms of payment for the $3 carpool toll are about to change starting monday. friday is the last day cash will be beginning monday, bridge customers will need to travel through staffed toll lanes with a valid fastrak account and tag to be eligible for the discounted toll. otherwise, the full toll amount - $6 in cash lanes and $5 in fastrak-only lanes - will be charged, currie said. vehicles traveling through the fastrak toll lane will be charged the full $5 toll even if there are enough passengers to qualify for the carpool rate toyota and electric vehicle upstart tesla motors say they'll work together to develop an electric version of toyota's rav4 small crossover vehicle. tesla will develop the electric power system for the rav4, which looks a small sport utility vehicle but is based on a car frame. the company already has built one prototype for testing and plans to deliver a fleet of prototypes for toyota to evaluate sometime this year. the companies announced a partnership in may to develop and build electric cars at the recently closed nummi auto factory in fremont. we have to take another break the back a moment what's going
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to cite a quick look westbound 80 nice and light traffic on this friday morning.
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we are back and 915 an update on the forecast. tracking hot temperatures this afternoon and weekend. >> a lot of people heading to the coast on shore. when you had inland it will warm up places like livermore will heat up into the afternoon 1013 afternoon high. getting up to the upper 80s by noon. 55 san francisco the coast about the same 54 currently redwood city down and the south bay already getting a purse '60s for los gatos 66 san jose and 644 fremont. future cast 4 heads towards 10:00 a.m.
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we should heated up may be some eighties in the afternoon showing us of temperatures in the triple digits. like livermore, antioch, here are some of the numbers. 92 santa rosa, 91 novato, fairfield 99, 854 fremont the south bay the upper 90s. then microclimates kicking and much cooler. 78 oakland, 89 redwood city. 7 day around the bay nice weekend out there and you're headed to the beach by next week will cool it down temperatures back down to the '80s inland cities run bay and '60s by the coast guard >> conditions getting worse on the nimitz freeway northbound
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880 slower now between davis in the northbound direction and high street it was closer to broadway we had an incident that closed the ramp that has been reopened in new accident up near high street adding to the delays for a 80 northbound. that is likely to be with us for a while longer. the slowest spot we are tracking right now most of the traffic doing really well. san jose more slowing on 101 past nine it a.m. and metering lights have been turned off and that's exactly the case. this is not a hot spot is a temporary slowdown. we will finish with commute pass millbrae on highway 1 01 i believe that will be re here. the bay shore northbound been no problems here is the thought traffic also light. a minute drive time into san mateo from
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millbrae ave. >> 918 will give you a quick look and the market's the dow down 193 at 10,00165. the aztec also trading down. a lot of it has to do with city grit and bankamerica had good earnings but lower than expected revenue gogol's earnings were pretty good but not as good as analysts expected. again the good thing for that. treading negative at this hour. there is a sentiment that was below the lowest in 11 months of traders pulling back abet. bp says it finally gained control over the biggest environmental catastrophes at least for now the cap that they applied over top of the wall seems to be doing the job of capping the leak. it is a temporary fix they will continue testing and you all that stuff
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if they continue to see results we should be on track to seal this off. they have to hold the seat. they have to drill and make the mark their all this test happen to have a successful end to this catastrophe tests are being done today and tomorrow on the cap. 920 break will be back in just a moment. another lot look this time mount tam camera a wide view of the a beautiful blue skies hot temperatures this afternoon into the weekend if you miss the forecast we have another one coming.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord.
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oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord? we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call to get at&t high speed internet direct for $19.95 a month with a one-year term. no home phone required. switch from cable to select speeds and get $100 back via promotion card. whoa, videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the nation's largest wi-fi network at no extra charge. just call to get high speed internet direct for $19.95 a month with a one-year term. no home phone required. switch from cable to select speeds and get $100 back via promotion card. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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alive look for mount tam showing you two things blue sky but also fuelled by the water we have fog in some spots. it will get out of there. >> this is the kind of weather where you wanted leave for dinner and to the beach it will get hot in the afternoon. a lot of folks are looking inside the blue skies right now this is one of the spots taken with fog. we will see if morning fog for ourselves hot into the weekend in fact warming up this afternoon and last pretty much through the weekend and cooling off by next week. your current
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temperatures outside just to give you an idea of where it is 56 in francisco 63 oakland upper 60s for concord the further you gold the higher temperatures 74 livermore, getting into '70s for los gatos the upper 60s mom you in san jose. by 9:00 a.m. continuing with '60s by 10:00 a.m. '80s out there in the afternoon trade fog-four-o'clock all the purple shows us triple digits in the central valley could spill over into our area could see triple digits in antioch. 727 cisco 76 richmond triple digits and the fairfield 99 in concord 101 for antioch and livermore so will heat up in the afternoon 98 los gatos 94 san jose here is your 7 day around the bay keeping it hot
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for the next couple of days cooling down as we headed next work week. >> tried to keep it hot over here tracking a hot spot is cooling off good news if you have to drive it this small stretch of red and stern of the conduct coliseum is the slowest traffic and the rise this is breaking up the northbound 880 ride. from here bridge check starting with the bay bridge where is the traffic this morning they're staying away in droves we have not seen the metering lights this morning we may as we have the see a secondary back up but i call it the bargain hunters with the new congesting pricing when it drops to dollars at 10:00 a.m. we see a lot of people waiting to take advantage of that. there has been secondary backups that
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were bigger than the morning commute back up so it's interesting to see if that happens today frankly i think it's doubtful. san mateo bridge a good ride all morning long still heavy in the committee direction but not at the toll plaza is no waiting and are no problems on 92 added westbound towards the toe plaza. the golden gate bridge rise fog continues to left not likely you'll need wipers as you come across the bridge again the drizzle factor may be down but it is an easy ride through marin county south down back up into central renard san rafael have cleared. public transit has been quiet this morning no problems with burt manning are based. >> 932 big story apple will be holding a press conference and about half an hour from now live outside quarters we're
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speculating they will talk about the recent problems with the iphone for but we can't say for certain because apple is not seeing a single word about what the press conference is about. to talk more about it is got was the net. they have to jog with the iphone for that has to be the topic. >> i imagine that it will be that verse is the ipad. it's a little ridiculous. >> there has been speculation they have to do a recall others say that's impractical or do fall >> recalls where there's real danger rubrics system or better than might overheat this is something doesn't work quite right that the repair situation not recall. i think obviously one of bill's use the phone without its case if the case can help in the meantime it make
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sense for apple to provide that. maybe there will be a hardware fix that they came get it fixed that seems like the most logical or offer refund if your not happy with that solution. that looks like basically the solutions that make sense to me. >> it is odd to see apple with its back against the wall. it is in there and all when they do these appearances it's a long process where they have a lead time there's no secrets but is a planned thing this feels like they did this because they have no other choice. >> it's very surprising its unprecedented. in 2007 when they drop the price of $200. they sent to a press release and offered the original customer's $100 credit. usually that of the handle things like that with
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a press release. this was surprising. >> it brings home the idea that seat steve jobs is human and apple can make mistakes. >> we are looking for to of being all over it's been blown up much it's crazy >> they hit three times to discuss and think you for your perspectives this morning you can have all you want with this story we have more on our web site this click on tech report lent underneath the newscast. 935 a check on wall street don't share in trading -10,000 nasdaq down 51 points. speaking of wall street the long-awaited some financial overhaul bill is headed to the president for his signature this is video of the been taken from the capitol to
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the white house. where the president is expected to sign it. that bill is designed to strengthen consumer protection. it is considered the sweeping changes loyal the way back to the 1930's. we have other news stories consumers seem to be getting a handle on the credit card payments five of the six credit card companies reported could declines in unplayed balances citibank was the only one to report increases in late payments. goldman sacks has agreed to pay $550 million to settle fraud charges appeared that they misled buyers it sounds like a lot of money but is only two weeks of the company's net income the settlement was announced yesterday. it calls for them to pay fines of up to three and a
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million dollars the rest of the money will compensate those who lost money. the penalty was the largest against a wall street firm in history. new this morning president barack obama says the peace capping of the gulf of mexico is goodness but he says testing continues to determine whether not that capt. stay in place he used to permanently stop the flow. if it cannot the cap and other devices will capture most of the oil. >> even if a shot and is not possible this new caps and the equipment being placed in the gulf will be able to contain up to 80,000 bar. a day. what should allow us to capture almost all the oil until the well is killed. it is important to remember prior to the installation we were collecting 25,000 bar. a day. for almost 90
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days this disaster all this have taken hold in the image clean water instead of oil spewing in the gulf. but it is our responsibility to make sure we are taking a prudent course of action and not looking for a short-term solution that could lead even greater problems down the road. so to summarize the new cap is goodness i there will be allowed to use it to stop the flow or we will build to use it to capture almost all of the oil until the relief well is done. we are not and to know for certain which approach makes sense until additional data is in. all the american people should rest assured all of these decisions will be based on the science and what's best for the people of the gulf. >> the president said government scientists and experts met
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through the night last night into this morning to analyze the data so far they feel it is working. 938 we will be back with more of your minutes alive look at side shot of the golden gate bridge been fog and all morning long goodness traffic his eyes alight. we'll be back. our real national pastime?
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm
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or go online.
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70 forecast hot that is a big theme for the next few days we at temperatures up for nine days in london '80s around the bay upper '70's along the coast believe are not we will not see it cool down until next week it will be all weekend if you have outdoor plans don't forget the sunscreen. developing story this morning ellis' three major fires on the radar in southern california they are all in riverside it are sparked by lightning strikes this is where they are. pushing first we have the largest skinner fire north
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of to a backlash it has its only 10 percent contained. the other two are west the cactus fire charred 500 a. its 30 percent contained, and the subtle the saddle fire it is 80 percent contained. we have video of the lightning strikes. a woman was almost killed by the lightning deputies managed to get inside her home and save her unfortunately to firefighters suffered burns during rescue. the weather conditions have been a nightmare strong winds lightning moving over the area. 943 we have to take another break back with more moment let's go aside from our roof camera low cloud cover miles fog in san francisco to worry it will warm up in a big white. we
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built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800.
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946 recap apple has scheduled a press conference at 10:00 it will top we think about the reception problem. we will let you know when it gets under way. if you drive the golden gate bridges will be the last day become a cash to cross the bridge as of monday you will need your transponder. a deadline for today it could mean a possible strike for a see trains. the market's a quick check on where the stock is now. down 193 points it has been trading-nasdaq down 51 trading at 2000. bp says it has finally
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gained control or the oily in the gulf it has become the biggest catastrophe. a place to cap over the wall so far no oil has leaked. those test will see if that cap and all backdrop. following weather as we've been saying it's gonna be hot afternoon and a real hot afternoon this weekend will get more of that in a moment hot spots in the traffic signer. >> we cleared out our last hot spot this these are very rapidly improving for the northbound right sluggish traffic heading pass the airport that will clear up by high street. i will ask to give me a cube on where were going from here. san jose 101 in the northbound direction again traffic still sluggish as you
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work your way north because they turn to the metering lights off you see the things shaking you may have picked up some breeze in the south bay as ye see the camera doing juggling. from here san francisco for look on city streets for their ride on inbound central freeway traffic pretty light no problems northbound james lick looks good for your ride from the 280. now over to the weather. >> checking and you'll see clear conditions outside walnut creek but i think we switched the camera there. taking it up and see what's going on next. as we do we are dealing with warm conditions different numbers right now as we do we are taking in into the 90s and to the triple digits are conditions
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look like this this morning 74 livermore 82 antioch no surprise triple digits this afternoon. by 9:00 p.m. we are seeing the next few hours will pump up the numbers in to the '80s oppression '90s later this afternoon getting into numb '90s by 4:00 p.m. '60s that the coast some 90's and triple digits. in the north bay '90s and triple digits 100 and care field named 9696 attack.'70s ane water further inland into the livermore valley and delta expecting to see nineties and century mark. pittsburg, antioch, 100 degrees the south
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bay 994 walnut creek, of pleasanton. hot today same thing for to more even hotter tomorrow them by sending cooling it down just a touch much cooler as we head into monday, tuesday, wednesday. >> on to other headlines a pro johannes mehserle rally is planned on monday in walnut creek he is convicted last week of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of oscar brand as of thursday 100 people has confirmed they will attend creeps' please call in and outside agencies to help with the rally. he did talk briefly about concerns about what might happen. >> any time you have to conflicting groups with different opinions on a very emotional issue we have concerns appeared we are preparing to
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deal with that. >> a rally starts at 2:00 p.m. monday they say anyone who wants to incite riot violence should stay away. state education officials are denouncing governors schwarzenegger's budget reversion they say funding to california has received $17 billion less than anticipated in two years the governor's plan makes matters worse by threatening to suspend the state's minimum school funding requirements. expect that to develop. california's six split between the controversial arizona law based on what's called reasonable suspicion only after that person has been stopped for another crime. our recent field poll says california approval law by 49 percent 62 percent of democrats disapprove but 77 percent of republicans say they're in favor of it. the poll has a margin of error of 2.8%.
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we have to take another break will be back with more moment. a live look aside from martinez looking over highway 4 traffic moving good. blue skies and it's going to be hot in the east bay today and the weekend upper 90s possibly 100. we will be right back.
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seven sprinters have won back the limpid relay medals that were stripped because the team may was building at the time. they ruled in favor of the women who feel that the olympic committee to disqualified the course is the athletic roles at the time did not allow teams to be affected by one members to open. nasa space telescope has
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spotted *. none of them are threatening earth anytime soon the wide field infrared field explore completes its first again tomorrow it will begin another round wise also found 15, its soul or a big success. hundreds of firefighters more will resell tallest building its the first annual fire fighters don't climb it will involve 300 firefighters it will go up 48 flights of the transamerica and current they will be in full gear the event benefits the burn center at st. francis. 957 on o'clock we will take a break. as we go big board the dow below to under points for the day 10,00140 current level
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a little reprieve fuel rushed for your information coming up. officials sing the catch up on the oil spill working right now live look no oil spilling into the gulf for the first time in three months. details ahead we're watching wall street a big drop dow jones down 2% 218 points to 10,00141. the latest news coming out of new york. check gone bay of the old area weather over san francisco fog lifting temperatures baking once again. >> been looking into the troubled digits this afternoon temperatures up for you the
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golden gate bridge things looking foggy they're looking cool later today we warming up those inland spots are going to feel the heat fairfield 101 later this afternoon back down to 92 into triple digits today continuing trouble digits in to tomorrow temperature once they look like your eyes but these are occurring conditions '80s in the off, they did this afternoon into the 80s and 90s as well and hitting the century mark in a few spots. fast forward to now 10:00 in we are looking at 90s in the forecast already by the end of the hour and least upper 80s we are the air in spots like antioch by 4:00 this afternoon topping out into the 50s, 60s, '70s, '80s '70s and '80s around the bay with the '80s and '90s even triple digits inland we will
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take you through the numbers north bay 90 in petaluma 98 in sonoma 96 napa hitting fairfield 100 degrees 72 in san francisco have men bay 70 san mateo 82 jumping across the bay '80s there for their inland into the san ramon valley livermore valley the delta we expect trouble the digits 101 antioch, 99 pleasanton. south bay in the '90s 94 san jose 93 in santa clara's 7 day around baker called pigeons as we head into tomorrow as well 101 today could get to 1 02 tomorrow jamming up may be directed to tomorrow sunday pretty hot boggling it down there continued to cool it down into monday, tuesday, wednesday. check on traffic with george >> we have cleared out our hot
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spots a quick pitch camera check 1 01 northbound slow traffic we had was working its way past the guadalupe parkway it has been out in third out no problems in fact the slow traffic has mixed out isn't that nice. says ben looks good getting test the turnoffs no problems. your ride to the bay bridge looks good and the first back up of the morning such as it is not enough to turn on the metering lights but this is the first back up and slow traffic we have seen all morning long and just like yesterday and today before it occurred after 10:00. this is the rush to the bridge folks taking will lower tolls. if you're fast track users use any lane you don't have to just use a fast track lanes. they have changed signs
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and some of them about the boost say cash any tool except for car pools can be used for cash sorry fast-track if you have it. from here taking a look at 1 01 through millbrae the bay shore commuter looks great interstate u.s. highway 101 looks good this is the right heading toward san bruno there are no delays or if he were a pass interstate 380. will tran live at a couple with more. >> should know exactly what they talk about nell all there are concerned the iphone for a mother not they will issue a bumper case give those up for
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free the improve reception or sell them at a discounted price all morning it would not talk #$%%# sang be patient we are and the time is under way now all those people out here including me waiting to hear to see if he will announce anything as soon as i find out i will ask producers to let me get back on camera and let me tell the iphone owners there is good news on light. >> this is the smallest press conference apple has had yet. >> so far everybody in their seats maundering four blocks right now everybody reporting we are here they are playing jazz music we had one person say there is a reporter from consumer reports magazine there in the audience at this point everybody is seated it has not officially started this as it does will bring you updates.
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>> customers are still turning up at the apple stores with new doubts about the reliability of what they buy some say it's worth it. >> is just a minor thing it's probably easier to fix >> until this fall and they could put up a lot of recon i would've bought it. they've done a great job at this thing is the first reason you have a phone is to call people on driving so many calls. almost half of my calls seriously so i talk to them about returning it. apple makes fantastic products they stumbled here and help them make good on the stumble and stop denying there's a problem. >> many say they are putting their names on waiting lists and out the kinks won't shop on their phones. we have additional resources on our web sites could detect report at kron 4. news
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with h-p they will close the campus in cupertino transferring workers to the palo alto headquarters over two years this according to san jose mercury news the campus has been home to personal computer divisions as well as software and hardware units 80 points out both campuses are only 60 percent occupied will be right back as the news continues a live look at the mud and can't fog starting to clear temperatures inland starting to soar.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord? we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call to get at&t high speed internet direct for $19.95 a month with a one-year term. no home phone required. switch from cable to select speeds and get $100 back via promotion card. whoa, videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the nation's largest wi-fi network at no extra charge. just call to get high speed internet direct for $19.95 a month with a one-year term. no home phone required. switch from cable to select speeds and get $100 back via promotion card. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh.
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♪ the golden gate traffic moving smooth fog hanging tough but it clear surely a big warm up on lake erie >> we are hearing things happening inside of all headquarters if the press conference has started steve jobs' is starting talking. they
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started playing the iphone and 10 of songs they started playing that ended at chuckles from the crowd. they said that song that we thought we would play it on we are not perfect smart phones are not perfect but we want to make users happy and we won attack but how or when to do that today. he's the top 15 minutes and then he will let open it up to q&a. he is talking up the smart phone saying it sold 3 million. so right now going over the virtues before they get down to the nitty gritty of what the boy to do to solve this problem. it has of course to do with the silver band that goes around the outside the phone in the lower left-hand corner if you cover that spot apparently you can drop your signal and drop calls. press conference getting under way. we'll be back with an update >> gulf of mexico and no oil for
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the first time in almost three months no oil spewing into the gulf the caps they put in place was closed the pressure so far is holding. this is only temporary fax relief wells are being drilled once they hit the main well they work, mud inside in hopes of permanently clogging the well. president barack obama says successful capping of the oil spill is good news. >> it allows us to do is essentially a catch many more containment mechanisms so we are able to take more oil up to the service and the gun ships it will not be spilling into the gulf. the final solution to this whole problem is going to be the relief wells. but there's no doubt we have made progress as a consequence of this new cap
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sitting on and that even if we can't keep the containment cap on to complete stop the oil it will allow us to capture much more oil and see less oil flowing into the >> >> they continue to monitor the pressure with hopes it will hold. we will be backing
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five people suffered injuries adopt bold accident on the road in boston seven vehicles and a double were in this crash the victim's injuries are minor you remember last with a duck " decamp disabled in the delaware and was struck by a barge
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killing to tourists. barry and other >> 1016 east his body and so we are dealing with the hot forecast later today triple digits to adding up to 92 when you are one of the cooler spot 92 not usually cool but we are looking at triple digits. temperatures in to the '50s and '60s even '70s, later today getting into the '90s future cast 4 10:00 hour we are looking at '80s and purging 90s by the end of the hour so no surprise by 4:00 p.m. we are topping out '90s and triple digits around the bay. by the coast you will be in the '60s and '70s maybe even 80s. the north bay into the
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90s and triple digits. 91 san rafael, 86 mill valley, the coast '60s and '70s upper 80s flirting with 90s in spots was palo alto 88 castro valley 86 castro valley. livermore valley and the delta at expecting trouble digits. 99 pleasanton, pittsburgh 100, and antioch 101. looking at the 7 day around the bay warming it up tomorrow maybe see 101, 1 02 in spots like pittsburgh and antioch. it is around the bay up for '70s by the coast than sunday gradually cooling it down into the rest of the week. >> a new hot spot in san francisco the traffic on inbound
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central this outbound james lick it is jammed with the two car crash around army say jurors are razz. one of the calls have cars have completely stalled so inbound delays could actually back up round the corner on to the skyway and could affect the upper deck of the deck of the bay bridge. speaking of the bay bridge are the first back up all the morning so this is definitely the second wave of traffic that has come in after the 10:00 toll change remember ticks down from $6 to four for off pay peak. the san mateo bridge note considerations no problems the golden gate bridge looks good you can see it has reconfigured for a day traffic with three lanes in each lane.
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newsroom and checking with james he has the very latest from apple. >> here's a snapshot from inside it is the smallest crowd apple has ever had but they have a screen here you have steve jobs walking through the problem with the iphone explaining it's not unique to live alone or the apple product he is holding up various points like a blackberry as samsung, the droid, if you hold each of them in nearly the same way he illustrated how the cars dropped from all pull to almost zero so as not a unique problem to the smart phone industry is something they'll do with buddies says obviously the one make the customers happy southerly through the technical remedies to make it better. then i got into the maker in the degree of that yet. at this point they are laying the foundation that this is not the
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major flaws in apple products but something the industry as a whole is dealing with. >> earthquake to tell you about a washington d.c. it had hit around 5:00 a.m. this morning in washington are 3.6 it was center just outside maryland no reports of damage or injuries. big news here ac transit riders could be stranded next we give a contract for workers is put into place here's what will happen to a judge was deciding at 9 this morning whether not the contract for the transit agency will go into effect. he is still making the decision now. it was approved by ec officials but the union does not approved because it has cut the union says it when they resume negotiations but if this contract implements a see asking drivers to stay on the job but they don't it could mean 230,000 riders could be affected. 1700 people work for
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the industry and the last strike was in 1977. this lack you have been cut at the golden gate bridge about to end after today. it will not leave a cash and the more you have to pay cash fast track if a car pull at the golden gate so starting monday today was your last day starting monday if you have three people in the car but you don't have a fast track they want a you any slack you off to pay $6 so few have a car pool and you are going to the toll plaza you have to go on the fast track laid but you can go fast track only you have to go to the cash fast track lanes so the clock ticking down the people in your car and make sure the proper charges put on your transponder. will be back as kron 4 continues wall street down 217. investors not happy with corporate earnings coming out this morning from citibank in corporate america. a live look at the james lecky
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problems you're out of san francisco on 1 01 south.
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barry all other big story 100 degrees inland today and tomorrow the bay before for the next today fog returning cooling things down sunday inland spots: down on monday. national stories word that west virginia succeed robert burke democratic officials say you will appoint him to hold the seat until a general election is held in november announcement expected this afternoon. authorities say is a medical fraud dozens of suspects totaling joyner figure million dollars doctors and nurses are arrested in they took
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place in new york houston batteries bridge. billing medicare for unnecessary equipment physical therapy and treatments patients did not receive. other news the motorola direct x one on sale is all the variety and has no direct taxes for immediately delivery the phone is on a rise in our and has a large screen eight may go pixel cameras the features may not be the only thing driving cells. iphone 4-may have convinced people the switch brands. programming note for tonight giants game and d.c. jensen project movie of the week on kron 4890 minutes kron 4.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord? we switched to at& high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call to get at&t high speed internet direct for $19.95 a month with a one-year term. no home phone required. switch from cable to select speeds and get $100 back via promotion card. whoa, videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the nation's largest wi-fi network at no extra charge. just call to get high speed internet direct for $19.95 a month with a one-year term. no home phone required. switch from cable to select speeds and get $100 back via promotion card. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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welcome back to kron 4 did a look outside this morning at our team can noticing clear conditions along with leftover fog pretty warm conditions in fact the numbers expecting a really nice forecast today if at some of you may call it hot. 90s and triple digits forecast looks like the '60s and '70s right now which is incredible even 80s meaning we will get into the '90s may be even triple digits by 10:00 expecting close to the '90s probably getting there by about lunchtime by 4:00 p.m. topping out into the '60s at the coast along with '70s and '80s inland along with 90s in triple digits and your inland valleys and adults as well. as do all the numbers the north bay 90 base 8 cinema 91 san rafael 86 mill valley, '60s around the
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coast choleric microclimates kicking in peninsula into the '70's 80's, east bay 70 and 80 farther inland into san ramon valley livermore valley and delta we are expecting the upper 90s and triple digits 100 pittsburgh, when no one antioch, one no more one livermore 7 day around obeyed triple digits today triple digits tomorrow 101, 1 02 caring on through sunday chillier for you but knows chili by any stretch of the imagination. >> as we track the drive here on 1 01% francisco it had become a hot spot they cleared the crash south bound so we are seen big improvement already in the traffic flow both on the
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central a mound and southbound james like we were concerned if it stayed there longer the slow traffic may impact the ride on the bay bridge and the westbound upper deck think fully that has not happened though inbounds central is struggling to recover it did backup not to octavia about past south van ness ave. here's the bridge check for you again its even with the light traffic we saw this morning mm rely snow back up at any time from 5:00 p.m. sorry 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. then we see this same second wave of traffic folks are taking advantage apparently of a lower price and at the bay bridge bit of a back up in the right-hand lanes. if you are fast track user you could use any lane at the bay bridge toll plaza. a
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check of the san mateo bridge and light traffic both directions no problems your golden gate bridge ride 1 01 south dealing with fog but smith traffic for years of bound ride. apple holding a big press conferences morning to discuss the problems with reception on the iphone for years james fletcher in the newsroom with the latest. >> that is happening at cupertino headquarters here's a snapshot from inside a projection screen that is the job is talking about what they will do to make customers happy. they announced three things there and put into place one day release the os 4 so that day get an accurate reading of your reception. to every customer will get a free bumper case they do not have enough to give everyone when they will source of different suppliers on the
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web site the law of this election so apply for one online picked the 21 and e-mail it free of charge. three they say you can always bring back to double star within 30 days and get a full refund. they say they're there technical fixes anyone over few of those but that its into technical that nestle will bother you with that they announced the iphone for will available end of july and then july 30th they will expand 17 more countries so is going about the iphone general. so that's a three fixes. update on software, to get a few free bumper case, three if you still not happy bring it back. that is the latest coming out of the conference. >> you have to apply for a case it doesn't come automatically? >> he says people averted bought
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cases and that that's the case you can get a full refund for that so you can apply for a new case began also apply for a refund. it will come in the mail. they will do it through the web site. >> i don't see any difference it's just as bad service as the other iphone. >> watching wall street the dow jones huge drop 2% right now down 200 some points earnings season. earnings from intel earnings coming from city group and make america will earnings were high closer looks as lower revenue. google stock getting battered today as those earning more route were below analysts. . ethel's long-awaited financial overhaul bill as print president barack obama as desk. here it is been taken to the white house.
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it is designed to head off think the aulos it is considered the most sweeping changes since 1930. this morning consumers seem to be getting a better handle on credit-card five of the six top companies reported declines on unplayed balances citibank the second-largest issuer was the only one saying they had increased in late agreements. goldman sacks agreeing to pay $550 million to settle civil fraud charges that the wall street giant misled buyers about mortgage related. it's only about two weeks ago they net income. the was announced yesterday calls for them to pay fines and the rest of the money goes to compensate those who lost money. the penalty the largest in history. consumer prices fell for three
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months, providing relief to shoppers a drop in energy prices helped to dip from sumer prices by 1% food items in airline dropped is what appeared core consumer prices which is food and energy has only risen. it is below inflation target. bp now saying they finally gained control of the wall that was spew oil a live look under see no oil spewing for the first time in three months they placed a tighter fitting cap on top and they finally closed the openings. this is a temporary cap fresnel what they are working on is a relief well they are drilling down to the main wall to try and clogged with mud those are expected to be done by the end of august. from the white house they say that the capping is good news. >> i would expect some time in the next several weeks old to back down we are trying to the
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right now is make sure technical folks on the ground are making the best possible decisions to shut this well done as quickly as possible we are standing up to funds for people ark., said it quickly and staying in touch each and every day monitoring progress in getting briefed by the scientists the key here right now is for us to make decisions based on science what's best for the people of the gulf not based on pr or politics. we will not be done until the actually know we have killed the well. and that we have a permanent solution in place. >> they continue to monitor the latest with this cap they hope the pressure will hold. we'll be back as kron 4 continues.
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often luminous most of the haying medicos temperatures starting to warm up and take in the inland spots climbing to 80
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inland. near 104 inland. as we make our way into the afternoon will have more on whether coming up after the break.
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i said no we say hello and goodbye to evelyn taft giving our weather forecast for the very last to get time. >> i am saying by i am going to last evangelist i this farewell not goodbye i'm going to get to the forecast but it will be my last forecast at kron. >> by noontime 94. 96 will be drafted and high by 8:00 p.m. down to 82 the rest of your forecast looks hot '60s and '70s and '80s rain held later this afternoon and into the 80s and 90s. 80s and 90s triple digits
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this afternoon as well for p.m. '90s triple digits. will bring down the numbers. nine days in the north bay trouble digits in fairfield 100 degrees vallejo 84, coast '60s, '70s a launcelot '70s and '80s. palo alto 98. 70 and 80 is 88 in castro valley into the san ramon valley and liver home valley and the delta at the upper 90s trouble digits. 100 and pittsburgh. 93 milpitas 93 santa clara 94 in san jose finally 7 day around the bay you will see all warm weekend in- store hot as we head into tomorrow and this sunday, monday, tuesday gradually
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cooling down. 1046 is the timing of check gone traffic. >> allow the sun may be shining today it will be less brightly with our own rate of sunshine departing this you will be missed evelyn. san francisco sluggish because of earlier problems the roadway is clear read the the lanes are clear and the shoulder has activity on it that's why we have sluggish traffic in bound not much of a back up on the james lick. the central freeway is slow from. final bridge check as we look first at the bay bridge and again this morning the first back up of the day occurred after 10:00 a.m. this is the slowest traffic we have seen that the bay bridge not bad most of the confined to the right lane. if you have fast track you can use any lane at the bay bridge in except for car pool lanes. but just because other
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lanes a cash all lanes will except cash or fast track. san mateo bridge easy ride both directions the commanders over here last look at the golden gate bridge for this hour the commute here is already finished and it has set up from midday. and notification about what would happen on doyle drive this weekend. starting at 10:00 p.m. on saturday night until 8:00 p.m. sunday morning lanes and oil drive will be restricted down to one in each direction soak your planning an early getaway to the beach sunday morning remember get up pretty early if you there before 8:00 a.m. expect that back up. >> we are in the newsroom monitoring latest from apple headquarters another snapshot in front of a screen talking to the audience in a q&a. someone just
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ask him jobs were you told about the concerns early on. he said no the bluebird article was a crock. that article said that somebody told jobs about the problem and he went four with production anyway. they said they have challenged bluebird to come up with the evidence this is true. but of course they have been unable to do so. that little bit of controversy little push back in cupertino. >> he used more colorful language than that. bad day for dow jones. google stock getting hammered down over 5 percent for good part of the morning up will stock has been up $2 since the announcement of the free bumper.
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dow jones down 223 points to 10,00136 toyota toyota and electric vehicle upstart tesla motors say they'll work together to develop an electric version of toyota's rav4 small crossover vehicle. tesla will develop the electric power system for the rav4, which looks a small sport utility vehicle but is based on a car frame. the company already has built one prototype for testing and plans to deliver a fleet of prototypes for toyota to evaluate sometime this year. the companies announced a partnership in may to develop and build electric cars at the recently closed nummi auto factory in fremont. a rally planned for monday asides appear in court building in walnut creek he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of foster grant. thursday 100 people have confirmed they are attending the rally. they are calling on agencies to help the police chief address concerns that supporters clashed there.
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>> any time you have conflicting groups with differing opinions we have concern we are preparing to deal with that. >> is certain to p.m. monday, organizers say anyone who wants to incite violence should stay away. meanwhile members of the grass roots oakley assembly met at the continental club last night to talk about their dissatisfaction with the media coverage. they say they are planning to respond to next week rally as well as involuntary manslaughter by the jury. >> we will come up with a program and a plan of action a political plan of action that has nothing to do with writing. to answer what is going on here. even these young men have talked to me that they can see putting back the date of sentencing to november 6th is an outrage. he is guilty as sin he needs to go to jail into his time.
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>> he went on to say they're real organized protests that happened last thursday was peaceful. we'll be back as kron 4 continues as check out our hot spots very slow right now on the james like getting on to 1 01. our real national pastime? saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined.
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i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online.
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temperatures near 100 degrees for the next few days. beautiful of the beaches for the next few days cooling down sunday for the return of the fog all those inland spots problem cool down until monday tuesday appeared a recap of our top stories apple in a news conference rain now about reception problems. they're giving everyone free covers for the problem. a big down day for the wall street down more than 200 points and bp closely monitoring the new top holding tight renown no oil spew into the gulf. investigators say the fire that burned a
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elementary school in san jose earlier this month was arson. the fire destroyed class's and cost $10 million in damage officials say class's will begin as scheduled reason like and she pleaded to portion part of the school was saved and portable class's will be used. firefighters have filed a lawsuit over a lot over time the district is refusing to pay them for taking up in forming your before the shift they say they're not entitled to overtime because they can take the equipment home with him every day. new this morning seven u.s. printers how one back there limpet cool relief that metals they were stripped because one of them were doping at the time. their rules and the women then appealed the decision the court
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says the a lot of leg curls did not allow teams to be affected by one members doping. that is the press on the kron 4 morning news we are sad to say goodbye to dublin taft. she is going back down to southern california two years but it feels like you've been with us forever the way. >> it's bittersweet and think you for everything it's been great. >> your from the peninsula's we hope you come back soon. >> i will i'm from palo alto. >> from everybody will be have a great weekend. @' :
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