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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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businesses. then, families were forced to move out. >> it is hard. just being in the home that we grew up in and the fact that she left and did not want to leave >> now, the vibrant history is coming to life again thanks to the theater. and, we will take you under ground to see the work to make the south bay largest reservoir seismically safe. >> we are touching a reservoir with this tunnel. we are below water. a look at the moving parts for this multibillion dollar project. >> this is cbs news, bay area. with juliette goodrich. it is 7:00 and we kickoff the weekend with more summer-like conditions for much of the bay area. if you got an early start, the beach was certainly a perfect place to be. we saw families enjoying the water at the crown beach where it was in the 70s. the big question, will the temperatures stick around for mother's day in with that we go to paul. >> it looks like mother's day
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will be cooler by the bay and a lon the coast. inland temperatures will remain toasty. it was hot inland. 90 degrees in santa rosa and concord, warm for san jose in the middle 80s. san francisco, upper 70s, briefly. right around noon, the temperatures hit the upper 70 exps the breeze kicked in and the temperatures tumbled. the onshore breeze had more of an impact along the coast. right now our temperatures retreated to closer to what we expect for this time of the evening around the bay and the coast. upper 50s half moon bay and oakland. fartherren land, 70s and 80s. close to 90 degrees still in fairfield. only 80 degrees for concord, livermore and san jose. the temperatures will be hot inland once again tomorrow, reaching into the upper 80s, 90s, around the bay, 60s, 70s, closer to what is normal for this time of the year and cooling off again heading into the second half of the weekend for mother's day. got the forecast coming up in just a
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few minutes >> paul, thank you, see you soon. it was once the likes of seeing billy holiday walking down the street. the fillmore district was a hot spot for black culture. then came the urban renewal, first in the '60s and then in the '90s that pushed a lot of the black population out. now, the struggles the community faced back then. one of the women we hind it is erica. we have the story. >> reporter: it was once known as the harlem of the west. it has been through many changes. community members are sharing their experience. >> it is a block full of memories. fourth generation fillmore native erica scott is reflecting on the home she grew
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up in. when prices spiked her mother had no choice but to sell. >> it is hard. just being in the home that we grew up in and the fact that she left and didn't want to leave it got overwhelmingly expensive. >> her story is like many others in the fillmore. it appeared to be a positive intention to revitalize torn down neighborhoods displaced black communities who were promised a right to return. >> there were just so many barriers in place where it was impossible for a huge significant amount of people to come back to the neighborhood. >> reporter: while she may of lost her childhood home due to changes, she remains committed to the fillmore. in the heyday, known as the harlem of the west was thriving with black owned businesses and artistry. >> to know billy holiday was on these streets and nat king cole, these are real music icons and this is where they
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came. they looked forward to coming to san francisco to fillmore, the harlem of the west. >> reporter: she does not tonight to be just a memory of the past. she opened up her own studio in the heart of fillmore for local showcases. a play entitled the fillmore eclipse is taking place there. the production reenacts the heartfelt moments when families, due to barriers like poverty were pushed out >> where were you when i was gathering signatures? sitting in the courtroom, standing outside in the rain? >> reporter: she says she is honored to depict the community's history. >> i feel grateful to have been chosen to be part of this project and i am glad i did not leave the bay area in a lot of ways because of this project. i know many times i felt i should migrate out and go here and there and i felt like god was like no you are right where we need you to be. >> reporter: as the cast
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rehearses the play has audience interactions. the project is sacred to the community. >> there are people here who are descendants are still in the neighborhood. so, you are not talking about something to do with works that are not around and more this is real stuff. >> that is why erica is committed to continuing her own efforts in the fillmore. >> it is bigger than me. it is something that our community deserves. it is something that we have all been just in our own silos saying we have a strong history, presence, contributed so much to the city. that is not what you see and hear about us. this is san opportunity to show not only what we are doing today but the legacy of where we come from and that is the harlem of the west. >> reporter: a reflection of the bay area history that continues on today. >> and there are now additional performances of the fillmore
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eclipse. extended through may 26th. president biden left the bay area after spending less than 24 hours here for some fundraising events. both at the home of rich tech executives on the peninsula. first stopped at the home of the billionaire followed by the former yahoo ceo, and in both spots creted with crowds of protesters. this was the scene along the president's route. the vast majority were pro-palestinian demonstrators demanding a ceasefire and end to the u.s. funding of the war in gaza. there were still plenty of pro israeli demonstrators out showing support for the president's continued backing of israel. >> the support to have israel right to exist and defend itself. we believe the best way to end this and to get our people pack is to have a hostage deal. >> actions from biden that he can take, pick up the phone and things could change in a
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heartbeat. >> reporter: more demonstrators greeted the president in palo alto after which he went back to the air force base and left for the next leg of his fundraising tour in seattle. governor newsom just unveiled an updated proposal calling for deep custs, over $27 billion, in fact. earlier this year state leaders cut out billions from the budget as they try to deal with a shrinking tax base. to fill the gap, the proposal would cut down on it and slash fact ant positions, cuts landing on programs related to education, childcare, mental health and more. these are programs, these are propositions that i long advanced, many of them. these are things i supported. these are things we worked closely with the legislature to advance. >> responding to the governor, the republican party says the democrats are responsible for
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the deaf set. deficit. now, on to the multi-billion project going on in the south bay that could prevent flooding in the future. today, we put on a hard-hat and got a looked in of the brand-new tunnel. >> despite all of the rain we this year the anderson reservoir levels have had to be kept low because the dam itself is not earthquake safe. this new tunnel they are building right underneath by feet is the first major milestone in the retrofit of the dam that will meet the water needs of santa clara county for many years to come. ryan mccarter is walking through a tunnel bore deep on the side of a mountain. >> we are touching a reservoir with the tunnel. we are below water. >> the tunnel is half a mile long and 200 feet below the
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floor. part of a 2.3 billion project to retrofit the largest reservoir to prevent flooding during wet years and survive a major earthquake. >> this is a spray applied concrete that they shoot in. eight inches of concrete here. plus, the steel ribs, every three to five feet. >> reporter: this is the original outlet built in 1950, the new tunnel will discharge 15 times more water. it is all designed to prevent the dam from spilling over. in 2017, water led to flooding along coyote creek in downtown san jose. >> if this project was in place in 2017 we would not have seen the flooding. >> reporter: the tunnel will allow the santa clara valley water district to better manage water resources for wildlife
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habitat and drought prevention. ryan mccarter says completing the project in 1 1/2 years is a major milestone. >> fascinating to me to see something on paper that we have opinion planning for so long and then seeing it built. >> completion of the entire project that includes the rebuilding of the dam itself is still some eight years away. a solarstorm is heading towards earth. which means we could see the northern lights here in the bay area, could. a north bay
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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. the bay area could be in store for a rare site, a solarstorm is heading this way. we could get a look at the aurora lights. usually the effects can only be seen near
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the poles, but it could be seen as far south as alabama. >> the one we are seeing now is special. the one that is the largest we have seen in a long time, perhaps decades. >> reporter: we could start seeing the lights as soon as tonight and continuing throughout the weekend. for the best chance of seeing them, they suggest getting to the highest elevation that you can and as far away as any light pollution as you can. let's go to the man with the exact answers as to where we should be to see these lights. >> away from the bay area will be the best viewing. both in terms of the fact that we will be on the southern fringe and light pollution. there is the united states and the rest of north america. the red shaded area that is where they will be visible assuming clear skies, we have those for the bay area, you can see it cuts off in
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southern oregon. this is a strong solarstorm, towards the top of the scale. then it is possible that it could overachieve. it is tricky and pushing it farther down to the south into california so, get away from the bay area urban lights, get out into darkness, find high elevation spots and see what you can see. it will not be as intense tomorrow and sunday. how do they form in the first place? a taste of it during the story but has to do with the earth's magnetic field and the solarwind. the matter ejected, travels on the solarwind. as it travels along it follows the earth's magnetic field and follows it to the weakest point, near the north pole and south pole, it interacts with the stuff in our atmosphere, ox fen and nitrogen and those are what energize the particles and displays different colors depending what they are interacting with and how high up in the atmosphere
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it is occurring. it is a specific sight when it happens, not something that we get to see in this part of the country. never say never with a powerful storm in progress. weatherwise, no storms headed our way. inland heat for the bay area on saturday. one more they of that inland heat and then it is warmth. shifting around a little bit. back to normal temperatures around the bay and the coast for the second half of the weekend on mother's day. fog will be present as we start the day, along the coast, in the north bay valleys. that is going to not last long. backing up through the valleys and head through the coast late morning and away from the coast late morning and afternoon. allowing the temperatures to warm up. we will start off mostly in the 50s, cooling down, just barely in the upper 40s. highs warming up to anywhere from a few degrees above average to 10-15 degrees. middle to upper 80s in the valley. the hot spots will be inland in the east bay, mix
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of upper 80s and lower 90s. those temperatures, 17-18 degrees above normal. middle 80s around it. middle 60s for the coast and half moon bay. the breeze will keep you from warming up far into the 60s. more of a factor for san francisco as well. 67 on saturday, the city got up to the upper 70s today, not the case today. warm, the fog slowing it down so you will not be as warm as other parts of inland bay area. in terms of the heat risk, moderate, it is only the second category. it means that you really have to ondo it to be in any trouble with the temperatures reaching up to around 90 degrees in the hottest parts of the bay area. as we wind the clock forward, you will notice the moderate heat risk disappears from the map. the hottest day tomorrow, not setting records with the temperatures out of reach for the record highs tomorrow. we will be 9-12 degrees short of the record territory by saturday afternoon. the
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temperatures will retreat closer to normal pie the second half of the weekend and most of next week. above average, coolest day on monday. hovering around 80 degrees for most of the next week. temperatures around the bay, a few degrees above normal tomorrow. then, back to typical territory. upper 60 exps 70s for the weekend and through the next week as well. along the coast, the fog, it will be back. tough to shake sunday and monday. more clouds, sunshine those days, more peaking through the coastal locations. next week the temperatures struggling back up into the lower 60s. but, hay, that is where we are supposed to be in the middle of may >> sunshine for moms, thank you. >> hidden treasure in the north bay. why the owner may be forced to give it all up.
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. b.a.r.t service in the east bay back to normal after being shutdown during the morning commute because of the equipment issue. it started at 5:00 this morning between the red line of richmond and mcarthur station. led to major delays. >> the closest b.a.r.t station
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to the house. this is a little inconvenient. >> service was just after 11:00. after hitting hard times the owner of the north bay botanical will have to sell. they are holding on to hope that the new owner will show it just as much love as he has. the owner left his award-winning landscaping business in san francisco in 2017 to buy this property. his business has been battered by a string of tough years that have seen fires, pandemic, drought, floods. the news he will be selling sparked support from the surrounding community >> it has been bittersweet. it is like how come if the traffic that i have been getting now was here for all six years i would not be in the position i
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was. >> his hope is that he will be able to find a corporate sponsor willing to buy the business and keep him running it. so, he says the property received a lot of interest. it is a bay area summer tradition. it is all free, free, free! the performances you can catch at the musical festival, we have the lineup, coming up
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? - [narrator] welcome to twin pine casino and hotel. feel the thrill on our exciting casino floor. indulge in exquisite dining. unwind in our luxurious hotel rooms at twin pine casino and hotel in lake county, california.
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. san francisco has a vast variety of iconic homes. especially the painted ladies. these victorians are the most recognizable homes in the city. but check this out. this
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painted ahead is unlike anything you have ever seen. it is the tetris house. they commissioned an artist to turn the outside of their victorian into an ultra, ultra, modern, creation with blocks of bright colors the artist was more than up for the challenge, clearly >> it is really important for me to show respect for your city and your surroundings. i did my best to create a design that had some feeling of being really harmonious and really considered the architecture and doing something futuristic and risky on the house. >> it took him four weeks to create it. on to san francisco it returns for its 87th year. today, the first look at the lineup. it kicks off on june 23rd. other big names, look how
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fun that is. the commodores, hancock and more. >> we are going to go to other dancers. it is a big family event. i took my shoes off. let's go over here to my friends dancing. >> oh, my god, who was that. >> i was there last year. clearly. those are my best friends there. no, it was a lot of fun. back this year. as always, the event is free. that was good watermelon, by the way. if you can not make it to the shows in person, don't worry, we will carry some of them live. i will prably be there streaming on the free cbs news app. it is a lot of fun. kind of looking forward to it. looks like i will work a lot of saturdays. there is the lineup. hope you can join and we will have it on pix plus. thank you for joining us
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are the news continues on pix plus and the giants home game, who are they play something. >> the reds. >> that is
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all doing? i appreciate that. thy'


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