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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 2, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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well, thank you for joining us this morning. it is thursday, may 2nd. >> let's get started. >> and my upper right forehead. >> protests turn violent. another tense day ahead on american college campuses. if there's no hope, i mean, what are we doing? you know. i just hope that things do get better. and i like to keep a positive attitude. >> community members leading the way for change by leading with positivity. your community station where hope is this morning for a better oakland. ♪
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♪ all your favorite artists are back on tiktok. the new agreement that will end the new dispute over royalties. it's a war story. but it's a sewing story. it's a -- everything is out of proportion story. >> and the san francisco native stitching together a story about a united community. the one woman show that became a pulitzer prize finalist. and well, sometimes i feel like it's taylor swift's world and we're just all living in it. i'm nicole zaloumis. and every day another story of taylor. >> i love that song though. and i'm kind of feeling her new album. i'm not -- this is the first onei think i have actually sort of really embraced. i'm gianna franco. because i think it speaks to the moms of the girls who are obsessed with taylor swift. >> it's a little gritty right. >> explicit. >> she's grown. >> you said what i wanted to
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say. f bomb swift. >> can't play it for the 5-year-old, reed. >> no. well, 5-year-olds aren't up and we can go there. i'm reed cowan and nice to have you with us this morning. let's look live outside as we go standing on the tippy toes. thursday looking into the weekend and jessica burch, you are here for our forecast. but i have to apologize when i saw you this morning i had a mouthful of mouthwash. >> i was like good morning, reed. he was like huh, huh, huh. >> i can't spit in front of her. so hopefully you understood my mouth. >> reed is sweetest person in the world and instantly texted me so sorry, mouthwash and i was like dude i knew. but anyways all right let's take a live look outside as we all are putting our mouthwash and getting ready for the workday this morning. it's thursday, we're close to the weekend and as we head into our weekend forecast, this is really important to know. our weather headlines are changing drastically. today we're getting a repeat and tomorrow the weather starts to shift. and really what we're gearing up for is a wet and windy and
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chilly saturday forecast for us. luckily, it's short-lived so if you have weekend plans, and you are trying to figure out which day to do those outdoor activities, hold off until sunday. here's the reason why. we dry up fast and temperatures will slowly rise after the cold front moves its way through. but we're gearing up for rain in the forecast for us. i know we had such a nice little stint of dry break for us late friday night into early saturday morning the showers arrive and it takes a while for it to fully taper off. models this morning which i'll show you coming up. it's looking pretty wet and those numbers are pretty impressive. but other than that, least take a look at today. beautiful, dry, warm conditions for us as we head into this afternoon. temperatures very similar to yesterday. 68 in san francisco. just a degree cooler than yesterday across the beautiful bridge into oakland we're sitting in the 70s and speaking of 70s a return of them all the way over into livermore and fremont. 80s once again near concord and antioch. and down into the santa clara valley we
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go, beautiful, warm and dry. sitting in the upper 70s into this afternoon. moreen that coming up. for now over to you, g. jessica thank you. little chilly this morning. getting ready to hop out the door and hop on the roadways you are good to go but don't forget the jacket. westbound 80 not too far from berkeley and traffic is moving along pretty well. usually one of the slowest approaches as we head to the bay bridge. which is good news, here's a life lack at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are off and so far quiet commute into san francisco. and checking traffic elsewhere. taking the ride along 680 out of benicia into concord everything is clear. no delays right now on 80 out of vallejo into hercules and everything moving along very well. reed? right to developing news through the night it's been very tense and clash between pro palestinian and pro israeli protesters clashing at police s.w.a.t. teams who are moving in with riot gear on the campus of ucla. watch this. it is finals time at ucla and that's
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the scene at one of southern california's biggest universities in the night. fights and fireworks and groups tearing down each other's barricades and students saying the conflict makes them feel afraid. >> a cone was thrown at my face which left an injury at my upper right forehead. another protester slashed back of my head with a wooden block. i want to serve as a reminder for why the encamp. exists. i have the ability to go to a hospital last night. currently, in gaza, there's zero fully functioning hospitals. [ applause ] >> so the clashes left at least 15 injured and at least one of them went to the hospital. and enter more police though. it's really a tricky balance between police who have made an evacuation order on campus this morning and appear to be ready to arrest protesters. they say they are unlawful and many ucla students getting alerts on their phones about this this morning waking up to news of police where they need to navigate for finals before
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spring graduation. also there's word this morning of negotiations between the university chancellor and protesters. jewish students at ucla and across the country say some of the language of the protests makes them feel unsafe. we'll have more reports from los angeles as the sun comes up. so from the west coast to the east coast. look at this. this is new video from columbia university. this is the moment from police body camera video they moved into the occupied building to arrest hundreds of protesters. you know, on tuesday night, police in riot gear used flash bangs to get in to that building that was occupied by protesters. took them about two hours but you can see it was rough and tumble there. 300 protesters arrested in that area. students there waking up to heavy police presence this morning. also on the east coast, police by the way say they will stay on campus until well after graduation. that's mid-may. well, lawmakers are watching the protests and hearing the concerns from jewish students who feel unsafe because of pro palestinian protesters all across the country. the republican led house passed
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legislation establishing a broader definition of anti-semitism for the department of education to enforce. and some antidiscrimination laws. that measure now goes to the full senate. now this. viva, viva palestine. >> all right, from pro palestinian protesters to the plight of workers, we return to the bay area where many may day protesters were out by the hundreds demanding better working wages and working conditions. >> i'm struggling to pay my rent and i'm struggling to take my daughters out of the city to have some times together. to have picnics. to have -- it's very hard to do it. and someone is going to say we give you whatever wages is good for the city. but it's not enough. >> so that was the intended conversation but as you saw off the top there, the plan there about surviving the bay area economy and making that case. also gave way to many people in that crowd decrying the
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israel-hamas war in gaza. nicole. it's time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. this morning, we now know who will be advancing to the general election in the closely watched district 16 race. assembly member evan low will face off with sam liccardo in november. he won the recount by just five votes knocking joe simitian off the ballot. a three way race in november until a former mayoral campaign staffer for liccardo requested the recounts in both santa clara and san mateo counties. san mateo allowed seven challenge ballots to be counted which enabled low to pick up extra support. liccardo for congress put out a statement on wednesday night, accusing low of trying to undermine and stop recount process for the past two months. we asked low about those allegations and he told us this. >> it's important to remember is that we must thank our dedicated workers at the registrar of voters and if anything, this election shows
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that every vote certainly does count. >> so make sure that we register to vote and we have to continually have faith in our electoral process. >> is a mitton posted on x saying he lost and that he concedes adding that he trusts the process and accepts the result. a statewide conference begins today in oakland focusing on ways to limit illegal dumpingment for the next two days participants will talk about policies to address the problem and experts will give presentations focusing on so-called three es strategy which includes education, eradication, and enforcement. this conference is now in its fourth year. gianna? well, gun violence has become an acute problem in some part of oakland and it can have a devastating impact tearing families apart. and in some cases, making people afraid to leave their homes. at the same time, we have now learned robberies are up 11% in oakland in the first four months of the year. that's compared to a year earlier. well, even so, there are some encouraging
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signs and violent crime is down city-wide and dropped by 33%. compared to last year. there's also been a 50% drop in burglary and theft and a 17% drop in homicides. our katie nielsen looks at what the city is doing differently and whether people in oakland are taking notice. >> we had a couple of break-ins. and it didn't seem like it's really safe you know. >> reporter: jonathan perez says they're lucky no one was inside the restaurant in the fruitvale when it was broken into twice over the last year. >> it happens so regularly over time we're not scared of it as much. we just expect it somehow. >> reporter: but according to new data violent crime rates are down in the first part of the year and according to city leaders all thanks to reimplementing the ceasefire program. >> as we continue to move the strategy along, it not only historically has reduced homicides and shootings, but it
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has also led to pretty significant reductions in all crimes. >> reporter: dr. holly joshi leads the city's office of violence prevention and has been working to revive the ceasefire program. it was hugely popular in the early 2000s during the height of the gang violence in oakland and it's a multipronged approach to identify those most likely to commit violent crimes then they bring in community leaders to talk to those at high risk of violence to reduce the possibility of retaliatory shootings and other serious crimes. >> the folks that are at the center of group and gun violence in the city are also heavily involved in other crimes. including robberies and including burglaries, including car break-ins. >> reporter: while crime rates have come down on paper since the beginning of the year, many like jonathan say they don't feel that much safer but hope things continue to move in the right direction. >> if there's no hope, what are we doing you know? i just hope that things do get better. and i like to keep a positive attitude about it. >> another part of the strategy
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is to continue some of the violence interruption programs at the oakland police department. the new chief will be overseeing that once he is sworn in later this month. time right now 5:11 in the morning. to orinda now. homeowners say they're facing insurance policy problems. we are in your neighborhoods in the east bay hearing from you straight ahead. and finding solutions to help with san jose's homeless crisis. we'll explain how a new idea could be a model for other cities in the bay area. and here's a live look outside from our salesforce tower ca
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>anc1 mic>welcome back everybody, so ri welcome back everybody. case in point, the east bay community of orinda reportedly hit hard and in fact more than half of state farm policyholders are going to lose their coverage. andrea nakano in orinda now with news of 1700 homeowners who say they're running out of options. >> reporter: tom holland has live in orinda for 15 years and his home is tucked in the beautiful hillside where he takes daily walks with his two dogs. after paying more and more each year for homeowners' insurance, he just found out his policy won't be renewed. >> so i just called my broker and he said you are canceled. so. that's it. >> reporter: he's one of many state farm policyholders to lose their insurance. >> i think it's been slowly coming at us for five years. >> reporter: holland says he used to pay about $3,000 a
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year. that has steadily increased to roughly $8,000. >> honestly it was not a shock. because it's -- been a known issue. and also our -- premiums have been going up like 30% to 60% a year for about five years. >> reporter: this comes as holland and many of his neighbors have been taking steps to mitigate fire risk. >> this is our home. mofd is the fire -- fire department in orinda. they have ordinances and we meet all of them. >> reporter: jasmine lee also found out travelers insurance wouldn't be renewing her policy after 18 years. she spent countless hours trying to find a new carrier. >> i got a list of people that could potentially insure me. i was on next door and on facebook. following all the leads. specially after the state farm here in orinda hit pretty hard. people were definitely looking for carriers. but nothing panned out. >> reporter: lee even looked into the fair plan created by
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the state but the policy wouldn't begin to cover the costs of rebuilding her home. >> state needs to step it up. the reality is we have homes we're living here and we need to be given some option and it looks like fair is just not viable option for many. >> reporter: holland is trying to stay positive about finding another company to insure his home but knows it's going to cost him more than ever before. >> price goes up. and maybe the actual coverage goes a little down. so. >> reporter: state farm released a statement on this matter, it says it had the make tough and necessary decisions not to renew policies for the long-term sustainability here in california. >> well, homeowners can still buy coverage with california fair plan. which is known as the state's insurer of last resort but it's known to be expensive and rates for that coverage also we are told continue rising. now taking a live look outside this morning. and appropriately we are looking down on the east bay. this is view from mount diablo, good morning, everybody. it's 5:17.
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jess, we understand you have some incredible video out of the south. storm chasers getting dangerously close to twisters? >> oh, yeah. reed, check this out. storm chasers actually caught two tornadoes touching down in the texas panhandle last night. and these twisters formed near the town of claire don and we have not seen any reports of damage so far but oh my gosh look at that video behind me. any reports of damage so far hasn't been reported which is good news, especially after seeing the devastation that those twisters left behind in nebraska just this week alone. it has been a very active season over there. but i'm going to drop this real fast and let's talk about a not so active season which is our season here in the bay area. i mean, this week has been beautiful and mild. and really the big weather story for us as we head into this week is a quick moving cold front which is actually probably one of the fastest cold fronts i have seen here in the bay area in quite some time forecasting for you guys. taking a look at the models, we're going to see rain roll its way in saturday morning. and slowly roll its way out into saturday afternoon. well, evening. actually want to time
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that out for just a little bit more. better yet a look at futurecast because today not that bad. really not much for me to talk about. little bit cloudier tomorrow for the thursday forecast especially along the coastline. in the morning stretching down into the santa clara valley into the afternoon hours. as we gear up for that cold front moving its way in? from the north. i always say that. comes in the direction from the positive direction from the north. and notice how in the center of it it does have some active cells so some moderate rain at times and heavy pockets of rain as that center moves its way throughout the communities. here in the bay area. but looking at the timeline of this, this happens early saturday morning. my suggestion? just sleep in and then suddenly you miss the rain. well, kind of. you miss the bulling of it at least. already hitting san francisco and at that point you have seen rain in the north bay and now it's stretching down into the santa clara valley in the lunchtime hours. if you want to really sleep in until 1:00 that's going to be the back end of it. we see a lot lighter showers on the back end and it continues to move its way off into the sierra where they're going to get hit with plenty of
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fresh snow. and then suddenly we're talking act drier weather. still some unsettled weather into the overnight hours with some clouds and you might see a sprinkle or two but really it is a fast-moving system. producing close to an inch of rain throughout all the bay area on average. pretty impressive if you ask me like i mentioned earlier, this is one of the fastest little cold fronts that i have seen in quite some time. but it's still backing its punch. so enjoy this warm weather while we have it today. we have more 60s in the forecast just along the coastline so scratch the fact that i just said warm weather. but if you live in the east bay that's definitely applicable to you. just like yesterday, we're expecting upper 70s and lower 80s in the forecast for us from the east bay all the way down into the santa clara valley down heading in the afternoon hours. and looking at the next seven days, well, each of these tubes tell what you the weather is going to be for that day and look how beautiful it really is on the front end. and on the back end of this cold front. we have 70s and 80s today and tomorrow. sunshine in the forecast. saturday, i could just like cover myself with that or cover that. if we look past saturday,
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really it is stunning weather. we have a nice warm-up into next week especially for our inland areas and 70s right around the corner and plenty of sunshine to share for the bay. g? >> make it a six day workweek. however, it's coming. and today the roadways are dry which is good news, here's a quick snapshot of traffic along 80 this morning. westbound near carlsonment as you head out of berkeley working over to the bay bridge. and it's moving along just fine with no delays or issues; it's pretty quiet commute so far. headed to the bay bridge, taking westbound 80, you are good to go. working your way through there. no metering lights just yet. that might change in the next 10, 15 minutes and i'll lets you know if it does. and a bit of the overview here. you can see a lot of groan on the sensors which means speeds above 50 miles per hour. moving along just fine as you work your way in and out of san francisco and no delays on any of our bridges and san mateo bridge, dunbarton bridge all clear and that commute coming out of the east bay looking good with the compensation of the altamont pass. that's where things are starting to slow down just a little bit for commuters. working their way westbound coming out of tracy getting on to 580. so kind of the
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headlines right now. really are it's not too bad on the roadways so if you are up early, you got a little extra time for the extra cup of coffee as you head out the door and work your way on some of our major freeways and bridges. nicole? well, the time now is 5:22. if you build it we all know the saying. up next the new rendering from the ballers bringing baseball back to oakland. reed? live to san jose and celebrating and seeing the people who have built and sustained japantown there. it is asian american and pacific islander heritage month and this is one of the last three authentic japantowns in the united states. make sure to take a walk there in japantown this morning and throughout the afternoon and say hi for us. your community station back after the break.
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especially when i'm on camera. that's why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it's the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. this morning a better look at the oakland ballers' new home at raimondi park in oakland. check out these new renderings. the team giving a glimpse into what the 4,000 seat stadium will eventually look like. on tuesday, the oakland city council officially gave the green light for the use of the field. the ballers are investing about $1.6 million in park renovations that include building stands and a new video scoreboard.
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well, the team is almost finished installing the new turf into the park. the ballers play in the pioneer league which dates back to 1939 and your home opener is set for -- june 4th. tickets go on sale this monday. >> look at that. >> look at that fresh turf. i love a good renovated ballpark. guys? >> it's so fun because this is a community effort and they are literally making a comeback to life and our station is going to be very much a big part of celebrating the ballers. >> a gorgeous history and what's currently happening with the state of the a's, it just brings hope that it's okay. we still have a baseball team in oakland. you want to bring the kids to a game and it's affordable. and it's new. i'm really excited for it. >> proud. >> i think people are going to enjoy it very, very much. all right, 5:26. a san francisco native stitching story about unity. how she got inspiration from her basic skills for her one woman show. and taking another live look from san jose's japantown. as we begin and celebrate aapi month here at your community
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all right, we are about halfway through the 5:00 hour this morning. and we take you live right now following this developing story. it's a breaking news situation. so and breaking news situations, cameras sometimes take a second to calibrate. that live feed showing us in the last few moments the campus of ucla. and
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protesters now beginning to be arrested. when we started this broadcast at 5:00 a.m., they had ordered that protesters could be arrested and there was a whole process there. but now the arrests appear to be happening and we have been in the last few minutes to see at least three protesters who appear to be student age. we know lot of the protesters are said to not be students but we saw three protesters who appear to be student age and they had their hands behind their backs in zip ties. it appears right now that arrests have begun on the campus of ucla. and you see the zip ties there from the police and the s.w.a.t. officers. after an occupation for days at ucla. now like campuses on the east coast, we are starting to see protesters pulled off and arrested and charged. we'll continue watching this with live reports throughout the morning. well, right now on cbs news bay area, it is 5:30. and we're going to get a live look as you get up and at them this morning. you were looking live over theeast bay towards mount diablo in the distance from our salesforce tower cam towards the bay bridge there. and did
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you know today is national brothers and sisters day? >> oh. nice. >> so if you have siblings, say hi. give them a hug. a call. >> hey chris. in orinda trying to get homeowners' insurance. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> hygieist in the weather center. my sister and all things science. >> heck yes. let's take a quick look at what's going on outside. reed. gianna, nicole. oh my goodness gracious we have beautiful weather and i have the live look behind me one more time just because it's glowing this morning. and so is the forecast. today, tomorrow, we're experiencing beautiful warm dry weather once again here in the bay especially off in the inland areas. where we're hitting the upper 70s and lower 80s for our daytime highs. but heading into our weekend forecast, we have a really big change in the forecast for us. it's going to be a wet, windy and cold saturday ahead of us. as a cold front moves its way in from the gulf of alaska bringing in a lot of rain right around the corner. but it's a fast-moving system. one of the fastest that i have seen actually here in the bay area forecasting for outbis. drying out on sunday
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that's the expectations and we're going to see sunnier skies and a gradual warm-up into next week too. and then just like today and tomorrow with the beautiful weather, we'll get a repeat of that on the back ebb of this cold front that's moving its way in. right now the reason why we have that quiet weather is high pressure is sitting above us. but that storm comes in if the gulf of alaska and moves its way down and it's going to bring in almost winter-like storm for us here if the bay. because here in the bay area our temperatures are going to drop a lot. i mean for example today here's what we expect. 70s and 60s and 80s off in the east bay but by saturday we're all hand-in-hand in the low 60s upper 50s. so enjoy this warmth while we have it. because right around the corner it's going to look a lot different at least for saturday. the sunday forecast the gradual warm-up into next week and more sunshine is in store for us next week too. i'll time that storm out for you coming up in a bit and i'll show you the models to. really exciting for now over to you, g. thank you, jess. the roadways right now as you get ready to hop on some of the bay area bridges and freeways. live look here at westbound 80 coming out of berkeley working towards the bay bridge. getting
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little crowded on the westbound side. once you are at the bridge though, moving along just well. no metering lights just yet. we'll let you know but for now, it's easy breezy for that ride into san francisco. if you are headed through 24, westbound, coming away from say 680, out of walnut creek, everything is moving along very well. now our hotspot is that ride into the altamont pass. but this is very typical for a thursday morning. seeing some slow speeds out of tracy and getting on to 580. those brake lights extend to just about north flynn looking at the map there. once you are past all that, the rest of the way towards the dublin interchange, looks pretty good. but still about 47 minutes to make that commute. reed? all right, gianna. thank you. let's take a look at the other top stories this morning. a victory for abortion rights advocates in arizona. that state's democratic governor is expected to sign a repeal of the dormant law dating back to 1864 that essentially banned all abortions. this, after the state senate voted with two top republican lawmakers to repeal that 160-year-old ban. so what does it mean? it's not a total
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ban on abortions. but arizona's 15 week gestational limits will stay enforced and we're watching that one closely. come back to the bay. the endless work of homelessness. something we can all confront. to fremont now. this morning, a judge has stopped the city from evicting people who are living in motel rooms under something that was called the winter relief program. it's a plan for tenants to stay only until the end of april. but now it's on hold. many saying the city hasn't provided any alternatives for where people should go after eviction. so we are in your community today as motels get word of the court order and we'll bring you their reaction and response a little bit later today. to san francisco now. and the continued effort to eliminate traffic deaths on our streets. city transportation bosses this morning say they are cracking down on parking violations part of a program called vision zero. you can expect to see more officers out there ramping up enforcement
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against unsafe parking violations. cars blocking sidewalks and also stop signs. [ inaudible ] good morning, everybody. we know that by the end of thursday, you will have celebrated something called downtown first thursdays part of a bay area bounce-back. food booths and live entertainment on 2nd street between market and folsom. also be a six foot wide disco ball says my friend manny. it will be spinning above ministry. today's event runs from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and get the disco on nicole. >> the ball sounds great. cities across the bay area are trying to find new andinnovative ways to get people living into the streets into permanent housing. in the south bay san jose leaders are enlisting the help of a developer and philanthropist. the city is leasing a private lot to build 150 temporary housing units on via del oro in san jose. you can see the location here behind me. len ram rose spoke with one ofthe first people who it will help.
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woman who sees it as a chance to get back on her feet. >> we're about to walk up to my tent. >> reporter: she is 50 years old and for the last nine months she's lived in this tent on great oaks parkway. she's been on the streets since losing her job during covid in 2020. and for the first time since then, she now has realistic hopes of finally getting into housing. >> i want to go indoors because that's where i need to be. that's where i want to be. that's where i'm comfortable and i feel like i'm safe. and this is -- it's time. i mean, i feel like it's time. >> reporter: this land just blocks from her tent is where she could live next. san jose mayor matt mahan actually jumped into the driver's seat and took the controls of an exuvia creator to break ground on a homeless housing project with a key new difference. >> this is the first time that san jose has stood up an
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interim housing solution on private land. and that was because -- [ applause ] yes. >> reporter: projects like this have always been placed on city or state owned land. but these two acres on via del oro are owned by long time developer john is a property toe. about $5 million worth of industrial zoned real estate that he was leasing to the city for $1 a year for ten years. >> we actually started developing this neighborhood become in the mid '70s and this is the last parcel we have not developed yet and no plans to do anything on the site for few more years so it just seemed logical to make it available to the city of san jose. >> reporter: dignity moves will develop 150 housing cabins and other buildings to provide support services to help the people who move in find permanent housing. to gain support of neighbors, the city will give housing preference to people already camped in the neighborhood. >> we're going to then decommission a new remaining
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encampment and create no zones around the site. we have to preserve our progress. and prove to the community that when they embrace solutions to homelessness, that they see that benefit in their neighborhood as well. >> we're the center of innovation. greatest concentration of wealth in the world. we've got to be able to figure out this homeless problem. >> reporter: and since gg already camps in the neighborhood she's likely to get top priority for one of the cabins when they are completed later this year. >> and that's my biggest hope right now. to be inside. and be able to maintain my life again . well, comedian and san francisco native christina wong was in the middle of the show when the covid-19 pandemic shut down theaters across the country. and ending the run early. so she threaded up her sewing machine and started a movement. making masks. that inspired her show "sweat shop overlord." and now it's playing
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right here in the bay area. i spoke with christina about why it's so important to tell the story about unity. >> then this is actually a replica of my sewing machine that i sewed my first mask on. >> reporter: in march of 2020, when the world shut down and needed help, christina wong turned on her hello kitty sewing machine and started stitching. >> if you will look closely some of the masks have camouflage in it. >> reporter: putting her basic skills to work. making masks for anyone who needed one. >> i can make masks. and i'll save america. and that -- turned into me making a very nigh e promise to the internet if you are immunocompromised i will sew you a mask. >> reporter: overpromising at first, but that's how the auntie sewing squad was born. >> referring to older women as auntie or others as uncle, is just a term of endearment and respect. and i have learned in
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running a sewing group it's much easier to yell at people when you call them auntie and make demand of them. versus going hey, can anyone sew some masks? aunts we need to sew masks. >> reporter: now shares the story in her one woman show sweat shop overlord. >> it's a war story. it's a sewing story. it's a -- everything is out of proportion story. and so georgia lee the designer came up with these ideas of a giant pin cushion. >> reporter: where christina stitches together the story of people from all walks of life joining together as a community helping one another. >> i do feel like this show sort of offers a way to kind of sit with what happened. and find moments to laugh. not at the expense of, you know, of the most vulnerable. but just -- how absurd it was but also to celebrate that there at least was one community that i witnessed that got us through this. >> reporter: getting a chance to perform in front of family
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and friends. >> i know one of the audience members asked what did -- were your parents supportive of you when you were doing this? i was like they right in front of you. my mother turned around and said well, western not really into the idea but it's okay now that she's a pulitzer prize finalist. it's okay now. >> reporter: and of course performing in front of so many aunts. >> family is not necessarily a family that i make biologically. but it's -- the people that i bring around me. that i care for and care for me back. and i have a lot of those folks in my life now because of this process and because of show n show. so yeah. auntie pride. >> reporter: who were truly the fabric and foundation of the movement. well, the sewing squad make over 800 masks before ending in august of 2021 and you can see her show christina wong in sweat shop overlord at act's strand
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theater now through may 25th. just the fact that she literally was like what am i going to do now and got out the sewing machine. i'm going to do this. >> how cute. >> really is and just lovely person from right here in the bay area and just funny too. >> well and shout-out to all the aunt cultures in the bay area. i always meet my former co-anchor in las vegas. she has a mom who lives here and several aunts and they always say go to church. go to church [ laughter ] >> i love it. well, part of asian and pacific american heritage month means looking at cultures overseas. take a look the video ryan yamamoto took. this is a mecca for clothes and food and it's something that san francisco actually wants to adopt. city leaders believe that night life is one of the keys to helping san francisco's economy bounce back. and i just got back from taipei and i actually still have jet lag from the trip. just got back sunday. >> we saw you grab the desk.
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>> what day is it? i have not been sleeping well. i'm so confused. i ask my friends do people actually like do this for dinner every single day? yes. that's part of the culture. going out with the family and the kids stay up later and play the games too. night markets are awesome and so cool to see them come here. we do them once a month in chinatown. more would be amazing. >> part of a huge economic bounce back to bring people in. i have traveled to south korea and japan for the olympics. the food is amazing and i always think it's okay to eat at 10:00 at night. >> to bring the life and energy to the city to know there's a place you can go. when the city shuts down. >> i got you. [ laughter ] >> when -- it's early guys. but when it shuts down, any city you know, you just kind of feel like okay, it's time to
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go back indoors but when there's life out there you are spending money and that's exactly what san francisco needs right now. >> you are learning more about each other and your neighbor which is a important. bringing you stories like these all month long on air and streaming on cbs news bay area and we'll be posting the story on a special aapi section of our website on so make sure you check it out. >> thanks ryan for a glimpse took us to taiwan and jess too. 5:43 in the morning. are you applying for college financial aid? well, get out your headache medicine we're going to help you navigate fafsa foibles. plus this. ♪ and listen up swifties. taylor swift's music is returning to tiktok. up next, we'll explain the new agreement set to bring the world's biggest artists back to the video platform. and here's a live lock at pier 39 in san francisco this morning. it's gaining a lot of attention from tourists around the globe. all because of these
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surge in sea lions and we nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider
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about nurtec odt from pfizer. (♪) join the millions who're feeling the power of osteo bi-flex®, the #1 pharmacist recommended joint care supplement. (♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in
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at cache creek casino resort. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. it's time now for the morning's money watch report. today is the deadline for california college students to apply for state financial aid. earlier this year, state lawmakers voted to push the application deadline back from april 2nd to may 2nd for cal grants and other state aid
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programs. well, that was after glitches developed in the rollout of federal forms. colleges and states use those forms to calculate scholarship and loan amounts. this has led the schools receiving inaccurate information about student eligibility. ♪ ♪ okay, great news for all of you swifties. taylor swift is returning to tiktok. the video platform has struck a new deal with universal music group and ending amans long standoff. a ban on umg's music has been going on since february on tiktok. now the two companies have settled their differences over royalty payments and ai policies. they say the agreement will be beneficial for songwriters and recording artists. and airbnb is offering a collection of what it calls icons derived from tv and movie scenes. for example, you can rent a version of marvel
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animation's x-mansion from the x-men movie franchise or stay at a house from the movie "up." it's located in new mexico. and comes with more than 8,000 balloons. or for you fans of prince you can stay at the home in minneapolis featured in the film "purple rain." and this is fun for lot of fans. i once lived in an area in southern california calledmont knee toe. and the house that they filmed tell me something, boy. star was born. the one he passed away the was right there on the main drag and it was before they filmed the movie. so when they filmed it i recognized in the movie. the house. that's the house i used to walk by every day. i wonder -- i think private residents. >> bradley cooper and lady gaga. >> i wonder for halloween do things like the amityville horror house or goonis. >> i'm good reed. >> "up" house? i would love to do that. >> all the balloons. >> i know. my god how fun. >> would be good little birthday gift for someone. >> good idea.
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all right, taking a live look at pier 39. people traveling all over the world to get a glimpse at this right here. san francisco's residential sea lions. and those who are visiting the city now are in for a treat. and unusual amount of the mammals have descendedth docks. over 1,000. the highest recorded number in 15 years and wow, there's so many. the pier 39 harbor master and i know you want to hear them? listen, they're saying good morning. the harbor master says it's quite the phenomenon and mentioning there's also a huge number of pelicans and anchovy in the bay right now. i just want to know what they're saying to each other. >> oh, swear words you know it. it's like -- get off of my pier right now. >> they're having so much fun though. they're like teenagers out there. >> remember nemo where the birds, mine, mine. mine. >> yes i do. >> it's that but for them. exactly. oh, that's so nice to see them out there right now embracing the chilly weather but luckily plenty of sunshine this afternoon. and for tomorrow's forecast as well.
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but ooh. i don't know how they handle the rain. well, actually they're rain -- animals and it makes sense they're okay with water. this weekend we're all going to have the deal with water because there's rain in the forecast for us right around the corner. heading out the door and getting ready to go we have a little change in the forecast today compared to yesterday but once e head into our weekend setup. rain is right around the corner but luckily dry up fast as we head into the sunday forecast. we have a can't moving in from offshore and that's going to bring in a series of showers for us on saturday. but before we get there let's take a step back. i want to talk a little bit about today and especially for our loved ones and friends who live all along our breezy, breezy coastline. it's going to be gusty in the afternoon hours today. this is just by 9:00 a.m. about 30-mile-per-hour winds all the way up into bodega bay. not bad there. but i mean, all -- actually not bad in the inland areas. it's a little bit gustier for the friends along the coastline and really only gains strength as we head into the evening hours tonight. around 5:00, dinner time. about 40-mile-per-hour winds expected near bodega bay and half-moon bay at 30-mile-per-hour winds and
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it's lighter along the indians inbut still worth noting we're all going to get a little breeze throughout this afternoon. high pressure has been keeping us dry and mild and warm for the most part. through today and yesterday and the day before. but the weekend forecast, the storm moves in from the north and that's going to bring in showers for us that last through the saturday forecast and then clears up fast as we head into sunday. so overnight hours friday night into early morning hours saturday, that's when we see the really big shift in the forecast. because for now we're just seeing partly cloudy skies at times along our coastline. that's the same trend into the friday afternoon forecast. but let's advance the clock just past that. here's that cold front coming in hot. once we head into the overnight hours friday early morning hours saturday, it creeps its way in from the north bringing in chilly temperatures and gusty conditions and shower widespread throughout the bay area. how much rain in total from one day alone? close to around an inch in areas like pacifica stretching over into oakland too. widespread throughout the bay area these are our forecasted models as of now. but things are still
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likely to change. we know it's coming. but when it comes to the amounts, as we get closer we'll be able to finite that even more. but a look at today because right around the corner as that cold front moves in we're going the experience 0s and 60s for our daytime highs. but today we're in the 80s and off in the east bay 60s along the coast. so we'll have more on that coming up in a bit. g? all right, jessica. let's talk about the roadways right now. if you are getting ready to ride along 8 # westbound you are not alone. a lot of people doing the same thing and you can see right behind me here. live look at conditions from one of the caltrans cams and getting crowded over to the bay bridge. but we're not seeing too much as far as the backup goes. already 5:52. metering lights are on and not too bad as you head through there. so all approaches here looking pretty good overall. and not too bad across the upper deck working over into san francisco. and the rest of
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including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. welcome back, we have the feel good story of the morning. a community effort brought senior prom to seniors. >> roughly 120 residents at the westerlily rehabilitation and health care center in providence, rhode island were ready to roll. >> there were balloons and corsages and food and cake and entertainment and they went all-out. a high school cosmetology department even
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donated dresses and helped with hair styles. how sweet is that? police officers handed out roses and of course they danced with their dates to put a little pep in their step. for some, it was reliving the old days, for others this was the very first prom. take a listen to reaction from some of the seniors of the hour. >> look at the people floating by. you know? i mean, it's -- really incredible. >> i'm boogieing, what do you think i'm doing? honey, i have been going to prom since i was in kindergarten. >> she's a whipper snapper. >> of course it wouldn't be official without prom king and queen. take look at the 102-year-old majesty. organizers say this makes it worth it and by the way unlike when there were teenagers there's no curfew kids. >> maybe a glass of something something too. i mean how cute are they? >> i bet you were prom queen. >> i was not. >> you were not. >> no, i was not. >> well, thank you for thinking that. >> you were like miss san diego.
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>> this is true. >> that was revenge crown? >> yes. >> i didn't get prom but i got san diego. >> you were prom (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older,
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spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is thursday, may 2nd. >> thursday with a th. let's get started.


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