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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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donald trump held in contempt at his criminal trial. the punishment and what could come next. starting tomorrow families could face a tough decision. pay no more for the internet or lose access. theft on decline. that is little consolation to a beekeeper that felt a sting in her heart. she also spoke with the man that tracks down b
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bandit's. for maksoud donahue just wanted to educate the community. the plan to hold a honey tasting took a stinging turn when thieves drove off with one of her hives. >> i heard someone say free bee s . >> 30,000 bees in their queen vanished after 10:00 in the morning. she said it was a crime of opportunity that has become too accustomed to petty crime. >> there is a permission structure that you can take what you want with no consequence, whether you needed or not. just the sake of taking it. the bees will start to die.
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there are no consequences. a crime doesn't go unnoticed. rowdy freeman has been tracking bee for over a decade. stealing a hive or even just one bee is a felony. >> there have been over 3000 hive stolen throughout the state. that has a great impact on the economy and the food supply. since they are live stock, it is a felony to steal a single hive. for mac it is possible to be recovered but for her it's not only a loss for the bees but a lost opportunity for the children in the neighborhood . >> the kids started coming 10 minutes later. i could see their faces looking for them.
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it was heartbreaking. i am teaching them about theft and not about where the food comes from. >> it is the uptick in crimes they have seen without an end in sight. >> it happens all the time. there is not a big enough police presence to be a visual deterrent. even if they were caught , i don't know that much happens. >> reporter: a couple of be burglars won't stop her from hosting her honey tasting's. as you can imagine, the story didn't come without risk. the photographer should will beget hazard pay after getting stung while shooting the dori. it got him right on top of his head. it happened after he put on this gear to climb on the
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roof. ab snuck in and stung him. it was treated with a home remedy of baking soda and water. another round of layoffs. involving that supercharger team. about 500 employees will be let go. it comes after tesla announced plans to lay off 14,000 workers, including more than 2700. the layoffs will begin on june 14. starting next month, internet costs are expected to rise , including 29,000 households in the city. the program is set to run out this month. those that were taking advantage will see their
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bill go up by about $30 per month in may. is where the kids would be doing their homework. the administration called on congress to continue funding the program. no sign of an extension in the future . several newspapers, including mercury news, are suing open ai and microsoft. they are accusing them of copyright infringement. the suit claims the used billions of news articles without permission or payment to train artificial intelligence systems. we reached out to microsoft but they declined comment. open ai said they take care to support news organizations and are actively having conversations to talk about concerns and solutions. the judge in donald trump's trial found him guilty
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of violating the gag order. the judge held him in contempt of court, fining him $9000 for violating his gag order nine times. the judge will hear about four more allegations. it -- from attacking witnesses and jurors. the next time there is a violation is -- . then you could potentially seek jail time. prosecutors called keith davidson to the stand. is the former lawyer for stormy daniels. he testified about the deal at the crux of the case. a $130,000 payment to kill a story on an alleged affair with trump. trump is accused of fraudulently reporting that payment as legal expenses. he has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying records.
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next, a plan to help farmworkers to the peninsula hit a roadblock. how a decision could send supporters back to the drawing board. we have come to an idea, what about creating a space for senior farmworkers. >> that overlay being interpreted. the winner of a billion-dollar jack pot has come forward.
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(♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this?
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before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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in half moon bay, the mass shooting revealed awful living conditions for farmworkers that put food on the table. tonight -- expected on a development that would provide workers with a safe and affordable place to call home. josé mean -- martinez explains why redtape could get in the way. >> reporter: is been leading the charge in a special housing project. >> we have come to this idea of creating a space for senior farmworkers. they can go to church next door and walked to the park.
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>> it is the planning commission. it has come in. people are excited. now there is a bomb drop . a lot of questions asked. >> that is about whether the project is too big. >> it is a great project. i help get these policies put through. i have problems with the way the workforce housing overlay is being interred at it in context with the state law. the issue is whether the project has to follow building called or whenever the units are covered by the density bonus law which are more relaxed. we are talking about
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the building with 40 units. the building is 50 feet. the building will be 59 feet. it includes 18 parking spaces in the parking garage. the estimated to the requirement would be 62 spaces . the city must follow state and city -- which waive some of the inconsistencies with density, parking, height and open space. >> there will be and underground parking space. there will be additional spaces made. in order to cover all the need for parking, it has been done. >> i don't know how it applies. this should have design standards that look like a gateway. there are policies to maximize. the land-use plan
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is still on the website . is it still in effect? >> the planning commission meeting starts at 7:00 pm. in san francisco, 170 affordable housing units are coming to the city, all with the help of a grant from the housing department. the 168 unit project will be built on vaness avenue. this is proceed apart. it will provide housing to low income and formally homeless families plus residents with hiv that 25 to 80% of the median income. straightahead, how would you feel about ron james in a warriors uniform. that is not your average . not with this trainer. are you ready to rock? coming up, for heart of america, meet the barber with a
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heart of gold. how he is customizing cuts with patience and kindness for people with
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- temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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will it take me to sunny days and perfect weather? we had that last weekend. >> you ruined the weekend. i blame paul. >> the rules are that it has to rain most every weekend. eventually we will get out of the pattern. >> we will see how that shakes out. let's look at the pattern that will not deliver rain in the near future. near-normal temperatures. the dry weather will continue. there is a wind advisory for the central valley extending into solano county. you can see this gust overnight
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into the early morning. these will be dry offshore wind . typically associated with an elevated fire threat. we added up enough moisture that the threat is not going to be off the charts. temperatures today were close to where they should be. the warm spot was 76 degrees in santa rosa. fremont and san francisco in the 60s. very typical for april. we will widen that out as temperatures will reach into the low 80s while the coast , only warming up a couple of degrees. tonight, temperatures will back down. we will end up a bit below average. mostly in the 40s. the mildest locations in the low 50s . temperatures will
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bounce back quickly with the offshore breeze. upper 70s close to 80. 78 for san jose, los gatos and morgan hill. low 80s inland. temperatures in fremont reaching into the mid-70s. the onshore influence does not go away. 62 for a high temperature in half moon bay which is above average. upper 60s in san francisco and 70's for oakland. north bay a mix of 70s and a couple of spots touching 80. the ten-day outlook shows the roller coaster ride that's in-store. san jose is an example of how things will fluctuate. only mid-60s for high temperatures. then we bounce back to normal
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as we go into the first full week of may. the rain chances go up and up. early may chances are like lucy pulling the football away. this one looks like it will stay in place. a good chance of rain on saturday and the potential for lingering showers. on the high-end, one half inch of rain in the mountains. 1/10 of an inch to over one quarter of an inch of rain. it is expected saturday into saturday evening. we will keep you up dated. temperatures close to 80 inland and then a huge drop into the weekend. 60s workup days. at least it is short-lived with temperatures returning to closer to average by monday and tuesday. everybody will experience the drop in temperatures. temperatures around the bailey reaching the upper 50s. it will
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feel like st. patrick's day as opposed to the first weekend in may. temperatures will stay cool but a few days in the 60s. mid to upper 50s over the weekend. coming up, california is celebrating an about-face for the first time in three years. the population is growing again. in one city, the growth is directly tied to the amount of housing. how the proactive approach is paying off. at a time of tensions, a unique café is telling the story of culture through coffee. how it is fighting stereotypes one cup at a time. all of that coming up. we have the mba up top. you see these three guys? they have
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been faces of the league. none of them will be in the second round of the playoffs for the first time since 2000 six. nuggets, into the season. jamaal murray hit the second game-winner of the series and the questions have started . what is next for lebron james. he could become a free agent summer. >> is there any thought at all that it could be the last game with the lakers? >> i am not going to answer about. >> what about teaming up with steph curry? have the best odds to sign james if he decides to leave la this summer. to ever question at the gym and walk away saying that was a great workout. what if i told you, you could have that same reaction outdoors on a hike and all you have to do is --
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>> reporter: every morning, brea ruben shows up with an urge to -- >> you can rock on a dog walker in between your kids baseball games. you can rock is here waiting for your kids. >> reporter: with back packs weighted with water, avid hikers march. it is through some of the most scenic landscapes. burning more calories than they would in a normal hike. conditioning , related to the military. that is where the term comes from. >> 12 miles full pack. >> reporter: this is a much better pace.
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>> it is okay if it slows you down. >> you want to be typed. you are doing it for several weeks and then he realized my glutes are stronger. i am walking faster. my shoulders are back in my core is stronger. >> reporter: i bet you have no -- ? >> my heart is always beating. >> we live in marin county. it is beautiful. i will say, you have to try it. meeting new people and friends supporting each other. that is the magic of rucking. >> you run 100 miles per day, you could do this. the magno. >> the classes are about one hour. she will work you out.
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and have you coming back for more. >> i am down. how much weight are you talking about ? >> it depends on your skill level. if you are beginner, maybe eight pounds. if you are seasoned and experienced maybe more. >> how did you feel the next morning. >> i am always sort of matter what i tried. the man who became $1.3 billion richer. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. why do i care about paper so much? because my life and -career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle. i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too.
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let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok. what, you don't get fan mail?
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a man from oregon is $1.3 billion richer after claiming the fourth largest chat pot in powerball history. he has the incredible story. >> reporter: for charlie, who came to america from -- winning the jack pot was heaven sent. he has been living on disability, undergoing cancer treatment for the last eight years. >> is having chemotherapy. i prayed for help. know i can find a good doctor. permit the payout after taxes is $422 million which they will split
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with a family friend. >> i didn't think i would win this big. >> reporter: the reward comes with risk. some end up broken a few years and others get in trouble with taxis or go on spending sprees like edwin castro after winning his $2 billion jackpot, he is spending big, including this $25 million mansion. the financial strain is now replaced by peace of mind. >> how will i have time to spend the money. cbs news bay area starts now. an about-face in the golden state. for the first time in three years the population is growing again. one city is the model for if you build it, they
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will come. >> the results speak for themselves. >> reporter: one city has stood out for saying yes to more housing. how the approach is paying off. >> people want to live there. you build housing and businesses want to come. >> reporter: rallies get heated as the board of supervisors decide the fate of the campaign to recall pamela price. how price is fighting back. >> it is not about public safety. it could be a shift in drug policy. the move in the works to reclassify marijuana and the unique café where the culture is just as important as the


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