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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, a tragic day in north carolina's largest city, a shootout killing three law enforcement officers. william sonoma admits to mislabeling its products, the record settlement with the ftc. a live look at san francisco where some children say they've been the target of repeated racial harassment or worse at school. those concerns within the san francisco unified school district now has drawn the attention of the naacp. >> andrea nakano spoke to community advocates who say they want safe spaces and they're willing to sue to get
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them. >> reporter: paulette brown has been fighting fiercely for her children and grandchildren. in 2005 her son was murdered in san francisco and she's still looking for justice. now she's battling what she feels is race. within the san francisco unified school district. >> what do we do about this school district that is continuing to fail our children? >> reporter: brown said her grandson marcus ross was kicked on of a play structure and had to transfer schools due to safety. >> our children are being left behind. our grandchildren are being left behind. we're tired of it. we shouldn't have to fight like this. >> reporter: she wasn't the only one. other families had their own stories to share. >> he was unfortunately approached by an adult man who
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threatened him. >> reporter: president of the san francisco chapter of the naacp says this is the fifth complaint he's heard of a racially motivated attack at schools in the last three months. >> we have lost over 40,000 blacks from this city since 1970 and it's because of subtle and sometimes overt bigotry and racial attacks. >> reporter: those at this meeting say it's bittersweet to know they're not alone. >> it's just so much on us and we don't have a lot of support. so with this happening here at amos brown and we can all come together as one and deal with the school district, maybe we'll get somewhere. >> reporter: there is talk of possibly filing a class action lawsuit against the district. parents say it's critical to effect change to insure their kids can grow and learn at school without fearing for
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their safety. >> in a statement the school district said, "we actively work to implement anti-racist practices across our schools and in our own community." we're following the developing story in north carolina, three law enforcement officers killed during a standoff today. investigators say a task force was serving a warrant for a felon in possession of a gun at a home in east charlotte. someone in the front yard started shooting as officers approached. law enforcement shot and killed that suspect. then someone inside the home opened fire. after a three-hour standoff two people inside the home were taken into custody. now to a disturbing story out of the north bay, santa rosa police arrested a man who threatened a restaurant employee with a sword. this happened on fourth street near old courouse square yesterday. police say the suspt ca out of the bathroom with the weapon and then threatened a worker. the employee ran away safely. luckily, no one was hurt. police say the suspect also stole an alcoholic drink from a
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cooler before he left. police say they found the suspect hours later and arrested him. he was booked into sonoma county jail on suspicion of felony robbery. william sonoma will pay more than $3 million after improperly labeling products as made in the usa. according to the federal trade commission, the san francisco-based company broke a 2020 ban on advertising foreign made products as american made. william sonoma agreed to a settlement that requires him to pay nearly $3.2 million, the largest penalty ever in a made in the usa case. napa county is celebrating a steep drop in homelessness over the last year. the latest point in time count found an 18% drop in homelessness between january 2023 and january this year. the county attributes the drop to a
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concerted effort. county leaders did raise an increase in concern for those experiencing homelessness for the very first time. let's look live in san jose where the salvation army's emanuel house is on fourth street downtown and currently has 88 shelter beds. after the remodel the number will go up to 112. the county gave $4 million for the temporary shelter. the complete remodel will take about ten years. san jose will be voting to give $1 million to the project in june. changing the face of first responders, meet the women looking to become the next generation of firefighters in the city of berkeley. >> that's going to be me. now it is me. you'll love this story. meet franny, social media's hottest new
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the job of a firefighter has always been a competitive field, but as departments work to increase their diversity, they're actively trying to recruit more women. >> over the weekend the berkeley fire department hosted a special camp to give young women a hands-on demonstration what the job really involves. john ramos has the story. >> reporter: they used to be firemen and now they're firefighters because history has taught us when it comes to being a first responders, ability matters more than gender. >> i was definitely not expecting this. i was more expecting like a class environment. >> reporter: if areliil gareto thought she was spending the weekend in a classroom, she got
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a surprise when she found herself dressed in full turnouts and climbing a 30-foot ladder. >> i got to a place where i started to panic and was going to stop, but i told myself i could do it and i came here for a reason, yeah. >> reporter: she's one of three dozen young women invited to first in fire camp sponsored by the berkeley fire department. the purpose was to recruit more women to the fire service, but the first challenge is convincing them that they can do it. >> a lot of the firefighters, either your dad, brother or uncle did it, too. a lot of times if you don't physically see it as a woman or as anybody, you may not know that's something you can do. that's what we're trying to explore here is like this is doable. these are some of the skills. this is how you can practice, get better. it's just the introduction. >> reporter: that introduction included hands-on instruction in the use of a chainsaw, proper technique for exiting a building onto a ladder, basic emergency medical skills,
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including cpr and splinting injured limbs. none of it was easy, especially for beginners, but the positive reinforcement from the veteran firefighters, most of them women, helped a lot. >> i think the women that are in our fire service go out to do those recruitings and then they see the real life example and this is another one where it's real life example of them teaching them what to do, that they are getting motivated. >> reporter: london price seemed pretty motivated. realizing she could lug a heavy firehouse up and down two flights of stairs may have rekindled a desire to become a firefighter. >> when i was younger, i thought about it only because i got hyper fixated on a firefighter. i thought that's going to be me, but then it died. now it is me. >> reporter: they say people come to the fire service for different reasons. for arelli it is a desire to help people in need, including her own parents. >> i'm glad i came here. i've learned a lot of things. i definitely learned i do want to make this into a career. it
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would mean a lot for me, but mostly a lot for my parents because they came here with nothing and i want to give them everything they gave me. >> reporter: this would mean a lot to them as well as to yourself. >> yeah. >> reporter: the goal is to get more young women into the firefighting academies. these camps help them understand they do belong there. >> props to those girls going up that ladder. >> they can do it all. >> women make up only about 14% of the berkeley fire department staff. >> they've held the annual fire camp for we since 2017. up next, a long cleanup ahead in the central u.s. after more than 100 tornadoes are reported in a single day. we'll show you what residents are facing. straight ahead in sports, moraga born, raised, st. mary's gaals basketball star has joined the ncaa champs.
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and like old times, dodgers, giants running 1, 2 in the nl west. >> tonight on the cbs evening news, our in-depth report on america's child care crisis. as centers across the country shutter, providers are
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why do i care about paper so much? because my life and career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle. i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too. let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok. what, you don't get fan mail?
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communities across the central u.s. are picking up the pieces after a string of deadly tornadoes. in sulphur, oklahoma, a tornado packing winds of at least 140 miles an hour and more than 100 tornadoes reported in six states friday alone and on saturday and sunday. the storms have killed at least five people so far. >> you come upstairs and see that you have no house emerging from the basement. you know, you're home, but you're homeless. >> crews in oklahoma are working around the clock to restore power to impacted areas, but residents say it could be weeks, maybe even months before things get back to normal. >> those images are so heartbreaking, paul. you've seen just how fast those tornadoes can come through towns and decimate everything. >> those things were moving
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friday and saturday, both the national weather service office in omaha and national weather service office in norman, oklahoma, setting records for the number of tornado warnings each issued, first omaha friday and norman saturday. those are places that get tornadoes. this was extreme even for that part of the country. >> they're just lucky enough to get out because they were moving so fast. our weather is the complete opposite of that. >> we're so lucky. >> it's just great outside. if you like warmer weather, good news. if you like cooler weather, good news there as well. let's look at the rest of this workweek. in the short term not much change tomorrow, plenty of sunshine all week, but temperatures after one more day of near average tomorrow, we'll go above average wednesday, thursday, friday. then a big change as we head into the weekend. temperatures will drop off and we even have a decent chance of showers this weekend, the exactly normal for the first weekend in may. we'll
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get to that momentarily. we'll look at today's observed high temperatures looking out towards the santa clara valley, san jose up to 72, made it up to 77 degrees in san jose, 60s in fremont and san francisco, upper 50s along the coast to half moon bay, very similar readings in store by tomorrow afternoon after we start off on the cool side, 2 to 4 degrees below average for tomorrow morning's low temperatures, 40s pretty much across the entire bay area. we should warm up efficiently. i don't think we'll have much fog to start the day, low 70s once again, low to mid-70s inland in the east bay. fremont should get close to 70 degrees and just short of 70 down the peninsula at redwood city, just short of 60 along the coast. mid- to upper 60s in oakland, north bay reaching the low to mid-70s. you have a good chance of hitting the upper 70s and low 80s wednesday, thursday, and friday. then the change kicks
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in. let's talk about the rain chance, looking at two major long range forecast models. we do this whenever a system is pretty far down the line to get a sense of the range of possibilities. the range of possibilities is vast. saturday's simulation from the two forecast models, american model says it's going to be wet, moderate to occasionally heavy rainfall in the forecast saturday while the european forecast model says maybe a couple passing showers, a few sprinkles late saturday afternoon into the evening while the american forecast model keeps the rain going even with lingering showers on sunday. which one is right? the reality is likely somewhere in between. we run these models dozens of times to get what we call an ensemble solution to get the production of the dozens of model runs. at this point the range of possibilities is still all over the place. it's a good chance of rain for early may, specific
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amounts, anywhere from less than a 0.1-inch of rain to a half inch of rain in the higher elevations in the north bay. i would not make any adjustments to outdoor plans based on a way out there chance of rain in early may, but it's a chance of rain in early may. we'll keep you updated. enjoy the warm weather while it's here around 80 degrees for inland parts of the bay area wednesday, thursday, friday and the big temperature drop as we head into the weekend. temperatures will run below average for the first weekend of may and likely into early next week. temperatures around the bay, should be mid-70s wednesday and thursday and along the coast a modest warm-up, low 60s for a couple days and kind of raw this weekend, mid-50s for highs by saturday and maybe a degree warmer sunday with the potential of a few lingering showers. >> the coast is going to coast.
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thanks, paul. for a check of what's ahead at 6:00, we switch over to juliette. >> coming up, this is a big week of deadlines for students deciding where to go to college, but it's been way more stressful than usual this year. we hear from an oakland student who got into her dream college but doesn't know if she has the money. the financial aid fiasco that is putting a lot of plans in limbo. plus many b.a.r.t. riders are just hoping to get to work on time, but one group of friends made it their mission to ride the entire system hitting all 50 stops as fast as they could. the race with the world record on the line, we'll tell you why at 6:00, all that in about ten minutes. we've got baseball up top and the giants. the only thing that could stop them today, a day off. the g-men in flight to boston to start a ten-game road trip. they took two of three
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from the pirates and jumped to second place. manager bob melvin. >> we know there's a lot more in there. it's not a horrible place to be. at some point in time we'll hit our stride. >> mike yastrzemski started to hit his stride, another homer yesterday, raised his batting average over 100 points on the homestand and now he gets to return to boston, where the yastrzemski name is kind of a big deal. his grandpa carl is a massive red sox legend, threw out the first pitch to mike beck in 2019. >> it's always a treat being able to go hope and see family i don't get to see often will be really huge, nice to have an off day. >> new giants reliever mitch white knows what it's like to play in front of family and friends. etch used to be one of the fans at oracle park. now he's pitching for his favorite team. matt lively has the
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story. >> reporter: for just about any kid who grew up in the bay area in the mid-2010s, it would be of it not to be a giants fan. that's especially true for their newest pitcher. >> to actually put on the jersey and be in the bullpen, it's different. it's cool. >> reporter: the giants traded for mitch white creating a full circle moment for the san jose university alum. >> this is a childhood dream for me. >> reporter: white grew up a giants fan emulating stars from the three world series teams of the 2010s. >> matt cain, tim lincecum, all the guys in the bullpen, too, are sick, lopez, sergio romo, brian wilson, all those guys, there's a million. they were all cool. >> those guys helped create lifelong memories before his playing days even began. >> i remember my aunt and uncle used to live in the city. i
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remember buying a blanket. we still have it at home. it was freezing in the upper decks. that kind of stuff is awesome. >> telling his family he was coming home has been a highlight for the relief pitcher. >> they were pumped. my mom said she was in a yarn store in monterey and she started screaming, worked out well. they've been at every game so far. i don't expect that to change. it's been nice. big college basketball news, former st. mary's guard aidan mahaney is transferring to connecticut for his junior season. he'll held back east to try and help the huskies win a third straight natty. if nobody can beat the champs, might as well join them. liz will be trying for a fifth office pool natty next year. >> we'll all be copying her. >> i'm taking notes, even
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postseason. who is coming back? who is graduating? i have the algorithm and i got luck on my side for this one thing. >> thanks, vern. up next, you'll get to meet the newest fitness influencer on four legs, how
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a uc davis veterinary student is taking care of a rescue dog that's taken social media by storm. >> andrew haubner has why franny's weight loss journey has found a worldwide audience. >> reporter: meet franny, the dog, instagram's newest fitness influencer. >> every time i log on there's like another 1,000 followers. >> reporter: uc davis veterinary medical student annica graham found the golden retriever while home in california. >> my roommate told me on instagram the rescue posted a video of her miserable and overweight obviously. i was on winter break at the time and i'm a vet student thinking this is my calling. >> reporter: franny was over 120 pounds with a host of health issues. >> she was unable to walk at all. >> reporter: annica decided to
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document franny's journey and soon franny's fight took off on social media. >> we can get up and get out of bed and go outside and pee and come back. that was an amazing thing for the day. >> reporter: over 400,000 people eventually following along. >> she's inspiration to me. i just went through back surgery learning how to walk again. franny has been inspiring me to get up every day. >> reporter: she's set to begin pool therapy at uc davis vet med. >> we have a fair number of students who bring their pets in. they tend to adopt less than perfect dogs. >> reporter: a practice that vet tech leanne wilson loves seeing. >> the owner has exercises and things to do at home and we know the vet students will do it all. >> reporter: all over campus franny is a star. >> when she goes to school, everyone wants to pet her. >> reporter: down over 30 pounds and can now walk a mile. >> even just getting up and going outside and maybe she
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took an extra step was like a huge deal for us. >> reporter: a dog with a journey. >> she really taught me like wow, we need to really appreciate how much we do have and do celebrate the small things. >> reporter: that everybody is rooting for. >> she really gives back to me as much as i've given to her. i am so grateful to have her. >> my heart is full. >> so cute. annica ended up adopting franny and will care for her permanently. >> franny, you know i have this thing for golden retrievers. >> oh, yes. >> franny has been showing up on my feeds all the time. so i've been following her weight loss journey. i didn't realize she's a northern california dog. >> there you go. she's so cute! >> she can walk a mile now. >> i was halfway expecting "let's get physical" to play during her little workouts. that's it for the news at
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5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> you're on that algorithm for that dog, ryan. thanks. talk about crunch time for choosing a college, but some students are facing one of the biggest decisions of their lives without knowing how they'll pay for it. >> you've been working hard towards it and it's like it probably might not happen. >> she's the first in her family to apply to college, but the happiness at getting into her top choice comes with a big question mark, how students are navigating a financial aid fiasco. free, free, free palestine. >> protests against the war in gaza pop up on new bay area campuses, how some professors are now lending their support to the students speaking their minds. >> it's beautiful. i love seeing all the students and faculty all united. plus a controversial street overhaul delayed, the change after neighborhood pushback. >> this has to be fixed. turning the commute


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