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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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tempers play at stanford. the site of the newest tent encampment. >> they should do their research on their own not to listen to a bunch of lies. >> the bigger risk is to stay silent. bigger risk is to be complice at. >> and now the university is threatening to take action against the protesting students just weeks before the end of the year and we all know the a's have passionate fans. the same people who organized a boycott on opening day are heading to sacramento to the soon to be temporary home of the team. you may of noticed people all over san francisco that are frantically looking for something at famous landmarks. what are they looking for. >> he is looking for. what are you looking for. we thought he we lost something and he said we are looking for a gold coin.
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good evening, it is no secret that san francisco gets a bad rep for bad crime. thieves stealing adam shift's luggage in a parked car just this week. there has been an improvement. overall crime is down 30% from the same time last year. so as we have been reporting the city is aggressively cracking down and arresting drug dealers in the tenderloin. it is not just about getting tough on crime. the city is investing in criminal justice reform. pumping more money into young adult court. a program focused on getting repeat offenders back on the right track. a mong its success stories, lucas. we have more on his journey to redemption. >> reporter: for years, lucas
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struggled with an addiction to meth. since he was 16 years old going in and out of jail committing crimes including auto and residential burglary >> it was just time, it was kind of an exhausting cycle. >> reporter: the now 25-year-old entered various residential treatment programs six times. failing to become sober. >> i wanted to be stable but i wanted to use. >> reporter: it was not long ago he was given a chance to enter young adult court instead of being charged as an adult for nonviolent crimes >> i was so scared going back to jail for a nonserious crime. >> superior court judge oversees the eligible 18-24-year-olds facing nonviolent convictions, they under go programs, failure to meet court ordered mandate results getting sent back to custody. >> if we had taken an approach. one chance for treatment or two chances or three chances he would not be where he is today.
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>> the city is ramping up funding for young adult court from 800,000 a year to 1.3 million annually for five years. provide for case managers, counselors, something that district attorney both fully support. >> the data is very good that a lot of the people avoid rearrest and are able to move their life in a positive direction. helps them and their families but keeps all of us safer. >> we want to make sure it is sustainable because it represents true reform. >> reporter: the number of drug overdose deaths in san francisco is at a similar pace of the 810 deaths last year. in 2017, there were 222 deaths. >> what i observe when i am looking outside is not what it used to be. when i was using it is a different atmosphere.
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>> reporter: these days he works at a city-funded treatment program in the tenderloin, he checks to see if residents in recovery are clean. >> i try to tell them, don't be the one that is told to work hard. >> reporter: it took him four years to graduate with the judge sending him back to jail at least five times the path of to redemption conditions. >> his story shows that there is reason for hope. hope is not just hoping things will work out better or expecting things to go smoothly t. is knowing there is the right thing do. >> it can be hard sometimes. but there is a really, really, really soft silver lining to where it becomes really, really fun. [ laughter ] >> lucus has been clean and sober for more than three years now. the fun part of life is just beginning. >> the idea of youth adult court is based on neuroscience
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with research showing the brains of 18-24-year-olds are not fully matured yet. >> reporter: since its inception, 2016, 240 have been throughout the court. let's turn to weather now, if you have been outside you probably noticed it is windy out there. palm trees were blowing around in concord. in fact, we found arturo who wore a windbreaker while out on a walk. >> it is chilly. not windy it will be nice, a little warmer. plus allergies, pretty bad. >> reporter: all right, he may be chilly, he was pretty darn cool during that interview. >> the wind does disburse more pollen but mixes it through a lower depth, greater depth with calmer conditions taking over. it will settle towards ground level. the pollen count where we have to breathe that stuff
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will be climbing heading through a calmer weekend. still in the medium category. by the time tuesday rolls around we will be in the highest category, oak, ash and grass pollen are the top three. it is still breezy. sustained winds are strongest. just the geography of the airport. the sustained winds and the strongest gusts, downwind of the gap for sfo. wind gets funneled through the terrain and downwind of the flat expense of the bay for the oakland airport, nothing to stop the wind out there. gusts in the 20-30 mile-an-hour range. showers and thunderstorms not that far away from us, running down through the central valley. just outside of the valley. more sunshine breaking through. plenty of sun this weekend. details the last weekend in april. weatherwise, coming up in a few minutes. >> all right, thank you, paul. the latest school, stanford, stanford, things got a bit heated today. we spoke to
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critics and the growing divide on campus as they wrap up the school year. >> reporter: spending her friday here among the tarps and tents pitched in the center of stanford's campus. by her and fellow pro-palestinian protesters who are calling on the university to cut ties with companies that do business with israel. >> we are planning stay here to insist that the university discloses and divest from occupied palestine. so many of us are willing to be here for as long as is necessary for the university to hear us. >> reporter: this encampment at stanford is just one of dozens of similar protests popping up on college campuses across the country. she told me students here want the administration to know they have a stake in this conflict. they will use their voices to try to create change. >> i think that we have a very unique responsibility because
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we are the ones who will inherit the future of the earth. >> reporter: they are not the only ones with strong opinions on the conflict. at one point, emotions flared when a parent confronted the protesters. >> we condemn genocide and complicity and war crimes and crimes against humanity. >> those are lies! >> that parent. he was on campus with his daughter who is slated to start at stanford in the fall. he told me he is jewish. he fled his home country of iran as a child to israel and lived there for years. he said seeing the emcampment in the middle of the university was just too much for him. >> i could not resist it anymore. hi to open my mouth. and, and, and try to understand what is, what is going on in here. their brainwashing people in stanford? they have to be the smartest kids in the world,
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they should do their research on their own not to listen to a bunch of lies that these people are creating here. >> reporter: but the fellow protesters are standing by. they will continue to occupy the center of campus until the administration meets their demands despite any consequences that may come. >> the bigger risk is to stay silent. the bigger risk is to be complice at in the university's investments and military violence. we are willing to take that risk and we are willing to stay here as long as we can, as long as possible to really change their minds. it is a space for awareness. >> stanford university officials did send us a statement saying that these student protesters are in violation of university policy. they submitted the names of the student protesters to the
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university and started the student conduct process. it comes with just a month and a half left in the school year. snow meantime, encampment protest is now in the fifth day following a monday rally. demonstrators pitched tents on the steps of the hall. berkeley protesters have similar demands, divest business with israel and create a program for palestinian studies. divesting funds may seem unrealistic but there is precedent. in the 1980s students staged protests against a rule in south africa. so, in the end, 150 universities divested from companies doing business with that country. the bay area is making a bid to host one of the world's biggest film festivals. are people going back to the theater in this post-covid era? they will not give up. diehard a's fans are hitting the road this weekend in an
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effort to keep, try to keep their team in oakland
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. not to complain but it was a little chilly today. let's find out when it will warm up this weekend. paul? >> it will. cool and cloudy for a lot of the past couple of days, breezy through the last couple of days. calmer beginning tomorrow. but, for this evening t is still cool. breezy, and a few showers are just missing the bay area off to the east. let's take a look at first alert doppler. the loop, the showers, the thunderstorms, basically, making their way down interstate 5. through sacramento and pushing farther and farther through the south. plenty through the sierra's as well. as expected the shower chances remained off shore or just off to our east. clearing skies but those gusty winds, let's switch over to future
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cast and track the rain. just falling off of the map heading through the next couple of hours, taking a lot of energy throughout the area. allowing the showers and the thunderstorms to quiet down and allow the winds to relax as well. it was blustery out there as well. the sun goes down in 45 minutes or so. the wind will still be noticeable overnight into early tomorrow morning it will not be nearly as strong as today and once the winds pick back up tomorrow afternoon, about 20 miles an hour for the strongest gust. typical april stuff. back to 84 temperatures beginning tomorrow. not right now. a nice view of the sunlight off of the transamerica period there. the temperatures are in the 50s, the 60s, the wind is noticeable in the city. jittering around the camera a little bit. 56 in san francisco. that is the cool spot. 62 degrees, the least cool spot in concord and san jose. the numbers will retreat to the upper 40s and 50s for
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us. now, all of the numbers are within a degree or two of what is normal for this time of the year. high temperatures will be within a degree or two of what is normal for this time of the year. how about that. back up to 70 degrees in san jose. upper 60s, 70s in the santa clara valley. mixture of upper 60s and 70s in the east bay, warmer spots in the 6th. 57 along the coast of half moon bay. waiting longer to get back into the 60s. lower to middle 60s. 63 in the city, 66 in oakland. precisely tomorrow's high temperatures, back to where we are supposed to be with a mix of upper 60s and 70s inland in the north bay as well. farther down-the-line. finishing through april. using san jose as the representative of that. near average temperatures tomorrow and sunday. a few degrees above average on monday and tuesday and heading into early may that starts on wednesday. the temperatures in the upper 70 exps lower 80s by thursday and
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friday. that is a bit of a change over the past 24 hours as we look at the seven-day forecast. yesterday, we were talking about a brief warm up kicking in on tuesday. lasting until wednesday and back to near normal temperatures by thursday and friday. the warm up looks like it will be later to arrive but last a little longer all of the way through the end of the first week of may. the first half of the week of may any way. the temperatures will warm up around the bay as well. temperatures in the lower 70s for a few days, wednesday, thursday, friday, along the coast. it will not feel like the breath of late summer or early fall it should be noticeably warmer. temperatures in the lower 60s and the coast, long-range data points to return to slightly below average temperatures after that. enjoy the warmth when it gets here >> that is fantastic, thank you, paul >> san francisco wants to be the new permanent home of the famed sun class film festival. a plan next week to move away from park city, utah that is
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where the festival was founded in 1978. the san francisco film commission says the city's history and qualities makes it the perfect place for sundance. with the founder being a bay area native, who knows. sundance would be a nice edition. and as we show you, it comes at a critical time. for the film industry. >> it is a sacred space. the movie theater. for this filmmaker, gary meyer, it is not just a local spot to catch a flicking. is is the bridge between community and story tellers, as he prepares to receive the award at this year's san francisco international film festival he is reflecting on the theater
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experience in a post covid hyperdigital streaming era. >> on the big screen, great sound, laughing and crying and cheering with an odd yeps. you don't get that at home. >> sf film is preparing the bay area for a journey, kicking off at lucus film. the very heart of the festival is the audience experience says the director of film going >> being able to return to an event that is known and beloved and trusted for its presentation of independent and national stories and cinema it is something that is welcomed by the community and by our audiences. >> reporter: audiences that grown used to that fresh smell of popcorn. but in a post pandemic era the big screen is still recovering from drastic revenue loss. according to the motion picture association the 2020 global box office revenue fell around 72% >> now it will be about showmen, presentation. to give
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people coming to the theaters you have to have a film that you want to see and make sure that when they come to see it in your theater they have a great experience. >> reporter: it is an experience theater chain owner is very mindful of that programming the correct films, that is important. change, neighborhood change. >> reporter: he believes as long as the audience is the priority. movie theaters are here to stay. >> and keep the popcorn. the festival runs through sunday with encore showings next weekend. still ahead, they are still holding out hope that the a's will stay in oakland and this weekend diehard fans are taking their fight to sacramento. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different.
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as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. business. - it's not a nine-to-fives only vi proposition. studio. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions
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. a cherished oakland bbq is back after getting torched in a fire last year. there is a new bbq in the heart of downtown oakland. matt and his customers enjoy the juicy meats and that the lifeline has not gone dry. a's fans are still protesting. tomorrow, taking the fight to sacramento. they will stage a boycott at the temporary home of the a's. organizers says oakland fans and the people of sacramento should really be on the same side. >> hopefully like we get an opportunity to talk to some of the local media up there and,
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and let them know exactly what they signed up for with inviting john fisher into their backyard. >> there are already 70 people confirmed making the trip. they will stage the demonstration at the game between sacramento and las vegas. okay. it is a treasure hunt in san francisco. the prize rare old coins worth thousands of dollars. there are lucky winners and there is still one coin out there. we will tell you about it.
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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- lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. . okay, there is a citywide scavenger hunt not for eggs or silly items, there is cold hard cash. to win you had to find one of the 11 rare coins
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ranging from $250 to $2500. the coin collector came up with it during the national coin week. he says it is just a fun way to teach people about some of the city's history. >> all of the coins are made right here in san francisco. people don't realize in san francisco we are the king of mints. we had first one in 1864, second one 1870, and the one out in the castro valley since 1888. we were there when someone who was here for a concert found one of the gold coins at the palace of fine arts. >> i am at a loss of words this is $1100 that i did not expect >> there is one coin still out there. it has not been found. so, they will do another hunt soon, we will let you know. thanks for watching, the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus. see you right back here
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at 11:00. i love that. i love being a super finder. do you like scavenger hunts? yeah.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] ["family feud" theme plays] steve: how are y'all? i heard that. i appreciate that. thank you all. thank you,


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