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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 26, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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>>at the same time, a small group of jewish students held a separate rally, making their voices heard. >>anti semitism, especially when you hear chants like long living to and from the see, i'm trying to avoid any sort of slogan >>like that on our side. back at columbia university, >>the epicenter of the protests, tents still cover the lawn. in and graduation,
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perhaps. >reed>governor gavin newsom says he's >>monitoring the protests at universities across the state. he says he wants to ensure that peaceful and that free speech rights are protected. >>and with the university system's as it relates to public role in response. and so we're very mindful of what's going on >>a lot of what we're seeing. in other parts of the mean, president joe biden has joined 17 other world leaders >reed>demanding that hamas released the hostages they took >>more than 6 months ago, and it's terror attack that killed about people. in southern israel. now for a look >reed>across the bay this morning. happy friday. everybody >>you see from oakland, san francisco and san jose various
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might aaron peck has your weekend forecast. it's going to try >>did this morning. in fact, if we use the virtual map to visualize an interesting pattern terms where rain had fallen and where it didn't >>at least near the coast. petaluma, san francisco and half moon bay. all got a couple super stuff this morning. look at the big picture, though. go inland. >
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that's kind of this will go in the afternoon. strong winds out here >>winds if you're in the immediate bay or in the inland valleys. what ken weir looking at that coming up in the full forecast in just >reed>a bit. all right, darren. thank you in pleasanton >>community is in mourning after a trial. only for including 2 children died in an instant >reed>after a fiery car crash and >>you're seeing right now the aftermath of that, you see right there. you see the crash look like it happened yesterday. >reed>on the western edge of the city on foot hill road >>between stoneridge drive and west lost recetas boulevard. friends of the the site. it's very shocking. >>person always, you know, energetic. and it mayor to work with him and, you know, talk to him, and we used >reed>to have a lot of conversation. no >>other cars were involved. meanwhile, the redwood city
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bride to be has her back and police arrested 65 year old >reed>henry fonseca. investigators say he is the man and these surveillance >>images seem taking a box with that $2000. the perch april 11th. police say tips they got >reed>from the public were crucial in tracking that suspect down while some san francisco it live to san francisco now where youth want to lower the voting age to 16 after failed attempts to get the issue to voters on ballots in 2016 >>and 2020 youth activists, with the san francisco youth commissioner once again, knocking happen so far. there's no indication of whether this will appear >reed>on the ballot, but organizers hope san francisco >>will become the 1st major city in the united states to see younger voters at let us know what you think sound off on social using the hashtag >reed>kpx so that we are sure to get >>your perspective on this. with the 31st. 2020 nfl draft. >>ricky pierce saw receiver.
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hello to newest 49 ricky pearsall 40. niners were widely expected to trade up in the dry. and give up. 1 of the stars, but they hope your salt will add to their offense. yards >reed>last season with the gators started his college career >>at arizona state. where he was teammates. with brand and i have 20 there's other hand used their 13th overall pick to select >reed>the tight end with the bay area roots. brock >>bowers grew up in 1 country and played football and basketball and at the city of georgia. bowers, you probably remember this. he helped >reed>lead the bulldogs to 2 consecutive national championships >>and twice won the award for college football's top tight end. let's talk this is an art fair in san francisco. it has a lot >reed>of people hoping that art brings >>more hope under 1 roof and a bay area bounce
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>reed>get a check on what's happening around the bay today >>in less than 2 hours, the oakland police department will mobile service for former officer jordan's win gate. >reed>the officer died this last saturday. >>his cause of death was from injuries from a car crash and happy august. 2018. the memorial will >reed>happen at 3 crosses church on john drive >>and castro valley. the
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service will start at 11 a.m., also in oakland. the restaurant is rising from the ashes and opening >reed>back up for business in about 2 hours >>late last year of fire, torched the much loved oakland business and like and this is an oakland the horn family is staying put to continue >reed>their commitment to community. their new permanent >>location is at 464 8th street in the latest exam. area back. you can see art on display this weekend >reed>is 85 different galleries from all over the world >>come together under 1 roof in san francisco art fair opens later today. >>art has always a leader and a unifying force >>whenever there have been challenging times. cheryl derek a is an artist who has lived in the bay area for 12 years and 1 of the challenges she sees. currently, her community framed with >>negative images too often. so
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she is painting a pick. in a positive perspective, san >>anyone who takes a look at all of the great artworks new businesses and galleries, >>the pandemic is really a story of resilience. after the pandemic, she's curated a collection >>of pieces at the 2024 san francisco >>art fair with other local artists, their work united we didn't get the memo because in their >>eyes and through their art, the doom >>loop narrative doesn't tell the whole story. they say the bay area celebrate, including nature. you're all part >>of the same system and we need to treat >>it as such cheryl's own work showcases the redwoods. part range of art forms portraying the landscape >>of where we live and saying
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>>there's plenty to be proud of here the opportunity to get at the san francisco art fair >>a privilege and also, i think just a really important active moment for people to be together >reed>in the spirit of well. let's talk about the spirit of community may is the official month to celebrate asian american and pacific islander heritage month. we are your community station and in keeping with that promise. look at this last night. we >>welcome so many of you to our event here at our studios are ryan mhm jumped in for some of the fun watch. >reed>shake my hips a little bit of >>that that works doing good ryan from the issue. celebrity culture and community. >reed>we have a major plan to see and celebrate >>our api community the entire month of may, including roots and our special airing in may. darren >
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>>on this day. let's get some specifics on it. it's breezy through to the late afternoon and early evening. the wind intensity >>to the low to mid 60s that's going to make it feel more like the upper 50s. a bit cooler. as a result, let's get into the 70 forecast >>it's hit and miss, don't count on much rain. the folks and needs to be the weekend. how does this impact saturday >
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>>week, if we do the same thing for the bay, we see the story on that. gets us towards the middle of next week, we will see daytime >>around 70 so low 70s back here. king of the next week, but you still have the wind >>64 is going to feel more like, say, 58 but by evans feel like 67 >reed>because we'll have a little bit of less wind around. >>a new report appears to show the
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an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. >reed>time >>now for your money watch report earlier this morning s and p 500. futures spiked as big tech names like alphabet and microsoft. >reed>company is set to pay its 1st ever quarterly cash dividend. investors will get 20 cents a share. in june, plus a boost from stock buybacks. the company says last quarter's revenue was 15% higher than a year earlier. one reason is a i, >>which also helped microsoft with a 17% revenue increase. so let's see where the markets are right now. and look, >reed>this is like a sigh of relief right yesterday. we saw the >>markets down at this hour and then it only got worse throughout the day. we are in positive. stained will have a
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wrap up today on our 3:00 broadcast. >reed>we're watching your wallet and we know this >>has impacts on your future. all of this is considered good news after a new governor the strong economy is showing some signs of weakness. >reed>commerce department >>says gdp only grew 1.6%. in the 1st quarter a slowdown quarters. quarter. still, economists say they're not worried. we >>spend they're just not spending at the same clip that they it clear or all of last year. >reed>so economists say the job market still healthy >>wages are up in americans continue to shop all signs the core economy. remain strong, despite the fact that we've seen so many layoffs recently >reed>here in the bay area in the tech sector >>back in its heyday, blockbuster video had 9000 stores globally. hiding registered customers these days. only 1 >reed>store remains that's in oregon, but the blockbuster >>saga is now getting a sequel. and it's happening right here in the bay, a new free it's like the lending libraries that
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have become >reed>quite common for books. but this >>time it's for movies. a former blockbuster employee set up the 1st ever in l. a. and since it's become a fad >>again. >>all right, but not everybody is on board with the mini blockbusters >>dish. the company that owns the brand has sent a letter to the creators to stop. >reed>love soccer >>with soccer player myself, so it's good to support. soccer. wherever i can and debris. breeders are good. so it's a win win. hunger for sock.
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growing >reed>thanks to the newly formed oakland roots and >>as laura you older club from san francisco is also giving fans something >>to chew on. from the kitchen to the field. the little story may have begin with tacos, but it's moving forward with new goals. every kid gets >>him closer to his goal. gabriel arias. the l. ferolito amateur soccer club in san francisco. >>the team started back in 1985, >>named after the owners chain of beloved he is 25 years old.
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even after >>college, gabriel says he's >>grateful to have an outlet to continue to do what he loves with the community. to love means a lot. bring some peace of mind to me >>being able to step on the field with my >>team mates like to call them brothers. and backgrounds team plays in the national premier song. league. and the players are all passionate about the sport. most have regular >>lot of love. as for gabriel, >>he's been working hard to be being a concern. engineer by day. and soccer athlete by night. nearly 1 day, but sometimes even during practice >>those work demands continue >>different role being in an engineer in the construction. the more stuff going on. come here. it's >>just brotherhood brotherhood that evolved when the original owner of el far alito's salvador lopez opened his 1st taqueria in the mission now
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with 12 locations throughout the bay area diners who frequent >>the chain like taylor berks love supporting the sport, too. the player myself, so it's good to support. soccer >>wherever i can, and the breeders >>are good, so it's a win win. speaking of winning from the open cup to their strong standing zen psl, just how far farago. go yeah. well, according to gabriel all the way he wants people to know. just the areas. soccer scene is great >>talent here. more scholars should come out here and >>look at all the talent. there is >reed>team's next game >>was may 4th in san francisco against the oakland stompers. that's it. for the news at 9:00. next is the drew carey. show. guess what? jackson, stopping by to talk >reed>to drew about her new tour together again, >>you go janet for more local headlines, including weather join us on our streaming service.
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bay area. ross, apparently we have a mystery guest at the mailbox today. right. we really have no idea who's here. the audience doesn't know. but they're here. no. are they? - hello? [gasping] oh, well, it's hand. but who is hand? well sometimes hand can reveal himself, or themselves, or herself to be someone that we don't even know. are you a little nervous?


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