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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 25, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. thanks so much for joining us this morning. it's thursday, april 25th. >> so let's get it started. >> back up. you back up. >> college protests over israel's war in gaza intensifying. dozens of arrests around the country.
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purest traditions of this university are being overtaken right now by radical and extreme ideologies and they place a target on the backs of jewish students. >> the house speaker not mincing words over the demonstrations. if you can hear us, i'm telling you, we are telling you, we love you, stay strong, survive. >> a glimmer of hope for the safe return of the israeli american hostage with ties to the bay area. anytime, you know, somebody's hit in the pocketbook, it should kind of wake you up, right? >> sick and tired of those surprise fees? a welcome sight for you at the airport. i was thrilled to death. going to the -- top baseball team in the whole world. >> how many people can say they played for the bronx bombers? this mill valley native has quite the story to tell on his 100th birthday. and we say happy birthday to him 100 years young. i'm gianna franco and congrats to him and i can't wait to share the story. >> so inspire ing and here he is. but he's also firecracker and you got to stay tuned
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because he is a great response to everything that comes his way. by the way i'm reed cowan, good morning. >> i'm nicole zaloumis and i love when old people just lose the filter. all right, here's how life works people. just going to throw it out there because i'm 100. >> they know. they lived to tell. >> a friends of mine said it's like -- you finally reach a point you just put the car in reverse and don't look behind you and back the car out of the driveway. live look outside on this thursday morning. and if you are just getting in your car, putting it in reverse you are going to see some clouds. most of the day darren. will that continue through the weekend. >> more blue skies over the weekend and warm up a little bit for saturday and sunday. and then next week we're going back to the 80s. if you are inland. but the next two days is going to be a lot more of what we had. here's a good example. we're going to go to the live picture looking out from salesforce tower east. and you can see how cloudy it is here. we're doing a time lapse of this. and watch what happens as we let that play forward i'm going to bring this back to time lapse it over the last hour, you can see the openings in it. some marine layer here but look at the opening and more blue sky today as this
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thing breaks up. just a bit. but doesn't really matter much because there are higher clouds above that that are just going to get in the way. if you take a look at how today goes, here's the high clouds streaming overhead. little bit of marine layer below it and more breaks of blue sky than we've had but not all blue sky out there today. let me put some numbers on this if you are getting ready to step out the door, grab the jacket because it's in the mid 50s now. so it does feel kind of cool and we're going to do a little comparison here. i'll show you the current numbers for where we are now. and now i'm going to switch these out and lose those and heim going to put in today's daytime highs. which only go up like ten degrees from here. so let's take another survey of the entire bay. and you are going up to the low to mid-60s and that's about as warm as you will get all day today. and we can see san jose's number down here where your temperatures will also come up pretty much to about 65 degrees. all right, i'll be back with the full forecast coming up in a bit. there's a small chance you might get a drop of rain late tonight and tomorrow. and it's going to get a bit windy on friday and i'll see you with
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that in a bit. gianna? windy on the roadways might be a little tough for some travelers. especially in the larger vehicles. but we won't deal with that today. what we have though is a crash northbound highway 1 near bolinas road. alert you to that only because you know that's pretty unexpected through there. and it could cause a bit of a backup as you head through there. all right, let's take a look at traffic in and out of the altamont pass. westbound commuters, the direction you would take for most of the ride out of tracy is slow. down to about 13 miles per hour. but we did have reports of a crash near isabel and that's now been cleared. all right, g, thank you so much. once again this morning, uc berkeley is the scene of protests. we start with students on the steps this morning of prowl hall. they're accusing the university of having ties to support israel. >> i absolutely think that the encampment is, you know, really showing that palestinians are not alone in their struggle. we are trying to emphasize that as the palestinians have shown us over the last seven months in
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the face of this genocide, that you know, that they are here to stay. you know, and so are we until uc divests, we're not going anywhere. >> protesters want the university to cut ties with israeli universities and programs and they say enact policies to protect palestinian students. so far, no reported arrests at berkeley but mass arrests and clashes with police in riot gear have peppered protests across the country. in fact arrests in austin, texas and usc are tow a part of this history of the story. in fact, take a look at the footage of the tension up close. watch. >> back up. >> so that happened at usc's alumni park where at one point, officers took students away in zip tie handcuffs. nearly 100 arrested after police warned protesters to disburse. now let's look at this scene in texas. you see so many people there. troopers at one point came in on horseback at the
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university of texas at austin. 34 arrested there. in fact watch this very video clip during one of the clashes. that is what crowd control by hundreds of officers and deputies looked like in the state of texas. in fact, crews with cbs austin we're told were shoved to the ground. in fact, two members of the media were among the 34 arrested there. back home in california, this campus closed at cal poly humboldt. classes moved online because of police and protester clashes. two campus buildings occupied this very morning by protesters who have barricaded themselves in a building they have covered with graffiti. protesters say they will continue occupying the buildings until their demands are met. something also interesting. meanwhile, you see here in the video the speaker of the u.s. house of representatives mike johnson visited columbia university along with several of his republican colleagues. his mission though was met a lot of boos from the crowd. he sought to advocate for jewish students
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to feel safe on campus. in fact, at one point, johnson called for columbia's president to resign for failing to quickly dismantle those encamp. s on university. >> by ruderal and extreme ideologies and they place a target on the backs of jewish students. >> so jewish students across the united states reporting that they feel unsafe on many campuses. they hope for de-escalation and the release of more than 100 hostages still held by hamas this morning. columbia officials say they are making progress in negotiations with those demonstrators. well, for the first time since the war in gaza began, the family of an israeli american hostage has a glimmer of hope. a video released by hamas appears to show berkeley born hostage hersh goldberg polin alive. this morning we're seeing him alive. he was taken hostage in the hamas attack at a music festival. in the video, his hair is shaved and he is
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missing part of his arm. it's unclear when the video was taken. for his parents, it brings a mix of worry and relief. >> seeing a video of hersh today is overwhelming. we're relieved to see him alive. but we are also concerned about his health and well-being. >> we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days. and if you can hear us, i am telling you, we are telling you, we love you, stay strong, survive. >> the video has renewed calls for the release of all of the hostages with families and protesters taking to the streets in israel demanding their government do more. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. federal law enforcement including the fbi and atf are in daly city after a car exploded. it happened yesterday afternoon and take a look at this. you can see the doors and the roof of the toyota are totally blown out. the inside of the car, just charred. and the windows and windscreen are all gone. cameras caught a
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police robot taking a propane tank out of the car and for those wondering why. police haven't really said that or explained why the fbi may be involved. a neighbor said he heard and felt the explosion. >> i was working on a computer. in my basement. and heard a loud boom. it was loud enough i was in an important meeting but i said what the [ bleep ] was that and -- immediately ran to the back door and opened it and you hear all the car alarms. >> well, none of the homes around the car seemed to be damaged. we have reached out to daly city police and are waiting to hear back. san jose city college classes will have resume this morning following a bomb threat on campus. police say a search of the campus didn't find anything suspicious. and today, new york, former president donald trump's hush money trial resumes after a one day break. former "national
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enquirer" publisher david pecker is expected to be back on the stand. he has already testified about his efforts to buy and kill stories to protect trump. and to promote fake stories about his opponents during the 2016 presidential campaign. the prosecution and defense are also awaiting the judge's ruling on whether trump violated his gag order. reed? time right now 6:09. the supreme court taking the unprecedented political issue. is former president donald trump or any president immune from federal criminal prosecution? and later undergrad making history. a unique voice coming to
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happening today, the supreme court will hear arguments over whether former president donald trump or really any former president for that matter can be criminally prosecuted. and this is important because the outcome could affect the election interference case against donald trump as well as this year's presidential race. skyler henry joins us live with more from the supreme court in washington. this is a decision that literally could write history. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely could, reed. good morning to you. and it really could set the tone for what we see ultimately in november. as these justices will decide
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really and give some insight what the scope of the president's powers can and should be. as they also look to answer an untested legal question whether a former president is immune from federal criminal charges. another historic day at the supreme court. where justices will soon hear arguments to decide if former president donald trump has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official actions he took while in office. >> we have a big case today in the supreme court on presidential immunity. a president has to have immunity. if you don't have immunity, you just have a ceremonial president. >> reporter: two lower courts have already rejected trump's claims of immunity. the high court's decision would determine whether or not special counsel jack smith can move forward with his case charging trump with scheming to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, which trump denies. >> it had never recognized this sort of immunity from criminal prosecution that trump is requesting. so i think it's a pretty uphill battle for the
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trump side. >> reporter: if the court rules against the former president's immunity claims, his trial on election interference charges could possibly start before the election this november, though the court could also decide to send the case back to the lower courts. legal experts say that would also add even more delays to the proceedings. >> the supreme court understands that time is of the essence here. and that all sides and the public all want a prompt decision, whatever that may be. >> reporter: the supreme court's decision is expected to come by early july. these justices have multiple paths to decide how they want to move forward in this case. and how quickly the court moves forward ultimately depends on how they go forth with finding any sort of solution here. remember, they have until the end of the term which ends in june to come up with said decision. and that could ultimately kick off if you will, a series of events which could potentially include
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a trial date immediately after that should they rule against the former president. reed, back to you. >> skyler henry, live this morning from the supreme court. we appreciate your reports this morning. thank you so much so let's continue the conversation drill down on a little bit more about the issues in this case. joining us now, margaret russell a constitutional law professor at santa clara university. so good morning to you. i want to take to you what president donald trump former president donald trump said there in his interview. he said if a president doesn't have immunity, he's just a ceremonial president. is that true from your expertise? >> no. there is -- a long way from that particular wild and bold assertion i think. for example, there has been a case in which the supreme court has spoken and has ruled on immunity from a civil case for money damages and said there's immunity. the basis of this case though is criminal prosecution such as fake
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electors, trying to manipulate the vote. these are not -- part of the job duty of a president. and so i think the ceremonial president argument is quite -- >> when you look at the process of the justices, correct me if i'm wrong here but oftentimes they go back to the original intent of the language of the law. speaking to the original intent, how do you read that? >> that's a -- that's a very good question. for the following reason. there's no specific language to go back to in the constitution. the immunity doctrine is based on what's called common law which is age old law and principles. but there's not going to be an argument about the specific language of a part of the constitution as there has been in different cases. so the justices will look toward the original purpose of having certain kinds of immunity from prosecution. you have heard of
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this in other cases. if a witness agrees to testify against someone else, they may have immunity from criminal prosecution for the acts that they've caused. and so this is really looking either at original meaning or some justices will look at the whole span of immunity cases in deciding. >> you know, democrats are still smarting from mitch mcconnell blocking one of president obama's nominees for the supreme court. let's talk about the justices' final question here. should clarence thomas recuse himself given his wife's involvement in the january 6th insurrection? and also those other justices that owe their seats to former president donald trump? can they give a fair shake to this actual argument? >> that's almost a -- that's a horse that's pretty much out of the barn. my own opinion is that there's serious conflict issues. but recusal is not going to happen. >> fascinating. we appreciate you so much. professor russell
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of santa clara university school of law. we will be checking back in with you i am sure in the coming days. thank you for your smart analysis this morning. >> thank you so much. well, now taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. and i wish i had better news when it comes to the bay area weather. it's not going to be like it was last weekend. darren, exactly what temperatures are we looking at? >> yeah, mid 60s for daytime highs today. we're kind of stuck in that holding pattern for the next couple of days but there's really good news at the end of the 7 day if you wanted to get back to sunny and low 80s. that's coming back. but it's going to take a couple of days and let's get a handle on how today is going to go first. i think tomorrow might be one of the more interesting days actually. in the whole 7 day forecast. going to get a bit windy tomorrow. but more breaks of mu sky today and you can see with the futurecast here, kind of a layer cake of clouds today. so it's not going to be the overbearing ceaseless marine layer that we had for the last
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few days. instead some marine layer and you will get some high clouds. and everyone once in a while you get a break of blue sky today. it will be a little different today. here's why tomorrow is more interesting. you see the band of rain off the far northwest coast? let's come back home now with that in mind and play the futurecast forward on the next few days. already know about today's clouds. but watch what happens tonight. maybe a drop or two of rain comes through tonight. don't count on much from that at all. that really just be more, you know, what we call novelty drops. that's tonight. most people don't get that anyway. friday, is very much like today breaks of blue sky occasionally and maybe another shower from this weak system we were seeing off the coast. but you will get a lot more blue sky by friday afternoon. and then watch what happens. this is friday. look at that. complex of thunderstorms just skirts along the east side of the bay. i don't think we get any rain that here. central valley will but we won't. but what we will feel is as that shrinks by and
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we get plenty of blue sky, watch the wind pick up tomorrow afternoon and evening screens going to light up here and stronger 40-mile an hour gusts right there along the coast and we can watch that again on the close up view tomorrow afternoon. not like there's a wind advisory but the afternoon tomorrow wind speeds will pick up along the coast to about 40 miles per hour or so and 20 miles an hour for the rest of the bay. then on saturday we'll get even more blue sky. and we will start a subtle warm-up going into the weekend. the winds will start to calm down for saturday and we're watching the futurecast play us through on the first part of the weekend here a few high clouds and maybe a bit of a left over broncos but nothing crazy and a subtle warming trend that will begin over the weekend. which is going set us up to get us into next week. when we've got low 80s coming back so as we look at the 7 day forecast, here's the friday windy along the coast day. saturday we start creeping up temperature-wise though it's a bit breezy. sunday we're off to the race because it's going
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to be sunnier and warmer and that sets us up to go right back to low 80s and sunny for a good part of next week. all right. gianna, how's the drive look? it is getting busy, darren as we get a little closer to 6:30. we're starting to see that crunch time for a lot of people getting out the door and heading over towards some of the bay area bridges. i'm always amazed at how quickly things back up at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights were turned on an hour ago and look at it. it is already a slow commute for anyone coming westbound. coming off the eastshore freeway is the slowest approach. and it's not quite to the maze but the foot of the maze just beyond that over pass. start thinking about grabbing the coffee and get going and hopping in the car because it's starting to get really slow in some spots and we're tracking the brake lights across the upper deck of the bay bridge as well. so that's one of the headlines right now you need to think about as you start the morning commute. other than that, it's a pretty typical for the morning drive right now. if you are taking 101 along the peninsula. 880. bogging down just a little bit through hayward but not a ton. still okay to make it to the san mateo bridge and we are seeing
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some slow spots as you head towards the richmond-san rafael bridge looks like we're getting reports of a trouble spot there on the westbound side. not too far from the toll plaza. nicole? time now 6:22. taking a live look at oracle park. the giants are still holding out hope that blake snell will come back to form. but that hope just took a little bit next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized.
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now taking a live look at oracle park. the giants are resting up before starting series at home against pirates tomorrow. first pitch is at 7:15. after dropping the series finale against the mets yesterday. but the big story this morning is the pitcher who was originally scheduled to start. blake snell is now on the injured list. the team is calling it a left abductor strain. snell really struggled to start the season. after signing with two year, $62 million contract. the lefty has lost all three of his starts and giving up 15 earned runs. time now 6:26. hitting 100. this mill valley native is celebrating a big birthday today. you won't want to miss his incredible stories from the baseball diamond. and proving age is just a number. meet the berkeley student tackling a big challenge ahead. and here's a live look outside before we head to break on this thursday morning. the clouds are here to stay. so
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what kind of weather can you expect for the rest of the day? darren pe
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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right now on cbs news bay area at 6:29 in the morning. look at that. i think taylor swift did that weather. it looks sort of like -- a poet that's frustrated. where is the title of the album? tortured poet weather for you. >> i thought you were going to
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say lavender haze. >> or a haze. now i want to get a mist and a spritz of the massage parlor. >> you know what? i think we should just shake it offoff but is the bay area going to shake off all that mist? >> wow. >> these were all song titles. >> yes. >> just figuring this out. >> well done. well done. >> ding. >> yeah, the view you guys were showing looked pretty gray and most of the cameras look that way. here's exhibit b.. the camera on the salesforce tower looking east which normal normally gives us a great view of the bay bridge. you can see mount diablo not right now. cloudy from here but you can see what's different about this. the clouds have lowered. yesterday they were so high they were not really obscuring any of our views. it was cloudy everywhere. but the clouds were several thousand feet up. and today it's lower and watch what happens if we go to one of the other vantage points and another window on the bay. this is the camera that sits on mount diablo and from that vantage point. 2800 feet here, we're above the clouds here. and we're looking down at the tops of them. jed was all clouded in here. so the bottom
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line is, things are changing in terms of the marine layer. you are going to get more breaks of blue sky today than you had yesterday. just not going to get all blue sky and stay on again/off again cloudy and watch the futurecast. see the higher clouds coming in here. little bit of breaks in there. there's a good look at 1:00 this afternoon plenty of breaks here but then more high clouds come in. it's going to be different and it won't be like the brooding marine layer gray so much today. it's not going to have the ability to stick around all day like that like it did the last couple of days so you will see a few more high clouds and overall kind of a nicer day because of that. but we're not getting back to plow sky and warm just yet. look at the daytime highs today. we're only going to the mid 60s. so even if you get a new more breaks of blue sky today, it's still cool. tomorrow is going to be windy. we'll talk about this in more detail in the full forecast coming up in a bit and you might get a drop of rain on you from late tonight
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through friday. very weak little weather system is going to be moving through the neighborhood. tonight and tomorrow. we'll show you what it means in general. and then we'll look ahead. nice -- going back to the 80-degree mark by next week and i'll see you with that in a few minutes. for now, gianna how's the drive? bay bridge toll plaza busy as expected no surprise here for that commute for folks making your way out of the east bay this morning. here's the good news though. we don't have a ton of crashes to report. looks like things are fair limit overall as far as the commute goes. so makes it a little bittizier to deal with some of the brake lights. if you are headed southbound 880 out of hayward. that's getting busy as well and looks like things are starting to get crowded on 680 out of the pleasanton area over into the sunol grade. a uc berkeley student is set to make history as the first undergraduate student to win a seat on berkeley's city council. the vote is expected to be certified in the coming days. but she has already declared victory with about 60% of the vote. our itay hod spoke
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with cal senior about the importance of having a student's perspective in city politics. >> reporter: while most politicians are familiar with the pressures of a campaign trail, cecilia lunaparra's experience was a bit more -- nuanced. election day wasn't just a milestone in her political career. it was also the day her term paper was due. >> i'm very happy and very excited. but it's all been a whirlwind. >> reporter: a senior at uc berkeley, her dream was to become a teacher. but instead of just studying history, she's making it. >> i am the first undergraduate student to be elected to the city council. the first latina to be elected to the city council. and the first openly queer woman of color. >> reporter: at 22, she's won the seat to represent berkeley's district 7, which includes the campus and much of the city's south side neighborhoods. >> students make up between a third and a fourth of this city's population. and we deserve a say in how the city's run. i'll just go
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after class. >> reporter: a 2023 survey found that 41 million members of gen z will be eligible to vote this year. with 20% of them saying they would run for office. campaign manager jonah gottlieb, also a berkeley student, says unlike previous generations, gen z voters are actually showing up to the polls. >> now combined, gen z and millennials are the -- the largest voting demographic in the country. and we are the difference in so many campaigns. >> hi. i'm cecilia lunaparra. >> reporter: cecilia's platform reflects many of her generation's grievances. affordable housing, public safety, and tenant protections. >> some of our leaders refuse to take a stand against the human rights violations in gaza. >> reporter: she's also advocating for a permanent ceasefire between israel and hamas. [ cheering and applause ] a divisive issue at the center of massive demonstrations and rising anti-semitism on campuses across the country. [ chanting ] on the day of our interview,
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she attended a pro palestinian protest on campus which demanded the university financially divest from israel. >> there are so many people in our community that are hurting and that are demanding that our local government pass a ceasefire resolution. >> reporter: for now, she's focused on juggling her last two classes and the demands of her new political life. >> there's so much in my head. and -- it all feels very surreal. >> reporter: and while most of her classmates will be off chasing their dreams, cecilia is already living hers, right here in berkeley. >> she will fill the seat of former berkeley councilmember rage ill robinson who resigned in january. he was also 22 when he was elected in 2018. but by then, he had alreadygraduated from cal. reed? staying on campus. the fourth and final falcon chick now hatched on top of uc
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berkeley's tower. this is live look from falcon cam. and annie is keeping the new chicks nice and warm and been doing it all night long and you see her nodding off there a little bit. in fact we've been able to see this morning what's left of the egg shell from the new chick next to her. this right here -- there she is. waking up. but this right here was that beautiful moment that the new and final chick started to hatch. brother or sister right next saying you can do this. i have done it. the mom pecking away at the egg to help baby bird out. at the same time, that mama bird doing the job multitasking as so many parents do to keep the other chicks warm. they hatched on monday. new life. in fact, all day people participated and anticipated in the aryal of the fourth chick and you can see the big screen there on campus. uc berkeley held that hatch party streaming it live all day long. falcon experts and volunteers were there to answer any questions about birds. >> she needs to brood them to stay right on them almost
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continuously for -- for about two weeks or so. because when they're first hatched, they can't regulate their own body temperature. >> that's jan there. she's talking about needing to -- regulate that body temperature 10 to 12 days and by the ways this annie's eighth year producing chicks. time now 6:36. a new economic report for the first quarter this morning. i'll chat with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger to give you a better explanation of what it - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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it's time now for a look what's coming up later on "cbs mornings," tony dokoupil joins us hive from new york. i hear a little wnba which is topic we love here on the show in san francisco. >> oh, we've got it all on the show. we've got wnba and we've got pop tarts and jerry seinfeld and a big show. good morning nicole. coming up on "cbs mornings" a very powerful and emotional part two also of the cost of care giving series. with lisa ling. this morning, she sits down with in unpaid caregiver struggling to stay afloat while carfor her mother
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and two young daughters daughters. as you mentioned, basketball stars like caitlin clark and angel reese are breathing new life into the wnba. with a new season a few weeks away we talk to the commissioner about what to expect and how she's looking to expand the game to keep on expanding the game. and pop tarts and comedy. we cannot wait the talk tocomedians jerry seinfeld and jim gaffigan. in studio talking about their highly anticipated very funny, very -- unserious movie about unfrosted. the battle to create the pop tart. breakfast supremacy on the line. it's going to be good and i have had about nine pop tarts so far. my blood sugar ratio is off the charts. >> oh now you have to run like ten miles to burn that all off. thank you tony. it's time now for money watch report this morning. the government just reloosed a report on economic growth for the first quarter. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us live from new york to tell us about all
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the results. good morning to you, jill. and happy thursday. so how did the economy do to start the year? >> reporter: well, gross domestic product, that's the tally of goods and services sold in the economy, actually grew by 1.6% annualized in the first three months of the year. this was lower than expectations. most economists thought there would be 2.4%, 2.35%. if you recall last year, the year when everybody thought we were going to see a recession, the economy overperformed and we grew by 2.5% last year. the first three months of this year, looks like an underperformance so far. >> jill, what's expected for the rest of the year? >> reporter: well, i know this disappointing first three months. we have to remember first of all, there are two more revisions to this same data. so it could go up from here. but if you look overall, we had a report out from the international monetary fund and they believe that the u.s. will be the powerhouse of global
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growth. they think our economy is going to grow by 2.7% this year. they also think inflation is going to be coming down. and that most likely, overall, that we are going to see a soft landing. meaning no recession. kind of come down to earth. and we'll see that we'll kind of readjust our expectations on prices. >> jill, the federal reserve convenes a policy meeting next week. so what are they expected to do? >> reporter: even though this is a softer than expected reading i think the fed is doing nothing next week. you know it's interesting the feds have to complains two competing forces and they want the inflation rate to come down and it's not come down enough for them and they want to make sure the economy is actually growing enough to create jobs. so the labor market is pretty solid. and inflation still higher than they'd like. so i think they do nothing in may. they may not do anything in june. we'll see what the next few months bring. but i think the most likely
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scenario is the fed starts lowering interest rates at the september meeting. that's what a lot of people are focusing on right now. of course, doesn't really matter when. it matters this they get the inflation rate down and we all feel better about that. >> all right, thank you jill. for more analysis, go to gianna? well, a mill valley native holds the impressive distinction as major league baseball's oldest living player. vern glenn had the chance to sit down with him on the eve of his 100th birthday. >> reporter: you are this kid from mill valley. and you are playing in the big leagues. >> i know. i know. i came a long way. >> reporter: art schallock graduated from tamalpais high school in 1942 and he spent the next four years in the navy in world war ii. when he returned home, art played minor league baseball before finally getting called up in 1951. >> i was thrilled to death.
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going to the -- top baseball team in the whole world. >> reporter: he joined the new york yankees. but to make room for him on the roster, the club sent down a young rookie named mickey mantle. >> they sent him down to kansas city. he came back three months later though. you know. made quite a name for himself. >> good afternoon. welcome to yankees stadium. >> reporter: art spent part of the next five seasons in yankee pinstripes. >> walking in the yankees stadium for the first time, that was -- the biggest thrill of my life. i think. i was just -- awed that i was part of it. >> reporter: he was part of three straight championship teams. and even pitched two innings in the 1953 world series. >> stengel says afterwards the reason he pitched me. because i had been brought up with the dodgers and i knew the dodgers. he said, my bullpen does not know the dodger hitters. >> reporter: the 5'9" left-hander described his fastball as sneaky fast and relied on his catcher, hall of famer yogi berra. >> when i first got up to the yankees, he was my roomie. because he knew all the hitters
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in the league and every morning i'd have to go down to the lobby and get him the funny books. [ laughter ] >> reporter: these days, art is back in the north bay. his room is filled with memories from his baseball past. but there was one notable exception. his 1953 world series ring. >> my wife hid the thing in the house and then she couldn't remember where she hid it. and when we sold the house, it went to the dumps. [ laughter ] never did find it. just one of those things. and -- >> reporter: that's unbelievable. >> those rings sell for around $25,000. >> reporter: yeah. he got to live out his childhood dream nearly 70 years ago. but there's one thing he would have liked to change. >> the minimum salary for a ballplayer was $5,000. today -- it is $475,000. i was born too quick. [ laughter ] >> reporter: art will celebrate
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his 100th birthday on thursday and has the distinction as the oldest living former major league ballplayer. >> it's a wonderful feeling and i'm glad i'm still here. maybe i'll be here for another week and maybe two weeks, maybe three months or i may be gone tomorrow. i don't know. at my age, we -- [ laughter ] >> simon -- >> no, you are still here. that's wonderfulment he's so -- i mean, seems like he's got a great personality. a lot to give and share. >> yeah, what a life well lived right? >> i know. >> darren peck? we are knocking it out of the park with you this morning. >> good segue there. so cool to learn that we had somebody with that king of history here in our own backyard. vern always finds them. to the big picture view here. the camera from the view from the virtual set shows you know difference today. just as
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gray as it was yesterday but i can tell you those clouds are different. that marine layer is not built the same way it was over the last two days. so primarily it doesn't stick around as long and you will get a few more breaks of blue sky today. but it's not going to be all blue. because there are some higher clouds that are going to be coming in to match it and in fact let me show you what i mean by that. we'll go to the forecast imagery and you can kind of see there's a little bit of marine layer this morning. but watch what happens and you can see the high clouds streaming overhead. while some of the marine layer pretty much melts away. most of it should. but all the while we'll have some high clouds mixed in so it's kind of a mixed bag today. but it is not the all day grayout that yesterday was. we're also not getting mist out of the marine layer this morning. it doesn't have the ability to do that. like the last two days. it's -- it is. it's built entirely different and it is part of the change. which i'm going to get into in one second. because tomorrow it's going to get a bit windy. and then at the end of the 7 day, 80s are coming back. so first off here's today with a mixed bag of clouds. and some breaks of blue. we're pretty
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much doing low to mid-60s today and it will be a bit breezy. nothing -- that is real major on the wind today. but it will be a bit breezy at times as it often can be this time of year. and tomorrow it's going to be noticeably windier. so let's start out by taking a look at how this come together. if we leave behind the view of what the marine layer is doing now and i show you what the rain is doing now. sitting off the northwest coast live. here's the forecast imagery and let's come closer to home and tonight few light stray isolated showers. they really -- they really going to be very hit and miss. and you probably don't really notice much if any of that. but technically it is possible that this evening, we get a drop of rain. couldn't even measure it. you go oh, is that a drop of rain? be that kind of thing tonight and then tomorrow a few more of them. here's friday now. same story, breaks of blue sky. maybe an isolated stray shower comes in on friday. look what's going on in the central valley though. this tomorrow
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afternoon. isolated showers occasional thunderstorms over there. there's a weak storm in the neighborhood tomorrow. but we're not going to get any rain out of it here, what we will get from it is a bit of wind. watch ow the screen lights up right there. that's tomorrow afternoon. now that is a windy day along the coast. 40-mile an hour wind gusts out along the coast and maybe 20, 30-mile an hour winds for just about everybody else. and that be pretty much about it. so when we get into the 7 day forecast, friday, doesn't really have rain on it. but it is going to be a bit breezy and especially near the water. then we get to saturday, and while it's not an entirely clear blue sky, it's a lot sunnier than what we've had. sunday it is much sunnier. and then next week it's all about sunshine and warmer. even going back to the low 80s by tuesday and wednesday. gianna, how's the drive look out there? it's looking pretty typical for a thursday morning. as i like to also call it friday eve. or friday jr. because that weekend we see you. but we also see at lough brake lights right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. move out of the way just a bit so you can see how that backup is brewing out there. and beyond
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that overpass, at this point so it's certainly getting a little slow for that morning commute. and as beget even closer to the 7:00 hour, that's when things really start to slow down. so plan that as you head out the door. that's one of the headlines right now as you see a busy commute for east bay riders heading over to san francisco and that goes for anyone crossing from that east side over towards that west side area if you are headed say 880 and you are taking that commute from the east bay over towards the peninsula, and you are heading westbound, that's getting busy as well. especially south 880 out of ahayward getting on the san mateo bridge. westbound commuters getting on the altamont pass, bottleneck a little bit for tracy for supercommuters. the positive is there's not a lot of accidents or issues to slow things down and it's just that usual traffic you can expect on a thursday. looking live right now at the airports this morning. whether you are flying out of the bay area for work or for fun, some refund relief is on the way. the transportation department has just announced new rules for airlines that will actually put money in
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passengers' pockets to make up for travel nightmares. listen to this. the new rules call for refunds for delays of more than three hours for domestic flights or more than six hours for international. refunds also apply to other services like delayed luggage or if a paid wi-fi service doesn't work. airlines are also now required today disclose fees up front for things like checked bags, carry-ons or changing or canceling a flight. >> it should be a wake-up call to them. anytime, you know, somebody's hit in the pocketbook, it should kind of wake you up right. >> cancellations and delays they happen but they shouldn't happen because the airline is just seeking to maximize profit. i think moves by government like this, it's great. >> the new rules go into the effect in six months about refunds. ♪ ♪
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that's megan thee stallion in collaboration where maroon 5. it's a
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welcome back. let's go live now over towards the peninsula with an eye-popping price at the gas pump. it's --
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shocking to see. we already know gas prices throughout california are the highest in the country. but look at that. this gas station is in menlo park. it may be the most expensive in the state. with a gallon of regular unleaded soaring above the $7 mark. at the she ron. just for comparison now the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.66. that is $7.09. $7. that is hard. >> you know. >> to like wrap my head around. >> that's a meal. you can go to in-n-out and get french fries and medium drink and a hamburger for $7.40. >> who i think of. i think of the food banks who tell me all the time when i'm out live for a food for bay area families campaign. this is literally killing our ability to get out and get the food where it needs. something's got to give. >> so true. so true and you just think about -- i mean i would never stop around for gas and now i pay attention even
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more so. and you should. it's a good idea. but like -- gas buddy app is become my best friend literally. that's crazy. well, summer just got hotter for san francisco. megan the stallion is coming to chase center with the hot girl summer tour. listen up. ♪ ♪ >> maybe the flying car doesn't use as much gas. the long list of hits from body body to "hiss." the grammy winning hip hop star has been selling out arenas from new york to l. a. the june 23rd show at chase will be the last u.s. stop before the tour heads overseas. tickets go on sale tomorrow. >> she is gas. as the kids would say. >> fuel. >> she provides me with all the fuel i need on my runs and i justitiad you her new song that i love so much. that i run to. >> i like it. it's a little spicy. but i like it. >> after reading the lyrics. >> explicit. the g rated version. all right, now to detroit
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where the city is getting ready for a huge weekend. the first round of the nfl draft is tonight for the motor city. and one of those star athletes is from right here in the bay. georgia tight end brock bowers is expected to be ficked tonight. now he might have played college ball in the peach state but he grew up in napa and he went to napa high school where he played football and basketball. and many draft analysts have bowers getting drafted pretty high you guys. possibly within the top fen here. >> good luck to him. all right, taking a live look levi's stadium. the 49ers will be picking 31st tonight in the draft. san francisco went the past two years without a first round pick. and as you watch the draft this weekend, you might notice some familiar faces and names. four former famous 49ers could have the kids picked this weekend. legend jerry rice and his son brendan. the college receiver spent the last duoyears with usc. and here's ed mccaffrey and his son luke. the wide
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receiver had a great year at rice. he is one of christian's three brothers. no pressure there. continuing a trend of receivers, terrell owens has fun -- always fun to watch. and he -- he is hoping his son that reek all the success he finished up his college career at missouri state but that also went to bishop o'dowd high school in the bay in oakland. to wrap things up it seems like frank gore just ended his playing days and we hope to continue frank gore jr. in the nfl. played at southern miss. like father like son. >> so cool. what a coinsolence there. i love the nfl draft. the outfits. and then you -- always get that one player that we think is going. pretty high. and then drops to the second day. it's devastating. >> my dad watches on streaming he's probably like i was a basketball star. what happened to you? sorry dad. >> stop it reed. coming up at 7:00 -- >> shining star.
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>> new california bill requires schools to come up with homework policies that consider the mental strain on students. but will less homework mean more positivity? we'll have that conversation in our "people are talking" segment. and the hilarious and glamorous drag comedy slap returns to san francisco. coming up at 8:00 we'll be talking to drag laureate darcy about the show. on this thursday morning, get your ♪ i hear those trumpets on this thursday morning. welcome to "cbs mornings" and hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm natalie morales. >> glad natalie's here. nate is off today. so let's go to today's "eye opener." it's your world in 90 seconds. police arrest hundreds at a campus protest all around the country while speaker mike johnson jumps into the debate at


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