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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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delayed leaving montego bay. got me just in time to miss my flight. >> reporter: now, the government is stepping in to make sure air travel is less turbulent leaving more cash in your pocket. a celebration in north bay as the oldest man to play for the mlb turns 100 years old. hear the stories from his baseball past including how he lost a world series ring. >> my wife hid the thing in the house and then she could not remember where she hid it. >> this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich.. goo good evening, business owners are railing concerns. this time the changes are actually prompting questions along the grand avenue corridor just off of lake merit. the city wants to reconfigure the
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road between broadway and mcarthur. that will come with the loss for parking on a busy commercial corridor. >> what you want to see is when they come off of the grill. here we go, here is a better one. >> reporter: jerry's acclaimed sandwich shop boasts five-star reviews, the problem for his business is right outside his front door >> my staff, each one has been smash and grabbed four times >> that is why he argues they will be reluctant to walk from surrounding streets and parking lots in 32 spaces are 40% of the parking on grand. if it is lost to the insulation of new protected bike lanes. >> people don't want to be away from their cars. now f it was policed properly they would not mind. >> so, here is cava. a long time client. >> for elizabeth mcdonald it is
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accessibility for long time clients or people carrying their animals the corridor itself is vulnerable. >> i think it is no secret. a lot of small businesses in the bay area and brick and mortar are struggling a little bit right now. >> we need to be thinking about how to prevent deaths on our street. >> oakland started rolling out a bicycle safety improvement plan back in 2019, advocates say the protected lanes are for cyclist and pedestrian but, these lanes do have a mixed reputation among business owners. there has been push back in neighborhoods across town. >> we are all for biking in the community but i just don't think it is the thing for 14th street. >> reporter: that was in 2022. now the discuss comes over to grand avenue, traffic planners already altered the plans to reduce the parking impacts, some say it is still too much.
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>> enough parking to really make most businesses on the street to be concerned. if you lose parking less people come. >> neighbors are trying to organize and get the city to alter the plans further. we were unable to reach anyone with the city of oakland today. a website for the project says they will be accepting public input through the summer. >> wilson, thank you. some of the businesses on grand avenue were worried. they will have the same issues as businesses across the bay in san francisco's mission district. they say their sales took a huge hit since the city re-configured valencia street. this afternoon, san francisco transit officials were back at west portal, they are asking people to weigh in on the proposed safety changes in the area. as you can see there is a lot of interest
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there. the revamp comes after a speeding driver hit and killed a family of four at a bus stop. our jose martinez will have more on this story at 8:00 on pix plus. new video showing the aftermath of an explosion today in daly city. you can see the toyota with the doors and roof blown out. the inside burnt. the windows gone. as a police robot removes what appears to be a propane tank from the car. we saw members talking to local law enforcement and firefighters. the police have not said what caused this explosion. all right, on to new propaganda released today. a video released by hamas. it shows hersh goldberg-polin. cbs news can not confirm when it was recorded or what kind of pressure he faced. hersh goldberg-polin is a duel citizen. he was captured in
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october. the video shows one of his hands is missing. he is one of eight americans still believed to be held by hamas. today his parents released a video of their own. >> seeing a video of hersh today is overwhelming. we are relieved to see him alive but we are concern about his health and well being as well as that of all of the other host annuals and all of those suffering in this region. >> and hersh, if you can hear this, we heard your voice today for the first time in 201 days. if you can hear us, i am telling you, we are telling you, we love you, stay strong, survive. >> reporter: the goldberg-polin family called on the negotiating parties including qatare egypt and r, egypt to sign a bill. about 26 billion
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is for israel. about $1 billion is for aid in gaza including medical supplies and also clean water. meanwhile, pro palestine protests are spreading across college campuses in the u.s. and they popped up more than 2500 schools including some here in california. on campuses things are getting more and more chaotic. in fact, in the past hour a s.w.a.t. team has moved in on demonstrators at usc's campus. this is chopper footage showing s.w.a.t. just trying to clear out the protesters. a little later, s.w.a.t. formed a perimeter around the quad where a group of demonstrators were forming their own circle. a group is moving their demonstration to nearby streets. >> let's go! >> back up! tension moments between the police and protesters before a s.w.a.t. team was called in at usc. officers tried to get demonstrators to clear their tents at alumni park. at one
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point a protester was put in a patrol car. he was later let go after demands from the crowd. this is one of many against the war in gaza. meantime protesters at uc berkeley are refusing to leave their tents until the university agrees to the demands. they want the university to cut ties to anyone with a relationship in israel specifically related to arm suppliers. he has no plans to change the investment policies. on to other news now. new guidelines to help airline passengers dealing with problems and delays and cancellations and lost luggage. katie neilson breaks down the new rules for us. >> reporter: almost everyone we talked to here today had some kind of a story to tell us about a flight cancellation, a time they were delayed, or even getting bumped from their flight entirely. new protections just announced
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could make getting compensated even easier. >> usually i am on a airplane once or twice a week. >> reporter: dave sid san attorney and a frequent flyer. spending his fair share of time stuck in airports include egg citizen when he was stuck at l.a.x. for eight hours due to cancellations >> i think i got $150 voucher. at that point i would of paid them $150 extra to get on a flight. >> reporter: situations like those that sparked the department of transportation to draft new rules to protect travelers >> we have heard it all. too often the things we hear about are not just irritating inconveniences they are significant harms and more importantly violations of passenger's rights. we are here to do something about that. >> reporter: the rules announced require a refund, not flight credit or miles for a canceled flight. if passengers are delayed for more than three
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hours fordomestic or six for international flight they are eligible for a refund if they don't want to fly. bag fees have to be refunded if a checked bag is significantly delayed and passengers get a refund if services they paid for are not available like broken wi-fi. airlines are required to disclose fees up front for checked bags, carry on bags or changing and canceling a flight. >> this is not just about enforcing when something goes wrong it is less likely something will go wrong in the first place. >> reporter: a welcomed change for passengers like angela who missed a connecting flight coming back from an international trip. >> last night my flight was delayed leaving montego bay. got me just in time to miss my flight. [ laughter ] >> i had to get rebooked. >> reporter: she hopes they get airlines to plan better and solve problems before they arise. >> it should be a wake up call
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to them. any time somebody is hit in the pocketbook it wakes you up, right? >> cancellations, delays they happen. they should not happen because an airline is just seeking to maximize profit. i think that moves by the government such as this i think it is great. >> the rules about getting a refund will go into effect up to the next six months and the rest a year from now. another day with cloud cover across the bay area. but, we did occasionally see a few cracks in the cloud cover. peaks of blue sky from our time lapse looking out. another day of clouds tomorrow, changes for the weekend coming up in the first alert forecast. major league baseball's oldest living former player is about to reach an incredible milestone. he sat down with our vern glenn. you are this kid from mill valley and you are playing in the big leagues. >> i know,
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this say good one. a mill valley native holds a disdiction as oldest mlb player. >> we don't make a big deal out of stuff but this really has become a thing. imagine the that he has experienced in nearly 100 years. but his favorite days? in yankees pinstripes in the early 1950s where he was teammates with multiple hall of famers. he pitched against hall of famers. now, only one guy gets to be the oldest living ballplayer and it is this marin county fella with stories to tell. >> you are this kid from mill valley. [ laughter ] >>and you are playing in the big leagues. >> i know. i know. i came a
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long way. >> art graduated in 1942. he spent the next four years in the navy during world war ii when he returned home, art played minor league baseball before finally getting called up in 1951. >> i was thrilled to death. going to the top baseball team in the whole world. >> reporter: he joined the new york yankees. to make room for him on the roster the club sent down a young rookie named mickey mantle >> they sent him down to kansas city. he came back three months later, though, made quite a name for himself. >> good afternoon. welcome to yankees stadium. >> reporter: a■rt spent five seasons in yankees pinstripes. >> walking in the yankees stadium for the first time that was the biggest thrill of my life, i think. i was just awed that i was part of it. >> reporter: he was part of three straight championship teams. even pitched two innings
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in the 1953 world series. >> he said afterwards the reason he picked me is because i had been brought up with the dodgers and i knew the dodgers. he said my bullpen does not know the dodger hitters. >> the 5 '9 left hander described his fastball as sneaky fast, and relied on his catcher, hall of famer yogi berra. he knew all of those in the league and i had to go down and get him his honey books. >> these days, art is back in the north bay. his room is filled with memories from his baseball past. but, there was one notable exception. his 1953 world series ring. >> my wife hid the thing in the house. then she could not remember where she hid it. and, when we sold the house, it went to the dump. [ laughter ] we
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never did find it. just one of those things. >> that is unbelievable. >> yes. those rings sell for around $25,000. >> yeah. >> he got to live out his childhood dream nearly 70 years ago. there is one thing that he would of liked to have changed. >> the minimum salary for a ballplayer was $5,000. today it is $470,000. i was born too quick. [ laughter ] >> he will celebrate his 100th birthday on thursday. he is the oldest living former major league ballplayer >> it is a wonderful feeling. i am glad i am still here. maybe i will be here for another week, two weeks, maybe three months, maybe gone tomorrow. i don't know. at my age -- [ laughter ] >> hey, at 100 you can say whatever you want. huge party
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planned for him tomorrow at his residents. he faced some of the greats of the games. you got to face jackie robinson. how did you get jackie robinson out and he dead pan looked at me and said fly ball center field. >> oh. no problem. >> like it was nothing. i was a fan, boy, the entire time i spent with him >> i could tell. normally you are the one asking a lot of questions and kind of entertaining, he was entertaining you. >> yes, yes, he had the floor. >> as he should. >> oh, happy birthday eve. great story, thank you. let's head over to paul heggen for weather. what a fun story. great catch there, vern. >> absolutely. and happy birthday. happy 100th birthday. let's look at what is happening weatherwise. plenty of clouds out there this evening. the big picture pattern will not change a lot tomorrow. we will see more cloud cover, a stronger breeze kicking in tomorrow. but then,
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things will shift back between normal weather pattern as the parade of upper level system, farther to the east there is light at the end of the tunnel if you are ready for a return of late april sunshine. none of that out there this evening. looking out from sales force tower. an ominous look. nothing is falling out of those clouds. not much change. we will not drop a lot heading through the rest of tonight that is the impact of the blanket of clouds, keeping most of the lows in the lower 50s. cooler spots dipping down. highs tomorrow, the opposite impact of the cloud cover. blocking the sun, keeping the temperatures from warming up a lot. 4-5 degrees in most of the area. 66 in san jose. one spot hitting 70, antioch, that is it, for the 70s. everybody else in the 60s. i say pretty much, along the coast you will not hit 60 degrees, got up to 61 degrees in half moon bay today.
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you will be stuck a few degrees cooler than that tomorrow. the closer you get to the coast the better you are seeing the drizzle starting the day. in terms of any actual showers, that is not likely. let's take a look at future cast. we will zoom in tonight through the morning. all of the gray, indicating the cloud cover. in terms of green. the radar simulation, not much showing up there. a couple sprinkles possible as we head through tomorrow evening. few and far between. a couple drops in the windshield. and then by the time friday rolls around we will be tracking, clearing trend for the skies. it will be cool and breezy. the hour by hour wind gusts, the every three hour wind gust heading from 1:00 p.m. on thursday and friday seeing gusts tomorrow, 30 miles an hour. gusts getting up to 35-40 mile-an-hour range heading farther into friday afternoon. a wind advisory posted by the weather service. we will keep you updated on
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that. farther down-the-line. a return to near normal temperatures, this is a 10 day temperature outlook. you can see the roller coaster ride, one mild day on tuesday, upper 70s. another cool pattern settles in by the end of the first part of the week in may. taking a look at the forecast. normal territory on saturday and sunday. inland parts of the bay area, lower to middle 70s. there should be plenty of sunshine in the skies over the bay as well with the temperatures returning to normal. the upper half of the 60s, touching 70 degrees in the warmest day on tuesday. you will not see and change to your temperatures along the coast. you are going to see more breaks in the cloud cover and earlier bit of sunshine along the coast by the time we hit the weekend with a similar pattern sticking around as we start the month of may starting a week from today. >> paul, thank you. governor newsom wants california to be a safe haven for doctors who can not - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level,
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but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+. business. - it's not a nine-to-fives only vi proposition. studio. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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. governor newsom is asking state lawmakers to allow arizona doctors to receive a temporary license to perform abortions here in california. the idea is to provide care for patients from arizona crossing the state boardtory get an abortion. this is a direct response to arizona supreme court which recently upheld the law that bans all abortions but when the mother's life is at risk. it is official. tiktok could be off limits to american
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users as soon as next year after president biden signed the potential ban into law just today. it means the estimated 890,000 california businesses and 16 million individual users in the golden state will be cut off. that is unless byte dance sells the u.s. operations in the next nine months. well, she already has the gold - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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. champion figure skater and bay area native kristi yamaguchi is getting a doll. it is to honor the first asian american woman to win gold medal in olympic skating. well deserved. thank you for
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watching. we will see you back here at 11:00. have a good one
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] ["family feud" theme plays] steve: how y'all? i appreciate that. thank y'all. i appreciate it, everybody. yeah, i do. thank y'all.


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