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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 24, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. thank you for joining us this morning. it is wednesday, april 24th. >> let's get started. >> any tour of berkeley, they will proudly say these are the mario savio steps. and say how
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much they celebrated the free speech movement. i would not be surprised if they do the same thing to us in 50 years from now. >> national protests against the war in gaza and echoes of unrest at home. we're live at uc berkeley. a person was yelling at me, screaming at me, calling me a zionist. and a murderer. >> protest culture on college campus is making jewish students across the united states feel afraid. calls for calm at the highest levels of u.s. government as the jewish people hope hostages are not forgotten. we discovered that that was where we had the most problems. especially at night. >> the strength of staying in business is for, you know, for being open all night. >> tenderloin curfew and a business blowback. how a city plans to curb crime and has corner markets protesting a pinch. ♪ and summertime in the bay just got a lot more fun. get ready, bay area. outside lands about to bring you inside the magic of music. good morning
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everybody. it's nice to have you here and halfway through the workweek and i'm reed cowan. >> it's officially wednesday which means i see the weekend. i'm gianna franco. >> i'm nicole zaloumis and so glad that the band is back together. speaking of bands, you interviewed nkotb. >> otherwise known as new kids on the block. >> oh them. >> you have never heard of them, reed? because you were doing the dance moves. >> i'm just wondering if we changed our mind and go back to do the dance ms when gianna gives us the story. >> keep it in your stomach and not -- out. i will not dance on live tv. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. let's take a live look outside on this wednesday morning. and it looks pretty. you know, prettier than yesterday when the clouds were just like -- hanging out and the marine layer, that's what, you know, the professionals call it. right darren peck. >> we know one. >> felt so proud to say that. >> i said it with a big smile. there's no marine layer.
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>> or frontal flow. >> right. that's where -- >> we're on a roll. >> just keep progressing and we should probably end it on that one. [ laughter ] so the marine layer is -- it actually is still out there this morning. but it's so elevated we can see most everything. like we can see the golden gate bridge. just fine from that camera on salesforce tower. we can see the view from -- over the santa clara valley right now. and we couldn't see that yesterday. however, the clouds are still there. they're just high enough they're not necessarily getting right in our face about it. it's going to be gray most of today and even a little bit of light rain mixed in with all this. watch the futurecast and you can see -- just a couple of blips of green on here. so this is not your typical marine layer. it's getting an assist from an area of low pressure off the coast. which is what's given it the ability to stick around all day like it did yesterday. do that again today probably. and it is going to have an impact on the way it looks and feels throughout the rest of today. it's going to chemotemperatures right where they were yesterday. which means we're doing the mid- and
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upper 60s again for daytime highs. so we don't warm up a whole lot. but one of the benefits of having a gray looking sky like that, is it's kind of like a blanket which still keeps the temperatures relatively warm in the morning. so the afternoon temperatures are definitely going to be down. but the morning temperatures are not -- really any different. in fact, maybe a degree or two warmer than what you have had so don't expect to notice a whole lot of difference but it's a little warmer. i'll be back in a bit. we're going to talk about that friday system. no longer looks like the possibility for a few light sprinkles of rain. instead, friday looks like a wind issue. so we'll talk about winds along the coast coming up and then we have to look at the weekend. for now gianna how's the drive look? the freeways are getting busy out there. darren especially over at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are officially on. so it's officially slow as you head westbound over into san francisco. so keep that in mind as you are making the commute this morning. if you are riding along 880 the nimitz, so far
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pretty quiet in both directions. overall we're doing okay with the exception of the altamont pass. things are getting a little bit busy. some public transit information to report. i'll have that in my next update. well, gianna, we turn our attention to uc berkeley this morning. protests kick off another week of nationwide outcry against the war in gaza. just like a large occupation at columbia university in new york, dozens of uc berkeley students in an encampment on the steps of vow plaza. shawn chitnis is live this morning. how will this affect cam bus life? we know where the tents are celt up it's right outside the main gate. where a lot of people will need to go to get to class. >> reporter: hey reed, good morning. yeah, and we think that is likely why it is having an impact if i step out of the way you will see that those tents are certainly still here. not a lot going on as those students are probably still sleeping. but this is the main thoroughfare to get through campus. and students have already told us that by just
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seeing these tents here, that impacted them and they made the decision to join the effort and spend the night here as well. now adds we've been talking about, this is just one of manies that happening across the country right now. students are protesting the war in gaza and creating encampments like this and here at uc berkeley they say they are in solidarity with the effort they see at columbia university in new york. students say they will remain here until their university cuts ties with all israeli colleges or companies connected to arm suppliers and formally recognize israel's action as genocide. >> we are standing sin spired by the students over at columbia who we consider to be the heart of the student movement but more importantly standing in solidarity with our people in palestine. >> reporter: so the university released a statement saying with three weeks left in the semester, berkeley is prioritizing students'
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academic interests and take the steps necessary and goes on to say there are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices. now here on that main stretch of campus, you can also see sather gate behind me. there has been a daily protest vigil by pro palestinian students since february. take a look though. this is just around the way here or just down the stretch from those tents. so you get the sense of how much of a larger presence this can have on the campus when they come together. this latest effort behind me though hoping to be a 24/7 response. reed, back to you. >> all right, thank you so much. also up north, cal poly humboldt closed after hundreds of pro palestinian protesters barricade inside at least two buildings there. in fact as you see police lad to respond. the word from cal poly morning just stay home and they'll hold classes online. meanwhile, police making arrests at yale and columbia
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and nyu. protesters at columbia were told to be gone by midnight by for some reason, that demand has been pushed back. 120 protesters arrested at nyu. more than 40 arrested at yale. >> i think that it's time to divest from those manufacture -- weapons manufacturing and redivest them into other important things. >> imagine being a jewish student on campuses across the country would come with great tension. and in fact, some say they are afraid for their safety on campus. in fact, here's student melissa. >> person was yelling at me, screaming at me, calling me a zionist. and a murderer. >> israel says more than 130 hostages remain held by hamas a quarter of them feared dead after hamas attacked and killed israelis on october 7th. house speaker mike johnson's office announced he will meet with jewish students at columbia university this very afternoon. so this is a nationwide story once again. we have you covered and north, south, east and west. for the occupation at uc berkeley and other college
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campuses across the country, stay with us on air and online, and streaming on cbs 24/7. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. a potential ban on the popular app tiktok is on its way to president biden's desk today. the senate approved the historic legislation in a sweeping bipartisan vote overnight saying the social media platform is a security risk. now this is part of a larger $95 billion package that provides foreign aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. it would ban tiktok nationwide unless the company's chinese owner bytedance sells the app in the next nine months. president biden says he'll sign the package as soon as he gets it. tiktok is vowing to fight in court. a former google employee accused of stealing ai secrets for china tech companies is due in court today. prosecutors say 38-year-old lynn way ding stole more than 500 files of confidential information while secretly working for a company
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based in beijing. ding faces four counts of trade secret theft. now to san francisco. taking a live look at city hall. mayor london breed wants to try to new way to cut down on crime in the tenderloin. a curfew for certain businesses. the new idea has business owners pretty mad and our lauren toms talks to a man who thinks this idea is the wrong approach. >> i want my neighborhood back. >> reporter: at what cost? >> well, there is no cost. i used to have a cost, but not now. i want my neighborhood back. it's not fair. >> reporter: del seymour has called san francisco his home for nearly four decades. even being dubbed the unofficial mayor of the tenderloin. but after dark, the neighborhood he knows and loves turns into an unrecognizable nightmare. >> when i was living there and when i was on the streets, by 9:00, 10:00 at night, we all went to bed on the tent in the
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mattress or wherever. now the tenderloin, don't even start until 10:00 at night. >> reporter: that's when many of the community services like urban alchemy leave the area as part of their contract with the city. but the city is trying a new tactic to crack down on open air drug markets. mayor london breed announced a plan to ban stores in the area from selling prepackaged food or tobacco products between midnight and 5:00 a.m. >> when we looked at the data around some of our -- kind of corner store operations, we discovered that that was where we had the most problems, especially at night. >> reporter: breed pushed the plan at an event for small businesses in the tenderloin that have struggled getting customers in the door because of the scenes outside. >> we got -- to clean up our streets first. no one will come. >> reporter: but the idea of restricting sales at corner markets isn't welcomed by everyone. we talked to one shop owner who pins the problem on the city's housing struggles. >> just trying to blame businesses for, you know, for being open all night. but i don't think that's -- that's the issue. so homelessness has
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been going on for san francisco for like more than 10, 15 years. >> reporter: but it's a strategy the city has tried before in this area. seymour remembers when the city restricted alcohol sales to curb related crime. and even 25 years later, he's confident it could help. but alone, it's not enough. >> maybe 20%, 30%. that's what i'm predicting, because i was here when it happened before. we were never this messed up. >> reporter: even so, his efforts to return the tenderloin to a place he loves are unconditional. >> well, it's now up to the board of supervisors to decide whether or not to approve the one year pilot program. reed? all right, time right now 6:12. ten, tens, tens across the board in the baby by. get ready for pose and porter for your pride. a grand announcement ahead this morning. plus this. ♪ ♪
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take you back in time to 1988 and you got it from new kids on the block there. i caught up with the group as they celebrate a big anniversary. we'll be right back.
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( ♪♪ )
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feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ )
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taking a live look from san francisco. if you know, you know. okay? tens tens across the board. billy porter superstar is your pride grand marshal and main stage headliner. porter is well-known for his role in "kinky boots" and the show pose. the emmy tony and grammy winning star will be a part of the parade. the pride parade in san francisco and also be a part of the main stage. the year is set for sunday, june 30th and listen i highly recommend you get the memoir. it will tell you all about billy porter and how he is the way he is. i read it and it so good. little book recommendation for you. nicole. >> all right. thank you, reed. let's take live look outside on this wednesday morning. as gianna said earlier, we've made it halfway through the workweek and it's hump day and look at the commuters down there. and darren, how beautiful is the weather going to be today. >> going to be gray like
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yesterday was. and i think -- we need a little explanation actually on what's going on. >> thank you. >> yeah. with -- i mean it was gray all day yesterday. it's stayed in the mid- and upper 60s and we're starting the day the same way. look at the live view from the virtual set. you can see we were looking at the -- clouds a moment ago over the bay bridge. here's another view looking at it from a different perspective. those clouds are going to be just as persistent today as they were yesterday. this is not your typical marine layer. this getting a little bit of an assist from an area of low pressure about 200 miles off the coast right now. which is kind of unique i'm going to show it to you on the forecast imagery. but this is what's driving all the weather right now. because it's allowed the marine layer to really get some depth to it. and stick around longer and let me show you what it looks like right now. we will bring up the forecast imagery to kind of see where the center is and you can actually pick out when we put the streamlines on. see the circulation and green in it? this is the kind of marine layer that can actually mist persistently like along the
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coast and in the hills. it's not the kind of rain where you get measurable rainfall out of it. but you do have to deal with it on the morning drive. and you might need your windshield wipers on in a receive gray owe like this. and if we play it through the course of today, and then into tomorrow, you are going to see why tomorrow is different. but first you are going to see all the rain that this thing is going to try to rotate our way. a few light showers and i mean that wouldn't be much. i don't want to overstate that. and then look what happens by tomorrow. look how it gets pushed out of here by the next thing and the next thing is going to make it windy on friday. so bottom line is, take away from that is, today's just as gray. thanks to that area of low pressure out there. and will probably also get a little bit of light rain and then tomorrow, it's a very different story. because we're going to start making way for friday's system. so we're looking ahead now and you can see there's a little bit of rain off the coast tomorrow. it's not the rain that's the impact from this system. i don't really think we're going to get anything from this
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rain-wise on friday now. maybe a drop or two. but it wouldn't so much be that this is a noticeable rainmaker. change the way we look at this, it's going to be windy along the coast on friday now. and that's probably one of the bigger impacts from the friday change. not -- overwhelming wind storm. but 40-mile an hour gusts on friday. watch the transition. and you can see your area of low pressure there today. as that gets pushed out of here, look what it gets replaced by. and watch the screen light up on friday afternoon. right there. so that's like 40-mile an hour gusts for the coast and the hills. but the take away in terms of the way we're all going to experience this day is cloudy, and upper 60s. and that's about almost an instant replay on what yesterday was. and in the 7 day forecast, while we may have somewhat less in the way of cloud cover, for thursday, it's almost an identical replay of today and maybe you get a few more breaks of blue sky on thursday than you will today but the
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temperatures aren't budging. friday we get the 40-mile an hour gusts along the coast and on again/off again clouds. and then we break the pattern. in the weekend we're going to warm up into the mid 70s so we're going back up to average. maybe even a little bit above and plenty of sunshine. no wind. all right, gianna, how's the drive looking? it's busiment we're now in the time seeing all the brake lights building at the bay bridge toll plaza, little hard for anyone. a little crowded. just a heads-up there. also dealing with some public transit stuff this morning. just a heads-up taking b.a.r.t. or muni everything is good and caltrain is on time as well but the sausalito to sf ferry that service is still suspended for some pier work that's happening there. and then vta starting today will be doing some track maintenance on the orange rail line. so bus bridges will be in place. and that's just for a section of it near mountain view. so something to think about as you head out the door and make sure you check that schedule. more newsic on this
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wednesday morning. believe it or not, today is new kids on the block day.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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guess what today is in it's new kids on the block day. no, for real. it's a thing and it was first declared back in 1989 and the group is celebrating their 35th anniversary with a new song and a new album and a new tour. i caught up with the danny, jordan and joey of the band who shared with me why the bay has
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such a special place in their heart. ♪ ♪ they do have the right stuff. and for the first time in 11 years, the new kids on the block are back with a new single, "kids" off their new album, "still kids." ♪ >> and we haven't had a new album in like -- a decade. so it's just nice to have a whole new record, 14 new songs for the fans. ♪ ♪ >> the iconic boy band is gearing up for their summer tour, also featuring paula abdul and dj jazzy jeff. >> so it's just -- we love touring with people we like. and have had good experiences with. and jazzy jeff, we've known forever because we did shows with him and will smith back in the day. so it's -- it's really nice to have him back. and we'll, you know,
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we'll be hanging out with him all summer. ♪ >> with stops right here in the bay area. ♪ ♪ >> like when we first hit the scene, "please don't go girl" was like a big hit in the bay area and we were like all over the place in the bay area. and -- definitely a special place in our hearts. so can't wait to get back over there. ♪ ♪ >> try to mix it up and keep it fresh every tour and keep it exciting for us and the fans. and play all the old hits like we always do. but then, you know, infuse it with some new stuff. ♪ ♪ >> you know you have made it when you obviously sell out arenas and have big crowds come to the shows, but also when you
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get your own day. there's an actual new kids on the block day. are you like, hey ma, i made it? this is it now? >> yeah, i mean, i remember when we first got that and they read the -- i think it was the governor came. or had someone come. and read it at one of our shows. and, whereas this group has done enough for the city of us. we kind of -- you know, we kind of milked it for all it was worth by the way. >> but enjoying every step of the way. i mean, step by step. right? so get ready block heads. the new album drops on may 17th and the tour kicks off in mid-june with the stop right here in the bay at the shoreline amphitheater on july 3rd. so i'm ready for it. are you guys ready for it? i know you are, because you have got the dance moves and you know all the music, nicole. >> i don't know if i know all the music. but i do like the new song. >> i do too. >> yeah, and you know what? so i was more nsync and justin timberlake dropped new album recently and nsync is on the album with him. and i love
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their new song. so two great new songs from these nostalgic bands. boy bands. >> so fun. i think didn't nkotb sort of -- no, they didn't pave the way. >> they did. >> they literally paved the way. i mean, they were like the first. you know as far as like our generation with a type of boy band. there was other boy bands in the past but this was like -- >> what about and boyz ii men. they gave me a rose in junior high. life-changing. >> oh my gosh. that's cool. all right, 6:26. how could you? i saw boyz ii men with janet jackson. the sf film festival starts today and one movie might have you rethinking your stance on math. plus this. ♪ ♪ are you planning on going to outside lands? well, you can see the killers this year. the massive lineup at golden gate
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park. we'll be right back
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right now on cbs news bay area at 6:30 in the morning, taking a live look right there at our bay area bridges. and it's a beautiful day to build a bridge in our community. we hope you are off to a smooth sail just like the seagull that we do pay the seagull now gets 10% of this broadcast for
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flying across the camera. darren. >> earning their money. darren. >> that's good thing for jonathan livingston's seagull. spend it well. okay. starting out gray today and that has been the pattern for really the last two days anyway. because monday we started out and there was no marine layer. yesterday, never left. and today, it's back with the same intensity that it had. so the theme for wednesday is going to be another marine layer gray day. with a little bit of marine layer mist mixed in and watch the futurecast on the time there. this is taking us through the next several hours and this is not a rainout. but it is going to be a little bit of mist if you are near the coast. or near any bay area hills from this. it's the kind of rain that you cannot measure. because doesn't really full in enough amounts for that. but it is enough rain that you can get some, you know, the wipers have to go on on the car. don't be surprised if you do. already happened for north bay communities and certainly happen along the coast and any of the hills throughout the course of this morning. and the temperatures
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temperatures are relatively comfortable. temperatures on here in the mid 50s. the cloud deck out there. it's -- kept the temperatures a little bit warmer for the overnight hours. but it is going to bring the daytime highs down again, about a degree or two from what we'd gotten used to. i don't think even makes it to 70 today and probably be mostly mid and upper 60s for the wednesday afternoon and not really a whole lot of blue skies. tomorrow will be a bit different. no persistent marine layer and more breaks of blue sky and then on friday a bit windy. we have to talk about the winds now on friday. it's not so much a concern from light rain anymore. from this friday system. but it could make it windy out here along the coast and i'll show you that coming up in a bit. over to gianna right now and see how the drive is looking. we are status quo on the drive, darren with the busy conditions at the bay bridge toll plaza. stacked up this morning heading into san francisco. if you are taking public transit to avoid the roadways, bart, movie, caltrain on time this morning with no
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delays but juiceheadsup. vta orange lightrail service there's a bus bridge between mountain view and lockheed martin stations starting today through the 28th doing some track work and also for the sausalito ferry, there's golden gate ferry service now between san francisco and sausalito. we'll update you on that. in the meantime, not too bad on 880. at least through oakland if you are headed south of there over into hayward we're tracking slow speeds into fremont and getting busy 680 as you work over to the sunol grade on the southbound side. nicole? well, it's time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. today, governor newsom will announce a new bill in response to arizona's extreme abortion ban. he'll join the california legislative woman's caucus to announce emergency legislation that would allow doctors from arizona to come to california to provide abortions. california has spent $3.7 billion to prevent wildfires and home insurance companies are worried about the costly
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coverage. state senator josh becker introduced a bill that would require insurers to acknowledge california's efforts to prevent wildfires. now this bill doesn't force the insurers to give discounts b but to recognize these efforts and their coverage decisions and costs. california lawmakers are scheduled to take up the bill today. former president donald trump's hush money trial is on its weekly break today. yesterday, trump heard testimony from former national incuber publisher david pecker. he promised to help trump bury stories during the 2016 campaign. prosecutors argue this was meant to influence the election by buying rights to those stories and not publish them. court proceedings resume tomorrow. gianna? well, new affordable housing is coming to oakland's lake merritt. a ground-breaking ceremony was held by state and local leaders. the new development will have 91 apartment units and 25% of them will provide supportive housing for homeless families. the money for the project comes from an infrastructure bond
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passed by voters in 22. meanwhile, in the soh bay, a grand opening for thnewest affordable housing development in downtown sunnyvale. it's located on south matilda and west iowa avenues. a rib been cutting ceremony was held at meridian. it has 89 units and 23 of them are set aside for low income households with intellectual and developmental disabilities. since the building is in downtown, it's close to several parks and stores and community centers. the san francisco film festival kicks off today and it may be a bit early in the morning to talk about math. for some. but we want to highlight a new film on the subject. that says math has more importance in our society than ever before. and categorizing ourselves as someone who is and isn't a math person isn't right. it's playing as part of the sf film festival and our shawn chitnis caught up with director of the film to give us a more detailed look at the questions and the themes it poses.
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>> reporter: the director of the documentary "counted out," vicki abeles, never planned on being a filmmaker, but when the attorney and parent couldn't help her kids with their math homework, she started to look into how the fear and trauma from studying it in school affected adults. >> if only a few people get the math that you need to create those technologies that influence our lives, we've got a select few people who are shaping our experience of the world. >> reporter: for five years, vicki and a team made up mostly of people in the bay area have worked on this film. finding people with incredible stories of how math changed their lives as adults in negative and positive ways, depending on how comfortable they were with it. >> if you think about the 20th century, then you're thinking well, you need to know enough math to function at the post office. but in the 21st century, we're in a different ball game here. >> reporter: vicki says she did well in math throughout her schooling, including college,
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but had to take a closer look at how it was taught in the classroom once she became a parent. >> i want everyone in our audience to feel seen by this film. so many of us carry a great deal of shame about our math experience in school. and that impacts our ability to engage with the world. >> reporter: she says you don't need to go back to grade school and take math again. but you should feel empowered to ask more questions around medical and financial choices in your life. >> the world that we're moving toward has math everywhere. and i don't mean this in like -- there's math everywhere, kids, kind of a way. i mean something concrete and kind of dark. >> reporter: the sf film festival is the west coast premiere of "counted out" and the chance to start a conversation in the bay area. home to silicon valley, it's one more reason vicki is grateful to have it screened here. >> i think in order for us to identify the problems that we need to solve as a society, and to come up with creative solutions for the problems that
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we all collectively face, we're going to have better outcomes if we have more people at the table in those decisions. >> reporter: rethinking our collective view of math as more than just numbers and formulas, but a language to make sense of the world. >> well, the film screens this sunday and you can still try to get last-minute tickets by checking the sf film website. reed? well, everybody has different parents method odds and some are tougher than others. and some are a little more open minded. >> yeah, and when it comes to encouraging our children, it's showing them the worst case scenario and what they want to accomplish the best for them? >> good question and joining us is drew barrymore and ross mathew this is morning in the latest drew's news segment. hi guys, good morning. >> hi. everybody. thanks for having us. >> good morning. yes. and we are tackling parent issues but you know we're doing out our kind of way. it's a story about cindy crawford. her -- heard of her? [ laughter ] arguably the best model in the
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history of time so her daughter is going to be going into modeling as well and she wanted to prepare her. and this is where the parental debate starts. so in order to prepare for more modeling guess what she did? showed her videos of models on runway falling down. have you ever seen those videos on youtube? >> oh, yeah. so many. >> yeah. there's so terrifying and i tell drew it's the only reason i didn't go into modeling because i don't want to fall. on the runway. but here's the question. is that setting her -- up for failure or is it preparing her for the potential worse? so anything other than that is good. you are a mom. >> i don't know. i take it as -- like -- hey, don't think that you need to be perfect. other people aren't. you are not. nobody is. and go out there with more confidence and levity. i just -- that's the way i took it. but i don't know if that was her intention. but it's funny that it's sparked such a debate. >> i know. what do you all think. >> yeah. >> i actually completely agree with cindy crawford. i have
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little baseball players and they look at the bloopers all the time and they're like i don't want to be that guy. >> i think it's you know, kind of one of the -- and sometimes tough just brush it off when bad things happen right? also does teach them like things can happen and you just got to make the best of it and keep on going. >> get the dreams and i want to segue a little bit. i got to segue because last night i had a dream about you, drew barrymore we went to a little new york diner and in ou pajamas and you let me eat the bacon off your plate. i know. >> satin silky sexy? >> like -- it was like one of those fuzzy sort of mornings and we had coffee and you let me eat your bacon. drew. thanks for the bacon. >> i feel like this -- dream could actually be reality. i mean, that's what she's like. it shows up and like fuzzy pajamas and totally let you eat the bacon off plate. >> i would definitely share my bacon. i'm a sharer. so i think -- you are correct in
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your -- dream assessment of what it'd be like to hang out. do you know what we were talking about? >> the parenting thing. we were supposed to talk about that but i had to interrupt it with my dream talk. >> he was so hungry. >> he was hungry. >> in the dream. what are we talking about? over the bacon. >> we were pitching that tv news anchors should be a part of the transformation challenge, ross. >> this dream needs to become a reality. >> drag race? >> i know. >> yes. and i'm going to speak in code. only drag race fans will know what i'm talking about. eat your banana this morning. [ laughter ] >> oh. >> i don't know -- no spoilers. >> no spoilers. >> how's it going over in san francisco for you guys? we love san francisco. >> beyond. >> i mean, we've got nice weather. we've got sunshine. and you know, you guys come on out and visit us and i think ross you made a promise to have dinner with us at zuma's at
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some point. >> best chicken. i'm in. >> he would love to come visit you in person and so grateful to be here with you this morning and hope the sunshine lasts and you know, you just have a great day. and keep sharing everybody. i will see you soon. >> we love you dearly rose i'm going to have a dream that you are sharing the chicken with me. thank you so much. >> i love them. >> catch the drew bar roy more show with ross every weekday at 9:30 right here on kpix. they are so fun. >> they are. >> they are. >> so fear based parenting is the topic there. some people you know, on occasion. you know, threw a little fear into there just to scare them. so they -- stay correct. >> my son thinks the fbi monitors his search. on his phone. >> sometimes you have to. right? because you want to get the point across and don't want them to try things ever but as far as a career, she's going to model. it could happen. i really do understand that you sort of want to set them up for things can go wrong. be prepared. >> the runaway bloopers, so --
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rough. i loved watching the victoria's secret fashion show and when someone bobbles little bit. she had the one moment. >> not perfect. >> we've all been there. >> maybe not on the runway. all right, tesla troubles. the tough news for the company and the many bay area employees this morning. plus -- ♪ ♪ we're not running bay from anything. we're circling back on the coverage of outside next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain.
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it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. it's time now for the money watch report. more than 2700 bay area tesla employees are set to lose their jobs. the company is seeing its biggest drop in revenue in 12 years. ceo elon musk had already announced that tesla would lay off 10% of its global work force. and plans to lay off nearly 2700 workers in texas and california starting in june. that includes more than 2200 jobs from fremont and nearly 500 jobs in palo alto. the rising competition in the ev industry sent tesla's first quarter profit plunging 55%. ♪ ♪
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i love it. the legendary willie nelson and family own the road again helping to kick off a new season of music. he's put out more than 100 albums over his career and country music star performing tonight at 8:00. talk about a legend. taking the stage about a week before he turns 91 and by the way, he's on beyonce's album. >> that's right. >> yes he is. >> a little spot on beyonce's album and makes me just say keep going, willie nelson. >> you should go. >> my dad said sing it willie. more music because outside lands is returning to san francisco's golden gate park august 9th through the 11. save up now because a three day general admission pass is going to run you warrant $465. and that's before fees my friends. they go on sale later this morning at 10:00. and yesterday we finally got a first look at the lineup. ♪ ♪
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>> well t killers are one of the marquee artists at the festival. the las vegas based band known worldwide for their americana stadium rock sound headlined the festival before but that was back in 2014. ♪ ♪ >> eddie vedder did it and now hip hop artist post malone doing it is also making his return but this time will be a different vibe. he's going to perform a special country set. ♪ ♪ >> i mean we love everything about this. among all the great artists too is northern california native sacramento's victoria monet. she won flee grammys. the r&b artist has been touring for the last year
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and even stopped at coachella this month. also bringing back the so ma tent especially for edm music. last year people were evacuated from the tent after the floor gave in. but organizers say this year it will be an open air tent. so they fixed the problem for that. and have you guys been to outside lands and done that music festival? so much fun. it really is. it's a weekend of music and everyone in a great mood and there's always incredible bands and it's been a minute. last time i went i think metallica was playing. so it's -- >> what year was that? >> five years ago. >> i think it's funny that you know the edm the floor gave out. not know that 500 people were going to be jumping up and down for several hours. >> you need a strong floor. the baby in the video. >> i know. >> whole family. >> yeah. >> right. >> beautiful. did you ever see a baby and think let's have one more? [ laughter ] >> kind of all the time. but -- then i know my limits. >> then you go home to the kids and you are like bad idea. love you kids. so much. >> we love you. >> i don't know. okay. >> light of my life. taking a live look outside
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on this wednesday morning. and one thing is for certain. we've got to talk to darren peck and i bet you were a cute baby. were you? >> a good kid. >> i have to pull out the pictures and what do they call it when a kid has got blond hair and then it goes away? i kind of -- towhead kids? i can't explain it. but up until i was like 3 years old. so -- anyway. and antithesis by the way to the crazy prices for outside lands kind of crazy actually. after that hardly strictly bluegrass phils in golden gate park for a whole weekend and it's free. >> stern grove too. >> we love to partner with them. >> even better. stern grove is even better. >> let's get sorted out with all the clouds out there. again. yesterday they never left and probably going to hang on again today. and they're getting an assist, this is not your typical marine layer. this is annoyer of low pressure about 200 miles out here right now. which is spinning this stuff up and getting it all worked up and allowing it to
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stick around all day. we can visualize it. see the circumstance lake out here. and you see how there's a little bit of rain in it. so the marine layer is -- a little bit -- more intense. it's got a little bit of light rain in it. and it's able to last longer and watch what happens today. see that spin? and a little bit of light mist approaches the coast from it. we got one more day under the influence of this. so today going to stay cloudy and we'll stay in the mid- to upper 60s for daytime highs. and watch out changes tomorrow. very well defined line here. friday, something else comes in. and pushes that low out of here. and then we get our kind of more typical marine layer which fills in tomorrow. and by more typical i mean it's going to be lower and it won't last all day. and it may not even fill in for the entire bay tomorrow so you might get a little more blue sky on thursday. borne that, things don't change a whole lot just yet. we're really waiting for the weekend to get back to the mid 70s with blue sky. we don't get that until we get to the weekend. because
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between now and then, there's one other minor little system that comes in. the one on friday. which was going to threaten the possibility of a few sprinkles. that really doesn't look all that likely on friday. this system is gone there. we don't really get much rain at all here in the bay on friday. you saw what happened over on the other side of the state with the few showers and thunderstorms. but it's not so much the rain now on friday. instead, it's the possibility for stronger winds now along the coast. so watch today's system and you can kind of see that spinning low leaves and look what it gets replaced by on friday. see the screen light up on friday afternoon. stronger northerly winds come in. a closer look at that. not like we have a wind advisory on friday, but even though the national weather service is saying we might need one of those. but they have not put one out yet for it. watch the difference for friday afternoon and pick out your part of the bay. that's a noticeably windy day and 25, 30-mile an hour gusts for everybody else. that's really the theme on friday. and then
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we get to the weekend. and -- the went turns off and the blue sky comes back. and the temperatures go back up look at the numbers back here. mid 70s by the time we get to sunday and monday. and we go into early next week. pretty much holding on to that pattern and looks pretty good. okay. gianna, how's the drive looking out there? you know, it's busy in some spots and not in others. but the brake lights along the nimitz freeway 880 certainly getting crowded heading maybe from that paseo grande area. this is a live look and you can see just starting to get a little bit busy there for southbound commuters. making your way hayward all the way down into the area near fremont we are certainly starting to see a lot of brake lights. and it's getting a little crowded over here at the san mateo bridge for westbound commuters heading over to 101. now the nimitz is still looking pretty good north of there. if you plan on taking 880 through oakland right now we're not bogged down with any brake lights or delays and that approach is pretty clear heading towards the bay bridge. until you get to the toll plaza. that's where the metering lights are on and it's slow heading across the upper deck into san francisco. you can see a lot of red
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popping up on the sensors. especially on 80 westbound there as you work your way out of berkeley into emeryville. zoom in here on the ram autopsy because still pretty slow this morning down to about 9 miles per hour. so crawling along westbound out of 205 getting on to 580. nicole? time now 6:53. before you know it, the paris summer olympics will be here. we take you inside the training for team usa table tennis. we'll be right back. here's what's happening in the bay area this weekend. decked out at the quarters, brings together more than 20 bands for a one day only one of a kind music celebration. along officers row vallejo's mare island. the san francisco international film festival showcases cinema from around the world including several films with bay area ties. ♪ ♪ six the original musical is the winner of 23 awards and the
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most royal party on broadway. get the best seats to "six" in san jose when you become a season subscriber. today at the bay ar
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the summer paris olympics are almost here. and our vern glenn rallied with the team usa
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table tennis team. they're training right here in the bay area to set themselves up for the big stage. >> i think my middle school french will get us through. >> reporter: but before they go to paris, the usa table tennis team is training right here in burlingame. lily zhang will compete in her fourth olympics. it will be the first time for teammate rachel sung. >> i started crying. so -- i was just very like in shock. i couldn't believe it. >> this is the dream. you know? this is the highest sporting stage in the world. it's every four years. it's what we've worked for, you know, our entire lives. >> reporter: and on this day, it was not just the olympians that grabbed a paddle. what's it like playing against an olympian? let's find out. hey, i'm volleying. >> there we go. >> reporter: oh! i went one-on-one with nikhil kumar.
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he started playing when he was 5 years old. >> just my head to my shoulders and -- the racket and i'm hitting the ball up here and stuff. >> reporter: did you ever think it would come to this? >> i hoped at some point it would. >> reporter: really? >> i wish -- i always dreamed about it, but i didn't think at that time how realistic it could be. >> reporter: oh god, too strong. >> here we go. uh-oh. >> reporter: oh! what did you do to the ball? >> just a little spin to that one. >> reporter: whoa. [ laughter ] that was a point. did you see that? [ applause ] >> all right, who on this set do we think would be the best at table tennis. >> i mean clearly me right? >> hand/eye coordination. >> it's you. >> it's. >> i'm very competitive. >> so reed, just admitted without admitting i'm terrible. >> a skill i don't know. >> i mean i'm terrible. >> are you really. >> i'm am dexterous and i don't know which hand it's
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supposed to be in. >> we would change the rules for you. we can fix that. coming up at 7:00 hit comedy show "ghosts" is currently in the midst of the third spooky season. we'll be chatting with some of the ghosts haunting wood stone mansion. >> he needs a doctor fast. >> he does. it's volunteer week, this morning we highlight and celebrate a local organization giving back to those who need it the most. coming up at 8:00 hear from a food bank on the importance ophidia nate dog a good cause. beautiful day in the bay area but could be a little chilly. ♪ i hear trumpets as we welcome you to cbs mornings. hello to the viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm natalie morales. >> nate is off but you see we're in good hand


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