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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 23, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> he showed us how to care and look out for one another and that every human being deserved to be treated with love, dignity and compassion. >> tributes pouring in this morning for a san francisco icon. we're looking back on the life and legacy of reverend cecil williams. this place is very, very symbolic and now we are just reclaiming it for palestine. >> pro palestinian protesters taking a stand at uc berkeley and across the country. what speaks to me the most is the fact that we are literally going out there and saving lives. >> they are bridge builders in our community. red cross volunteers going above and beyond to help us. and could one of the bash brothers be making his way back to the a's? jose canseco's pitch for the dugout. no way jose? that's what one of the camera operators just said. i'm nicole zaloumis. i mean, jose if it sells tickets and brings fans to the sacramento
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ballpark. well, then, okay so be it. >> know i would be interested to see how he did. never know. anything can happen. >> did you watch his reality show? i did too. how could you not? ingly mean especially covering sports right? >> a's, maybe incorporate him somehow. it's hard to look away. >> it is. it's hard to look away. good morning, i'm gianna franco and speaking of looking let's get a look outside on this tuesday morning. as we start to see a little more light we get a better perspective of what to expect for the day as we take a view of san francisco this morning. and temperatures changing a little bit and might be slick for some people. especially along the coast tomorrow. yeah, tomorrow morning coastside any of the hills around the bay, that marine layer you guys were just showing has gotten thick enough we're into one of those morning marine layer mists scenarios. not quite rain. doesn't really -- not coming down in downpours. but the streets get a little bit slick and maybe the wipers go on but you need to be near the coast and certainly in the hills coast side or along any of the hills like even back far beyond the far edge of the view you might get a few drops of rain
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but you can see from looking out the window here on the virtual set. this is different today. marine layer is back. and daytime highs are going to be ten degrees cooler today than you were yesterday. look how widespread this stuff is. we were looking at san jose live in the last visit and says is one of the few places where maybe you have got an opening in the clouds. and in spots. maybe in the tri-valley. we'll take this forward today. it sticks around until you get to late morning and watch this. by the time we get to like 1:45, most of the immediate bay and inland valleys are looking at blue sky today. you know the drill. a marine layer mornings like this. it's pretty widespread in the morning. and then you get some breaks. but it doesn't ever clear completely. we're going to be looking at the marine layer hanging out along the coast and most of the day. it's probably going to hang out around the golden gate bridge for most of the day today. getting a little assist. by that i mean come out for the bigger view look what's off the coast. that area of low pressure is the reason why the marine layer all of a sudden really deepened back up. and tomorrow morning,
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look at that. a few drops of rain will be possible again along the coast. primarily because there's that weak area of low pressure sitting off the coast there. let's look at daytime highs real quick. low 70s is as warm as we're getting and san jose, 70 in a nice day. tri-valley same story. you got used to the 80s for the last three days and nobody is getting above the low 70s today. most of us especially the immediate bay, are going to stay in the mid 60s. be back with the full forecast in a bit. gianna, how's the drive looking? you know, i wanted to take a peek at the golden gate bridge as we talk about the marine layer to see any visibility issues at all and so far, so good. everything is pretty quiet. so your morning drive not looking too bad. really the one thing you need to look out for in some areas especially towards the east bay is some windy conditions. you might really feel that as you travel into the altamont pass. as well as across the benicia bridge. chp issued a wind advisory overnight. so just be extra cautious as you travel in and around these areas and keep the two hands on the steering
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wheel. nicole? tributes continue to pour in for bay area legend reverend cecil williams. the longtime pastor and social activist died monday. known for his compassion and support to his community in san francisco's tenderloin, williams was instrumental in turning glide memorial church into a name heard around the world. the reverend s■erved s astor f glide memorial church for 60 years before retiring. he was a champion for people who needed help the most. feeding the poor and hungry and turning glide into a world famous nonprofit. helping hundreds of thousands of people. well, he's also known for stepping up in crisis. like in the aftermath of the deadly loma prieta earthquake that threw the city into absolute chaos. >> right on, right on. right on. >> who loves you. >> i lofty. >> that's the point. we got to do what? we got to do what? we got to do what? pull together. >> we got to pull together.
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yeah. [ applause ] this san francisco no matter how much turmoil it's in, you always see them straighten it out. they think i'm sometimes the miracle worker and i'm not, i'm just like they are. >> our lauren toms went to glide memorial to talk to his friends and admirers about the legacy he leaves behind. >> reporter: two rows back and facing the pulpit will always be where reverend cecil williams sat every sunday for church. as recently as easter sunday, he would rejoice with his congregation to tunes led by dennis hersey who arrived to glide memorial 22 years ago. >> i walked into the church for the first time on an easter sunday. i think that i was at the -- came to the right place at the right time to get what i didn't even realize that i needed at that time. >> reporter: dennis smiles when he thinks of williams, even hours after his passing.
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>> i think that's the thing when i think of him. i think of light and i think of love. i think of support, generosity, i mean, i can just go on and on. >> reporter: it's a sign of the unconditional love the reverend offered, a signature of his that defined the impact of glide memorial church in san francisco as a house to be welcomed. >> you can come in drunk or high, you can come in in the height of your white privilege, you can come in as a single mother. you can eat a meal and come upstairs. it mattered not. >> reporter: reverend marvin white has been learning in the shadow of reverend williams, poised to lead the community from the reverend's legacy that he says helped guide him and others for years to come. >> i went to him and i said, cecil, they want me to fill your shoes. and he -- absolved me from that responsibility. he
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said, i need for you to be you. you know? and to understand that where you take it is where we're supposed to go. >> reporter: the legacy of reverend cecil williams cemented inside glide memorial and forever on the streets he served. >> we dug into the archives for this one. reverend williams had his own show called "vibrations" right here on kpix. back in the '80s. >> because you going to love this -- in fact, i bet you going to make another request for this show. you watch. here we go. >> the episode focused on how to tell the story of the black experience. we also found an old interview from 1971 with former kpix anchor belva davis where retalked about glide. >> people tell me this is the first time we've come to church and felt good. most churches people go to feel guilty. i don't know why churches want do make people feel guilty. we work out our problems together. >> and we were there when
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reverend williams celebrated his 90th birthday. >> always talked about changing the world and i really believe that we have touched many people from all over the world. >> mayor london breed released a statement saying he inspired members of the african american community to dream and serve. mentoring many to become leaders. governor gavin newsom who once served as san francisco mayor released a statement saying that reverend williams embodied the values of unity, generosity, and acceptance. adding that all of us can be inspired by his legacy. well, glide is still working on details for public memorial. for more on the life of reverend williams, head to our website. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. pro palestinian protesters are making their stand at uc berkeley. to divest from companies with ties to israel and to cut a study abroad program there. here's a live
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look at the steps of the campus sprout plaza. these are just some of the hundreds of protesters from yesterday's rally that set up dozens of tents you can see there. it's all part of the gaza solidarity encampment movement. which has swept college campuses across the nation. >> this place is very, very symbolic. and now we are just reclaiming it for palestine. >> president biden spoke on the unrest condemning the protests nationwide calling it blatantly anti-semitic and dangerous. [ chanting ] cal poly humboldt also seeing protesters gathering for a late night protest. police said it caused a shutdown through tomorrow. they said they received reports of dozens of protesters occupying siemens hall right before 5:00 p.m. within the hour, the number ballooned to hundreds. local news outlets are reporting that the front entrance seems to have been barricaded by furniture. and over on the east coast, police arrested a few dozen protesters
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at a rally in front of nyu yesterday. this after hundreds of demonstrators had defieduniversity warnings they would have to face consequences if they failed to vacate the premises, coming after last week's demonstration after columbia university which led to a large number of arrests. the university says classes have been moved online due to safety concerns for jewish students. now on to the hush money criminal trial of former president donald trump. former "national enquirer" pubbish already david pecker will be back on the stand today. in opening statements yesterday, prosecutors argue that pecker met with trump to buy and cover-up negative stories about the former president ahead of the 2016 election. trump denies these allegations. today, the judge will also hear arguments on whether trump violated the gag order imposed on him for this trial. time now 6:11. it's a
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month dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the contributions of volunteers. you meet this woman who helped save lives for the red cross for over 20 years. and later you can definitely say it's an ambitious goal. this teen's plan for a record-breaking journey. let's get a live look outside and say hello to tuesday morning. you are looking over towards the city of san francisco. we'll
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we're celebrating community bridge builders in the bay area. and april is national volunteer month. a northern california, thousands currently volunteer with the american red cross. 90% of the red cross work force are volunteers. and a quarter of all volunteers are 24 years old or younger. well, the organization can always use more help around the bay area and beyond. shawn chitnis has more on the impact it has in our community and the people that do the work. >> reporter: caro dratva has been a volunteer for the american red cross for more than 20 years. >> what speaks to me the most is the fact that we are literally going out there and saving lives. >> reporter: her time working in the northern california
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coastal region lets her work in san francisco, but has also sent her across the country to serve those in need. >> i feel like i fell in love with the people and i fell in love with the fact that i could help at any time i wanted. >> reporter: she started volunteering in 2002 after 9/11 inspired her to get more involved and do more for her country. one of the first tasks caro took on was helping families connect with each other over the phone using her skills as a spanish speaker. three years later, she would be part of the team from our area to respond to hurricane katrina. >> it was a life-changing experience. at first, i was a bit -- you know, scared. but then later as i got to meet my fellow volunteers, it became extremely rewarding. >> reporter: more than two decades later, caro keeps up her volunteer work with the red cross because of the flexibility and the impact it can have in the community. there's a need almost daily to support the victims of house fires in the bay area, including assisting families who need shelter, financial assistance and child care. caro
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has also participated in events that educate and install fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. >> i think volunteering is one of the best things anyone can do in their lives and we sometimes think we don't have the time for it, but i have a full-time job for an architecture firm, i have a part-time job with a nonprofit, an organization that works on ocean conservation, and yet i have the time to volunteer for the american red cross and then have my personal life. >> reporter: caro says there's likely a role for you that works with your schedule. >> please give it a try. come. volunteer, talk to us. and maybe if you can't do it on a regular basis. maybe once in a while. so great see people out there helping. let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. grab the coffee and come on over because darren has the forecast. and i know it's not going to be the 80s today as we had hoped darren, but maybe we'll see some okay
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temperatures in some spots before the rain comes on in. >> still going to make 7 today for inland valleys. still a nice day but yeah like ten degrees cooler than yesterday. it's been a pretty dramatic shift that has taken place between yesterday morning and this morning. and it's starting in the afternoon yesterday. stronger onshore flow and clouds came back and it was breezy along the coast and look at the skies we're waking up to this morning. this is pretty widespread in terms of the marine layer although there are a couple of places not looking at it. let's kind of use the -- the series of cameras that we have. just to get a handle on how this morning's going. you can see what the time lams looks like here over the last 30 minutes. that's the marine layer over the city but it's not low enough it's a factor on the bridge. it's cloudy. but the marine layer, the base of it is actually really high. so it's not like you are battling fog from this stuff. unless you are like in the hills along the coast or here, those the hills above the santa clara valley, we call it the black mountain
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camera. normally we look down live towards stevens creek boulevard and downtown san jose from that view. not today. cloudy and misting and look at that drop of rain. it's cloudy here and misting on these hills but it's not on the view you guys just showed. that's mount diablo and you can see there's plenty of breaks of clear skies there. here's the better way to get the vantage point on it and you can see how widespread the gray is here. here's what it's going to do today. in the early afternoon it will clear for the majority of us. so you will get blue sky today unless you are right along the coast. where it's going to stay fairly gray throughout pretty much the bulk of today. and we wait now because each morning is going to be just like this. i think tomorrow morning you are going to get a little bit of marine layer mist along the coast. and it will keep doing that from this particular little marine layer sitting off the coast. but by the time we get to friday, there's going to be a -- totally separate weak little weather system currently coming our way from across the pacific and it will be able to deliver a little bit of rain close up view on this
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look at the time stamp. this is throughout the day on thursday and maybe a few light showers perhaps even for the far north bay thursday night but really not a lot to it. what we're waiting for would be friday morning as that system comes far enough south and look, there are a couple of drops. little bit of snow in the vie. a few drops of rain here. but really not much. and here's the takeaway on this. how much would that be? how much rain might we actually get from this weak little system coming our way on friday? if you look at the totals, barely anything. but it is a couple hundredths of an inch of rain that shows up here. that's primarily friday morning and there wouldn't really be a whole lot to that. but it is still a possibility for some light rain and you will see that as we get into the 7 day forecast here by the time we get back towards friday. there's a drop in that tube. once we get past this, look at next weekend. look at this coming weekend. we're going to warm right back up again and plenty of sunshine and we won't be 80. but we'll go to the mid 70s for many of the warmer inland locations. gianna, what's new on the
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drive? you know, not too much going on which is great. i just choked in w they know. we have some backup building though on some of the bay area bridges that includes the bay bridge. it's stacked up heading westbound over across the span into san francisco. backed up just beyond that overpass with the metering lights officially on this morning. other than that, it's kind of the usual stuff. south 880 starting to build a little bit into hayward and if you are headed into the altamont pass, it's a little windy there this morning. speeds down to about 9 miles per hour. and you have got the windy conditions to deal with. and we're starting to see the, you know, uptick in volume on 80 as well as highway 4 for those commute directions heading through there. now over at the golden gate bridge, quiet commute in that area. but if you typically commute say from marin over into san francisco, just a heads-up. golden gate ferry reporting the san francisco to sausalito service has been suspended. this is due to an issue with the pier in sausalito. service will be replaced by golden gate transit between san francisco
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and sausalito until further notice. well, how about this? an unusual roundup in orinda. stalling traffic and it looks like a western movie or a scene out of the paramount hit show "yellowstone." but this really happened and here in the bay. yes, what you are watching is a cowboy own a horse in traffic wrangling a herd of cows that crossed the highway. this was on highway 24 in orinda and there you see the horses there yesterday afternoon. apparently a gate came unlocked and the ranchers sprang into action. on the freeway. to -- grab all the cattle. that's amazing to see. thankfully it doesn't seem like anyone was hurt or hopefully none of the horsesser cows but you know, that's a moment. >> yeah, it is. and we have to give credit to roman spiron who gave us this video just sitting in the traffic. i guess if you are going to sit in traffic, at least you get a show. kind of like you are at disneyland. are the cows okay and is he going to catch one? you have a pretty fun play-by-play other than a tire blew out. nobody was hurt and the cows i think they you
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know, lived to see another day. >> what is happening right now? >> i'd be a little nervous. >> me too. >> especially here in northern california. >> yeah. anything can happen. all right, 6:22. it's been more than three decades since suiting up for the team. but could jose cans
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former a's outfielder and dh jose canseco is eyeing the team's top coaching job. he says on x he wants to punch his time card in as the manager of the a's when they temporarily move to sacramento. a new petition even dropped yesterday calling on the owners and decision makers of the a's to consider canseco. but guess what? the petition was started by none other than canseco himself. >> yes. >> pretty funny. the 59-year-old is never one to shy away having already made his push to be the team's manager once they make their move to las vegas. if it happens. so is anyone signed the petition? i was thinking all kind of fans are going to sign now to have the fun of jose out there with the team. >> why not? we should sign it. we can all use a little jose. well, it's going to bring a little bit of press to the team. and you know, team needs some press to take away from everything that's going on. so if jose has to be that guy, thank you. jose. i love that he put it on his own social media. appoint me to be the manager.
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>> advocate for himself. i -- i applaud you. it would be a lot of fun though for sure. it is 6:26. it's travel tuesday. and it's earth month when the world takes stock of its natural treasures. we take you to the bahamas with two fronts in the battle to protect wild animals. and let's get a live look outside at sfo this morning. it's just another problem for united airlines. we're learning about the headache for travelers on board a recent flight. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. i wish i had better news on this tuesday when it comes to the weather. it is eventually going to be sunny. darren is promising that. the temperatures are dropping though and they will continue to drop throughout the week. darren has details when
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. right now on cbs news bay area at of 6:29. look at the beautiful view of our city and it is going to be pretty out there today. not going to be as nice as it was over the weekend or monday. look at me darren trying to do your job. just taking notes okay? because it's important to me to know when it's going to rain again. >> any rain that falls and there are a couple of chances going to be really light stuff. some today. it's like light marine layer mist. along the coast. and then on friday, totally separate system coming in here. and that one is going to deliver maybe like 0.02 of rain. bay area wide. i mean, these winter systems have fallen apart and we're pretty far in spring now and the whole
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nature of them is changing and instead, what we're more focused on is kind of that summery may gray pattern. that's what we're all waking up to right now. the marine layer is back. so let's take a moment and just get our handle on how widespread that is this morning. because this itotally different than yesterday. yesterday wasn't a cloud in the sky at this time. and this morning that's what it looks like. this is how far inland the marine layer has gotten. stay with us through the late morning but watch what happens by about 1:00 today. there's the sunshine that nicole mentioned a couple of mince ago. but not until the early afternoon and doesn't get here for everybody and look at the coast. look at the hills. this is a persistent marine layer that's going to be able to hang on even in the afternoon and it's going to be breezy. ty you are near the water just like yesterday. so in the city, coastside. 15, 20-mile an hour breeze. if you are in fremont or livermore you are like it's windy? it won't be. it's not. you will have plenty of sunshine and temperatures today while not going to 80 for those inlaw school valleys with all the sunshine, you are still going to warm up to near 70.
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least take a look at today's daytime highs real quickly. and you will see the difference on here. it was 80 degrees yesterday in san jose and it was 80 degrees yesterday in livermore. 70 today. in the immediate bay, temperatures stay in the mid- to upper 60s today. it will be breezy near the water. particularly out here anywhere near the golden gate and anywhere here where that on shore breeze is. i know you have been talk about that this morning. caltrans has been talking about wind on the bridges out there through carquinez. anything else on the drive? yeah, you know, exactly darren. we've been talking about the benicia bridge being pretty windy through there. they issued wind advisory for parts of the altamont pass. and parts of solano county, contra costa county is kind of where they've been concentrating the advisories. so you might feel it as you travel in and out of work this morning. so just be extra careful there. right now as far as traffic goes, it's kind of the usual stuff at the bay bridge. with the metering lights on. and we're also starting to see things stacking up along 880 and live look here
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here paseo grande and getting busy across the san mateo bridge for westbound commuters. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. pro palestinian protesters are making their stand at uc berkeley as they vow to stay put until the university meets their demands to divest from companies with ties to israel and to cut its study abroad program there. let's take a live look at the university's sprout plaza. dozens of protesters camped out overnight all part of the gaza solidarity encampment movement which has swept college campuses across the country. some of the demonstrations nationwide have even ended in a number of arrests after confrontations between protesters and police. a live look at sfo now where united airlines flight from los angeles to hong kong had to be diverted here. smoke was detected from inside of the aircraft. aviation records show the crew received a smoke warning from the boeing cargo hold just 90 minutes after takeoff. the jet
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made its emergency landing in the bay and crews inspected the plane and thankfully everyone got out safely. it's the latest incident though involving united airlines in recreant months. last month you will recall we saw the wheel just fall off the united flight shortly after take kickoff. it crushed a car in the sfo parking lot. all the incidents led to a federal aviation administration's increased oversight of the airline. today the man who was the last living survivor aboard the uss arizona during the attack on pearl harbor will be laid to rest. lou conter will be buried in grass valley next to his wife of 45 years. his funeral service will include a military flyover and a 21 gun salute. lou passed away on april 1st of battling a heart condition. he was 102 years old. the l. a. county sheriff's department is looking for a suspect who shot a deputy. it happened yesterday around 2:00 p.m. in west covina. the deputy
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was on duty when he was shot in the back. luckily, the round did not penetrate his bulletproof vest. the suspect is still on the loose and considered to bed a public safety risk. now to a bombshell announcement from alameda county district attorney pamela price. her office is reviewing 35 death penalty cases for possible misconduct by prosecutors. this all stems from a review of the trial and conviction of ernest dydes a man found guilty of murder and attempted murder during a robbery at an apartment complex. this was back in 1993. as our jose martinez reports, the da claims that notes written by prosecutors warrant a closer look. >> reporter: alameda county district attorney pamela price says it was a discovery of case notes like these identifying potential jurors by race and ethnicity as jewish and as possible opponents of the death penalty that's opened a pandora's box.
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>> my office has discovered evidence of prosecutorial misconduct involved in the death penalty cases. >> reporter: price says judge vince chhabria of the u.s. district northern california has ordered her office to review nearly a dozen death penalty cases. the first red flag, price says, surfaced in the case of ernest dykes, who's currently on death row for the 1995 murder of 9-year-old lance clark and the attempted murder of his grandmother bernice. price says her office stumbled upon notes highlighting the race and ethnicities of potential jurors in the dykes' case. >> in the course of reviewing mr. dykes' sentence, which is pending before his case -- his case is pending before the judge chhabria, my office discovered evidence of a pattern of misconduct, prosecutorial misconduct, that may well impact all the death penalty cases in alameda county over the past 30 years. >> reporter: while other reviews are likely to reopen
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old wounds. nina salarno, president of crime victims united, says it's important to ensure that the justice system delivered a just outcome. >> i think the district attorney's hands are tied. i mean, she has to follow a court order obviously. >> reporter: price's office is reviewing 35 death penalty cases and says the probe could actually span further. salarno worries about the toll on families who have already been victims of crime and lived through the trauma of a crime trial. >> my heart goes out to the victims associated with those cases. i'm sure they endured a long process to even get to where they are and get a conviction and i believe probably with all their hearts they believe that they had some finality and can move forward. so i'm sure this must be devastating news. >> reporter: and while this review is ongoing, the da's office is reaching out to victims and survivors from these crimes that have been impacted. a supreme court case could decide the way homeless encampments are treated here in
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the bay area. right now, san francisco is banned from sweeping encampments. because of a lawsuit filed back in 2022. that case is on hold because of a similar case involving grants pass, oregon. and yesterday, the supreme court heard arguments about whether that small town's ban on encampments is constitutional. a majority of the supreme court appeared inclined to uphold the local ordinances that allow the city to fine or jail people sleeping or camping in public spaces. but the justices seem split along ideological lines in the case. >> a number of us i think are having difficulty with the distinction between status and conduct. >> violating this ordinance means you are homeless. so again, homelessness is that mean that you can -- that you do which is something that you are? >> how does this law help deal with the complicated policy issues? >> well, one of the most difficult challenges is getting people the help that they need and laws like this allow cities to intervene.
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>> the supreme court is expected to make a decision by the end of june. in san francisco, dozens of advocates marched from the federal building to the steps of city hall. they say the unhoused are being unfairly targeted. we caught up with one man who first spoke -- we first spoke with him a few weeks ago about his experience with homelessness. and the first time we met him was at an event marking one year since oakland's wood street encampment was shut down. he's now living on the streets saying the current housing options available to him just aren't safe. >> they breed bullying. they breed drug trafficking. they breed sexual abuse. and i'd rather not be a part of that. if you are going to offer me something, at least let it be safe. >> he says since the wood street encold frontment has been closed, his life has gotten harder and all he wants is a safe space to live and sleep. san francisco is limited to how it can enforce encampmentings clean-ups because of the previous lower
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court rulings. now officials say they only cite or arrest homeless people when they refuse offers of shelter. and only clear encampments if they're a public health issue. in the tenderloin, sweeps happen several times a week near leaven worth street. now one business owner says he supports the city's effort to keep sidewalks clear. >> if it's blocking the way of people you know, walking through the sidewalk trying to get to here and blocking them, that's something it can be a concern. some people would be afraid come into businesses like this. when they see a lot of people gathering or on the street. >> the business owner says he's also noticed a difference of the sidewalks in the last couple of months from the sweeps. time now 6:40. this pilot might be young, but it's not stopping him from reaching his ambitious goal. the record-breaking journey fueled by his big heart. plus -- ♪ ♪
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musical superstars keepen coming to the bay. your chance to see kygo at chase center. we'll be right back.
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time now for the money watch report. the hmong we've
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learned google fired about 20 more employees following sit-in protests. this brings the total of workers let go over the issue to more than 50. and some employees say many of the fired workers did not even enter the company office during the demonstrations. those protesting were demanding the company drop the google cloud project nimbus with the israeli government. >> this is a legal fear mongering and it will not stop us from continuing to organize and fight for the company to drop project nimbus. >> google says that the terminated employees were personally and definitively involved in the disruption inside of their offices. clothing retail company express is closing two of its bay area stores. its emeryville bay street location and valley fair mall location in santa clara. the company has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 16 of its stores are slated to close across the state. and express store in san francisco's union square
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already closed back in october. g? federal trade commission is suing to block a deal they say would harm luxury brand consumers. tapestry which holds coach, kate spade and stuart weitzman wants to bring capri holdings which has versace and jimmy choo. the acquisition would negatively impact american shoppers who benefit from the rivalry between the brands and employees would lose benefits and wages. tapestryfireed back the agency doesn't understand the marketplace or the way that people shop. kroger and albertson's will sell off 166 more stores than originally planned. they're trying to get ftc approval of the $25 billion merger. federal regulators and self-states sued to block the deal back in february, saying it could raise grocery prices. together the two stores employ around 700,000 people and operate more than 5,000 stores in dozens of states nationwide. including
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brands like safeway, ralph's and more. all right, get this. an 18-year-old is on a mission to break a world record. and he wants to be the youngest person to fly solo across all seven continents. ethan guo planned this journey since he was 13. and it isn't just for the adventure. he's hoping to raise $1 million for st. jude children's hospital for cancer research. >> couple of years back, my cousin who was 18 at the time he was diagnosed with stage iv hodgkin's lymphoma. >> ethan says he tried to flight six months ago but the plane's engine failed. thankfully he was okay. and he was able to replace it. >> at the end of the day, it's okay to be delusional. it's okay to set big goals. and it's okay to dream big. when you dream big, and when you set big goals, you have to be willing to sacrifice to accomplish what you want. >> well, he hopes to start his journey next month and thinks it will take him a couple of months to complete. this is where i wish we had our resident pilot jessica burch to
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weigh in. did he say delusional? i don't think there's anything delusional about it. i applaud this young man for setting such a large lofty goal. and even if he doesn't reach that goal, he's doing good i mean, a million dollars for st. jude? >> i think he's setting incredible example for the reason about giving back to others. but also having dreams. and really trying hard to achieve them. so we applaud you and wish you the best of luck. all right, let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. and take a birdseye view over towards the bay there. look at some clouds over the mountains. and hopefully it's going to be i don't know, it's hit and miss i guess, darren. as far as today goes. really jus depend on where you live and what your weather is going to be like. >> i want to use the network of ram as and the virtual map. it's pretty unique out there in terms of where the clouds are and aren't. the view from sutro looking at golden gate bridge. it's a very cloudy morning but not fog on bridge and in fact the clouds are higher today than they were yesterday. so look at the
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golden gate bridge. it's gray overhead. but the bridge is not in any fog and if you take a look at the view here through the golden gate, you are looking pretty. let me show you another vantage point. you are socked in gray for the camera and even a drop of water on the lens. that camera is the one on black mountain. that's the one that we used to show off the santa clara all the time and just for point of reference that is right about there in the hills. and it's usually a great window for us to look out across the santa clara valley. can't see a thing right now. over the skyline boulevard and normally we're looking down like stevens creek boulevard and that view. nothing is. that camera is at 2800 feet and totally socked in right now. one other camera. this is the one on mount diablo. that one has the big wide view looking out over inland contra costa county. of course mount diablo sits right about here, that's the view from mount diablo right now. pretty much gray from most of the cameras. santa clara valley has maybe some openings but everyone is going
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to stay just about this gray until early afternoon and there we are at 1:00. where we'll get into more sunshine as the system starts to clear up a bit. a bit breezy near the water today thanks to the increased onshore flow. but if you are inland you really shouldn't notice a whole lot from that. there's a little bit of an additional issue to that marine layer. it's going to be able to mist out over the next few mornings. did it a little this morning. along the coast. and in the hills. and it's going to do it again tomorrow. because we've got this little swirl out here. area of low pressure sitting off the coast. watch what happens. that pulls up and strengthens the marine layer and allows it to mist out a little more. tomorrow morning if you are coastside, or near any hills in the bay area a little bit of light misting from that. that's one way we get rain this week. technically call it rain. really not much. there's another way we're going to get rain this week and that comes from a system out here which is going to get here on friday. before we do that
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let's just take a look at today's daytime highs. knowing where the clouds are now and how most of us get sunshine by early afternoon, most of the inland valleys your temperatures will go to the low 70s today. with plenty of blue sky but you were 80 for like the that's lee days. so we start the cool down today. not a cold snap. but you are going to give back like ten degrees where you have been. and this is kind of where we sit now for the next three days. morning mist near the coast and friday is difference. here's why. big picture shows us the system coming across the pacific right here and it doesn't have a lot to it but this is different than marine layer mist in the morning. this will be an opportunity for a little more widespread, very light rain on friday. as this system tries to hold together it really doesn't have much to it. but look at a closer view there as we get into friday. about a drop of two shows up and that could be anywhere. you wouldn't have to be near the coast for that. everybody has a chance to get a little bit of rain from that one as it
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approaches by friday. we've put it into a 7 day forecast and you will see what happens after that. there's a drop in here on friday. but look past that for the weekend. more sunshine and temperatures are going to climb into the mid 70s again. it's not 80 but at least we're going back up to the mid 70s by the weekend. gianna, what's going on on the drive? a lot of brake lights, that's what's going on, darren and some windy conditions out there wind advisories on some of bay area bridges. that includes the benicia bridge as well as the ride as you work your way in some parts of the east bay and into the altamont pass. so just be extra careful. live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are on and that's a slow commute heading into san francisco. and we're now tracking the brake lights on our approaches that includes westbound 80 and westbound 580 and parts of north 880. but here near the coliseum on the nimitz, that actually looks great there in both directions as you head through the area. okay. here's a look at conditions along 880 at paseo grande, just south of there. this looks a lot like cars are certainly slowing down as you head through there.
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definitely getting busy intohayward and yorking down into fremont and getting over to the san mateo bridge. the typical traffic pattern that we would see on a workday and if you are headed westbound over to 101. once you are on 101 itself actually looks pretty good. as the world marked earth day, the travel industry is increasingly playing a role in the planet's animal conservation. so in today's travel tuesday, wendy gillette explores the efforts. >> reporter: an anti-poaching unit stands watch at mantis founders lodge in south africa, protecting a herd of white rhinos. >> in the horn of southern africa, the poachers are a huge problem. >> reporter: chairman adrian gardiner did something about the poachers. who are the after the rhinos' horns. first reintroducing the animal and other wildlife to the eastern cape province. and then making sure the once nearly extinct species would be protected, safely dehorned and allowed to thrive. >> what has africa got if we haven't got our wildlife? >> reporter: he turned his private family home into a seven suite hotel overlooking
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the bush, where elephants, giraffes and lions roam. its success is bringing other game reserves to the eastern cape. more travelers want to support conservation. a poll from late last year finds 88% of americans agree more needs to be done to protect wildlife in national parks. and 83% are concerned about climate change threatening wildlife. one animal conservation's success story is here in the bahamas. where hunting rendered the caribbean flamingo nearly extinct in the 1950s. that's when the bahamas national trust stepped in to help repopulate the bird. now there are tens of thousands of flamingos that call the national park home. >> they're found all throughout the bahamian islands now because the conservation efforts have been so successful. >> reporter: baja mar resort in nassau showcases the island country's national bird. >> we can actually create those genuine connections of people wanting to conserve our animals throughout the world. >> reporter: the property where we also stayed for a special rate has an espa spa, grand
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hyatt, sls and rosewood hotels and everything flamingo. including yoga classes with your new feathered friends, feeding opportunities and efforts to educate those of all ages. >> any questions you guys may have? >> many species are going extinct and it's amazing we are still able to conserve some species. >> reporter: those in conservation say the animal interactions can inspire a lifetime of interest. >> in an effort to showcase more art and music in san francisco, mayor london breed announced a new outdoor concert series called sf live. it all kicks off on may 4th atthe golden gate park band shell with electric fields. now the celebration of electronic music will feature performances from doc martin, berkeley's own gay lynn and deejay m 3. more concerts through the month of may until october will take place. ♪ ♪ and speaking of electronic
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music, edm artist kygo announced part one of the world tour across north america and europe and lucky for us san francisco's chase center will join the list of iconic venues. now for those of you who have not experienced a show by him, he utilizes different instruments for his live performances. and including piano and strings. and if you want to see his bay area stop it's on october 4th. tickets will be available this friday. i have been lucky enough to see him perform live twice. and he is such a tremendous talent. he hits that piano and you are just like oh my goodness. >> yeah, full disclosure i don't know much about him. but i have been learning a lot during the commercial breaks and watching a few videos. he is -- very talented. >> i know you were going to stay attractive. talented musician, yes. >> let's be honest. no, but like i mean that to me, i think just takes it to a whole nother level. i love electronic music. combine actual instruments so school. >> a small boy playing the piano and growing up over the years in one of his music
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videos and his friend group and girlfriend. just you know, love talented people so if you have the money, go to that concert. >> i think i know what we're going october 4th. all right, tom brady might be the g.o.a.t. but can he handle the hot seat off the field? sneak peek of what's
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too bad too bad might be the greatest quarterback of all time. >> during his career spanning two decades, the san mateo native has proven he can handle anything on the football field. but now his humor is being put to the ultimate test. >> we're coming for you, pretty boy. >> i'm unroastable. let's go. >> tom. tom brady. >> brady the latest target of a celebrity roast. netflix dropped this trailer. >> hosted by kevin hart and we don't know who else is going to be taking jobs at brady but the special will be streamed ooh, live. i just caught that. on may 5th. so this is all happening as it happens for all of us to enjoy and see. so -- hey you know the bay area's own tom brady is great on the field and does he have a sense of humor. >> he does, i wonder like did he write i'm unroastable? he did he write let's go? is he the you know, founder of the statement let's go? i think -- >> delivered it well though. >> he has coined it as his own. so it will be nice to see him
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live. he does perform well under pressure live on the football field. >> yeah. [ laughter ] all right, coming up at 7:00, britain's prince and princess of wales have released the first picture since a photo editing scandal last month. see the photo celebrating a very special occasion. and the tony award-winning musical a strange loop is coming to the bay area all the way from broadway. coming up at 8:00 we'll be joined by playwright michael r. jackson to chat about the show. and taking a live look outside, we hope to see you over on pix+ 44 cable 12. [ captions by: vitac 800-278-4822 email: ] ♪ cue the trumpets as we welcome you to cbs mornings. hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king.


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