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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition Sunday 6am  CBS  March 31, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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omb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. a small plane crash near an airport in the sierra, killing two people on board. this morning the feds a aded to the scene to try to piece together what went wrong. governor newsom green lights more eyes on east bay roadways with the help of around 500 cameras. what the
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community has to say about it? a dramatic finish in front of a sold-out crowd. how bay fc fared in their home opener and what it means to fans to have a women's professional soccer team in the bay area. >> i feel like we get overlooked a lot in the bay area and it is time we stand up and show up. good morning. it is great to have you with us today. it is sunday, march 31st. i am max darrow. we begin with a developing story in the south bay. fire crews on the scene of a possible chemical exposure in san jose. they said it started with a bad odor and the source is still unknown this morning. it is happening in an apartment building on the avenue. the building was evacuated late last night of the call came in about 9:45 p.m. three people have been transported to a hospital but do not know the full extent of their injuries at this time. this is near san jose city college. crews are asking anyone who would normally take this road, to use an alternate route for the time
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being. we will bring you more update later today as more information emerges. two people were killed in a plane crash in turkey on saturday evening. it happened at about 6:30 last night , at the pilot of a single engine plane was trying to land at the truck e- tahoe airport. police have not confirmed whether anyone else was on board other than the two people who died . this is a look at some of the wreckage near some railroad tracks near the airport. the cause of the crash is still unknown . but we know the ntsb and the faa are going to be invested getting this accident, starting today. people live in the area are being told to expect a heavy first responder presents for the time being. a chance of a lingering showers in the south bay . otherwise low pressure head south and we get to more sunshine today. we will be looking for just a 20% shower chance favoring the south bay. today, increasing sunshine and dramatically warmer for monday and tuesday. by the time we get to mid week we stand a better chance of a few showers but in the meantime, warming trend ,
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rain chances dry out and the temperatures come up into the mid 70s by tuesday. we will have more weather in a few minutes. but first the news. the bay area's first professional women's soccer team bay fc play for the first time on saturday night in front of their home crowd. the team ended up losing to the houston dash bible for the game, amanda hari talked with supporters about being there to witness history. the next 18,000 tickets were sold for bay fc's first home game here at paypal park, fan say this is an historic moment, both for bay area sports and for women's sports and they wanted to be a part of it. sellout crowd for bay fc's first home game at paypal park in san jose. fans packed in early, tailgating, exploring the park and getting ready for one of the bay area's newest teams first game . >> for me this is very personal. >> reporter: she grew up in san jose and played soccer throughout her life . from
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childhood to playing at uc berkeley. even play with a professional team in san jose before the league disbanded. >> i want my daughter to be able to see what soccer in the bay area is like and get to grow up with women to look up to when you see if you can be a. >> reporter: for her, soccer is a family affair. her husband used to play professionally in this arena for the earthquakes. >> every time i went to his games, that is what i hope someday i would watch women. >> reporter: now it is happening. they are pounding to see women show up for women's sports and the sky is the limit. she could do what she wants to do. even if she chooses not to play, we can enjoy these games together as a family and support the growth of female athletes in america. >> reporter: while the bay area has recently lost the raiders
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to las vegas and the a's are expected to join them soon, women's sports are growing. in addition to bay fc, there will be wnba expansion team in 2025. the key prices she believes fans will show that the bay is excited to support these teams. >> we get overlooked a lot in the bay area and it is time that we stand up and show up. >> reporter: bay fc started their season on the road, splitting the games 1-1. she expects the team to continue to improve throughout the season. >> i think they will do a great job. >> reporter: bay fc did not win the first game at paypal park but fans are hopeful they can do it next time. their next game will also be home and that will be on sunday, april 14th. speaking of new bay area sports teams, another one will soon begin a chapter in the bay area. a new baseball team. the oakland ballers. set to start its inaugural season in may. hundreds of surveillance
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cameras are going up on oakland streets and along some east bay highways. da lin reports from residents hope it will fight time and others say they are not on board with it . >> reporter: a brazen freeway shooting caught on camera. chp says it happen wednesday afternoon on 880 in union city. investigators say it was road rage. the bullet did not hit the victim but shattered glass and caused minor injuries with good footage, detectives arrested this man within 24 hours. >> it has to have a deterrent effect because if they know the cameras are there, who wants to put their dirt on film? >> reporter: alicia says the quick arrest is also why she supports the installation of 400 cameras in oakland and on freeways. someone shot and killed her daughter back in november, 2021. near the bay bridge toll plaza. her two boys ages three and five were sitting in the back.
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>> it was senseless. no child should ever see that. to see your mother said blown? >> reporter: the two boys live with her in georgia. the case is not solved and she says the pain is still indescribable. >> you can be doing good one day and the next minute , you are in tears. and it could be a smell, it could be a song. you have no idea what the grief is for this. and there is no time limit. >> we announce 480 new cameras. >> reporter: governor newsom said they will install 290 cameras on surface streets in oakland. and 190 cameras along east bay freeways. he says the cameras are similar to license plate readers but have an additional ability to identify vehicles by things like make , model, and color , as well as
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details such as bumper stickers and roof racks. >> i don't have a problem with them tracking you. if you're not doing anything wrong, what you have to worry about? >> reporter: the governor believes the surveillance network will help reduce crime and freeway shootings. in the last six months he is also sent chp officers into oakland to crack down on auto thefts and violent crime. >> create privacy abuses. i think you could also open up the opportunity for the scammers to be misused. >> reporter: george is the founder of courage, a nonprofit that works with oakland use and he wants the governor to instead invest the money in youth programs, mental health, and affordable housing. >> the safest communities don't have the most police or the most surveillance, we don't have the most jails. we have the most resources . >> reporter: while alicia supports more money for prevention programs, she also want scammers she believes it would have made a difference in her daughter's case. >> put everything into it so another family does not have to experience what we experienced. >> reporter: authorities say
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the cameras should be up and running later this summer. >> the chp says the contract will cost about $1.5 million per year. the governor's office said the footage will be saved for 28 days and will not be shared outside of law enforcement agencies. a car accident yesterday and sonoma valley snowy valley involved a black sedan that overturned on diamond street. between clipper and 25th. it happened around 10:30 in the morning. the driver was taken to the hospital and later died. a previous that was parked in the area also had a lot of damage. as you can see. if you work a minimum wage fast food job in california you are likely getting a pay hike tomorrow to $20 an hour. the new wage law will propel california's fast food workers to the top of the food chain, when it comes to what they could make versus working anywhere else in the country. the increase applies to chains with at least 60 locations nationwide. there are some exceptions for bakeries and
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smaller outposts inside of grocery stores and other venues. state democrats asked the legislation last year as they emphasize many of the people who work in the fast food industry are trying to support families. it is 6:09 on this saturday morning. coming up, with the departure we have a look at the enduring legacy. before we head to break here is a live look at the bay area today. looking live in san francisco. we will be right back.
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welcome back. here is a live look at san jose. on this sunday morning. time is 6:11. lot of snow in the sierra after the latest round of storms. uc berkeley's lab at the soda springs area said they received nearly 9.5 inches of snow from friday morning to saturday. they said they were expecting another six to 12 inches for the remainder of the day on saturday. good morning on this easter sunday morning . there is a chance of a few showers in the south bay but not much of a chance. in general, things will clear up as the day wears on, high pressure builds a by the time we get to monday midday, clear conditions from the border all the way to santa barbara. more sunshine in the morning. santa rosa had
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one inch and a third. novato picked up almost 2 inches of rain. to those of an inch of rain at oakland. and in hayward, 60 five-hundreths of an inch. morgan hill had a few thundershowers, late afternoon, yesterday afternoon , picked up almost an inch and 1/5 by the time all was said and done. for today, more sunshine. the rain help the water situation and the reservoirs are all above average and in some cases like oroville, well above average for this point in the season. thunderstorms will move inland and california will be under the influence of high pressure over the next two days. temperatures will be warming up to the mid 70s inland. by tuesday. in general, we get a tendency toward increasing sunshine the next chance of rain comes into the bay area by friday. in the meantime, this
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week looks pretty good. midweek it will cool down so for today, mostly sunny and a little bit of the chance of a shower two in the south bay. increasing sunshine for monday and tuesday . cooler and windy wednesday. next chance of rain by the end of the week. forecast highs for today finds everybody in the mid 60s after overnight lows tonight in the mid 40s. for today, we see 64 in redwood city. 65 at morgan hill. mid-60s in the east bay. up in the north bay we are in the mid-60s and by the time we get to tuesday, we will be in the mid 70s for ukiah. the city forecast, the next chance of rain for san francisco is friday. much holds true for the rest of the bay area. north bay finds a good chance on friday. san jose coming in , in the mid 70s for monday and tuesday. and for the inland east bay, we will be in the mid 70s. monday and tuesday. our warming trend before things cool down by the time we get to friday. have a great easter sunday. check this out. this is time-lapse video of the u.s. and s harvey milk leaving san
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francisco on saturday. it sailed under the bay bridge and passed alcatraz and then , made his way under the golden gate. which you will see in a second. ship arrived in the bay area for the first time on thursday. it is a supply ship that will deliver food , fuel and other materials to other navy ships at sea. the naming of the ship is one of the many honors bestowed upon the late san francisco supervisor, harvey milk. it is one of the more notable ones given other than his honorable discharge from the military. wilson walker reports. >> when you have been portrayed by sean penn and had navy ships named after you and subway stations, the mythology gets a bit much for me, at times. and i think , actually i
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think it strengthens is a quiz see for people to know he was an ordinary guy. who would rather, poorly ran , sort of pathetic little store on this block. >> reporter: there are countless names stitched into the history of the rights movement but few of them are larger than that of cleve jones, a legend in his own right and forever linked to the life and times of his close friend, harvey milk . >> he was in many respects an ordinary man. not a genius and not a saint . it all sorts of challenges and failures and humiliations in his life but he was a kind man and i knew him quite well. and what i remember the most is just how funny he was. how much he cared about people. how much he cared about the neighborhood. >> reporter: now a navy ship hearing his name, sits in san francisco bay . for jones, it is an odd lines on how much has changed in 45 years. >> there is all sorts of irony around this. he is being
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honored by a military institution that gave him a dishonorable discharge for being gay. >> reporter: also the first ship in the world named after someone who is dishonorably discharged. stewart milk is harvey's nephew in town for the ship's arrival and celebration in san francisco. he personally opposes any move by the navy to change his uncles dishonorable record and he says that legacy should be remembered . >> i think it sends a very important message that as a society, we progress. and we make mistakes. and our institutions make mistakes. the ship is going to travel to many countries where it is currently illegal to be lgbtq or unacceptable. and those people are given hope that this ship named after someone who was forced to resign from the navy, the ship is actually celebrating that community.
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>> people often asked what would harvey say about this or that and i don't know. he has been dead a long time and we live in a world much of which i think would be unimaginable to harvey. >> open up for the dialogue of the sensitivities of all people. >> i have no doubt that harvey would celebrate the goals that have been achieved in the progress that has been made in the lives that have been saved and he would be very, very worried and very cautious and want everybody to know this could all be swept away in the blink of an eye . that is not hyperbole, that is not rhetoric . >> reporter: asked anyone who was here in the 60s and 70s they will tell you how much has changed since then, in this country. and in this neighborhood. but mil's legacy is really a fixture here. it defines the castro. and the monumental achievements of someone who was just a regular guy. >> who nonetheless, had a huge impact. i think that this is
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something we can all aspire to. you don't have to be a movie star. you don't have to be some legendary, epic mythological figure. you can just be an ordinary person and make the world a better place. it is 6:18 on the sunday morning. coming up , the college basketball team with the highest scorer of all times. moves on to the elite eight. details on the latest victory . coming up in sports, the giants showed off the offense at
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the new air of giants baseball under bob melvin off to a good start. san francisco was down in san diego on saturday looking for a second win over his former ballclub. tough start. taught the foul ball write off the arm. picking it up in the second, line drive to left. it is a one run double. giants literally. bottom of the third. this is a rocket down the corner but no problem. he shows up the defense a gets out of the inning. jordan hicks, six strikeouts, over five shutout
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innings in his giants debut. in the eighth, a deep shot to right field. that is a career first major league home run. for the grandson of the wind, his nickname. the giants crews 9-6. the a's in action looking for the first win with the guardians in town. top of the fourth, the ayes are down a rumba he rips wanted to right field. that will drive in a run. in the seventh, he is not done. it will leave the yard so low, the guardians win 12-3. we have hockey action. sharks in st. louis taking on the blues. san jose, they have lost 20 of their last 22 games entering this contest but it was all sharks saturday night. and unassisted goal of the turnover. sharks win 4-0. they host the crack in on monday. big saturday night. for soccer in the south bay. the bay area's newest wn sl
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expansion team, bay fc kick things off in their home debut at paypal park. taking on houston. the home team lit up the scoreboard first. 18th minute. bay fc is up 1-0. houston, came back to take the lead lake. in the 99th minute, heartbreaker. the go-ahead goal. houston wins re-2. bay fc falls on the season. the? took the lead in their first minute in houston but the dynamo fought back to tie it up late in the second half. off the corner kick, first try, he puts it in the back of the net on the rebound. heartbreaker for the quakes. four teams said chances to punch the tickets to the final four on saturday. as larry
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david was a, a win in the elite eight would be pretty, pretty, pretty good. and speaking of larry, he was in the house for the east regional final . top-seed yukon led by just four over illinois at halftime. it was all huskies in the second half. this will become a 13-0 for yukon. 13th minute -- 13 minutes left. the huskies fast-break. he lays it in and puts yukon up 30. illinois did not score for nearly 8 minutes to start the second half . yukon is moving to the final four. it will they face? the winner of the alabama -clemson game. final minutes, alabama up. he gets to the bucket nfl and puts the tied up six. next possession, he made so many big shots in this game but none bigger than this one. he finishes with 23. alabama is moving on. winners over clemson. what does that mean?
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one final four matchup is already set. alabama is taking on yukon for a spot in the national title. two spots remain. purdue will face tennessee in the midwest region. duke takes on north carolina state in the south region. you can catch both of those games right here , this afternoon on kpix. that will do it for sports. have a great day. to the women's march madness tournament, i was caitlin clark dominated against the colorado buffalo's. five players finished in double figures on the night. caitlin clark finished with 29 parts in 14 assists and six rebounds. it was not just offense . as we know it basketball, defense will be the difference maker. i will limited colorado to 37 point . as we know it basketball, defense will be the difference maker. i will limited colorado to 37.5% shooting from the field and just under 28% from the three point range. iowa defeated the buffalo's 89-68. hawkeyes are headed to the elite eight. for an exciting matchup.
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sometimes a big moment and get the best of a rookie. and that was not the case for the chicago white sox shortstop. he went yard for the first pitch of his first at-bat. bottom of the second and he makes its debut and without hesitation , slaps an outside slider. out of the park. his first home run. a solo shot into the right field bullpen. it is that kind of a moment that a big league dream is made up. and he went for it. he went 2-4 for the night. the tigers fetid them. 7- six in 10 innings. coming up, crews have started demolition work at the site of last week's baltimore bridge collapsed. we have details on that activity and how the disaster is affecting the report. a new convoy of ships head for gaza carrying tons of humanitarian aid amid dire warnings. protesters clash
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with police and israel largest city. with more than a dozen people getting arrested. what they are demanding from their own government. here is a live look outside at the bay bridge in the east bay this morning. we will be right back.
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! from cbs news bay area,
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this is the morning edition. welcome back it is 6:30 on this easter sunday. thank you for joining us. i am max darrow. we begin this half hour with the latest developments on the baltimore bridge collapsed. crews have started lifting the first pieces of wreckage from the collapsed francis scott officials promised to reopen the port of baltimore as soon as possible, even at reduced capacity. as for traffic, the 30,000 vehicles across this bridge on a daily basis will still need to find other ways around. bradley blackburn joins us live this morning from new york with the latest on recovery efforts . bradley, good morning. the baltimore community continues to mourn but there is work to be done.
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>> reporter: absolutely, max. to lift this medal from the riverbed they have to cut it into more manageable chunks. this is a 24 hour operation right now with the full backing of the federal government. but still the timeline to reopen the port and eventually rebuild the bridge, is still uncertain. this is a sign of progress at the francis scott key bridge on saturday demolition crews began the difficult and dangerous process of cutting up the wreckage. first piece of a massive project to remove an estimated two to 3000 tons of twisted steel. blocking the port of baltimore and preventing the recovery of the remaining victims. >> we need to continue to focus on recovery. second, we need to clear the channel and open vessel traffic . >> reporter: to help with the task, the low just floating crane on the eastern seaboard
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is now on site, one of seven cranes deployed. officials hope to open its every channel to get scholarships moving back in the port . >> even if it is not the deep draft, we want to take advantage. >> reporter: the port of baltimore is the ninth busiest in the nation and the cargo it would normally handle is being rerouted. >> the cargo will keep moving. >> reporter: virginia port authority says east coast ports are successfully absorbing that extra traffic and limiting economic ripple effects. >> i think the economic shock is local. it is not across the region and not across the nation. >> reporter: but thousands of port workers are waiting. >> we are wondering how long it will take to clear the main channel so we can get ships back in so we can work . >> reporter: the port generates over $5 billion in worker wages. one of maryland senators estimates replacing the bridge that ultimately cause more than $1 billion. other estimates put the figure north of $2 billion. whatever
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it is, it may be fully covered by federal emergency funds, potentially, with congresses approval as well as any potential liability from the ships owners and operators. >> do we know when president biden plans to visit the site? >> the president told reporters that he will visit sometime this week with the governor of maryland. we will be looking for that visit. we know he has already been closely in touch with authorities and has released some $60 million in immediate emergency funds and, max, he committed to the federal government to fully supporting this recovery and rebuilding effort. >> thank you for your reporting. oklahoma highway patrol says a large at a bridge over the arkansas river. it happened saturday afternoon , west of fort smith. no reports of any injuries on the highway or the barge. the cause is under investigation.
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good morning. chance of a lingering showers in the south bay and otherwise low pressure head south and we get to more sunshine today. we will be looking for a 20% shower chance, favoring the south bay. otherwise today , increasing sunshine and dramatically warmer for monday and tuesday. by the time we get to mid week, we stand a better chance of a few showers but in the meantime, warming trend , rain chances dry out . and temperatures come up into the mid 70s by tuesday. we will have more weather in a few minutes. in the latest push to get humanitarian aid into gaza, a three ship convoy carrying 332 tons of food left cyprus on saturday, as concerns of extreme hunger continue. shipment marks the second delivery by sea to gaza. the world central kitchen said the vessels are carrying ready to eat foods like rice, vegetables, proteins and other items . it completed his first mission earlier this month, bring about 200 tons of food to gaza. the united nations says famine is imminent in the northern part of the gaza strip , where 300,000 civilians have
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been trapped by fighting. thousands of protesters gathered in tel aviv, calling out prime minister benjamin netanyahu's failure to retrieve the hostages still being held by hamas. opponents of the current demonstration say the government has been neglecting its people , and doing horrendous things in gaza. not in their name. israeli police said they arrested 16 of those processes for disrupting traffic , igniting fires and getting into clashes with law enforcement. police allegedly used a water cannon to disperse them on one of tel aviv sideways. organizers chanted, we will not give up , until things get better. to negotiators from israel and hamas may resume talks on a potential cease-fire in gaza. according to egypt's state run media. this comes after net now said a delegation to cairo which is described as indirect talks. in a televised address, she rejected a luxury watch investigation is being carried out against her. she said
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please from the front door of her home with a battering ram in search of luxury watches on friday. she is being investigated for allegedly acquiring an undisclosed collection of expensive watches since becoming vice president in 2021. and president in 2022. the investigation began a few weeks ago after multiple television programs spotlighted her wearing rolex watches, some worth up to $14,000. the prosecutor's office said she did not declare ownership of the watches. if you are customer with at&t, the communications company said they are investigating a data breech that resulted in information from 73 million current and former accounts getting leaked onto the dark web . at&t says the data set was released about two weeks ago and it contains information like customer social security numbers, phone numbers, mailing addresses and more. the company said the
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data seems to be from 2019 or earlier. at this point, they don't know if the data originated from at&t or from one of its vendors. at&t has been in contact with his customers affected and have reset passcodes for them. at the time of the incident at&t said they had no indications of a compromise to their systems. for those folks celebrating, happy easter. pope francis presided over easter mass this morning at st. peter's basilica. around 30,000 people were in attendance. ♪ the pope arrived in his wheelchair, sounding somewhat congested and a little out of breath. he had been battling respiratory problems all throughout the winter. the vatican said he had bronchitis . but this morning he delivered a heartfelt prayer calling for peace around the globe . during his remarks he made a strong appeal for cease-fire in gaza and a prisoner swap between ukraine and russia. pope francis also
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presided over a lengthy easter vigil service last night in the vatican. this came after a last-minute decision to skip the good friday procession of the roman coliseum. the vatican said they had to make adjustments all week to help pope francis conserve his energy. on top of respiratory issues, frances had a portion of his large intestine removed in 2021 , and was hospitalized twice last year. and recently published memoirs, the pope said he is not suffering from any problems that would lead him to resign. england's king charles iii join members of the royal family for an easter service this morning. this was his biggest public appearance since he was diagnosed with cancer last month. charles appeared to be in good spirits as he arrived by car at st. george's chapel. he was accompanied by his wife, queen camilla. charles stepped away from his public duties after the buckingham palace announced he was undergoing treatment for an unspecified type of cancer. this comes as kate middleton,
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princess of wales, also announced her treatment for cancer. she, her husband, prince william and their children were not in attendance this morning. coming up. a push on the peninsula to dam the ultralights to provide a better view of the scars. what one bay area is doing ?
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the city of brisbane may be a small community on the peninsula but they are trying to help a make a big impact when it comes to reducing light pollution across the bay area. >> reporter: barber appreciates the view from her back porch. >> it is beautiful. >> reporter: once the sunlight fades, a long time brisbane resident says something is missing when she looks to the sky. >> it is all sky glow right now. we get two or three stars, i think. but every one of those stars is there. they are just hidden. >> reporter: for the past several years, they worked to create a plan to try to change that. they came up with a dark sky ordinance.
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>> light pollution has skyrocketed. >> reporter: after a january 18th city council vote, the city of brisbane is implementing its . which means the clock starts for brisbane residents to modify their outdoor lighting. >> we put this one in a couple months ago and we used to have a very nice carriage light fixture. but it was completely open and glass four sides and the old was exposed. >> reporter: it is a warmer color 10 which are, a motion sensor and shielded. >> we look for, put ruler across the bottom of the picture and the lightbulb should be higher so the lightbulb is completely inside the fixture. we have as much usable light as we used to and it is being directed downward. >> this is an example of city hall of a light. it has the warmer color temperature. it is pointed downwards. >> reporter: caroline is with the city. >> you can see the difference over the years that there has been an increase in lighting to people's homes.
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>> reporter: new outdoor light bulbs and fixtures must meet brightness, color and other standards set by the dark sky ordinance. commercial property owners have five years to modify their outdoor lighting to meet the criteria. residential property owners have 10 years. the city has 15 years for streetlights and facilities. as for enforcement -- >> we have and administer the citation process. there is a warning and we have a code enforcement officer that will work with the residential and commercial community. >> reporter: brisbane is a small city nestled in a hillside next door to san francisco, one of the largest culprits of bay area light pollution. even though they will not make a major dent in reducing regional light pollution -- >> there is somebody out there who is making a bigger mess than you. right? and that is not any reason to not cleanup your own house. i am hoping that other cities will follow suit and that in 10 years, we will have dark skies compliant
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bay area and we will have our stars back and our animals will have their nights back. and people will have a better quality of life. >> reporter: they have work to do on the home front. >> this is unshielded and it cast a light out and up or it is not needed and that is considered light pollution. >> reporter: although she has 10 years to find a fixed, you can bet she will have it done much sooner than that. good morning on this easter sunday morning. there is a chance of a few showers in the south bay but not much of a chance in general. things will begin to clear out as the day wears on, high pressure builds and by the time we get to monday midday , severely clear conditions from the border all the way to santa barbara. or sunshine. temperatures will come up. after we got a pretty decent amount of rain in santa rosa over the past three day . have an image concord. nevada picked up almost 2 inches of rain. elsewhere, two thirds of an inch of rain at oakland.
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and in hayward, 60 five-hundreths of an inch. morgan hill had a few thundershowers in the late afternoon yesterday afternoon, picked up almost an inch and 1/5 by the time all was said and done . today more sunshine. the rain help the water situation and the reservoirs are above average and in some places like oroville, well above average. that is good news. upper level off san diego gave them rain. thunderstorms. that will move inland and california will be under the influence of high pressure. over the next two days. temperatures will be warming up to the mid 70s inland by tuesday. in general, we get a tendency toward increasing sunshine. next chance of rain comes into the bay area by friday. the meantime this week looks pretty good. midweek it will cool down. today, mostly sunny, little chance of a shower or two in the south bay. increasing sunshine for monday
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and tuesday. cooler, with year, wednesday. next chance of rain by the end of the week. forecast highs today finds everybody in the mid 60s after overnight lows tonight in the mid 40s. today, we will see 64 and redwood city. mid-60s over the east bay. at the north bay we are in the mid-60s and by the time we get to tuesday we will be in the mid 70s for ukiah and clearlake. the next chance of rain for san francisco is friday. pretty much holds true for the rest of the bay area. north bay finds a good chance on friday. san jose coming in , in the mid 70s for monday and tuesday. and for the inland east bay, we will be in the mid 70s , monday and tuesday. a warming trend before things cool down by the time we get to friday. have a great easter sunday. it is 6:48 on the sunday morning. coming up . millions of americans are planning to see the upcoming total solar eclipse. how witnessing this rare sight could be a pricey
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ticket. a new study reveals about what goes on inside the brains of canines. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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anticipation is building for the total solar eclipse on april 8th. it will be visible from texas to new england. we will not be seeing totality of the bay area but a lot of folks are gearing up to travel into the path. cities and towns in the path of the eclipse are preparing to welcome millions of tourists. the big one dallas, little rock, cleveland and buffalo. and prices to get into those cities are skyrocketing. for example, flights landing in dallas the day before the eclipse are almost $1900. once visitors are there, they will not be just looking at the sky. >> we need extra food, of course. we get more. >> gas stations, restaurants in that kind of thing, they are going to be packed. >> it will be a long day. will be all hands on deck. >> economists estimate a stay in buffalo will cost 500% more than usual. the recommended flying to and staying somewhere outside of the eclipse path and driving into it.
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a new study showing that dogs can understand more than we may have thought . researchers and hungry same dogs connection we recognize not just sit or stay but learn to associate words with specific objects such as the names of their favorite toys. >> there has been findings before the dogs process quite a lot from our speech and they can understand and also like an everyday dog owner, we realize the dog can sit down and they can lay down but there is an interesting phenomenon that it seems that dogs are better at learning instruction words , than learning object words. >> the experiment was conducted on 18 dogs. researchers used electrodes attached to the dogs heads to measure their blaine activity on how they responded to certain words and commands. your plans for easter probably do not include a flying bunny. but that is exactly what visitors to the
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hiller aviation museum saw on saturday and san carlos. the easter bunny descended into the helicopter as people came to the museum for a family, friendly easter event.
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the time is 6:55 on the sunday morning. time for a look at the top stories. fire crews on the scene of a possible chemical exposure in san jose. this started with a mysterious odor at a building on leigh avenue near san jose city college. the building was evacuated late last night.
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three people have been hospitalized but we do not know the full extent of their injuries. two people died when a small plane crash 12 approaching the truckee-tahoe airport at about 6:30 last night. the cause is unknown. the ntsb and the faa will start the investigation today. bay fc made their home debut to a sold out crowd at paypal park. the bay area's first professional women's soccer team ended up losing to the houston dash . but fans were pleased to see history in the making. hundreds of surveillance cameras are going up along oakland freeways and streets later this summer. it is part of a new program announced by governor newsom to fight crime. critics of the program say the money should be used for other community programs instead. crews a baltimore have started removing pieces of the collapsed francis scott key bridge. the wreckage is blocking a major port. authorities hope that after the demolition work they can recover the bodies of four victims still missing.
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things are clearing out for northern california and even for the southland later in the day. rain begins to ease up. this is monday at noon. look what happens. things go severely clear. high pressure builds in and low pressure heads out and after a brief chance of a few showers in the early going, we are done on this easter sunday. low pressure is off of san diego now. you can see we are getting an offshore push in northern california and it means we will go to severely clear conditions on monday and tuesday and the numbers warm-up. in the mid 70s by the time we get to tuesday. a 20% chance of a a few showers early today. increasing sunshine tomorrow. and by tuesday, it will be in the 70s and the warmer spots. benefiting changes by wednesday and it will be cooler and windier on wednesday and the next chance of rain moves in by midweek but in the meantime there will be sunshine and plenty of it with readings today in the mid 60s, increasing sunshine and it
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will be a beautiful easter sunday. thank you for joining us today. "cbs sunday morning" with jane pauley is coming up next here on kpix. the local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. from all of us here at cbs news bay area and kpix, we hope for everybody celebrates you have a wonderful easter sunday. and rest of your day. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it.
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almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
7:00 am
charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. cbs celebrates women's history month. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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